tv Documentary RT August 15, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT
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expectation is still very strong and maybe even stronger than that. i believe that it was 50 years ago. what is the difference between the indian and tens on in, or maybe in general, african ways of fighting for freedom from colonial powers. what's the backup pass in your opinion? if we compare both sides, i believe there's a strong connection. the if you look in, in history between the independent struggles in india and those in terms of the end of a office and countries when, when india gained independence. 1948. it conspired. people around the world who are still under colonial me to believe that it's possible to change, to break free from uh, colonial power plane dependence turns on. yeah. also supported of african countries fight for freedom. it became a key player in the struggle in many locations. it also came on the tech from the part of useful in your forces. india also led by naval health start the mind
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maligned movement, which also included in many african countries. the movement gave newly independent countries a way to work together and resist the new forms of colonialism. many bags to be a company this, the, this thursday coming up next, this documentary time. and we will of course, be back with more of the latest news in just 30 minutes. i hope to see the the one with the approval of those little stuff like that. it's not something that is on. so the ground squared amount on the floor, little you push away what's the deal with the windows and it is a, it's
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a nice one of the windshield and liberal stuff. you see the function install button, you will have near when you push the issue of the guys. i mean, uh so i need to make sure to get the most in my dining room will probably be the store, not the us. and we nimble way as i don't know, little but not least, that i am a slice that i know the unbox remodeled and move up is to move here to you as mysterious. and when it's, when you go out in front of the deal is michael convicted of go i don't yeah. post the budget was so by you. so yeah, i'm just thinking of that as far as that. i mean, so ca, good. i mean, it goes can, was it, please go ahead and always communicate that and you may think couple of measuring, explain, police are still the other you have such alters mojitos thing and you will lose a deal with his voice, but i don't think he will definitely stays a little,
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each of the spectrum is a one year style is pretty big news. see, i'm saying is that, but let me just throw it in. this is the one in there. the other would be nice and you can see the list. of course the movies is so in a slight hold on the side of me is one of them is up with 94 of the the women who are doing sort of pause or any of the value on this plan. you all of us to do one is annual by 0 is not set up pretty well. i see them one disappeared with a wish at all this them way so that pretty year clear. so any more concept and yeah, there's
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a constant seems to on that was this of when they 1st cuz it ended up last night, didn't get the pricing and go out. is that on? yeah, good. yeah, cuz the bad she was initially it was down on from the global. no. yeah. it was buyers before i knew if beats it must be as i do it on as a concept that the little stuff will got out. yeah. so they'll get open. mean faith, us for liberty, the voice music, let them go to the most likely have to look at a steve in relation to bringing them 1st thing to a new a phone call for you. that them was on the side of the, let's see who is new for chip. that group. i gave them the us, my little buckley,
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that, that's the problem is the, if you would, it would be limited. you know, if that's a soon association to the of the the what else example the most comfortable to bill. some of them boss will not. busy look at that, possibly some way to them. would you comfortable something to me? yeah. as, as little as changes to surprising. so what they've been in the color of the past, i would you want to push them up. you look like you always get the business deal with even the 5 bit daniel with the account, the list cuz i'm supposed to some stuff that i was fellow shields combined. yeah.
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i'm not nice. not the. yeah. a typical solution little now. so no good. i yeah, you got that means you need to spell it glowed, they should not lot, but the people nicely to the, at the even if the complete just the what i knew, i just wish you did. so then we will be able to just have that they said they have to, when it gets it will be for nimble. it was the issue symbol of the actual way of $50.00 . as if, when you say it was a, is the good news that those are the so we're just the, the, by the deal itself to supplement russell to see when you grab a little basket was up thrown up,
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then you forgot all about the store. but don't go to solve that by phone with why you didn't you guys like 0.0.0 as still, but the yeah. just love the job just like you look at the the like what was you wish to when you will see us go there, but also circle at the village ocean double most interesting because of the one does he have so that he where he can live with the music you with or seen him, you could actually be up and you can afford a motion that kind of stuff with dusty mealer as a fuel miller. as a substitute,
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even use news. you see if maybe there was a rise of the, well, the notion photos closer spending, but i don't skip i use it with my other ones cuz i use it like a. yeah. but most of the yellow so by your stuff. yeah. and we think that and then use face, but i mean to see a good, i mean it does come up with some lloyd and i'll just communicate that. and you may think couple of measuring a claim for the distance we have the most of the cost is almost on the phone with me, but at least nobody wants to label which can do this because they know what to do. and on the distrust is where somebody will pick you up, but i wrote, i'm so sorry that used to cause daily at the beginning of the school to practice because they have them to do so. so to me, so let's go to the best opinion. last what, what does it and you go to the nimble canadians of virginia. those can you please and go to that wasn't, it was go, what are those still that the she, what could i, you know, the years of us bill which and each the, it's almost as low yet the been you must have to meet the yes i was you get the
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models, the, as most with them, of those keywords you chose to shut the cost to you was, this was the level. and you mean, should you have that additional good which will cost less money as well. but also what that goes to, to purchase this isn't the efficient, the dependent, that equipment, that's not a load you have any threat because only to buy, which has somebody own with this. we mean cost. mean throw is visible nice. but the nice window was there was, you know, this, those on, if i just say sure, what's the result, that's what i would just do. i did, it is pretty, pretty plus we will stay and if the is just not pushing us to ensure we get that the schedule is pretty cool. let me just so many little shades that going. the other one of the think you will do a solution. so it's a little image of the
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of the police torsion was ok. those are used to live with fishes. i wanted a couple days from food for the publish them and i don't do anything to shoot them . just let the use of any what that shuttle. yep. so to push mojitos to eulu mostly deal with the space that i believe it was way too many of my own. one of those to look up the push to be 5 years. yeah. more than the case with him, but i get all the music you visit the goes to bit across the national which brings us to poison. for us, the one of the used to be more complex than most companies and forces the new people splitting the splitting on the solution. i stream the solution i missed i of see examples to contact information for the parties. cook standard, web design, a, you know, some of you knew the issue over there was new blanket and be able to say, you know, i class of diesel, the people who are getting expensive over sort of the of the past month on cash.
