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tv   Documentary  RT  July 31, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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to see, she must be resolved, our support for the economy plan proposed by morocco in 2007 is clear and on by varying, for, for on this plan now represents the only basis for reaching a just last thing and negotiated political solution in line with united nations security council resolutions, no problems is always argue that it's clear and consistent support from iraq is autonomy plan is a serious and critical basis to in the dispute over wisdom, sahara. and we also know that to the future of relations between those 2 countries, fonts and morocco entirely depended on for us to support for morocco sovereignty on the western sahara. but it is a major victory for morocco, even the american royal palisade in an announcement that this was a significant development in support of morocco sovereignty over the sahara. and you to remember morocco submitted a plan to the united nations in 2007. the plan will see some administrative
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add additional powers, the transfer to residence visa, how autonomy is region, would have its own, the guidelines and parliament to made up of both representatives of local tribes and directly elected members. it would also have its own quotes, which would issue a rulings in the name of the king of morocco. the government would also have local taxes and control his own budgets, but the temperature would retain the american flag and the car is the wood. it's um, foreign release of the security and defense would also be under the purview of morocco and the wisdom. so high rise, important phone to be because of your support for the uh, the, the, the pull the size of your front to which is the group fighting for the independence of wisdom, sahara and fonts, carbon seats, toys the united states and toys is well, spain and a number of african countries that have back to the bottom position can also be
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important to consider the situation as a radius change of relations between i'll to read morocco as well to receive more office control over wisdom, sahara as a form of colonialism. so this decision, by far from only making the tensions was especially considering how the local population has also been vocal about his intention to apply for freedom. have listen to this. what type of hardships morocco tries to impose on us with the support of phones. this are all we people will continue to step in. they defend the rights until they obtain the definitive departure of the american aggressive from that territory. and general recognition of the legitimacy of that struggle for self determination and independence. even locals as the hud and the police of your front have previously rejected morocco supplied, continuing to demolish a referendum on full self determination. so it will be very interesting to watch how the school pens out and how the move mid 5 to for the independence of wisdom.
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so hara continues to respond to this. we spoke. busy earlier with the start, a public investigative to south africa is excellence. the mohammed based on, he says from says deep rooted, colonial thinking dictates his political agenda in the region have been, listen to this for as has the, the colonial thinking. and the politics that comes through the vein is, and that is deep in their d. n. a and then the genes, fries steve oven with my. com for things we thought would be the reason they still think the same way that as this was with thinking late and i do said duty when the boss has made in bed, mean 18, a default. what that, what a 3 d, we've got on the, on the trees and colonial peoples class. think that it has a divide a, a bailey, and the responsibility to distribute the, the,
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as it was just the, what sounds out a bit longer. so then, so they can give it to the, the quantities, the buffet that can go from a roku, where's the side of the microphone, does not belong to france western side of below. because these people, i'm the only people give you to morrow, who oh, to 5 to to them said this, these position is legally immortal. and they go out of the depth of the bullets. it goes. oh, but if it comes to the underground, it's a no problem. sometimes it's totally united nations to sort of the problem is for me it's a sub with us. i guess i missed the beam. is daughter who is buying too many days, but the bottle itself i what does a guess of the work on, you know, so which is a mission of united nation, deployed on the do not quite
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a solution. but my vision is shut off from our president. obama was very close tomorrow because of the instead of the outcome of the single model because of his relation with his father. but he never did to do this position out over the spec to finish. but his vision, um oh, the stuff been oh, but i saw as a permanent member of the counselor, but the girl doesn't get doesn't get above any. they want us to play in another group of nation like so. i said, i'm like about how do i like, do you need this all on some property of background is put into problems with the account. this is doing the same position before the bus, which is about how i am getting this out and solve for me and the price if any of my to operate and use for you this hour here in the us international. we're getting updates by the moment to hear the mothership in moscow. let's cross over to tell
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ron now because it's just about 10 in the morning. their mouse is analysis of political bureau chief is male kind of yeah, it's been assassinated by israel. of these logic resistance movement of moss is mourning. the death of its leader is mile. hon. yet who died as a result of a treacherous scientist rate on his residence into iran, after participating in the united ration ceremony of the new iranian president. vs as a nation of commander is mail, honey, is a cowardly act and will not be in vain. or locked into around regard with the correspondent use of july. the study by yourself. good to get you back on so quickly. i know the updates are coming in by the moment and here can you can, can you bring us up to speed? what do you know now to what of course, the incident took place at 2 am local time and the capital to run as my penny. it was at his residence in the capital. he was indifferent to take part in the in
