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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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a nurse could have been the next president overtake, keep losing people out here. the rocket strikes claims and thousands of casualties and the is really controlled. it's all on hide. the idea of the times has the law is behind the attack, while the militant group denies any involvement. today, it had a bit strikes that closed the destruction. as you might see, the idea of hits the school sheltering, displace palestinians, and central dies. the killing is 31 people that's important to be honest, slaves health ministry and bearded man ins. a parodying leonardo, they've been to the last supper and what seems to be the horsemen of the apocalypse . the parents olympics opening ceremony is drawing laws, but for all the wrong reasons, the
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are watching our to international from our headquarters in moscow. i'm rachel ruble . we start with news from the middle east, where the is really controlled. the goal on heights has come under rock and fire, resulting in dozens of casualties. the prime minister netanyahu says israel will respond accordingly, loans and mailed it to a small children who are playing soccer and all of us will ultimately, that's we embrace the families, embrace the entire drew's community in these difficult time, which is the goal. so our difficult time, i have decided to speed up, i'll return to israel, so i will immediately address the secure with the cabinets. i can say that the state of israel will not let this best in silence. the attack, which took place targeted a suburb along ne, is wrong. it is in occupied golden heights. it's an area that has been contested by israel and sir, we are collectively about this attack. specifically, of course, of course, into statements provided by the idea suggests that
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a series of rockets targeted the town of money to shun. this is currently an area that is roughly 5 kilometers on the board with lebanon, as well as 5 kilometers to the closest town in lubbock now, which is well within striking range of heads will last capabilities. we also understand that the idea of has issued a series of statements suggesting how it will respond to these attacks. please bala van lied to the whole world and claimed they did not carry out this attack. this is a lie. the idea if you score and to holding a situation of assessment and we will prepare for a response again, please by law we will finish our assessments and we will act visa tech shows the true face of please bala at to restore organization. the idea of also suggested that this attack is the single most devastating attack which has resulted in the death of civilians as rarely civilians,
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for the most part suggesting that their age range was mainly 10 and 20 years of age . but as well loved denies any responsibility for these attacks. it has denied taking part of attacks in march the shops. however, it has not denied the fact that it did carry at a serious series of attack against a military base near this southern town. we categorically des, knowing the false claims made by some of the media outlets in various media platforms about targeting the town of mass solutions. and we confirmed that we have no connection to the incident whatsoever. there were further statements provided by the lebanese government, as well as us officials. the lebanese interim government suggests that it has no part in this attack that is condemning as well as attacks and is calling for com headed. this, for the most part, us officials suggest that this attack is significant for a number of different reasons, suggesting quotes that what happened today could be the trigger we had been worried about and try to avoid for 10 months. we understand that as well as minister of security, he was quoted as saying that the,
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this is most defense minister was more concerned in containing his belong, the region. whereas the minister of security has been calling out for more for a very long time. this is a quote that he presented in a statement suggesting, quote that the is really prime minister should, can be it's cabinets to take a decision on what to do and how to react to demanding what the security minister has been demanding for a long time. is war in the north now spiritual drew's leader of these really communities came out and said that a country should be in a position to protect it's a civilians. and that this attack has crossed all red lines. that sentiment is shared among many is really officials. but that sentiment as well is shared among many is really as to suggest and alleged that these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu is more concerned in prolong his political career. fearing that is the prospect of peace or achieve that he will be detained and try before a judge over the past year or so, we have been discussing the prospect of further war,
