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tv   News  RT  August 9, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the say, the commercial plane carrying 57 passengers and 4 crew members crashes in brazil with the local authorities reporting, there are no survivors. the global anti doping agency water is on the warpath. as washington allows athletes who are caught using illegal substances to compete in exchange for spying on others. and the russian army destroys 12 the premium militants who were attempting to land on the russian coast in the car, san region. well, in the border area of purse, the crane 1st hundreds of casualties as russian of course has continued health the attack, the
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live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble. we start with developing news from brazil where a plane carrying 57 passengers and 4 crew members has crashed with local authorities reporting. there are no survivors, local firefighters, say the plane cell or over the city of video. let's replace and the civil defense authority have also sent teams to the crush side. there's still no information on what caused the crash. onlookers have shared footage on line of the burning crash site and the plain spiraling out of control as it went down. news of the tragedy reached brazilian president lula the silva during a live tv broadcast. he asked the audience to stand and observe a moment of silence with him. of the other us has been violating athletic building rules for years, allowing at least 3 people to compete internationally. despite taking performance enhancing drugs, the catch,
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they would have to spy on their fellow sportsmen that's according to our writers investigation which revealed that the us anti doping agency is at loggerheads with water. this who saw the scheme threatened the integrity of sporting competition, which the code seeks to protect by operating it who sought it was in clear breach of the rules. contrary to the claims made by of sata what it did not sign off on this practice of permitting drug eats to compete for years on the promise that they would try to obtain incriminating evidence against others. and us empty doping agency, admitting that it has sanctioned athletes to be able to cheat to, to, to continue to take part in competitions. as we mentioned on the basis that they may be able to sniff out of athletes who also don't think it so really incredible story. it's not just us saying this, the usa d a has admitted this is paula. so you have to listen to it statement. it's an
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effective way to get to these bigger systemic problems if you've got the engines. so others who are praying and estimates and traffic and i think it's totally appropriate. so the question is, what do we know? well, water, which is the will down t tubing, agencies with mrs. that at least 3 athletes were found to be do thing to have had this doping sanctioned by the agency. the u. s. a. d a. what we know is that these are sweet. so what we're able to pursue that korea is that dreams are able to compete in competitions to potentially win metals, to get sponsorship, to the prize money. and all of this was ok while they were shooting. and this was being sanctioned at the highest level. and even high as not because u. s. a d a says one to knew about this and it essentially giving it the old, clear all the way back in 2011. wow. and, and so it was, what was the,
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the well done today? i think agency having to say about it was pretty embarrassing accusation. it's the knowing it of course, and it's also hate tactic and usa da saying, but it is being hypocritical. let's have a listen to what was the have to say. it is ironic and hypocritical. the 2 sided cries fell when it suspects other anti doping organizations are not following the rules to the letter. while it did not announce doping cases for years and allowed sheets to carry on competing on the off chance they might help them catch other possible violators of what it says. it's in a really difficult position here because it has not taken any action against these high suites and it doesn't seem to be taking any action either again. so usa d a which is really incredible when we look at the history of how water has pursued athletes that have been accused of those thing in the past. indeed. and data and the have any of these athletes be named? no, and there's a reason for this water is saying it is not naming the athletes because it's concerned about the repercussions they could be. so we know that some of us know
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all of the dice plates have retard them. by the way, we know about 3, this could be a much wider issue and we have been told that one was actually in the least acetate . this is needs to participate in the qualifies for being the fix competitions. this is somebody who participated in the international events in the usa, so somebody who really could be a big name. despite that they were allowed to continue competing despite the fact the usa da knew that they would do things and they would cheating every race. i'm what's really interesting and this is the icing on the k k. this all comes as on the olympics, which is taking place in paris right now. i speak speaker or skate is from japan, and also the usa have just received the metals from the arranging winter olympics, why they were receiving them now, where you might remember when the patient olympics took place 2 and a half years ago, russia told the board with the figure ice skating. it got the gold foot lead to one
