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tv   The Whistleblowers  RT  August 17, 2024 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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or zillow and columbia have also cast darts over. mister mccoy rose victory insisting on another ballad. however, then, as well as the main opposition said, don't worry about that. just the clearer mom, the i tried winter instead. according to official data, nicholas majority secured over 51 percent of votes cast with his opponent, edmondo gonzalez, feeling 44 percent resilient journalists, bruno lima rocker beer cleaning saves. washington is waking up a range of options when it comes to its plans for an oil rich venezuela. they may come needs a bounce to some of the age, even more, the electrician on the vin as well. they may affect some offshore platforms, off oil industry like did they deal with the pipeline not trees in new york? they have to handle of possibilities, but i think that now they sadly to say, the 1st option is to not recognizing them. i do real action and try to negotiate
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fuel. brazil in columbia was sent the last couple months of try a solution. i saw a solution for the seller mean pass because they need a sense that a ride swing of political brownies had up. and it's all this seems that does not exist the other possibility. the other possibility is to rein for somebody to dare to come back from the from, to use using works mission errors. they can also do this, all of the handle out. and for the see, i enter the solve the command of the us, but i think that's the vintage automobile again because they are much more mature nowadays. then there were in 2014 off the job as the rushes trade turnover with bricks. countries has grown by more than 6 percent so far this year. continuing a positive trend from 2023 when a top 28 percent. that's according to the russian industry and trade minister who's welcomed his coach of parts to the city of commissioning of crowd industry heads
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from brick nations. took parts in there, a such meeting on friday discussing business cooperation within the organization. the chemical, pharmaceutical mining and robotics sectors. where among the key spheres identified for rhodes, for let's hear more about those ties in particular from the minister himself used to go to the computer. is there a thought as to what i'm going to do? if we talk about concrete results this year, we have already created 7 working groups on specific areas based on the look of industry ministers, visa, metallurgy, chemistry, about x, digitalization and some others. the initiative to create the brakes industrial confidence center based on the united nations industrial development organization was supported. an agreement has already been reached with china and in the various already in agreement that we will finance this confidence center in the near future
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. the deputy head of the united nations industrial development organization center was with us today. we discuss how specifically we can all fit the work of this center, what new opportunities will afford this. in particular, we're interested in creating industrial zones for all produce as abroad, a spot of all national project on international export corporation. we also consider this to be a peculiar to, on the one hand, for the development of industrial cooperation. on the other hand, for the promotion of all brands and competencies on the forward market, some of the not finally opposition parties from mold though, but recently merged into one block called victory. have gathered here in law school to choose their presidential candidates in the upcoming elections that, that is, as the groups leader, i choose the government in the kitchen of a, putting washington's interests above those of its own people. so what is the g today? you are brands, any opposition, as an agent, as a criminal?
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you can, i say your current mold open government is an agent of washington. people, it is not just an agent. it is washington's hired manager, who does exactly what washington wants in moldova, mobile. what do you mean they are not interested in moldova, they are not interested in moldova citizens and they are not interested in our problems separately. and they are invested in their own interests about what they are interested in turning moldova into a platform for military operations with them. it is interesting for them to place all spheres of influence under their control as much as possible to keep this'll be a pivotal a year from old over as the country prepares for presidential elections, an e referendum and parliamentary elections after the arabs. moldova is largely split into a remaining and speaking population, and those who are afore easy. and so gratian as well as those who are russian speakers, i feel closer to the most goals of world vision well with the clock. second,
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there's been a significant increase in pro you advertising all the false, moldova, and likewise, the countries opposition parties are not wasting any time, despite what they say are times to silence them. especially with the current authorities are doing everything possible to prevent us from organizing any events that we hold. if they find out the location of where we are going to hold a meeting, it will surely be presented by the special services. the police. today are people in the republic of moldova, live in poverty. almost all russian tv channels and opposition. tv channels have been close to you. it can be closed the next day over an uncomfortable question to the president of the republicans, moldova, the countries pro western governments, as ottomans on selling the european dream and must go as a thrice and many are seen power allows between the persecution of pro russian mode opens and pro russian ukrainians, leaving many to wander war as next. or the legislators that we spoke. see here
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today, claim that the majority of the country actually for were closer to russia rather than europe. and they warn that most of us current political landscape is not a true representation of the people's wishes. a subscription to the of the russian federation has always helped in odessa not, but it has done so without shouting about it at every corner. and if the european union builds even a piece of road, it will immediately put up signs that it was done by the european union. at the same time, the russian federation provided us with gas at very low and fe verbal price is does making life easier for our people of all categories. because the prices for energy resources are very high. we please, when we come to russia, we come to our friends. when we come here, we feel at home among our friends, brothers and sisters. and that is because we were once one big family. and unfortunately, some short sighted politicians have taken the path of separation. divorce,
