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tv   News  RT  July 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news own ops, a new crate and confirm this intelligence services all supports a separatist in africa as com. is that the fog that we have? it fights on looking to shed the evidence. died in a recent clash in monte full. so it has really, you're lost around with me, your card in the book, the traitor to the country. that's the message from nicholas and that there are 2 dogs in time need. uh his quote for that of the way the ministry put in. so read off to be a company that was re elected swift time pissed president for us
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to wage into the middle east conflict to save the palestinians. has comments come a minute. troy massett flour off on the 11th and is route for that with visit the reach of the is at you can close the full scale. the just struck 6 pm here in moscow. we live from our h q long, special, letting us, and that's got to us stories. well, some breaking news to begin with an admission from the ukrainian military intelligence that they provided. information to set protest full says in molly, which also made and out the rebels to ambush a convoy wigfall gonna pmc fighters in the west africa nation. all of this week. he has claims, though, that it is acting within the framework of international in the shuffle. spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has
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already seen this in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose in details, but let's say there will be a continuation. this is sensitive information. therefore, everything that you claim does is happening within the limits and within the framework of international law, taking into account all the necessary procedures is how this comes is all to certain soul says have confirmed the presence of ukrainian loss and he's on the african continent. and i q of, i'll give him a flight ticket, was prepared to provide evidence of that was killed in recent flashes of money. the one is broke out last week between a set participant group and the countries all me, which has to be in the collaborating with fault. and then just remind you that it's a russian power minute to break. both sides have confirmed casualties. since video is online, showing numerous parties alongside destroyed armies, vehicles with plumes of smoke rising from them. we got more details right now
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from steve sweeney, who's joining me in the studio. i mean, steve, acute have the admit, said it's supported separatism in west africa. just break down the submission for us. well, so we've seen this for teachers to it because i think we're not to be exclusive footage given to auntie, which appeared to show you quite new forces fighting against the russian forces from the vault private village. she company in molly, not we've now how did a mission from ukraine that is full, she's having data allied with rebels in law, the rebels from the 2 reg group and they were targeting russians. and we've seen the gruesome footage of this attack on a convoy that now in this tenets on, on monday and very useful, who is a member of the military intelligence of ukraine, a mistake the key i've had supported douglas set protest against russian fights, as he said, that they received the necessary information which allowed the successful military
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operation against what he described as russian welcoming it was. and he said he wouldn't discuss the details at the moment, but there is more to come. now, we since seen footage off to a reg rebels who are pictured holding up a ukrainian flag alongside the t rex log this was allegedly involved in this is according to the key of post one of those fights is one of the 2 a rag set purchase now, he posted a message which was written in ukrainian on social media, and he describes those fighters as a brothers fighting against what he described as russian criminals. message to ukrainian brothers dear ukrainian brothers read the armed forces of csp gpa, one to express, also directly with your fight against russian criminals. we have captured a significant number of wagner as mercenaries, and we like to end or these captives to you as a sign of support and sold the already. this gesture is intended to help you in
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your fight for justice and freedom. we hope that this will contribute to the strengthening of our ties and our shared victory with all support the cpg p 8 armed forces. now it's important to note that the, this is a member of the high chain of minute tree. come on, he's a foot. so would you please don't the 1st time that he's reached out to you pricing on social media. he's offered kev prisoners from the vault group. now, again, we're not entirely sure how many people were killed. according to molly and false is at least 10 people were killed at the set protest claim mall. but reports on line suggest somewhere between 20 and 50 people were killed in that bottle and one was involved in a fight as will he described that bottle from july 22nd to july 27th, 2024. the mailing armed forces service, men and fighters, of the 13th, a sole detachment of the wagner bmc for stairs battles in the vicinity of the
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settlement of things out. and with milton's from the cards, a nation of as or what the movements and the terrace group. ok, the in the set, how bound in the russian federation. over the next 2 days, the radicals increase the number of mass of attacks using heavy weapons, you avi's and suicide vehicles, which result in loss is on the part of the wagner pmc and the mailing armed forces, as well. he mentioned the cost financing against. i'll tell you the in the saw whole region. i'll tell you to, of course, i know toby is terrorist organization. well, absolutely. i mean, i think i want to ask you, these things tend to come not a soul incidence. is this the only a reading of the ukrainians, cardio preaching and well, no, it's not. but it's 1st, it's important to point out the price in face that it's operating within international result. but of course it seems incredibly open to charlotte and saying is that most of these are supporting terrorist as we've heard our kite that
