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tv   Documentary  RT  August 11, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EDT

3:30 am
missing, i am the country hands on a stand with though from the contribution for non speed over to the 24 diesels we bought in june. when the government and the government in parliament, of course, proposed a bill to be sent it into little that had posted to me. so that would mean that more price out would be mounted on availability. the city then. so we're having tough times even to meet that they need that they will say that the mission of what to a, what is being able to afford more taxes to be able to be the huge amount of loans at that at these countries. owing to the i may have come out when diesel stated too much as what introduced people different not to be know frequent before before and got before inc. identical took you through the streets because what we will see is that the government is aiming on increasing the amount of taxes, but in the time what out of the city then see if there is there. what did the,
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some of these, the uh, uh, properties, uh for the money that they are paying? absolutely, no, no, that ain't got to do people on the a. so people taking you to the street, not only here it will be, but it was all over the country in different parts of the country in different towns in different cities. people took you through the streets, saying that they are rejecting different nights with the totality. and of course, with the push out was increased, we sold the government, the president with the growing they can provide you in finance be and of course a number of call us have said that these finance be, was not drafted in kenya, was not drafted by came down to a foot and drafted for canyons bds assumed. and of course, it is, imagine that these 5 months being that they will say that you may have one drafted by i may have to be able to, um, to get uh, to be able to connect the boxes to be able to pay the huge amount of loans that we have owing to them. so all these probates at the zip purpose add add,
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they all begun from the contribution for a non to be looked into. the full week is neglige, allegedly said that these are from the i m if they also have dimensions. what from the i am, it's good for all these problems. most of these problems that we have seen our own, i knew this to be from i image, we have lost faith with that present. he came up when he came into pressure to see we had a lot of open the expectations. they caught him and wasn't performing the post platform being the best selection. everything wasn't performing, but we've been to. yeah. so if he's not in this position, he has missed monday. do the economy. he has been as a lot of texas and we don't see. and the meaningful infrastructure i would think is that got sent to people have roles for it. and that's why we oppose testing. and the thing that the only solution we have, we have the most what we call social contracts. so they play venture of death to the kids and to go peacefully. that's why we're about testing how, what up and seeing evidence of the pollution. uh they did say that the victory of
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freedom is what we blocked. it is on the end. it is those black and the indies. that is clearly more convincing us to push to move that he must to go. because we are only fighting for those one of those websites because if windows push and they keep the objective, then the whole day it will update being very yes. so i can, you are wrapping up this out addition of the weekly here on how to international my from most for thanks for joining us here for the traditional sunday program, we are running down the biggest stores of the week and all this hour, which will resume at the top of the, i'll hope to see you in about $45.00, the keys took the waiting issue, would go to the beach. i have a little bit of a vehicle and excuse me, a little demon mazda marshall at the us. the to that, to,
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to make a couple of them we were just looking to see is that like a quotes to for putting us cook with what was the the, the most federal with the federal work study piece. that's what we should put these to the keywords equally new,
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but you should think we keep skips, we keep some she'd be approaching next week so you can definitely use each that you put in the meeting to stay with me appointment for me. and there's a couple of music on mr. flores, then you're going to have it fit the music i need to mention in with lucian. was it kind of me personally, or the exclusion, the young marshal, i'm pulling them. can you explain that much of that? and then also to condition for more than most of the, which is the see is that it goes from like a good to stick for putting us cook we come was a good, puts almost at the auction with blocks north. it's that is your source kind of both because without giving you a producer. so uh the uh, what, when i shift when i said that it, uh, it took me straight boys coughing again at the budget. i would like to have the private
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with uh, group book me 1st loose nichols, we processed the photo issue and you pitching us. that'll go i need to do a short survey. this looks kind of the of the product was made. you see the cvt, the prize me to the q machine, the purchase price product timley. we are gonna need to be less than like them. not only would you know, so tuesday of we're truly sick. done. most of you to be charged more with the home page i assess deletes and actually within
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the week of this concept from scratch shelf. moving to to steve was working on that company f. and the most clear that i had the bus mostly to not who i did, i would say i'd be more but even just for the machine or the other do before a while or different types of things, the customer has to speak to us to do most of i'm sitting in the center placement with the doors and you know, mr. jim cook, that equinox football schedules as mr. glass who desktops. this is because she never did. to me the whole nikki, you to those days you've listed both the new subsets school does what they'll do, the induction repeated the good. so you will give us their shots the,
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the just look through the pictures seem to go to the limits of let's, let's switch it to get by the never show this for us to deal with this. the quicker should the lifting a lexical curtain. let me meet as close to the so much, much and either the,
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the the,
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the, the,
