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tv   News  RT  August 7, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the, the doubling up following molly's example, these your know, cuts off diplomatic toys with ukraine over a key as a militant groups in west africa for ki, i will officially join this sort of african genocide case against israel in the international court of justice. i step thing by local lawmakers of historic also ad on the program, the russian m. o. d confirms to destruction of multiple ukrainian armored vehicles softer keeps forces attempting to incursion into the 1st boarder regence georgia repeals the e you demanded. it's sin, diverse and raised to ukraine. the stunning accusation comes as the us cups funding
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for the george and army corporate, the countries and you'd far in the gym floor. the from must go to the world. this is our t international. hello and welcome to the news our another african nation has broken off diplomatic relations with ukraine. nature's separate ties with key f over it supports ups that held region militant groups, and comes less than 48 hours after neighboring molly did likewise. the horses, the guide you through to the city. i shall considering the seriousness of the situation and to recognize and assume the involvement all the great in the aggression against molly, the government of the republic of new share in full solely diety, with the government. and people of molly decides on the following measures one the
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severance immediate effect of diplomatic relations between the republic of new year and ukraine to the referral to the united nations security council with a view to ruling under ukrainian aggression and the sponsor. so let's get more in this and say good morning to our t corresponded noodles, who you couldn't get in johannesburg. there's another african nation. it appears, sing enough's enough. what's caused this diplomatic chain reaction? well, it has become the citizens consciously on the punch of interest to severe those ties those to the match size of the fact that you train the reason sites. it is similar to data from all the kids in both rooms. the fax number, this movie master to add office model for the rep. so off those, the nation is not surprised the old given that somebody capital size of which you have this past monday. and the fact that the commodity and fossil
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now be to the magic twice as you change and the governance of monte. and the judge comes off to the default that's it's a brushing at monte soldiers and dates july with a to pull russian back in the mysteries and $47.00 soldiers. the killed the newest of the country during class is the worth. it'd be far examples of from the c t p is the following data, which is from move up to the suspect on social media depicting the people near drop off those, the videos they add to actually had done down this whole thing. we ukrainian intelligence, acknowledge that it had to provide as a target information and training in the use of to use the which i have seen to attack and kill the soul, which is that was seen on the back homes. and it was also at that moment to that marty, it's priced at beat shop over those remarks made by ukraine. it's intelligence
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interpreting them as an admission off involvement model, the condemned the actions as the by an eastman's office, loving to you, any place i think you supposed to be international to choose new ones that are a suit because the following ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement and the aggression against molly was the transitional government of the republic of molly, as decided to sever with immediate effect in the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine. whose destiny is unfortunately entrusted to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage of discipline, and to take the necessary measures to prevent any de stabilization of molly from african estates, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub region. with terrorists disguised as diplomat. diplomat take on site if you get the money that has been marked, his reaction in this whole situation really expecting more countries to come forward. just as you say, has been the latest up speaking of reaction when it came to molly,
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as the ukraine 1st almost boasted of involvement in what they did and then wrote the box somewhat saying it's not the full picture when it comes signature. has there been any response from kids? and as far as we are, we the has didn't need any reaction on the shade or you print from u k. u, from ukraine in itself on this. the actual issue with the has been some sort of reaction on beach. so if you all for ties between kids and money, particularly these problems, the minutes to a fire in the face is coming teen africa. the minister denied any involvement in the northern modified seeing the describing modest decision to simply ask those diplomatic ties over the incident as. busy thoughts tied to that hasty, she also sees the decision was done without a start rest. i did all the incidents i'm facts and circumstances,
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even as being changes of to continue paid. put firms on the videos practically that you provided to me with most of the marty, with the changes necessary to carry out of this attack us, which resulted in the dates we all seem on our speed. the representative of the intelligence agency made a corresponding statement quickly saying back to the destruction on back now in africa will continue. ever since the bishop asked about the fact that the rebels received the necessary information that allowed them to conduct a successful operation against the russian war criminals open. right. so the whole world has already seen this in principle. this can be commented on it and we certainly will not disclose any details. but let's say there will be a continuation it is uh, the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to sell a diplomatic relations with ukraine without conducting the photo study of the facts and circumstances of the incident in northern molly. as well as without providing
