tv News RT July 31, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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the the, the, it is breaking news this holiday went off the international and assassination in hair on the leader of how much is male kind of here, is targeted and taken out by his writing strikes at the group. meantime, fletcher and a response to the fascination coming hours off behind the it was a be integration and ceremonial for the new iranian president. to tell ron personnel along with an investigation and israel a text stop up on favors, killing 3 and wounding over 70. the idea of claims as intended, tossed as a head full outcome. honda was eliminate and up molly and me the same dozens of separate as to killed in the air striking the countries no one following an ambush on governmental forces. amadi reportedly finding traces of evidence that ukraine had and they were able to talk to you,
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but i want to hear those details that coming your way in a few months. the, well it's, it'll be now as a breaking news here at most. go straight into it, we go live from the audience and on my mother ship here in the russian. so it is our top breaking you story for you this out. what straight from iran, as it has be now, how mass has announced its political bureau, chief is male from the i has been assassinated as they say. why is these lumnick resistance movement? i'm os is mourning. the death of its leader is mile. hon. yet who died as a result of a treacherous scientist rate on his residence into iran, after participating in the knocker ration ceremony of the new iranian president, vs as a nation of command, there is male, honey, is a cowardly act and will not be in vain. i this get more of this across lives out the washing correspondent use of july,
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but just off at 10 30 am where you are in the, in the iranian capital, yusef, can you bring us up to speed? what do we know so far? or of course, sorry, honey, i was assassinated at his residence into one of the early hours of wednesday, just hours before he attended the an observation of the newly elected juan and president muscle position. the on one of his, a personal body guards has also been killed. indeed. so then, so far, we are not sure how the attack was carried out. some reports suggest it was an air raid and other speak about arm assailants storming his residential force. so as we speak, no one has claimed responsibility, but the suspicion is quickly turned towards israel for it's past brad side to take out time us leaders following the october 7th attack. the idea of has not commented yet, but it's really officials were quick to take pleasure and dinners. this
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is the right way to clean the world from these filth. honey, as death makes the world a slightly better place, no more imaginary peace agreements. no more, mostly for the sons of death. of course, of course, a smart honey, it was the chief all fall, the hi mazda political bureau since 2017, and had widely been considered the political leader of the group. his experience in time us stretches up for decades since the 1980s. it was also in jail multiple times why as well for his activities and had even been deported from gaza by the idea of starting in 2006. he served 8 years as the prime minister of the palestinian national authority, as well as i've been known to have had hon. yeah. and the cross hairs since the
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october 7th attack are pledging to take out the groups only their set, of course, and just in april of this year and is really air strikes on central gas killed honey as we songs and 3 grand sizes. well, clearly claim responsibility for children and how do you have funds and a statement that alleged the targets were and active military members of how mas, however, on the announcement did not address the killing of honey as grandchildren. now as reactions are poor again on the assassination of uh, smart and how do you know himself spokesman of it was ministry of foreign affairs. no, sir ken. nani offered his condolences, of course. he described a honey as a key figure and defied for liberating palestine from israel. that these were the occupation, of course. meanwhile, he reaffirmed it was quote, unshakable support for palestine. the martyrdom of brother hughes mail honda,
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your intern will strengthen the deep and unbreakable bond between the islamic republic of iran and deer, palestine, and the resistance. of course israel has a history of targeting come off the officials in january 1996 as well as us in a to hum us military leader. i yeah. he uh, i saw in gauze. uh, bates law he uh, in march 2004. how my spiritual leader and found or shape my just seen was killed by is really air striking guys right in 2004. you all seen his successor and how much co founder authorized. but on tuesday, was killed by is really helicopter missile striking, gaza city in january 2024 senior. how mazda officials saw that had already was killed. and then these really drowned, striking periods on how do you is the latest target now apart from resistance factions lie, come, us, power, steering officials also condemn. they move my mood,
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i boss, the president of the state of palestine. of course, he described the assassination of the how mosque leader as a cowardly act and a dangerous escalation in that region. here are our, of course, is people to unite and be found a serious revenge. of course, against the is really move. of course, the russian deputy foreign minister has also reacted saying the depth of the head of the hospital bureau is a totally unacceptable political assassination. i look further escalate tensions and that which in so things are on edge now as the region is bracing for the ramifications of honey is assassination. all right, all corresponding is a huge after loudly live and tear. ron, thank you very much. it was locked out to isabel as i've done a member of a scientific research council of the alice shy and private university. now joining
