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tv   News  RT  August 9, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the counter terrorism operations began in the course builder odd and pre owned regions of western russia, amid ongoing fighting in the border area where you crane has suffered hundreds of casualties as russian horses continued to repel pianos attacks a commercial airplane carrying 57 passengers and port crew members crashes in brazil with the local authorities reporting. there are no survivors. and that the global anti doping agency, water is on the war path as washington allows the athletes who are not using illegal substances to compete and exchange for spine on others. the
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from our headquarters in moscow, you're watching r t international. i'm rachel ruble. counterterrorism operations have begun in the bronze to region of russia, where authorities say there is a threat of sabotage on the border shared with ukraine. there's also been an overnight drone attack on the pets give region, wounding 6 people. and the territory, of course, has been the target of drone and missile attacks and ongoing fighting. the rest of the defense ministry says ukraine has lost more than $280.00 soldiers in that area . in the past 24 hours. our tc goes down offerings, us the latest from the 1st border area. so basically both sides are beating up the guy since right now they're increasing the amount of boots on the ground. and those fighters on the front line who i personally know and who i'm in touch with. they are telling me that if anything, the fighting is only intensified. so those civilians who thought that this whole thing might be over in a day or 2. they are evacuating now too and some, well they find themselves in a situation when they do so at the very last moment when they come under the
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ukranian militants, small arms fire one civilian driver and managed to film, which could be a very deadly encounter. and the very close cool that he's had here we go, picked up some passengers with the dog along the way. the car is full more people want to come, but there's no room with his machine gun noise today. that's why we decided to leave the noise is probably from the drones. not sure. they were flying around at night. yeah, definitely. i know with a look windows shot to good car though they really have displays hard. look at this . oh my god, what's going on here? the wheels shot out windows to see all the costs are damaged mines. do you see the mines lying around? yes, yes, customized the so many of them. judging by this video alone, you can already see the sheer amount of civilian cause left on the side of the road and as people were shot at by the ukrainian militants. and as they had to flee
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under scape on foot, which proves that it is far from an isolated case. and there's more evidence of ukrainian terrace, well basically acts of terrorism against civilians. within the very 1st days, one pregnant woman was not as lucky as those people who you've just listened to their encounter with you, bringing militants as they opened fire. i took off resulted in a ha, essentially dying in the arms of her husband as he was trying to take her to hospital in time. unfortunately, he didn't also quite infamously, on the very 1st day, ukrainian militant stock it's, it's an ambulance where the company cause the drone i bought killing the driver, one of and one of the medics. so again, this is far from the isolated case under those civilians who are right now. safe and sound. in course, having fled from the boarder regence, they have shared very experiences to get it for the wonderful we were hiding in the basement. it started at around 3 am. we stayed in the basement until 8 o'clock,
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then packed up and left. we don't know where to go back to or if we will ever see our place again, i'm not quite sure what to do. it seems like there was just a 2nd between the volleys. there was a mass of them. my child and i were sitting in the basement and we didn't even have the opportunity to run because it was too scary to go outside. the walls of the house were shaking, which are less than we were. we were hoping to stay here and whether the storm within our son called and told us to leave the showing, got stronger and stronger ukrainian troops. they are using intelligence, they are known to use satellite intelligence provided by nato. because while the print doesn't have be such a satellite capabilities enough for an incursion of this scale, they do use need to make equipment to the united states are basically saying that they do support the actions of key if we have supported ukraine from the very beginning. to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border
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and for the need for cross fires. so they're taking actions to protect themselves from attacks that are coming from a region that are within the us policy of where they can operate. you know, our weapons, our systems are capabilities at the same time, the e u has been singing in you nice. and really they have been seeing to the same to saying that since the very beginning, they have supported the ukraine. i'm the ukranian 5. we are fully standing behind ukraine's efforts to restore its 30 totally link degree again. so that entity and to push them back and find the illegal aggression by russia. you crime, using titles to heat the enemy wherever it finds necessary on its territory. but also on the territory of the enemy. so again, we will be standing by here because the fighting, as i've already said, it is intensifying so there will be no shortage of news. 2 reports on we will be providing coverage on all of that footage of wounded russian war correspondent,