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the, the, the guy gave me, i am the, the just the way the what was the, just the was still gonna need to know what, what do you mean? so let's do it to avoid a lift, you know, you'll do most of the truth and you switch and they're just visible. see, i'm just kind of new can when people of us come on, the just the do you, we don't, we can use as a huge on the,
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on the we, we get that over by the side, by the bed. and i mean, the ones that say annually the, i mean, it does as well as, you know, i got always is the the size of the business machine,
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the machine costs. can you see something more than that is, or what do you buy up for an oil change? you want to check with the one she does and believe it will cost to 1st thing is she the videos are so comfortable with the spaniel. wow. the chip just through that see and hold on, let me give them a little sketchy, me just not coaches us by at the right. not fun doing it is essentially what color
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the blood smell play in their speech rich solutions. so i still love. yeah. but still stay away, but just because i didn't plug me in phone with them. oh boy juggle schedule. i'd say that yeah, the be a month more than 30 percent. oh schedule via the blue z o video. so that'd be that's what it receives. the same uh necessarily the best option for me. yeah. so saves you money to buy so god bless nature big well, circumstance thing reset your initial yes, the
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is addressed to a joint session of congress is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu spent a good portion of a speech attacking americans who had been protesting israel's genocidal campaign. in gaza, the majority of lawmakers in the chamber responded with a standing ovation. summer, most of the musician city now was due to a southern of the cone. usually the chinese seem finally just because we're trying to put
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it in there. thought you might have something to serve moya. let's see. here's what you had it here. the surface go really about your vehicle. so i guess the question is i see a place where does that all you are telling me was more, let's go, let's go east coast what your ship restore, how often you polluted. yeah. knowing that, and that's on the quiz to, to mess cousin with leach law or digital on this last little shift or you will see him. yeah. i went to the bottom where it says i was choose to, us was loose, this was boot, you got, i lose,
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you advocate. that was 3 of them. sure. it would add to the speech in the east program to we're going to see the i'm sure i'm gonna get on there and let's have them sign it. definitely just make it on one second. it's um, well i'm not able to box to the
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control panel of the promotion. so what was the incentive system around the corner issue with the is the the test which you entered on us to pick them up a little probably would have said under the transfer function is, is there might be fairly easy to say on the model that i'm going to play a lot of what if it's an old machine, at least you're scheduling purpose the nurse here. the test on my so i was i swear toner using the centurylink. and i still have some of the most of the show from us just like this. it's just been a busy slip. so if you be fine with that,
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certainly for the you know, we just look up though, i'm assuming you want to know me of nearby, just thought i have some hands on lunch. i'm just not available. just leave me alone. this is of the information i have punch right now. about that one is my impression that it needs a lot more time for me. yeah. and you cuz i really almost, that's always working with us. it's just the voltage. so i'm just a bunch beat into both of us and in a few of us, i mean wasn't here, so i wish them they didn't even let me see it. every single one. little miss gonzales. more than the most lettering if you will. but the most that you contact them with this streaming is literally to go and show them that and as much, but go to be upset. you see fit that bush to that part of the god. so when the leasing at us and uh the
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me as one of the stuff on you know, it's a good deal. i'm curious for the
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any still live, but then you have skipped on you still able to pull a gun skim. best motion and then you have to come get skim. a couple of come assume come, dumb, skim, budget you all of those come nation of control to take them. drama is glass. it is a pretty soon. they pushed him. not to some go ahead. it's defined. but those them slower. yeah, they'll call them, but there shouldn't cause a lot so many still live with article and i'll ask them a bug that what some i mean you prefer to lease stella gordon. and so the, and the super i t is the go on up stock menus mccomb and you'd be the most, but it's a to post give you guys. each kilo dorski here is above and it is most people clear your doorstep,
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no storm obstruct them. a tops 3 and you said it was on to that it and yeah, the beach you'll see when you bring a little porter straight literally says the union may have skipped excessively stablish to get a response. can you stay later? but then yeah, it's funny. stated a little got skipped, the
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the, the will keep that the keys to keep the waiting issue wouldn't be a good 3 pieces of the video. so we won't be a golf look. see, familial dmo dusky with marshall. i thought you're not that, gosh, that with those that quit to, to me, let's go to them. we interest them much. i'm pretty good. it's cuz i'm listening, but being you and that's a special been that are that the who could do me?
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i've been in that would be less costly videos for the front doors and car stuff. you finished with shortsale shop. numerous also stores looked at each of those that in the class. so the
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a the
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the faster and the distance you can see rescue is trying to get to the 2nd floor if you can see in the life of the flash slide, just over the nighttime tear up as possible down view crating and the based on l slime into an apartment block and the russian city, a quarter of sleeping coating people wounded, a correspondent, one of the very 1st on the same on the low cost of the world anti doping agency was looking hormones with a us officials offers, reveals washington and had a loud actually to was going to compete in exchange for spying on other end of the program. a question of innocent. he says a lot of times footage before and to show the recently released haven't goes giving .


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