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us by from damascus and a very well welcoming to you, isabel agreed to get you on the program here. sadly though, of course, it's made, i'll continue breaking news coverage with so much bad news to talk about these days, isabella, that you know, just to get it right off. if i, if i'm a israel is essentially waging a war. now what with garza essentially iran lab and on yemen, syria, it's quite a number these days. is it better not to mention israel's punish, tied with other regional countries like total here, for example, did you think? let me just, you know, from one person to another. have you ever seen the middle east, at this point before, like on the brink of such what people are saying, such a huge possible escalation. let's say as, as you mentioned in your record that has been a long history, almost estimation, committed against not only for mosque leaders just like a quick note. it's against the leaders of all the exits or resistance fractions, especially in palestine. i'm the scholar to ok, so it shows us how a,
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that situation in force in israel and how difficult the situation of israel is. here, we're not talking about a country are, let's say, a legitimate country. we're talking about legitimate government. it's a government of folks who wouldn't codes always have they have a long history of breaking and violating the sort of energy of other countries and committing the rest of the tax instead of rest assassinations against a leaders who just thought that they have the has to be the right to defend themselves as much as the x rays. and of course, the, but to answer your question whether there would be like the escalation. and it's, it's in favor like the escalation has been started by the israelis they want it's, it's obvious that they won't be asked to escalate. however,
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the factions of the actual access of resistance, they never want that they just want the road of talks. they always have been through the way of negotiation, especially when it comes to the hostages, the story hostages matter. however, it is right. he does not want that. and we don't want to repeat the story, the a, a, the government, all the nits and yahoo, they want to escalate the situation because they know exactly about how bad they would look. and how about this situation would be if, if this war ended, because they never achieved simply because they never achieve any of the targets they want it. uh no. what is in the meantime, i'm sorry, it started the end. but meantime, you know, israel, israel is taking a big hit, this is what the mainstream media does not tell. any of us about the idea is taking a lot of casualty. send the war on garza, the idea is lost a lot of times
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a lot of on the personnel carriers and it's really simple. apparently, isabella, you just pick up a damn r p g and you shoot it at the time and it takes it out. you go to a honey co mendoza, of fighters who are taking on the idea of the idea if it's supposed to be a conventional ministry for us. what guess what? it's not in a conventional war. israel is suffering. meantime, israel's now looking to take it further up the pipe with leaven on with the iran now with the m and do use think is a bela the israel can do this by itself. yeah. the access of resistance after every single top hat and the balanced, excuse me i, well i always like to cool not to cool this groups of power full of resistance groups. uh, i, they like to call them the access of resistance. so the address of resistance groups after every hit, after everything covered to committed by the israeli government,
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by the user is military forces they against hunger. and they never. and you can see that after the assassination of petition difficulty after the assassination of mister mtc, maybe i've seen a bicycle base, you know, some of them were assassinated in the middle of paris, not with the, with the i d f. or let's say these are a, is not giving any considerations of asylum to of a country that is considered, and i liked to them, this is why and i don't thing the, i was just them have proved wisdom and heard they have proved a lot of consideration to the life of city and the places where the, where, where they are based and located, come to read to the is there any story that they are using human shields? and they will never let the is really is impose any kind of, uh, let's say way out for a beach in yahoo that they would like to impose it. and then we'd never really like
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lift the x rays into the way or this be the, the way it's how to do it as for the way of it is right. he's want it. yeah. and i, and i think, i think for me, for me, if she likes now, statement has been issued up to now home to her on as far as i know half an hour ago and no statement because they are just being careful. they are just doing their investigation and it's for the iranian government to state, of course. so this is a huge violation of their sovereignty of, and ally overhead on the political, political, or it's about, uh you say, no i, i apologize for interrupting you again. as you say, this really is about the end of the day and the videos, political survival, you know, if, if it's, well, if it's, will, it breaks out on multiple fronts. if this really does erupt as my is really guess, done palestinian guess they've been saying this morning. they may say these are the