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you've got a pub disney right after his car was hit by a ukrainian drone has appeared online. the video 1st published by the russian tv program. 60 minutes shows a significant injury is to produce needs and face. the journalist was able to step out onto the road and hail a car asking for help. and now the war correspondent is undergoing treatment that one of moscow's largest hospitals are to spoke with a man who saved you beginning, pardon me. i didn't make it to suit you couldn't get through. i was attacked by trail and i turned around and saw your guinea. i got into the car and drove him and handed him over to the military. if danny was on the speed, he kept saying she didn't remember anything. the car on the left wasn't far. you've danny was covered in blood. the men didn't blackout or lose consciousness did not fall asleep. she was always alert. i tried to talk to him asking questions, or if his clothes were covered in blood, his back was burned. his skin was dry, wants to take him to soldiers hospital 1st. i drove up to the hospital. there were
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no lights, no windows, nothing. they dumped the car in front of the gate. i took the beginning of the farm, collect as hospital. while it appears that a you and us officials, dreema, yeah, the saw sense of incurs western analysts are questioning the strategies, saying the attack is unlikely to bring new crane positive results. first, the attack might be an attempt to slay will kill russian momentum in its defensive switch, have lost it for the duration of 20. 20 for a 2nd. strategic objective might be to shift the narrative of the war to one more positive for ukraine. time will tell if it was a sensible gamble or not, but those strikers could have been put to good use in a desperate defense of such don best bachelors as joseph yar and already the trainings for losing more men and material. taking the villages against applied forces, taking unaware, is also a great deal more straightforward that holding them ukrainian troops. however, a pushback from the russian territory without any tangible results with high losses
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and they've russians continue moving towards po cruz, then ukraine's top ministry. leadership will be seen as having lost a massive gamble. we spoke earlier with former pentagon senior security policy analyst of michael maloof. he says, the big question is what his kids strategy in the course attack is a gamble, a last ditch gamble by ukraine. they, they had to pull, they have fresh troops on this offensive. there was a highly mobile units and i think it's meant by the ukrainians, basically to try and gain some p r. leverage and in hopes that uh they have a better negotiating position because it looks increasingly like they're getting towards wanting to sit down and, and, and have a chat about it. it's going to be a major setback for them. and it also is costing them manpower and artillery and, and other assets along the dom boss. meantime that they're done,
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boss front is now very much more vulnerable and russian forces are now moving further ahead. as a result of these forces being moved, moved in to the cursed region. so you have to wonder what, what, what the strategy was all about. and it looks like it's a, it's a creation of zelinski himself. and the m, the m, is not unknown as a brilliant military strategist. the italian volunteer association, vento del asked, has visited the don bass on the mission of solidarity. the group delivered humanitarian aid to a monastery, a shelter and a child care facilities are there. and my colleague discuss the challenges and other issues with the groups president, lorenzo bertie, a method the less the organize a every era a. so evaluate the new show name uh no must every 3. so last deanna. we deals to the playground in the city of champs. good fortune. and right now me see are our
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main focus. so was to, uh, read be, is this on the classroom uh, in a school uh, in, uh, really honest uh, on kind of the reception that you receive from the people that the local people, people of course aware of very happy about not always. so for our concrete, the alpha, not the also because uh they so either people who are interested in uh in them and especially other people who come for a foreign country. what challenges dante's face and providing such assistance to people in the don't bass. it's not easy, know our country to work and to cool 3 the we the direction essentially we the boss . so there is a strong chance or shape. uh, you know, very well let me what was the rush of the day, for example, its uh, uh for me, the 9 uh you were,
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we don't have the space in mainstream mad. yeah. sometimes we have a pressure from our target. these are not the i think uh we are on the right side and so we will continue our activities. and how difficult is it for humanitarian workers to carry out? that was especially on the front lines. it's not easy. for example, the stein uh, they know to allow, so it is not allowed as a to go on near to different line because they say to danger was last year we went to these a shot sca. uh now the see the steel under uh, mom being good by ukraine anatomy so. uh they say that or not to go there. you say that you, you do this annually? a. do you expect to be coming back again next year? yes, of course. uh, as usual, uh we with the back or for uh, you know, the refund, the money started in the show next year too. well, i think you're doing an incredible job and do
