tv News RT July 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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my show is called direction, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside the car. i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of it is well, a headquarters in color bows out. this is very typical of what they call the color revolutionists. the green goes design. nicholas which are a points the thing, the us for organizing at a temperature to crew in that as way, lot outsides with leaks. exposure says that the food accusations against president, all based on us c, i a link poll real time i have the scales and as well as why says to me and i to yeah, that's been a good, it's attention all sold to systems. the fact did all of you think of the kind of
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video present on the mean time steps that members to pay what the rate can be justified to insert a stick in a person's rectum use that legitimate yes. these in the tablet, fascism. in fact, that's the view of the editor in chief of germany's band, compact magazine and an exclusive interview with the opposite. it is the most serious encroachment on german press law since 1945 and is an expression of a new fascism that is being promoted by parts of the government. the . it's just on 6 pm here in a most go wherever you are. joining us from a. 6 job but you all, we always appreciate you choosing o t t o stories. well, let's begin in venezuela was at 20 military offices across the nation have been
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injured in post election classes with dozens of protest is arrested. people took to the streets on monday, facing off with police and findings post as the president's image were elected to a son tom. and also nicholas missouri has slammed the west for once again, trying to undermine the policy in this country. the. i'm getting an image here of the building of the united socialist body of it is well, a headquarters in color bozo. here it is in killable is a group of criminals. we are coming for all of you when the rest assured, when i say something i do it when we do it, they have also proceeded to burn down holes. that's our headquarters of public power. this is very typical of what they call the color revolutions. the green goes designed? well, we've just heard that from the man is waiting president nicholas my daughter,
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and he certainly didn't minutes his words. he's speaking about an old, his face had 5 fist crew and he said, this is straight out of the us play book of color revolutions. it's a kind of thing that we seen in nicaragua and cuba. part of the so called troy cove, to the as labeled by washington. now, one of the 1st things that happens according to the us playbook is condemnation of the election result to cause downwards over it. switch it to messy. we've heard a statement now from a group of us little by because dictator nicholas madura has once again stolen the presidential election. however, wasn't the narc regime will never steal, is the vanesso as people desire to return to democracy and live in freedom. after decades of tyranny, we must prioritize uniting the free world in rejecting this shim election results. the 2nd part of the playbook as a quarter, as well organizing protests coding on the opposition to take to the streets, to defend that democracy. they take them as peaceful process as we've seen the
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anything faults. but this is a narrative that is then played out by us for and these global media. we can take a look at the streets of venezuela. now the, what we've just seen is exactly what we saw back in 2019, when again. but dodo, one, the presidential election that we so months of vine and protested update to the stabilize the country. i mean, we've all seen those images that anything piece for, and yet this narrative is being pushed that the people are really just coming out. i'm calling lee austin the door to step down as well as we think this is anything,
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but the case we know is at least 20 minute to offices where they've been wounded in these classes as well. do it. i pointed out his policy offices in one of the and his wife and states while they've been at southern style. now, i spoke to an observer this morning now he said that he was set to leave the country. his coach was leaving from the capital, cut off costs to the airport. what? and he said it was set upon by a group of what he described as us by right wing sucks. now they have to return back to cut off because now that he said he's having to stay in a hotel for his own safety for at least 2 days. and he described the savings on the street of correct us as an orchestrated co. now in the midst of all this, and again, this is a strace out of the us playbook. the opposition is quite victory over there. so now we want to tell open his way then to the entire world advantage where that has your view president elect. and it is going to gonzalez for this is
