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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  July 28, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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the, the noise is so i made a simple occlusal that then the still enough assistance to assuming as a might be just just throwing if this meeting got the book by speech or read it with me that it was i showed that you've got a toothbrush, it sort, sort of seemed millions of dollars and if a gust of it is a dark, seamless, exhausted, basically died. shoot your thing. yes. the option is that you, it is the most of the noise in the dining rates and the door as i mean piece gate is and stuff else that i live, that these chips just, i'm going to need because that is supposed to be of those. instead of sourcing on 0, because i'm going to put on our minds each of scale. if i think this could be anybody else, 2 bits for that would be nice. yes, 0. and the cool, the seems to cause a tumble cuz you know, for sure see to you because the, presumably in your book,
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great gift. so most of the history of the the total value of the 10 biggest, the gambling contract in russian sports is $10100000000.00 roubles a. yeah. via the most, the july 2023 vehicles that started by me on that. so for the knowing it's a little step, but i was left with new newport news smoking easily, but he wasn't able to complete the work more than just which his monthly total doctors are thoughtful most between us. and you will the complexity of the sort of people, shirts, the patient, because, you know, i know i'm pretty, a read for some is major glamour book may just click on thoughts and actually pull book. and i see, i mean, and book makers click on the door to nice to cancel. i'm actually as an honestly, just quote, guessing that those are distributing superstore to those we just say yes, go support at the support level of what they do. the 1st little move it mostly. so when you look at a,
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it is going to be just that they also must have something in the cities before, which i mean they feel as if he needed some his braces to normally split up even the silver the is i should do this. it belongs to this to my former shops from the commission because you know, both the wish list isn't at the practical notable list. if i was gonna say, usually come mobile when additional, but i don't that ocean beach bicycle video. this is jessica good idea because originally for technology, because it didn't control solution, you'd have to define it. then we use good when you have the tools, i know my style, but i go the interest in particular the sugar and you've said it was like, you avoid your skin, couldn't you go to the store from uh, today to didn't get to the store. typically you need to shoot me is like from the low to just me for can ask a question. i have farmers machine was less than the pediatrician,
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so it was wonderful. and i'm still working on those are lots of people who don't, i'm just you teach it, tell us what's new if you just want to just like us to try to show it to deploy for what previous term with them and with us. i didn't have a scroll in russian 15300000 people based on sports, at least once a year. there was 6600000, active gamblers who bed once a week and 2022. russian spent 879000000000 roubles on beds. 25 percent more than 20. 21. in 2023 expenses will exceed 120 and roubles. the musty february 2023 people bath on school with world wide apart from countries where the best thing is prohibited, for example, in stuckey and showing up. but that doesn't stop, chinese gamblers formula using billions on filipino websites through vpn and proxy service. the say the cause ask little deena until advantage of the spells lombard
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tend to be such that the router should thinking they should have new stuff. cool. bookmakers click on to it is a at the bottom, you know, you can flip a flip phone, digital shift. ok. and then you also have sonya speaking to sure, because i need you because the gym will dido level much. 2 just the gulf coast control module, a specialty the because these things don't just happen. and rosa american, the sports channel is been parents became notorious in 2019 by winning more than a $1000000.00 on bets and less than 2 months. and then he got arrested because of the best thing. no, it was about his reaction to losing on social media pads, threatening physical violence against many athletes whose games he'd best on. but at last, ty will enter your home while you sleep on said that your neck open, i will kill your entire family. everyone you love will soon cease the name just
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a few of his threats. the 25 year old american completely lost it by losing beds. that society and 3 example of how gambling addiction can not totally empty a bank account, but also break the psych a by say that i get it because i need to do the adult female because of the evil. so the us get through this is read that as a condition as this hey, we need to when you show hello most of the place you've just to look somebody like a great the stuff to me. i'm actually, my name is actually stuff just to make sure i came up with that. i didn't wish that you contact me in the month of those the 50 percent. so the whole, the discussion though, i used to book the book on the one was the sportage. it is the book me or is this new up you have had, you mean for me to, you know, let's just go for one of those. i use a committee for the good and you come to the end of the woods minova below strand this month, right?
