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tv   Documentary  RT  July 27, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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the know this as the bush or the searching pulling me to system move of the symbol that has to be in the middle of this. and then what was the name also, of course in wisdom so. so the commission allows us to live for school, initially illustrating the actual mcguffey. he's got the students spitting the sales for the symbol of such a grilling. mueller. uh, okay, bought the meal into the space to do it before the dose dose is to remove chef level touching piano. shackleton regards to some additional was the douglas sport because of course, the 1st of the month, no close of support. come through with them, swap wheels, deal say go to the law so we need to move the name of so so once it goes ok, new initiatives are the name was put them nibbling. god's stuff nimble after the cars, you folks out of the good of the condition and play with that. so the spinning spinning show, you have to call it because the
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trustworthy uses senior speech plato class or visit gosh, the quote may have been spend as much in your shopping with us because the adult, the meal and it can be not the same as it gets but i see that google and you definitely need, you know, shots still good reason they need that for 6 me, the sport, the souvenirs or 3000000, the potential potential for digital bit on the bus started. but i think of this was something that blushing those that have moved. so yeah, didn't respond to me and i felt listed on a coup, nick about saying, i mean the, i think is still good is there's nothing at all. great book, definitely like the rest of my staff. i hope ship the region with well nato, to each fans infrastructure in the region which around come through to the school. all free and enforcement written by sales distributors and security architecture
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would use the exec page in that making for us, getting the projects on the side of our agenda with us. and we can use their performance under the comprehensive plan which covers that period until 2025. well, we'll leave that or is approved in 3 years ago. and we concluded that the overall performance of this plan has been set just to check and train used to to and we still have some time left. it's too difficult to complete drama which and achieve their objectives. it's a set forth and we all bang plan. so for drafting, defend plan for the next 5 years cycle, and we instructed the experts to work on this. we talked about trades and economic corporation. our trade was originally creeping demik with levels for last year. we also talked about corporation in specific 2nd thursday that the president has
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a set forth in our joint program of board on research, innovation, education, tourism energy, agriculture. and as we are at the final stage and agreeing to send the provings documents on the digital transformation this year rusher became a sams, this digital buyers and nursing was we're also working together on come with getting thurs and the safe use of i c t. these are very important and thought texas about very much relevant in today's world and that we are working on them and we have joined plans with us in and we were the ones that russian was the one who initiated these undertakings as well. so watered down the capacitive buildings for us as 1000000000 to professionals, as well as for security and professional. so there is always growing demand for these kinds of services. and along the lines with this because the we system,
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they efforts to create a single and indivisible fit architecture of security. that is a little bit inclusive and open to all the countries in the region and all the organizations and associations. the c o v e, a u r grids. examples of these initiatives that has been develop things that are relations with cnn and have signed the relevancy document some documents, faxed them. today. there is a, the stager summit, the foreign ministers level, and there is use of a gas in the regional forum. also that is taking place today. these 4 of us tend to focus on comp trusting because the trend samsung sensation, which have emerged over the past decade. so within the asset ends infrastructure and that the trends the rest of trying to impose on this region by accelerating as
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know there is ation williams. and as i've already just said, the west as great gigs, blocking based structures and employees use new kinds of weapons this next year. and overall, it was the 6 to assess kelly textbook attention in the 77 for architect insurance slides, talking about you move in closer to the stage assignment brings together and then all important partners completing russia, china and the south discovery in japan and westport countries. while west the ones the c, narrow and exclusive ownership of new requirements of the called duration to contain and confront the russian china as well as having partners. i understand this very well and we were interested in a lot of them are puts in the proposal to create in,
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in the visible your asian security of putting up the framework. so i have with you that would also be based on the quality and the assessment is ready to work on this objective to have success. and to discuss the subject that we discussed, the developments in the south china sea and russia and do so with it's through one of the interest that we have for you said to resolve the is that matters without the outside interview and say something. and then you will welcome to the initiative advice and the draft, the code of conduct we for this region. our chinese printers and us business because of the situation in taiwan. the strange but in the west has been paying lip service to the principal of the one china principal had been used on while old shaw farming tie one tutor and holding various meals. history events, sending kyle levels. delegation says you to tie one the wins and receiving fluid in
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the pipe on these delegations in the united states. this around. so come 3rd to the one china policy and you should stuff to school and did the use it for us are design that they want to freeze the status cloth, which means that the west we use the taiwan as an independent entity. we discuss the situation in young more and it does this differential that's most of the participants in the east ages, simon. we spoke in favor of encouraging the discussions on the 5 points plan for the developers by send it must be implemented in close cost. can ration because of way as of the gen myers government and them. but unfortunately, the west is the little girl with some young, undermine, stipulated goals, process, and want us to impose more and more sanctions against the been authorities on young or while arming the physician,
