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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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the the steel, you wouldn't be able to blame dishes this euro atlantic security model has been proven a long time ago to have the main goal of ensuring the domination of the us and its allies over everyone else brushes for administer warren's of the risk stuff that nato led security system. speaking of the cm ministerial meeting and allow the other, the west is imposing block based confrontation in the asia pacific region and meeting with phase really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. donald trump doubles done on his supports of israel, of it's deadly guard defensive in gaza. i will support israel's right to win. is war on terra, you have to support the set of wins that are finish it all. also have this our following for the month. hopefully in the polish for administering system luxury,
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a deep premium refugees in europe must go home, including to the front line us he offers to train new recruits. i think the hope we find you well and thanks for joining us. this is the news our on our teacher knows. nature brings confrontation to the asia pacific. the is the direct warning of the russian foreign minister speaking to the media on the final day of the of the ministry meeting in law, r t z guard picking off as more for us from the nation's capital. in quite an eventful 3 days for 4 minutes to elaborate off here and allow us were followed by quite a substantial media conference before and minnesota talked to both about regional issues and global issues as well. speaking about the i see on region and even though russia is not a member of the association, the 2 do have quite a longstanding and special partnership. missed collaborative says that cooperation
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between the 2 is going great. trade is on the rise and has already reached pre fund demik levels along the most important issues is uh, security and elaborate does say that russia is actually on, are completely on the same page when it comes to the understanding all for the structure of the security in the region and to be full support, the idea of a unilateral on divided security collaborative says that the principles of inclusivity and openness toll are among the ground stones on which i see on has been built for decades. but now he says that he sees certain western forces, specifically the united states, great britain and the european union. like trying to go against these principles, introducing blocks into the organization. however, of says that this may lead to certain threats, pursuits a deal to use it. so the be sensually, if nato comes here, the alliance will bring with it all the dfcs of the euro, atlantic security system embodied in nato itself. and in the o. c,
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this euro atlantic security model has been proven a long time ago to have the main goal of ensuring the domination of the us and its allies over everyone else. today's west can and is not ready to neither listen nor hear, nor negotiate with diplomacy as a tool for states to deal with each other has been replaced in the west by ultimatums demands and punishment of those who don't comply by illegitimate unilateral sanctions. so we wouldn't want all of that to come to the asia pacific region. in our talks with seo and member states, we felt they understand the risks. and they have to protect the principles that the architecture of the regional secure, already that has been created over decades is based on now speaking on a wider scale lab rope also talked about european security and was a special military operation in ukraine. i was finally able to ask him a question, given the current possibility of germany hosting us intermediate range from yourselves on its territory. and that we sent the statements by german chancellor
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schultz saying that the for russia ended it special meet with reparation and ukraine. then germany would not host these missiles, in his reply, certainly elaborate, said that the initial reasons for russia's special new 3 operation in ukraine go far beyond any missiles posted in the germany and other european states problem. but then you still still, the problem is not in the deployment of once prohibited intermediate range missile systems. pretty sure it's not the reason for the special military operation. and it's not what made the president to make such a decision. it was made to eliminate the threats to russian security created in ukraine, or nato bases were being plan, including on the as obviously insurance. and the special military operation was also started to protect the population of didn't ask, move guns people's republics that were constantly coming under strikes in spite of cubes, obligations under the mask agreements. those strikes, intensified from day to day. as for the intermediate range missiles schultz wasn't even asked whether germans want them to be placed. he just said that he welcomes
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the us decision to place those muscles. so he didn't hide that the decision was made by the us a young back in december 2021. vladimir putin came up with initiatives to these tensions. they included ukraine, not joining nato and mutual security guarantees. in january of 2022, i discussed that initiative was state secretary blinking in geneva, and he told me very clearly that nobody would give russian any guarantee of ukraine, not joining nato of all the russian initiatives. the best thing the west could do, as he said, is to discuss a quantity cap on us intermediate range missiles place around russia. so the special military operation changed nothing here. so it's the plans were and still are in place. well, in all, it's been quite a busy 3 days for the russian foreign minister here in laos, who's been on constant meetings, roughly every 3040 minutes meeting with other foreign ministers, with other delegations, and members of i see on and not only them either one on one or in white or formats,