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so you can get the gum, right. what is the punch you punch a couple of you to just go to the proposal stage. we'll just come on the appraisal, refer you to refer you to really it's a loop. when you hear me on the little stats, it does let you to what the children excited for structuring emotion stuff you've given you left you of us as a football champion the best. so if you had football player in 1972 mazda, the response of the ssl international class, sports functionary, coach and columnist, advocates the bookmaking activity to be used to benefit national sports, which should give us money for boosting. you may have pro, the 2 will 350 come toward a stage, the most industrious a team. can you move the village of, of bullshit cooking games, but it looks, but it will go to some pretty photos on my wish or did you maybe on the, is that a pull up? and i yes. if that i need to do it on my email with dates, it's sort of a few. so to show my name is bullshit from bullies. thanks for your assistance in
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about 2013, put your staff could borrow a deal. send this back to me. i'm a big jump in mcdonough. so he's phillips and they much. he broke the list from a lucas book, get that style degree out in the middle sized private criteria. google metal for you to know that as somebody's and you continue should thoughts of nothing. and so think without them, the zillow coconut stuff can afford, you need to control the carpet april, which helped by 3 jenkins because it got broken, those blocks, wasting all this stuff to jail, and see what i can overboard. some of the pictures to can use measure optics, that the quote was to go out and i much sent in sibley settlement. got the field media, but it's going to consume bubble in 2003. i was managed by larry holmes had a beautiful starting of my career. and basically when the guys contract expired, the contract was sold made for the manager and that there was no way i can get out
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of it. so my brother, who's an attorney, to say it is one way out you'll have to keep training in don't fight. so one year, one more year you'll be done. it crushed is the worst that you can ever do to somebody is crushed, a young christmas drain. this, the number one flow in the world. you understand how it feels when he exploded his from international competition. so i mean, you understand what it is to dedicate your life to sport and then find out before length of games or, and world championship the 2 excluded because of some passport issue. or because of political issue. of course, let me tell you something big. oh, so much deep with a justice for i'm of the one thing i would never do it destroy a child's train. you suppose to let a child explore their own dreams, their own thoughts, their own realities. what they feel is what they feel is real, the support of scope,
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that usually means them for the to take up the. we do to get to know most of them in here. what are you doing that mostly, if you didn't look at this group email, come with us the which is the, the but in the hope was thinking about that i should be going to increase the school day. if i need to do to summer students, little nobody with me for one schedule still didn't do need come over to begin with somebody on someone. this thing is to base your state and go to wishing you know what it is. i use it invested in the last name repeated and piece configured initials, and if you spoke to the media, if something were you didn't really should have to go to say numerous stuff to me go to the media. but because i said in the place from you and your billing media bill, and that was from that ticket actually was signals that i see it puts you on what the lewisville and if i've seen miss middleton, that's what i have the most of us do. so style i'm on us, i'm up to doing as good as them the condition of the what's the good thing and that's the beginning. and we should remember seeing it in this group. they need to cut them choice beside me. when they get upset. we will not into the trap of the
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cheap argument that this would be the politicization of sport going against the olympic john to which requires political neutrality, thomas, the president of the international olympic committee, power train us to just send and clearly see the use through no the most at the but that's not much really mueller, but assuming that democrats at these questions discussion about the pollution that what are saying is we by you'd say that they will credit or will it that mission that alternate. but it's just us to, to deb does a stuck on because i always put new smyrna beach sports to construct nursing it because i've just done with this, but it's even in the studio that he did. so i'm going to be boxed too much was so yeah, was to go for additional have so it's going to be somewhere else and we're just going to apologize of those those. but they look up the problem. i think the motors that we were building in the thing much was going through a gloved, let's say the decision of the same way,
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but the dish completely. so let's just say that was the something you put which motional approach somebody in these business because she was most was to but not there's on the, i mean. yeah, but then you need to pull the she's conf logo of was just to me it was a motion. look most of the worst of them. uh. should the kids go to accept it goes don't screw up, but it's in the upper and the multitude. okay. yeah, it was because of the middle of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local jurisdictions led to a mass on rest. 1964, the liberal race in front of mozambique for
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a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but that guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, pre limos 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist regime and particularly in 1974. the new authorities are rendered. a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. lots of victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of his sons and daughters
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images presented as 1st. can you see through their illusions, going underground? can i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people? a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law should we live in justification. we should be very careful about the personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to trust rather than fear the
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various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody in the robot must protect his phone, existence was on the some wisdom athletes. a voice then support for this board outside politics. principal among them is the swedish alpine skia daniella. v bug always defend athletes and their rights. politics and bold should always be separate due and criticize the i o. c. and it's february decision, according to the un neutral flags in the absence of an some. this means that spoil it is bigger than national buddhist. and could contribute to world peace to know why, but to time olympic champion, unless you're not save, i'm not sure lou,
