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tv   News  RT  July 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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is for someone who is this, we would show new people to the the the great team use a lot of plans and national iran accusing us of commuting with age. well, let's find the kill, the how much leave it even pay it on to hell, sit around to the president, welcomed him often. you know, gratian your best kept all 3000 games phase. well thing tell the babies, tablets, housing, any code for the 1st thing caused by some depth things political, assassination, tulsa, the israel says the only way to prevent to 11 on is the has the left by just switch
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street from the area. meanwhile, the idea struck himself as a favor pending 3 people and wounding its 17 others. the 5th is a global update who will not change the national. thank you very much for your company. there is a huge amount to bring you up to speed on a story that we have been breaking this wednesday. well, we're going to start with that because a ron has filed retaliation against his well over the assassination of how much politically the issue of honey. tyrone is also a chance the us of being complicit in the killing in the ministry of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of the ron emphasizes the responsibility of the us government as a supporter and accomplice of the zionist regime in the continuation of the
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occupation and genocide of palestinians in committing this heinous act of terrorism . or, of course, saw many countries have reacted to the assassination of honey describing it as a serious escalation. but the one here has been inferior to not only by the death of the hamas leader, but by the fact that the attack occurred in its territory. of course. uh huh. honey uh, was assassinated shortly after arriving each i want to attend the, not the ration of it was new president must, we possess keion. now it want to calls for the international community to we act that has vowed serious revenge. but also suspecting the west complicity in the incident, and that's a sentiment echoed by humans who's the group which has that recently been also targeted by israel. netanyahu return from america with the green light for us as to nations. america is involved in everything that is happening. i must pay the price, of course, uh the united states has said that it was not aware of the assassination of honey. uh you was secretary of state antony blinking made this assertion just the hours up
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there. honey, it was killed in that one. think it is something that the was, was not aware of were involved in been around both president position beyond and supremely, there i to law how many condemned the assassination labeling israel at terrace regime and vowing a harsh punishment that the incident has a weighs, the alarm bells and the wrong uh the country has reportedly moved. it's a western borders up on high alert. a red flag of revenge has also been raised in the city of form such a fly gun was vast res, back in january uh after a terrorist attack in the city of clermont that claimed the lives of 594 people. a funeral for the time i was chief, is also scheduled to take place into one on thursday following the funeral. his body will be transported to the door hi war. he will be late to arrest and the kids already capital on friday. well, all fingers are flame are directed as well as really officials have denied and your responsibility. however, prime minister benjamin netanyahu is expected to convince the security cabinet
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later today to discuss the issue. we often described them at least as being a bit of a tend to bulk, but really the last few months and particularly the last few weeks of really seeing an escalation of the tension. what sort of consequences do you think we are likely to see following this assassination? the region now is bristling with tension now after what happened? many fear, a full blown escalation, as that both from us and 11 also as well. i have vowed revenge syria and guitar have also raised concerns of honey as death can only show why the regional complex while denouncing is well for then we'll say it has to repeat all peace efforts. political assassinations and continued targeting of civilians in gaza will talks continually just to ask, how can mediation succeed when one party as estimates the negotiator on the other side, the seeds, serious partners, and the global stance against the disregard for human life. syria condemns this
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block and zionist advice, and as a despicable act, the continued disregard of international laws by these fairly entity may side the entire region of blaze. regional geo political powers are concerned about the consequences of the attack. turkish foreign ministry side shows that as well as not after peace in the region, while china and russia are concerned about dangerous repercussions of this latest assassination. just giving us his name, we strongly condemned this as a nation of his male hon. the head of the political, beautiful of the policy and how much movement in a missile attack on his residence in town. it is clear to the organizers of this political assassination. well aware of the dangerous consequences of this action for the in side regions. and you go to what we finally oppose and condemn this active assassination. we feel worried about the fact that this issue may cause possible escalation and turbulence in the region. china always believes that we
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should settle regional disputes through negotiation and dialogue. so different factions affiliated with the resistance access are now vowing revenge. will see that the man is also angry over what happened and which has played a key role in the targeting is really linked ships on the red sea throughout the gaza war in solidarity with the policy and you and people, it has now also speaking about revenge has blah levins, as well as also speaking about retaliation. how moss has been of outraged by the move of saying that this move will not go on as are so everything is speaking about a potential why the original conflagration and a serious need for international intervention. now is needed based on advice is of observers, yvonne is now also saying that the resistance access is not going to remain silent