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any evidence of ukraine's involvement in the specified events. and as you share the splash, the big huge, this has been restored. many factors that he has to the state. that's no evidence typing provided to indicate ukraine in the fighting. and at this move by me z at monte, which was easy to pick back a whole new crane because it occurs. well, the minister of foreign affairs is on the bottom of human knowledge ads, which is the one pulse one does is believe the actimmune see something on the situation because it isn't the content. what exactly would you consider it's unconditionally adhered to the norms of talk into a national move, but applicant governments the need is find back to your hardship. indeed, because they do say for the purposes of epic tax at the same time conduct you so this the activities on it's 2 h r t corresponded unit for you. come get in south
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africa and much appreciated. no, it's really strike on choose. they often killed at least 3 police, the indians, and wounded a dozen more. in central galsen, a series of attacks destroyed 2 homes. tents were displaced, families were sheltering victim. somebody attack were transferred to the actual hospital among them, women and children. the total death total in guns as since october 7th, has no surpassed $39600.00 people that is according to the local health industry. the dire situation in the end tape is aggravated by a constant disruption of humanitarian, a delivery. something that you had highlighted during a recent with ongoing hostilities and repeated evacuation order is continued to severely constrain 8 operations and deepen the suffering. the palestinians are facing. whether they move or stay people and gaza must be able to receive your manager and assistance as well. independent investigators reporting to the you and
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concluded in june, but israel was using starvation as a weapon of war on the palestinian population. that's a charge west or is the virulent things. nice. the experts concluded there's a high risk of funding across the enclaves disproportionately impacting children. most of the population faces high levels of acute food in security. with munching numbers of depths from now you fission. now the is really finance minister. we simply claim that starving to 1000000 thousands until the hostages failed by from us, our return. maybe the justin moral thing to do. but international law ensures that we are bringing into monetary in a because we have to, it is impossible in today's global reality to manage war. no one in the world will allow us to starve to 1000000 citizens to death. although it may be just in moral, as long as they don't return our hostages, humanitarian for humanitarian, it is morally right, but there's nothing we can do. we live today in a world where international legitimacy is needed for this war to equate to 8 and to
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the with the, the limitation of the captive sting. cause that's a manufactured of the equation based on that out of goodness of power. that did i'm from is a bit of them is unfortunately, this is the face of that is that a government thing that we have to deal with as well? so what smoke damage and the people who support to have a feeling to address here is that the pricing guidance from food also deprives of those days of the 80 caps is inside because of some food. so if there is nothing input in gaza then that by definition it nothing is received also for you to if it's a hospice, just low cost. it's inside of that as soon as of course that they are a treat it as, uh, is uh get a capital or the great investment that i most has,
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which is basically the only wife called us at the house. so protecting that investment. if we wants to perceive such uh, either a cap as uh, as the the best buy from us means that they are trying to, i don't want to sound to come from looking for from us. but it just doesn't make sense that there it is. and i must, has the dispute may have been the one being of those hostages. and this, it's activity trickier is set to officially join me. so it's a freaking genocide case against israel in the international court of justice. the country's foreign minister said the legal declaration will be submitted of the hague to a wedding state. detractors, lawmaker leading the delegation saves the move as a show of support for the palestinian people. this application is a historic step with this intervention obligation to key it will show the whole
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world in the eyes of international law that is, stands by the posting and course and a gauge, the inhumane genocide and gaza. israel committed and continues committing crimes. they opened a dog chop the world's history. so what could be so mean that's across live now to r t corresponding to yes and that can in it's done both for more on thoughts. you have some good to see you. i believe it runs 13 countries and all expressed intent at one stage or another to join. predatory is lost it, but the key is actually doing it. take us through about the session, the unit we have so much to cover and this is a lot more complex than many would realize. but it seems that church is interested in not just making this a case against israel and sold and leaving south africa behind it. target once it's become south africa, answer to you versus israel. but more importantly, once it becomes south africa circuit and many other states that joined this
