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tv   News  RT  August 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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human, so in general, the moscow confirms the log scale press like strange, mediated by to kia and 10 russians return to help in exchange for 16 western, including a number of prominent ne a wall street journal reporter, yvonne gaskell rich and us marine full well on to with both convicted of spying in russia are among those on the spot places and people in these roles are also demanding the sort of deals for rolands, by calling for their government to sit down with have mazda in order to negotiate release all the remaining hostages. the
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but this is all going to national routine. you live from a new center in moscow. i a michael, watch it now our top story. if not, i may put it in has signed the pardons for 15 citizens swapped in the largest prison i exchange from the west. since the cold war, the crumbling sides of the move was the necessary steps to help. they told people the decision to sign the decrease has been made to return the citizens of the russian federation, who were detained and imprisoned on the territory of foreign states. moscow is also grateful to the leadership of all countries that assisted in preparing the exchange a little cold, but happy. the russian and the security service is really used for that. showing the western citizens being taken to the plane that would fly them to the key. and that's where the exchange took place. at the west swapped for 10 russians citizens in blue. the all civilians including 2 minus the deal was broken by nature. but the
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key following intends negotiations bold in 2000 and present as are on the exchange list. this operation has been recorded in history of the most extensive present or exchange between the united states, russia and germany, and recent years. the channels of dialogue for the story corporation were established by the tigris national intelligence organization. 10 presenters, including t minus, were relocated to russia, 13 presence to germany, and 3 present us to the united states. as we speak, a number of planes of landed in on, cut in the turkish capital to ensure that the presenter exchange does continue without a hitch. what we're looking at right now is one of the largest prisoner exchanges since the 2nd world war. this is a significant step forward for a number of different reasons. we understand that more than half a dozen countries are involved in this present or swap and the turkish military as well as the intelligence agencies have been providing information,
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suggesting that direction intelligence played a key role and mediating this person or exchange. we understand based on a statement from text intelligence that they started to mediate these talks in july of this year of 2024. and over the course of the past month searched intelligence ensured that the tardies that are, of course, are involved in this present exchange came to a certain understanding. and does that the swap would take place in neutral territory, which is on code at the church capital. but also is important here was of course of that this is considered as i did want to bite me in a easing of hostilities or something. but i would suggest that the easing of strains by countries such as the united states and russia, particularly when we take into to accounts the conflict in ukraine and the stats that washington took since then this could become a pivotal step forward. yeah, i think given the relations of being what many describe as being was fishing, russia in the west is interesting that there is this contact now between the various intelligence agencies that yes and that came
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a reporting for us from is found bull about the fact that to care has been brokering that present experience. thank you very, very much. well, let's get more details now about who has been exchanged off correspondent, all teased. correspondence speaks, we need is in cd with a cd. we've been following this, so we'll say we do finally have confirmation of some of the names of the 26 individuals who are being swell. can you talk us 32 down. ok. my speculation was rife early on thursday morning about this potential must present as well between the russian federation, the united states, batteries, germany and other european nations. now one, as we soon discovered it was one of around 6 russian government planes that did take off. we spent most of the day kind of tracking those to see that whereabouts. of course, there was a lot of speculation across by russian media and american media, cbs, the american media media route. but when it reported that i do have been struck by
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the, this was according to a senior bind to an administration official. now of course we had the confirmation from to a case intelligence and integrity. that's and could i have mediated this data. now they've released this list of $24.00 prisoners that have been exchanged as believe to be $26.00 in total, the biggest prisoner exchange since the end of the cold war. now we have some of those names confirmed. now we can talk about some of the, i guess the most prominent or high profile of those names top of the list. of course, the wall street journal report to evan goose give is now steve was recently dialed for 16 years on espionage charges. he came into the country, he was gathering information about the wagner private ministry company, but he was caught by russian security services. he was caught red handed, they say with irrefutable evidence that he was gathering information military
