tv News RT August 11, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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vital campaigns in gaza, the majority of law makers in the chamber responded with a standing ovation. the people have been allowed back into their apartments author, ukrainian miss. i'll talk you through the city of quotas. shortly before midnight on saturday, it was shut down, but the defense is still, it has drilled some well, colossal damage. no, i'm so i'm so as far as of a down the gradient minutes off. so i imagine a probably been the rush into the woods leaving 15 people wounded popcorn. is one of those homeless and extensive all kill logical excavations in russian history over 6000000 findings. why discovered 350000 of them became extra bits of the small, the ancient city in crimea for the planning says russia, is this going to the problem complex design the site
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shown in the last in the us stop office this week and why is in physical recession, so glaze and ripple out to lovely and global step, the, the well who my to do weekly on, on the inside while we've been you the latest interesting use of these are the recap of the story is impacted really just like to have you with us we saw is breaking news coming from the russian city. of course, local authorities, a pulse of interest to defend ms. o have come down on a residential block off the key most the night attack on this is the 15 people have been wounded to a said to be in serious condition. so the russian defines,
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lindsey says, full myself, i'm full, seen drones with shots down over night. the incident happened often, most the lowest, it's largest ever. i'm to terrorism operation invited agent, i'm to others. also the incursion by you plan and full says that this week, all to the english dental sent this report. the people have been allowed back into their apartment software ukrainian miss. i'll talk you through the city, of course, shortly before midnight on saturday, it was shut down by the defense is still, it has drilled. some will colossal damage. truly, you can see people uh right now they can at least assess the damage that has been dealt to the places. and they are trying to tidy up their apartments well to an extent that they can. but of course, just look at the look at the scale of the destruction. i mean, this whole, this whole section and all the, all of these balconies are quite likely they will have to be just demolished and
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built a new uh, at least i don't see any way of restoring them any. how easy. now city services are also helping with the just containing i was dealing with the optima of the stripe. they're clearing out the debris and of course they will come back because people, you can see over that. even they already taking apart their own balconies because they know that they can just fix it. so they're taking it apart and just throwing, throwing the debris down. now we, our crew. we arrived on the scene late in the night, very shortly off to the attack. shortly off to the right, sirens went off and we had a chance to witness the rescue efforts. first hand, as well as speak with the residents of this building just as they were leaving and fleeing to safety. so right now you can see here the $55.00 is still dealing with the optimize of the photos, terrorist attack funding opinion on the 4th,
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if you can see the volunteer as energy authority, helping out with the dealing with the optimize over there is a balcony and rescue as they're trying to get to that apartment on the 2nd floor. you can see that this whole part of the facade has been very, very, that these damage windows have been shot as and again, the attack came very late at night, almost at midnight. so people were quotes of god, they didn't have time to take shelter. it was 12 o'clock at night. we were sleep. mom is 94 years old. i am on my 69 years old. we were already a sleep. when this explosion happened, i picked up my mom and we went to the bathrooms, then there was several explosions. when everything stopped, i went out. everything was scattered in the rims, the windows was shafted. i grabbed the things that had been prepared in advance and
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we went out. so the man helped my mother down from the 5th floor because she doesn't look well herself. i called my relatives, my sister came and took my mother carswell and for the 2nd floor was a place the apartment was on fire, then 55 is in special services, began to arrive, all the residents to run out of the house, opened the basements. what were you doing anyway? you were already asleep when? yes, of course was slapped, the sacraments ran and just a couple of minutes later this explosion was heard. the windows and balcony doors shut it on the floor, said boss, i see that the 1st entrances are at the end of the building. did i understand correctly? the 2nd floor is very damaged and it was a blaze that just that the 2nd floor on the 1st on the 2nd entrance was on fire and the 3 cause a building nearby. so this was the most large scale mess all attacks us. the town of course, i've had to deal with a sofa. you can see volunteers, locals, who, who i just threw all around the it is quite
