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tv   News  RT  August 17, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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of the most current ones, ukrainian preparations for an attack on the cost, and you can up how plant fall under way comfortable afford self care plan. the presentation among the voice of the global self summit is a platform where we are given voice to the needs and test duration. so those have really good notes to note or the 100 st. paul, to decide on line points of the global south summit with new value out of town. talk to addressing a wide array of play with challenges while discussing ways to build a sustainable future. this is where it all came through for indonesia, on august 17th, 1945, freedom from the dodge colony of rule and independence for the nation on india.
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mock 79 years of independence from colonial rule to mark the momentous occasion at new capital city is especially and will get right to the very will welcome to watch international just going to 8 pm here in the russian capital. great to have you with us. well, we are going to start with some alarming development. so we've been really keeping an eye on is the last 24 hours most go, has boons, the cube has already been gone preparations for a strike on the cost. you can a power plant, something which would have quotes the site, the and tie your pin comes in and out of statement comes off to reports about a potential ukrainian attack. so much. kieffer game has begun preparations for an attack on the course. can nuclear power plant, the entire international community must understand the danger. the neo nazi key of
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regime poses to the european continent. attempts of intimidation and terror against an entire region in the international community as a whole must be resolutely stopped through joint efforts. incredibly strong statement coming out for russia's foreign ministry underlying the severity of what could be taking place a potentially and also the cool means national community to stand and to be aware of because, you know, if there is an attack on a nuclear power station, we all know the ramifications of what that could mean that some, not just in the area, but as we saw with to know back in the 1980s. this is something that can change and impact whether patton's, as a re do activities spreads around the globe. so i'm moving not it could provoke a trigger happy response, males with before, already had from the russian. and would be talking about the fact that they would
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be a severe response. if in fact he does trigger such a global dissolve, let's just have a listen to that statement. the purpose of this publication is to accuse the russian federation of self shooting the station in order to create grounds for attacks and nuclear power facilities in ukraine. if the key friction begins to implement it's criminal of plants aimed at creating the men made disaster with rhetoric active contamination of boss 3rd towards any you're being part of the continent harsh military and military. the technical measures will be taken immediately, or the task like that could essentially open a pandora's box and really that's something where we don't want to go at this stage a couple of developments. so on this, we know that the international atomic energy agency has been invited to the us to be able to assess what's happening on the crime and new confirmation that they will attend. but we has heard from rafael grossi. this is the head of the i a e a who said that i'm still open to assessing the situation. what that means exactly. we
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don't know because obviously the situation curse is incredibly difficult at present . what do we know at this point about these reports have? does the bones well this has come from russian intelligence services. they say that crap has the capability and it's looking at targeting a nuclear storage waste storage site. this is the site that has radioactive head. so you can only imagine this of the damage that could be the result of this if they was some sort of an attack. and the suggestion is from the russian intelligence services that they would want to blame based on brochure itself. now ukraine is flatly outright denying these claims. the information is coming from the russian intelligence service and says that russia is making it full up. but nickie, this is not the 1st time we have had accusations, but she has is not only able, has already created some sort of dorothy form. recently. we heard from the chief of
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the need to buy electrical chemical protection troops from the russian on services to set the cabs on their own writing. we know that we've got the evidence and in fact we presented this evidence to p c w. this is the organization that deals with the pro, hey, position of chemical weapons. let's have a listen to what she had to say. must quoted good evening to night. how realistic is the scenario of ukraine's military political leadership creating a dirty bomb as well we, why was really any secrets, but in fact, it's not that difficult. i believe they already have one of the, there had been instances of toxic substances being used. that could only have been synthesized in the us because no other industry is equipped to produce them. all concerns have been formally submitted to the organization for the pro, admission of chemical weapons. so far there has been no reaction. you heard him say that so far, no response. and in fact, just before we came on, i went to the
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o. p. c del, please. website to see if they have seen a response in the last few weeks that hasn't nikki. and that i think is concerning, given the evidence that russia says it's provided previously. and of course, this new in tell you things that things are claims that you piecing definitely would be actively looking into providing some response to an update to the, the photos, the a nuclear power plant is always being an area of some concern. most the latest on the situation. well, this is not, is ation, but ukraine has attacked it again for what would be the 2nd time in around about a week. this time it's a drone and apparently having dropped a charge on a road. this is a road where the power units for the plant to run underneath. we seen the images and figures freighters in the crime that's being created. thankfully nobody was injured as a result of that. and it hasn't caused any damage to the site. but you know, this has been, describes the terrorist action by russia. and we've also had