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which does nothing is really interested in the pals both of overcome the situation and that's part of our efforts with ends at east asia assignment, then the set and the regional for them. i would like to highlight the goods that resolution and often by we send you that process proposal and set you up with those of you to devise that and then coming back and as it was for us funding to jump on that mix and to shooting you so through the incentivize economic growth by encouraging corporation in tourism to these proposals were supported by the ministry olsa. but with the forward, the proposal we should on supporting the remote territories of this as a national somebody or a different for a restaurant. i'm sure it was a rush as initiatives to include this item on the agenda of a pack, and there are certain elements such as the youth i'm going forward on this topic to regarding supporting remote towards there is,
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is you on the seo agend that we believe is the last and the relate to structures and making meaningful contributions to drafting which you're new to you in the road, the progress funding on the plan. so responding to man, man, he's a natural disaster that accounting transnational crime. all these are important items on the agenda was it is the noun difficult to sound the regional for a month. there is another element. so that draws a lot of attention. she could boost with talking care about maritime security, which on his friends, came up with a proposal to adopt them instead of the statement on range as far as thing of the security. so very services of this looks, you may seem like a narrow issue, but as part of our efforts to build trust, the m c. my believe that this is a very for just initiative. well,
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so that i just missed the some of the results of our core issue. there's a person chairman ship where the engineers, you, within that mechanisms are on the athens regional board them on this north. i see the problem 20 is going to do is the 2024 to russia and indonesia, which just attended this mechanism and share this mechanism and will remain committed to working with this framework puzzles as a member of us down the let's go on to the q and a is that it says are this you already partially answered my question. i'll send this because the secure a chance to build team the asia pacific region. that's cool. so what do you think this up off of what and lose track though? so the security up to date and complete the civilized is the situation and what is the objective and what can we do in this regard? as i have older i just said, for decades now,
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one of us has been building is the mechanism for working with dialogue. part of the nurse, this is how this page assignment came to be. that is due this mechanism that's as operational at the level of foreign ministers at the level of the heads of state. and that is that they've been brought to us and that's what it comes. mechanisms which are also include the sound, the regional for them. so they are eric now, but that is also an important mechanism which brings together the defense ministers of sound. and as far as the countries of all these mechanisms, the relies on certain principles like ex wallet, see the narrative, see the striking, kept balance of interest, and adopting all the resolutions by consensus, consensus, a while of focusing on a positive agenda. so while avoiding any confrontation, the rest. all right,
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so for decades, roll this work well to everyone's satisfaction. but over the past few years, the united states gather with the invalid, the resistance and the e. u and germany. but primarily the united states is size is to promote that blog, basically pro chest, including that was of this mean for some phone and the sub that of course, blog was the 1st uh, provide the united fades would love to chat with you and spend the japan and the grades for a time, so a bill that meets the power, the submarines that as well as the risk that allows are 1st associated with these initiatives. and that this initiative must be closely monitored by the i a e, a at the end of august alliance is not ready for this. and we hope that the i a
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little would be able to play. it's a role and that to have a proper mandate, is this a fact that we see this a try cause it multiple? so this 3 office countries were just trying to recruit the other 10 1st as well. so, and so from a practical perspective, they focus a pretty difficult to do to, on your computer. you're still focused on making this companion to feel this a decent with 3, gen amenable to. and you're seeing the deployment of nuclear weapons in this region . so there is a prospect of the deployment of nuclear weapons in southwest asia, which would undermine the very concept of a nuclear weapons free zone in southwest asia. only recently, united states that and 3rd and william mistook some yes ma'am. you're getting 10 agreement with the republic of korea on joining me for planning so far. we
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have not been able to learn and to have someone explain us what this means, that trying to a good idea to have japan joins this mechanism in addition to those of the show kinds of uh for meant for example, within the united states, a japan and south korea, they have been escalating pension around the green business, so come to buy milk arising their presence there and holding exercises, which are we are the lead designs that zillow induced to prepare for us base. the scenario is uh, during present puts, unless the union visit to north korea to the dpr k or you me publish that to me that there is a sign the agreement, a mutual note for assistance in handling the case of a direction against one of the participants in the streets you, we are,