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a had to right now back there in the distance, you can see risk us trying to get to the 2nd floor if you can see in the life of the flashlight, just over that, you can see that the whole, that's the inside of the entire facade of this building, at least a small section of it, has been quite badly damaged. so they're trying to get that trying to get apartment to apartment to apartment basically because they have no way of doing so on the inside. physical evidence of it. i'm feeling as a list of the residents of the house has been affected. we decide whether they'll go to a temporary accommodation or they will stay with their relatives and friends. i'm writing this down because the commission we set up in the morning. we'll go through the apartments and look at the damage. well, the emergency response has been very, very significant. you can see the police, you can see 5 trots and talk this through right here to 57 along
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the way. it doesn't come through the same. they are right now trying to deal with the on the frame. yeah, that's not to gain this very, very residential building. in fact, if i move just slide me to the side here i am already, well, this is a huge puddle of water that it didn't seem to dot from these 5 trucks. but here you can already see the rubble. and if we could get just a little bit closer here, you can see it's really done, but rescue is doing us a bit of a service. because in the light of the flashlights, you can see the scale of damage delts to, to this apartment building. just pay attention to the lights over that. there's a lot of going to the 2nd floor and as a balcony over there. so they are trying to get to that apartment to see if there are any survivors, any casualties, anybody wounded?
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because the attack came very, very light the tides, most people who were home, who didn't go to the country side for the holidays for the, for the weekend. if they were home, they would, would have been a sleep probably. and if they would have the quote of god. so this is the main purpose of the rescue services right here. this is why to list washington my, the a you are on the same page so you could have the right to defend is so wide, only necessary, even if it means i'm texting russian thursday. in the night, this white house briefing mass of security services and dong could be said he has a track on the costs. milligan falls in line with the rules around using us supplied weapons, letting go all over the income and apparently not clear to washington. you know, there's been no changes in our policy approaches they're using in, in,
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in an area where we had said before, they came to you, you as well as for cross border strikes, the angle here is to help you frame defend itself. and we're just going to see what the princess about the human rights commission that says a request has been submitted to the un for it to condemn, quote terrorism on the part of ukraine. i had to take measures excuse violations of human rights reside that had been cut off and international security consultant was really to believe washington is using cuba offensive to justify all the trash it's sent to you claim, you know, they claim they are going after military targets but it seems that you have a seems to be more focused on civilian target and civilian infrastructure than anything else. i think it's um, i guess an escalation to some degree,
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but i think you also it's a, it's a sign of a desperation. the there um the basically a suicide mission for the soldiers that the premium soldiers that are launched this, i think was suffering. i've seen some numbers as far as a large number of armor vehicles. you avi's m o r s. i think um it will not affect the strategic outcome. i think it's more um, it's probably being pushed by wester sponsors, biting in ministration, shows some type of potential games uh, in this area on where we you know, that's basically sucking air but just him like a black holes. i am very suspicious as far as the planning and the targeting information that was provided. so i'm, it would not surprise me if the western, the, the elements or advisors were involved on this claim
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has lifestyles. it was a, a, to the end of this to an ancient long you want to global significance in crime. it was off the rush. it built them using complex around the side in order to preserve its oh, think cause a lot. i say they want to dina ripples on the same ink ancient this on times they say low k says only black say show it called us over 20 had says of line including 3 spaces to the k to, to christianity and say, cortez designs him as well. as crime, may i never of the museum and temple complex of new her son. this located in the very heart of rochester, of a staple, was built in less than 2 years on the side of a former high security area. it is also located in the south and stop up of the tour a test and asked museum because of that for all your logical excavations were carried out before construction work began during the most expensive all kilo to cool
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excavations in russian history was 6000000 findings. why discovered 350000 of them became exhibits us with just a little boy apollo. there is more than 1500 people participated in this unique are kind of logical expedition from various institutions in our country. we encountered various monuments in our way dollar structures, tyrone shrines. cohen bargains and potter accounts. we are very demanding people and considering that cultural heritage sites will be located in this building, of course, a special regime, a special security system and so on are required. so if you go into this building, when it is ready, you will see some monuments built into the structure of the building. the building has been designed in such a way as to preserve the unique objects of the archaeology right inside the museum . i don't recall something along this previously on the territory of chromium peninsula toward kirsten s. museum reserve is one of the oldest cities in russia
