tv News RT July 31, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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the, the, it is breaking news right here and off the international and assassination and tear on the leader of how this is male honey. a is targeted and taken out by an is riley strikes as the group fletchers are respond. now the fascination are coming out as off the honey, a was a, be an old gray from ceremony of a new iranian president. its around me. time is now going to an investigation. the pictures, right there is a israel attack as a suburb of a root killing, 3 and wounding over 70 of the idea of claims its intended target. a helpful outcome on the was eliminate. also in the program of molly and media saying,
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thousands of separatists are killed in an ass stripe in the countries north following an ambush on governmental forces. molly, reportedly finding traces of evidence that ukraine had a hand in the rebel attacker. we will get to those details very soon. i know jerry ever called at envoy from powers as a condemned, as the french decision to recognize morocco who was suffering see over the western sahara. you are not see, we speak with way the west is a horizontal basset to south africa who is openly slamming the move fast as the blue didn't colonial thinking. and it's good on the, on the politics that comes through the veins. and that is the event b, n a, as in the genes, the why wednesday it yourself, the 80 i'm here in most go, the middle east is firing off today in more ways than one. it is all top breaking
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you story for you this hour out of iran, hamas has announced its political bureau. chief is smiles, honey, i has been assassinated by his right. of these law mac resistance movement i'm os is mourning. the death of its leader is mile. hon yet who died as a result of a treacherous scientist rate on his residence, inter on after participating in the an occupation ceremony of the new and running and president wrong does not make revolutionary. god said that honey was capable of off to the building. he was staying and was struck. he was in tyrone and if he didn't know grace, never ons precedent that took place on tuesday. however, on has started an investigation. as initial reports coming inside the official was killed by a missile strike. of course, as 11 might imagine, following the attack, how boss has pledged or respond via such a nation of command. there is male honey, a is a color the act and will not be in vain. a bit of the background for you on demand
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that has been killed is male honey. i served as a chief of a high mosque political bureau since 2017 and has widely been consider the political leader of the group going all the way back to the 1980 he's, he's been involved with him, us in prison, the number of times by israel he's even being deported from gaza by the idea of starting in 2006. he served 8 years as a prime minister of the palestinian national authority. now israel, so it'd be $9.12 honda honda and his crow says that since it's pledge to take them out, that was well. but back off the top of the 7th on april this year and his radio strike, one central guys had killed honey h. 3 sons and grandsons. the political chiefs son's death was acknowledged by israel and then a brief statement which elijah, they were active members of how most of these really report, however, did not interest the killing a penny as grandchildren, all 6 of them were eventually buried in cost. so well, that's not more right now costing life the middle east. effect that military ex
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buddy you'll need and none of him. now joining us, your analogy international a very good morning to you. so on what is another breaking news story here out of all to international the middle east just far enough, as i said? so in more ways and one, this does seem to be quite an escalation here with a top come us official being assassinated in tyrone. i'm your thoughts basically on what type of reaction one might expect. now to come out of iran, i don't think a to change the theme on the ground, the scores. this is a big a big success bar. he's where i live as far as a big intelligence, these concepts and also it's m o or below, for how much the support is. most on the ground, the nothing we change the war and garza, we continue on also the war events itself. so overlapping on a, a, i don't think that the wrong and interested in the region of the war or even the, the, all of scary war between these are increased but not. so as i said,
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this is the only a more know a to how much substance but nothing more than that. and also it's a big failure. a for the right hand routine will, could not protect a somebody the right itself is the failure of the wrong. well yeah, i mean, okay, all right, sir, and off, i mean, you call it a moral blood to ha, so you caught a failure on the front of iran, basically being able to, to secure this man. and obviously he was that for the integration of the new president, that's going to be hundreds of thousands of people there in the capital. and yet somehow kind of beef still had the courage, the bravery, the old das city, to go off to this top hamas leader at a time when all these people in toronto celebrating the, you know, alteration of the new president. i mean, that's a pretty bold the move. wouldn't you say the o stalls, the show? the efficiency of these are the most of the carried all the set back. and this is