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a game exactly what we saw in 2019 and made the violent protest the out of nowhere, a paid one. why those who play despite and never having to even run the in the election to be the legitimate president of venezuela? well, i'm going to claim to have won the opposition this time has claimed to have one. what's the evidence to back up is to it's, well, there's very little evidence and very little compelling evidence has been put forward so far. and in fact, the international observers, they have a more than 600 of them from countries across the world. well, they said that there was no evidence of any rigging that the vote was free. fair and transparent. well, the opposition and a combined media, a claim you're going to is this. a poll from edison research, which gave the opposition kinds of edmondo gonzalez. but he's like, put in my head on 65 percent of the vice ahead of the election books is not a,
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as it seems, as we see leaks, points out then as well as right wing opposition and u. s. media outlets claim there was fraud in the july 28th election based on an exit poll done by us government linked firm edison research, which works with c. i a link us state propaganda oregon's, and was active in ukraine, georgia and a rack. now what they're fighting to do is to listen to the, the more respectful organizations, including him to life is now ahead of the vote. they estimated the do. i would poll with just over 54 percent of the vote. $54.00 compared to 42.8 percent for gonzalez, which is practically what the result showed. now what's interesting is that we're seeing americans playing the same scenario over and over again in venezuela that have been at least 12 attempted to use in the last 20 years. must most of them
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accused of being old to cited from abroad. hey, we can hear from one of the alleged orchestra items in the united states. we just have to be clear that our venezuela policy over the last year and a half has been unmitigated disaster. all we did was play all our cards on day one and it didn't work and it's just been an embarrassing mistake after mistake. since 1st we thought that getting, why go to declare himself present would be enough to topple using then we thought putting aid on the border would be enough. then we tried to serve construct a kind of who in april of last year and it blew up in our face. when all the generals that were supposed to break with madero decided to stick with him in the end. well, 4 years later on murphy's back again, and he's saying almost exactly the same thing that you said in 2020 not. let's take a listen. the selection was mode, but repression. well, before venezuelan started costing violets with exit post precinct level reporting
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and the wave of enthusiasm for the opposition coalition make it nearly impossible to the president mature rose claims the victoria credible. so this seems to be part of a vicious circle, elections rejections, violence, and repeat. now washington has also ensued, but it's going to impose, i knew by team of functions on venezuela to finish by that of course, already under heavy sanctions from washington. but for now, the united states is very sole, but when it's so it's dangerous. the us government has been trying to strangle the venezuelan economy. it started with sanctions in 2017. that prevented essentially the country from accessing international capital markets and the oil company from restructuring its loans that put venezuela into a hyper inflation. that's when the social humanitarian crisis. so you went
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spiraling out of control. another round of even tighter sanctions. essentially, i confiscating the earnings and the assets of the venezuelan government took place . now then as well as in complete utter catastrophe. a lot of it brought on by the united states, deliberately creating massive, massive, softly, while some concave all following washington from the aging coverage in the volumes on that as well as the streets. we also hearing the voices of support for the re elected president across the world with nations like russia, iran, south africa, syria, north career expressing confidence in montero facing the most customers to come out budging. external powers to net correct because handled its own and tied to the 5 a mortgage. if we can see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat, although we believe that the opposition should do so. it should congratulate the winters of this election. of course, it's very important that attempts to sway the situation inside venezuela are not
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fueled by 3rd countries, 3rd parties, and that then as well as free from outside interference. go fall. a policy should respect the choices made by the venezuelan people. we believe that the government and the people are capable of handling the domestic affairs of the country need. we have from the way on freelance journalist to meet freedom, the scar us, and alex torrell absolve of himself. he says that the process is he for, it was peaceful and transparent, but the washington will seize any opportunity to dismiss the results of a legitimate what i have seen here is a very impressive electoral system. i concur with the judgement, for example, of the national lawyers guild, which is not a crew, mature organization that it was a free fair and transparent election. and every single election observer here that i've spoken to concur isn't that as well. i walked for 90 minutes in central caracas late monday afternoon after the violence it began and i was alone and no