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the war and gaza spilling over 2 other areas. and 11 on is definitely one of those countries that is being added to the list. there is fear that this could spill over and essentially lose all control. and if the statement from us officials suggest anything as well as israel's cabinet, and that prospect is more possible than not independent expert on his relay era relations will lead say on states, israel is too quick to place the blame on his blah. it's it's, it's, it's controversial designs. it's amazing me also it incidents when the baptist comes to hospitalization because i was trying to get to where the, where the smoke have the, has the due to the eyes because that is not complete. this. and until there is a defensive investigation and arguably, and as human assuming that there is the 80 investigation with the objectives and some objective and the impartial that we would have to wait for the shock this to decide which side which that which side did that the project you guys come from
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until the end of the accusations and the point and then the game of pointing fingers would continue between the 1st bullet. however, it is worth mentioning to that is targeting civilians breakfast but. busy it is not repeated the captain. so again, it's all about the speculations. i'm thankful this is another saturday and the streets of tel aviv are once again filled with people protesting the government's policies on gaza and demanding it secure a deal for the hostages return. the chance of no excuse can be heard, echoing across the mass of raleigh and an ongoing call to action for netanyahu and his cabinets. speakers of the protest, i hear the former prime minister and family members of the captain soon bodies as
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were retrieved from the eyes of this week. organize a st. demonstrations will take part at a different locations throughout the country. while these is really prime ministers in washington, us in the us congress for more weapons, he spoke with an expert on his really politics and told us recent events in israel overshadow netanyahu's significance. and this happened is out of touch with the wants and needs of these really public his own personal and political wins. but while the other members of these rarely decision making uh uh, experts or council are more moderate. they do not want to expend a war. and they definitely, i'm not trying to get united states involved. and so only make them jo, and he's extreme right. we ministers have any such ideas. so please, when you're saying it's a, you know, it's, and it's, and you know,
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when you say israel, it's almost totally different. the entire trip to washington which and then you always try to describe as a great success manager, at least all rhetoric and leave. because he spoke to a joint session of congress, of course, has been overtaken by these events. an incident such as 2 days when a civilian town or village has been here and the entire trip along with the meeting with president and by then vice president harry's and former president trump. they now with seem a completely insignificant and let them you all once again is a shown to have no strategy because the issues are collected the entire spectrum, the ceasefire in the solving gods of the hostage are these, d, u, n. c is firing to know which is really good. they've got 10 months ago if,
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if they can replace these firing the so all of these looks like at bowie. c, which has collapsed entirely. so he's coming back with his reputation instructor. and he already lost the support of the majority of these rallies, which is why the resist alvi elections, email. ready the different goes to ellie elections. he will no longer be prime minister. and earlier today and central gaza, 31 people have are part of they've been killed and many more wounded and is really airstrikes on a school turn to the field hospital. the . 6 2 local officials say id has transpired, say rockets on this side and there on the last survivors have been taken to the nearby office of hospital already under immense pressure is really army claimants
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have struck a most control center. 5 almost 300 days of war and does it have seen? 39000 people killed and over 90000 wounded. those figures provided by the local health ministry local journalists around me on the horizon as this report from the side of the attack. now it is turning to, i said, is there a place for displaced palestinians from different parts of the territory? the writing though, in the western fox of danbury, by the today, it had a hebrew strike that closed with destruction. as you might see on the camera, destruction behind me and 2 parts or 3 blocks of the place itself and the leaving get money that's uh, reports, uh, suggest is that there are the 212 and dozens of those and yours and this heavy, the upfront is really a strike on this particular at place and the drivers by the down and center does us
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trip as this is a part of many strikes, is that 2 codes. a series of a strikes ok today. and the major area and then saw the in the gaza strip and the not time in the i'm a widow displaced from god's a city. my husband and father were killed in my daughters and i live in new serrato . today i was summoned by a text message to my phone to come here and to get a monthly charity donation from turkey or when i arrived at the place, i was surprised at the whole area was hit by a firewall and it will stick up in the heck of the my sister lives near the school before her home was here. she was injured today i. she has been shelton at the school. she is now at the l fox motors hospital. the strike with sutton and keep this place people directly over there had to feed. so a number of services being provided for the low goes here by this shelter. a schools that to some say it belongs to the law had charity and the