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the 1st time a is a assessing a through the eyes on all fish of the the revolution in regards the over the around inside the wrong is why the stall, the nuclear icon. oh, if you run from iran and brought it to his royal and also assessing a through the most impacts these are they the top sign to still be running a ball. so this only shows that the a, the secuity, the rod is not the good enough to protect its own people. well, i mean for okay, okay, you want it, but we'll, we'll, we'll go with that for now. i mean, you'll, you'll, you'll saying, you know, the most side has been behind is i'd love to know what you know from the is railey media. don't need ben a, they quoting a ballistic missile, strike an s strike. what do you know about this brazen assassination? i, i don't know the thunder corporation because the sort of keep slot, silence the prime minister or the, the old, the old, the ministers,
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not to talk about this issue. but from what i can get or estimate. i think this was an empty tech to meet on the thank me side the to shop a launched towards the bottom and the guest house where it is, my idea was a is staying in bed and then you start to see that in the bedroom where he was sleeping very early in the morning and killed him and his body got. so this means been that if it, if it was in his yet to be confirmed that if it was some sort of antique type of miss, all fired or the residency of where kind of guy was sleeping and staying. um, that means that most sides operatives uh, working freely and functional and being operational around the iranian capital the use i did running get. but the most of this, the sedation is that the game will suck every dog will be re running inefficiently and waiting to run itself. so these shows you how bad is this that you would be?
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yeah, yeah, i only been, i mean let me ask if i may, i mean, israel has been shooting at his neighbors quite a lot. these pays the young man last week 11 on what yesterday. now. now the iranian capital as well. um, i mean, you only been let, let me just be straight with me. i mean that's, we're talking 3 fronts right now for israel. i've seen a lot of independent analysts saying that israel is potentially bidding of mold and it can shoot, it seems losing a lot of tragic deaths in gotcha a lot of idea of troops that lives in that lives. lot of times i think blowing up by very simple r p, jeez. and here we always israel. now assessing 3 front lines. do you think tel aviv can do it? yes, this is only the beginning of the war. you also get the, the to use read on october 7th. she is the one that, that buy from us. and there was a huge mess of care to buy from us inside these early territories. and now he's running the funding itself because the wrong is stop at the war against the they
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use, it gets proxies from 7 front is. so this is in the eyes of these where elizabeth is the, so the defense know, call them back. and this is all in the beginning because the, it seems that the wrong is the, both of the children of all the other streaming is all the is the line live on the waiting for 5. and these are the spanish speaking. so they also have to pay the price so that at some stage i, people would see also is what i'm targeting. if you run into officials, well, you only brand this is, this is really wire and come entry, the offering. awesome. i mean, 1st of all, my sight funds were being so straight with us, your analogy international. but you know, it does seem wiring you say this is just the beginning. meantime a us aircraft carrier that was kicked out of the red sea is now coming towards israel. it seems that an american aircraft carrier is potentially gonna support israel if, for example, it continues with his northern neighbor level. no, no, you don't have it. and we're going to have to continue this token of the time. i
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mean, i, as you say, you say this is just the beginning. i hope you're wrong. yeah, i hope you're right. i'm doing, i'm go, i'll give you a night. and so the russian angular thing to russia, agent, united states and all the supreme powers, they have to intervene and spoke before. and so i don't know if we want to do that . we might even a original word, more or 3. this is already there for us to change it. yeah, yeah. i say what you're saying because also is that, you know, relations as an alliance, as will often be made of the last time. but as well, i only been when i've had really good to get you on the program. thank you very much for giving us a help on this breaking news. thank you. thank you. what all of this is basically coming on the heels of another. deadly is right. the strike which took place on tuesday and by route. the idea of 1st size it targeted, a senior has block, come onto the saying, the group had crossed a red line. as a result of the attack, 3 people were killed over 70 wounded. the
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lebanon's, a health ministry says that women and 2 children were killed in the attack. strike spa condemnation from us. the who with these around 11 on in response has announced that the launch of a barge of kamikaze, drones towards israel. and all this coming just 3 days off for an attack on the golden heights with 12 children were killed. israel blames as blah unclaimed. the attack on a route targeted a senior commander over the course of us here hang on for 2 cor. was the right hand man to cross on a swallow face bowl as leader and these advisor in planning and directing attacks and operations. he was a senior tourist who was the blood. who has the blood of these relays in many others on his hands, face bylaws,