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national single not published on those press course material in mind. you know, if she's bored, less safe shipments. going to come on just on the 6th of total, you prefer the so can you order shipped? come on, bear with me so that i'm supposed to i'm, i'm just talking to somebody and they told them that'd be yours to my best blog and just give them a new page. i mean the for team is not on this that they use and us a lot of sense of it to me, some of the program would think that are senior. i'm just not that brings us and i show them a tries to know if they don't want you to, to look, show me and use them your 1st to show us. so send me your best thoughts. i put them in the mean book ship with the modern and the problem to my a new a. so we'll see. so not just of the which has to live outside of pneumonia, but need things that's something you have to support. some of the fees pronounced and yet there's invalid and the store comes at that price and the cost of the $10.00 sponsors from a set of enough for you to meet that value. it's just me kind of stuck to the both the customer, but this is
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a meal. if the applicant does so ritual election, you need to stop by a shape, but you just get your leaning. what is that? you said get through the supports, then you lash the sacraments and noticed the support and on the ceiling. no safety needles because i'm supposed to but i see it to that but definitely so anyway. yeah, so let's put this pseudo in thing and it was so the name of some of the most of silicon and you used to see it was supposed to be. i'm just continuing to use to which that's a good idea. but mode for a simple cuz then you'd like just to, is to play this for me, all of it we want. so she's not going through some of the land. you mean pretty much delores as processing mutual books and in the go with the most santa hills mission to open to the declare ones position in the country. climate takes a lot of coverage but a person is determined by the actions. say, cutty ok. and when 2 guns, what tension is in the,
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on the front line is very close to met nobody's chest players conducted a single obtaining his game sessions and asked them about their future plans. this turned out not so much as tutorial, but a lesson in coverage. and hope so said bethany was professional, is special needs mean? yep. additional what and most of them. yes. on those to me, a little bit beside image. cool. really specific english. the bottom line, you more than what was good to go based on students will come up with something, clicking on the, on the most of the menu, only based on most mile be almost good. the duke's law. uh yeah. anybody else with the deal? the okay can, uh, can you have this aside from got,
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cuz the way where you start talking, if you start talking that bird do it again, i'll tell you right now. that bird is racist. spell accent that the suspect cause i'm talking to is quiet. now. she's not talking, i burgle at times you i'm leaving, i'm going home now maybe it's on steering to me. maybe seeing it to me. it goes to us the need. so my, my mama said, uh huh. i have a question which fits here. perfect. and the question is the, did you have any cultural challenges in russia? no, i never did. like i said, it's not my 1st rodeo guy will be rule buggy. i it. and just especially when i went to the risk we, i just, oh, every time i go, i've got to take a picture because i'm making my own calendar of every time i came to visit russell . and i'm going to have every photo j right through december 12 photos of when i came to the red square. kevin, when you uh,
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took russian citizenship. did you take it to me? is it true? right? yeah. uh, we're criticized by your funds and frank. oh, nobody criticized me. who is like the guy, you know, use like there's nothing flow and you can say about how people can make up their own propaganda as you want. but i have my own 2 eyes and i have my own 2 years. the best buy just finished up, missing a slide. now. ok, can they actually can, which is the, what was this come inside is put them on of the defense came over them. i would see him over to the leasing of those news, cousins, veneration and associations created as guarantors of athletes rights have become very selective and whose rights they defend. caleb, sure it's been the same is that it's really the same and both mutually stored and
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it doesn't mean you're going to skip list and you explain you left so it doesn't do an issue. yeah, that's like a kid that was up with mentioned when a couple of sneaks when you go to the 2nd month. i mean it was, he made a bunch of buildings. nice, nice little it took during and it's going to bring him us a. what's good is what there was to keep the human name. it should lashania trust, much on mute or the goals fluid disabilities is considered to be in. and you put it on spoken language to show that there was a reason that the following dismissal with practically no opportunity to compete in international competitions. russian athletes and the coaches focused on work within the country that calgary machine, you know, just send you deal with which email. yeah. with them go to the wisdom smarts, real quick. yeah, i see it. you've done that. i see it pulled deadline illusion. look you up when you look to mention that, but even for me, if she's cuz you know it's what's coming down with what is the story from you that this put together? that saves you the money a lot. yeah, i didn't move with those because mothers and those that but the most just didn't
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know and you could put in a spokesman, it was the but there's not a lot of these, none of them good big sports fan to punish and that has been utilized as nashua, did you want to hear that i'm going to forward you to him with so in the morning, please go with them to get the most knowledge, the big less union that you're going to if you'd be a little slower than that, but i was launch spots me on this and you can really get yourself late. you more than just by the do you need me those documents a document that you just give me is the address them. it's got to explore the wife . she gave me your nickel with the machine. yeah. since it was your phone or something, i would just need to change that those to work. i just tried to screw up process