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supporting to accept protect. so one of which is explicitly against international orange types of double standards here because hey, we see you crying meeting to supporting set purchased. and molly, yeah, of course it doesn't apply the same logic when it comes to set prices in its own country. now perhaps there's no surprise that you quite new false is all being hired by these western private minutes. the companies we know they've been in molly and other readers in africa fighting among proxy forces that of course, yeah, the teaching at the tutor except for just for example, we know that being teaching them to fly drones. you know you ivy's which allows him to carry on precision strikes and you crate of course with the conflict raging and not come to use the most experience in this new type of molding come up. but as you said, this isn't the only a reading or that we see you crazy and prophecies or ukrainian forces fighting. now they are set to be fighting alongside was deemed to be sylvia in rebels. but of
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course we know that means all kite. i'll no, sir, i told her, i'll show him and various uh, g. how this organizations there. but there in syria fighting against russian forces, who, again, trying to sweep see, we are clear of taylor risk, but there's also allegations that cab has most refinancing in suit. now all of this comes at the same time that fighting in various countries across the middle east. across africa. yeah, they're sustaining shoes. losses on the battlefield. oh, well, definitely seems an interesting not choice. a priority is that was a to steve sweeney towards the me bring us that story. thank you, steve. now is a to lapse in america specifically and found his way last, what nicholas material has officially been declared the window of the presidential election scoring 51 percent of the votes cost. but while the incumbent has won the nation's top job for a 3rd time, correct,
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because has accused several latin american nations of interference. the bullet varying republic of venezuela denouncing the looks, the world about an operation of intervention against the electoral process. all right, to self determination in the self and t of a homeland by group of foreign governments empowers this group a version of the infamous, defunct, and defeated lima group, which includes government officials from argentina, costa rica, ecuador, guatemala, panama, paraguay, peru, uruguayan, the dominican republic. those very same people who recognize the puppet in 2019 and tend to impose it today in 2024. while before the votes had even been found to be auctioned, time president denounced the results, the cooling of what some say sounds like a dictator. magoo ro out argentina is not going to recognize another fraud and hopes that the armed forces this time will defend democracy and the
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popular will freedom advances in latin america. mulay mulay, people who lost around with me, you carly, bug, you traitor to the country. you're a fascist. the people have already said no to savage capitalism and from good customer. and isabella, i say no to me like a note, the nazi fascist knew a of the 9 nations venezuela has accused of election into fair and for one part of the so called lima group. now this blog open 1000 and latin american countries plus canada, was established in 2017 to apply international pressure, incorrect cuz the lima group supported opposition need to apply to back in 2019 cooling on the front as waiting and all me to oust the do right well, move, washington was highly supportive of this time again. the west has expressed concern over the legitimacy of the election results. we've seen the announcement just a short while ago by the venezuelan electoral commission. we have serious concerns
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that the result announced does not reflect the will or the votes for the runners. why don't people, it's critical that every vote the county fairly and transparently, that election officials immediately share information with the opposition and independent observers without delay. and up the electoral authorities publish the detail tabulation about the international community is watching this very closely and will respond accordingly. back in 2019 washington to support the bill position and accusing like i said, mature of rigging the 2018 election us could be recognized his opponents, one quite low as the legitimate needs of declaring him into the president. the you and the several south american states followed suit. meanwhile, countries such as russia, china, iran, they continued to consider that they were to be the right price. in the
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meantime, on his way the house be receiving con, congratulations from across the globe. so again, the same play as russia, china, iran, have the right to express support forwarder, and the readiness to walk with him. the cuban president has also spoken out describing the re elective need as victory as a serious hello to imperialism. nicholas madura, my brother victoria, which is dots of i believe, audrey and chevy, sta people escalating late and all the quickly defeated the probably be really stopped position. we've got the whole, what's the best amount in career. he's the head of news at the cradle outlet, and he says that the all just one president was really fit within this. why do us strategy of installing pro washington leaders from last in american? come to them. i made the motion for a 2nd. i, the q one president over the me cut out on president, went out or diminish all the pressing, right, went out and said to be ours in senior and our forces, you need to take power from these mathematic,