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ongoing aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of lebanon and the entire middle east, into a wider escalation. a while, we prefer to resolve a steel. it is, we set out a wider war. the adf is fully prepared. for any scenario i to is really drones lunch. several air strikes on it has bowl a strong cold, specifically in the hot athletic area. in the south in suburb of be root reports indicate that there were casualties as a result of these asteroid carried out. but these really air force here, we can see how this building collapsed and the explosion here, the 5th and 6 floors, 3 floors total were destroyed in the rate. there is also in the adjacent building that the was targeted specifically in the upper part of this building which led to the destruction of for additional floors and damage was inflicted on buildings and bought cars in this area. definitely while, while it doesn't have warranted but rushed to the nearby buckman hospital,
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that's the strike it a densely populated area. the number of casualties may arise at the level is cleared and we heard from witnesses. i was passing here on my bike and suddenly i was hit on the head and fell unconscious. i was in my car close to the building that was targeted. i felt like something powerful hit the car which broke through the roof. there was dust and thick ash and i didn't know what happened and what was going on around me. and then we started hearing water because there was a tank on the roof of the building. then my vision became clear and i was able to get out. we went in the street and 2 minutes later we heard the sound of the explosion. there were 2 hits, one after the other. it wasn't that strong, so it was obvious that it was a drone strike and not an air strike. while we heard from our local jonathan malick, holland who, who says to the people in the bay route, are ready to respond. this has been as giant near the hospital that stores and was a huge and people and made with senses and smooth and had it all
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over they would and it was the explosive. so it has just the noise of engagement and has decided to escape this consolidation to where they become a very big board and this a sofa civilians i know dying away in high because the engagement of the youth started, i thought, you know, the people that have been waiting for the solution since the most so basically they're staying with the 11 and we have almost 5 times as much as and so they're gonna so basically be on the edge of award. so it's going to escalate how. 6 it's going to to be, we don't know, but we know what we know for sure is the end of the big list today that it
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doesn't sound good. well, it's a claim to all of the kind of assistant nation or the kind of the limited to so i guess it's, let's do 11. we are going to most of the, the kind of a, a, i guess. and i guess simon, i'm going to go into the act accordingly. so the way to, to pay for this and the time when it is just to blame, i'm on all the, i'm, nothing happens has been open. we are the mind that time, we're not businesses and we have an on the other, the other that is the see the industry. and that's all been somewhere near the house to the end of today. so you wouldn't have gone crazy by now on the maybe they would have been sort of in was 4, but this will not happen for us because isn't as well. that's the word stuff for they are they page decent and business. they are getting sued and they,
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and they also don't expect anything from such and commission power that has a lot some of the word to do whatever it was. yeah, well i mean, while the human rights a scandal has erupt it in israel because apparently a 9 soldiers suspected of sexually abusing a palestinian prisoner of detained and interrogated a spar k also inside the country as arrive as stormed an idea of facility by members of the kinetic debated whether or not rape can be justified will state side, but us has reacted finally saying it can take a stand on the legality of the issue. a apparently, you know, re even kidding and thoughts are and all this think it happens the thinking already and is rated that they should get that, that constitute, or kind of so are deeply concerning. and we've been clear and consistent with israel. and the idea that they need to treat all the tanny's few mainly and, and with dignity in accordance with humanitarian law. we also, i spoke
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a little bit about this earlier in the week site. we reiterate the support that an idea that the idea is investigating some of these allegations of serious abuse of posting in detainees. and that is a news that we welcome. and we're going to let that process and we believe in due process. and we're going to look that process plan to pick point. i am not a legal expert site. it certainly i imagine it would be inconsistent with, uh is, is, is really law whole. this comes off the right is still on the idea of facility on monday. i mean, the classes with the military police adult settings did manage to break into the bait lead the military base and member of the cood finally called for a voting strike in parliament in solidarity with the arrested soldiers. that spots is, tends to, based on whether or not abuse can be just different to insert a sticking a person's rectum. is that legitimate? yes, if he's enough, but everything is a gym and everything we've heard from offered a cost safer. committed member of