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opening chapters, the for a, into the next big world war and that part of the world. and it's just astonishing to see the israel still seems to think that it can get away with doing political assassinations. and software and countries will continue in a war against the people of guys, or continuing to open up new friends, whether it's syria or lebanon. and so on and so forth. i mean, is it, bella, you, it may be the front row seat, said of some of the biggest changes happening in that part of the world in many, many decades. the sofa, that's a cooler heads prevail, isabel, as i've done as a member of the scientific research council at the alpha private university. i'm do you have one more thing to say? you have one more thing to say, isabel, please. okay, and with my honey i was a little trying to get who moved to a shelter, shelter come with his family. and what is the result of that? he was because he was displayed by the history to become the biggest leader off one
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of the biggest passions of resistance and by this time. so i don't think the pilot of he is ready. these are, are we succeeding with their i would, there are to words uh the palestinians, resistance. and i don't think it's a sign of smartness that you committed the same mistake over and over again. the resistance is a stronger, more after. well, i mean, huge. i just have just to wrap it up, isabel, i like i like how you call it the access of resistance. going back to george w bush in america here to refer to your part of the world here on the rock is the axis of the will. anyway, isabella z, i done great to see you. thank you for your time. thank you. nice talking to you morning. thank you. thank you. all of this is coming on the heels of another deadly is riley strikes, took place on tuesday in you can guess it be rude. the idea of such a target a senior has bullock come on the same of the group across the red line. but as a result of this attack, 3 people killed over 70 wounded. the
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big destruction right there is 11 on the health ministry says a one woman and 2 children at least were killed in the attack. the strike sponsor condemnation from us who are thieves iran at 11 on the response heads while our announce the launch of a barrel of cup of coffee drones towards israel. and all this comes just 3 days off for an attack on the golden heights with 12 kids were killed, an israel blame and has blocked the claims. the attack on a route targeted a senior monitors. the group about an officer who's on for 2 cor, was the right hand man to cross on a strong face bowl as leader. and these advisor, in planning and directing attacks and operations, he was a senior tourist who was the blood. who has the blood of
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these relays in many others on his hands, seize bylaws, ongoing aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of lebanon and the entire middle east, into a wider escalation. a while, we prefer to resolve a steel. it is, we set out a wider war. the id asp is fully prepared for any scenario i to ease really drones lunch. several air strikes on it has bowl a strong cold, specifically in the hot athletic area in the south. in suburb of the root reports indicate that there were casualties as a result of these asteroid carried out. but these really air force here, we can see how this building collapsed in the explosion. here. the 5th and 6 floors 3 floors total were destroyed in the range. there's also an adjacent building that the was targeted specifically in the upper part of his building, which led to the destruction of for additional floors and damage was inflicted on
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buildings and bought cars in this area. thousands of wounded were rushed to the nearby of boston and hospital. that's the strike it a densely populated area. the number of casualties may well arise as the rubble is cleared, but we will in the low. okay. in that location right there on the streets, we spoke to witnesses, have a listen to what they had to say. i was passing here on my bike, and suddenly i was hit on the head and fell unconscious. i was in my car close to the building that was targeted. i felt like something powerful hit the car which broke through the roof. there was dustin thick ash and i didn't know what happened and what was going on around me. and then we started hearing water because there was a tank on the roof of the building, then my vision became clear and i was able to get out. we went in the street and 2 minutes later we heard the sound of the explosion. there were 2 hits, one after the other. it wasn't that strong, so it was obvious that it was a drone strike and not an air strike. according to a local journalism,
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i like highlighted, he says, the people that they route are ready to respond. this has been as giant near hospitality stores and was huge and people in made with census and intended oils and they would and it was the explosive. so it has just the noise of engagement and has decided to escape this consolidation to where they become a very big war this. uh, so most of it is uh no dying away in high 5 because the engagement of the news started, i thought, you know, the people that have been waiting for the solution. this is the most. so basically they are staying with us ages are the windows, i'm 11 and we have almost $500.00 marches and solve them. so basically we are on
