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tv   Direct Impact  RT  August 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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cells finished telling the cause of the cause, no choice, but to move forward forward. she will the hi everybody. i'm rick sanchez. once again, i should tell you this week that were being drawn by more and more people, millions of people around the world. and a lot of people this week and been writing to us and saying they appreciate what we do. i think it's incumbent upon me to say, i appreciate you being there. thank you so much. this is are we can review, come off. see if smell han. yeah. and one of his body guards have been killed. you won't have to vote at a more my beautiful christians. i love you. christians, i'm not interested. i love you. i don't know anything about politics. i just know that i love this man. i care about this man. huh. lots a hey, lots of love, both of israel and a new as politics. so i'm calling to sides. very same thing. and that thing is not good. i'm at sanchez, this is the week and review. let's do this, the,
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the . all right, boy, another child week. it seems like we say this every time and they just get wilder and wilder, but a lot of news, a lot of things going all over the world, including gear in the united states. joining me to recap. busy of these stories on the oceans critical our on radios, butler, dr. wilmer leon, and garland mix. and there they are. my partner is to talk about a lot of stuff that really matters. and i guess we have to begin, well, in israel, israel has begun executing a series of assassinations and killings all over the world really in many countries, at least 5 when i last counted. nothing more brazen, of course, than what they have just done inside the other rom. that's the key word and the sentence inside of a ron, it didn't just kill somebody. they went inside of
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a ron in a sovereign territory and assassinated somebody essentially an attack that has were reverberated all over the world. we have some great news coming in at this point of time off. see if man, hon. yeah. and one of his body guards have been killed and there are late breaking reports that a how boss leader was assassinated by his real india, ronnie and capitol of trey raul and thomas says it's political leader is smile. i me a has been assassinated into her on iran. revolutionary guard has confirmed the death saying mia and his body guard were killed and an attack on his residence in the iranian capital. 1 gentlemen, i think we'd have to start with this question. are you taking a bag? should we be taking a bag by his rails? a brazen this? it almost seems like the what is real is doing. and some of the things that we're seeing inside of israel used to be fringe and now they're becoming almost very main stream wilbert. why don't you get us started on this? yes, taking a back but not surprised because these are the. ready the, the,
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what are they say, the last kicks of a dying mule are the most dangerous. and what israel is really, really now trying to do by such a aggressive action, they're trying to do everything in their power to bring the united states into the fight. because israel knows without the united states involved, it's over and even with the united states, it's still over and it is a tangential element of this. look at the fact that the value of the shackle has dropped dramatically. so not only are they losing, on the military side, they're losing all the economic side, but we have, but we have people in his real, literally protesting in support of the incredibly hard right when war cabinet and some of the crazy things they're doing, like they want to preserve the right to be able to sort of my eyes palestinian
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prisoners. i mean i, i don't even know what, what to say about that garland, but that's what's actually going on. well, and what is really, is doing is, is demonstrating to the world that is not, is it, that it's not a responsible power. it's also really damaging if it's possible to, to further damage the reputation of the united states. it's damaging the reputation of the united states because all of these acts that happen rather than condemn them rather than talk about them in a rational manner. the united states supports them. in fact, the one of the spokesman for the us when asked about the actions of a gang rate of a palestinian prisoner refused to call it a, you know, a war crime or didn't have to call it a violation of international law. so it's not just is real here, this is a direct reflection of us international policy. you know, uh, the ayatollah khomeini apparently is tweeted, responses, adjusting retaliation now against israel. you would almost think he would have to