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a change in the lives of so many people for the past us. we really appreciate you what the hell now to developing news from brazil where a plane that carrying 57 passengers and 4 crew members has crashed with local authorities reporting. there are no survivors. local firefighters say the plane fell over the city of any of the military police and the civil defense authority have also sent teams to the crash side. there's still no information on what caused the crash. on the course of shared footage on line of the burning crash side and the plain spiraling out of control. as it went down, news of the tragedy reached it. brazilian president mueller, the silver during a live tv broadcast. he asked the audience to stand and observe a moment of silence with him. competition humans and the us has been violating athletic building rules for years, allowing at least 3 people to compete international. a despite taking performance enhancing drugs, the catch,
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they would have to spy on the fellow sportsmen. as according to a writer's investigation, which revealed that the us anti doping agency is that longer has with water. a. this who saw the scheme threatened the integrity of sporting competition, which the code seats to protect by operating it who saw that was in clear breach of the rules. contrary to the claims made by of soda water did not sign off on this practice of permitting drug eats to compete for years on the promised that they would try to obtain incriminating evidence against others. us empty doping agency, admitting that it has sanctioned athletes to be able to cheat to, to, to continue to take policy and competitions. as you mentioned on the basis that they may be able to sniff out of the athletes who also don't think it's so really incredible story. it's not just us saying this, the usa d a has admitted this is it's paula. so you have to listen to it statement. it's an
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effective way to get these bigger stomach problems if you've got the engines. so others who are praying and that's, that's and traffic and i think it's totally appropriate. so the question is, what do we know? well, water, which is the will donte tubing agencies of mesa, is that at least 3 athletes were found to be 2 thing to have had this doping sanctioned body. that agent c, b, u. s. a. d, a. and what we know is that these athletes that were able to pursue that korea is that dreams are able to compete in competitions to potentially win metals, to get sponsorship, to the prize money. and all of this was ok while they were cheating. and this was being sanctioned at the highest level and even highest and not because usa da says one to knew about this. and it essentially giving it the old, clear all the way back in 2011. wow. and, and so it was more about the,
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the well done today. i think agency having to say about it was pretty embarrassing accusation. it's denying it, of course. and it's also haystack that usa da saying that it is being hypocritical . let's have a listen to what water have to say. it is ironic and hypocritical, but who saw the cries fall when it suspects other anti doping organizations are not following the rules to the letter. while it did not announce doping cases for years and allowed sheets to carry on. competing on the off chance they might help them catch other possible violators of what it says. it's in a really difficult position here because it has not taken any action against these . how sweet so that doesn't seem to be taking any action either again. so usa d a which is really incredible when we look at the history of how water has pursued athletes. so they've been accused of those thing in the past indeed, and date and the have any of these athletes be named? no, and there's a reason for this water is saying it is not naming the athletes because it's concerned about the repercussions they could be. so we know that some of us know
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all of the da slates have retard them. by the way, we know about 3, this could be a much wider issue, and we have been told that one was actually in the least asked me this is and needs to participate in the qualifies for be able to fix competitions. this is somebody who participated in the international events in the usa, so somebody who really could be a big name. despite that they were allowed to continue competing despite the fact the usa da knew that they would do things and they were cheating every race. and what's really interesting and this is the icing on the k k, this all comes as the olympics, which is taking place in paris right now. i speak speaker, i skate is from japan and also the usa of just received the metals from the banking winter olympics. why they were receiving now where you might remember when the patient olympics took place 2 and a half years ago, russia told the board with the figure ice skating. it got the goals for at least
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one of it's a team of players or members. this is, was off the times 15 year old camilla valley ava was accused of doing things. she benoit's that she depakote. she said that she had been contaminated by her from fathers hawk meditation while she was at her family home. and she pleaded or innocent said she's happy to be tested again despite this, she has the book from not to and as a result of that, russian was split to that school. madeline, that's why we've got seats not receiving that metals at the paris olympics. but if we go back to that time a 15 year old child, she was vilified in the price. that was a frenzy. i'm. if you recall, the u. s. was one of the biggest, coolest for her to be stripped upon metal for russia to be stripped of its metal. let's just take a look at what happened 2 and a half years ago as we drew attention to the atmosphere of malevolence, being whipped up in low co media and sports, circled over. there was a 4 big decision on the corner of i betray sion for sport to disqualify our fitness,