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the edge or however, so it's going to escalate how far it's going to to be. we don't know, but we know what we know for sure is the end, have law the declare today that it doesn't matter what is a claim to all of the kind of assistant nation or the kind of the limited to the targets. it's, let's do 11. we are going to most of the se, kind of a edition, and i guess, and i guess simon, i'm going to go into the act accordingly. so the way to, to pay for this and the time when it is just to blame on all the, i'm, nothing happens husband, old. we are behind that time. we have resistance and we have an army and we have that instead of the i see the industry and imagine a national board being somewhere near the house to the end of today. the own wouldn't have gone crazy by now on the maybe they would have been sort of in was
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for this a lot happen for us say because isn't as well, that's the word stuff for they are they page pieces and businesses they are getting to then they and they also, you can expect anything from such an aggravation. power that has the green light from the world to do whatever it was. molly and the forces have conducted what they call in a box. the operation in the northern part of the country near the algerian border, carrying out a series of strikes and revel controlled areas of a quote of the local media, dozens of rebels and the local. i'll call you to terrorists have been killed. a comes off for about a style, was an antique of metal separatist ambush, molly and service men, and wagner forces in the area using heavy weapons it earlier in the program. opposite steve sweeney walk us through develop and now these of retaliation st. strikes of the a convoy was set upon by
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d at set protests on the rebels in a monte kidding. quite a large number. we don't know the exact fig. i put money in a soldiers and fighters from the vault, the private ministry company. now since and auntie it obtains exclusive footage which appeared to show you cranium forces on the ground. now since then, the ukraine has admitted that it does have a presence in molly and that it is being training those set produced forces to use . uh you ivy's to carry out drug strikes and other support. now we have this. frank admission from under the use of from ukraine's intelligence directorate, bishop assigned to the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals. the whole world has already seen this in principle. this can be commended on we certainly will not disclose any details, but let's say there will be
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a continuation. this is sensitive information. therefore, everything that you claim does is happening within the limits and within the framework of international law. taking into account all the necessary procedures. now since a certain mission and the events over the weekend, the malia and government is now investigating the involvement of ukrainian instructors what to get inside the country. now rush is a foreign ministry spokesman, but he is out of a well she's not surprised, given. keeps track record of the fact that the key of redeem cold threats was terrorist as not surprising since, as itself has repeatedly resulted and continues to result to the use of terrorist methods. sheldon residential areas towards beaches, sports and playgrounds using its own civilian population as a human shield coming to an sabotaging point to come that is on the territory of our country. we're confident that the true tourist essence of the key regime will become increasingly of this to the world's community. yeah, i'm right. you know, maria, she's always, she's always a straight shooter. i mean,
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she always tells you how it is and, and, you know, very brave woman. she says key was backing terrorists in africa. what do you mean by that? see? what, of course, on the, on the one hand, she will be talking about be to reg, set protests to, of being, waging this insurgency against the malia and government for quite some time now. but also she will be referring to all kite in the saw hill region which is being of cause play again, a number of african nations seeking to destabilize those countries as we've heard from a valid and if i to, he explained them involved. but in this spiteful over the weekend from july 22nd through july 27th. 2020 for the mountain armed forces service men and fighters of the 13th, a sole detachment of the wagner bmc. 4th fears. battles in the vicinity of the settlement of things out and with milton's from the cards, a nation of as or what the movements and the terrace group. ok, the in the set, help band in the russian federation. over the next 2 days,
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the radicals increase the number of mass of attacks using heavy weapons, you avi's and suicide vehicles, which resulted in losses on the part of the wagner pmc and the mailing armed forces . so outside of a bond jihad is to organization. now the wagner, p. m. c, has been in the country at the invitation of the government to help about fight against the terrorism, which has played the entire region front. so, of course, recently booted out on ceremoniously by monte, which has taken a much stronger on the west in stones. now, you cranes. a lot of it. is it lensky? well, he's got a lot to own. so for uh, in uh, last november he was talking about how you crane wanted to sprint and its relations with african nations extreme of what am i supposed to be through? i talking about strategic partnership between austin in an african state. then it must be based on mutual respect, relations must be based on respectful it territorial integrity and sovereignty. so