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with st. fly, damascus. diedro edits very hot. the site is an ancient cultural landscape consisting of a greek policy and this agricultural him to land construction, lots of things here. so that's what carried out near the tour a curse and asked me to say in was a and eunice go, well, it's hard to side. there was a speech as the remains of a city founded by during greece in the 5th century b. c. as well as public fields and complexes residential neighborhoods and early christian monuments, it is believed that it was hit, the prince loaded man to christianity in the 10th century. he later won tons and baptized russia. but despite russia's aim of preserving this treasure trove of a bygone era, while building the new her son s museum on temple complex, ukraine was quick to condemn the construction taking place near. there was us, with this international council of museums, accusing brochure of destroying unique archaeological last in the boston explode
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area. and suggesting that russia had tons, museums into an instrumental full fast back the full cry may have voters to become part of russia. they want to look to explore the area, but will that change of the referendum look up? who is, is telling me, well, what is to a warfare when i walk through the parking lot adjustments and you hear thoughts? and they see license plates and cars from a lot of different regions on this coming to us in the caribbean peninsula, including guests from ukraine. we are lovely and this complex is perhaps mostly just meant to work there. perhaps an element of conformation of peace and conformation to, to russia was, is, and will be a country that pop her eyes as nancy large the entire world. those. but it's just because of his thoughts, but usually secret. historically the cell, the suburb of temperature semester, was controlled by viruses. heritage of tags to the latest explanation which began in february time to time to. so i'm just finally got access to the standard 3 and then of course, many hard to take advantage of this opportunity to explore the produce and it and
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explores quarter. so the ash and cd conservationist have been busy restoring all the discovered for alex and know tony those found on the territory of the tory car semester. but from the new here semester as well. one moment the, this is a find from one of the graves in the southern suburb of coast. so news with a new cause. so news park is now located. i've been working with this subject for probably 4 months now. and i have just about that amount of time ahead for it. the idea to create this distinctive historic place name 1st. and this was 1st proposed by russian president vladimir putin. some of the most important tasks at hand, while the construction of the name is the temple complex and the preservation of priceless ancient heritage. we move all go through a couple of places in an incredibly short time. the construction of this completely unique museum temple cluster was carried out if we could not even imagine that in
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less than 2 years we would open $23.00 hector's in the territory. this, this had been under military control for many decades. dozens of discoveries and dozens of volumes of st. difficult boards, we will emerge from these studies. we have opened the southern suburb of harrison. this were the new harrison spark is now located. we have open new pages in the history of this agency to this size can accommodate up to 50000 people at a time and with the crime and holiday season. in full swing, the us guests already place the exploring memory to use fitness. we haven't seen everything yet, but the 1st impression is it's certainly gorgeous. it's very beautifully done. everything is still attached to the smallest detail. the atmosphere of the antiquities can really be felt. really a plan, just great to simply incredible architecture in energy. it's very cool. it's magical place russians specialist, one not only able to carry out all cal logical digs along. so i knew construction was, but it's, i present the ancient legacy for generations to come and you have. so nashville fee
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is the past and present along and some of the different architecture anastasia of what a gina from civil staple for all see what is the now to the applicant comes in as an applicant, news organization, the p. j. p. as cool, the west side for the nice is the cut, all ties to do great. as nato allies off the t boasted about supporting rebel forces in the region. we welcome the decision of the all sorts he's of saw he with lines to cut diplomatic toys with ukraine in view of that countries confirmed involvement in the attack. and molly, let's condemn these ball barrick acts of another century and the other civilizations, the thing to so fear in destruction. tonight, we held a press conference to support our little socrates, to support the molly and people. and the alliance of saw hill states following the attack on 10 satellites, and we denounced the ball american tax at nato and its allies organized against the