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a statement from the plant as to what happens. another direct threat to those oper, rosie and p, p from ukraine's military or ukrainian drone dropped a charge on the road that runs along the power units. no one was injured, but once again, a direct threat to the safety of personnel and the station was created. a, b, i a e, a inspectors president of the station were informed about the incident and visited the site where the shell landed so that we're hearing that b, i a e, a inspectors of that. they've seen it, but again, no statement from them in regards this and what happened an earlier, we know that ukraine was also accused by russia of pitching the pond this week and causing a fight, and one of the cooling towers, ukraine, again denying that they did that and saying the russian individual started the 5 themselves. so the i a e, a actually did produce
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a statement about the incident in the last week saying that they visited the site and they could find no evidence that the fire had started at the base of the cooling pool. and i think that knocks out ukraine's accusations that russia started the fire itself, deliberate a. but the statement also then goes on to say that they couldn't find any for an old jacks as in the results of say me. so i was flight, so shelling, vine ukrainians. so the i a a really sitting on the fence here and i think the food fact we're talking about nuclear power plants and i'm not just one foot 2. i think it's time the international bodies, like they stand up individuals and make a comprehensive statement about exactly what is going on here. because the reality is, if there is any kind of nuclear fallout that you know, we need to know where the blame needs to be. pointed out audio, we spoke to steve gill, a former advisor to both the bush and clinton administrations. he believes that
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these latest developments really point to the west losing its control over to us in your brain. and a key, for example, are continuing to be as provocative as they can. well, always blaming others for the continued con, select in the escalations, it would take a complete glittering idiot to believe a bunch of ukrainians and a sail boat went up and blew up the north stream pipeline or the residence of lots that strikes on the nuclear facilities the example rosa, or the constant refrain that we hear from my key that the russians are committing atrocities when we see the trends on the ground. and then the slightest effort to apparently threaten you have some sort of a nuclear blackmail with, with dirty bombs. is again, just another escalation and it's to meet other lives that the puppet masters of the lens. the in the us and western europe have, have lost control. i can't believe they are wanting to provoke, no pun intended,
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but they are in this way as a, uh, ukraine continues this losing pass. so, you know, invading rush, uh, you know, attacking uh uh, for, for senseless reasons in a region that has no military control. i can't believe that the us is really encouraging this. and is the lensky really this crazy? because at one point vladimir boot is patients will in, he's getting more and more pressure internally and from his military leadership to respond in the harsher ways. at some point his patients will end and i think ukraine will roof a day when that happens. meanwhile, on the cost frontline, ukrainian full says house law stop to 300 subs minutes. 31 minute transact goals including 3 tanks of just in the past 24 hours and so on. according to the washing defense industry, most cuz forces have also repelled a series of attacks on several residential areas. emergency services all watching up to see we are carrying out work on the clearance of cluster
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munitions delivered by multiple rocket launcher systems. presumably, a for an origin to date, 74, you estimate m 42 sub munitions have been discovered and destroyed. today. work is underway to dig up and neutralize, presumably the touch to you missile components. we have kids redirecting. it's a transfer. it's in carson in to cause the front lines in the don't bass. i'm beyond all suffering from an acute manpower shortage to pods. the whole ukrainian man all being grabbed off the streets by draft offices or video saw today to on social media shows man crying. so helping full supply recruiters into funds over in west to ukraine, a crowd surround to vehicles trying to protect the forcibly mobilized riley, near the local conscription office. sorry about de, had protest is demanding that seized man the free money on, willing to take the risk and all attempting to flee the country and legally. well, joining me now mocks about international affairs on security. unless model is
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opposed to to have you on the program. i'm me plus thing i do want to ask you, american boss, reason, cost, full smart, belies ation. we've just seen the images hundreds dying daily in the don't boss. what's the state of new quite in all me at the moment, as well as the ukrainian army is perhaps still more cohesive than a lot of people give it credit for. it just conducted a fairly successful uh, surprise operation by all accounts uh on a russian border region and the curse region. uh and uh, it had a fairly well planned maneuver warfare um, uh, strategy uh that it accomplished some of its goals that didn't manage the seas. the curse can nuclear power plant, but there is a tendency to believe that the kilbourne dreams, military forces are,
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i don't know just a couple of weeks away from collapse. i think this latest episode proves that wrong . they are not able to hold all of the territory where russia is pressing them all along the contact line, that much is obvious, but in isolated places they can hold and they have proven that they are capable of one single fence of operations. of course, a lot of this comes with the it's impossible without the continuous flow of western arms. western pentagon planning, western money, western quote unquote mercenaries, uh, you know, the story of defense minister admitted a few months ago that every nato country probably not hungry. in slovakia, but every nato country has troops on the ground in you, grain statements like that are just ignored by the western media even when they come from western politicians. because it goes against the prevailing narrative