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duration ceremony of a muscle position on the newly elected iranian president. reports also suggest that that one of his personal body guards has also been killed during the incident so far. we're not sure how the incident and how the attack was carried out, but based on a recent reports of the that suggest that it was a rocket launch from out side of iran soil. so everyone has not confirmed these reports. these reports, of course, were released by is really media it. one is yet to comment on that. but of course, what we already know is that many here in iran and across the resistance axis are blaming israel for these it. and as is well, has part as small you honey on top of its head list as as the october 7th attack that has also in the past uh, i killed 3 of his sons and his grandchildren in gaza. so the
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suspicion is, has been turned towards israel and this, and this regarding a reactions have been pouring and we have a reaction from mazda itself. i'm us called it an act of cowardice and vowed, serious revenge. of course, when we also have a reaction from the turkish foreign minister who said that they condemn the assassination of a small and honey i'm. and that it is that they describe it as another evidence showing that as well is not seeking peace in that region. of course, um, now we also have a reaction from as long as a 5 spokesman of everyone's for and then his reading also kanadi, who said that i called this incident an act of cowardice as well. and he said that the investigations are under way to of course, determine who has caused the incident, who is behind incident, how the assassination took place. oh, i live from a toronto,
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i'll change the use of july. thank you. but let's have this conversation for the now crossing live to a fact has a full much democratic functions spokesperson, dimitri leon. and joining us here, analogy international. mr. leon a, a very well welcome to you. thank you for joining us during this rolling breaking news coverage of his assassination in the middle of the night into our, on the top political leader of how boss my 1st question for you, mr. bill, jani. what kind of reaction should we expect from iran, with the brand new president? well, i, they, the heaviest reaction should be expected from the 1000 people at the end of the day around is not new to having political figures including some of its own scientists of its own. but literally there's oh, it's only being assassinated on your brand new story without a reaction reaction is expected from without seeing your national movement in general. uh since, as my attorney is a prominent past and you political lead,
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and that's where the reaction is expected to be. and i, as, as, as about simeon, i view this assassination attempt as a way for and if anyhow, to look for a victory after fairly several times, including a couple of weeks ago to assassinate military leaders. so he turns to the political leaders who are not even on the ground in gaza and uh, and, and assess that needs to them over there. now of course, this is that's the reason it downstairs, lot of little weight, including the, the picture of the victory that the now so desperately looking for, for his own political reasons. and we know that using violence as and as, as a nation to a chief political goal is a classic definition of terrorism. and this is one classic definition of state
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terrorism that as well as executed earlier this morning, was as an aside to make sure you know that the main reaction should come from the policy and your national movement. and from those who are essentially living among the rubble of what's less to all the gaza, these days, i wanted to ask you because before the assassination, iran and tony had both want israel against escalating any tensions in the region. i mean, even in correct, going into a war of words with israel as you will know about. uh, you know, uh oh the one was suggesting, you know, sending that to it cuz you want me to go help with people of, of, of palestine. um, just bringing touching you into the equation. is it old polasta? is it all torque or is there any way the other one could somehow get involved after the murder of 40000 palestinian people? 70 percent of them are women and children after the bombing carpet bombing, 60 percent of the guys is residential neighborhoods. after and natalie think
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a or is the medical institutions, educational institutions, the old server, the infrastructure, and gather any warning from any entity at this point is how it means nothing. damage is already done. we it doesn't take an s m s estimation here, or there for it to make a difference if anybody wanted to do something to stop these really genocide and guides that they should have done it long time ago. and we looked at the v is it's rex at this moment as a survey, internal political purposes and until we see otherwise until we see action on the ground that will lead to stop the murder and the slaughtering of our children in gaza. we will show no respect for any rhetoric here or their actions talk and anything else walks, dimitri, i had an in his ready guess. so you only been might have him join me earlier on the
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program and he said, what we're seeing right now is just the build up to the next great will. cuz i was saying to him, look, you know, you called israel hammering, gaza, you go to israel attacking, southern 11 on israel, breaching the sovereignty of that rod and carrying out an assassination in the middle of the night, the road in capital. but, and then of course, you know, israel loved to strike syria when, whenever it feels like it is it multiple from dimitry multiple fronts to, you know, i've seen independent unless saying israel cannot afford to go on to a multi front. well, the idea is already stressed on fatigue. you are absolutely right in terms that is real and it will, you don't look at it as israel a long israel cannot hold all these french and attack all these countries. all these sovereignties break all these international laws, commits all these war crimes skill, all those that are on its own. this going to do that. israel is backed by the
