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tv   News  RT  August 12, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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some damage the infrastructure of as opposed, which is why, again, this is becoming more and more dangerous. each attack are getting closer and closer . rush has been in control of this that protects your nuclear power plant. now going back to the, basically the 1st few months of the conflict, and yet any time the us nuclear watchdog have to get involved because as being an attack, they always say, yeah, this beat an attack, but they never a portion blame. yeah, they never say who was behind it. and right now, are we hearing anything from groceries? right. oh no, it's the same old, same old. and this is bear in mind that they have their experts right there. and they can see the situation with their own eyes. in fact, let's hear a little bit from the expert. i a, the experts with the strong dark smoke coming from this up roads and nuclear power plants, north, an area following multiple explosions heard in the evening. the team was told by the z and p. p of an electorate drone attack today on one of the cooling towers, located at the site. no impact has been reported for nuclear safety. thomas to
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grocery never holds annual accountable. he never blames any one or points the finger even though again we have their experts right there. but they apparently that wants to see tangible, tangible proof. but, and this is why in the way, it's almost there, given the green lights that ukrainian saw it time will you can continue because no one will be punished at the end of it. here some more. we are not commentators. we are not fully to go to speculate those orders quoted hours or at least we are neither nation of ad agency of inspectors. and you know, order to say something like that. we must have a proof, a heavy, indisputable evidence that an attack or a remnants of a munition or, or any other web posting is coming from
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a certain place i need. in this case, it is simply impossible. well, it might be a little bit too late by the time they do get that proof that they need russia. it has the location from where those come because the drones came from. it has the details and information. so it's really unclear why the i a doesn't want to, i have doesn't want to punish someone here. we're talking about the safety of europe here. this is the biggest power plants in europe. this is not a joke. yeah, i mean, oh, over the and apparently you know, the old go to of tried hoble, not wiring the western sponsors of ukraine. i. it's just astonishing to me, by the way, when, when girls see it, i feel grossly right. they think we need indisputable evidence. well, we've had multiple attacks on his approach, a nuclear power products, and all correspondents have shown pictures all nato serial numbers on the weapons use to attack the pop up. where is the indisputable, i mean, this guy's utterly useless. and it's interesting how they want that indisputable
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evidence, when it comes to ukraine being, being at fault, never rush, one of the stuff, it's always straight away. it's russia, we don't want know, we're not waiting for the advocate. we will prosecute in advise the same with the headlines and the western pressure we see ahead of time. but when it comes to kids, all know we, it's, we need to see the prove. without that, we're not going to say anything or even reprimand the move on to say something and words, what could you crank and do no wrong off? i'm clearly they can do the with this website and sponsor site and get you in any way. this is this a, it is a big deal, right? you know, you talk about old ghost of china. oh, but right. yeah. this, this could essentially turn into a catastrophic radioactive cloud, across europe. any global reaction, of course not the, i know they have a very short memory and again we were looking to find some of the headlines in the west or media. we can't find it, we can't find it. and why is that? because again, it doesn't sit there and narrative, they don't see a big deal about it. and again, it's russia doing up to itself. that's what they're say. just like but then
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nordstrom, gas pipelines, it doesn't benefit russia, but it did it to itself same here. it's under ross's control and what are the good rights of process and control? it needs to be lucky that it can handle the security and safety of the biggest power plants in europe. it doesn't make sense for us to do this to itself. yeah, but that's their logic that's and they believe it's called the nuclear power plant comes and made the continuing you clean incursion into the russian border region. of course, the local governor says add defense of interest at this $31.00 k. so when i finally, there were no casualties, it comes a day off the pot and so that you create a miss on impact to the residential building in the city of close leading 15 people wounded emergencies of to say limits. i grew up me that impacting the block according to local officials, more than 8000 people have chosen to leave the board of tennessee to their own of
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quote, locals have abandoned the towns of sylvia and risk trying to find safety in shelters across the reed region. all teasing eagle ripples on the house of bananas have been forced to free. the cathedral bells ring as the remainder of the town residents wait buses that will take them to safety. they'll not hate us here. good will protect us says one woman in the queue. another has slumped down exhausted on the bench in the churchyard, cradling a small dog in her hands. the elderly mother is next to the past couple of days. they've been surviving a nightmare. and the good that will multiple incoming attacks a couple of days ago to yesterday's attack was even stronger. there was also some
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explosions today. i wanted to go to my street while our grandmother was being looked off to. we didn't have time to take everything we needed. so we took only the most necessary things. my home is about half a block away from school. so i heard some explosions in that direction. so i just run away from there. yeah. but i just ran for by comstock thinking about last night . and 1st thing it's impossible. i'm with a sick mother with my daughter. we would line on the floor and we heard some shots of how they were hitting the fence. and i have a gas pipe in the hallway, she knew i was afraid something would hit that. but we could have exploded as we film, she gets a cool. her sick uncle has come back home. the home, she's just fled. the very idea of going back to get him strikes tara, and so we do it. don't cry, everything will be fine. don't worry. thank you. to come on, let's get on the bus. stop.