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his respect for molly and solvency roommate means supporting set protests, supporting terrorist organization and the stabilizing the countries temperature. well, the pentagon has responded to an odd request saying that washington had nothing to do with the depths. and molly, however, we did speak to an international strategic affairs expert who doubts the us was not involved. dude, explosives, the ideal standards of western world in the americas. more and more in with every big incidents happening across the world. i mean, if you look at the situation, i mean it is clearly that what you brian is doing. it cannot be done without the support or the knowledge of rest and americans. i don't believe that it has been done without it is not a, this is actually a very classical example where they are trying to damage the machine and origin forces using some other side. and it is a gaze the interaction long. i'm in rather the, i mean the, the,
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they have supporting deputies and the, and therefore see the how big, you know, separate isn't against the uh, you know, army, malia and other african areas as well. i believe that i'm invest in one must have responsible and also they. but what you do, brian is doing the big tech has its finger on the presidential scale. that's according to donald trump, who noticed that google and facebook are trying to erase the memory of the attempt on his life. and i got a little cold in the public at large to that the social media johns know they cannot get away with the rigging the upcoming elect. facebook has just admitted that it wrong, the sense that the trump attempted assassination photo got court. same thing for google, they made it virtually impossible to find pictures or anything about the team. is that hey, we go again. another attempt rigging the election. go off the meta and google. let
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them know we are all wise to them. will be much tougher this time. well, let's investigate those statements with our correspondence in new york. there has been a long standing speculation about the power of big tax to manipulate public opinion now or anger is rising mazda the peers, that google searches are being manipulated. for example, if one does a google search for assassination attempt on the, you'll notice that the recent events of july 13th, in which the life of the former president infront running presidential candidate in the united states was nearly taken. doesn't come up. now donald trump junior spoke up about this and it seems like a big tack is slanting things in one way. big tech is trying to interfere in the election again to help calmly, harris. we all know this is intentional election interference from google,
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truly despicable. now this isn't simply on the united states. if you use a vpn to change the country, the results are similar. it's as if google is trying to blot out the memory of what happened when donald trump nearly lost his life on july, 13th. and even if you go further and type in assassination attempt on g r u m, instead of referencing the recent events, what comes up is historical talk of attempts to track the life of the former us president harry truman. they're not just trying to remove memory of the recent assassination attempts. they're trying to wipe out donald trump entirely. it seems when one types in the name donald what comes up as references to the cartoon character, donald duck it when one searches for the name of the front running presidential candidate. and what comes up is only news items connecting him with his opponent in
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the presidential race. pamela harris, google, of course, has denied that they are engaging in partisan political activity and trying to favor one candidate and blot out what happens to donald trump. they say they are doing the nothing of the kind work, you know, improvements to ensure our systems that are more up to date. of course, always complete is just the tool to help people save time, and they can still search for anything they want to. following this terrible act, people tend to google to find high quality information. we connected them with hellboy results, and we'll continue to do so as not just google. facebook owned by the large social media tech giant meta has been removing the iconic image of the former us president donald trump, after the assassination attempt with his bloody ear his fist in the air. they have removed that image saying it could be manipulated. it could be false or something,
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not exactly stating why this is facebook's response to criticism about how they tried to remove what is become a very iconic, an hour full moment in american history. yes, this was an error. this fact check was initially applied to dr. photo showing the secret service agents smiling and in some cases are systems incorrectly applied that fact checked to the real photo. this has been fixed and we apologize for the mistake. anger is rising, these tech corporations seem to be playing a blatantly part, has enrolled suppressing information and trying to boost one candidate well, hurting the image of another. wow, google has a search band on president donald trump election interference. why is google suppressing the search about the trump assassination attempt? has there been a dramatic increase in truman biographers in the last 2 weeks? now, google's response is that no personal or manual action was taken and that this is
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