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one was guiding me. i just room the street sort of arbitrarily. i did not see any protest. i did not see any violence. the situation was calm to work too many people on the streets. uh, but my overall sense of it is that there are pockets of agitation. but for the most part, the capital was orderly income. and the concern that i think many of us have is that there will be an escalation, but at this stage of things seem to be quite under control. and the other thing we should mention is that there are also hits and celebrations, or particularly in working class neighborhoods. the many supporters of the ignited socialist party have been expressing peacefully their happiness with the okay. so it's not just, you know, education protest, there's also celebration the reality i think here is that the united states and it's western allies, i think more accurately described as fast as my from canada. and i routinely talk
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about the fact that my government is subservient to the dictates of washington. they simply don't like the results. that's what this is about. and they are going to fabricate any kind of a pretext for refusing to recognize the results and agitating for regime change in the country. and that will potentially have disastrous card consequences which will go beyond the border borders of it as well. and we've seen this repeatedly with us for depression change efforts, and i'm hopeful that the situation will come down quickly. washington has a lot of display right now outside of venezuela. and perhaps they are going to invest the time and energy necessary the to create for the problems in the country will just have to see the israel's high court of justice is expected to hold the 2nd hearing all the human rights groups petition demanding the pleasure of an idea detention center for palestinian prisoners that will be late from august. and that's off the ride to school into the facility on monday, i met classes with mid a to please. delta is actually minus to break into the bates and admitted to pay
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the at least $9.00 soldiers suspected of abusing a palestinian prisoner well being interrogated on the height of the time audio. they've been taking some questioning from the set them on just having some system issues, which should also be rounded on by protesting. meanwhile, the semester full, a sheets of exchange between new me cuz a member of the right when you look for the policy for, for a voting so i can parliament install it. our team will see a rest. his soul says, which sparks attempt debate on whether or not abuse is of a justified the uh, the incentives he that outcomes the scene around this story. it's crazy and we need to stop it. and i think we need to give
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a personal example here. i see now and i called other coalition members to do the same. i'm getting up and i'm leaving and i'm not going to vote on anything any more until this story. and this insanity that someone in the prosecutor's office thinks it's possible to come and address soldiers for things they're doing to the not but saturday is not over. and i am really asking, and i think my colleagues and friends will do well if they do the same, is i this week, and i'll continue as usual to insert a stick and a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's in the bud everett fan, is legitimate. everything about the situation, assuming the deepening will red 18. correct. the within the next in your in government as the pm's opposition? well yeah. like that has come down to the violence will send them on to not the right when connected members have joined to the demonstration. the fact we are not on the brink of the abyss we are in this old red lines. were crossed as a if need on the who does not fly the ministers who participated in this fight and
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race today. he is not fit to represent the state the for his role. of all those protest including as we hubs is really no made because administers, have gathered to defend the soul. just saying they will quote, just to bring that show all the protesters have to the soldiers, detentions shameful as human rights activists welcomed the investigation. meanwhile, local media suggested netanyahu's cabinet is worrying that it's no time support to the united kingdom. will things stop almost exports to as well? and i'll be on display forces, allegedly within the diplomatic, cool se fis on the rise, that all the nations may follow suit. well, since i didn't realize that actually a new paper or a change made this shit longer than has robust some of the previous government's policies funding for the you, an agency for palestinian refugees has been restored. while the objection to the i,
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c warrant on top is radius specials, has been withdrawn. however, the room is about and expected cost to also sofa that needs to all sounding unlikely. these really is a country surrounded by people who would love to see it's on. i elation he's being attacked by the horses. me cells are being fired from his bola. notwithstanding the desire for how much to what is real off the map. for those reasons, it would not be right to have a blanket ban between our country and these rail is a mobile phones. it's raised, the stalls there is only, i mean, is a use and the actually the phase only get a lot different team data. so they don't really need all the sol supplies in order to continue to 0, but as soon as it states and most of the time is continue to on and so do you disabilities, right? so in general, i can see that there are some governments or default to is our new old times.