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of its a team. players were members, this is was off the times 15 year old camilla volley. eva was accused of doing things. she benoit's that she depakote. she said that she had been contaminated by her grandfather's hump meditation while she was at her family home and she pleaded or innocent said she was happy to be tested again despite this, she has the book from not to. and as a result of that, russian was split, it's gold medal, and that's why we've got a fix not receiving that metals at the powers olympics. but if we go back to that time, a 15 year old child, she was vilified in the price. there was a frenzy i'm, if you recall, the u. s. was one of the biggest, coolest for her to be strict depend level for russia to be split of its metal. let's just take a look at what happened 2 and a half years ago. as we drew attention to the atmosphere of malevolence, being looped up in low co media and sports, circled over there was a 4 big decision on the corner of i betray sion for sport to disqualify our fitness
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. kate. so gimme a leave for 4 years and deprive hell of awards for allegedly using doping. all of these fits into the main stream of the hybrid whole, at least by the west, against the russian federation. what we've got here, that is wonderful for russia, one roof, the us a, well, the u. s. a. d, a has been sanctioning its athletes to cheat, to cheat all the assets, to cheat them after they've price money. the sponsorship to possibly win metals, all of that was okay, because it was the usa, ga that said it was doing it and it was using them to find out the 31st when there's even a sniff of controversy or obligations about russia. the book comes down on the course and the us all for the highest sanctions possible. really? i mean, when we talk about hypocrisy, i think this just takes the biscuits, the host of the capital sports podcast,
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alan moore told us us and the doping agency is blatantly hypocritical. america is not clean and now the stolen and they've been throwing in their glasses . are starting to bring the glass and the top of them do us and the doping as go travis, tigers, people call a paper tiger because that's what he is. he's always looking for money because this is for his whole thing. he wants to come in and make money from showing russians, could change like americans that are getting the t reads, the surveys use exemption. so basically they can change legally, as we saw with the one already meter, or then each of these no one lives for you has a hasty awesome, and so on. so for all the crazy here, let's just go ahead and get legal adobe for. and yes, when he was wondering last night, the 2 interviews he has sort of got draws because he has cobra's, so this whole mazda surrounding us at us is that it can be sort of all sort of swimmers and a lot of skin races, which you're fortunately i didn't believe it,
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of course, and i saw the videos from nbc and bbc every or something is wrong here. so basically this whole mess watching at the very top, received a school us to read. it has basically resources for cavities for those. and i think now it's like the russian to say this. we're not part of this. we don't want our children to be with these unions. let us just go and trees for so i can show re i'd or something to keep this, to enjoy, to compete against that to do your best. because you have to try and see if you can see americans, you're never going to, it didn't take long for reaction to come in. the chinese anti doping agency is called for an independent investigation saying the actions of its us counterpart damage the principle of fair play. and also noted the hypocrisy of the situation. the fact that the u. s. has turned a blind eye to its long history of doping problems while trying to cross the border
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and exercise jurisdiction over other countries has just clearly exposed to the international community. its trick of a thief crying stop the see from the double standards behind its logic or to contribute our carl john says us doesn't need to place other countries, sports programs and should respect to international authorities. this whole thing blew up in the us, the usa da's face because they started out by so i, they started to say against the chinese food team in, in spring when you are time to release a report said 23 members of chinese swimmers were tested for t n c, that is before the 2020 told to olympics and that right opposite that the us government immediately got involved us funds were threatened to cut funding to why the us justice department and f b. i opened the case to investigate how these doping cases were handled and that
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they raise a big stink about the extraordinary performance of chinese swimmers in this current paras olympics for a long time, you know, water has kept quiet even knows that usda has allow, is asked least adult. now this is a, a bigger fight because us da us a da's old police knowledge. the authority of why the, during the paris olympics, to why the is putting his foot down and say, look for us to have the right to a hose future olympics, including the 2034 salt lake city olympics. you have to agree to certain ground rules. number one, usda must not into fear and must not try to police other countries. at least number 2, you must respect that the world here. why to and if you cannot a comply, if you keep fighting with water, then we can take away your right to hose 2034 olympics and give it to another