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we're going to get the most ups now, what, thank you with a shift immunizations and george bush, just as soon as we get to the facility course there still think it was pretty up to date, and that's besides the longest communicate level solution. single level thought i was kick, i'm gonna show some of the opinion. well, just the flag then use cases for me to see who else could. it's really funny if the video news was through us to go to the board of forest go slow moving forward. but stretch was moving video to the are due on level and people for nowhere, no longer most of the pool. so this think you might suggest is something that we're in the process of just less i'm a lot of the will give us the students from the the grass. got them in on this like
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little do you show ups the dealer or sleep with your daughter? the so i just slipped with the close lawyer, but it was someone still doesn't know. she did a new lodge. so that was my of these walk exploring you. i was, i try to sort of, i'm how about your, that you would your question on your, not the physically as though he made of the simulator of, you know, sort of a level of sources coupons, one of the ones i put on the face screen. you see a section where you are funny, the month of the world come to learn your sort of thing and you do ask is throwing a couple. so basically it's a financial aluminum, or is this a nice a, but also the, or any little boom with a thing to utilize these parts of it also in your school. if you have the explanation one green is what i think is a good all sorry about the which the
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course the computer and the water, the gonna spend one point to m yes, then sure. which are september pa store in the course on the side of the console, and that was a little bit of fun going with you and you know you was there still a reason? yeah. the wish this to me it was anymore. i'm so sufficient fund day others when it room for storage and for the whole, but i'd say almost a point somebody for the thought on us will give us use them from sky vision. the company itself, us get the one glad visionaire up or skip the
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one with it. i'm to for moving for me please. so it's normal and stuff like that. it's not the only thing that is on. so yeah, we have to pay for something new prescription with those and shifting the sort of a portion, particularly most of the smaller most of the levels are shifting. we're calling this digital style is very versatile. and when you call those in your and your billing, which isn't it, is a solo was i say to them, and obviously it's on the way to put in for the store on waste through. this is the dresser. so replacing value. so slow today is not clicking with options so many in here, pretty much use the need as well, one of the windshield illiberal stuff. voice mail is i need you to issue you send them the function, are still bucking and put them to the place of especially to the issue. coupled with assuming that though it is a little bit of so we have of the rooms. it's a more pleasant for me to complete the phone when you problem with me more than
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be able to to to get us view to the uh the the got got your vehicle. i was doing the with the new get cut on the vehicle were being asked to put done. buskie, wiley, lanier, charlotte booker. i need to put a load on the thing. is somebody before built equity for me to deal with. got you or the machine of that particular see and how much is not industry standards do you use? i'd like to do for you. good. i sure daniels get on board at that. i'm with the list . that's the mean. yeah. so i a pretty, she only aside each in a show, the good, the more personally my done the more friday to the store, not the us. and we nimble is, i don't know little but nice things that i am a slice that i am. yes, the youth did not want to sing the used in time with no buzzing. so it was the point of
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the some way i was leaving the is my do fairly sort of yesterday, but it was in a blue a by years. so it is d as give a line to ask him to out there. i'm gonna have them done. he has get his food when it gets no, i wouldn't even speak to them. that's what else i need to do with them. we put in there of all shipping things on the board of these updates and that was, it was really me. yeah, yeah. the else is that only the button. so that's gonna be as think i keep it like you can sort of nice because i'd be fine if thinking premiums even a mortgage, they need to hear a sound good or bad. otherwise it is not, but i'm going to be. so would you use like a big or asked me out of these? i mean, it could be the new hilton drones now go this way. what i see is on the be, so let me check with me b as in a little bitty cold. but i was told to get a patient that will because of some of
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the issue, i broke up the boat, it was wont drug or the little you know, 0 with abuse me. and i guess i'll see a dx. and so i came over the age of the vps to ensure i have now my business will actually with of speak the the that i get those. yeah. when you beautiful what, but it wasn't that he is. then you have to go to look, you, do you buy some of the ask them when you want, but i don't remember that he took it out of by sort of dunbar. but it wasn't that that will still because i seem to move with the reading. it i get that was nice to meet. so come out of mind me shift to be late this evening. the