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and the blog off as, as might honey. it will not go up in smoke as well. just to bring you some background out on the bottom that was killed. this is, is fairly handy. who serves as the chief of the, how much political bureaus since 2017 and was widely considered to be the political leader of the group. now he had worked with homeless since the 19 eighties and had been imprisoned multiple times by israel. he was even devoted from gauze. the bind is where the military authorities and during his career he survived several attempts on his life now of a problem and how much vegas have been assassinated to buy as well back in 1996 is where a secret service is managed to kill this man. how much military, the ashes in 2004, they kill to how much confirmed this in set foot incidence. and then in january of this year in an astro icon, a residential neighborhood and they were, they killed the military commander of the group. now israel was known to have had
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hon you and it's cross has since it's pledge to eliminate the hamas leadership off to be october 7th attacks. and in april of this year, and a striking cause that killed honeys, 3 sons, and also 4 grandchildren, including malick honey, is shown here. nothing is up to him, but dozens of his family members have been killed. meanwhile is was key ally. the us says it has nothing to do with this latest attack because i've seen the scene, the reports. and what i can tell you is this. first, this is something we were not aware of or involved in the. it's very hard to speculate and i've learned over many years, never to speculate on the, the impact one of that may have on something else. so i can't tell you what this means. i can tell you that the imperative of getting
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a ceasefire. the important step that has for everyone remains while in recent months, israel has been conducting strikes throughout the middle east, target paying lab and on syria. yeah. and then, and presumably a wrong never the last the us continues to support its coach satellite benjamin netanyahu. these where the prime minister was recently welcomed by congressman both involvement and well, that's cost and i live to policy named businessman and for my politician best include are you thank you very much for joining us on all to international. i just want to start off with the fact that we have had a reported denial. this is from a member of the press service of bees ready all me. that is why it was responsible for the assassination of ishmael honey. at the same time, we've had a new comment from these where the government, but we know that tanya has been in the cross has all the is really sites for very
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long time. and back in october, last year, we had the chief of israel's in tell service, saying that they would look to kill how much lead is in the world. the us says it doesn't know anything about, is it just a strike of collusion to you? a way to be very honest, if them beside the to the despite the new year and if it is done by it, and drawn or by a low cost at the $6.00 now. so that's where he was killed by. and besides that was launched on 55 and i to judge if that was the case and the sign is made into us. so the escalade claimed but didn't know nothing about it . because as we all know, such strikes using american weapons, american supply, the ultimate, it cannot be done without the american roofing the americans approving them. so
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they can say that they have nothing to do with it. but if this is, the investigation proves that it is the american suppliers weapons, then they cannot say that they have nothing with them. having said that, even if there's really some, there's a depress into the day, some say the governments of incident as a depressed that the it was, that was a job. so it's not really clean cut and clear that it has not done. it is really what, what is this something like this? you look at who benefits most. and this obvious that is that it is the one of the benefits most let's talk about the assassination of a smile. how many a head, the, how must his political be? how do i think his dad, that assassination could potentially change the course of the war that's taking place in gauze and possibly influence the situation of
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a region right now is being seen as a tend to box. that was, that has been the 3 major diverse strikes it was you have to buy it as a one m, which was the master side to get the whole series one yesterday afternoon, or evening against the bailout, a good start, his district and southern level. then southern they are, they planning to came and assess, made it was by the name data and one, and there was somebody coming in just 2 hours later. so to be honest, what is very, it is dangerous and what is gone to it. most probably end up is the major escalation. we are. so how can i and responded to the bombing office honestly in there, in the damascus. whereas let's get it and get some really and read those that are that even with the, to the, the person that of the,
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i don't think you're not just going to take this slightly and there's going to be a major, major escalation plus has been let's go to this phone and human is going to spawn it to be very honest. i'm very fearful about the words that agent is going and what, what would happen if all 3 slots open at the same time, the guys less than an open one. where is that? at the, at the time, when does a society is facing me to the challenges? we're also what happened yesterday or the day before in 19 is the soldiers were accused of raping the city in the prison in, in, in the one of the prisons and the, there's a, the police attempted to meet the police attempted to do, let's take them to court, to, to make the face charges and thousands of for like steam is, is really stalled. the courthouse is still the j and,