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if you like, we have to go back to our roots where we left and find the happiness that we once had felt living together side by side. the politicians here are determined swats towards a bride suit for a future that saved believe is the best worst for their country. a course that is aligned with russia. now it's an early weekend trip to the with the lower studios, next catch host and former c. i a agent, john curry, echo as he delves into another big ticket issue less than 3 months side now from the us presidential election. this is 24740 introduction. the sometimes it's easy to be a good citizen. you go to work every day, you will pay the law, you phone and elections,
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you pay your taxes. that's easy enough, right? so what about when you are working for the government? and you are asked to do something that is clearly illegal for the constitutes waste fraud or abuse. well, we would hope that you would love with us. but at the same time, you know that the cost of places are serious. the states are high and then you do it any way you're in for a fight, but at least you have the law on your side. now buckle up to the rice. i'm going to reaku. welcome to the whistle blowers the . 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 the media focus so much on the senior, most levels of government, that's where many of the most consequential decisions are made that impact our lives. that's where foreign policy and military policy are determined. that's where monetary policy is decided. and it's these policies and other high level government
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actions that, for the most part, give us the countries that we have. but what most people don't realize or perhaps don't think about is that much of what makes the country run data day is done at the local and regional levels. think about the local governmental entities that handle food assistance that protect children and the elderly, or that process, retirement assistance or housing subsidies, maybe health care, even drug treatment programs. those are the people who actually make the government run without them. everything would just grind to a halt. what happens then when a supervisor tells an employee to do something that he or she is not licensed or qualified to do? what happens when the request itself is illegal? really? there's only one answer here. you blow the whistle and if you have to take to the courts, our next guest is in the midst of just such
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a fight. deanna ratliff was an employee of the alleghany covington, department of social services in the us state of virginia. according to a lawsuit that she recently filed with the alleghany county circuit court, deanna was wrongly fired from her job and not once, but twice. the 1st time she was fired was for refusing to violate the law by performing work that she was not certified or license to do that she was reinstated by the state. but then she was fired again in retaliation for her original whistle blowing. so she did exactly what she should have done. she sued. we're very happy that deanna joins us today along with her attorney tommy stroker. thank you both so much for being on the show. thank you for having me. yeah, as background for our viewers give us an idea of the kind of work that you were doing for the county and for the state of virginia and tell us what it was that your supervisor wanted you to do. that was so inappropriate. i was
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a supervisor. 6 virginia, department of social services, allegheny county department. and i was a supervisor over benefits, which is the benefits for snap medicaid. and tana, um, what did happen is ard, cps, r a. p as have left, the facility has been resign one. so our new director came to the agency because of that we had no cps rapes workers, and she had asked to supervisors to start filling in where they had no one. so she had asked for me to do all the intake cause i had to go out on 2 different occasions to do 2 different families. and what i did not feel
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comfortable doing that because i was not trained or certified in to be a cps, or a p s worker. i had um several employees under me as her supervisor, and they were all brand new employees. they were still in training to be the benefit workers, sudan, in order to be a full eligible benefit worker. you have to be certified through the state of virginia. and none of my workers except for 3, were trained and certified the director had asked that i put the new people onto these cases right away. and i had advised her that i could not do that. and she had continually requested that i do that. and i was terminated, there's been some press coverage of your suit in the local media. and one thing
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that struck me is that this has to do with 2 very important governmental entities, child protective services, and adult protective services. so we're talking about literally the most vulnerable members of our society. you're alleging in your lawsuit that your supervisor repeatedly ordered you to perform services that required certification and training for specific regulations. you didn't have that certification or training, and the supervisor also routinely directed you to assign newly hired staff members to process benefit applications with no certification or training. local investigative journalists have confirmed your version of the story. so you objected to these orders internally and then what were you ignore? what happened next? um, what happened next was it was on a matter of a few weeks where um i was, i was put back on
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a back burner. um i was taken out of the road. um, why wasn't taken out of the role of a supervisor? i was just told that all my employees under me would no longer be under me. so i was still a supervisor, but i had no one to supervise or um and then it came to everybody was making up things to put against me to give me terminated. um, i had spoke with the director several times asking for a meeting. she refused to give me a meeting. i was brought into her office right before i was terminated, as you tried to write me up on false accusations 2 different times on the 3rd time. that's when she fired me. so i was in the office with her and the assistant director way and she did fire me and the reasons why she fired