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whatever happens. so they, i guess the thoughts that it has responded to a has blog type only in his reading minute 3 sites that left one person dead is there also claims to have struck 10 targets in 7 different areas in southern lebanon overnight? well, this one is a wave of find that exchanges between israel and lebanon on mondays, free people were getting the lebanese village of fall remonde idea extra is all believe to been used in the attack that left the civilians hot and cause a place separate strikes our reports have taken place in the towns of putting on ship all tensions wrapped himself over the weekend. following has been as electric strike on the golden heights that claims the lives of 12 years old, or the military has denied any responsibility is really probably missed of a filed response. cindy, nothing through the state of these real will not and cannot let this pass. our
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response will come and it will be harsh way spoke to us about an career news address of west asian focused outlet. the cradle, he predicts it is rout, choose us to go head to head with has the law. it will. i'm nation a region wide conflict tracking and a number of players at this point easily. com saw read the date so you know the cost then either i'll keep saying we're going to have tag by the by mid february. then they said, we're gonna start by mid april that they west june. anyways, july were coming in on august and now they're saying they're going to attack in a few days that they want to war the last few days delivered these people. they continue on with their lives because there's really no other ways to well, about right we, they are now, this is not a line of said there is a have more than one passport and kind. you're not the trouble, perhaps grab a plane and go live somewhere else. this is their land. this is where they are. find me. these are from israel simply. after 9 months has been unable to defeat the
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risk. the policy never ceased as even gossip, which is the smallest member of the resistance axis, right? because bola is magnet, those of size larger and strong. there it has better armament, and they are capable of heating east row, we to guide it and on guided me cells across the entirety of the occupied territories. the moment is ralph decides to spend the debt to expand the war of name on, on these the moment. these are all gets bogged down in the median beaker conflict that they have no way out of it. why do they have no way out of? because there is no interest from the political sphere to reach a ceasefire in, gosh, because his ball at just like the human needs and the right to receive the best. i've said stopped the current michigan gusta and we will stop the fighting as well over in iran reform as to missouri to possess can have been sworn in as a new president of the country and which was a significant change in the country's political landscape because he is or need the
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2nd need of me from the reformer, spotty, well being alteration. so i'm going to place them uranium parliaments and central power on those strong international presence with representative some dozens of countries in attendance and treating for sale, south crib, egypt, capital india, and many more as that scan. having now taken the earth and especially become the wrong night president stairs all the tools available to him to stay his nation. for tabulate times. fascism has a ton to to job many, none of the same, the financing, any add to a position. but it's all the faults of the editor in chief of compact magazine fund by palin, of the accusations of inciting hatred towards minorities and undermining the constitution. this is the 1st day i am. it is the most serious encroachment on german press law since 1945 and is an expression of a new fascism that is being promoted by parts of the government are face above all
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by the greens and interior minister nancy face of the s b d. one and this measure is unprecedented because it affects the largest opposition medium in the country. the s p d. this month, the nation's ontario ministry, slap the guy, go to on compacts accusing it of being a mouth piece for right wing extremism. such as of the outlets office on the home. so that stuff came hard on the heels of thought with the circulation of 40000 compact magazine was widely seen as a backup help the job an a f d party. and in line with the political group took the stand against sending weapons and money to ukraine. but it seems that it's not the case 1st law such as a local forward season, the sex now and how the state shut down a festival host of in on of the band magazine. and that was followed by police track down on a demonstration in the neighboring city of get up several investigations with then launched yoga. and as last speaking again now has 5 fact. so
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a choosing the job and government itself opinion fine, nation of the constitutional into come to come talk compact has been around for 14 years. we are represented in news agents all over the country and we have a spotless legal record, which means we have never been convicted or even charged for the content we have published. we have never had to go to trial on charges of racism, anti semitism, incitement against minorities, incitement to violence, and to legally banned such an innocent magazine from one day to the next. with a clean slate is unprecedented. missy's face, the minister of the interior used to trick. she didn't found us as a press center. she found us under association law. would we, on milton associations? we are a company with 30 employees that has been making considerable profits for years through the sale of its products and as always paid its taxes carefully, i'm functioning. binding companies through the low on associations has only ever