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a hud bash party who says to everybody is known about the idea of what he called abusive practices helping us. a few months ago, i was standing in a commission of glendon exposed those of uses. and the a will probably stay by the different the, you know, me just sit easily and outside of the display. nice. i was speaking in the play and when it gives those of use you which include the made, it is a torture. a people lose their leaves because they were tighten out, say to store, be terribly terribly i. we do not close into acceptance because because they are too graphic. unfortunately. so everybody knew about it, but i was then a buying the images of the file. i mean,
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included from the so called democratic lead based on a position and i was use in the faith in searches. now everybody knows like was right. if i told the truth when whereas they were lying, all want the only frame was a being exposed to the tools. so now the copies out of the back, but not only meaning stairs. and members of the classic, including the private step beside these guides being generated on the book, they go to the specific day so dislike because we have to understand thing was the geisha the kids, those 9, some mistake cleaning those electrically is not a and just you. busy 6 or so it's the damage
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caused to the victim. any doesn't matter to ease you may be months there. i don't know because there was no charge to you yet. it was all right. but even if he's it is like, it's like anyone. it's even the, i would scream, you know, the nazi ice month was i the news with 60 years ago. he was book dick david vinnish, he's right left alone. you and they more and the most is gusting in denver of this thing is the moment, is there any properties? there's a very wide set that is in even let you do. so you need another mediation to those allegedly cleaning those a piece and will be just as members of the class. they do not always just skip side. except it's some of them explicitly. there,
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they've been tortured and made of them all state the news. but they also, some of them went yesterday and he was very even violent together with the i a, a, the booth eat to a military base is in effect basically saw jails. so the, they speaking the name of the searches. but the very same thing got back to the so just in the name of which they are talking. this is a very dangerous. we are on the verge of a, a fascist. the 8 inch molly and on forces have conducted a vast operation to the northern part of a country near the algerian border of basically carrying out a series of abstracts and revel controlled areas. according to a local media, dozens of rebels and local el coyote, a terrorist have been killed that comes off to about a 1000 and the government separatist,
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ambushed molly and service men. and wagner forces in the area using heavy weapons as a lot to talk about with this story. joining all correspondent, now, steve sweeney here in the studio here. and steve, you're going to tell us more about this because this is not the 1st we've been hearing about this about, i guess i'm just asking the rebels clearly improving that tactics on the battlefield right now. bring us up to speed. what do you know? yeah, so the uh, body and on forces have carried out the series of strikes close to the outgoing boulder where they reported to killed dozens of to like set protests and outside of fights is now these of retaliated, 3 strikes of the a convoy was set upon by the at set participating the rebels in a multi kidding and quite a large number. we don't know the exact fig. i put money in a soldiers and fighters from the vault, the private ministry company. now since and auntie it obtains exclusive footage which appeared to show ukrainian forces on the ground. now since then,
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the ukraine has admitted that it does have a presence in molly, and that is being training those set produced forces to use a visa to carry out drug strikes and other support. now we have this frank admission from under the use of from ukraine's intelligence directorate. i'd say what you said in the shuffle spice is the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against watch and war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle, this can be commended on. we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be a continuation. this is sensitive information. therefore, everything that you claim does is happening within the limits and within the framework of international law, taking into account all the necessary procedures. now since they said mission and the events over the weekend, the molly in government is now investigating the involvement of ukrainian
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instructors. what to get inside the country now rush is a foreign ministry spokesman, but it is a how to of a well she's not surprised given, keeps track record the fact that the key regime, cold threats with terrorist is not surprising since itself has repeatedly resulted and continues to result to the use of terrorist methods, showing the residential areas towards beaches, sports and playgrounds, using its own civilian population as a human shield coming to and sabotage and police come that is on the territory of the country. we're confident that the true tourist essence of the key regime will become increasingly of this to the world's community. yeah, marina murray, she's what, she's always a straight shooter. i mean, she always tells you how it is and, and, you know, very brave woman. she says key was backing terrorists in africa once you mean by that, see what goes on. on the one hand, she will be talking about the 2 reg set protests to of being, waging this insurgency against the malia and government for quite some time now.