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good. what about a child and then center of the gaza strip? that's what has been justice dated 51. and we have just reviewed this is the situation in gaza and that's what happens and what zip codes and david by the down today, the number the this number is rising up about the mos on. so c, 130 follow sidney is including women and children have been killed in this habits right on this particular through a school. and dozens of those have been injured by me. i mean, i read r t while terrified local sick help for their wound and friends and families, hospitals in con eunice are suffering acute shortages and facing and gradual ruin r t correspondence science for our key brings us this reports, and i think he likes something more than that, this is not the 1st time that is really forces bomba school. if i'm of the city of there all the law has just suffered a tragic and with a bigger school damaged,
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particularly serial. the whole idea of his lunch for him. he sells onto the school deal with an injury and a lot of civilians. around 31 died there, including children and women, upset about their bodies and more than a 100 injured people were taken to the nearest through honda and o x. a hospital, which is now frequent in the queue. charter school resources necessary to save lives just by the time it all happened about 4000 displays. people have been limited. warranty just became a haven for those who lost her home. and it didn't even have a time to run into is really for us, have decided to bump it as a pretext optimized. but as we start posting in middle cans being there, despite everything is really army in aviation continues to work and not only the school but ultimately bring wants to include and also locks school that is separate from arrow bombardment twice. and i love the showing was through intensive at the sound of missiles and people yelling with deafening to everyone that women will fall into the ground, the ceiling for the lights and the school sites. they like. we have seen signs and flashes coax isn't shot to the bodies line or around the people with screaming while the shilling continued. they both of us to us told them to climb up and see
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refuge. we settled for rest. the 2 from rough. uh we moved tail only to face all the same things wherever we go. shilling follows. we believe that god will help us to ensure this trial. i'm not in any, undoubtedly it's not very comfortable for display spelling, delete some idea as distort nearly 80 percent of courts essential houses and other buildings here for report even says that is really unfortunate and you also the damage to hundreds over you and the agencies and facilities around 60 percent of all schools in gauze are now either damaged or complete or rated that people say disability ortiz, this a bearded man in dresses, a mock last supper, and a horseman of the apocalypse, racing down the sun. frances attempt at an innovative and modern olympic games opening ceremony did not go down well with the public. as ortiz, steve sweeney now explains. just before the opening of the healing picks pipe, frances um, the vatican sport association would like hold on leads to holland is the great
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social power of sport, t and night. people made a time of good calling global tensions and conflict. but the opening ceremony while it's cool was a huge part partial month, christian christian grew too hard to find. the depiction of the law separate the cause of power. the of the thing was pacing by doing all the davinci. and now it's being described as a carnival of the grotesque gonna pay to me. all of work is i'm some of even dump the i'm t cries olympics one american pastor. well, he's a, went online to express his views, france, whose culture and i mean the honoring of, of the individual and of human rights. and freedom is grounded very much in christianity, felt the right thing to do was to mock the christian faith. you know a question, i would suppose we all know the answer to it when they ever dared. mock is a law. i'm in a similar way, but never dreamed of mocking in this, in this gross,
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you know, public way. a scene from the, from the cry. and i say we, we all know the answer, the not one of the participants in, not opening several mean for teach the connecting online appear to have his genitals on display won't. children was standing in front of him now the bishop of phones. he's also reacted, he said that the opening ceremony was a mockery. he said it made a mockery of christianity, chinese television and state television that they was stunned into silence during the broad carswell 8 on mosque and other social media use as well. uh, they went online to vent their and on 1st ration it looks like the elite said organize this worship. satan. they're not even pretending anymore. the new smirks movie looks scary. just turned on the olympic opening ceremony. and it's like, i've entered some kind of hellish fever dream. what is happening?