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kate, so give me a leave of for 4 years and deprive hell of awards for allegedly using doping. all of these fits into the main stream of the hybrid whole, at least by the west, against the russian federation. what we've got, hey, that is wonderful for russia, one roof the us a, well, the u. s. a. d, a has been sanctioning its athletes to cheat, to cheat other sweets to ship them after they price money. they're supposed to ship to possibly win metals. all of that was okay, because it was the usa da that said it was doing it and it was using them to find out the 31st. when and if there's even a sniffle controversy. well, allegations about russia, the book comes down and the pull some of us all for the highest sanctions possible . really? i mean when we talk about hypocrisy, i think it's just takes of biscuits. but most of capital sports podcast, alan moore told us us,
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the anti doping agency is blatantly hypocritical. america is not c a now the stolen and they've been throwing in their glasses are starting to bring the glass and the top of them us and the doping is go satisfied or some people call a paper tiger because that's what he is. he's always looking for money because this is his whole thing he wants to create to make money from showing russians. could change like americans that are going to use the surveys use exemption. so basically they can change legally, as we saw with the one already meter, or then each of these, no one line was for you has a hasty estimate, so on. so for all the crazy units has to get legal, go be for and yes, when he was wondering last night, the 2 interviews he sort of got draws because he has cobra's. so this whole mazda serenity with us, is that it can be sold and all sort of swimmers and a lot of skin races which, you know, people are, which i didn't believe it,
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of course. and i saw the videos from nbc and bbc every or something is wrong here. so basically this whole mess watching at the very top or see the school see be us to read. it has a basically flushes for $72.00 boys. and i think now for the russian to say this, we're not part of this, we don't want our children to be with these idiots. let us just go and trees for so i can show re, i just wanted to keep this to enjoy, to compete against that to do your best because you have to try and see it again. see americans, you're never going to do it but didn't take long for reaction to come in at the chinese anti doping agency is called for an independent investigation saying the actions of it's us counterpart damage the principle of fair play. and also know that the hypocrisy of the situation, the fact that the u. s. has turned a blind eye to its long history of doping problems while trying to cross the border
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and exercise jurisdiction over other countries has just clearly exposed to the international community, its trick of a thief crying stop the see from the double standards behind its logic. are to contribute our carl john says the us doesn't need to place other countries, sports programs and should respect international authorities. this whole thing blew up in the u. s. the usa da's phase because they started out by so i, they started to say against a chinese moving team in, in spring when you are time to release a report said 23 members of chinese swimmers were tested for t, n. c. that is, before the 2020 talked to olympics and that right opposite that the us government immediately got involved us congress threatened to cut funding to why the us justice department and f. b. i opened the case to investigate how we stopped in
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cases weren't handled and that they raise a big stink about the extraordinary performance of chinese swimmers. seen this occurring paras olympics for a long time. you know, water has tift quiet even knows that usda has a louse asked least adult. now this is a, a bigger fight because us be a us, a d, a is old police knowledge the authority of why the during the paras olympics to why the is putting his foot down and say, look for us to have the right to a host future olympics including the 2030 for salt lake city, all in picks. you have to agree to certain ground rules. number one, usda must not into fear and must not try to police other countries. at least number 2, you must respect that the world here. why to and if you cannot a comply, if you keep fighting with water, then we can take away your right to hose 2034 olympics and give it to another
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country for this probably can be the 1st time united states. it is at the risk of losing the right to host olympics. i mean, this is the major the bands are building to investigate reports of the sexual abuse of palestinian prisoners and is really detention counts . even major ally, washington has called for an inspection, though they believe an internal is really inquiry is sufficient. a look there ought to be 0 tolerance for sexual abuse, rape of any detaining period. that's a fundamental, a fundamental belief of the united states. and if there are detainees who've been abused, if they are detainees who have been sexually assaulted or raped the governor visiting the idea of need to fully investigate those actions and hold anyone responsible accountable to the full extent of the law. this comes as
