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tv   Documentary  RT  August 5, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
and yeah, i mean, it just shows that the, um, the binding administration does not care about certain people. uh, brittany greiner, who was suppose a female woman basketball star. and the united states was, was bargained for much earlier after only several months or weeks even whereas she only stood $1010.00 weeks, i think, and in jail. whereas this particular gentleman, fogel has been in jail since i think 2021. and this to shows you that there is a certain double standard that i think it has to do with whether in fact the person meet certain criteria for outrage in the united states, which brittany griner did. and mr. fogel, mark folk well does not. so why do you think that the double standards, the why, why we're russian political figures, even though they have us citizenship favorite over ordinary american citizens with
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no political backgrounds like market photo, it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that this is an election year and, and they're trying to get in political points perhaps, you know, they're definitely trying to gain political points and they don't care about people that represent the main stream of american society. like a white male, for example, who was merely a teacher who had a certain percent certain amount of medical marijuana. whereas brittany grinds, for example, in black female basketball star. i probably have more marijuana and did not have it wasn't medical marijuana, it was recreational marijuana. so it just, it just proves that this administration is playing politics with these people. it is using them as political ponds in order to score points when they can and to totally disregard the those people when points can't be scored. and us officials
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the say they are still working on mark full goals case, how actively would you say non political american prisoners are being defended abroad in this case and in many others, i'm sure not actively enough. and you know, the problem is they did not declare him to be held on basically unlawfully or you know, that they did not declare him wrongfully detained. and as such, his case has been completely put on the back burner. they're only mentioning it now because he was left behind in this case, and there's going to be some outrage about that. that outrage will come from contingents that aren't normally paid any attention to in the united states. all right, we're gonna leave it there for now. and while you professor, an author of the google archipelago, michael, wrecked and well professor good to have you on with us. thank you for having me. all right, and do stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more in less than 30 minutes now in the meantime. be sure to visit our website,
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r t dot com for the very latest breaking news and updates by of the keys to put the weight in. you see what you got to be sure. i have a little bit of what she helped people unexcused, familial g. my mother with marshall approach us the tools that were 2 of them. a couple of them we would be what you're supposed to see is that it is from the courts to for putting as cook with them was the,
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the sleepless, not good looks better with the federal study subset. we should be the keywords equal. no, but the it was you should think with each skid suit give some, she'd be approaching the custodian. we see much each single single color since use each, they keep it in the city state. you make me appointment for music up with a music on this ignores thing. it doesn't have to fit the music on the mention unit with lucian. was it kind of me personally or the exclusion of young mitchell? i'm pulling up. can you swing of much of it as in the most of the condition for more than most of the, which is c is i me for serious to me like a square to stick or putting ask
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a quick i'm was a good put almost at the auction with, well that's not that is your source cut out both because without giving you a producer. so to the uh, what was it when they said that it, uh, it took me straight boys coughing for to get at the budget. and i will take care of the product with uh, groupon, me plus loose nichols because of the photo roof issue and you pitching out. so i will go with you today to show the rest the civic loops. you can go ahead of the, the other night. you see the cvt, the prize, the to the keep machine, the cushion, split the restaurant,
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timley williams. let me shoot me an estimate. some don lee, would you not shoot tvs? do you particularly pick them up if you did, you charge more with the home or avenue kentucky is i'd suspended. so i'm actually origin typically we come back to this concept some great new offers. who am i was calling to to check on that company. i think the most clear that i had the bus mostly to not flagged yet. i would say i'd be like, what do you mean just for the shooting? i thought i gave you for a while or different types of things. the hard speak to you. you have to do most of,
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i'm 60 minutes symptom placement with adults. and you know, mr. jim cook, that equinox football schedules, as mr. glass who desktops of business to continue the teaching, the who would make the you'd cause dies equal should bought the new subsets school does what they'll do. the induction repeated the ticket. so usually of us are shots, the new york, the, the just look through the real shows, it sounds, pictures seem to go through that much. let's, let's switch it to get by the next step is for us to deal with this book that should go lifting a lexical, contain letting me meet as close to the
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so much i'm much in either the
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the, the, the, you know, did you mean the the i am the, the, the most the way the, what was the, it just,
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it was still gonna need to know whether you me, so let's go to the left, you know, you'll do most of the picture things to chat and they're gonna split the wolfy. i'm just gonna need to, when people of us come on like the, just the young lady i just as a gauge on the brother machine. we can, we can do that over by the, by the, by the better that, i mean, what do i pay annually? the does that uh well should i go to the
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the size of the whole thing is above the business machine, the machine impossible to prosecute. let me see what the idea of whether you buy at the origin easy by checklist wanting to to us and by the cards to flush the dish. 2 the videos are so comfortable with it. the