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country for this. and they can be the 1st time united states. it is the risk of losing the right to host olympics. i mean, this is the major when after the latest from the front line, the russian ministry of defense has released footage showing a ukrainian recognizance group being destroyed while attempting to land on the ken burns spit, partially located in rushes care. san region. officials say 12 militants were trying to land on the coast in 2 boats. this comes a med ongoing fighting and rushes course, the region which was the target of drone and the missile attacks overnight. according to the defense ministry, ukraine has lost more than $280.00 soldiers in that area. in the past 24 hours, russian to 25 fighters are playing an active. busy role in repelling the incursion . well, 6 people were wounded in an overnight drawn attack on russia's li, pets. reason the russian and we'll do says it's air defenses. down to
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a total of 19 that you the credit in you avi's, which damage to energy infrastructure when they fell. the reason is governor has confirmed that no civilian buildings were effected. russia's prime in region was also targeted by ukrainian drones. now, according to the defense ministry missile defenses, down 5 drones over the peninsula and the 8 over the bike, c r t 's, it goes down off. it brought us the latest from the course border area. and basically both sides are beating up the guy since right now, they're increasing the amount of boots on the ground. and those fighters on the front line who i personally know and who i'm in touch with. they are telling me that if anything, the fighting is only intensified. so those civilians who thought that this whole thing might be over in a day or 2, they are evacuating now to and some, well they find themselves in a situation when they do so at the very last moment when they come under the ukranian militants. small arms, fire one civilian driver and managed to film,
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which could be a very deadly encounter. and the very close cool that he's had. here we go, picked up some passengers with the dog along the way. the car is full more people want to come, but there's no room with his machine gun noise today. that's why we decided to leave the noise is probably from the drones. not sure. they were flying around at night. yeah, definitely. i know with a look windows shot to good car though they really have displays hard. look at this . oh my god, what's going on here? the wheels shot out windows to see all the costs are damaged mines. do you see the mines lying around? yes, yes, customized the so many of them. judging by this video alone, you can already see the sheer amount of civilian cars left on the side of the road and as people were shot at by the ukrainian militants. and as they had to flee under scape on foot, which proves that it is far from an isolated case. and there's more evidence of ukrainian terrace,
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well basically acts of terrorism against civilians within the very 1st days. one pregnant woman was not as lucky as those people who you've just listened to their encounter with you, bringing militants as they opened fire. i took a result of the essentially dying in the arms of her husband as he was trying to take her to hospital in time. unfortunately, he didn't also quite infamously, on the very 1st day. ukrainian militant stock it's, it's an ambulance with the company cause the drone i bought killing the driver one of and one of the medics. so again, this is far from the isolated case under those civilians who are right now. safe and sound. in course, having fled from the boarder regence, they have shed very experience to get it for the wonderful we were hiding in the basement. it started at around 3 am. we stayed in the basement until 8 o'clock, then packed up and left. we don't know where to go back to or if we will ever see
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our place again, i'm not quite sure what to do. it seems like there was just a 2nd between the volleys. there was a mass of them. my child and i were sitting in the basement and we didn't even have the opportunity to run because it was too scary to go outside. the walls of the house were shaking, which are less than we're used to. we were hoping to stay here and whether the storm. but then our son called and told us to leave the showing, got stronger and stronger the cranium troops. they are using intelligence, they are known to use satellites, intelligence provided by nato. because while the print doesn't have to be such a satellite capabilities enough for an incursion of this scale, they do use need to make equipment to the united states are basically saying that they do support the actions of key if we have supported ukraine from the very beginning to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border and for the need for cross fires. so they're taking actions to protect themselves
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from attacks that are coming from a region that are within the us policy of where they can operate. you know, our weapons, our systems are capabilities at the same time, the e u has been singing in you nice. and really they have been seeing to the saying to me, saying that since the very beginning, they have supports of ukraine under ukrainian 5 years fully standing behind ukraine's efforts to restore its 30 totally link degree again. so that entity and to push them back and find that the illegal aggression by russia, ukraine, using titles to heat the enemy wherever it finds necessary on each territory, but also on the territory of the enemy. so again, we will be standing by here because of the fighting, as i've already said, it is intensifying so there will be no shortage of news. 2 reports on we will be providing coverage on all of that footage of wounded russian war correspondent, if at any point during the right after his car was hit by, a ukrainian drowned has appeared online the video 1st published by the russian tv