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a troubling video reporter they showing a rape. the aragon is really channel 12 has gone viral. a warning you may find these images disturbing. the footage is believed to show the moments of the sexual abuse according to the broadcast is really soldiers tried to hide the incidence of abuse with shields. the detainee was reportedly bleeding and later moved to the hospital. we've heard from the head of the palestinian prisoners club. abdul, as the guy he says, the heinous act is only a part of the long spree of idea of torture and killings committed against the palestinians. a has a mission of folks. this is yet another example of the criminal acts committed by these radi occupation in various presents to be precise these detainees. and this is not the 1st time has faced such treatments, which was documented by the cameras of these ruddy occupations. soldiers who were fully aware that they were cameras inside the account, yet they still chose to recall that he knew his crime. why can sit in the faces
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which reflect the extent of the depravity reached by the occupations regime through its aggressive and brutal behavior towards police. damien citizens detained, particularly as those from gaza. and even all the prisoners across the batteries presents who have all been subjected to torture. i believe that today, more than as long as it was in need to form an international investigative committee to uncover all of these crimes and to prosecute those responsible through international costs. washington, the witnesses every day, the genocide that is carried out daily against the police to hand people, especially a guest, children, women, and on buildings and universities. if this is a genocide, the to your system has to pause politically financially. and it's heavily why the claimant that they stick him to stop this one and this aggression, this gives the occupation the green lights to continue carrying all of the genocide to kidding and torch against prisoners in the occupations presents. the israel has
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denied any system that can be used at his detention caps. 9 soldiers suspected of raping prisoners had been detained, and an angry crowd which included parliament numbers storms. the facility in which they were being held. one soldier reportedly from the same unit, says he's speaking out to protect the idea of good name should solve, should i know. i think that our army is the healthiest army, the commanders, the fighters, the field personnel. if there is someone in the upper systems who wants to ruin things for us, and i'm here to protect our good name. and so this is not the 1st case reported of abuse of palestinians and as rarely detention facilities. and you and expert demanded as well investigated quotes and multiple allegations of torture and other, and human treatment against detainees in may. and last month, another you and report estimated there have been $53.00 deaths and is really the attention as well as cases of tortures, sexual abuse, food and the sleep deprivation is really rights groups have found the same
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conclusions well surveying palestinians who have been detained this did came on detention camp is just the tip of the iceberg. as we speak, thousands of palestinians are being held in, in human conditions and subjected to relentless abuse. some did not know why they were arrested, and many will be released without trial. this is the definition of a torture camp. a place that once you enter, no matter who you are or why you were arrested, you will be subjected to severe deliberate, relentless pain and suffering. pro palestinian act of a steel of high follies says it's not just the idea, but it's really society as a whole that has 0 tolerance to our palestinians. it is already 10 miles now for the soul and falls assess the days of 0. as far as the vision crime, so for ballasting, yes. and those are 2 patients became
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a massive cultural machine. and then i know it personally for many for defending this the places i have for systematic social and beating every day the by the gods. gonzalez, spaces, unit units that specialize in the homes as a 0 defense research. and the big thing towards the society, very low miles and the balance of the human rights. and there is no profit for most of music. i'm sorry for premium. i guess that those issues that these are these, the doing the and gaza and the senior is or the 10. so any reason is it immediately as signify, this film always go back to our top story. now counter terrorism operations
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have begun in the brands, can build a rod and a curse regions of western russia in response to key of unprecedented attempt to destabilize the area. the russian anti terrorism committee has raised the threat posed by ukrainian sabotage and recognizance groups and has identified that similar terror acts committed against civilians in the course. the region which has been the target of drone and the missile attacks and ongoing fighting as well as are the top stories we're following here on our, to international for the very latest breaking news and updates to be sure to visit our website. archie dot com, the the,
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going to make you come for the.


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