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information that to be useful to the west of the united states. and that he was preparing to hand this information over to the sea. i, he of course became, of course, the lever in the west. his detention was seen as an upfront to journalism on a front to a news gathering. many of the, many of these western governments on the jordan. this, of course, from countries that were behind the detention on the expedition with the planned expedition of the which it expanded, you the most honest about whom they remains incredibly side. and now most go has a game reiterated that it has incredibly strong evidence that goes could, which was in fact, spying a talk, a call soon. the conservative bull costa in his interview with not in a position where he confronted him directly on ghost, which his case and said would rush, i'd be willing to release him as a gesture of goodwill and punching replied inside. well, he's always open to this kind of thing, but it hadn't been reciprocated at by the west. and he said, well, of course,
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he would be happy to discuss the possibility of a prisoner exchange. but this needed some degree of flexibility from western intelligence. another of the high profile, the names on a list, of course is poor reading the full not us marine, a former us police officer. he again had a very checkered history in his own country. he was found guilty of embezzlement when he was a member of the united states armed forces. he suddenly develop this very keen interest in russia. he started learning the russian language. he was communicating with the russian citizens over social media. he came to the country and to a 1006, supposedly, to attend the wedding of a friend. again. he was here for a while and he was a cost and he was arrested and found on his possession, according to russia with state secret. so he was imprisoned on espionage charges.
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he's a guy and he's on this list released by the turkish intelligence that service. and of course, the german national rico creek and his name again is on this list of people the and i have confirmed by turkish intelligence to have been part of the present exchange deal, where he worked in the u. s. embassy in this, in the lane. uh, often leaving that post, he decided he was going to go to ukraine on a humanitarian mission as so many of them do, but he soon became caught up in combat operations. one of his missions was to photograph battery c and ministry installations and he was cold and arrested in the batteries in capital minutes. he had a rough side load rucksack loaded with explosives, which was due to be used on that countries royal network. he was sentenced to death from medicine re activities, but he was recently pardoned by the by the resume president. yeah, an interesting you going through the list of details that we've had. so the fall, this to minus who are on one of those planes coming about to russia?
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i think that suggests that a russian couple from slovenia amongst those being released from the russian side to come back home. yes. well, now, aren't you? i'm, i'm on the old chevy. this is a couple that were detained on espionage charges in slovenia of all places. now, according to the neighbors, they had been a fatty old and we couple, they were living that with the children they were living at old me, but it'll cost life in the supply. it'd be in slovenia, they have a number of companies i t company at all company and all the business organizations . but this will be in, you know, solar t's said that these with friends for russian spying operations. they were a arrested. i was sentenced to just on the 2 years in prison on the charges of spying, the other charges against them, which would have time even a year sentence if they were indeed found guilty. they are now included on this this and of course along with the children of,
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of the him crusty club. now he is that guy and he was one of the names that was really meant to be paul, this prisoner exchange. and he's a paid on this list of people that being confirmed to be on that prison exchange. this he is a, an f s. b agent. he was caught in russia back in 2019 and he was charged with kidding. a georgia national who is believed to be a chechen set protest, and he was a sentence to life in prison. right. that was our teach the sweetie. and yes, the back in talking earlier to my colleague charlotte dimansky about how things all panned out. well speaking from the white house, the us president gave his reaction to the president swap a short time ago. i don't bided on the line to the role of nato allies in the negotiation process. is still not been made possible without our alex german polls for media nor were in turkey. they all stepped up and they stood with us. the
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deal that made this possible was the feet of diplomacy and friendship of a model and best, let's not cross live to archie is caleb mopping, reporting from new york club. can you take us through just to what president biden had say about this? i'm proceeding to i just want as well. it is being heralded by the white house as the largest prisoner swaps since the cold war. and the tone of the white house is not just in biden's remarks where he was surrounded by family members, but also in the white house press conference that followed. the town was one of self congratulation. they emphasized over and over and over again by themselves said this as well as the white house spokesperson. and after that it was biden's leadership and bide, and who is responsible for this. of course, they acknowledge that many different countries were involved in this negotiation process. but the self congratulation got a bit excessive years,