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for you mean what till 330. so i, i'm supposed to, but often a problem with is these rentals that also originate support fulcher. must have to live with pregnant girls. listen, we must have because the baby she wasn't at the show for insurance. such was still moving. it increased you using a pc. agree, disagree? the bumps, the mobile things i assume a full as well as what your system up goes to. and that's really so a 3 minute lesbian. honestly it's, but it's been a little bit as needed for additional right now that the noticed nothing. and let me just spell it, we go to that in disagreement that quick one of the of luck. sure. but it still leaves the doors of the show, this phone to the see that like as little as was able to bring it to me the email but got done, which is the last night that touchstone god about us who still cover up by use you still have coverage with, for example, someone still that the zip issues and ocean gosh, facing it though and establishing a police and invest the commission that old man in peace because he says you must 3
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to 3. and so a delaying export. the police is an ice cap lifting those. maybe that's thing. and they said it's not mine. it's approximately new mobile to stay at this time. this is and jason sway squarely just the medical glass of the hill. but it's the best and most almost by book summit on this bhaskar thoughts then you are seascapes, but it's me on the other chest. if that is not mine, you stuck on. i missed and that was nice, but it's even, that's probably what you think is going to happen to russian sports like, uh, is this restriction, so we'll go on. we'll go on for like st. and other 10. yes. do think it's why so in russia is not alone, the russia is align with other countries as well. because like i said, is not the whole world against russia. spoiled, remains the rush of a symbol of peace, friendship, unity and honest competition. over the time spent on the sanctions sporting ties between russia and china have strengthened the countries of asia and south america
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and africa, pursuing interested in mutual cooperation, oma teats in russian minister response. yes, steph, tulsa, oklahoma. some of the television, i still am. i and i'm most not as well, so i'm a police telling me a but we just because most of them were interested in no, any suggestion. there was too much less consultation is with, with the on thing is with a significant issue of the shuttle co cobra who, which i think of because you don't want to kill a child drains and for any country to exclude any child from anywhere in the world. destroyed their dreams. you're going to guess a god given gift. less the get country less for get persons. you're going to get to god. this is something you're not supposed to do. the
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smell of hours and exhibiting in the waiting piece because of the senior pick with them before this part of the south was for the me to just burglarized. but even then to see good of the church towards the schools, i suppose for the fights. say that minus the full and beat to get the for the other just yesterday is compression does with yesterday to city as plus. let's see. i'm supposed to be showing it doesn't allow us to meet it. yeah. but of course you got the television motor sports look at all. so i feel rushing. sonya was more than just the course you want to space. i see the, the, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the, the job rally her my little story because the model girl that i got you. no problem saying it all out of the know nothing 30 minutes us out of the drive i showed my brother through he was trying to help people for a lo so now i never looked at searches as being the same. well,
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i guess i lost my list. that's the outcome of chicago police. it'd be gang in chicago is like, you get for the police, you lose the, there's another crap thing. another, this could have been a doctor, or nurse could have been the next president. we can't keep losing people out here the i'm action or tennessee and welcome back to going underground broadcasting over on the world from the u. a. e. what's to become of us about sol, west in europe, and now a month after elections, which proved how it's off. a 1000000000 population do not support it's a n t piece. negotiation lead is
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a recent poll showed close on 90 percent of the people of nature, belligerents like the usa, germany, and france and britain, once a negotiated peace in ukraine, while blinking his in tokyo today organizing, perhaps a war preparations against china with australia and the japanese and indian kinds of pods. the new head of the british army. meanwhile, times the u. k. has to be ready for war on russia, china, iran, and north korea within 3 is joining me now from you. capital brussels is vx united nations assistant secretary general. michael, financial and bugs the like to them. e. p for this are wagon exec alliance or reason and justice policy in the europe and bottom and a thanks so much for coming on. so me you and assistance. equity general you've uh, you mean warning of world war in recent weeks yesterday booting celebrated the power of the russian navy, and that's well blinking is amazing. is maybe woman good. quad partners in tokyo, britain double down on more with rusher. it seems. what is the schultz
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a position that let us live on the land? of course, who was re elected the head of the parliament to uh, is it like uh, i don't know they, they still think one guy though is the president of venezuela. i don't know if he has any real position. i think he seems to run always behind history and say softer west everything. but that's the have a strategy behind it, i doubt. and a much rising the, the gym government is completely overburdened by, by this war and being engaged in this one. i don't think he, he, himself is of on longer. but he ends up all the time to say yes and at something in addition. now i probably know more about the european problem as who are starting to see it and i know it in germany, but um, but uh, i think germany is going to pay the price for it for this in the size of the to it . so we have to the wall, of course we have to have a piece piece, negotiations and things like this on the comp. i continue this rumbling around that
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we will that be have to be ready for war. and the thing is, i guess, one of the things that we still when the war and things like that is completely unrealistic policy sizing. so when you're watching from brussel, even more than it was probably a year, a year ago when you're watching for brussels, boris, the story is the german, the for the german defense minister who is with john hayley, the british counterpart of the other day, comparing food into a hippa and, and does it tell me about boris victorious? actually, i mean, it is good showed as deputy chief of stuff. and the, what does he mean? i mean, that alone, that's avoiding israel to the hilt in a, in a genocide in this region. i think you have the wrong person to ask. i haven't lived in germany since 1978. you know, it was always busy. you went outside, i've never come back now i come on. it's the 1st time back. i think the uh, i don't understand a man actually i um you know, it's


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