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would you please do you have is night to almost at the get you right? yeah. at the at that sir. well, beautiful. it is done, boss. i see just looping glass seem to change it, leslie must close. i can take what we've done today, but it, that's the the deal is because i already showed things on said dispatched, namely as it did to sounds good, able to swing your guns, least of the details on the cover from business though it is the day, but i'll do a deal. can you watch like b as in when you purchase or something? if i tell us us,
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cuz i'd say the wilton lives on the title uh boss goes out, or if you almost look around you and you talk about, you know, when things be in the general annual v. as in my, as a move that will get both of the georgia if any of the dealers here with me on the godaddy, i don't, i don't, i'm way more them is that's available. virginia. now the, the web us must feel as if we've got kind of the modeling the block the is on us of fuck when the slowing your thumb is what shows was, was cute and they can bully me and then why the shooting and the concept, a serious give so you don't really know just but machine, you get brought some ideas. they will usually do things. i always show your times.
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i left the store. the keep that was that i see is a is i know the bullet can. i knew that both michelle, him you, i need know me but in sales here. so when you pull up what it shows like somebody else and i saw a little bit keith, i guess some of the keys that give us the pain. yeah. this is coming to visit with you. sure. those are you most crow supposed to solid? so a lot must be at a look at the summer wash. now is this the new concept that nothing has changed from your on the
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way up to give you a cisco and now cause it sounds like a good time was okay. i'm gonna save someone's family right now. no, we won't be able to start as a sign in. i'm actually starting the move up just to move 0. you do have missed this and we meet then you go ahead and send the deal with my documents and get them go. i know it's and if there's new one years old a. yeah, i've got them now because i feel great and they used to, but i knew the not of my locals in with my solution. you know, cuz it is more than one grand. you and you quickly land the lecture being shall be nimble. the municipal jello cuz i didn't was microsoft palmer because it is beautiful this but i think i put the visual so busy even with the condition but i wouldn't his issue
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was resolved on this because oh look i what's covered and that's what you i just found out, did you get all your stuff when the calls come? was it cool you for sure with this it just will keep approaching. are you able to insure it as a solution for those to be able to have it? it goes can only be set to go get it blue and then it goes to multiple. could you just tell to go get ready to go school a little? could you just shut the door? yes, definitely. be sure to give you shout. think of it. then you may take a look now she needs somebody, me only when you get by you send me to go school, go. what's the customer's name? i'm going with the post, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the problem, the loading delay split is skills and they're sick, but he is of course i'm with him. some level from us can we see or something like the smell of else come out of this political, frustrated with ocean. this was to the of the come to settle. this won't take a look at it. i mean, we have to, for many years ago anyway. if shame says that a little work on something, you would, you know that there's still a lot of interest to you and you'll be getting your music. somebody wants to move, i'm going to send it over to the meeting,
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but then that will be good on the waiting list. but let's, let's see what, what with the, the, with the leading of the what's the quality? is it and wanna keep it? it almost looks good with what's going on with them. i was the point i'm so when i just must have thought she had other room for those was the the,
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uh, finding one of those covered by 1st if the filter goes down cause it's as simple as that the, i don't know what i'm asking for. an easy to see if i could. so i guess the, whatever it is significant, pretty much just another simple sign with confidence like i from what i remember from financial the, the
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the yeah was who was it the most? yeah, we wouldn't mind some of those or not by deals with the press. so it might seem obvious to me because i wasn't because somebody to be asked the what that the zip code on the young lady recently from the fall. no, not all the ordering is that the last minute seems to pay for the most difficult are supposed to use the group or i. so you got the both things with nothing while you're on the one that's belong. much show option that i have to solve. could you, could you go through, but it's almost like with the, you mean they use those? yeah. use just the, the, all she is up in the little be needed to talk about it as a way of motion to $100.00. i'm of shows,
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[000:00:00;00] the the, you have it makes it has private consultations with west and toughness on the costs in cash and contradicting washington. his narrative, which he on you denied any involvement ukrainian for this and on the 14th and the don't bonsa sounds, it could be a lot in other rushes. the funds to the region as care redirects reinforcements and on the to the cost region. us media claims ukraine's full commander in chief, a valid reason. lucian, a was the most aligned behind pipeline explosion for the evidence. how the points do still yes, involved to this day in the
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