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some of what might and said when announcing the results of the prisoner exchange rate. as of today, my business, i just brought them over. 70 americans were wrongfully detained. how hockey's abroad? many since before i took office edition, i issued an executive order in 2020 to authorize the penalties like sanctions and travel vans and those who hold americans against their will. now the context is important to note, biding will not be running for re election in the fall, and his vice president comma harris will be the nominee of the democratic party. and it's also important to note that while the uh biden administration, inviting himself hand to that, there might be a slight improvement of us russian relations in the aftermath of the prisoner exchange. when asked by the press, if he was willing to meet with russian president who uh, by the reply that he was not willing to do so. so that is the news from the us side
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. allied hearty curse button came up in bringing us up to speed. there well alright, let's discuss this further with outcome modeling and obviously is an issue inside city added to dawn and cabbage. joining us right now, john is good to have you join me. now. what are your overall thoughts regarding this present exchange and non corrupt book? there's potentially be viewed as a warming of relations between the us and russia. i would say it's probably less sending the chill than about warming, but it is an opportunity. and you know, primarily because you've had 7 governments do something that they didn't want to do . so that's always productive. and when governments will then respond that nothing is linked that, you know, this is isolated, it's not linked to ukraine. it's not linked to, to any other issue. of course it is because it allows for another avenue of
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discussions. so it's a good day when 7 governments do what they don't want to do when each of those governments good good headlines, governments like good headlines and they want more. so this does provide an opening slide. but it does provide an opening for discussions with respect to other issues . right now the last person i exchange between ross and the us to place of a and a 2022. what do you make of a timing off today? so do you think it has anything to do with the upcoming us election? well, there's no question that from my perspective and president putin has made his decision. and his decision is that he prefers the predictability of what would come with a harris administration than the unpredictability that would come from a 2nd,
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trump administration. and you know, primarily when you, when you look at that time, president put in could have easily waited less than a 100 days to make this deal happen. and you would have had no somewhat of a similar and in 1981 when with the wrong hostage crisis. when president jimmy carter's administration negotiate a deal and the re, new government waited till 12 o 11 minute after ronald reagan finished his inaugural. um, also of office and to release the hostages. so in this particular case, you know, i think everyone will deny everything but president put in, you know, made a calculated decision. and, you know, for vice president harris, this is a really good day for a former president. trump know he's going to be angry, is going to say it's a week deal. you know,
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that's because that's why they made the deal because president put and then one of the go shape with the, with the 2nd term president trump it's, it's really going to, to fall on on a lot of fears. because the bottom line is, this is one less item on the list of unpleasant items relating to the us and russia. and now the wall street journal reports i had the yvonne desk of which was sentenced just 2 weeks ago for espionage in russia. do you think that that development in this case, as somehow paving the way for this base not exchange like, you know, i don't know, but there are no reports that the, that the government of the russian federation was a waiting. a final conclusion of final dispensation from the courts, which would then make it easier for us or more structured for president potent to
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offer clemency to offer a pardon. because then the judicial process had played out and that's quite possible. but still, you know, i circle back to this all could have waited until november, the 6th. it also could've waited until january 20th of 2025 when the next president is warned in it didn't. and so that's calculated. it's also calculated by the other governments involved, where they could have easily decided, okay, joe biden, you know, we understand you want to get this done, but we want to wait and see the outcome of your election. they didn't wait and that's particularly and informed of with respect to chancellor schultz of germany and present the air of one or turkey. or another swap was broken by and they to met, but to keir, which also has good relations with russia. well, what are your thoughts on to kia is role in all of this?