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say this, right? and let's look at the statement that he put out. let me read it to you. go ahead, victor saving and put it up there. quote, the criminal terrorist zion is regime martyred. our dear guest in our territory because it was as you know, the leader of hamas, who they took out, not under ronnie and, and ad has caused our grief. but it is also prepared the ground for us severe punishment. so what he's saying is that they are going to engage in some kind of retribution. but what a history tells me, and you guys tell me if you agree with me or disagree with me. interestingly enough, iran is usually much more measured than is real, is with this kind of thing. they're not the kind of country that's going to suddenly bomb israel tomorrow or jerusalem. they usually use a little more slight of hand and they're a little more patient about their response. am i right, or am i wrong, wilmer? you're right in terms of the action itself, but the, the,
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the language that's being used here. they had to use that language and one of the things from a cultural perspective that is incredibly important for people to understand is home and he said martyred our dear guest in, in their culture. it is when someone is a guest, it is their obligation to take care of that guest and when you that and so they have, it's not only that they monitor demand, but the guest dynamic here is incredibly, incredibly important. that word should not be just summarily dismissed. because it means a whole lot more to them, then it means to you maybe a 100 something here and, and i think this is where this becomes interesting garlen, this recent spree of attacks by israel. it wasn't just with iran or just with love and on. i mean, it included syria, it included a rock, it included loving on. so,
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you know, those are 5 countries. i mean, they're almost asking for a forging of forces that will likely at some point be working against them if not all righty now. well, i think it was the side of desperation. that's the other part of it because things are going well for is real. certainly their economy is in free fall. they, they are the internally, there are nearing a civil war in that we, in some of the police came and tried to arrest the of the electorate. perpetrators of the gang raven is real, other members of their community, of the more extreme, the settlers were literally getting in a fight. there was, there's rumors that the shots were fired, so they're in bad shape economy. economically, they're following the parts politically and internally, culturally. they're falling apart and they're losing the war. so right now, i think it's a hail mary asked to try to drag into us but, but, but, but they have and they did. in fact, this, you know,
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we're starting this conversation on the back end, you know, and the last chapter of the book sort is big or one of the last chapters because this began last week when that's and yeah, who came to the united states and literally began dictating u. s. foreign policy in front of the us congress, while our vice president was him from that. and our president was somewhere looking like a corpse, i guess, gave an 11 minutes speech on the same day yet. you know, here's what's interesting about this. we still accuse russia of interfering and meddling in us affairs while we have the a special while we have a prime minister of a country in our country, dictating foreign policy, giving this for bushes, speech in front of congress, where he's telling people what they need to do, and it's almost like he's the see. oh, you know, it's funny. i mentioned this, this, this trans surgeons of energy is where we, we're blaming rusher for something. they're not doing well. we're ignoring what
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israel is doing. i mentioned this, i did a whole segment on it this week. i don't know if you guys saw that the very next day, this sound bites historical sound, but from actor paul newman goes viral on the internet. watch this with me in 1978 or 79. the israeli shot down olivia and civilian aircraft because it violated is, is really aerospace president nixon instead of wired to conduct the and this a dot is apologizing for this incident. it was no talk about of going into the united nations. it was the international pilots associations had their meeting. there was a 102 nations that voted to condemn is real and the it and for that voted not to and the american representative epstein. why? because there was, we couldn't create an enemy there. but when the soviets shoot down an airliner, the same situation, we rise in roll outrage against this act. what is the difference?
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because it's, it is insistent, we must insist that the soviets have got to be created as an enemy. otherwise, if they're not really a big enough enemy, how we're going to get appropriations from. why is that not amazing how that same damn thing that he's talking about is still true today? and it's also interesting that you don't hear that type of voice today in the world that we're living and certainly here in the united states. and what a shame, you know, i mean what a dam shape garlic it was, you know, there was also an instant miss. i don't believe. i don't remember if it was a key or cable or an e mail that was revealed during the trumpet administration direct stellar center where they basically, you know, said look, if it's our friends, then we overlooked these things and it's our address areas. then we, then we will take advantage of them, but this is a kind of empire imperialism. you know, what i mean,