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program. 60 minutes. it shows significant injuries to positive needs face. the journalist was able to step out onto the road and hail a car asking for help. now the war correspondent is undergoing treatment at one of moscow's largest hospitals are to spoke with the man who saved if any part do me. i didn't make a decision. i couldn't get through. i was attacked by drill and i turned around and saw you've. danny, i got into the car, drove him and headed him over to the military. if danny was any speed, he kept saying she didn't remember anything. the car on the left wasn't far. you've . danny was covered in blood, the men didn't blackout or lose consciousness did not fall asleep. she was always alert. i tried to talk to him, ask him questions, or if his clothes were covered in blood, his back was burned, his skin was dry. i wants to take him to soldiers hospital 1st. i drove up to the hospital. there were no lights, no windows, nothing but dumped the car in front of the gate. i took, you're getting to the farm collective hospital. while it appears that you,
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you and us officials, greenwood kids, all sense of incurs western analysts are questioning the strategies, saying the attack is unlikely to bring ukraine positive results. first, the attack might be an attempt to slay will kill russian momentum in its offensive switch. have lost it for the duration of 2020 for a 2nd. strategic objective might be to ship the narrative of the war to one more positive for ukraine. time will tell if it was a sensible gamble or not, but those strikers could have been put to good use in a desperate defense of such done best batch and says joseph yar and already the ukrainians for losing more men and material. taking the villages against getting light forces taken unaware is also a great deal more straightforward that holding them ukrainian troops. however, a pushback from the russian territory without any tangible results with high losses and russians continue moving towards po cruz. then ukraine's top ministry. leadership will be seen as having lost a massive gamble. we spoke earlier with former pentagon senior security policy
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analyst, michael maloof. he says the big question is, what is the strategy? and the course attack is a gamble, a last ditch gamble by ukraine. they, they had to pull, they have fresh troops on this offensive. there was a highly mobile units and i think it's meant by the ukrainians, basically to try and gain some p r. leverage and in hopes that uh they have a better negotiating position because it looks increasingly like they're getting towards wanting to sit down and, and, and have a chat about it. it's going to be a major setback for them. and it also is costing them manpower and artillery and, and other assets along the dom boss. meantime that they're done, boss front is now very much more vulnerable and russian forces are now moving further ahead. as a result of these forces being moved,
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moved in to the cursed region. so you have to wonder what, what, what the strategy was all about. and, and it looks like it's a, it's a creation of zelinski himself. and the m, the m, is now known as a brilliant military strategist. the italian volunteer association, dental dental, s t has visited the don bass on the mission of solidarity. the group delivered humanitarian aid to a monastery, a shelter, and the child care facilities are. they are, my colleague discussed the challenges and other issues with the groups of president lorenzo bertie, a mentor, the less the organizer, every era, a. so evaluate the new show name, know must. every 3 is the last theater. uh, we deals to a playground uh in the city of uh, champs good fortune. and right now me see are our main focus. so was uh to uh, read business on the classroom uh, in a school uh, in, uh, really honest uh,
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kind of the reception that you receive from the people that the local people, people of course aware of very happy about no food. so for uh while we're concrete, the alpha, not the also because uh they so are, there are people who are interested in uh in them and especially other people who come for a foreign country. what challenges dante's face in providing such assistance to people in the don't buy, it's not easy now our country to work and to cool 3. so either josh or especially with the boss. so there is a strong trend. so cheaper. uh, you know, very well let me what was the rush of the day, for example, its uh, uh for me, the 9 uh you were, we don't have a space in mainstream mad. yeah. sometimes we have a pressure from our target. these are not the i think uh we are on the right side and so we will continue our activities. and how difficult is it for humanitarian
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workers to carry out? that was especially on the front lines. it's not easy. for example, the stein uh, they know to allow, so it is not allowed as a to go on near to different line because they say to danger was last year we went to these a shot sca. uh now they see the steel under uh, mom being good by you currently anatomy so uh they say met or not to go there. you say that you, you do this annually? a, do you expect to be coming back again next year? yes, of course. busy uh, as usual uh we will, uh, back up for uh, you know, the refund, the money started in the show next year too. well, i think you're doing an incredible job and do a change in the lives of so many people for the past us. we really appreciate your work. the mohammed unice has been sworn in to lead the bangladesh, the interim government for claiming the end of the quotes. brutal regime of us had