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it only goes to show that both i see on as an organization and southeast asia in general are getting more and more political and economic influence in the multiple or world. you for a piss cannot for the host nation. their law has the tragic distinction of being the most heavily bomb country in history with the devastating legacy of the vietnam war. leaving con plus plus true munitions on mines on it's what the nation official overseeing the regulation of d mining say is all exploded american weapons, still terrorized locals, especially the for me phone support. the people who live in the village are scared of living in there. every activity, even inside their home, or when they go outside to hunt or to farm. and they have no idea which area is safe. they have to survive each day of my soul in los this cars of the vietnam war still linger in the shape of an exploded bonds that processed that to farmers. and
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we'll let communities, despite being just a small country in southeast asia. it is noted as the, as the most heavily bumped country in the world's history. and there are those who still suffer from the american bombing campaign of the last century. children, bright and dazzling, the unexploded ordnance looks more like choice, rather than lethal weapons. and the bombs looked like totally boulders. they were shiny, with fancy colors. the children do not have any idea of what they are and play with them. that's why 60 percent of the victims are children. being at the national training center in the entry on, i am faced with appointment reminders off last tribble and past these activities showcase the devastating legacy of american bombing campaigns during the vietnam war. a trail off on the load at the war and that nearly 5 decades ago. yet loss continues to deal with how it has affected daily lives. up
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until today, 270000000 of cluster munitions were dropped on loss between 196421973 . that was called a secret war by united states as it was never at war with the country officials. what's not a secret is that washington spent $17000000.00 per day to drop new bonds and only $61000000.00 in total to help the country cope with the legacy they left. there's just not including guns. it also affects the economy, because so many locations in loss are contaminated with unexploded bombs and lens have yet to be cleared. so when it comes to improving the infrastructure in laos and this requires clearance by the d mining program, it's allows it's taking longer than other countries to ensure that the land is safe for development. cleanup efforts are underway, but it is hard to do it on their own, and it welcomes all hands to help the country create a safe place for the people to live in,
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rush or contribute it to it with separate teams, putting their lives at risk to wipe out these that remains in regions such as poly come sight, seeing coal long and calmer, one last national regulatory or toward noticed that more than 1000000 expos. if objects were neutralized by the russian sappers, saving the lives of many more lotions around the area. what's more, russia is the only 4 in countries that regular and $0.80 person now to dig into a loss ground caught you have to meet your store. if there's something you don't know, i would like to note that quite recently, at the end of march, the 6th phase of humanitarian demining work was completed by the detachment of the international mine action center, which is of the armed forces of the russian federation, booming and it must be said that russians sappers are not only helping to clear the countries territory of unexploded ordnance store, but are also helping to conduct training for the ocean service. men. gifts in are also providing special demining equipment free of charge,
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a pass that russia will continue to follow in the future. the same message is also delivered by the law people's arms. it is undeniable that the joint efforts have reach significant results. not only for the villagers, but also the low sappers, visuals chimes and low contacts with the washer and humanitarian demining. throughout the countries from the neat will help a day in parallel training for samples of allow peoples army has been conducted to pre owned the knowledge and skills. in solving the mining tasks as a result of the joint work favorable conditions have been created for further clearance of contaminated territory and the safety of the populations daily life has been insured, like which contributes to the socio economic development of the republic laws as one of the most impacted countries by the vietnam war to dissipate these, the money efforts are crucial because until all land has cleared,
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these bombs dropped by america will continue to endanger lives and put at risk the future of the law people. the former us president donald trump has met with is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it is the 1st meeting between the 2. since mister trump left the oval office more than 3 years ago, a face to face was held out. the former american leader is more alive go a state in florida. it comes on the heels of mister netanyahu is addressed to congress in washington, on meetings with the top officials at the white house. the freely pm expressed hope for a continued support states. i log trump more that escalation in the mid east may lead the world closer to a timble company at least, and maybe the
