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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the, the key to cash president presses to wait into the middle east conflict to save the palestinians. his comments come and made a dramatic flower up on the 11th as well. what was i would say is that the region is actually have a place to pull pullman, south african president jacob zoo my as opposed to nick, spelled from the ruling amc tall t off to move in 60 yes, awesome that box back in may, his new job physicians election finished above the point of entry and exit polling stations in venezuela close with income, but nicholas matures, picture rank, and not the presidential top about correct because the ledges outside into 3 areas . some countries dismissing the vote for food for the salt water ethan
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the, the way to allows of the day we all have bring you stories from all across the globe, funky food. joining us for this set mondays program while starting a sofa. this our, the tuck is president, has made a very full full suggestion as to how peace in the middle east can be established. his remarks come to mid yet father escalation in the region with a ramping up of deadly lebanese is really exchanges in the us. we must be very strong, so that's israel cannot strike palestine just like we ended got about. just like we end of libya, we can do the same thing to them. there is nothing stopping us from doing this. we must only be sold to take these steps. president de, when these ranting and raving again, he is
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a danger to the middle east. we wouldn't accept threats from a want to be dictator. so let's just quickly recap what's happened over the weekend . the idea is carried out as strikes against multiple targets. you can see the in southern lebanon that was on sunday. now, according to the as ray, the military flight to jets attacked has blocked targets and puting on stools unquote, terrorist infrastructure. however, the report is coming from within 11 and say the residential areas will hit and videos shed online suddenly showed the scale of destruction. well, the barrels came in response to an attack on the is really occupied golden heights area. so 12 lights were claimed that with the victim said to paige between 10 and 20 not lebanon's pro palestinian medicine group that's has plot has denied responsibility, claiming the incident was actually caused by as well as own antique missile system . well, on sunday,
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hundreds you can see gathered to more than the victims of the attacking the golden heights. on the same day in the evening. these really secure to cabinet held an emergency meeting to determine the country's response. the members of the cabinet authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the matter and timing of the response against it has bowl a terrorist organization. well, multiple states, a warning about the risk of a full scale in the middle east with some putting on the citizens to avoid leave lap and then immediately as simple based correspond to yes and i couldn't takes us through now. what's behind this latest phase reaction from incorrect? as we understand over the past 24 hours, there's been a bit of back and forth. tit for tat in one way or another. the statement provided by church president are the one on sunday, essentially insinuated that the turkish officials, whether that is by way of turkish armed forces or other means would in one form or another. take part in establishing some sort of a, a peace deal or some sort of a,
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a cessation of hostilities, of course, of the statement provided by the church present. elizabeth, ambiguous, and of course, objectively speaking did leave a lot for the human imagination. however, speaking to officials, it on color, they suggested that the church present did not necessarily refer to boots on the grounds or any true in any form of intervention. and with reference to libya and cut out by we understand that the church on forces in one way or another, was involved in these campaigns, but not necessarily physically or by essentially sending boots on the ground. we understand that and cut by the turkish military provided logistical support for our positive age. on an, in libya, a mandate was approved in turkish parliament by way of a un peacekeeping mission. so the church presidents reference did not necessarily insinuate that on could or would be interested in sending boots to the ground. but it appears that israel did refer essentially accept that as a threat. and it did double down suggesting that the church president was