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we starving that people are continuing our thinking, thoughts out of the garbage cans to read. inflation is through the roof. salaries are. busy this people cannot afford me for they cannot afford food. right? this is what's happening in argentina is to call on they are forces ride to take to take by power. the sized strategy organ siding more of inciting, fighting of naming, fake leaders, right? they want to not call it window gonzalez, the actual president. this isn't on white though. 2 point, oh, nothing less. 5, the united states comes out and gives out these statements about the they don't believe the democratic system, how they move the most out as one who they have, believe it then we're going to spell it 1st of all. so it's a, a. busy the world's largest proven oil ever serve in the world. if you're wondering why the united states is so constantly concerned about, you know, the, the democratic processing bit as well as which let's be honest it's, it's more, it's more transparent and more of a well regarded on the one in the united states. right. i mean, it's. busy it's,
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it's quite difficult. it's near impossible to complete all the things to their electronic boating system that needs to match to the physical bollocks before results are given by. do you have the card or easy to going election after election and $35.00 that the system works and he's transparent and the fraud is committed because probably be immediately apparent. right? so a been, it's when i really sadly has become difficult. but the reason i have the world but mainly and nothing america right off the evils of the last of the evils of social these. and i think now those big 30 shows the so allowing people to recognize that and recognize that uh they cannot vote for uh for a party for uh, officials that support sanctions. and they may, since i have called multiple times for invasion, for a fact spart air strikes on their country. and then, you know, this is why you,
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so this is right after the next day, the results right now is that, that said it, it'd be the best way to run these want 5 because peace has one event as well as opposed to what these us back officials want which is to light a fire to start some sort. busy of biling brokers again as we saw in 2015 and in 2017 to try to force their our forces into watching. i guess the government which is something thing that simply not going to happen. they talk as president, has grab headlines with his very forceful suggestion as to how to establish peace in the middle east. his remarks compliment, yet, spotted the escalation in the beach and with the ramping up of deputy lebanese is really exchanges. remember, usually we must be very strong so that these real can not strike palestine just like we ended got a box, just like we end of libya, we can do the same thing to them. there is nothing stopping us from doing this. we must only be stones that take these steps, president de,
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when these ranting and raving again, he is a danger to the middle east. we wouldn't accept threats from a want to be dictate to, to recap of what happened over the weekend. so the ideas carried out as strikes against multiple targets in southern lebanon was this was on sunday night, according to the is raise, the military fight to jets. attack has blocked targets, including stalls, unquote, terrorist infrastructures. however, the reports coming from within that but, and say that actually it was residential areas that were hit videos shut on. not really give us a sense of the scale of the disruption. well, the barrels came in response to an attack on a piece really occupied colon heights area. so 12 people, well, a 12 lives the play. then with the victim said the age between 10 and 2011 is pro palestinian minutes. whereabouts has blah has denied responsibility,
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claiming the incident was actually closed quite as well as own on cheap missile system. well, on sunday, hundreds of people gathered to me on the victims of the attack and the 3rd and heights, and the very same day. he is ready to secure to cabinet held an emergency meeting to determine the country. the members of the cabinet authorized the prime minister and the defense minister to decide on the matter and timing of the response against it has bullets earliest organization, multiple states, all warning about the risk of a full scale war in the middle east, with some cooling on the citizens to avoid, we leave 11 and immediately, all is simple based, corresponding yes. and i can take sauce through what's behind this latest 5th reaction for mine, for as we understand over the past 24 hours, there's been a bit of back and forth. tit for tat in one way or another. the statement provided by church president are the one on sunday, essentially insinuated that the turkish officials,
