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tv   Documentary  RT  August 15, 2024 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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according to local authorities, the ambulances rushed casualties to be already overwhelmed. oh no sir. hospital residents with us . they waited for the bodies of their relatives to be released to them. the medical facility has long been locking fuel and humanitarian supplies to treat the growing flow of wounded people. a recent report by the geneva based euro med monitoring group sites that since october 7th is really forces of killing more than 17000 palestinian children. at least $2100.00 on foot were infants under too many children who survived this really strikes are now working on an exclusive and fee the head of being the nation. lemme council for foreign relations and international cooperation told us the us enables the idea of to commit quotes more crimes. but up the western countries are disingenuous in their handling of the palestinian
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situation. everywhere they talk about democracy, democracy should be strengthened. but in reality, they are authoritarian. they discuss upholding human rights. however, in reality, the u. s. has facilitated the large scale destruction of the palestinians. as of now about 40000 people have been killed. not to mention the wounded and the widespread devastation. it has not been demonstrated that the us presence had any effect on using the tensions or stopping the destruction. right now is realize on the rampage is israel listening to america? no, it is not. how can we trust the us to resolve the palestine issue? it has vetoed so many resolutions. in many cases it vetoes them to give an advantage to israel. palestine has been victimized to this day. there is very strong evidence that israel wants to completely destroy palestine and will build a new state under his riley rule to wipe palestine off the map to know it. can
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music actually helps to an under seats community, or is it just wishful thinking? the tub. next we travel to some of the worst hit parts of don't box where a local bond striving to do, just that perhaps some shooting some, some tiers. the the which one with the approval of those little stuff. well, that's not the only thing, but it's on. so the grounds, carmina on this, like little you much really wants to deal with the windows and it is a, it's a nice one of the in store and liberal stuff. you send them the function was still book and you will have in here when you push up the issue of the guys even
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for me. yeah. so i need to show the good the most in my, the more private store, know the us and we nimble is, i don't know little but not a vase that i am a slice that i yeah, the unbox remodeled and move up is to move 0. you as mysterious and when you go out in front of the deal is like a convicted of bell. i don't yeah. post the by the other was so by you so yeah, i'm just thinking of that as far as that. i mean, so see a good, i mean it does come up with the way to not just communicate that and you may think couple of measuring a claim for existence. the other you have such alters mojitos thing and you will lose a deal with this face. but i don't think he will definitely stays a little in each of the spectrum. because even when you spell is this bringing big news. the i'm saying is that the biggest problem is
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the while in this the other being is to be done. see some list, of course the movies of is throwing in a is not old. on the side of me is one of them is up with 9 throughout the the women who are doing sort of polezza and potentially on this plan. your 1st to do one is annual by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this them way. so the year clear. so any more concept? yeah, there's a concept seems to on that was this of when they 1st cuz it ended up last night, the pricing and go out. is that on? yeah, the bad. she was initially,
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it was down on the front of it on the news before the window little, you know, yeah, it was fine years before i knew it painted, it must be if i do it on as a concept that the little stuff will that out. yeah. a little bit open. mean faith, us fully agree that with them is it up? i'm going to do the most likely it is the most. okay. steve, in relation to you, bring them 1st thing to be live. the phone call for you that on was on the side of the list. there's people, there's a new chip that grew up. i gave them the us, my little buckley, that, that's native problem is do the, if you would, it would be limited. you know, if that is, you know, association is to see,
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oh the what else example of the most comfortable to bill, some of them boss remodeled. look at that. possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me. i have as little as seniors to surprise some what they've been in the color of the past. i would you want to push them up. you look at, you always get the business deal with even the buy and tell me what your company of the list goes and supposed to sort of have a fellow shields combined. yeah, i'm not nice the.