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we have the right to make the moral decisions of who's right and wrong. and we do that in a way that's capricious. we do that in a way that as a, that is self serving. so our foreign policy in our moral positions become nothing but a self serving bracket. yeah. you know, empire is one word. you know, a lie. it may be a better word though, for it go ahead roamer. that also shows you good dynamic of the shift of the left. because when paul newman, that twin in the united states, the left was more left post bill clinton and the democratic legislative council moving the democratic party further to the right. and that's one of the reasons why now you, it's harder to find actors and actresses. people in hollywood, other people of that stature, to have that type of narrative, that type of analysis. you have to speak with that type of clarity because the left
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in the united states is right now. uh right now. go ahead, go ahead. i got something important. as to what rumor said, he was talking to phil donahue, phil donahue, which kicked off of w a. m. m s m c t last. the number one show on m s n b c. he lost that show simply because he opposed the invasion and subsequent our occupation of iraq. i work that i'm assembly. see at the time i met mr. donahue, and i call him back because i revered him as a boy growing up when i finally got a chance to work with him and having somebody say he and i became pretty good friends. we would often sit in the coffee in the commissary and talk about the, about what was going on at the time with the rock more. and we both were in agreement along with lester holt, who was the 3rd part of that of that coffee club. and we all agreed at the time, but what our country was doing was crazy and wrong. and phil got axed eventually. so did i and left her moved on. so there's little personally probably,
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if i may quickly go ahead. when i was in high school, i used to come home from high school in wash, the phil donahue show me to uh and my, i may say, rick, you are the closest thing on television to phil donahue that we have. that's nice. i appreciate you're saying that that's true. yeah, that's true. i'm going to pay for your next round, a golf with chris gonna take a break. when we come back, we gotta talk about the us presidential election. it's getting crazy. it's getting interesting. it's changing by the minute and there's so much to talk about. we're going to be right back. don't you go away? the, the
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a good one. yeah. that you attempted to exit a month. i thought she sat there for the show and then it will be a job. last week i was getting a hold of a dish. uh, international for the defense of the supplement is such a blessing and not to print and then i thought someone did you lose it, ask you what times they for us in the media. i loved people. there's only 2 reasons to do. say, with the city the new country to be sure to be present good. it was working monday morning to work it on stimulus the industry on is it? what's money profile says really left, so should william farmer shots, monuments who have good gosh, door to door or decision? they might not have it. what was that man was elizabeth nikki, left on the what is the best one today? and but you know, so that's what an additional to set. i'm sure those are pretty sharp journals on
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patient data for she's kim, those are the best do what? i mean there's a, there's a problem, pressure the alright, let's talk a us politics and boy, things of what things are really changing and moving the us present over a presidential race. i still think is donald trump's to lose no matter where you look. he's up at least 2, sometimes 3 points, and pretty much still dominating most of the big battle ground stakes. but here's what i see. harris is making up a lot of ground fast because she's being managed very carefully. her handlers are now preparing every word that comes out of her mouth. every move with that that, that she makes is, is, is choreographed and to be fair to her. she's playing the part very well so far, right? i mean,
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we haven't seen or chat and yet where she has to get off the prompt her, but regardless, looks good, right. trump, on the other hand, just not discipline. i mean he's going off the car whenever he wants to last night . his performance at the black journals conference was a disaster. it's vibrate like within half a 2nd. he's just roofing. and well that works well for him in the primaries because he's really good at it, right. i'm surely it works. it's. it's based on the people who love him, he needs to understand or maybe is handlers. i don't know need to understand. that doesn't work for the general, especially for moderate motors that he needs to bring in. so what he needs to do is explain how he's going to make america great again, and it's not by attacking women or being overly negative, or saying crazy things like this. christians get out and vote just this time. you won't have to do it anymore. 4 more years, you know what?