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saw he lines. we finally condemn it's and told him you will sort cease to terminate relations with any state that is complicit with terrorism. because we do not negotiate with terrorists or on by previous acre and embassy instead of the bonus of the q 5 a. they didn't. so it, just in molly, you know, it's in a box of games and government folders and the rest of the soldiers, a 100 people were opposing the killed in the 5. meanwhile, the embassy to the, to post about that off the, in the booking public outrage. so that y'all, i'm books, you know, facets, condemned new fans, addison's molly and new nearby and these. yeah. i've only broken off diplomatic ties with you once you get on the drive you did. did i see the i show, considering the seriousness of the situation on the recognize an assumed involvement of ukraine in the aggression against molly? the government of the republic of news. yeah, in full sort of them and see where the government and people have money decides on the following measures. one was the severance with immediate effect of diplomatic
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relations between the republican javin ukraine to the referral to the united nations security council. with a view to rooting on the crating aggression, unexperienced, shoot, i live because the following, ukraine's acknowledged and accepted involvement. and the aggression against molly. the transitional government of the republic of molly has decided to set up with immediate effect. the diplomatic relations between the republic of molly and ukraine, whose destiny is unfortunately entrust to puppets, to confuse the international stage with the stage and to take the necessary measures to prevent any d stabilization of molly from african states, in particular from ukrainian embassies in the sub regions with terrorists disguised as diplomats. all right, let's discuss this further. would certainly be visa economy and associated professor at the university of south africa. to me, thanks a lot for taking the time for joining us now. we've already seen 2 african
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countries of cotton ties with the quinn over the incident in molly criticism continues to mount. what are the charles here? the other african nations will follow suit the name to also said to us, the methods that warehouses we got use. now, in terms or especially the western side of africa, i awesome. you guys, did your mind to face for you so interesting for you to own citizen mt phone. think that i get the dog that does that helps the guy as if he liked affairs, distribute self and say can do to attack this independent what then this dos exposure even when doubtful information exposure. obviously i give you boyfriend confirmations that other nations are they mean to are to construct a complex author, the guy who's calling please have no any other option that says to page 32 out of
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some form of gave me i don't count the outside of the country and that seems to be undermining that independence of a guy and you decide to stop by involved in that independence or wherever we uh, we do not have any other option. b, expectation would be that when can awesome, can you tell me to be the start tech or possibly can come to the left to stand by one armada. i mean, sure, i've got the support tech, she and it was what do you notice made from the side of those a compromise between the adults. right? yeah, uh 2 is an interesting how you, you put it. but we, we just saw that how some public groups like the p j, p in books, you know, if i said, criticizing you claim baldwin with the and so just in africa, i'm that using it of aging terrorist groups like this. i mean,
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do they have an impact on the outcome? the expressions go as the inside logic game is in the most differential countries, the type diesel and the or beings calling the really tired of beings. the definitely the cool things we seem to find a page extras adding that from the whole site. what then was the doctor will have the own. yeah, i do, i got wouldn't be the doctors. okay. and there's that is out of a day in a way that they bought the input i posted to go to gucci and companies. and this is one all sides. and the, in the past, you've seen many people on the mind. mean there might've stands on this military parties between different categories and it does over in many yes,
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that'd be here. all the sudden paul budget to destabilize even countries where they belong and the new one. why don't mind the brand and power all sides a really tiny homes, don't things we can come and please you naturally got the dream that they've got one of these, they're going to be very sick. 54 minutes. yeah. so you know, taylor said it's crucial for ukraine to convince african nations not to side with russia. do you think they've been successful in that? the good is the right size being therefore obsolete manual as we gain the counties softball game. damage bad at the education to find out, allowing them to rent a garage in ads and they were supporting the music ivy. the
