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tv   News  RT  August 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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the the the faster and the distance you can see rescue as far as trying to get to the 2nd floor. if you can see in the life of the flashlight just over the night and find sarah as part of a down. you put in minutes, i'll slime and i'm a problem girl. and the russian city of course, even 15 people wounded of correspondence is one of the 1st on lucy. pointing the thing, bangladesh is a house in private as it hits the west. may have been behind the deadly unrest in the country which pulls to resign. find the question of innocence i'll see, obtains foot to proposing to show the recently released event. busy job who went to
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court, right have the, it's an act of s of, in a, as in russia, as, as washington still threats as well. so with most sense of what disciplines is wrongful imprisonment, all american, the sunday and the so that means it's time for the weeks a little box that some of the most significant news from the previous 7 days. that does not always, always breaking news. coming from the russian sits you close, where locals are the same part of an intercepted you put in a mess. all have come down on a residential block off the key was a night attack on the city 15 people being wounded, to a said to be in serious condition, the russian defense. and as he says boldly, so i'm full team drones with shut down overnight. the incident that happened off
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the most of the lawyers as law just of i'm to terrorism operation and that reason i'm to others off the i'm encouraged him by you put new forces earlier this week all day is english. i know. so this simple. so right now you can see here the 55 is still dealing with the optimize of the photos terrorist attack by the spring. and on the 4th, if you can see the volunteer as energy authority, helping out with the dealing with the optimize over there is a balcony and rescue as they're trying to get to that apartment. on the 2nd floor. we can see that this whole part of the facade has been very, very badly damaged. windows have been shifted, and again, the attack came very late at night, almost at midnight. so people were quotes of god, they didn't have time to take shelter. it was 12 o'clock at night. we were sleep. mom is 94 years old. i am almost 69 years old. we were already
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a sleep. when this explosion happened, i picked up my mom and we went to the bathrooms. then there was several explosions . when everything stopped, i went out, everything was scattered in the rims, the windows was shafted. i grabbed the things that had been prepared in advance, and we went out. the man helped my mother down from the 5th floor because she doesn't look well herself. i called my relatives, my sister came and took my mother casa on for the 2nd floor, was the place the apartment was on fire, then 55 is in special services, began to arrive, all the residents to run out of the house, opened the basements. what were you doing anyway? you were already asleep when? yes, of course was slapped, the sacraments ran and just a couple of minutes later this explosion was heard. the windows and balcony doors shut it on the floor, said boss, i see that the 1st entrances are about the end of the building. did i understand
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correctly? the 2nd floor is very damaged and it was a blaze that just that the 2nd floor on the 1st on the 2nd entrance was on fire and the 3 cause building nearby. so this was the most large scale mess, all the taxes, the town of course, i've had to deal with a sofa. you can see volunteers, locals, who, who are just a all around the, it is quite a had to right now back there in the distance you can see rescue as for trying to get to the 2nd floor. if you can see in the life of the flashlight, just silver that you can see that the whole that's the inside of the inside of facade, of this building, at least this middle section of it has been quite badly damaged. so they're trying to get that trying to get apartment to apartment to apartment basically because they have no way of doing so on the inside. i'm filling out the list of the residents of all house who's been in the fax it. we decide whether they'll go to
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the temporary accommodation or they will stay with their relatives and friends. i'm writing this down because the commission we set up in the morning. we'll go through the apartments and look at the damage. well, the emergency response has been very, very significant. you can see the police, you can see 5 trucks. inside this 225 truck, several ambulances come to the scene. they are right now trying to deal with the frame unit gays. it's very, very residential building. in fact, if i move just slightly to the side here, i am already, well, this is a huge puddle of water that it didn't seem to done from the side for us. but here you can already see the rubble. and if we could get just a little bit closer here, you can see it's really dog, but rescue is that doing us a bit of a service because in the light of the flashlights,
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you can see the scale of damage delts to, to this apartment building just pay attention to the lights over that. there's a lot of going to the 2nd floor and as a balcony over there. so they are trying to get to that apartment to see if there are any survivors, any casualties, anybody wounded? because the attack came very, very light. it's not a most people who were home, who didn't go to the country side for the holidays for the, for the weekend. if they were home they would, would have been a sleep probably. and if they would have been quotes of god. so this is the main purpose of the rescue services right here. because of my shoulder, hey, you can see some of the latest footage released by the russian defense man. so it shows the apple is pushing back the gwinnett encouraged him in the course region.