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it will be fixed, it will be fun. you won't have devoted a more. my beautiful questions. i love you questions. i'm not interested. i love you get out. you gotta get out and vote in 4 years. you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed. so good. you're not going to have though. i know what he means . he's trying to say that we're going to fix the system. so it's not like you have to go vote to fix the system anymore. that's what he meant, what it came off as is, 1st of all, i love you, my christians. second of all, he said he's not a christian. and then he said in 4 years, it's all going to be fixed. i don't know if it's the word choice or just, you know, the guys that i don't know which one of you wants to jump in here, but that's not a good luck. well, the adage is, never under estimate the blindness that attends arrogance. and so what you're seeing exhibited by donald trump is sheer arrogance. you're right,
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vice president harris right now is being incredibly well managed in more so to her credit, she is now listening to her managers. mm hm. because one of the knocks on her was she doesn't listen. and by not listening, she goes in unprepared. right today. and you had said a lot of stupid things in the past because of that has said not only a lot of stupid things and said a lot of things we just can't comprehend. so so and that, and that's what we're going to have to see when to your point. she goes off script, correct. she is no longer able to get away with. he's a felon. i know felons when she has to actually talk about policy. yeah. then within of donald trump were smart, he would be moving the conversation in that direction, but unfortunately that's what this week was. what, what, what, here's the point. i mean, you know, the 3 of us, probably to a certain extent are kind of, uh, you know, political analysts and, you know,
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political strategies because we do this for a living. do you think uh, at this point of that it's his handlers aren't doing their job or is it that no, he doesn't listen. he doesn't listen. ok. all right, he, he doesn't listen and by the court before you go to go on bought a point is now that you're in the general election, he's going to have to expand his bank. of course, you know that was, that is something that is going to be much, much, much harder for him to do then is going to be for his better and primaries. that a is a general's as the saying mostly among some of these political strategists that i that i've been talking to. uh go ahead garlic. yeah. well, one thing i think is i don't um, evaluate donald trump's success and failures based on the traditional metrics that we use for politics. right? because it gives the reality everybody out there already knows who donald trump is . the people who are going to vote for donald trump don't really expect anything
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different from yet. right? they don't like the academic desktop, right? the question becomes this to me. and that is the, the best i always say this, the price of the chicken wings, the price of gas inflation, anxiety over foreign policy. all of these things that aren't donald trump, or campbell or harris as a person. it's these people perceiving that their lives are better or worse or their own that i ever people say gambles. donald trump, either black people say, i don't like it or this ease of races because the country that i'm from and as the whole country. but i'm vote for him, i'm sick of it. so what i mean? yeah, there are a lot of things to donald trump to get away with the people can't get away with because the by the administration has set the table for you. yeah. and people know who would, what do you, so they're not, they don't expect something. yeah. and there's another point to be made to along the lines where you're trying to take us here. and that is,
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i think commer harris is still in a honeymoon stage. and she's getting a lot of credit for superseding the numbers that the guy before her who was, i mean, let's face it almost a literal course. so the fact that she's doing better than barton is not saying much nonetheless, she's doing a lot better than but so i guess we have to leave it at that. right. uh, let me, uh, go ahead. well yes, you have to understand the moment that you're in and polling is no more. busy than capturing a snapshot of a moment in time. and i just published a piece you're with her, but is she with you? spend the what? and then the good. the point of the piece is particularly as it relates to the asking american community. is there trying to rally the troops around the fact that she went to a historically black college? she's a member of an african american sorority. she's a woman of color, she's a woman. but when you get down to the policy discussions,
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where does she stand on genocide and gaza? will she continue to send your $10.00 waste your money in ukraine and know where does she stand on cop cities? that's where the rubber is going to meet the row. what. what matters also though is the media handling of this and the media coverage so far? i'll give you some examples of some of the things that i've seen. i mean, i don't know if you've noticed, but the coverage so far has been ridiculously trivial. instead of challenging the candidates, as you say, the media on the left like cnn and a, b, c. they spent days talking about why genie vance may be a racist because he brings mountain, do it on the right. by the way, they spend an equal amount of time covering or debating whether couple of harris is to work. because she uses paper straws. i mean, with all the, say we're on the board, the board 3 and 3 different places in the world, right? the south china say ukraine, russia, the middle east, and this is what they're talking about on these cable channels. and then when you