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or the push towards the media produce. so the whole as a society is, this is now going through these major conflicts across and we're gonna have to leave it back. but thank you very much for your time. i took it as 3 that does publish sending businessman and former politician best include a much appreciated thank you. as well in the west spine kimonos has been taken to the streets of prize on protests over the killing of how must be the israel, how may the demonstrations were seen marching with thomas flags and expressing that rage and grief over the assassination that the raleigh remain blogs for the peaceful stimulus scenes took place in the admin is thousands of people took to the streets to condemn, is raising the question the whose the movement is the clad. 3 days of morning and owner of the deceased palestinian leader. meanwhile,
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hezbollah has sent its condolences to the family all for how must lead to and said only his desk will increase the determination of his vices. the death of honda. yeah, william bolden, the determination and stubbornness of resistance fighters on all fronts and will make their resolve stronger in fighting against the zionist enemy. well, the idea says the only way to avoid a full scale with lab and illness for hezbollah troops to leave an area that's near the country's shed, full to the only way that the world can prevent the full scale war, which would be devastating. also collab and on is by forcing hezbollah to implement security council resolution. 17 o one. now is the very last minute to do so diplomatically with the un resolution mention find the is ready official that caused the stuffing. the goals are still a teas deploying lebanese forces to southern life, and on, on with touring is ready forces from a border area. i'm to assessing up the new try, say,
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the warning photos and these ratings to i can be reached on tuesday, which targeted a senior hezbollah come on the in response to a deadly incident in the golden heights. the, the 11 owns health industry said a women and same children was killed in that is radius flight. they talk about condemnation from homage who sees around on lebanon in response. hezbollah has an up the launch of a barrage of kinda causing drones as is well. what does news of wounded were rushed to a nearby hospital? this is as a start kitchen, densely populated area. the number of casualties could rise. as the rustle is clear, we've been hearing from i when i was passing here on my bike,
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and suddenly i was hit on the head and fell unconscious. another i was in my car, close to the building that was targeted. i felt like something powerful hit the car which broke through the roof. there was dustin thick ash and i didn't know what happened and what was going on around me. and then we started hearing water because there was a tank on the roof of the building. then my vision became clear and i was able to get out. we went in the street and 2 minutes later we heard the sound of the explosion. there were 2 hits one after the other. it wasn't that strong, so it was obvious that it was a drone strike and not an air strike with all of this comes within days of a contested missile strike that took place on the golan heights, as well as the keys avenue was conducting the attack. but has bluffed as it was, an error miss all from as well as i and the defense system. the, the
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what, the moment the of that strike which claimed the lives of 12, most of who died would shoulder. and incidence has since become a frequent token point for his way to officials even when addressing unrelated issues with a permanent issue, a statement regarding the strike a route and the assassination of from us lead smell has made up this morning. thank you for that. we have spoken quite extensively already. um uh, with uh uh on this briefing. we have spoken express extensively a briefing about uh the uh, his belong number to which we eliminated last night. let me tell you, i visited the sides of this group some gruesome attack on these children playing football soccer. it is the most appalling thing that you could possibly
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imagine. so we have spoken about that. you were not speaking, we're not giving any comment on the other. how much su, which you had talked about what we've been hearing from a former palestinian diplomatic representative to the u. k. who said the recent is reading strikes will expand the conflict in the region. we are at the brink of the region and what i think is right and, and got the through nothing you know, through the congress, the green light to escalate the tensions. and then we do the ease. i think that americans are going ahead with it. uh, as plans with the, with the, with these rages and now we are seeing a hotel up front is well upfront him us front seat in front and on in front of these out of now building i mean and ready to go for action, which will lead basically to major escalations that would involve may be major
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powers and the reason so we cannot really anticipate that much then name it to you of the action of all these board and existence groups, i guess is the end. but definitely is that it is not going to get by with the assets the nations that's had been taking place. and we believe that the, as the nations had been greenlighted by the us administration. unfortunately, that's bringing some of these non closer to home because they say is, as indonesia says, it considered as russia to be a great friend. this is according to the southeast asian countries, prizes. and to like, to be meeting with black me a person here in moscow, this is what i bought us to be added to who said his nation would like to increase cooperation with russia for food, energy, security, and also education. the read friend. and i would like to continue to maintain and enhance
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this relationship in our history. we remember russia has always helped us in many respects when we were individual, these should help us. and of course it was mainly just over the union. but if you come through any of the make semester or we'll buy lessons and you also help us build up our mid 3 forces when we were under threats. and so this is something that we intended from our friends that we must never forget. those who helped us meeting with