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that they're trying to create. what you bought, change poking better about the surprise, a success of the sofa offensive into, into cost. i actually just want to pick up and listen to for me, you paid problem to support still, i'm sitting here ready praise that. that's listen question. then i'll come back to mark of every incredible kind to punch in the task region the ukrainians have shown once again how grievously we underestimate them throughout these calls like this war to expel booting from ukraine and so now, but oh, but who is the moment for us in the west to give them the permission to use the weaponry that were already given. well, i wanted to ask you, i mean, the play knows themselves admitted the bar, as johnson went to kids in the spring of 2022 and basically told the craniums you're not allowed to negotiate. need to keep on fighting. i'm kind of picking up with what he said. he's saying we need to keep supporting them. do you think that
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this costing cause would inspire confidence in the west and we'll see a great to inflow of weapons. i think it's indicative of increased western involvement itself. the times admitted in the last 48 hours that the some of the coverage deemed special forces for the curse defensive were trained for this mission. in the united kingdom, we've had ukrainian media outlets, a residential at mit last week that the nato was not only well aware of this, but british intelligence helped plan it out. this was another western plan, western war games, western armed western financed offensive through their proxy. and probably some on the ground western help and in, you know, under the guise of mercenaries. so it's, i think it's a little bit more than just, you know,
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a performance art that is appreciated and gets the key every g more funding. this was a western defensive incurs if you know, for all intents and purposes, i'm already, we've also reading say quite and to stay events and cost apparently have de railed supporting to us media negotiations that with c courtney being discussed about would be about a partial cx 5 between kids and russia. i'm, i suppose my question to you is, are you surprised that the 2 sides were coming together? um, yes i actually, i am surprised and i a this. i think we have to take it with a grain of salt. the washington post has come out with a lot of stories about this conflict and the conflict in the middle east that have not necessarily been proven true. the washington post has reported many times about suppose in secret peace plans that are under way. that said some of the
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details of this one, it was in agreement mostly to stop attacks on each other's dual use infrastructure like electricity, oil refineries in the light. so it's not impossible. uh they, they may have at least been talking about it, but how close they were to an actual agreement. i think that's another story, but it's all moved. now. putting has said, there's no more negotiations and uh, i don't, i don't believe that the russian population would be satisfied at this point with with negotiations. do you think that the event some task i have softened, watched his approach in saying, we'll catch it. turns out one more vulnerable than we thought we need to strike a deal or has it hot and the opinion in the kremlin and in the wider washing population? no, i think it's hard in both the thoughts in the kremlin and in the wider russian
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population. that dimitry made video of the former russian president and prime minister deputy chair of the security council has been extremely vociferous on this . but he's, he's far from the only one, and there is a very, very hawkish sentiment in the russian duma. that is reflective of popular russian opinion right now that there really, there can be no co existence with this regime that, that this regime in key after that came to power. as a result, the western backed porch regime change needs to be redeemed, changed again. and that's the only way there can be peace in ukraine in the long term. well, it was mocks about international fast and security analysts joining us like i said mock, it's always great to have obviously with your experience, no background to get your take on things that was mocks, roberta, thank you. thank you. you're dialing this hosting massage online
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voice of the global south summit and his opening remarks, indian prime minister, and run to a movie, emphasized important. so prevent aimed at building a sustainable future hide home today. when mentioned at a time when there was enough mas fee of uncertainty all around the voice of the global self summit is a platform where we're giving voice to the needs and aspirations. so those who have been acknowledged to know, i believe adults trend slice, you know, unit c, and on the strength of this unity will move towards a new direction. representative somebody about 100 countries of joining thought. so of that, it's with top official, i'm ministry hesitating, an active role because we'll be highlighting the problems facing developing nations, but also addressing the challenges from time a change to food and energy security audio. we spoke with form an indian on buffet . it's the remaining of multiple albania, on the sun, marina. that's what she told gra. he says that today's meeting really helped co
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last, the global styles, giving it a united voice, that it can then use at all the international platforms, a meeting which mr. morgan, i need to do is call to box some. we're under countries. i was in preparation for the summit for future. would you like measures for the new york and the 3rd week of september? so it's a good initiative. set me up a use jointly discuss your full dark summer for future. and i think of this image, the robot. so the dimensions one to the interesting part of the just of the us. i mean what present aspirations for the 2nd time, same session. what just seems to me because this is the most important. well, the e, the fall would be able to get, especially in the forward experience they gave was the 1st contribution. it's next
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use the goal under countries in the world. uh good. and most is the flight of your standards and cars on this. okay. becoming a huge and use enjoy regardless of the financing and rigorous parts of the work is not subject to restrictions by restrictions. i mean, for example, john medical sections 79 years ago today, indonesia became an independent nation, shedding the shackles of dutch colonialism. well, this has some operations, a particularly special as the main event is happening in the countries you capital city. all to correspond to rebecca and aptitude, it brings us more on the historic kind of us. this is where it all came. true for indonesia. on august 17th,