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united states of america by the u. k, the west of most of the e u countries. they provide the state of israel with weapons, was financing with intelligence we have yet to see who was involved in the assassination of a smile. heavier who provided the intelligence. is this real capable on its own to do such a thing? while we have noticed that it is incapable of operating in guys on its own and depends on the u. s. m, u, k. well, intelligence? so let alone the operating in, in the, in that, in that run or not around in general, or otherwise anywhere else around the middle east. so it's a bronze to, or a grand or colonial project. and that there really reflects the continuation of what's the colonized ation of our territory and
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no matter what direction was or is it for now in terms of condemning colonialism, it's a fact of life here. and israel is the embodiment of those colonialism and uh, well crimes and go pressing the civilian population not only in 1000, but in the middle east and general. dimitri meantime, welcome to the fold new iranian president. i mean, the honey a was bad to attend the integration of the brand new president of iran. i'm is in. is israel. i mean, you know, my last guest said, oh it my side was behind this assassination. uh, all of the hamas political liter. um, but now we bought a brand new president, is israel sending a message to the brand new president of iran? you've just been in all great hit guess what we've just taken out one of your guys and your capital city? well i,
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i see as this really is more engulfed in its own domestic quality, it's rather than sending the message through there, where do you present that? everybody knows the final decision is not in the hands of the president. he is by the president, but he is not the final decision maker in, in iran. and he is, as we say in the presidential system. he is like, you know, like in the states, he's like the chief of staff in other countries. he is a prime minister in the presence of an active gain, go active queen or act the president. so he is not really and everybody knows that of course as well knows that he is not a final decision maker and it is not a true democracy at the end of the day. so let's not, let's stop pretending that it is. ask how many he doesn't need any message from his dream every night. even when he said is rockets do is really you sent them with the warnings you sent the slow ones 1st. yeah. the in effect there was an i've and the,
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the, the, the results were very clear on the ground that nobody really got hurt. nobody got killed except for 16 year old pass, the new girl that got hit by and is really. and so i'm a little uh, missile and she was very badly injured. so let's not give around the, the, the more weight than it deserves in this, in this conflict at this moment. i mean, yeah, is much more important trigger for the state of israel than to buy more to ring him. and if anything him to send a message to a president by name only, i mean it doesn't work that way. i don't think it works that way. the music, the is the performance democratic functions, folks by some joining us, a live on a how to international a real, real pleasure. thank you so much for joining us here on the program. thank you. thanks for having our shifting gears to india. now wetlands slides in the southern
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side of colorado, i have left over a 104 few people that that's according to local officials. torrential rain started on tuesday, triggering torrance of modern water. this swept through villages in the south. widespread devastation. you can see rescue efforts for basically a template by block the roads and all forward. he's had to use helicopters to try and help the people out. the support is all nicholas, my daughter stays a riley and venezuela to show that sort of diversity with a re elected president outside the presidential pilots. in caracas, the countries made a deliberate, a message to the people which also included coding for the opposition candidates to confront him in post. as i say to the tower, gonzalez or russia to the new widow, mister tower, don't mess with the humble woman in your home and family, mister tower. don't mess with the common man. come to me here, i am waiting for you. and just as we swept, we are going to collect,
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we are going to defend every vote and we're going to make the raising recognize what the whole world knows today. edmondo gonzalez is our next president to protest against the re elected president. my daughter started monday off to the election results, and most people took to the streets, facing off with police and boning posters with the presidency i mentioned a 100 at the time of the venezuelan defense minister said the country is fighting against those who were trying to take over the power of the day. we are in the presence simply put of acute data to data forged once again by fascist factors, by the extremist right. wayne, supported, of course, by imperialist factors, us imperialism and its allies in their lackeys and see boys like crew, daytime, progress, for which the president, commander in chief of the bully, very and national armed forces. nicholas madura morris has taken the lead to stop it again, but i don't know how highly vocalize how organized that would be in between main
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confrontations. and this is not to say that there are people that are can be angry about it because of forced expectations. have been stream the money provided since maybe you're saying it's less and you're actually so yeah. and also how it's developed. and right now what are the objectives the target, sir? i talking also follow the same pattern again, which combines of corporate context and the images that the car revolution part of the, of the strategy advanced, but also the architectural workers. what exactly is the classics textbook hybrid interventions. as far as we've seen that spanish, why that has some of the diplomatic ties with peru off about countries, foreign minister named opposition liter, edmondo gonzales as be elected president of the nation. crack us. so the old server told us different amounts from for reuben 6 of the countries that only refused to recognize my daughters when. meanwhile, the us says, the venezuelan withdrawal of different amounts is