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get down to it, especially the main stream they cover. uh, the democrats, like if there's a deer leaders, but give me 2 examples. this is coverage from the day bite and dropped out what an act of self less devotion to your country. i love this man, i care about this man. it was painful every day to sit up here and talk about him like he's just a, you know, some, some problem for the party. wait till we get to the convention, you're going to see people crying, standing screaming, cheer, and he may not get a chance to talk for 10 minutes. we finally get a chance to put an arm around this guy. yeah, real objective there. garland real objective of what i think we're looking at is this. so there's an old law school, joe, and you've probably heard it if the evidence is against you, argue the law. if the laws against you argue the evidence, if the evidence and the law are against you, bang it. yeah, the yelling bang on the table right? argue so, the fact of the matter is this right now, she doesn't, the thing the, the divide administration doesn't have
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a good economic reform policy. a record people are not happy with them. so they, the, the policy is not on their side. she does not have a strong political history either in her when she ran for a letter for election before or certainly her student as the ag in california. so they can't do policy, they can't do her accomplishments. so instead they must go to trivial matters. if she's a woman, she's this trump said this, they can't touch really because she news is there. yeah. and a, but do not gentleman underestimate the power forged when the media and the democratic, the democratic oper rogers come together. don't under estimate that because i think that's what we're going to be seeing over the next month. all right, let's go to the olympics. all right, wraps, so let's not shock the world again. you, you saw what you all saw, what they did with the opening ceremonies, right. well now we have just learned within the past 24 hours,
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they're allowing to biological man to compete against women, boxers, the boxers, right? outcry, global olympic chaves of sparked outrage by allowing these the guy's name. is it main colleen for about jerry or the other one is len name the leading to the teen. sorry, leading you tang of taiwan both uh thrown out of last year. his world championships after being deemed to be men biological males to one of the women's backs and category in paris, kelly who also compete them in the 2020 talk you olympics was disqualified for the competition after failing gender eligibility tests and other words they tested as blood down the tons of testosterone and wrong chromosomes, etc, etc. prior to is gold metal belt. here's, here's the video. by the way. how do i make, he cannot find a kelly if gate says the 50 to own is the blue by the way,
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beating up on that the the mailbox or that's the email box or who got to just destroyed by him. and she's, by the way, i don't know if you notice she's wearing a dress. he's not um and the guy stuff. i mean he feels i'm believable punches the the the lady was quoted yesterday after the fight saying i've never been hit so hard in my life. i didn't understand, i've been boxing for a long time. but what does that mean? wilner start this also takes us back to lea, a thomas, the the female, the transgendered swimmer from university of pennsylvania. i believe who was not allowed in the olympics because the swiss swimming federation, whatever that governing body is for swimmers denied lia thomas's challenge. boxing is probably the clearest examples why some lines must be drawn here in order to protect,
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say that the transgender community is trying to put this in the context of their rights. this has nothing to do with their rights. it's a matter of protecting the opposition against their wrongs. yeah. and when you, when you put a biological male in a ring with a biological female. yep. there is. and it, because when i 1st turned on that fight, i didn't realize that that was a transgender box. right, then i said this girl is getting no far throat and then i go to find out, well, yeah, because she's fighting the guy you're out of time, but let me close with this. it's funny because right now the dams are apparently hitting the v o p or the republic and they're trump and bands with the word weird in actuality, if they were fair, most people over the world, i'd say more than 90 percent, would look at this story that you and i just talked about,
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which represents kind of the values of both sides. and they would say, that's weird. they would say that's weird. and that's, that's the story that in many ways isn't being told. but i think it will be determinative of how this selection ends up. gentlemen, we are out of time, you know, i love talking to you. i could go on for many, many more hours. uh, but uh we do have to go thank you both for taking time to talk to us. thank you rick. that's our show. remember, always look outside your own box truths, as we'd like to say around here and 11 boxes. i'm rick sanchez. we'll see you next time. the what is part of the is it that the
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employee would post good? isn't the the place you was entered in the word? or is it something deeper, more complex might be present? let's talk without collision. let's go out of as the we are in north of sylvia in the caucus as mountains where beautiful people have been coming together to celebrate the ancient traditions. since the beginning of time itself, where everything has a special symbolic meaning. i'm sean thomas. this is in my vision, and today we're discovering of the world of a such a culture the the
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i'm action or can say welcome back to going underground bulk of single around the world review a today mark 62 years since the u. k. u s. u, i'm jailing of nelson mandela and present between 62 and 1990. after c, i a covert operation in south africa, mandela and 1997 said we know too well that all freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the palestinians. today is billions of dollars worth of weapons from the european union, the u. k. and principal sponsor of israel, the usa i dropped on gaza to exterminate palestinian superpowers, russia in china, of focusing their intentions on a possible wider us israel. maybe nuclear war targets include 11 and syria, him and then to run, regardless of who wins november's us electrons joining me now from washington, dc so well by the.


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