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most that result slice of the sagas, including food. so i and all the vehicles in the border area, several massages of fired. i few planning positions with the m. o. d se all fathers were destroyed. meanwhile, russian advisors group held more than a $115.00 drones in 24 hours and destroyed 16 us because i most of it until friends made me solve it was scanned, i miss out has also destroyed a you put in. come on, i control post in a precision strike, at least 15 you're planning to. so instead of being killed the costa of buildings in a heavily wooded area, apparently. so as a coordination center. now this wise old s, washington, i'm the you are on the same page. see you, crane has the right to the new. so white means necessary even if it means a packing russian thursday. and this is
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a white house with national security. so this isn't, don't cover the 17th a pack on the cost region falls in line with the rules around using us supplied weapons. does it goes all the incursion, however, they are not clear to washington, you know, there's been no changes in our policy approaches. they're using it in, in an area where we had said before, they could uh, use you as a webpage for cross warner strikes. the angle here is to help you frame defend itself. and we're just going to see what the princess about the human rights commission says, a request has been submitted to the u. n. for it to condemn, quote, terrorism on the part of your time and take measures against caves. violation of human rights reside left hand and cuddle islands, national security consulting arising, museum,
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believe washington is using key is offensive to justify all the cash is a sudden the plane, you know, they claim they are going after military targets. but it seems that you have a seems to be more focused on civilian target and civilian infrastructure than anything else. i think it's um, i guess an escalation to some degree, but i think you also it's a, it's a sign of a desperation. the there um the basically a suicide mission for the soldiers that the premium soldiers that are launched this, i think suffering, i've seen some numbers as far as a large number of armor vehicles. you avi's m o r s. i think um it will not affect the strategic outcome. i think it's more, but it's probably being pushed by wester sponsors, biting the administration, shows some type of potential uh, games. uh, in this area on where we you know,
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that's basically sucking air, but just him like a black holes. i, i'm very suspicious as far as the planning and the targeting information that was provided. so i'm, it would not surprise me if the western, the elements or advisors were involved on this. and you claim construction also says continue that how does the for more people sort of publish the front lines the, there's what they found. then you claims a southern city of a says, a number of services surrounding a mom at a mall kits. women can be heard shouts in this bag and find the water off the offices all to the roman costs, or at least informally the novelization. the brain has the latest details. a deadly me grinder encountered by the ukrainian army is what most of the mobilise,
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soldiers are afraid of. according to officials, at least 800000 men are now in hiding from force. conscription the 40s of the key of regime or pulling out all the stops in order to mobilize more people into their depleting army, including resorting to what can be called didn't happen. civilians in broad daylight, local media reports that this man was beaten out by army recruiters after he came to their office to renew his information to come and, you know, she was going to put you on the income and cautious case. workers from the district military enlistment office took a mine in the middle of the street. it happened the morning of august, the. the brother of the 44 year old man from bowlin said the next day, the man was already in the emergency department of the district hospital with bruises and team. i told him this relatives claim that enlistment office employees are responsible. the hospitalized mine is in the lute drug dispensary and in a medically induced sleep. he also suffers from epilepsy. we have reported on your
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frames, the questionable ard me what black station method several times. as the number of horrifying examples of brucell violations of human rights grows with progression, this is what local view would throughout ukraine. the mobilization age and ukraine has been recently reduced from 27 to 25 in light of the needs are road phase and replenish las troops. while a large part of you prayed, society wants nothing to do with any war effort. so there are plenty of those routing to drop that mobilize as an age all the way down to 18 said the g stopped the key. there's a reason why we should call on ukranian citizens between 18 to 25. and this is