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movement. and there seems to be some moments some gained, the interest the on could of has shown, could in one form or another, encourage others to step up. and this is one of the fundamental reasons as to why the charter state is involved in this case. but of course, we have to understand that the das here that on to the will provide to the hague, is going to be kept under wraps. this is an ongoing legal legal case, but it will become public knowledge sooner rather than later. and what we understand is the church government is trying to apply pressure against these. we have a government, yes. this is in support of the palestinians, but it's also to apply pressure. maybe even convinced, persuade leverage these really government to come to terms, take a step back, maybe even take a deep breath and realize what it's options you are. and then the words of the turkish president of the ship type ad one. he says that church is doing everything it can to put an end to the barbarism. he says that has claimed the lives of more than 40000 people since the attack in israel on october 7th. and this is what the
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president had to say as well. 23, no matter what a trust that has been blocked thursday genocide network meets a one stop to get or the turkish people from stand and sold our 2 with the palestinians. unfortunately, western actors, particularly the us, have become captives of israel know helpful outcome emerged from the ceasefire. adults then there's on yahoo administration has repeatedly demonstrated its intention to continue its policy of massacres of the year. and so the details as to what church it will offer do run, doesn't remain on the rasp, but looking at the case or the dos you provided by south africa, we can have a better understanding of what the target side has to provide to the head as well, and what we see is, of course, the report that was issued by the i c j, essentially suggesting that israel is complicit in genocide and war crimes. we have statements provided by is really officials by the israeli government, as well as its work happening. that is incriminating itself and does not
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necessarily need more evidence from churches or south africa or other heads of states to intervene and pin this on the israeli government. what we have is, according to this 84 page document, we have the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the is really president isaac hertzog, minister of defense, national security energy and infrastructure finance. over to agriculture, countless military officials from the war cabinets that have incriminated themselves and very briefly, i want to go over just some of them which paints us a better picture as to why these, where the government is being tried at the i. c. j, the president, isaac, or zach says, quote its entire nation out there that is responsible. it's not true. this rhetoric about civilians not aware, not involved. the ministry of defense very similarly said, while he was announcing a siege on god's that he said, quotes no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. everything is close, we are fighting human animals. bozza won't return to what it was. we will eliminate everything. another quote from the national security minister, he says to be clear,
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when we say that how much should be destroyed, it also means those of celebrate those who support and those who hunt out tend to their all to risk and they should be destroyed. the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a very brief i want to share this as was, was, was the, me, the from united policy. and people is rhetoric was that this is a war of light and darkness. so you refer to the palestinians as bloodthirsty monsters. and he went on to say, quoting biblical structure, when he was addressing soldiers on the front lines that were ready to enter the public sitting territories of the god strep, he said, quotes go attack, spare no one, chill men, women, infants and suck clings auction and shape camels and don't case spare, no human spirit, no animal. and what makes this really, really concerning, is because we understand these really government's position is strong. so trying to paint itself as if it's acting in self defense. but the statement suggests a story that is completely contradictory to what the use really officials and its work cabinet had been suggesting. what's even more worrying is, of course, since the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu could not form or establish
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a unilateral ha governments. this talk on october 7th occurred, he was able to essentially issue a state of emergency, a state of war issued, and emergency cabinets. and for the 1st time in the state of israel's history, has the establish the most far right wing most extreme is most of genocidal governments that the is really state has ever seen as well as the entire world. and this is why circuit is more concerned about ensuring that israel is about to adjust to support the palestinians, but also at least try in it and convince people to move towards a 2 state solution. and this is what the church government's position on. this is a 2 state solution is the only way out of this and nothing else matters. a lot to on peg, thanks for going through all about with this. archie corresponded yesterday. i can in istanbul. well, israel is pushing on with it, state the name of eliminating come us the countries foreign minister proposed killing the groups. newly anoine's leader at yeah. yes and more immediately after