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so what you have here is 2 clothing stores, a beauty paul, and a pharmacy. a supermarket. this is one of the main square as in risk. everything is closed, everything is shut down. people are fleeing because they have seen what the ukrainian militants do to civilians who are trying to flee. and that have been speculations that this town could be on the radar. and in the cross has of the ukrainian army. so the on taking any chances, and all of this here is now a ghost town. people in the bus cue, some of the loss residents of risk. and they are fleeing to the stone lots ahead on we're leaving because the border is nearby. it goes to our gardens. it's scary when the siren is sounding like this. there are drones helicopters and airplanes flying
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overhead. kitchen. we don't want to leave. we believe in those soldiers. we believe everything will be fine. yes, it can be scary o for the scary. we have hopes, what o guys, we believe in them. we are sending all baby to our eldest son in cuz they organize these buses to evacuate the children. you know how the situation is. it's scary to go by yourself. familiar with every once in a while. volunteer vans, pull over to the cab, and to pick up those who are most vulnerable families with children and the elderly . everything is fine with us. we're going, they're taking us. we're lucky that the car is good. the driver is good. it's for free. everything is fine, they gave us some water. thanks a lot to the drivers. thank you. what was the store because of the situation. we have evacuated people, it's and civilians, relatives loved ones, and returned back here to help bring food and water and help others go to the
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course, come to safe places. it's obvious, this is a huge tragedy which is affecting not only us, but all of society. just like our forefathers, we need to help one another. first and foremost, the town of rails there's only about 10 percent left of its population. no one is panicking. everyone understands one another. they're supporting one another. saving lives. by attacking ambulances, showing monasteries shooting up civilians escaping in the cause. ukrainian troops made their intentions very clear. so people in the course region take no chances. i'm is done of reporting from the course creech in the town of risk t. as i ross and a full is continue to repel, you put any tanks in the close reading the summit. expose are beginning to question teams. ultimate goals, 5, this like being jubilant in the early stages of the encouraged them all to ask you
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that as we looking at why the assault may not play out over the long run in new trains, favor perspective is that reset when you create new forces crossed into the quote region, the bond cuz went into a full frenzy key, launched its surprise. attacked on choose day, advancing rapidly moving 10 kilometers inside russia. we see reports of very fast mobile, rapid ukrainian groups trying to bypass the russian possessions. crane troops are operating about 6 miles inside russian territory that that would make this the deepest cross border incursion by keep minute, 5 minute new maps. a pit with headlines celebrating every square inch keeps man supposedly occupied every town the walk through. every time they rode on, every flag they own fault, but oh,
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honeymoons come to an end and certainly skeptical voices and much because like i said, perspective is every thing. so you look at this map and you think few principals as well, no to most of those dates. but look at this map and you realize this is adults on the map. a tragic adult for those families of russian civilians shot point blank or ukrainian forces. but adult, none the less, amid heavy losses, both territorial and human along the entire front line. ukraine chose to send over 1000 men into russia's tusk region and the water for a few days of glory for land, but wood for pans within the week. some marolla boosting photos of mid roll and this cottage and defeats many will have chasing that heads saying what a waste was was was i encountered a lot of opinions from ukrainians over the past 2 days on this topic. some of them
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are happy about what is happening there, and there are some who to a certain extent to condemn this operation. they say we do not have enough resources in the worst hotspots, but here they are set. the troops are precious resources on a meaningless mission. to attack the course region, we also need to think about how long we can hold this territory at what cost, how many people, and how we will withdraw, how much longer $2.00 or 3 days. and then the russians can accumulate a large number of military personnel who can cut off our fighters from the border, especially as it's not like that as young ukrainian mountain still alive off lining up to defend the motherland. quite the opposite. they are fleeing in the box of laurie's and finding the cause of conscription. squads, resistance to false, mobilize ation, have always become a national groups. the
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brief media wins aside. he has joint intercourse, has been costly, not just the lives last move about treasured western western rebutting, but exposing yes again. it's the nature touches, talked with bullet holes in fact, to a single civilians show ambulance is targeted by drones. journalists to pregnant women, shopped, zalinski, has turned the remnants of the ukrainian state apparatus into a terrorist engine. he camouflaged his true identity for a long time and succeeded. many in the west believed in his supposedly good intentions, but now the paint has come off and the terrorist essence has been exposed. the neo
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nazi ideology of the key of regime gave rise to an international terrace nest on bank of via street attacks on residential buildings. explosions of sleeping civilians and their apartments are the indelible ugliness of terrorism. and has been no clue when the kremlin, in fact, washed an opinion on its neighbors, has called and even more. when you shoot dead pregnant women, people don't get stubs. they get angry, not just those who are committing the atrocities, but those who sponsor them. the war that they, they are conducting, we provide them with the equipment. we provide them with advice. but when it comes to the kind of day by day tactics that they carry out the day by day strikes that they take, sometimes we're in communications about them. sometimes we're not. and it's, it's appropriate for them to make those decisions. german tanks in quota sca gun while it only took $181.00. yes. and it also only took full days from the moment the foster ukrainian sold to one that across the border before she has got its