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whether that is by way of turkish armed forces or other means would in one form or another. take part in establishing some sort of a, a peace deal or some sort of a, a cessation of hostilities, of course, and the statement provided by the church present. elizabeth, ambiguous, and of course, objectively speaking did leave a lot for the human imagination. however, speaking to officials, it on color, they suggested that the church present did not necessarily refer to boots on the grounds or any true in any form of intervention. and with reference to libya and cut out. but we understand that the charge on forces in one way or another, was involved in these campaigns, but not necessarily physically or by essentially sending boots on the ground. we understand that and cut out by the turkish military provided logistical support for our positive age. on an, in libya, a mandate was approved in turkish parliament by way of a un peacekeeping mission. so the church presidents reference did not necessarily insinuate that on could or would be interested in sending boots to the ground. but it appears that israel did refer essentially, except that as
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a threat. and it did double down suggesting that the church president was essentially who spend is going to be similar to that of. so that was saying other one is going down the path of saddam hussein instructions to attack israel. he should just remember what happened there and how that ended, what happened due to the full to the united states and the rock has become synonymous with the absolute evil of american foreign policy. it's criminal nature and disruptive orientation. do these words are these rarely minutes to a minute approval of such international activities? meanwhile, the exchange of fund continues with the ideas claiming dive into set to a drone, launched by husband law, lebanese media report in ton, that is where he strikes have killed the is 2 people in southern towns, the country is main regional baccha. iran. how's accused? as role of cementing instability and security in the region is our unique design industry gene is really showing the ugliest face of a criminal gang. generally, they are not a government. they are
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a gang of criminals, a gang of murderers, a gang of terrorists, of mol, on the story that's cost, live to your tuckers. think tax security studies research, call me back to welcome to the program. i was going to ask you about the ones wives . i mean, i would, one in the cost has made quite graphic descriptions, comparing obviously, nets and y'all to to hit law. and some people off. is this just rack to rec, or is he actually going to do something and take action to help the palestinian people? what do you think? hello, 1st of all, thanks for having me. and i heard your a some old correspond loads of interpretations and information. first of all, these disputes are found on the not true for any mandatory infant integration. as we see from the word media, there are some roads regarding to interfere too,
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or invasion, or using or something. these are, these are wrong because what are the for? it was 1st the car box. and this deep, this does not necessarily mean any mis, totally interaction to any party. this was some part for other by john and cho, keys is support for other by john was now is suited for and one. and the 2nd examples are drawn wasn't dba, entered key side of the way to you and so forth to you and you could not groups. now that has been very constellation between the parties in d. b, a and full scope process is ongoing. anthro key is contributing to this process. so that was never an invasion in both concrete. so this should not come as a truck to invite any party. so yes, this is this a rhetoric? yes, this is a rental, right?
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it's not a secret. and sometimes politician meg from, you know, i guess it's come months forever. this people fired on is never trapped in wait any one. this is clear. oh, okay, i want to ask you though, i mean, obviously talk to you as a member of nato. now the overwhelming majority, i think that's probably side of nato countries and thoughts and the, the ones that need to, you know, the us, they all hauled pool supporters office. well, they've made up so you know, secret out that they supply it with the homes. do you think that took his position on the palestinian question? uh, tell me, cools any difficulties within the block. you know, i don't think so. actually these are separate issues and nature is more of the fence organization. and as you know, the different policies of nato coffee is in many issues, including the behind clinic, many,
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many crisis in all the order of natural copies of interest can diverge also when it comes to the fact that we can talk about different things forever and is ready to issue the ongoing crisis and gaza is a big problem. although towards the chan, 1st of all, it's all policies and interest. and this is possible even within the nature and try to harsh different sizes as far as some of the nature of allies and this actually normal, enormous jason and uh, i don't think sold out though the advice is within the, within the organization. it should be mentioned that like the, the 1st reaction of is $84.00 in minnesota. was it one more? turn something done to add on speech and actually like likely no longer to saddam uh,
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i think it's actually be on the lines. and what i want to say is that like we need to calm down all the politicians. and as we researches as the and experts we need to call months more calm to the rational date so that when level be midsize condition, we shouldn't expect that. and actually, the problem here is the mentoring process in gaza until the key is so concerned about what's happening in there. and as you all know in the level, it's not on the part of the coffee. israel is now a bigger cost in calls trying for a trickier any invasion or an outside in, in gone depression or the expensive operation targeting and solve them part of level long as the law or whatever additional for the uh this, the lives the reason and this it because i'm far trogie and i actually relate to