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his appointment the appointment of all it's terrorist. yeah, i've seen them all. has the new lead jo from us replacing a smile on the easy you have to know the compelling reason to sweetly eliminate him? and why this while organization, all of the face of the a well come off political leader is miles honey. yeah, was assassinated interior around last week, around like uses israel of conducting the attack. the us of green lighting it on has value to eventually. but the washington appears to reserve this or right to self defense. for israel, the us state department spokesperson was billed earlier on the in no way. whatever talents or reaction byron in any way, serve the interest of the iranian people or the broader regions. you said that you had a right to defend this. i'm now you present that. i'm sorry. yeah. so what's different, i mean, you know, everybody was the of the, all, everyone. let's say everyone has
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a right to defend this. so why does anyone have rights? it is not in any way, however, right useful at all for anyone in the region for ron to consider taking such steps because of the risk. as i said, that this could potentially get out of control. well then i'd say it's always repeat that. it's ready to lock any of the sovereign nation. i has the right to defend itself, but when it comes to you on, you know, you almost mentioned or other words, right? but then the back track from that, you know, when it comes to self defense, it is something that the united states reserves to western countries to a 2 or 3 its own to its allies in europe and to the state arrangement. for sure. in fact is, and i'd say since always promoted more and region, it has many basically it has that, that, that leads to that, that roaming the area and it surprises we have with them for the amount of weapons . and it is constantly in configuration. let's say with syria or an m,
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and they were involved in the amount the same thing in libya. so there is nothing i mean up to my memory as, as i said, really try to do anything in terms of what, pushing forward the peace process. then i said, government keep the warranty as well for as a settlement expansion for denying the policy has basic cracked and now we're committing genocide in got out of harm. okay, now the story we are across today, ukrainian forces have attempted a border incursion onto rushes, crushed region reports indicate that flushes continue while the rest, the defense ministry confirmed the number of kids armored vehicles were destroyed or defend systems also shopped on multiple ukrainian. you babies come accounts, a drone had an ambulance telling the driver of the a part and metric according to the regions acting governor of local authorities,
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say 6 children were injured as well. and was, is continuing showing across the region. i think that of assistance has been given to those affected by the attack. this is the emergency response team has been transferred to round the clock operation mode. we interact with the security forces, the dfcs ministry, and border guards. we meet people who leave the border areas. additional ambulance crews have been organized the necessary reserves of mat since have been created. voluntary units have been involved as well. please do not create panic. we will help everyone. there are a lot of fakes. we ask you to observe information security obtained information only from official sources. the ukraine armed forces that have been trying to open a new front to in the course region of a rush of the russian board to god's word. of course, the 1st to engage in pass over the on the only ones who are right now fighting that we have seen video of russian jets flying just above the treetops as of russia. and
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most court has been using it's a military version to contain. and to still ukrainians in the tracts into, and russia responded with a barrage of tillery fire over its own. the video footage also shows ukrainian vehicles trying to cross the border. ukrainian vehicles being destroyed and blown up by a millet sheet by forms, by uh, jets of, by artillery far and wide drones, as well as the same times of russian defense. ministry has also said that it has since its reserves its on your reserves to the parts of the front to the boat, to over the, to be southwards guys and, and to basically not allow the ukrainian forces to step forth to set to gain a foothold on the russian territory over them, both of russia has been hitting targets, the behind the enemy lines in the suite region of ukraine. this is where from k of
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rooms to its attack on the course region of russia. for example, at least one video shows the destruction of the book and one ad defense system. the georgia is parliament speaker has revealed typically c came under e. u. pressure defend mercenaries to fight in ukraine. to say the you must, the national movement. and the opposition told us that we should have impose sanctions and the georgia dream ruling party said no, because it would be tantamount to being dragged into a war together with the national movement. foreigners also told us that we had to impose sanctions, san mercenaries, to ukraine, and so on. among other things, the europeans told us this. well, in any case, volunteer and mercenaries from the so called georgian legion, how being actively deployed in your brain for a decade, phase commander of the unit, save up to 80 percent of all foreigners fighting for ukraine. first operate. this