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1945. freedom from the dodge colony of rule and independence for the nation. after 350 years of being a dodge colony in the shaft finally said enough. this historic moment was announced by the country's 1st president. suit gotta know this, your celebration, march the special moment in the nation's history. as a country moves to change its capital to some data, this shift symbolizes a fresh start as jakarta. so i'll get back in the 16th century. it's full of reminders of dodge colonialism. here's how the people in the current capital feel about the change color, but of course a get out. that'd be so i don't think history can be forgotten because the dutch are also part of the colonizers who used to colonize indonesia. and maybe that makes an impression, especially for the struggles in the past. and i think moose and tara is a bring a through model, as i say. in my opinion, the goal is actually good, but maybe not for now because new. some, tara costs
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a lot of money. yes. and the history is history. otherwise we would not be able to stand at this point. but for us to be able to transform, we need a turning point in the santa as the new capital, just days before the independence. the celebrations, the indonesian lee are noted at the presidential palaces in jakarta, reminded him of the colonial rule. offensive jacket that's about the we, the indonesian presidents have been living there for 79 years. we never, i'm the, i feel how these places 3 g of colonialism every day. feels like i'm being haunted by these colonialism. we want to show that we possess the ability to construct the capital as we wish. that as he has already started working from the newly built house in santa barbara, despite the cities still be under construction, all this would have become reality. but for us to car no. back in 1927, he found that the innovation national party, this became a crucial step in united innovations from different regions of ethnic groups in the
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fight against colonialism, despite being imprisoned and deported by the dodge, he speak true to his unity in diversity message achieved his goal, this is the room where the proclamation manuscript was formulated, which used to be the dining room at that time. the owner of the house had set aside a specific room so that the 3 figures could focus on the formulation because the front room was already full of faults to this day. so cardinal is c. s given me, shes founding father by most of its people. so valuable the that hi. so carno not only do the fight for indonesia is independence. the also united the regions of indonesia within the sovereignty. i as though saw yeah. as far as i know, it's economy's role in fighting for independence was the often carried out movements to fight the dutch japanese another color noises for it as a 5 number, another economy as well. and indonesia is very important because he's the leader that thinks about progress for indonesia. but the country's independence was not so
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easily won. the japanese occupation arrived just as the dodge rule was. topple and left it until august 1945, plunging into naija into poverty and terror after it finally gained independence. the netherlands wage war on its former largest colony with help from the west. a totally different approach team from the soviet union that used to influence in the when to back in an issues but power recognition. so i'm up to date, but payment for 4 years from 1945 to 1949. it was a process where indonesia had declared each independence, but international recognition hadn't been obtained. there was only wage or after left as groups trends and in indonesia that the western world starts to pay attention. so america started to answer because after the reconstruction in europe was over there underway, the finally shifted to the far east and then to indonesia, they saw that potentially indonesia could enter the service orbit and they didn't
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one that the stadium right behind me go low level and kind of know is a great reminder of the important role, the soviet union slate. and what so gotten stated as nation building with most goals, stepping in to give a fever of a loan for the stadiums construction. and so i think it's engineers to jakarta, helping indonesia achieve its dream. the friendship between the 2 countries grew even stronger. esl gotten the route closer to soviet leader media that pushes. so god knows that the 2 nations were united by a special on their loved for freedom. a number of mutual visits piece. do we for further cooperation with the u. s. s. our supply and in asia with much needed military equipment. in 1962, we opened the zip, those supposed to lead 0 in the news in so via the us and see somebody in some of the states. and so you know that no one, no,
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for this to somebody in this could have been deliberate it to him that he's and forces in 19 the 69 for the old, the bustle part, the sort of as you, me sort of by at the end of to carnis presidency put upon us through the fast growing tice but the 99 piece brought a whole new chapter to the deepening historic partnership. today in an asia is the largest economy in southeast asia, and has an increasingly louder voice on the world stage. throughout the years, its relations with russia has been strong, recently reflected by the words off the president to get leg, but i'll boil so beyond all who called moscow, a great friend, celebrating it's 17 life year of independence. any shot is looking to a bright new future, but never forgetting those who stood by it in the past. they got up at the bull reporting from jakarta for r t. now is how things all shape helpful?
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the label for the checkbook in mesa, but any updates the, [000:00:00;00] the there was a time when i started to was abused to obtain power. steve divided the continental wrongful amongst themselves. it was divided as
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a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come out again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to stop and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped, because the mazda continent must be great. she will only be great. on the shore does all of us sons and daughters on via the set. all right, so now click on the goodwill time full on let us confess about underground east the mazda, upon the, the, the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the option or not, say welcome back to going underground boat crossing all around the world from the u . a where president shakela home and been zaya, and was with chinese president agent big and badging this week. both like the international community condemn. israel is invasion of roughly enabled by the usa, u. k. and the you, nations, today,
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voters and fellow bricks member and biggest democracy in the world. india will


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