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the smurfs, the family don't ever talk about. well, i think we can only imagine the time, the asset, the money that obviously went into this huge display. so for the organizes probably a bit disappointing the reaction any responds, well of course there's a lot of work that goes into these opening services. a huge a spectacle was bought, the organizes and the directors of the powers a lympics over many of them. putting openings that were many, well they seem to me, believe us to this back passion, they insist that it went very well on a fixed amount because of all this, we are very happy indeed. it was a very beautiful ceremony which brought together exactly what we had dreamed of. we proposed a completely unique ceremony. the 1st in history taking place outside a ceremony with a lot of audacity with a lot of messages with some nice surprises. so i'm very happy, it was magnificent. we've managed to do something incredible, something on the dishes, we've managed to put our country in the limelight, something we're very proud of. well,
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now it's expected that the organizers and the directors are going to say something like this, but it's not a view that seems to be university shed. and it means many wondering what the closing ceremony will look like. that is something to wait for with bates. it's a breath, but cultural sort of hot topics aside whether any of the control this, these political outliers. well there's a lot to cover today about the, the, despite the olympics only being a day old. now the international olympic attempt to commit to the i is the now it's been forced to apologize often to introduce sounds to me and oscillates as north korea. and of course, the 2 countries still technically one of the items the cheat is set to meet with the south korean president. who's a so assurances that mistakes on this doesn't happen again last night, the media report. so that statement. so we made it very clear from the i see an operational mistake was made. we can only apologize in the, in, in the evening of so many moving paul of that mistake was made. and we apologize to
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2 people from the republic of korea for that, for that era. now this isn't the only mistake that is being made. the olympic flag itself was it was flown upside down during the opening ceremony, perhaps a symbolic of the shunt baltic opening. now a full might show just ahead of the opening of the games was abandoned for 2 hours off for a pitch invasion. offer like a garage of the at the much was postponed for 2 hours. it was leased onto the go was chopped off the longest. be a all decision in history. the origin to the and comp also was burger with that before that before that match. but on top of that, i'm a volleyball player despite being convicted and sentenced to 4 years in prison for raping a 12 year old child, or he's being allowed to participate in the games representing the netherlands. well, i mean, you mentioned that dr. suite has precedence even before the games kicked off.
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obviously because of his check could pause to put it nicely did raise a lot of questions, mainly about the games. just kind of pick and choose approach when it comes to morality. who's allowed in? who's no. yes, of course, and this is a very hot topic now. the inclusion of as well in the power said then picks has proved incredibly comfortable and them and pops on surprisingly, given 40000 men, women and children may be helping massacred in gaza on store. that is still continuing, while the games are carrying on it's being deemed by the international court of justice to be opposable genocide, the international criminal court has of course, issued arrest warrant. so benjamin netanyahu, the ins, right? a prime minister. now one of the is right, the totes pavis. now on social media, he's posted an image of him writing on a missile that was then sent to gall. this thing from from me to gauze and now stop by participation has prompted international our wage mass pro has therapy impala
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sydney and flags displayed inside the stadiums. a group of people holding up a sign saying free palestine. but if i was a inclusion by comparison, russia has been banned from the olympics. something which is obviously that 2 charges of her pump was a. now, why has real shipping bond while as well? housing? well, the lights on as well is blocked to the hill by the west, and in particular to the united states, leaving the i see open to charges of double standards, but it will say palletization. now this shouldn't come as much of a surprise video to make openings. everybody's have quite shooting history, which might be a surprise to some the 1st major i'm putting all the mold in the lympics reading. was it nazi germany, back in 1936. now this was a bit to whitewash and show up support for nazi germany. it was turned into a film by the direct to let me recent is down on the flying the olympic flame. but this was aimed at that time of linking. not see jeremy's avian deal to break
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civilization. this was a classic case of sport watching the politicization of eden, which has a long history on it seems to be happening once more today. as the games descends into foss earlier again and pastor martin some who founded the organization straight nation, shared his views on the opening ceremony, and said, western relates are trying to impose new values on society. a. m, i know macro on uh, weights at this morning saying this is france 10, i'm like, no, that's not france. that's the worst. oh, maybe what france was. we expect culture. we expect we think about tyree's. we think about the what's our we think about love. we think about the many ways and think cuz it's almost a queen is the french revolution. we think about minute, great things, which uh,