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really an age requirement that is very flexible, including after the war trauma, we're not calling them up yet, but everyone will fight. we're not doing this because we are evil or unfair, which we're running out of people. some ukrainian state pundits broadcast the blind faith and their big 3 and are constantly calling to throw more men into useless but faithful battles showing absolutely no regard for the hundreds of thousands already killed and dreaming of a pointless triumph in the russian capital. the we are holding the defense under very difficult conditions with a significant shortage of a central supplies, if hundreds of thousands of ukrainians voluntarily mobilized into the army. i think we could already be reaching moscow officials in t of have confirmed the notion that one of the objective, so few cranes incursion in. so russia's cost region earlier this week was to sophie
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or into the hearts of the russian population and to seek out a stronger negotiating position. in other words, at below the p. r. storms and a war crime, considering the casualties among civilians and vessel ukrainian soldiers were given a one way to get across the russian border. another peculiarity of this particular moment in time is the fact that the stalks have always been an option until let them as lensky made it illegal. despite that bore voices are being heard on the civil and political spectrum around the world in support of changing the conflicts . the question is, how is that possible? considering legal you aren't, is in place. the head of the desk is office andre. your marks as that piece is impossible under current leadership or is it puts a hold of under this president? there will never be what was achieved in means under this president. there will never be anything that the ukraine in society will not accept. so it looks like both the parent and shadow decision makers and key of stepped into their own mess
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with it. then he made it illegal to hold the socks for the russia. ukraine. regression has manifested on the battlefield with its sailed camphor offensive and on the streets across the country where hundreds of. 6 thousands of men have either fled or from mobilization and it makes one wonder what will come 1st based off or new leadership ukraine. to the news out, brands this is ousted, prime is a, has hang to the u. s. may have played a role in the, the address the slip tug countries is this link for the hubs. instead down, she claim washington's. we pushing for our presence in the south asia nation. i resigned to avoid witnessing the death toll that radical sought to achieve through violence. they wanted to gain power over the dead bodies of students. but i did not allow that. by stepping down, i could have stayed in power by surrendering saint martin island sovereignty,
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allowing us control over the bay of bengal. i urge my fellow countryman not to be misled by radicals. this is a pretty big claim. she is saying, i write for the 1st time, she's had to do this in the past, but the 1st time is saying that the us was behind the moves that i was to. of course she fled, i find, with ash, also resigning just in the last week. this is all the student protesting goes the country. they've been incredibly violent for the last 3 weeks. and what she says is giving is a clear indication as to why she believes us was just racing down for. she says this has to do with an island called st mountains island, which is in the bay. i think all it's fine to that she island and she says, but the us for a long time and other people have said this to wanted to create the military base on that. it's a really strategic island. does it look just look out to the bay of bengal. they also looks at similar streets, which is one of the worlds seat trading roads. and the us,
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it's been suggested really willing to the base that to send the defiance position in southeast asia. and the hood government in finds a dash, had refused that time and time again. now it's not just her who's made those claims . one of her visors who also happens to be her son, made such claims a couple of days ago in another ring to be i'm these came to being made by other members of his government in the past to be more full twice about talking about this and also, we've heard all the countries moving fine with ash over the last few years about the u. s. floating to sue the fault, and it's politics most go. was one of those making those warnings that some of this is what they have to say in case the us is not satisfied with the results of the popular vote. attempts to further the stabilized bangladesh along the lines of the arabs spring lightly. now its face was orchestrated, it was incredibly wells because literally within hours of her resigning and fleeing
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the country, students had already said who they wanted to be the next leader. this is a man called them a how may june this will talk about him. a little bit, so the in a moment, but let's just say for right now he is a darling of the west and the us couldn't hide have some light to that was to see would be this can take a prime minister. we welcome the announcement of an interim government and urge any transition to be conducted in accordance with bangladesh. as was all decisions regarding the interim government should be made with respect to democratic principles, rule of law, and the world of bangladesh. the people we think that is important that we focus on the bangladesh, these peoples democratic aspirations and see, or a path to democratic governance. so, you know, we've been covering a pair of clothes on all to international. we've been seeing a lot of trouble on the streets, certainly a lot of unrest. how severe has it been? it's been massively violent. we've seen hundreds of people losing their lives. and that's one of the things that shakes i seem to refer to. one of the reasons why she