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painting style style has became counties and liberation movements the gnostic. busy not indeed a golf club between possibly and the vision movement. there's something that cannot be wished that way over night or can be done not rules. i and i, did you say a religious, you've got to exist that there for many years to date. and the effect that they sent the, the, the, to you not, don't have to not raise man. very few simply to in the whole mind me. yeah. and then i to take some of the gen, i use both fobs think i reset these guys that the, i mean taking them for painting toner to discover or not. however, that the painting of this positive generated communications specialist was aimed at the part that i mentioned having to can object in general and communication,
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especially items that they should not believe the news as are rounding the web exhibiting and you pay paying them and how she uh knows what the issue pertaining to pa this time, and these are i, we say that there's a not $10.00 giving them to our own vision. that when they come back to us, we've got visual there. we've got that. we got this picture that shows you need so that is destination by the way that you. busy to try to confuse awesome, do to be be, i'm not the fan that's gonna be easy because of simple reason. and i like i said, this based on part time. that'd be one to project will have to be done by the above . that used to be doing that. i see, i know it's, we got a, it was beautiful and sweet. indeed indeed. sadly, i do have a lot more questions though. we have run out of time as always a pleasure to look into the thank you so much for the time to the visa and o'conny
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. i'm associate professor of the university of south africa, fax again. now to rwanda web president pool gum, it has been sworn in for is full. so is that right? has came also a live site visit last month where the president received 99 percent of those boats full to i may have ruled the country uses the genocide and didn't decades ago. the 1st served as the facts totally then a president since 2000. here's one, every election is being a candidate in the con, you know, relation to place. i think 45000 and the stadium and the capital, the number often need is in attendance. it was something of a like, not who right on the us. the walk is this, we live trillions of dollars last in trading. that one and says he rippled across
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the world, smoking a global set off with all the details is all these kind of move it. it was started in japan with a 12 percent drop. that's the largest drop since 1987. after that we saw a taiwan which had its stock exchange. go down by 8.35 percent south korea was down by 8.8 percent is stumbles. all their stocks ball by 6.72 percent. now it's important to note moscow saw a significantly lower drop on the russian stock market. we saw only 2 points down in russia, but the american stock market opened. and last, roughly, 2 trillion dollars in just the 1st 15 minutes. bitcoin and the largest crypto currency in the world shed more than 10 percent of its value in a single day. and donald trump was quick to speak up and blame this on the
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democratic administration. of course, there was a massive market downturn, connell is even worse than quicker. joe markets will never accept the radical left lunatic that destroyed san francisco and california as a whole. next move the great depression of 2024. you can't play games with markets, comma, look, crash, major fears that have investors selling off stocks. now there is a concern of the united states slipping into a market recession. goldman sachs predicted that there's a one in 4 chance of united states going directly into a recession. in the next 4 months, and on top of that, we've seen a rise in unemployment and the amount of new jobs created in july was not what was expected. now, many are also concerned that the federal reserve bank has not stepped in and adjusted interest rates and acted accordingly in order to stabilize the market. and all of that plays in to concerns that the best place to buy big tack on artificial intelligence may not pay off as they are intended. now it would be up to
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a new administration to handle the economy in light of continued drops and continued market turbulence. and that's why many are worried about complet harris. this clip both complet harris, the democratic party, nominated for president dressing. how is she would for, i guess, would not deal with the issue of inflation, has many steering how a harris administration might respond to continued inflation. well, let's start with this. prices have gone up and families and individuals are dealing with the realities of, of the the bread costs more the gas cost more. so it is something that we take very seriously very seriously. so it's a big issue and we take it seriously. economists do not expect the market to continue crashing, but they don't expect a quick recovery either. uh,
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a quick bounce back is on likely from what we're being told that the us, the big tax actor and the ongoing tensions in the middle east. all of that is spelling significant loss is on the markets. a lot of anxiety on the part of investors at this time, not just in the united states, but also around the world. was the professor and one of russia's leading univers diego set again. but these crowds all folding over the economic outlook for the us. the situation in the stock market global stock market today is a typical, typical inmates of insurgency cuz the stock market leads in, under conditions of uncertainty and leaf under conditions of a constant expectations and ears. these time such information, such a little situation in the.
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