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the students do hope that this was the signal of warning a single use for those who harbor these plans. there are also a number of other 3 areas that wedge to relate to through the end of the periods by outside forces me to us and doing is to declare the firm during the latest summit in washing done less than that. you feel that the, it's a security is close to waiting, so don't get with the euro plan thing. but with the in the pacific region as well, which runs counter spills, the initial assumption that night the focus is on the defending the territory of its member countries. into the elements of the structures. i expect it to be this floyd deployed in asia pacific and the last semester show and japan and the south korea has been assisting and facilitating these efforts, but discussed all this. and so far, we have not received any so it was
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a reasonable explanation of what it did not work with the sound architecture. we have not received any responses to these these flash channels. and as far as the default service centric mechanisms that we discussed, that weighs it to me really, but good issues. and so that's the big build trust and confidence. so today is a person's decision. male tree aspects of security is moving into confrontational domain. as you know, when the united states withdrew from the i never treat g. the united states as my, sorry, that made thing. we use a land phase mess also, which we have for him. and by that my enough to treat gene are cute, and that now there is talk all the flowing these weapons in your as well as an asian pacific. and i do hope that i sent countries and skipped to understand, well,
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all the danger is that they're associated with these plans by washing done. in other words, as you can see from the police and that have been many signals and many signs of stock, the best way to deal with the escalation that the tension is escalating in this region. if made the comments here, the alliance will bring with us you me, given a whole is a bus, missed the go to the issues that the associated with the euro, atlantic security framework. the which we can see within may the, in the o. s. c, u and all these issues of these frameworks, the face within the year of plencik security architecture. all this demonstrates that the they want nothing but to ensure the job and this of the united states and its allies in the o. c of the highest level. there were several declarations adopted by the
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o is east, i'm is that the countries will refrain from reinforcing the security of the expense of this year at your father's bedroom. let us slave you may. so a lion's move in the opposite direction, which resulted in the process. we are in now witnessing the trains. i have tried to transform your brain into the military, fred, for russia and the president has to talk to a lender about tips on this of all these negative developments and now warning the fact that they, the issue with the system failed to live up to their commitments within that o s. c. so this cachimba, this crowd that on the o. s. c. as unfortunate as it says, well, attempt senior to, to you and the stand the where we are. but the collaborative west is unable to
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sheed our message, or they are not ready to make deals diploma seem produced as a method of interstate relations that has been replaced by ultimatums and they've been punishing those who refuse to ebay by sanctions simmons. so between you soon, we would not like this would put your legacy to effect and telling us is moving. so the sound, the region, and we see that some countries understand all the rest with the bills that are associated with these developments and the smoke they are committed to defense firm. and so to follow the principles of a set forth by the valley, preaching and the to keep in place of best framework to use this in which you didn't put them into to you. could you please come in the refusal by
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the western countries. i'm the representatives, but i'm those to take part in the group for the during the stage assignment meeting, maybe some of them i don't know, maybe some of them are not like the ways they appear on the photos said, well i do not pay much attention to frontier is up with your intent to turn the blind eyes to these products on matters. i've said that the was no longer allies on diploma. see what they want our sanctions to a little bit of a connection issue there with fast circular blessing us the us, the summit in love believe we can just get a reconnection. so let's listen in my dad's residence, foreign minister. what do i do so well to dominates everything when
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there was this piece summit in switzerland, the cellphone piece summit to use the in june in reuben should documented countries which are invited to attend. the did not go there and some of them did attend, but they refused to sign the documents. and i had private conversations with my friends and they told me how the west tried to persuade various capitalists to send the representatives of re someone to this event. and when they heard the concerns expressed by the countries of the global south, we should present that they do not want to travel better because we did not believe that the system i see to be a part of the confrontation was a russia isn't our interest. so let's settle these issues peacefully, which but they were told that you don't have to sign and your thing just comes there. don't sign anything just for the say. so 1st, family photograph. this demonstrates once again as, as
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a simple image without going into the details of this as well. the glass means the motor too, in order to push its narrative as the saying goes through those bad. well, this is, for me, this is the does not cause any misgivings to the fact that they did not pause for a family thoughts. i missed a lot of what else i said that's could you tell us that the what, what do i send countries of thing. okay, so of the, about the native plans to gain this vigor foothold the of the sound, the region. we do understand that a sound of countries on up seeking a direct confrontation with the united states and the allies of the same time. they do understand the risk, so that are associated with these processes. okay, so they understand that this just puts, shall ensure that a leading role in promoting cooperation in southwest asia and in the us in that