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essentially his and is going to be similar to that of. so that was saying the other one is going down the positive saddam hussein instructions to attack israel. he should just remember what happened the air and how that ended. what happened due to the fault of the united states and the rock has become synonymous with the absolute evil of american foreign policy. it's criminal nature and disruptive orientation. do these words are these really minutes to meet approval of such international activities? and meanwhile, the exchange of fire continues with the idea of claiming to have intercepted a drug and launched by hezbollah. media reports from the other side of the board to say is really strikes have killed, it needs to people in the south, nobody's towns. the country is main regional backups. iran has accused as well, of creating instability. and in security in the region regime is our unique design industry. g. e's real showing the ugliest face of a criminal gang. generally, they are not a government. they are a gang of criminals, a gang of murderers,
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a gang of terrorists plus live now to model continue to local john list and favorite. thank you very much for your time. a lot. i mean, the past thing i do have to ask you about is the ones what so he is threatening to join the conflict. i mean, in your opinion, how much of that is just rhetoric showmanship, and how much of it could actually be turned into action. what was the need to like, nothing? you know, i used to press the designs, they say that it states like nothing out of weight, that who is crazy. i know who is being insulted as we now speak and grant heights by investigating and keep the occupation you could expect anything. that is what it is. just know what the, the it is this does 11 on how to bump from them. they would have a head flip out on it yesterday or the day before because they're always though this, we have live through the times,
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the easiest of them all that i've just talked to in the bottom for nothing for a simple reason. like i don't, kids has been so long and an open area, but now they are the funding and, and the, you know, the sticking cause of the nation once my bash action be so this all that's holding them. but given that's up in yeah. what was the fight in does that for the small you would expect everything and anything you talked about this way about how and that's know who and his defense minister governance, how being given basically the right to decide on how they think they should respond . um, do you genuinely envisage a situation? well, yes, again, is rainy. troops on lang seems to favorite they will never get to you. this happened in 1982 and after 3 months only they were taken out. and at that time, the, the, the, you know, the,
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the excuse was that there was an association for that is really about southern and i'm going, i think his name was the original model. so they, they invaded the despite the tool with the americans at the time that they would stick on the do that it's on the, the, but they, they, they just the way it was only see most states of that. they were out and they would, withdrawing with the facts from baby holding what's lives? i'm say people, they would do not. she would be on the drawing. so if, if at that time when 11 and was it then and it's 70 it all civil war. david keeps all that, but just imagine how it's going to be, you know, how is the situation is going to be, you know, with that is a sense that has forced the withdrawal from south the been a i'm that has actually defeated. that is, that each and 2006 ford, that he put that the troops as they chose, could not even step one step in the flat. they but it is what he does remember,
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but i the shop, they remember, and then display a name and a member of my the. then remember that i heard to anybody with them and job as well must. so basically, if they try to come to the bottom of this time, who will say that the, you know, there is a, what is the stipulate, the, the, uh, the company about the b one say to the, is what you'd be concerned about something you'd be a big shop is for your dates, but with you, i do want to ask happening is ready for i'm going to so he has threatened the president to one of to, to you could face saddam hussein's fate if he decides to follow through on this promise to get involved on the side of the palestinians. i mean obviously diplomacy in the region is out of low point at the moment. but does this really suggest that any hopes that this the conflict company results through diplomacy or just that i
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was that i that was, that is what you did. so slow moving. i didn't i think the cm, children every day. but for the past 10 months, diplomacy would have worked if the word wasn't choice, but it's a, you know, so called multiples and so called been suppose about humanity about that and then put that meaning a collective. but um, you know, collect of punishments for the palestinians. i'm sort of the, for the portion of the use of all of us. this has all been killed with diplomacy. with that, you know, at the, of all the talks about a better word for equal humans. for the word, we are not equal for the word for 2015 and skills and does the almost $511.00 on a sense of how many it is and see it is just nothing. nothing. so what diplomacy word support for the sake of his writing?