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reward. washington has pledged another $125000000.00 to its doomed ally. a pass on the back foot fence to slit, killing more men, losing more arms and achieving no strategic success. but hey, the u. s. has always been a bit of a stock of the good propaganda. so it was on was that the events of the last few days have also proved one thing that night does a lot of scale, you know, as partners in crime, state sides, all teen students of history. because if they why they've not rolling into quotas. well, that's always a gamble, just off kit to not hear it now where a london based n g o is mobilizing a smear campaign in some countries, 1st, local oil refinery spots of warning to an investigative does who claims dialogue us to try to pay him to rights and onto disclosing the facility. this was coming of
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the backdrop of a very high profile series of news incidents regarding done with the refinery. and this and you that reached out in the way they reached out to me kind of needed in place it so that they didn't, they didn't really want this to become public, at least. and a brief, from the purpose of these brief was essentially to write a smear piece against what's to all intents and purposes, is going to be a very important piece of economic infrastructure. and they'll just, when i drive well for the entire west african coast. so i wanted to know who is actually behind based on this side of the do some digging themselves with a dialogue that has received funding from the who's who all of them, what i referred to as the american c, s o n g o industrial complex, we are trying to create a narrative war against this the or what, what's, what is the purpose is the only functioning refinery in the country of 200000000
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people on the west coast of africa. then what really is the goal here? so joe said is sorry, no, no, no, it was off the bus with the why the world to off the publishing the instructions you receive from dialogue. us who was told one of the purposes of the odd schools they showed and i do is pass one is as if it just was a funding issue for the country. i'm the climate in return. he would be paid $500.00 that. meanwhile, a full web presence has cooled on his agents, a riley gaze and tends to undermine the project saying nothing. so stop nigeria reaping the benefits that that includes the oil. refining is, it finds it to be advocacy, big. it is with the largest pipeline infrastructure, and it will, they could even make 9 due to independent of oil. well impulse. and there was a group of reading government to gauge as also praised its potential the upside
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potential for high production levels from the jewish den go to refinery, coupled with strong flows from the middle east and use supplies from the next good . no mac, a refinery will likely exert pressure on northwest european gas or the performance in the meat right here is the largest oil to use a pumping 1.4, light 1000000000 barrels a day in june. it is so far, but use a total of 3 and a half 1000000000 leases of jet and diesel fuel 92 percent of buy was it's worth it to you, which now would live the cost on overseas impulses, the slap sciences on russia. david, who in the again believe at the end of the day is all about exploitation. or you can refine those out for a long time, been able to get a way literally, with more that they've been able to blend toxic waste. they've been able to blend extremely high sulfur fuel contents into these cargoes. i'm headed voice to africa
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because, you know, who's going to do anything. it's just, it's just that forget, right, this is already finalized. that is not only gonna change that dynamic by making the west africa unless input dependence, but potentially is also going to disrupt the european uh, uh, refining industry because i'm, if you're aware those are finally reached by far the biggest refinery in that, you know, that region of the world, the, the real meat of east africa result objectively speaking. this is a very important piece of national economic infrastructure. bearing in mind that major as largest single for an expense is impulse or fuel. they are now reach your opinions and americans who we have long sort of suspected or known colloquially have some kind of an interest in preserving the african american nomics. that's as cool. but here we have hard evidence that these people are actively
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paying for a campaign to essentially keep africa port. so new british 5 minutes up here. so i'm, i'm poses the biggest threat to free speech in history. lots of the masses for man b, i'm the full and policy leader novel for us. what we are allowed to do on social media or should be allowed to do, is to speculate is to ask questions. yeah. is the trump fact sales now stop by cracking down a lot of those is icing. the biggest threat to free speech. we've seen an all history to well, the change the piece in both of the last scene of free speech. also being called into question for the government, for as long as the reason protests is matching violence flooded, the caesar breton lawfully. go over the seed. fame is an immigration policies. all kinds of shortens, of as he thinks of the story. and this is how the police in the u. k. have been
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dealing with protest is the unless you're willing to 2019 back and movement to the home comb wants. remember this the
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u. k. holmes holmes, full mcculla, new lucy. it was in sentenced by attempts to bring the rises under control, it labeled them pro democracy and essentially reading it that right to protest regardless of the violence, feared the authorities not to use last night's events as a pretext for oppression. but to address the deep seated concern by the people of hong kong that their basic freedoms are under attack. no, i'm not going to sugar coated a significant number of people involved in the 2024 u. k. purchased were from the hod right. these rights were initially spoke by those in the u. k, who all fed up with the countries immigration system. perhaps i should say lack of one, but the u. k. is crackdown has been moved to oh boy, anyone's done that over $700.00 arrests with hundreds,