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a lot of our fortunes here at the kremlin, mister, for most of the onto a said that they want to see a more of a reference presence in the countries economy. they want more joining to trade projects education projects. specifically, they want to send more indonesian medical students to russia, nuclear energy projects. and of course, more cooperation in the tourism sector with volume. indeed, being among the most popular holiday destinations for many russians in exchange vladimir food and also praised the costs relationship between the 2 countries and moist coal for that it will become even closer. after mister from los angeles presidential terms officially begins a top american diplomats, a said the us must count a chinese influence and that's what the or else it could become exceeding the more difficult for american companies to get red elements from the constant that we need
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to do more and we have to contest chinese actions not only in terms of their ford basing strategy, but their desire to go after africa's, wherever it's that will be critical for our industrial and technological capabilities. the 20 year engagement in the middle east was largely about ground forces about army, about special forces. we made all the appropriate investments we modernized, we innovated now, is the navy and the air force has time. they have to step up, they have to invest more. they have to be more innovative, they have to be more intrepid, and they've got to understand that the indo pacific arena requires the most capable naval and advanced long range air capabilities that the united states has ever needed before. well, let's discuss this now with chief photo now. what county
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a full month diplomats of the economic community of west african states. thank you very much for joining us all to international i. first of all you heard that won't be us official, was saying about that. washington's desires to get for couldn't result, will say is what do you make of baths? thank you for having me was well, when i'm here come position from is a desire to have my advocates. miller sauces is what i that committee very late in the sense that some other countries have um, affected me use of accessing to sending the resources to some more. you know that if i'm friendly news, then what i'm medicaid used to be this is that he came back to america, very buckley, i suppose that that's why so he's one strategy community and you can find me an industry, an interest meta tags. what i did, you treat as to what she can do to extract me the house for
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a month. okay. usually most of the agreements that america may have signed or even discussing was african countries hasn't been on the old template. ultimate relationship that was one sided in china. right. cheryl? talk to d. i'm some other countries i've come in with a different approach and approach a friend and, and this mutual respect for each other. so it is changing the climate. i met a kind of definitely finding it extremely difficult to access your sources. and i was just like it used to. and um, you know, you for you was that these really awesome laptops in particular are very, very essential for very high tech industrial goodman's. it's becoming a problem and that's why the deputy secretary was expressing the sentiments to be america and forces to prepare for strategies is now waiting for to be
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in the child. and so in the region, it becomes imperative that you need the resources so much for got to be able to have that started you put services in that region was does, will continue to be honest. most i made a copy really present in, in the china. i met a guy should you learn how to cut this quote according to you to use our resources . because the global, i visualize the created problems that box america needs to revisit. the globally fans that used to be that is also means as a football on that is that i think is being challenged today. so i'm in the country, need to learn this lesson and begin to see how can you, we've been better all lead you fine relation. it is with the other countries based
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on the template that you're cutting that ratio china out of. yeah, i just want to jump in on their own on not points. i mean, you heard from the officials saying essentially that america needs to do something to count to chinese influence and assuming as well, influence from other countries like washer you said that have had beneficial relationships with african countries. is it up to african nations who they able to work with them with the best relationship is i'm very sorry, chief or economy. i think we're having a, an issue with the sound at the moment, but we will try and come back to as soon as possible. uh that was chief verona. well, connie very much, thanks for your time. well, thanks very much for tuning in more news interviews at the top of the next hour. don't go anywhere though, is we've got a cracking off the document preview. next. looking at
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a history of colonialism in for ca, stay tuned for for can catastrophe. the, [000:00:00;00] the, the russian states never as one of the most sense community best to him then i'll send, send up the keys on i need to
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speak to someone else calls question about this. even though we will fan in the european union, the kremlin, the machine, the state on the rush to day and split the r t. suppose next, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube tv services for the question, did you say steve and twist,
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which is the of the joseph conrad ro hall of darkness at the height of units colonial scramble fast. it's about the search for a mysterious white trader. old mister clips is become


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