tv News RT July 31, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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don't want to watch it because it might just change the way inside. the breaking news is oh the archie ronnie piece is the us a colluding with ease roll over the assassination of a mass leader. and there ron shortly after you rods. new president welcomed him on sunday, not duration events. got taught lashes out the easel all accusing it of stop a pausing, any hope for a true scan. guys, up the mass protest. seen jordan in front of the u. s. embassy, you were angry. crowds leading washington fulfilling it instability in the middle east. and has block confirmed the death for the organization senior advisor
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of military advice. i've seen an idea of like 11 on on the vanya and military advice that was reported the cube as well. the fellow continued coverage of the latest trend, shaping the world right now. those are the international i a michael, quite a now was the ronnie and supreme leader says, as well as well, she'll be severely punished over the assassination that they have. mass political media is my and heavy yet, and their report in the new york times claims a direct strike has been ordered to rotten is also issued. the us, i'll accuse the us of being completed in the killing in the ministry of foreign affairs of the islamic republic of the ron emphasizes the responsibility of the us government as a supporter and accomplice of the zionist regime in the continuation of the occupation and genocide,
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of palestinians in committing this heinous act of terrorism. here is how they can do this for the data. so for smart honey. yeah. the cheaper from political bureau, who as well as also needed wednesday at his residence into one people here are waiving palestinian slacks holdings for troy. it's so funny, i think this part of him as a resistance fighter in the fight against israel, they transformed this against israel. blaming the incidents on the they say israel has been watching all red lines by targeting resistance fighters. now they demand that they're wanting and government takes revenge as they move has to be carried out on the one. and the message from the supreme leader made everything clear, we will definitely take revenge. and israel will face a severe punishment that will make them regret their actions. israel has attempted to undermine our territorial security, and most importantly has killed our guest. oh hawk soft,
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filled with sadness. as an iranian, i must say that today they attacked the house of 10 wrong. we hope that the heart of tel aviv will be targeted so that all hops can find some piece. we demand a strong response. we call for a strategic target in tel aviv to be attacked to ease all pain, i'm afraid or was assassinated shortly after arriving. it's a wrong or the activation of everyone's new president must because there's many off pointing fingers at his rail. these people, i believe the west is also complicit in these that and that's a sentiment also echoed by humans. lucy group which has now played a significant role, i think is well over the course of the gaza. was nothing you who returned from america with a in life for us as a nation's america is involved in everything that is happening. i must pay the price. it was not aware of the assassination. the u. s. secretary of state went and made this the search engine hours after how many it was killed.
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intent was something that the west was not aware of involved in it on both the president transferred for this gun as to how many i condemned the association labeling israel. a tourist regime and vowing gave large punishment and so base that it has raised alarm bells and around the country has recorded reports. it's 3 forces alone its western borders on the alert. also, a symbolic red flag for advantage has been raising the city a form of such a flag was last raise back in january this year after a terrorist attack in the city of him on the plains the lives of at least 94 people . now it one has declared 3 days of national morning, a funeral for how much chief is set to take place into one on thursday. his body will then be transferred to the territory capital, where he won't be late to resume on friday. the positive resistance will in
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due until the illumination of israel and the victory up as long as they may succeed in monitoring any resistance leader. but they know very well that the audiology of islam will not be extinguished. this has only reinvigorated our resolve, and the blood of all monitors will continue to nourish our ideals. the region is now rustling with sanction after what happened many here a whole regional conflict as both come on and living on says, pledge syria and gets out of res, concerned stuff, honey. as a desk and at least a bigger escalation in the middle east denouncing israel for the move. it has to repeat the piece of bleed to assessing nations and continued targeting and siblings in gaza. will talks continually just to ask, how can media should succeed when one party assessment needs to be negotiated. on the other side, these need serious partners in the global stance against the disregard for human
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life. syria condemns this blocking design is to invest and as a despicable act. the continued disregard of international law as by these fairly entity may side the entire beach in a blaze, because there has been like any responsibility for the coming help to express their leisure attorney as of its attempts to distances itself from the incident. as well as previous threats to eliminate peters, including as a number one for per trader in the eyes of the resistance forces. so the current atmosphere suggests an escalation of the already volatile situation and that we can with holes for vengeance and responsible honey. as a south nation are going to out here. all right, let's get some background here on the man who was killed is bio honey, a right here had. so that's the chief will to have mass political bureau seeds 2017