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instead spaniel. wow. the chip just through that, seeing a lot of movies that gives the most country media as much coaches aspired. right? not fun. doing you just use it. you what color the blood smoke play in speech rich solutions. so i just, you know, oh yeah that go that way but i just that's i didn't plug me in phone with them. oh boy juggle schedule outside of mine. yeah. the thumbs up, but the most like 30 percent. oh schedule via the blue z a on the video. so that'd be the same uh this. everything about stars? no ma'am. yeah. that's all sides. you mommy. a place so god bless me to meet. well,
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soaking, spinning thing. here we go to the symbol, the yes, the
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the, the the,
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some of those that they need to see now was just yeah. so then of the con, usually the silver chinese seem fine, just because we're trying to see what is my problem there. thought you might have something to go through what you see, here's what you had
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a year that's replaced commonality of us to retail saw and this is the quote for us. right. so i went to that on for me, was one of those go, let's go east coast what you wanna ship restore, how often you are polluted. yeah. knowing that, and that's on that quiz to, to mess cousin with leach now or visual on this last little shift or you oversee me a while and to us the voice of i was choose to us with wish this was boot. you got, i lose, you advocate, the city of control every day would be able to use the to let each program to. we're going to see the, the, the
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sure i'm gonna get on there and let's have him sign it. so just make it on one second. it's i'm available, okay, there's a box total the . 2 the,
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the control above the, the license the collection center. so somebody has to do this for the quarter. so let me shoot you with the,
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the number one moment. please let me check something here. somebody put you in and put it on us to pick them up. all it'll probably would have said, i'm sure this is them. let me put that in the thing is maybe to see on the some a little bit of what's, what's an old machine for you at least your scheduling for our customers here. the cost on the muscle was, i swear you are using the centurylink and also they have some of the most of the hold on is that that's what the last customer does. like, does it just bring up as a customer what you think you'll be fine with that? certainly the i guess the select i'm gonna send you will send you what i don't have nearly just thought i have some and i'm just not able to just renew it. from the information i have punch right now about that one is my capacity to use uh to tongue. so when yeah and you, cuz i'm usually on the south side for us. it's just the voltage. so i'm just
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a bunch beat into both of us and then if, if the bus i mean wasn't here, so i wish them cuz they didn't even leave me here. unfortunately, when you miss gonzales more than the most, let her know she will. but the most that you contact them was you mentioned this through news literally to though and to show them the news much, but go to be upset. you for the fact that bush, that part of the god. so when the leasing at us and uh the me to one of the cell phones
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and you know, it took his own creation of the
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i need still live, but then you had skipped on you still able to pull a gun skim bus motion and then you have to come get skim book a book. i'm assume come dumb skim by g. you all, i'm you but those come nation of constructed them. drama is class. it is
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a pretty soon. they pushed him not to some go ahead, it's declining. but those them slow, right? yeah, they'll call them, but there shouldn't cause a lot so many still live with article and i'll ask them if i go to what some i mean you prefer to be sca stella gordon. and so the amount of the supervisee is the go on up stock menus. nicole and you'll be the most, but it's a to push, gives you guys, each give of dorski here is above and it is most people clear your good dorski. most of them obstruct them. up city, you said it was on the ticket that it and yeah or beach, you could see it when you bring a board or street learned since the beginning you may have skipped
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so. so be stablish to get our students can are you still are there for then yet he stated landscape the
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the would keep that the keys to the why didn't you see? wouldn't be a good 3 pieces of go over to simulate the of, of alexi familial g, my model dusky with my show up to it. you're not that around that towards that good to, to me let's go to them. we interest them much. i'm pretty good because i'm with the being you and that's a special been that are that the cool good building? i've been on the west coast many videos for the front doors and car who stole you finish. that sort of thing. show me most. all those thoughts
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each of those that in the class so the . ready the the
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a hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please, or do you have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your facts for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the we are in north of cities in the congress as mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning,
2:00 pm
i'm sean thomas. this is in land visions. and today we're discovering of the world of a subject culture the we decided we will form an interim government. and all the worlds of this country will be carried out through the entering governments of bangladesh. the army announces and term government will step into power as the countries of prime minister resigns, playing in a military helicopter. she has landed for a stop over in india. the protesters have broken into the bangladesh apartment building in dock, where the crowds are celebrating 10 minutes to shake christina resignation the ukraine. it takes you turn, claiming it doesn't support terrorism, despite gloating about it's backing of militants and molly. in late july of this as
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the west african state cut ties.


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