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been done in cases such as the mafia. the mafia is not protected by the freedom of the press. the compact is protected by the freedom of the press. in the democratic states, freedom of the press is the most important good. because democracy cannot function without freedom of expression. and this important fundamental rights was suspended by the government. in the compact case, the french security forces have arrested maybe 50 people from extinction, rebellion the radical left to environmental movement. they've been accused of looking to disrupt the oncoming olympic games in paris, according to the countries interior minister. to keep the parisian this morning mentioned, the arrest of 45 people from the group extinction rebellion. can you tell us what happened on saturday morning? first of all, do you confirmed this information where you bought yes for the time being, the intelligence services have been very efficient. they were indeed close to 50
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interrogations, of individuals. and along with all of us about $150.00 in total, they were evaluated as wanting to carry out the actions of sabotage or radical protesting power, steering the initial olympic trials, which we managed to intercept and question, the hope. our 2 suspects, the group might have had a hard time disrupting the rail network before the games kicked off. a sabotage that of hundreds of thousands of travelers, stranded and costs the government and millions of heroes extinction. rebellion concerns by the environmental impacts declaring from sports in the event, has have tablets in paris. french case were filmed patching down the out to this not infamous, but blocking roads and disrupting public transport in an effort to stop government action on climate issues as close to life now, to all, to the contrib to rachel marston. i mean, right. so it looks like the fall left, the beach house, the christians, who are not in favor of transgender law, suffers to sabotage the olympic games. now,
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the interior ministers getting left to lease with the plague and fight the middle ages. one of us is the owner of, of us. yeah. hey, did anyone have the return of the plague on their bengal card for 2024, a disease with no cases in france since the 1940s between all of this olympic drama, sabotage, and now the plague. it's like, life in france has just become one big netflix reality show or something. so what's the plague drama? all about? well, french authorities apparently saw fit to inform the french press that the country's postal service near diesel, which is in the southeast, intercepted a package addressed to the french interior minister. yet i've done that now and said that upon further inspection, it contained racist insults. and also some kind of black powder, so authorities ran it through substance testing of their own and came up with
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nothing less than a positive test for the plague. but it's been set for more testing. and we're still waiting for those results. and french prosecutors have said in the meantime that it could just be a false positive which really wouldn't surprise me personally because every time i go through the paris airport security and they swap my carry on bags, i get accused of carrying nitroglycerin, which is used to make farms and end up getting pulled into secondary search, even though it's always just the glycerin in my face cream that sets it off. so again, false positive. and this only ever happens here in france, frankly, i don't have problems with face cream being mistaken for potential bombs in any other airport. so all this could very well, just be nothing french officials say that that may be the case, but hey, nasal, tell the french press about it anyway. so they spread the good word. it's not like,
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imaginations aren't already completely running while you're already on. other mysterious acts, the same ministers are definitely not targeted with this suspicious packages. fresh off from dealing with a sabotage of the french rail system. last friday that snarled olympic and weekend holiday traffic, setting fires, and cutting cables and places that looked carefully selected to maximize chaos as well as the perpetrators were blamed with on monday, john, i'll specifically gave some major side items leftist activist groups. we have identified the profiles of several people. the attacks with deliberate, very precise, extremely well targeted. this is the traditional type of action of the ultra left. so the comments from the interior minister came as press reports and merge that assess deck was arrested at one of the rail networks sites on sunday in the town about 18 kilometers south of wall in northern france. police sources describe the
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individual as an author and left wing after this, who was in possession of the keys to the trains of the trained companies, technical menus, and also some unspecified tools and conveniently alter left this literature. but initially, the very same minister did not hesitate to use the incident to conjure up the foreign interference from the non saying on saturday that he could not reload for an involvement in this fiasco. and that is all it took for the chattering classes here in france, including so called experts professionals to start wildly found the sizing about russia. yeah, because the police may be active is to want to harm the olympics. but i think the most serious clue points to actions influenced by rushes decisions. this is a method that the russians have been using extensively in recent months. we know that russia wants to disrupt the olympic games. so when ass, hey,
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did russia make the trains suck in? france on friday, which frankly, was actually hard to decipher and differentiate from all the other days here in france when the trends. also, stock for reasons is done with someone forgetting their bag or kids toy behind on the train and the bomb squad has to come and blow it up, holding several trains out for hours. so the kremlin was asked about these accusations. just the latest fates and more unsubstantiated accusations was the reply, hey, did russia also make the send river so full of people, bacteria that the men's trouble and raise had to be postponed today? or forget to order enough protein like eggs and chicken for the assets village for also forget to install any air conditioning because um, back in april.
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