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no, it's not going to work. the switch and an inside. the absence of resistance is pushing towards and, and they took off and then they sent, given what they might have done by sending and thrown to a get by jeff up. what's that is it says live. i don't have somebody uh, started getting new side sentiments from other than the ones on exactly on the board. there's. so basically there's a great the push towards great the, sometimes the nation not to the, the going to see. because let me just remind you and the audience that despite all the getting there was only a chance for having a d as to exchange the next you to change the prisoners but nothing. yeah. who's looking at over at the, at the moment. so i'm gonna see what needs to stop. nothing. yeah. one big his have
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. this is not happening. and if the plumbers to me is that we are going to put our neck on the 9th, then we don't want this time. we are fighting, and we are trying our best to show the words that this is how the fights for the company. this is what the options have done and the 2nd word works. this is what the british have done. this is what the trends claim they have done. so why when it comes to us, we cannot do it. we are as being on the are standing for other brothers and sisters . and does that and is this is going to need to activate the confrontation. this is to be because it's this collection of fat that you choose from all over the world of jews, not that activities and that they're going to fight the resistance 11. was they should the sheet, they should pop quotes better and goes off for the past 10 months at that time. so how much that has been disused and those that's what almost 18 years, that's what they should have felt better with jobs that are not eating well. and
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that's, i mean, just a, b 2. it's a totally different story. and if they're going to have by the accident against the sol, calls must get a committed bluff. and most of the times that i go and this is going to turn back on them and decided back on them. and we are going to a greater consultation, not limited on that occupied by the city, and they've been used for that as well as talk to me before that's offered confrontation. well, it sounds like feels like it is a, a dangerous point. we obviously heard that you stay safe on your colleagues because we know that a number of them have been killed in strikes for me is very the side that was something a lot colored a low court, just in favor. thank you very much. i, i think is the nicholas montero. how secure to thought tom of the venezuelan presidency when a 51 percent of the votes has main rival in the election of position that can to admin to gonzalez received ot except, well the re elected president was met with
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a wave of support and about his wayland, captain, you can see the flags, feel self, they of a crowd subscribed to the street, waving the flag john to defend his way loud visa nicholas venturo. not sounds correct. cuz the keys a separate all the latin american nations of interfering in the rates the bowl is very and republic of venezuela denouncing the looks. the world about an operation of intervention against the electoral process. all right, to self determination and the self and to you of a homeland by group of foreign governments and powers. this group, a version of the infamous, defunct, and defeated lima group, which includes governments, officials from argentina, costa rica, equitable guatemala, panama power, g y, peru, uruguayan, the dominican republic. those very same people who recognize the puppet in 201912 impose it today in 2024. well, venezuela is highlighting what is described as a forward interference in the elections. and if it's to undermine those results,
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as you said, the f one by the incoming president, nicholas mcgruder who pulled more than 50 percent of the results. he defeated the us by rival gonzalez who typed in the 2nd place. but we have this statement paid from the lima group which was established in 2017 and the peruvian capital one. it was designed really to over throw the democratically elected government of offenders. wait and now it's supported sanctions, which was placed on high ranking venezuelan government officials by peru and also of course by the united states. i signed up to the uh, this declaration. but really these how, what can be described as comfortable countries, diesel or allies of the united states? now they recognize, of course, what has been described as the usa. one gladto, who was the recognized as the legitimate president opened his way to buy washington on its own eyes, despite him never having stood in elections. now this group again sante to for the pol very quickly mexico left origin. tina laughed uh, pedro castillo,