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but also she will be referring to all kind of in the saw hel region, which has been of cause play again a number of african nations seeking to destabilize those countries as we've heard from a valid. and if i to, he explained very involved. but in this spiteful over the weekend from july 22nd through july 27th, 2024. the mailing armed forces service men and fighters of the 13th, a sole detachment of the wagner bmc fought fears. battles in the vicinity of the settlement of things out and with militants, from the carbonation of as are watched movements and the terrace group. ok, the in the set help band in the russian federation. over the next 2 days, the radicals increase the number of mass of attacks using heavy weapons, you avi's and suicide vehicles, which resulted in losses on the part of the wagner pmc and the mailing armed forces . so i'll call you to
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a band g hottest organization. now the wagner pmc has been in the country at the invitation of the government to help about fight against the terrorism, which has played the entire region front. so, of course, recently booted out on ceremoniously by monte, which has taken a much stronger on the west in stones. now, you cranes. a lot of it. is it lensky? well, he's got a lot to own. so for uh, in uh, last november, he was talking about how we ukraine wanted to strength and its relations with african nations. if some of award amount of studies, if we're talking about a strategic partnership between us in any african states that it must be based on mutual respect, relations must be based on respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty. and so his respect for molly and solvency roommate means supporting set protests, supporting terrorist organization and the stabilizing the countries temperature. me
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it's amazing is that especially when you look at this, a hell of reach and i mean a bucking of fast. so molly and all these areas friends being kicked out, the germans being he could tell even the americans have been kicked out as well. this is so much happening in that region today. all safe sweepstakes reading. thank you. it all depends on hasn't responded to an odd take request to say that washington has nothing to do. with this incident, we spoke to an international strategic profess expert who doubts that washington was not well. explosives, the ideal standards of western world in the americas. more and more in that as we begin students happening across the world. i mean, if you look at the situation, i mean it is clearly that what you brian is doing. it cannot be done without the support or the knowledge of rest and americans. i don't believe that it has been done without. there is not a, this is actually a very classical example where they are trying to damage the machine and origin
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forties using some other side. and it is a gaze the interaction long. i mean, rather than as a, i mean the really, they have supporting separative and the way and therefore sees auto how. i mean, uh, you know, separate is, and again the uh, you know, army model e and other african areas as well. i believe that i'm invest in one must had responsible and also they but what you, you, brian is doing but once again, the french relations with his former colonies in africa are certainly heading down hill this time without jerry a little african nation has recalled something back to the from power following up front recognizing morocco suffering see of a western sahara of the old julian government has taken note with great regret and deep disapproval of the unexpected, ill timed and counter productive decision on the defensive government, providing unequivocal and unqualified support to morocco's autonomy plan for
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western sahara forensic decision clearly stems from questionable political motives, morally dubious, assumptions and legal interpretations that lack any foundation or justification. this french decision does not contribute to a peaceful resolution of the western sahara issue. instead it both thursday impasse, one precisely created by the so called more on the autonomy plan, which has lasted for more than 17 years. the fights over we so so hara states is, has reached a boiling point. so we, so, so far as we know, which is a dispute activity claimed by both of the kingdom of morocco. and as you probably saw your front to which has an independence movement based into fiber to the annexation of wisdom. so hotter by morocco took place in different stages in the 1970s, as you mentioned, is considered a i'm the now in the left, so to can go home. and the 6 present. emanuel mclaren declared french to support for morocco is the autonomy plan as the sole solution to do so, hire
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a dispute. it was at that particular moment that i'll do in foreign ministry issued a statement criticizing the french to government support a full moral cause plan for western sahara. the statement accused from soften door seeing what a pause and imposed colonial reality and wisdom, sahara a step, it claims no previous phrase, government has even taken. a julia contends that to the support violates international law. as we were listening there, as well as contradicting the ongoing you in, if it's to resolve the conflict. but this is francis reason. fronts autonomy onto mobile considering to use the framework within which they see she must be resolved all support for the economy plan proposed by morocco in 2007 is clear and, and laboring for from this plan. now represents the only basis for reaching a just last thing.
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