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you know, it's, it's interesting when you read the statements, you know, by the state department, us state department statement about turkey as role was a little more logistical where the white house was more. and drake sullivan, the national security advisor was, was more of a full, some partner in, in getting this done. and the russian federation, as i said, the same thing your, i'm reminded of, you know, where, where to there's a statement about general omar bradley and he made an about general george patton. and it used to say, kid patton headline and you'll get another 20 miles out of him. and in this particular case, you get present the air to one a good headline and you're likely going to get some results you're going to energize the man. he has been the full problem with respect to the relationship between the russian federation and ukraine. whether it's the blacks,
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the grand initiative, whether it's the hosting and working for rum prisoner swaps, whether it's other dialogues that have taken place each been important. and basically the role of turkey now with this prisoner exchange is going to energize again, present air to wind. and what i think you're going to see leading up is we're now a month away from the un general assembly in new york. the annual meeting of all the heads of state and heads of government. i think you're going to see a lot of activity, a lot of discussions, and that we had to the g 20 in november and rio de janeiro. purcell. if harris wins will buying go or will he let harris introduce yourself? will present, improve and go to that one. and of course everyone will be there to you know, i think this energize is present the air to one. and that's always a good thing when it comes to trying to move, you know, presidents zalinski of ukraine has been focusing on the summit of what this
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prisoner exchange has brought forward is. this wasn't the prisoner summit that led to this. these were negotiations. and that's what needs to happen. us and present air to one is said, he's willing to host them, president potent said, he's willing to go present. so lensky is moving rapidly toward doing just that. so i think we're, we're taking up for um, you know, september, october to be a very interesting time with respect to finally moving toward a concrete discussion and negotiation about resolving the war in ukraine. that is what the most of the well just looking for to we have to leave it here now john cabbage, i see their editor at the outcome modeling analysis, an issue and slides. thank you so much for your insight. thank sir. great to the middle east. now people into our b of are all this traits this evening. the math and b is really got, but make
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a deal with him us to bring the remaining. the hostages held him from gaza by let's cross now live to all to contribute to robbie by joining us live from tel aviv, robbie. you a car, the other scene, can you tell us what is happening all this speech at the the right now? yeah, so behind me is me is rarely carry out, which is kind of like the pentagon for as well. the idea can stay here and uh, thousands at the end of the process. there were thousands of people marching through the street as we can see the screen now, raw sewage deal. now some people weeping and screaming and crying, and some people are angry. but 3300 days is just to lobby, see the thing. we are getting very close to 365. so these people are very upset and they want a deal to happen. they want it sooner rather than later. let's not forget that after all the discovery that some soldiers were abusing hamas territory captivity,
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they're afraid that their family is now being abused. more than a habit of use in god though, or the hostage for 3 other days. it is very nice people to go direct across reach human rights, right. so what we have going on here now are people who are very angry and they want a deal, but most of the country is very concerned about what's going on. i mean, there are 12, navy are be uh, carrier as well. maybe except for american ships around the reason to protect it as well. in case of an attack is increasing section 11, all these real rod, israel,
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people afraid, let's hear what time it is. you're giving it to you all have to say about the situation. the sudden said the israel is anastasia, very high readiness. but any scenario somebody's defends and of times we will extract to very high price. but any acts of aggression against us, from any quotes whatsoever. after we eliminated the has the law chief of staff yesterday today came the final verification of the illumination of the how much chief of stuff, how many df. his illumination establishes the simple principle, the width stablished away the hud sauce. we caught them by the cartridges. the message sent him while israel definitely feels justified, necessitating from our members wherever they may be. the other side of the point is we've got uh, in the north. uh here's, but uh, as you know, it's still the 44 is rarely citizens and soldiers. since the war has started, and it's been a lot ahead of it, blah, blah,
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blah blah. there's no blame even if you all are basically letting the dogs of war lose. let's hear what he has to say. or is that going to doing that? i will say that the enemy and those who support the enemy have to expect our response. our response will come for sure to know this is a historical battle. and today we say to design is that if you want to finish us through killing our leaders and scaring our people and killing women and children get, man, if you want us to surrender to be weaker, you are wrong, your, this will not happen. becky, as our ladies a knob has said, whatever you do, but whatever efforts you make, nothing, yahoo and all of the americans, whether it's biden or harris or trump, they're all the same. it doesn't matter what, whatever you do, an effort to make you will not erase us. you will not kill our resilience and our spirit. if you are planning to finish us, this will not work. this you server entity is going to be finished because the