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the pruby lady, he threatened to pull out. this is off to the so called pink tied electrons, which swept aside us allies in the region. you also have, by the way, the united states entering in width reaction here. and this is a country where a steve on assassination attempt on presidential candidate happens within the fast last number of weeks. you've got a mug rest. so for control of the other side, the democrats. but yet no, the allegations are coming from them on another country. why did they say, well, the united states, where they came out, the trumps very quickly on the blink and released a statement before the funded votes had been accounted. and he said, well, he was concerned that the outcome didn't really express the will of the vendors, white and people. we've seen the announcement just a short while ago by the venezuelan electro commission. we have serious concerns that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes for the event as
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well, and people. it's critical that every will be counted fairly and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay. and the electoral authorities publish the detailed tabulation about of the international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly. but of course, the united states, but it doesn't really respect the will of defendants white and people. of course, it's price. the country under heavy sanctions for its refusal to bend to washington as well. now there's a long history of interference in venice. white and politics goes back to the former president barack obama. he issued to an executive order and the which declared venezuela as threat to us national security. now and again, we've seen the recognition as we said, of one go idaho as a digit, to my president donald trump, when he was president. well, apparently he was told talents of launching a ground, evasion by the form and national security advisor, john bolton. well,
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he explained in his book that had been plans for a coup in venezuela and his site in your expertise, having planned cuz i'm not going to get into the specifics but the successful cuz i bought a bad venezuela in uh in the book and it, it turned out not to be successful, not that we had all that much to do with it, but i saw what it took for an opposition to try and overturn and illegally elected president. and they failed. what, of course, as he pointed out, back to where the crew attempts filed, but the us oversee hasn't given up, but thinking in his comments, he's right in one respect when he says the international community, all watching close to of course of him, the international community means the us and it's on lines, but there are hundreds of international observers on the ground. now as i've been posting stations, observing those elections, i've spoken to a couple of them this morning and they've said that they have seen no sign of irregularities. i've just got the votes is free, fair and transparent. they would of course in time publish that report which to us
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what i'm down to be ignore as an election observer, i visited 5 folding stations. 4 of them were very crowded. all of them were very peaceful and call, all of them were writing smoothly in one calling station. the only complaint that i heard was people saying that it won't take a long time products to vote at the time that the 64 people never know the name of that but they're when they're on the business. every board is going to that pause to go and cause the voice of a b as it could be in terms of all the reaction,
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including from the lots in the american region wants to come out. well, so the fall of the responses being as it, as it would be expected, they're essentially forwarded into 2 comes to us on its allies of raise their concerns while others who respect democracy have what they've congratulated menudo on his election victory, but also us online origin tina, what it seems to have cooled for the event is waiting on the forces to carry out that could dictate or do room out. argentina is not going to recognize another fraud and hopes that the armed forces this time will defend democracy and the popular will freedom advances in latin america. will this the thing one of the difficulties for the united states on its own eyes in the event is why did all the forces while this remained loyal to nicholas, but due to its main loyal, related loyal to the point of arian revolution. and we saw during the election, the man is waiting on forces refusing to shake hands with one of the opposition leaders as she came to cost a bonnet. but for now the,
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what of the people is being expressed with these celebrations, incorrect as well. washington, what it's continuing to look its ways as well as criticism swells matter and those on his wayland people are receiving. congratulations too, from russia, china, iran and cuba. the nations have expressed support the president and hope for the future of the biological tides. we spoke with the south african politician and for the national assembly member from the godaddy who says that the country is interfering in, on his way to do so. washington's behalf, lima, it's a group of american lessons. who do anything that's committed to cease? i mean, you can look at the statement by clinton, it sort of seeks to give a cure to be somewhat similar to the very kind of position become go, i gaze with blinking a said so it is a real problem that he has to feed out. you can, who could, i can team them for example. i mean, it is led by image stream, right?