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said she's resigned in step down is because she wanted to stop that blood shed. now, these purchase being ongoing now for a few weeks and they will still say in relation to purchase against a jewel quote to system. this was a system that said the, the defendants infected and seek to cost them the 1971. so i'm a liberation, find with actual reserved a 3rd of jobs. but she had to listen to the processes and she had to go math. and despite the fact she had at quips to the moans, which normally is why you cnn protests, they continued and the violence continued to spiral lots of control. that's just gonna flavor of some of the pilots for so in those process the the,
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to, as you can get a sense, the incredibly violent, hundreds of people died. and the full of all is actually prime minister saying look, i'm happy to take one for the team. all resign, let stopped the violence that stopped the bloodshed. i'm not. she said why she left the country. so, you know, he mentioned, well, how many doing this before? what do we know about him? he's of course, his full name as it entered him. p. m. for now, but what do we know about him? and more importantly, does anybody ties the us to know anything about that? look on, paid by. he looks like an incredible candidate. this is a nobel prize winning economist the don't. if you remember back back in 2006, he was given the nobel prize for the fact that he came up with these ideas of these micro loans, which is allow people who we couldn't get access to banking and loans to get money
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to be able to set up businesses and it was seen as being hugely, you know, wonderful idea and opportunity and was listing people off poverty. the west of love to me studied in the west. he was actually given the presidential medal of freedom vice president of selma i previously. and he bought president obama or all the so i'm either you get a sense of the, these loan ties. now at the same time, we know some wiki leaks tables, diplomatic cables. he was often going to the us embassy in bangladesh and st. you know, i'm not happy with a shake. i found that she's not doing a great job. she doesn't like me. so it's interesting how happy as long time's going back and forth of the u. s. complaining is about now the full must find with actually probably minutes that isn't being mentioned really by the us. is that my, how many juniors is that she just recently been in jointed for him, special meant in bangladesh. these are charges that he denies,
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but he's part of the consortium that are 2 is the of stealing something like $2000000.00 from individuals who took part in loans from the telecom company that he set up. so it was interesting way he booked somebody who's been in going to via bangladesh report for the past. so lunch has no real political backgrounds. he did twice that to political party, back in 2007, 2008. so that failed. and yet, despite the fact he was even out of the country, the students in bangladesh had his name on the let's. and he was the one that they wanted to be the prime minister in the wink of the law. just present a sub within russia. mine the west is the coal washington and now threatened moscow and yet small science and of the white house, but his own rooms imprisoned us citizens. in russia. we have an active sanctions
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i using the 11th to enact. we'll do that again. and of course we're, we're trying to make people publicly aware of the risk of travelling to certain countries around the world, but make no apologies. we will make no apologies about bringing in an innocent people home. far better to have those folks home than riding in the russian jail for crimes they didn't commit. now the 11th and i was going to the medicine that is a little the allow sanctions to be impose on connection with the illegal detention of us. it is, but questions remain over the so called in a sense of form american presidents even does college, i'm full with them. well, pause of the reason they've changed. oh, there's a lot of guys there has been investigating the most high profile president swapping decades was unsurprisingly become an exemplary exercise in propaganda. villains have become que, rose spiders have been re imagined as active is and to dripping with
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right. just mess russian authorities, rest of them, convicted them and show trials and sends them to long present terms. but absolutely no legitimate reason whatsoever. none which is of course, and that tried lot. first that was evident. just give it a wall street journal. positive who attempted to come was a representative of a russian manufacturer in the hands of the classified information stamped secret pertaining to the production of military equipment decaying. the piece was whole part of his job. as a journalist for 12, what's the best way to do it? do i did everything you asked? i have it with me. is just the only thing i also please be very careful because this is classified information we. we will not even write that. we have seen these documents, we will only say we have an anonymous source that is,