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prime minister shake has seen on the 84 year old, took the oath to uphold the country's constitution of the presidential palace in dhaka, surrounded by members of his new cabinets. his appointment came about the following discussions between the countries, presidents, military officials and leaders of the student movements organizing the protest, eunice promise to rebuild bangladesh on the principle of democracy, justice, and human rights in his 1st national address. while eunice is no stranger to the bangladesh, the people who became famous as the so called banker to the poor helping to set up a my for a loan system in the country which earned him the nobel peace prize in 2006. washington's political lead took note and bestowed his highest civilian award, the presidential medal of freedom and the congressional gold medal politically. and he has built a profile as a long time critical. former prime minister has seen those policies with the power
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ship at the top of bangladesh. the politics follow that nationwide. riots that left more than 300 people that protests for sparked by the enforcement of jobs. but as for freedom fighters to send and send soon turned into violent cautions across the country, the interest to reach the peak when people stormed the parliament building and rated, has seen those residents. the prime minister then resigned and fled to india. there is a brief recap of the we're not going to try to do it and we will continue to fight the door. demands are meant, we're making it clear that the freedom fighters flood and should be reconsider the freedom fighters flooded should be abolished for government job. the
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think the countries next rulers should take lessons from the students that if anyone becomes a corrupted traitor and becomes involved in anti social activities or takes any decisions against the country, they need to face the same thing. and everyone in bangladesh is welcoming that is never met with open arms. hundreds of travelers have been seen on the bangladesh border with india trying to flee the country. but people stopped at the border. are negotiating with guards to allow them passage which has so far been denied both countries and stepped up security when the protest 1st erupt. it on with violent incidents still being reported in bangladesh are still monitoring the risk despite the worst being over. we spoke to former bangladesh, the foreign secretary sham, shared charter ray, who says, one of the new governments,
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1st challenges is to restore law and order of what is important to understand that the election system that we have been bonded, that doesn't enjoy public task anymore. because the polarization among the major particular the cartridge is such a general model that people don't trust either. people are different. so i think the 1st friday to, for the government is to restore auda. com and fees and society. we're still going to, you know, the incidents of violence, it's gone down a lot, but it just keeps happening. and then to focus on the economy and the leading to the direction of the country crucial reforms needed yesterday on our, our debt election process. distributive farm. just finish one thing for shaw that debility we uh, you know, we provide them support. i would say somebody to back development. but the chief of the army air force and maybe as pledged support. and the treatment is going to
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provide any kind of suck on the walk, which is basically to maintain order and to come to a $170000000.00. in fact, in such a small land, moss is always a tinderbox. counterterrorism operations have begun in the brianne ste region of russia. that's according to federal authorities to combat the threat of sabotage on the western region which shares a border with ukraine and submit the ongoing attack by cubes forces on the neighboring course region. all right, do stay with our t international have next. and visions takes us to the mountain us republic of north associates. hold on the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings. accept, we're said shorter to conflict with the 1st law. show your mind, anticipation,
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we should be very careful about it personally. sizes as the point obviously is to trace a truck or rather than see it, the area with artificial intelligence, we have so many with the in the a robot must protect this phone existence. with alexis there was a time when i started to was abused to obtain power. steve divided the continental langford amongst themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent, this designate but the mazda clinton, and can never be stopped,
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because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great on the shore, does all of us sons and daughters on by the sweat. all right, so now click on the goodwill time full. and let us confess about underground east the mazda, upon the despite everything gray breeze go to the from lines with that eagerly awaited they pray in the trenches and bunkers and hospitals destroyed churches. they pray for peace. so i think out of work during ask almost the 1st or what kind of stuff percent of the loss of your students. so you sure. so can i even though a simple statement? yes. less of that you watch the discharge of when you try to boost of.


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