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yeah. a typical solution little now. so no good. i yeah, and you've got that means you need to spell it cloud. it should not lot. but the people, the nice you to the, at the, even if the complete yes the, what i knew, i just wish you did. so then we will be able to just have that they said they have to and you can check with me for nimble or was the issue symbol of the actual really a 50 progress opinions. this was a, is the good news that those are the, just the, the, by the deal with the russell to see when you grab a little basket was up throwing up, then you forgot all about them with us before by phone. cuz now that by phone with him, you've got my soul for example for so i was told by the
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yeah, just love to do a just move with you. look at the like, what was your wish to when you will see us go there, but also circle that the village ocean double most interesting because of the does he have so that he really can live with they will, they can with those 2 of them, you could actually be us and you called for the permission to do so for testing in that i was assuming that i said they would use to use use these made through the enterprise of the well the
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notion, photos, voltage funding goes good by you to look my yeah, that sounds good for you to like go ahead. yeah. post the plugin. russo by useful. yeah. and we think that and then use face, but i mean to see a good, i mean it does come up with them. go ahead and always communicate that, and you may think of a lot of measuring a claim for the distance, the other the source, the cost is almost on the phone with me, but at least nobody wants to me. but we can do this because we know what to do and on the input, look at that as just as way somebody will pick you up. but i wrote, i'm so sorry that used to cause they live at the virginia and the security of practice. can they of the use of the me so yes, let's go to you have a good rest opinion. last what, what does it and you go to the nimble guidance of virginia. those can be present good. that wasn't, it was going to still that the feel great. you know, the years of us bill which and each now it's almost of no, you have to pretty much the thing you thought yes i was you. yes, i'm rules the, as most with them, of those keywords, you shut the cost to you was this was the level and you mean
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sure games and additional good which will cost less money as well. but also what that goes to, to purchase this is you tell you what, the shipment, the dependent, that equipment, that's not a load you have any threat because it's only to buy, which has a pre owned what this may mean cost you mean through is that most me what the us will was there was, you know, this, those on, if i just the sure was there was still capital, but just to i did. it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay. and if the is just an efficient us to ensure that the schedule is pretty cool, let me just so many little shades that i have the other one of the think you will do a solution. so it's a little image of the of the police torsion was ok. does it used to was it was dishes only because of this comes with the publish them and i don't do any issue with them. just let the videos of any what they should all know. yep. so there's no push mojitos to eulu
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mostly deal with his voice, but i believe that those lights from any of my on one of those to look up the push to be funny. yeah, most of the case with him, but i got all the music you pacific institute across the literally for the whole which brings 2 boys for us. the one of the used to do more complex, pretty much confidence and forces the new piece of stay and was there, leave them on the solution. i still nothing. a solution i missed. i have see examples to confirm some information for the parties. cook standard e is the, some of you know, the issue over there was new blanketing deal was i just want to know i loss of diesel. the people who are getting expensive always really the last month on the phone to get up was a matter most of us know what thank you with no shifting relation to george bush,
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just as soon as we get to the bus hilton horse or something you are pretty up to date him does. besides the longest music you let us push this name a little 4 hours kick. i notice of some sort of opinion. well, just the flood. then this kid is probably could i see who else could it's really funny videos. news was through the world low. the world for is gonna slow and moving forward, but stretch was moving. we do have some that are due on the phone, people for nowhere, no longer most of them they're full. so this is pretty much just the satellite. we're in the process of just less. i'm a little the little give us the spinning. i'm going to do the grass card. i mean, unless like little do you my show ups dealer words or sleep with your daughter, the
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legislative service ridiculous lawyer. but you're like, someone still doesn't know she did a new live. so it's like, was not easily exploring. you know, as much of it, there's still 3 of them. how about your that you would, you would put you on the amount of the physically as though you made of the simulator and you'll sort of see a level of sources. q plus one of the ones that are on the face. can you see a section where you are funny, the month of the world, pennsylvania sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so basically it me for an actual aluminum or just a nice a, but also the, or the little bone with anyone 0 at this point. but also in your school with your, the explanation one green is i think it's under it all. so i love to watch the video and of course uh most likely to,
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to love the water the gonna scroll down to point to am yes. then sure, sure. september plus through in the course on the side of the console. and that was a little bit of fun going with you and you know you were still, are you near the which is still nipples anymore? and so the personal phone, but others when it good for us, the budget for the whole. but i to, from the starting point, somebody put a thought on us will give issues, don't go vision, the company itself, escape the one. glad visionaire up. escape the one with the cooling. so it's normal and stuff like that. it's not the only thing that is on. so yeah,
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we have to pay for something new to this person with us and she doesn't have sort of a push because it doing most of the sort of smaller what's the zip code we're calling you? and it's difficult style, especially the sort of things when you pull those in your and your billing, which isn't going to follow them, was i say to them. and obviously if i'm going to put in for the store on, was through. this is the dresser. so replacing value so split, there is no cooking with options. so many in here pretty much use a need as well. one of the windshield in liberal storm voicemail is i need to know if you received them. the function was still booking for them to come out of place . it was actually to the issue coupled with assuming of our to little bit of is the best way to phone when you throttle it with more than just searching the
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vehicle to start it. and it's guys on a blog to just to get us be the, the, the, the, the got, got you. i be a good i was doing the with then you have to pick a total better way of experience. but with dunham broadstreet, wiley lanier, charlotte booker, i need to push a little thing of some bubbles before built that way. for me to repeat here, what's got you or the machine of the deputy literacy on how much does not industry standards do you use? i meant to do for them because i, i sure thing is good. i bought that i bought the place. that's the me now as i a pretty she me is age and a short the good. the more personally my done,
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the more privately store, not the us and we nimble is, i don't know bill, but now i a vase that i am a slice that i yes. the used to not still a what the sick, the used in time with the buzzing. so it was to for the, the, some way i was leaving the is my to feeling the sort of the issue, but it was in a blue a by here. so it is the is kimberline, doors came to out there. i'm gonna have them. daniel's get his for when it gets now, i wouldn't even speak, talk to them. that's what i need to read on liberty. they're a little shiver. nicholas and world number one. the thing is that there is not one that was the name. yeah, nobody else is that old. but on some other little business i keep that they key because of the nice piece by piece i need to keep the means even a mortgage going into this. i go to best, otherwise it is not,
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but i didn't get to visa. visa could pick arouse me out of these. i mean, it could be, it's our new hilton drawn. now with this we will see it on the be. so let me check with me b as in a little bitty cold, but i was told to get a patient of that a was of some of the me sure look at the both it was well, greg a that a little, you know, 0 with a b as in like this, so i see the dx. and so i came over to them into the abuse to ensure i've done my business will actually with speak to the that i get those. yeah. when he'd be a big one, but it wasn't that he just done. you have to go to look you do by some of the ask them when he went. but yeah, a little window but at least hook it up to by see what they've done. but, but it wasn't that that will still work because like even with the reading it i get those nice to meet. so come out of mind me shift to be late this evening.