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so we're not suspected of obtaining these and no one is suspected of handing them over. we will write that we have anonymous sources. base, previously unpublished voltage shows that goes to the absent new thing, new, that's what he was doing was illegal, an attempt to obtain a disprove secret defense data. the united states considered as these and inc, that'd be seen in his jail. didn't maligned calculus officials apps if it's in journalist for leaking and publishing classified data, some of them facing jail sentences in the hundreds of years. yes, with a serious face, they say they've missed a gasket, which is a hero. and there's nothing wrong which will follow the pause with these previously unpublished footage. miss the gosh given, tried to hide the evidence, a u. s. b flash drive,
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even as he was being arrested. the not so innocent officer or just like pull well, of a former us marine who once right and security a little more, a multi $1000000000.00 american company, it was called, attempting to gain access to the names and identities of rusher and the federal security service employees. and as the subscriber was reported, shows he picks a toilet in the moscow hotel to do with the a cold red handed mister. well, and then came that while he was doing was nearly exchanging photographs of churches
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with an old friend in the hotel toilet it. so happened, we visited mister whalen the off that his conviction. he refused to talk to us or explain why he chose a toilet. and the u. s. b flash drive to trade pictures with his friends, rob, and you do an e mail or texting. trevor. you understand when i say that i can't do an interview with trees, i can't answer any questions or disappointment sort of interview. i think that's just the class. since you're asking me questions for the i to any read, you don't only ask the questions that could with the to still be final that i can do an interview. instead, mr. whalen, evidently not too afraid in the russian prison, cold in washington to fill up american jail selves with russian officials list have way than perhaps subarus the being caught red handed and the toilet wanted revenge
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. it should be decisive action taken us needs to go out and do something. so at one time of my bait with russian officials, the rest, the russian spies do something that makes the criminals sit up and take notice in sight. okay. yeah, right now it's time that we're going to get evan and pull back, and then we won't back what you go to voss and boot coordinated day. i mean his paper, amongst all the foreign spies and, and agents and sabbath is a being tacitus heroes. the spots, what's frankly obvious, that they were spies engaged in espionage and cooled. red handed, a story as old as dog, painted fake, with black eyes and denials. and make, believe me, i have ray, the new co, former us marine corps intelligence on this up and all the country to start rid up wanting to him meetings,
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the absence of the links with all the team and rushing media outlets, but next visit was it himself, was not detained in the rain, which is of the latest as a spring of act. so father thing, the former un weapons and spencer, back in june, the us state department, seasonal pause for taking him off a plane as he was about to travel to russia for the southern petersburg, international economic forum. incomes as the threat of assassination has been hanging over miss arisen for quite some time now it was added to a new torres, you quitting, killed as for his views on the call of it. and upon the cost mister rich recounted how this went. my car, i just want to point out though that i'm screwed. you see i went to russia this past christmas and i went to r t and i did an interview and they gave me a present as the present was on my desk. and the f. b, i saw it,
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and i think we now know why they're pissed off. but when they were quite, she mean, you know, they had the stick folders, paper to f b i, agents. and, you know, there was what they just pause and stare at each other. and then looked around and i'm like guys, you clearly have something else. you want to say, you know, ask your question. just straight up, ask it. and then they, they flip through and they pulled out emails from 2 years ago. and so i'm sitting there going, all right, and then i told them that i said, you guys literally have everything. i now know what you've done. you execute a fight as a warrant. but apparently they think that i'm, i have some sort of corporate communications with the russians and i'm receiving the secret thing. so hopefully they'll get that out of their system once they go through and realized that literally everything that they got.


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