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we know who, who is functioning the country to america. a, my daughter, on the other hand, is seen as someone who's fighting for so for any g as i'm t a imperialist. so the americans only be seduced by the outcome that sees not to lose it, especially when the wheels, the people east. double spend those in equal crease, the continued to define a america and it's highlighted simulation to how they choose a country in the what the former south african president jacob's to my has been expelled from the countries rolling amc policy up to 6 decades as a member according to local news reports, a 2 year old was found guilty of quote, practicing its integrity by forming arrival political party. the charge members found guilty of contravene in v a n. c constitution suppressor dissing. the integrity you will reputed the organization by acting in collaboration with the
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registered political party to with the um, come to a we says weight policy which is not in alliance with the amc in amount of the country to the things, policies and objectives of the i n. c, 's, whom i was taught with 2 kinds of misconduct with the primary charge of being a violation of a rules that prohibits members from acting on behalf or collaborating with a political party. not in alliance with the easy. the former president had been found guilty of the 1st charge of concluding that to his actions from the state of virginia. 23, at prejudiced the interpret chief of the se and repute to the is he about collaborating with the mt potty. the 2nd charge, which relates to his appearance of the mt pots, his list of public presented to him was dismissed. this marks a very significant movement as soon as long associations with the se, if i may say the things that to him. so in the policy, in the 19 fifties and his active involvement over several decades. but the spot to
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the president's office is the victor is league. i instilled last because his, this decision was long over to we have veterans. i think it's long overdue. because then even remaining as a member of a in one. so the leader of the innkeeper to confuse this, a lot of people does why you manage to being more than 2000000 people in case of then toward for in get back to the end. you cannot afford really can't afford to have people not in discipline and people to do as they wish. and so we're, we have veterans who are seeing that as soon as this letter is going to the, the better for us. and the better for at u. m. k parties spokesperson, someone knows a lot, a says they did not take the indices findings as a ruling because zoom is legal team and told me in gwinnett a season presented to when not finished with the, to the was a document that,
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you know, from a ruling from the nbc, the national disappeared requirement to that was simulating and social media. they took the train tonight to be in today and on site. it was linked by the a c. and you can tell of the back of what happened this morning because this morning we received an end is the ruling sign, but back date to the 28th. now what's really disturbing is that a very senior veteran within the n c went to national tv last night, basically confirming that indeed this document was a real document and it is going to be science today. physically, he's confirming that it doesn't leave the document. so it can be confirming that this is a decision that had been taken and would be signed today, date to the 29th, a guess what, 2 days later that we get it signed the 28th, the back date that you would remember and know that to zoom a has been called ab stabilizing free game of the country, even though he is the fall to the mt policy for the foot 14th of seats off the
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national vote in the 1st election. it has ever contested, in case surprising, see off the vote was the prime factor in the in see which already for the 1st time since the end of a party to meetings, to the formation off of the existing multi particularly the issue that we're faced with today. we do know that to the mt pots he had refused to join the coalition and has become the official position as the 3rd biggest party in parliament before the report it exposed in a few days after the 2024 general election results, results were decayed, is by himself said that she's policy presents an alternative to the, the political options in the country. i did set up a dentist at least and put it back to contest the part you a and a very serious. that is why i did so they come from this, they don't fight for the dom fighting kind of grouping. i fought for my
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freedom in this country for freedom of black people. in this case, the former president has lots responded to his expulsion, and it is on see if he might simone to legal case to challenge this decision. as he only is a has and done. but he does have $21.00 days to appeal to this outcome from a south african government special advise a cfo c, but told all to he's not surprised at the action taken the game 3 months. why? because the ex presidents, current function has bruised the ruining amc polity edit toward a i missed those. why has it truly violated to the section 25 of the constriction? so there is nothing obvious about the party decided to do so and to put them through a d. c, because that is considered to be a cd us misconduct. but besides who might have made it very clear that you would
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prefer it? did this say post this should be held in public and part of the reason was to expose the, the policy of the a to see in dr. many, members of the agency including the former president at. ready big who is seeming to have worked with pups, is that to a look you know, i and so we the 8 see by the or what does the, with the 81 must have been, but that that particular goal was informed of the double. the bt stuff update you needed to defeat a trudy the clip as we say it from a please until tomorrow. as the logistics for the position of the prison to the agency, you will have it for popular data. who has to be responsible for the next destination of the agency. so what do we have? yeah, it is a party that is marking out of that shoot relation that day,
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the software and the, the we, the formation of m. k parking lot is our rundown often use. so for, for those on punch, more towards all to dot com is the place view updates for out of the day. check it out and have a great week the the supply chain need to change the issue, but i see it was
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a shame to see us monday and we'll see it. yeah, sure, sure. 0 number. so that was missing here. i'm in florida. just increased stuff in which is it my wife worked on the dish. the dish has stuff that's in the .


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