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people of god will when people feel about war, it is them and, and go, operatively are screaming, just say their families. most of the people in the country unfortunately are ready for their own lives. they feel more celebrating, i did one of them. let's see what they have to say. and one is a bit anxious. sometimes it would be something we'd probably just use or wrapping it up, but they're out here every night and the crowds get bigger and bigger. angry and angry or something's going to happen is going to happen until whether it's good or bad. i don't know, time will show arrive, i'll be above man, hard to contribute. and tel aviv bringing us up to speed their phone cannot be
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and to friends now power he says, got into damage control mode that bid. the series of controversies over its hosting of the olympic games now as spokesperson is admitted that the scandal reading opening ceremony did indeed both tre, the last supper in the scene, the maybe said, was a violent mockery of christianity are to contribute to it, right to a mass then has the story french president emanuel and nicole said after the opening ceremony for the paris olympic games that in 100 years, people will still be talking about it. not sure about that, but one week later, the controversy continues particularly over the scene depicting what appeared to be the last supper with dried queens in various states of corpulent, on dress and gender ambiguity in the place of jesus and the disciples. a bunch of folks pitched a fit about it and decided that they were going to complain about the fact that the
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bended christian. so it looks like organizers went into damage control in an attempt to set things straight about the creative vision of the opening show as director to measure. the thomas jolly took inspiration from leonardo da vinci's famous painting to create the setting and olympic spokes person admitted to the post in a statement on saturday. referring to the opening ceremony creative director, nice hair splitting there. it wasn't satirizing the actual dinner, just the painting of it. yeah, guys come on now. it's not like jody was resting on cheeses version of the last summer or the actual self fee of the event and found in the bible. which zachary, when nose is full of colors, the garbage, the, you know, the image that doesn't actually exist with the only widespread one being of the last supper coming from, of a national painter dinardo davinci version of it. so it's not like they're 2 different things. they're really wanting the same,
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but they argue that love the simpsons and andy warhol did the same thing. they also find it. yeah, nice arguments there. that puts the most prestigious and story global sporting events in the world on the level of a tv cartoon. and a pop artist assets, they're not helping their cases, the fact that some of the performers themselves have been trying in one explicitly saying on social media that it was the quote new gay testament. but even the games organizes themselves can't seem to coordinate their talking points with the official olympics account on the x platform on social media. arguing that it was actually the picture of a totally different dinner the interpretation of the greek god diane isis makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings. next to be saying that it was just the same from that whole and basically its last dinner party at the say. not surprisingly, those things very job is to defend the interest of christianity. have taken full
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advantage of this prime opportunity for a global pile on it. is very regrettable that in paris we witnessed an insult to christianity in the holy gospel, which is also insulting to all civilized people who recognize the right to faith and respect, religious symbols. if the international sports games, the olympic games were supposed to be about promoting harmony and peace between societies, they have now become a minority tool to humiliate and denigrate a religion of more than $2000000000.00 believers. more importantly, the issue of defiant, discriminatory and defensive attitudes towards christian believers remains. europe has no future without a real and living face in enduring christian values across the atlantic. the us republican party in full campaign mode at home and had of the november elections took note of all the really low hanging fruit being served up here in europe around this issue. and seized the opportunity to do some virtue signaling off their own.
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and also to do what the us does best tell the rest of the world what to do, in this case, the global institution in question being the international olympic committee. these hardcore g o. p, proponents of free speech except in this case apparently sent an official letter to the i o. c. president thomas bock, referring to a quote folder, mockery of the christian faith and demanding that changes be made to be unlimited charter to prevent the games from basically becoming a platform for any further attempts at religious satire by guys who may be interested in treating the olympic stage like in our house of vanity project, the international olympic committee should formerly condemn the mockery that occurred in paris of one of the most sacred moments of the christian faith. there is no place for anti christian bigotry at an event designed to bring the world together. the game should celebrate. the athletes not integrate anyone's face and other prominent proponent.


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