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a quote in tolerance of democracy. major ro is breaking diplomatic relations with fellow latin american countries, who like the united states, have simply asked for transparency. and that's something that those countries in the international community are looking for. and i think it demonstrates the directions and tolerance for descent and walk of commitment to the basic democratic principles that other regional governments are not just sharing and defending the, echoing of washington's message. the e u and the organization of american states symbols have demanded the release of posting station data. it's comes as of and as well as the officials. it was saying that a hacker, a time prevented the full election results from being transmitted. but event is running, president, ordering a special commission to assess the attack. the commission is a plan to be formed with the help of russia and china. and that's as beijing and moscow, but both coles, my daughter, the only winner of the election, a mortgage. and we can see that the opposition does not want to accept its defeat,
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although we believe that the opposition should do so. it should congratulate the winners of this election. of course, it's very important that attempts to sway the situation inside venezuela are not fueled by 3rd countries. 3rd parties and the venezuela is free from outside interference. fall in a policy should respect the choices made by the venezuelan people. we believe that the government and the people are capable of handling the domestic affairs of the country. speaking about the election results with the leaks is saying the exit poll that was conducted by then as well as opposition is actually connected to the c. i a the poll shows that the candidate from the opposition edmondo gonzalez, has got the most votes. however, another data collection from kent, the latches are found the exactly opposite results. and while the election results in venezuela or a question by number of nations, we spoke with calvin tucker from the u. k. as morning. star news, who was an international election observer and venezuela. he said the job is to,
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as opposed to monitor the transparency of the voting. were exposed to attacks by protest as a he says was supported by western actors. this is a regime change operation meeting watching. so can i site, 1st of all, our a, our international election, the boss was attacked with this for my tell that i'm saying that were on my way to the apples and i spoke with a number of the b service area, including some women who were extremely poor and size that having to go through that experience. the responsibility for protecting international job was noises goals, trustable with the security services of this country. and i'd like to find a plan for what they are doing to protect us with the ultimate responsibility lies in washington. the you in london because they are acting on these violence
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fox to attack elections. of is attack institutions of the site to attack political policies, a random supporters of president looking for the straight. and they need to call back fox before somebody is killed in the it is an estimate was of it's a order over to the u. k. now, where police have clashed with an unruly crowd of protesters outside a moss in the north western part of the country. on tuesday, the demonstrators, some in mosques holding bottles and stones, or offices even setting a police that in a blaze. the process, the code near the location with 3 girls were faithfully stabbed in a dog's class on monday. offices and ride gear and shells with pelting. but they'll objects and somebody pay to have kept my mind that injuries as well. one of the
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vans was torched. police are investigating taking a very, very short break your analogy internationally with the full morning of rolling breaking news for you here. life the all the mothership in moscow we are back in about 3 days the the man or
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the from the very start of the binding presidency. we were told the occupant of the oval office was obsessed with his legacy. 3 and a half years later that legacy can be summed up with a few choice words, division, failure, incompetence, and shame. history will remember joe biden, on the, on the
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the as the mileage and the success of the model to show booster must come somewhere. and so i'm saying, you know, it's a new color was suddenly removed from me to what you're telling me, just a little god's username and then for us do something at the so most of the items to somebody to bring, you must pick with the stuff i did the meals, that the goal of man is, are you know, the agenda, blue column. so kind of show. but as soon as i'm sure you see, because you don't have to 100,
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you're dealing with her to level of the l. look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except we're so shorter is a conflict with the 1st law show you our events as a patient. we should be very careful about our personal intelligence at the point, obviously is to create a truck rather than fit the various jobs. i mean with the artificial intelligence we have so many redeeming the most protect this phone existence was only exist. the,
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the, it is breaking news this holiday went off the international and assassination in hair on the leader of how much is male kind of here, is pocketed and taken out by his writing strikes at the group. meantime, fetching a response to the fascination coming hours off behind the it was a be integration and ceremonial for the new iranian president to tyrone personnel. along with an investigation. and israel, a text stop up. i'll favor killing 3 and wounding over 70. the idea of claims as intended tosses i had followed him on to was illuminate and up molly and me the same dozens of separatists to kill them in the air striking their countries no one following an ambush on governmental forces. amadi reportedly finding traces of evidence that.


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