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2nd people will offer his talks with in espanol whose donald trump took to the stage of the believers summit. a major evangelical christian event taking place inside florida and the speech last thing over an hour. you were you from full support for israel? you know, i met today was b, b. net. yahoo! and i will tell you i kept my promise, recognizes use the total capital and open the american embassy in jerusalem was a big deal and got it built. i never even said i was going to do it. i mean, the fact is i've done more for israel by far than any of the presidents, not even close. i will support israel's right to win. is war on terror or you have to support this set of wins that finish it off. well, in gaza itself,
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hospitals are overwhelmed with the influx of patients. this is the latest public jump, the palestine red crescent, transporting victims found on the level to our ex, a hospital. one of the few medical facilities still operating in the region as the civilian death tool continues to rise in mid the is really operation from last out of the current us vice president's. i'm is like a opponent the november's election for nothing. 10 things benjamin netanyahu was addressing congress. by contrast, kamala harris step is your linda back and it's great hour of need. 2 days ago, she refused to attend the speech and congress of the prime minister visitors. she said, oh, i can't make it. that was just a small group of people, but they couldn't make it because that's her original thought. that's where she comes from. she doesn't like jewish people. she doesn't like israel. that's the way it is. and that's the way it's always going to be. she's not
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going to change all of the same time as those comments were made pamela horace herself was proclaiming her full fluid support for the palestinian people in a speech on the suffering of guys. and she said she wouldn't be silent about the grades situation in the end. cliff. what has happened in gaza over the past 9 months is devastating. the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fling for safety, sometimes displaced for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time. we cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. we cannot allow ourselves to become num to the suffering, and i will not be silent. but horace is remarks came after i tried to pro palestinian demonstrators in houston criticized her post hip hop prosy, the incumbent v p receives campaign funding from majors really low mean groups such
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as a pack and has repeatedly spoken on behalf of the us the following. her recent very criticism of israel, m a r i says husband joined a call with jewish american voters to assure them that should his wife take over the presidential reign. she'll keep bucking the nation. let me just make this clear . uh, vice president harris has been and will be a strong support of israel, as i secure a democratic and your state. and she will always ensure that israel and defend itself here. that's who complet harris is. we've got some reaction from palestinian american jewish rumsey, but rude. who sees couple of harris has a quote terrible record when it comes to the middle east. on her remarks on gals are just part of a political game ahead of the upcoming presidential knows that palestine is going to be on the ballot. she knows that gaza is becoming
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a domestic issue for millions of americans. now the question is, can she continue to support as well as tobacco is also called right to self defense and security. and at the same time, the presenter self as a person who is far more fair minded then by didn't was, i personally doubted simply because the minute hers has a terribly legacy. as far as their support for as well. she is one of the biggest recipient recipients of money coming from the is we the lobby group, a pot? she is no $1.00 old. her tooth of support is will in fact in her speech before the a past conference in 2017, she made it very clear that her support for his will is absolutely unconditional. making such ridiculous comparisons between the pro as well support in the us and
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the civil rights movement and such. so it's hard to imagine that camilla harris has suddenly shifted their position based on any sort of more ground. it is a political game that is being played and you'll usually pay quite will, by the democrats to try to appease to different groups of people at the same time, but only for so push and temporary reasons. apart from the war dead, the number of women didn't go. so how surpassed and 90000 according to local authorities, and the significant proportion of those people have lost limbs unknown. the prosthetic replacements ortiz, middle east bureau chief, may have some notion to have the story, not of one man whose experience not only disability, a loss of livelihood, but as being forced to move from the strip in search of safety. in almost 10 months of the war over a 1000000 gallons have been displaced, many of them multiple times,
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fleeing the war from the north to the center, then move to the south to the gyptian boulder and then no found again. among these desperate crowds was a man who we met exactly a year ago in gas to see my way. yeah. and barbara with 3 decades of experience in 2021 before the guise of war. he lost his right leg above the ne, in these really shelling during yet another escalation. he thought that was the end of his professional life. but couple of years later, he managed to get his spirit back off to equate to woman that he had never met. so natured human artificially to rediscover the taste of life. hey, salon opened its doors again. kenneth, they bought on. it was something crazy. and every time i'm sitting in front of my barber shop, i remember everything that happened. it was such a horrible experience. even now i can't believe i was hit by miss arnold. a year later, we decided to check on my way and we didn't know if he was alive. days of searching later, we located him in her newness and a cam for displaced people,