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me are still to this day. i really don't understand why i was terminated. we frequently hear that the life of a whistle blower is a solitary one. and as soon as things become controversial, co workers, friends, sometimes even family members, distance themselves. what's the reaction been to your whistle blowing among your colleagues and also in the broader community prior to the new director coming into the agency, we had a very close knit family there at the agency. we were all very close. we were all confidence with each other and we had no issues amongst anybody in the facility until the new director came in after that. um, several things that have happened um, i've lost friends, i was so mentors that i've met along the way and i've
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also it came to a point where i got so depressed once that i was terminated, that i had to be put on medication because of the medication, the doctor put me on, i am as well my marriage over this and i um they, we had to basically move from the state of virginia just so i could find employment again. wow. well, thank you dan and tony. we're going to take a short break and when we come back, we're going to talk about what a whistle blower can do, not only to protect himself or herself. but what's the, what's the blower can do to change the entire system state to. 2 2 2 2 2 the
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beautiful sun soaked vineyards nestled among some rest, picking up rolling hills. as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic imagery of french one country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one the welcome back to the west of learners. i'm john kerry onto we're speaking with diana ratliff with the blower in the us state of virginia and with her attorney tommy stroker. thanks again for being with us. thank you for having me that you. i'd like to go through the modalities of your whistle blowing. i know from personal experience that a lot of thought goes into these decisions. what was your process? you couldn't really go through your chain of command because it was your chain of
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command that was the problem. so what did you do? how did you actually blow the whistle? i still follow procedures and went through the chain of command. i went to the board, i went to the regional consultants. i went to the state and when i was fired in october, and i called the state and let the state know exactly what was going on. they rehired me. they re hire me and put me on administrative pay and to up on investigation was file. and what happened is, i think it was a week to 2 weeks later i got a phone call from one of the people that does our health insurance. and she had told me the, i'm really sorry to do this. i'm gonna go ahead and pay the money back into your account for being it taken out of your health insurance. and i said,
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what are you talking about? and that's when i was informed that i was fired. the 2nd time the department social services never told me the 2nd time that i was terminated, i found out through an outside employee that was terminated. so i went through the state, i went through regional consultants, i sent emails, i told them everything that was going on inside the business, and i know i was still terminated again. so let's talk about that. you are fired and then you're reinstated. how long were you back at work then before you were fired again? and is that when you decided to go to court when they fired you for the 2nd time? yes, when i was fired the 2nd time, that's when i. 2 needed to get legal representation. um i believe it was in a week to 2 weeks that i was fired
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a 2nd time. so that happened very quickly. let's, let's talk about the law. do you feel like the law as it stands in virginia right now, affords you a chance at what really is a redress of grievances? of course, there's a whistle blower protection law at the federal level. what statutory support do you have at the state level and what kind of a timeline are you operating under until your students heard and frankly, tommy, you may want to weigh in on this to as an attorney, the laws that we're using is a whistle blower law that is allowed for local governments and for public employees . however, for ginia is rather well known as not having very many robust laws. the with a fraud and abuse whistleblower protection act allows employees like the inner ratliff to claim retaliation which he has done. but it's only been on the books for a few number of years. the private industry employees just became protected in
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virginia in july of 2020, under a new state law. and there are just other states that are more concerned, seemingly with the plaintiffs and whistle blowers, the federal whistle blowing regimen really regards whether or not federal tax dollars are being wasted in this matter, seemingly regarded a lot of state tax dollars being wasted. and along with other violations of state law. so there are not, truthfully, there are not a lot of whistle blowers in the state of virginia. there just aren't the laws are not as robust as the other states. but hopefully that can change. and it's people like miss ratliff make this ripple effects happen. yeah. do you want to comment on that? well, he is correct. um. i just felt that the reason why i seek legal representation
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is because the director that's there now is abusing the system. she is not following policy procedures and it weighed on me, not knowing if our children were safe or if the adults in our community were say, having her in that role. but she did not her policy and procedure to the point where we lost everybody in adult protective services and child protective services . they all left the facility because of her and because there was no one there, it didn't make our community volleyball because she was the director. i'd like to get both of you to comment on this last one. did a beginning with you. what advice would you give somebody considering blowing the whistle on waste, fraud, abuse or illegality? and is there anything that you would do differently?