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region. and we know, since that's the most bush and has the one countries in san studio are really committed to diplomatic methods. and i see that they're committed to fund a diplomatic solution and that the many of you to ensure that they preserve that are leading cro in this region kind of sit during the way the us for as the west has been acting. this will be a challenging undertaking, but today both the russian china firmly supported the soups sans policy to defend still and secure it so, and it's shipments and to keep it in place. so the structures, it has been crazy for decades. no, but the of the escalation, the positivity if there's an escalation of attention exhibitors which are like what
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you've already mentioned you've crane missed a level for you met through the chinese part in minutes that will have you discussed with the the chinese this initiative is the thing and the opportunities for implementing good. and what did you think about those mystical episode? statements cor, visited china recently who has said that you've tried that and the supports you've transferred it to the integrity of that kind of force. you're paying pressure, you're going into the holding talk. so what do you think about this? this is not the 1st time mr. go ahead, but has said this, and then she also said a total opposite to and they've mentioned still on every single day. and even zillow else, jean said that she was ready to sit down and then negotiating tables kindly, the russian representatives have not been listening to them. as for the chinese initiatives, we know them very well. we did not have to get any additional information this week
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. unlike all the other initiative, the and in keeping for a big level of security concept to buy staging, being these initiatives, focus on you look at it. that's the beauty, understanding and removing the root cause of storage off the ongoing developments. so this is what we have been discussing all this time of how it all started to how the dvd drag gives the category so confusing to made to how they brought the nazi regime to power there. uh, which tried to infringe on the rights of the actual speaking population in violation of the constitution and so on and so forth. long the would you be brief to us on the his conversation was mister collab us. and we saw that the chinaman scruples, it's a fix to its position has not changed to the once again,
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this position can says, but this a oh, of focusing on the root cause is all for the ongoing development. as for the apartment, china has been quite clear to dish, and their typical aging is position in his documents. the that's good. it includes the bottom line method. the convening most hill, actual conference, only if for all the stakeholders except yourself as a form, it was this conference on only if it's a gen the inclusive o v existing initiative assessment. so this is a direct refusal to focus solely on the left of new forum, all of which is at this dover. it's an illusion and will never materialize. everyone understands this. even if the west is still taking to mention this and to stick to it as a some kind of fun ultimatum. as for all the good news you for the,
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the rest of the statements and his requirements. to follow the you're in charge that the respect the integrity of your brain is silver and the best all the same. but there is more much more than that that you're in charge. i asked you to and put in some, some pretty good in you, not apart from there though, integrity of that is a self determination. and there is, i've already talked at length about this contradiction in the your inch chart. the, your in general assembly has worked. you should do it. so for a long time on this back in $97.00 chapter 11 kids talk, there was a consensus declaration, atlanta declaration for on how these 2 principles to relate to each other as put the total integrity. it's clear to waste space that everyone must read this back to the doctor and 2 of the states who is governmental self respecting the rights of the people to self determination. and therefore rep a representative of the entire population living in their respective character
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there is. so i will not elaborate on the fact that when the nonsense came to power in ukraine, in february 2014 and you train an officer of the day. and i will set plans to cancel the rational language and send them their criminal some to store they pregnant and part of them. and there is no way these people could. the representative people in crimea ends in the southeast, off your brain. this was all a button, i'm pretty clear. so in this regard, we have the international law, which provides a very clear interpretation of what happened. but the west has not listened to and has not cheated this message. there was a referendum in crimea, but the west refused to recognize these results and it has been talking about the
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violation of it to throw integrity but been close to us suddenly it lets you sometimes its independence. domestic flow did it. but there was no referendum whatsoever, and then for any of that. and so random was observed by many international monitors, but didn't cost. so what they said that this was the self determination by the q hosted on people. so we have no illusions regarding the way the west will or come across the from heart the please. then security pictures, but it's missile. our phone sounds good to get a minute. but the, the german chancellor hasn't been officially destroyed. i've been calling on russia to take the one in the west, but by it's word and it's, it's just top of the situation in your brain and this way it's on the points, weapons the connection. you so even air for the special, most reparation and stuffs you're when you will. so the floors these long range just missiles on this to 30 mrs. schultz. we know him well, probably for the is
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a simple, simplistic statements. and she's famous for making this simplistic statement so, but well, where the problem lies, the problem is not. so you have the, the means that will be intermediate, that short the ridge missiles deployed in germany. this was not the reason for launching this special military operation that this was not what force the president do take the decision. so this was about removing the threats, the russian situation which are created in your train. there are plans to, to deploy a natal milk for base, is that including in the as of the siege and elizabeth elizabeth and the special mill tr operation was designed to protect the people in the last couple of guns. the people's republic said this spite gave his obligations and commitments.


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