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. and was widely considered the political leader of the group that he was with him since the 19 eighties and had been imprisoned multiple times by as well. he was able to pull from guys the bodies or the military authorities. during his career, he survived several attempts on his life. now all the permanent hemisphere goes have also been assassinated. for instance, in 1996. is there any secret services managed to kill him as military leader? yeah, yeah, yes. and then in 2004, they killed to have my school found. this is separate incidents now in january of this year. and as strike on the residential building and being rude, killed the military commander, all the group to that is what it has always known to have had heavier it is cross has since its blood to eliminate the him. i've lead us up to the october the 7th attack, april this? yeah, these were the strike on guy that killed me is 3 sons and the 4 grandchildren, including my luck, had the right here doubt. since october,
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dozens of his family members had been killed. bent while easels ki, i live, the united states that has nothing to do with the latest attack. of course, i've seen the scene, the reports. and what i can tell you is this. first, this is something we were not aware of or involved in. so it's very hard to speculate and i've learned over many years, never to speculate on the, the impact one of that may have on a something else. so i can't tell you what this means. i can tell you that the imperative of getting a ceasefire, the important step that has for everyone roommates, right in recent months, usual has conducted strikes throughout the mid least targeting level non got the strip westbank, syria, iran, and e and that, but the last, the us continues to support its close ally with these are the prime minister,
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but that means it's a yahoo recently welcomed by congress members in washington, a while the dying israel's complicity and the killing earlier this evening. but the main that the guy who boasted that in recent days is forces of head to mass before these and has the ever since the beginning of the war, i explained that we're in a battle with the axis of evil wrong. this is an ex, has changed a war against the certification of terrorists armies. i missed all the wrong these trying to type them around on next to my speech in front of the congress that took place several days ago. i've mentioned 3 main on solve this at this available time asked the who the sound has been on the 3 ages. in recent days we have given a blow to each one of them. 3 weeks ago we attacked the chief of staff of from us mohammed df. 2 weeks ago we attacked the who it's easy and one of the furthest attacks of the air force. and yesterday we attacked the chief of staff hold has block for shaqia, cool,
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most even though so kind of in the name of the citizens of israel. i would like to express deep appreciation to the idea nation back to the middle for intelligence from the air force and to only security forces for that precise performance on 3 different front of us view, the following the assassination egypt on kotob. maybe a to say negotiations between these well and have my say that any possibility of a truce could now be jump, a dived, academic and professor of miscommunication or the highlight. a believe that bank of minutes a yahoo seemingly wanted to kill not seized by you, honey. a, by the 12th with promises themselves in a negotiating process, you will need, obviously, to part what's happened. that is a default. why maple does this way? you need to find a city. and so how most of the v 0, she says,
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boy and i assume you sure that the, i mean it's in your whole. busy assess the richard the i must keep some money. i need to achieve this goal. just a good tool to really do it because he is not interested in that negotiation. he is not interested the tools he is interested in going on and on and on in the world of goods. and despite the fact that the id, if they want to get to also because i'm the one at ae tools, were any price. why? because it has to be really uh, suffering because of that heavy resistance against them. and guess that even though they use what the government has not acknowledged any involvement
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of the killing of a mass political chief, ordinary citizens have set up celebration tables to express the joy of the news and to find the idea for their success regarding a tax on both lebanon, new, right. we set up a table because we really thankful to the idea of, for all the activities for the security forces and it's a dvd for them. given honey. yeah. i think it's a big day for the people of israel, and you should celebrate dental, and kudos to our security forces and the soldiers and our prime minister nathan, yahoo! there's nobody compared to him. and i'm have the and we walk up to the best morning ever. she's, there is a response from, has the lower from us, so be it. we don't have any other choice. we need to show them all that we can respond to. and then we have the military's mice and the, our soldiers have the power. and then we have the technological power. we have it all in jordan,
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the hundreds of people gathered in front of the american embassy to protest over the killing of the have mass need. the as you've seen, people were heard shouting at us, chance conducting washington cubic and stuff, entities. the big leads hostess of the late a mazda leader, were also seen in the cloud. stimulus seems to placing gammon thousands of people to the streets to condemn means to any aggression who the movements declared 3 days of morning and on. the policy in lita beth was, has belie, has sent its it's from the lenses to the front of the of the him. i need to and said his death will only increase the determination if it's a of it's find. this is the death of honey a william bolden. the determination and stubbornness of resistance fighters on all fronts and will make their results stronger in fighting against the zionist enemy.