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some faulty kilometers away from his home. a significant distance for a person who is unable to take even one step without special assistance. he went there often moving within guys, a seats in numerous times of the shelter in rough up for some time. and after going back to gas to see, to win the south bombed, hey, look different, he lost weight and he was in a wheelchair. that's a fine as best as my house could be targeted by shelves to my prosthetic was broken . that prosthetic was my life, my. everything. it allowed me to walk, work and support my family. now i have lost all of that. you see i'm in a wheelchair. i kind of walk 10 centimeters and if i will come crutches, it is in my own risk because any mistake would lead to an amputation. this is very difficult as a person with a disability, i'm not able to adapt in any place i've been displaced to. and the gas to say to my way, it has little left to return to not only his house, his salon is also gone. my salon was my kingdom that i used to wake up for and go
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to sleep from. you understand how it was my entire life, and now of course the salon is closed. it's destroyed away. it says he's lucky to have his kids and his wife and live and with him. but every day struggles are often just too hard to deal with. katya charlotte and who are leaving the refugee died, what's called a displacement kitchen. if a package comes from here or from there, i live. if not, i don't, but in reality, it is not available and erase from life altogether. of course, like more of the, my situation is difficult. life is hard. my family is devastating to childrens to russians. the dean are devastated because their father used to bring income. now there is no income. i mean, excuse me for saying there's a child asks his father for a pack of choose. what is the surprise to shackles? 3 shackles. i used to bring them garden of juice to day. i can do nothing. how is a father's supposed to feel? he said, you are now maintained last year. my way you told us the moments he had been hated with them we saw was the most horrible experience of his life. after months of the devastating war and guys us,
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he says he can't find words to describe his experience anymore. i surrendered my 1st to god because if i sit and think about what i'm going through, i might commit suicide because you're a younger person to give her a business owner, a place owner, well known. and suddenly all of this has gone and you have to rebuild it again. you started to build and you barely begin. we started to lay the 1st 5 or 6 breaks, and you have to rebuild them again from scratch. now the prosthesis, i got it all after the suffering. how i'm going to get another one in the current situation, all the hospitals are gone. i got them for steve has him on hospital in garza in the north. now it is gone from our hospital is like all the hospitals. i've lost my life, i've lost everything. i was living for that. according to the un before october 7, 21 percent of g as in households had at least one member with disabilities. almost 60000 disabled people were registered in the official data base of the palestinian central bureau statistics. after the war started, these numbers have skyrocketed. scores of children and adults have had dealings
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amputated. it still remains hard to obtain exact data. but what is clear as the work continues, these speakers will continue rising. the story of my way is just one of the thousands of tragic stories. the galleys now full of stories of people with broken but is destroyed, lives crushed spirits, people who lost the homes. they loved ones and they hope people who are having their lives taken from them. people who don't understand why they are paying such a high price. and when or if it will be enough. marie from ocean i r t reporting from jerusalem. while the president of israel's main allowing us leader joe biden post claimed, it's been one of the most peaceful periods in american history under his watch. despite his calls to strengthen the nato alliance, ramping up cold war, you're a rhetoric to i'm the 1st president of this century. to report to the american
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people. it's united states is not a war anywhere in the world. but one could claim that horse checked in russia's right off to the line just half an hour before a bite and speech their us central. come on, reported on a further attack in yemen, claiming a targeted to who the sides that posed a threat to us. security merchant vessels know the ongoing red seek prices. i've seen a constant exchange of fire from both sides. let's also take a quick geographic look at the washington's attacks on the mid east and africa of this year. yeah, i'm in a rock in syria and have all been u. s. military targets in the past 6 months, according to its own reports. while the united states africa come out and continues it's growing, then there are operations in some out. we also discuss that with us foreign policy expert on or 3rd, jeremy cars marked off who noted the washington's actions around the globe speak louder than the us. presidents words a fine is