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1st of all, this before, oh oh, it happens never even in the coming while, because i believe we to be in the united states. i was, this is the kind of show we're going to house in every other upcoming event because the worst um, uh, institutions of our, a big culture. unfortunately, they want to use the to impose this, this unfortunate lifestyle and this debt good. what task decadence on the rest of the world? i think it's an outrage. this is the general public views . this is the elite, the elite in firms, just as in the way his desktop power. in western countries. we are seeing this very small crate of, uh, elite world culture,
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the political power. and now they're using the political power to impose a cultural change. but what they've been posting is culture the carry, imposing transgender resume. that is imposing insults to the whole. he's through the cert pride separate hallie or the last for part. it's not only a free show in paris, unfortunately it's closer friction in international diplomacy. and i'm really, this is sad even though it goes on the very nice terms of human rights. and right, so inclusive it see, it's not, it's just a friction in europe has failed in the uh, the waste is found in what's the right of passage or socialization. unable to train the young people on what needs to be done well for the school. and unfortunately,
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because of the big, continuously allow, or the young people to experiment with different kinds of a i think i'm a boy here, i think i'm a girl. i know when they make you a hero, then makers, you're out of this very cup of chip mindsets and then they celebrate them. it's this idea, ok, you may be a freak, but we will celebrate. you will make you look very good. you may have, are the cause of your jimmy to us and pump yourself into all these hormones. but it will celebrate, you will make your little cool. we'll put you on cover of young people and they like to do stuff. they like to try and use our young people. they like to break new boundaries. but this, unfortunately, it's a one way or trying to bait our white children into this dangerous life style, but also prepare them them to be victims that they can easily seduce and abuse.
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well, there's been a vibrant discussion among our guests about reaction to the front and the big opening ceremony, including the criticism from liberal media leads and how they expect the search of calls for a return to traditional values. one of the most critical parts was uh this, uh, this uh, last supper. they actually stage last suffer, which was uh, where you had the participants way old and you'd be key from it because you'd be t card or shall i say 2nd. and i think this is a, this isn't these crazy, so profanation, it's a, it's a nice of to all the questions around the world. what do they want to do to that? it's part of the, this, the construction of the individual, these, these structure of nation, state, these destruction of finally be all those of 5 years that actually we should cherish it is, it won't do this uh this way they shouldn't states. and by truth is no,
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it does become bad to love once country. so a lot of people in the west we are they lodge silent majority which, which has be silenced. and i think i'm white by voicing these that i want to actually seek a lot of islands to russia. it's, it's, it's not to this many people like this because we are seeing that this is not the society we watching you of these has been opposed upon us. this ceremony is indeed a reflection of the values of the routing it leaks and is profoundly shocking for that very reason that even liberal media like the british gods yet. and it has a rather sort of rolled the eyebrows and, and said that this was basically a rather be a bit of a failure. it was a cheap failure, expensive but cheap. why is nothing mobile unit? why is it up to the every why? why the normal images, you know, you're saying you're getting the,
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the same is last surface seen that there was new morality a total limit. and so, yes, i think people will think this is going to fund the, you know, i'm speaking to you now from the french country. so i didn't, i can, i happened to necessarily else people, but i'm pretty certain that most from it looks at this and just shakes its hiding actually disbelieves. not necessarily and, and go some people will be angry, but it looks land display. so this is the, they both you met them on the other things of a metropolitan. the leads which is totally disconnected from the rest of the country. to look at the news for now, be sure to visit our website or to com for the very latest breaking news. and the
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call wanted to come here since i was 121. my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around. i was gonna see if it was for me, but then i came. and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier in life than i am here in most of the i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay, who worked as a chef and now raises gods and makes cheese in the countryside, carries like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i. us, embassies. and for countries that come after me it's, it's wild like an american family that recently moved to russia with 6 children. i've never felt safer atlanta higher life than living here. the,
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in the late 18 ninety's french soldiers, led by general, arrived in asia with the goal of expanding french control in west africa, to the territory of more than shot. the sonia, i mean, he's stuck up some issues around the cars and it's showing the list to the tent, the food i on the east, one of the most terrific campaigns of atrocities to have ever taken place in the history of the continent. what is somebody to the question that you download a i'm bless you followed there to do so they put the lecture on what socrates multiple villages were devastated. numerous members of resistance groups with the headed home for us to get the young investigator in search of his own identity and box on the journey into africa
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. the traces.


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