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and has blood has confirmed the desk of openness nations senior advisor or military affairs, even the idea of striking lab and on there are also reports of any ronnie and military advice of being killed in the same attack on the heels of that israel has ones the only way to avoid a full scale conflict between the countries is what has blocked troops to leave an area near the shed border. the only way that the world can prevent the full scale war, which would be devastating. also collab a non is by forcing hezbollah to implement security council resolution. 17 o one. now is the very last minute to do so diplomatically. the minister made an appeal to a foreign ministers around the world and sold for their support for saint does not allow to my love. and the only way to stop that from happening is the mentation.
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also, you? i heard the lucian 17 or one. this is for you some off, as long as it's hard to find israel 3rd street, the north pole river in lebanon, and also allowing the 10s of thousands of to go back home to the, to the border. later tuesday evening. israel decided to carry out to a precise attack as it's called the, to, into our apartment and a southern suburbs of the route to 11. and this attack targeted to a senior, his beloved military commander, and use the most important military come either in his beloved that's how they describe him, even as the commander of the ship and by his beloved goose in this outside good. israel also killed the 3 people, according to the news because sources,
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they said, a woman and 2 children were killed. and this are strikes that is real close if the size of here um in his letter, the israel before you administer said that slot to card who was estimated by israel. he was the played a big role in the shot in most of the shots in which was israel. the children were still playing saucers and the this attract also left $71.00 did so according to his role, it's not looking for an escalation, the side, it's claims responsible to you for this assassination as says it's now his brother's decision. if he wants war, then he will respond to this assassination of this attack by israel, that broke the rules of engagement and the conflict between israel as his butler. since the 2nd lebanese war stopped in 2006. the,
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all these comes within days of a contested missile strike and the golan heights is all his accused the lab and on of conducting the attack. but has balanced said that it was an error on myself. israel's island dom defense system. the video captured the moment of the strike, which claimed 12 lives. most of those who died with children, the incident has fitness become a frequent token point for these are the officials, even when addressing on related issues will the permanent issue a statement regarding the strike and a root and the assassination of from us late it smells and they this morning. thank you for that. we have spoken quite extensively already. so uh, with uh on this briefing we have spoken. it says extensively
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a briefing about the hospital number to which we eliminate it last night. let me tell you, i visited the sides of this group some gruesome attack on these children playing football soccer. it is the most appalling thing that you could possibly imagine. so we have spoken about that. if you were not speaking, we're not giving any comment on the other. how much su, which you had talked about that were heard from a, from a policy the and diplomatic representative to the u. k. he feels that the reason he's really strikes will expand the conflict in the region. we are at the brink of the region and what i think is right and, and got the through nothing you know, through the congress of the green light to escalate the tensions. and let me do the
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ease. i think the americans out of going ahead with it the as planned with the, with the, with these rages. and now we are seeing what's it wrong is well up front him us front seat in front. iran in front of these are now building. i mean and ready to go for action, which will lead basically 2 major escalations that were involved may be major powers. and the reason, so we cannot really anticipate that much then nbc, of the action of all these board and existence groups i guess is the end. but definitely is that it is not going to get by with the assets the nations that have been taking place. and we believe that the, as the nations have been greenlighted by the us administration. unfortunately, go into the us now. and new video has been released by fox news of the recent assassination attempt on donald trump. its film from the angle of a man who was injured by the shooter,
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and appears to show the gotten man getting into position. now let's play this video for you right here. now this cycle here, we see an image of someone who is suspected to be not to crooks on the warehouse where some pulls shot. and then he disappeared for a while and then reappeared again and apparently taking a position from where he shot trump. i did. you can see the direct position there from this position. you could see where he apparently was day. now this video comes as the new, the a pointed us secret service direct to run a ro. admittedly, he was ashamed of his agents, his protection of trump, during the incident, branding it in defensible. one of my 1st actions as acting director was travelling to the butler farm show side to better understand how our protection failed and went to the roof of the a g. r building where the ceiling fired shots and i laid in a prone position to evaluate his line of sight. what i saw made me
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ashamed. as a career law enforcement officer and a 25 year veteran with the secret service. i cannot defend why the roofers out better secured role faced some boxes on comfortable questing, and the congressional hearing help with the conduct of his agency. system failure. in every center, the former president travels with a full shift full just like the president. what's the route? so the exact same size is that your testimony, that the president trump had the same size detail. the president biden is on the day of involved or the agents surrounding him. it is the same number of agents surrounding the president. today, there is a difference between a sitting president who also not only a you're using president a way that is not clear. is it your testimony that in butler, pennsylvania, donald trump had the same number of agents protecting him that joe biden has at a comfortable event? i'm telling you the shift to close protection ship surrounded that yes,