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the which of these deals night to almost at the get you a new one. yeah. i think that's a way of you for that. he's done boss. i see just looping glycemic t, it was the muscles that can typically dominated. but if that's a the, the deal is because i already show things on said this type seamless, it did to,
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so it's completely bluetooth when he conflicts the date of the alternator. although it's a cover from beast and the id day, but either in a joke and it was like b as in when you punch of or something i feel as, as, cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the bus goes out, or it's almost look around you and you talk about, you know, when things fit, you know, the annual v as in my, as a move that to get both of the case. then you have to deal with your video. and the guy down in the wind was on the bill to see if i'm a junior now the most vehicle at that point because i have the model in the block is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb
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is what shows was was get and they can bully menu and then why that you shouldn't have the concept. so you just give. so you don't really know, i just position you get bruce and the difference. they will usually do things a way show. what are your thoughts on that 1st or the keep up with that i see is a is, i know the book and i need to post michelle them you, i mean nobody by themselves here. so when your beloved, let's say, does like somebody else, i suppose all the big if i guess the small but the key is that give us the pain. yeah. yes, it's going to business. usually those are, you must grow school some a solid. so a lot must be at a look at the summer wash and those are slowing down and you can set up
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a new streaming service for the tv with us though, right now, cuz it sounds like a good time was okay. sounds families are now know we will be able to start as a sign in on the move up is to move soon. you have missed this and we me, thing you go. i don't seem to have to deal with my gums and get them to go. i know it's anything new when years old a and i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals can with my soon as a new new country. it has multiple graves and it took we waiting. the lecture being shall be nimble, the
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mean able yellow cuz i didn't was making an appointment. that's what is good at all this, but i think i put the initial setup is equal to the condition of the his notation was resolved on this because all i look i what's covered and yet which i just on. so did you get all your stuff when the calls come? was you for sure with this it just will keep approaching. i didn't want to be sure it is a solution close to migrate. it goes to multiple piece up and go get it through. i mean, it goes can, was, could you just show up and go get it? we don't need to go school for a little. could you just shut the door? the that is definitely the sure to repeat, to just shut the door. and then you may take a walk, no, she needs somebody. me only really can just get by you so many calls. cool go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with the post, the, the, the
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updated on the on the low noise put is skills and the sick, but he is of course i'm with him. some level of must be at least, you know or something like this. someone else come out of the office today, but what they've said this was to the of the, comes with the school and the menus for when years ago. anyway. if james has a little work on something, you could, you know,
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but there's still a lot to talk to you and you'll be annual american by shakes tours tomorrow. i'm gonna shut off the meeting, but then that will get good on those the laws. but let's, let's see what was for the english, the commissioner of the, with the leading of them. so what was the quality? is it and what computer foremost, what sphere ways of what's going on with them or what's the problem? so when this must have thought she had other room for those with the or the
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kitchen. yes. okay. and then okay. it is on the new website almost. uh theres cannot go the news that you have to deal with but i seem to get the full chest. the
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uh my name was covered by 1st if the blood filter goes down cause cause i'm resisting the model number for an interesting if i could. so i guess the part is pretty much just another sample. so i was confessed, i got the formal financial the the
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yeah, because who was it the most? yeah we, we went over those the 2 to the 5 years with the press or not to model. basically the car was new cars and somebody to be as to what that they usually go down the way recently from the fall. no, not altogether. gordon in use of the last me seems to play for the most difficult are supposed to use, but the group or i so you got the both things with love to play on the most beloved
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. my show option that i'll have to solve could you have to do you go through, but it's almost like with the you mean they use those? yeah. use just the bushes up in the little be if i needed to talk about it as a way of portions of those i'm of shows. do you not only thing it in you and i want to see with your simple as a new deal which to because i've got some of which taking you guys where am i couldn't figure the one that's used option east coast. the last i mean yeah. you just much to look into all the the beautiful sun soaked vineyards nestled among some rest, taking the rolling hills as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic the imagery of french one country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea where recently they've got the serious about
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making some world class wants. the key of it makes it have private consultations with weston, paul. those are because encouraged contradicting washing things. narrative, which are new, denied any involvement with media claims. ukraine's full not come on the in chief salaries, delusion a was the most in line behind the north stream pipeline explosions. but evidence, however, points to c. i a involved much and also ahead of the we have prompt to carry the blood of 400000000 people to eradicate the colonial rule in india as india celebrate system dependence. today from the workers colonial rule, we look at how new modalities drive for software and c, like others across the globe to rise up against imperialism, including when india games in.


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