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i would not do anything differently. i knew something was going to happen. that's why i made sure i printed off all my text messages between myself and those and higher up with me or email. i protected myself because i knew what she was doing was that right? i would say to anybody out there that wants to be a whistle blower, you may be the only one to do it. you're going to stand alone. if you have a good support system like i do have um, that's what you need. but if you are the only person standing and you know what you're doing is 100 percent right. stand alone and tell me from a legal perspective, what advice would you give would be whistle blowers stand by a principal? a lot of times there are laws that also mirror that stands. in other words,
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if you raise your hand at the workplace, because you're concerned about something that you consider to be unlawful. in most states, in most situations, unemployment, you are protected from retaliation. ms. radcliffe was protected from retaliation and that's where lossy to know. what can the average person do to encourage our elected officials to enact legislation, or even our regulatory officials at the state and local level to enact new regulations that would protects whistle blowing and truth telling. especially in light of the fact that what we're talking about here is clearly in the public good . i had a $0.02 on that. one thing is that a, just a awareness of who a whistle blower is my experience of doing this for closely 20 years. whistle blowers are not out for a buck. quick one or a slow one and not out for that. the reasons that they pursue the matters is because of
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a wrong and they were harm. and they're not there to try to get rich. whistle blowers want some lights on a situation that was of great concern to them because they felt that the situation was either breaking the law or otherwise harmed others. there's something that needs to be encouraged. now frowned upon. and no time should anyone consider whistle blowers be individuals who are trying to gain the system or cheve some things that they didn't, or they come to the table having been armed. that's what i'd like to say. thank you . and you deanna. i would, i would agree to what, what he has said i, a lot of people don't think that was a blowers are harmed, i was, i was mentally armed. i was, i was embarrassed. the day that they terminated me. the 1st time when i
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opened up the door, i had a police officer standing there to meet me to ask for me out of the building. so this was the cause, embarrassment to me in front of all my workers. so it was um, it was a very bad experience and i loved my community. i loved working with my clients and knowing that i was taken out of that, i became a, i went into a very bad depression. tell me, is there anything from a legal perspective that you would like to cover that we haven't covered? sure, so let's talk about a retaliation. most whistle blowers who are able to pursue anything, pursue it on the basis of retaliation. what is retaliation? retaliation is when you are harm for engaging and what is known as a protected activity. now there are federal statute that say, hey,
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these things over here. if you do these at the workplace, these are protected. usually these things are subject matters that you can talk about, for instance, the things that you can, i like to say, raise your hand at the workplace. subjects that you were allowed to talk about raising your hand at the workplace with the chain of command above you with management, with leadership, and not receive any harm or otherwise be retaliated against for doing that. so virtually every statute that protects with of lowers is a retaliation statute, meaning that it lists things that are protected at the workplace. that is a employee in gauges in those protective things. but then as subsequently we do, they have a claim for this that you, it's wrong doing is the protected activity. miss ratliff engaged in the protected activity of reporting wrong,
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doing at the workplace. wrong doing is defined by the statute as various violations of law. i think our viewers ought to remember too that there is a generally agreed upon legal definition of whistle blowing and forgive me for sounding like a broken record, what it is bringing to light. any evidence of waste, fraud, abuse, illegality, or threats to the public health or public safety whistle blowing is done in the public interest regardless of the high cost. and that is something that, at every level of government and not just of government, but in society, we shouldn't be promoting. thank you, dan and tommy, for shedding light on this case. thank you. i sure thank you over the interest in the case of the kind of integrity and transparency exhibited indiana right. let's fight against illegality has to be a part of our culture. integrity and transparency has to be taught as fundamental values without whistle blowers. impunity becomes the very foundation upon which
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systems of corruption are bill. and if that impunity is not demolished all efforts to bring an end to this kind of corruption are in vain. i'd like to thank our guest scanner, ratliff and her attorney for being with us today. and thank you to our viewers for joining us for another episode of the whistle blowers i'm john to reactive. please follow me on subsets at john kerry, yahoo! we'll see you next time the. 2 2 the ukraine never transitioned out of the 90s to kind of try out the politics of the ninety's continued all the way all the way for the and of course to go see the new crime that i never had a breach of trust. you coming with some stability is the power all site the
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the couldn't move that could re catastrophic destruction. reports emerge that keeps the plan was to use balls filled with video, active morehead to attract the curse and suffer rosie a nuclear power plant. slide reaction on bath coming right up. plus the large shopping center in done yet is set the blazing a ukrainian missile strike, leaving 2 dead on another 11 people when the 5th is where it all came through for indonesia. on august 17th, 1945 freedom from the dodge colony of.


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