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are you asked me, senator? and i'm trying to answer it. you are not answering it, is it the same number of agents are not centered, or there is a difference between the sitting president of the united states and what's the difference premier or? well, we're already using the number a secret service or a lot better rocking him. stop interrupting the why is there not? is a secret service counter sniper, they are with clear line of sight that roof has a clear line of sight to the former president. why didn't you put a secret service counter cyber there? the secret service is counter sniper role as to neutralize those threats that are looking in on us from where the protect the is not necessarily saying that you might want to revise that protocol and light of what happened here as they were protecting the principle. and i think in principle, got shot, understand that sir, do you think you might want to revise the protocol? no information regarding a weapon on the roof was ever passed to our personnel having information of
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a suspicious individual. there were other calls that day of individuals that came to the attention of law enforcement of people that needed medical attention. so it really that particular regarding the sale and that never really rose to a level of we should. we should not put them out there. had we known that there was a dangerous individual out there. we would never let a protect the go out on stage. so what you all are doing is you're ruined. you and your reputation impact integrity is the federal government. it makes no sense to me about all the questions had been raised after it was revealed that the suspicions of bob, a suspect, 90 minutes before the shooting kid loading the round building we are in a g. i believe it says i did see him with the range. find to look into wood stage for information. if you want to notify secret service snipers to the couch. i lost sight of him. also it back with backpacks. it's a next to it. and rare of building that was not so you know,
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they're called in to come on and have a uniform, check it out the host of conservative daily podcast. joe, all mine says that the hearing is nothing but the theatre or the hearing was another dog and pony show, a more kabuki theater. and you can never tell the problem with, with organizations that have lost credibility or had a failure as, as massive as this one is. is it there is, but it's very difficult to come back from it. and because of all of the other issues that we've seen that have gone down stream that they've had to deal with related to the failures and, and, and the fact that the day of the assassination, they were already trying to change the narrative. and they had chris ray that came out and said that that it was probably shrapnel or glass, that it is here. they just lack credibility. they lack the ability to read their own reports. and some of the answers that they gave show us that they lack confidence that these people not only are disconnected with reality, to what happened on the day of the assassination. but they,
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they don't feel like they're either should be held accountable or don't have the capacity individually to be to, to be held to a standard. that frankly is, is not that high. just don't know the guy on the roof of basically the gun within the wire, within the you know, 200 yard perimeters and they couldn't even get that done. so i don't believe that anything that they say is going to change the outcome of the investigation. and that is that they are either one grossly and confident, which i don't believe or to this was an inside job in order to assassinate the most popular president in the world. and staying of the us. now, what top american diplomats has said that the u. s. must count the chinese influence economic a whole rails. it could become exceedingly more difficult for american companies to get rep elements from the continent that we need to do more. and we have to contest chinese actions not only in terms of their ford basing strategy, but their desire to go after africa's river. it's that will be critical for our
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industrial and technological capabilities. the 20 year engagement in the middle east was largely about ground forces about army, about special forces. we made all the appropriate investments we modernized, we innovated now, is the navy and the air force has time. they have to step up, they have to invest more. they have to be more innovative, they have to be more intrepid. and they've got to understand that the end of pacific arena requires the most capable naval and advanced long range air capabilities that the united states has ever needed before. now what the deputy secretary of state forgot to mention needs and about rising trade volume between china and the african continent at the same time, energy, and transport. all the keys fast trying to invest in on the continent. and the
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chinese funds of helped to build railways, power plants, and other infrastructure. all these contrasts greatly with the us approach, which is a echoed by a former echo as diploma. how in our county, a medical supply stick to what the actual guy was beating that, asked the guy's team to see if the problem. yeah. home and interior master candles for new. for me, at least i'm so did you live without, without the ones that relationship or not? well, what kind of relationship are we talking about here? on the key is to dictate likely to see any project completed by america for the benefit. it also comes, i mean that's a covered benefit of applicants. if we take a simple look at the last 20 years, for instance, the total number of river lines, brand new,
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realize that i mean extended our cost africa is i'm using the total number of apples that i believe bumped. i knew that i'd be booked with chinese phones, and the expertise is beyond belief. gas power stations. most an infrastructure problem in the news, one of the off. okay. yeah, i do so much. well, that's the update this out here to get details from all of the stories that we're following on r t dot com. thanks for watching. and by the the,
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the russian states never as tight as i'm sort of the most sense community best. most all sense and up the in the 6595 and speed. what else? suppose question about this. even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russians to day and split the ortiz full, even our video agency,
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roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say steven twist, which is the the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter lavelle from the very start of the binding presidency. we were told the occupant of the oval office was obsessed with his legacy. 3 and a half years later that legacy can be summed up with a.
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