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a war president and the bill of war hawk. throughout his career. he was a key figure in the us senate gets the support for the criminal us invasion of a rat that destroyed that country and the stabilize the whole middle east. it's clear the u. s. is involved in many different wars, the ukraine wars, and effect a us proxy war against russia. the united states has been directly involved since 2014. the us intelligence has assisted with battlefield operations, u. s. companies, they've been us personnel assisting with the weapon systems, training crane troops, and there are a lot of us as well. british mercenaries. so yeah, of us very directly involved there. they're very directly involved with israel. and bind is also escalade dirty war. covertly in somalia, he sent he re deployed ground troops to somalia. the trump has removed the initiated drone strikes there. he kept us troop presence in syria. any care of the
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bombing operations there, including. 1 variation with these rail is just an illusion by and try and present themselves as a successful president. and then now is going about with grace. they've been very harmful either for americans, and that's why he's very unpopular just something else to show you as well. the russian ministry of defense has released fresh video showing su 25 fighter jets in action. the aircraft targeted ukrainian military personal sites with on guided missiles. after completing the task, one of the $325.00 inspired it's decoy. flir performed the country, a heat seeking surface to wear or air to our missile. meanwhile, the polish foreign minister has offered to fill a key of shrinking military ranks with you premium refugees who fled the country. well, this love sikorsky said poland, come train new recruits in the youth and then send them to the front lines. a
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miracle could i order placed it doesn't seem as we as european countries need to help to. there are hundreds of thousands of potential recruits obliged to defend their home, and in e u countries, and poland is in the vanguard of helping ukraine to prepare these people for military service. well, let's just take a closer look at how ukraine is trying to short off recruitment internally. in this latest video from the black sea port city of odessa, a construction officer, drugs them on right off the street. that wouldn't be recruit. however, a part of the mileage to run away. also in the odessa region, customs officer is called so read doesn't, and people trying to flee the country. officials say each month paid up to $10000.00 to try and get out. serbian american journalists negotiating knowledge, sees the refugees who will be sent back from poland to fight, have little chance of survive. i mean, if they decide to do that, there's really nothing stopping them aside from maybe some of these ukrainian
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refugees filing the lawsuit before the european court of human rights. and that will drag for years at best a maybe see can emergency injunction. i mean, last year is basically the only re, re course they have left because if they're sent home, their chances of dying in battle are almost, i mean, guaranteed. even with extensive training, we've seen what happened last year during the so called granite counter offensive all of these units that were trained in the us by the americans and europeans for months they got slaughtered. so border barely trained constructs going to do any better now. and so we've already had cases all across europe of these asylum seekers who have committed crimes. people were done horrible things and would get deported for these crimes. and their filing appeals to the court saying, oh no, no. but if i go back to my home country, i won't get jailed, executed whatever. and the court so like, you know, we, we can't support you. yes, you are criminal. yes, you are violent criminal. yes, you belong jail,
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but we can't deport you to. i don't know, i've gotta stand wherever. why wouldn't the ukrainians pull refugees living in europe? who have done nothing wrong? be set to certain death? that's absurd. they have every right to try to seek relief. i think they're trying to terrify these ukrainians into voluntarily enlisting in, in these training games rather than wait to be rounded up on the streets of poland as they have been on the streets of ukraine. i know not so long as the mixing of sport in politics was seldom seen today, it's essentially the opposite with. so sol calls as political stances pushed on a daily basis. next us that part us olympics kicks off on a chapman explores the sing change outlets. ramos locations in the latest read older that goes from the, the, in february 2020 to the i,
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m. c. adult sports organizations to band russian, individual russian athlete from competitions. the russia has been stripped to 46 and then pick metals do to do things. allegations the to who is competing. it's boats, menus athletes, full politicians, come in, the thing was the quote's. good name, the no, this was the bush or the searching pulling me the system. move of a symbol of those to been the middle of this. and then what was the name also,
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of course, and with me so. so the commission allows us to live for school initially, in most cases in the actual mcguffey. he's got the students, let's continue to fail. so my little, the symbol of such a grueling mueller. uh okay, both the to the space to deal with before the dos, those are so emotional and i will touch and piano shackleton regards to some additional was the douglas sport because of course, the 1st of the month, no close of support is compete with them swap wheels deal single the it will also be new tools and he wants the stuff once it goes ok, new initiatives or they might put them nimble, god's stuff nimble after the cars, you folks out of the goods of the machine and play with out. so explain spanish one you have to call it can go to the trustworthy me assist in the state of clear visit. gosh, the quoted may have been spend as much in your shopping with us because the adult.


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