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most suspects being sold. the u. k is newly minted leader is being accused of gas light, taking them in terms of case tom is free speech. he's now think of the last 7 days or so the way he has cooled down the cycled fall. right. and the inference being any party on a mall, just as protesting because they are concerned about the state to put anybody and everybody on my there's not just as a protest, he's there for deemed as for right, despite the u. k. so often claim it up, whole freedom of speech, stuff blatantly and true. even the new and has a serious concerns about the treatment to protest is including peaceful ones in the u. k. peaceful protest is being prosecuted and convicted under the police crime. sentencing and courts act 2022 for the criminal offense of public nuisance. which is punishable by up to 10 years imprisonment. it'd been almost unheard of since the
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1950s for members of the public to be imprisoned for peaceful protest in the u. k. we might do bulletins o police commission that has a boost threatened to pursue people who are not even in the u. k. big cable. gloria does not make you safe from the law. you can be guilty of offences of, of incitement, of starting the racial hatred. and we will come off to those individuals just as we will physically confront on the streets. the commentators from either end of the political spectrum who likes to accusations of bias of the police. because we stand in the middle, we'll price independently under the law with that federal favor. and if you've got crazy views over there, you don't like it. and if you've got to try to be some of the, you don't like it, we will continue to do this. can you imagine the full riff? i don't know russia or china, so i said it was gunning, is that? so for warriors in the u. k, you take,
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continues to spend the taylor that society is free, unlike of course, here in russia where people aren't even allowed to think for themselves, just terrible government overreach. you're seeing it now in england, where people getting arrested for tweets, you know, when you know, people talk about the soviet russia like how bad the russia is in terms of cracking down on thought police and the tracking down on bad tweets and things like that. i think the statistics are i think ingle and in the lab. i think there's something like 4000 people have been arrested in england for saw crimes where they've said things online that people find to be a hateful thing or, or problematic thing. and i think it's only 200 in russia, employee the way this tooling by the u. k for online trolls isn't actually new in
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2016 more than 3000 people were detained and questions about things that they had posted on social media while around the hall. so those investigations were dropped . that still means cases were pursued against around 1600 people. let's just compare that to russia in the same year with 54 people with jail. i hate speech, the numbers speak for themselves yet. russia is a little for a terry instinct with think poll is in full force. i beg to differ, but you know, repeats along often enough and it becomes the truth as well that also this is elizabeth to have your company. lets hit one of the international, all 2 dogs homes, but some great stories. take a look, but we'll be back in about 30 minutes. the
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what is this thing of the continent of boxes? oh, shall we in turn around with the rest of the world. we're going to relate with the wind in terms of donations, all his sons of trade for some months define what she wants live to ask. you must define a soft cause ostrich. i must define ourselves critically. the cause of your guys, no choice but to move forward. forward you the, the after the end of world war 2,
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great britain decided to make up for his losses with the merciless exploitation of its colonies. the plundering of the occupied territories. 8 my la, devastated as a result of decades long fighting, extremely hard. changing grew, and in 1948, the colonial administration was forced to declare a state of emergency. in response, patriots united him to the malay in people's liberation army and began a guerrilla war. london decided to suppress resistance, georgia and mass the fort agents executions of civilians and spraying of chemicals, scale being and cutting off heads. these were the barbaric methods the british used trying to keep my la within their empire. the massacre in the village of baton gully, committed by the scots guards against the alarm expenses because a particular stir. the entire male population became victims. trying to suppress the gorilla movement,
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the occupiers relocated 500000 people to concentration camps. for roses rule devoris fruits, the patriots were scattered. however, the british experienced the strength of the malay resistance to the full extent. the british army losses in the la where the largest since the end of world war 2. in 1957, the british empire was forced to recognize malay in independence. the resilience of them a late people put an end to the history of british colonialism in southeast asia. this film, isabel, russian, the soldiers coverage and self sacrifice. and feature stories of valor on the front line and vital assistance and the re a the severe ring saving lives and restoring home. whether it was not the
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ego schumacher who spends nearly 15 is in a wheelchair. he has cerebral palsy. but those are the visions. i'm gonna choose to be on to more on the loan in the v is teach. i'm or spend emails for somebody, man, a little bit of the subsidy in that list. come, you know, in different much for me in less than the phone with now. yeah. yeah. let's let's see what we're slots eclipse, which is the whole desk. i'm going to want to.


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