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part of the legion, russia has designated for detachment of a terrorist organizers, totally faithful to a torch and security and strategic ellis. this is full military involvement by georgia in the conflict with lead to a dead end event for the nation. what i say is, the thing is that the european union was the 1st actor when 3 years ago they created the associated trio ukraine, georgia, moldova, initially, it was implied that military action against russia would be launched by all 3 countries, which have been striving to join nato, and to you, if georgia helps at this stage in the war against russia, ukraine will launch a powerful military landing force led by the georgian legions. but the current government categorically refused to do so. for georgia. that would have been a road to nowhere. only an absolutely irresponsible person can go on such an adventure, who does not think at all about his homeland, but about momentary benefits in his career. like president soccer,
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she really was. and what president sewer and this really is like today. she is george's enemy. she considers a sub human, she considers herself a superior race. she is an instrument of western policy. she has been entrusted with some tasks or pension, awaits her in the west. she is arranged for her children to occupy high ranking positions in nato and the un, or task is to bring a coalition government and to pardons akash relief. and on the 2nd day, the war against russia would begin to naturally a civil war in georgia would follow. will those revelations come after u. s. authorities suspended just under a $100000000.00 in a to the country? the move as seen as an attempt to push the black sea into a bundling, the so called foreign agents law that requires media and n g o's to slows if they receive more than a 5th. all of their funding from improvement. the legislation progress standoff between georgia's ruling party and the western block opposition of the country's
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western leading president, james has urged the us not the sanction the georgian army for a political decision. i mean, i don't understand budget cuts for our military. there are many directions where this government can and should be punished, but it cannot be punished through the georgian army, which stands for our state or defense. well, interesting libby, georgia in parliament speaker has express bluebird or mintz over that statement. he said it's a nation's military is entirely funded by the company's own finances and questions where washington's aid is actually going so far. the us embassy has not explained what somebody is talking about. i know that this amount definitely was not part of the budget. georgia works within its own budget, which is created by the judge and people. all society is being convinced that someone has stopped funding and now this is some kind of disaster. as far as i know, there was no such amount in the budget to prove by the parliament of georgia. when we spoke to steve gail as things a former adviser to the bush and clinton administrations and save us citizens are
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also in the dark about what the country's foreign funding is being spent on the presses, whether it's military, whether it's you know, she may have terry and type aid, or whether it's just, you know, the cost of doing business that i believe america needs to move to a position of leadership in the world as task bullying our way against these countries large and small thinking that we're going to get the, the results that we want the days that the us could play, you know, as, as a loan in the field and demand what they wanted. and these countries have no other options. i think those days are coming to an end and we're going to pay a price for not being what we should be in the world or where the money is gone. we in america have spent hundreds of billions of dollars. there's been no accounting. there's been no of a responsible response to where's the money gone? so i'm not sure it's a, it's something that's just limited to georgia. americans are feeling the same questions that are unanswered by our administration. steve co,
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not on often overlooked aspect of life in post colonial africa, is the head hunting of the regions best and practice my past rulers regularly. the most educated mine starting newer to europe, leaving their home economies stuck in utah. the extra documentary team looks, uh, one nation fucking the trans. they close the, [000:00:00;00]
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the one to possess your country. they want to possess your, you around noon they want to possess your gas. they want to at least share why, you know, it was good for them. because he was just opening all the doors, but the problem with them is they do not understand that the characteristics of people who they are dealing with as much as you press the bear bear will come out. the problems will be how to put better back to his face.
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the brush remains the only colonial empire that still exists in the modern world. comprised of both its colonies, disguise disagreeable territories. numerous officially silver and african states that full under frances, so called from the freak sphere of influence. it's no wonder that any respondent on hearing the word colonialism, farmers adult with the wood products and the relationship between friends and family, formerly french so done is
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a good illustration. the


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