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our adult speech with this is a condo small start to deter israel. well, i would definitely agree with you. go, come back to cool. head still need to prevail. diplomacy needs to be revived. i'm afraid that is what we have time for, but we appreciate your input. that was talk us thing, talk security studies research at book and bought to thank you very much. thanks for having me. thanks a lot. the fost in the line of 5122, cool. one of russia's top special forces units directorate, a of the f as the best one or and as alpha is multi, it's 50 a sign of us 3 creatures back in the sergent union to counter rising terrorism throughout the world. the unit probably couldn't imagine it would be thrown into action in most of itself in 1993 and then somebody was difficult, special operations on home soil, you course don't have to accept threat. and it's hard to overestimate the impact of
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this order has had on russia security. this document is the birth certificate for the alpha group created to tackle emissions, most delicate and deadly. and what, what is that? what was the alpha unit was folded on july 29th, 1974. by order of jo reflected mirror will be drawn, drop off the heads of the k g b who before and it was created for 3 reasons. first, the olympics was supposed to be held in 1918, which, you know, what happened at the olympics is really athletes was subjected to a terrorist attack and everyone in the world was good. it might happen again. i don't government guarantee that we would hold the olympics properly. they guaranteed safety for the 2nd reason is that in many of our opponents countries such units had already been created. and the 3rd reason there was a spree in the eighty's of, let's call it aerial terrorism. i think why a spree exactly. because those disciplines who did not perceive all government is desirable for them so to speak, tried to leave the soviet union at the time, it was difficult to leave the soviet union,
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and they took one approach hijacking airplanes. since its inception, the alpha has had no time to be idle, and soon transcended its initial purpose. in 1993 rush, i found it so rolling towards the civil war and made a severe constitutional crisis. suppose his opponents of then president yeltsin plunged most to into violence. the nation watched in tara as tanks, dismantled the parliament. when all failed, the president, some of the alphas group as the last resort. the orders were just to the building and crushed the rebellion with fall since reputation alone achieved. what time fire couldn't last the 3 if you go in 1993, a mate boris yeltsin, ordered us to store in the parliament building our office of that total. yet
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excited went out there with the white flag. he said guys, we're from alpha, and we've received an order that we will follow later. so you know what's coming to the site. we for veronica, the internal affairs minister was inside with, if you knew what house it was, and i understand he told his people who would that that resistance is futile. and it's off the 20 minutes. everyone came out to the bull healthy. so definitely a lot of background russia faced the most pop arrick flow church and terrorist attacked and to cost digital whole towns, theaters have porch alpha king to their age. and the most dire of the times. it's every to and if there's one attack that stands out, that would be this long, 2000 for the blues,
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2 decades on entry. cool move. and also group veteran still vividly remembers the moment he got the cool dia, while shooting, you know, from car i was driving right after the opening day assembly on september. first, we had taken my kids to school and then i went about my business. at that moment, i got a call from my boss. he said it was up to me since i was on a break. but if i decided to go, because we were flying out immediately as we had been alerted and i asked again what had happened. he responded, and you don't know, didn't you see the news? while driving? i usually listen to music, not the news to me. he told me a school had been captured in best long. what choice did i have? i put in, i only had one choice. i said, i'm flying with you for your for fire and you know force was more prepared for the task at hand. then alpha group, but a hostage situation with over a 1000 people, most of them children trapped inside a bomb written school. i presented a challenge like no other way, but i did
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a 3 year old here. we conducted training exercises and we'll some groups had similar mock up, but our group did not have such a mock up in your groups. task involved the gymnasium or to the initial objective was the gymnasium, and we were supposed to storm in with 2 armored personnel carriers and entered the gym as quickly as possible to divert the attention of the terrorist. and then all the other groups were supposed to enter afterwards after we had begun combat operations. but it turned out a bit differently when we entered this became clear, and it also became clear to the terrorists that their lives would end today we. because events took place that got out of their control. as i understand it, the plan they had fell a part during the operation and drake, whom of was injured and almost mowed down by a machine gun or something he loves off now as a minor detail. i needed to reach the group already inside the school, so i tried,
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i thought they'd covered some distance and established some kind of safe zone. but


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