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tv   Going Underground  RT  August 17, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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the, the the the i'm action or that say welcome back to going underground bull cussing all around the world from the you a were president. check with him and been zaya, and was with chinese president agent big and badging this week. both like the international community condemn israel is invasion of roughly enabled by the usa, u. k. and the you nations, today voters and color bricks member and biggest democracy in the world. india will decide who they want as prime minister in the final stage. i mean, it's 8 and the general election,
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i know pac plus median vienna to defy us schools to increase energy output. it's also at the end of a, through the 1982 signing of a landmark. i n f nuclear weapons treaty between the us and russia, towing up by the old trump catalyzing a world today where israel, nato and russia. now named check the foreseeable use of nuclear weapons, whether it be in gaza or ukraine. joining me from falls church in virginia in the usa is a former us army officer, if that is kind of lawrence wilkinson the cheapest off as a state department. would you like hans and me blinking up and unconditional support or of as well. thank you so much kind of air coming back on bunting and beheaded babies in rough or multiple erosion is worth of t and t equivalent on garza. and today, the end of us here, the now ended i in f nuclear treaty. how new is the world to nuclear use? now of senior senator lindsey graham told me about israel and nuclear weapons just the other day. congressman said the gaza should be new. it's interesting that you
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bring up the are in yesterday. it was call them pals greatest. he thought achievement was president reagan when he was national security advisor and deputy. and he said it was the most important new to weapons. true you all because those weapons were the most dangerous of all. and now we've destroyed the starting with george bush in the abm treaty, which was an on bridal stupid on wise act advocate the treaty. and he did it essentially because a new conservatives in his government wanted him to. so that one, they can make money off the enormously expensive apparatus associated with the m d . but also because they hated the world as they do every body other than us. and wanted to make sure that in the future they can defend themselves against a new car strike contemplating that they would launch that strike. so that's, that's how dangerous. so eliminating the nav 30 was and for all the others into it
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. and i don't wanna leave out the conventional forces in europe treating you may have seen the recently, former police law general harrell code. john gave a disposition on our own presentation. a brilliant presentation era died sliding alexander the great clowes with number of other people. but it is described how stupid, how unwise, our strategy is today, and what we're doing in your grain and gaza and elsewhere. i don't know where this country is going, but i do know it's not any positive place any time soon. i mean, just on the massacre in rough uh, the pictures of which, uh, being beamed around the global south. if they end up being broadcast on what's being called, sophomore of. and then the nature of propaganda media that you have in the u. s. and in nato nations, when national security advisor jake sullivan,
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biden's advisor said, as he said, as regards the why, the us ascending weapons to israel committing genocide, according to most people around the world, he said, what we're going to be looking at is whether there is a lot of death and destruction from this operation. as regards the may, the 15th uh, another $1000000000.00 of us public money sent in at yahoo. does he facilitate this all the cost in rafa? of course, he did, everyone who's completed a, as facilitated from president joseph biden, down to the lowest member of the united states government, who now has not walked out and resigned in shame and anger over the policy. um, he was back up just for a minute. if you look at what is happening in the i, c, j, m, the i c c. we're seeing the 1st display of more or less balanced international
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justice. in the past the i c. c, basically a captive of the non signatory power of the united states. only would i have to black people in africa. and then when the balkans erupted, they went after their 1st white people right above the garage. it can sold it on milosevic. but still going after people that the c i, a in the united states declared their enemies. now suddenly they've grown up. now suddenly they've got a pair of components. now suddenly they are actually doing an international justice and look at what the great bastion of international justice here to for has said about that. we haven't even had congress members who would call in the family and members of the i, c. c. and threatened them. this is not the way a hedge fund or decent country or a country interested in its reputation and future acts as a way of country acts that is lost and building the rest of the world like the
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brakes, for example, into a balancing entity to take care of it and mark my words that will happen. so you'd see that as the mosque being off because a lot of people say the international vocation chord as you anticipate, gave them another month, the israelis to continue committing genocide. then we're even had to bake weighted resistance to occupation with the response to october. the 7th that arguable continual violations of un security council resolutions in westbank, in jerusalem that are continuing right now as well. there was a student move in my view. um, jurisprudence is jurisprudence but you have to live in the world and it was a very balanced decision to take to 3 principal leaders of a mosque and uh, you know, a good lock and maybe not in your on the other side audits or on some other people in there others are on man give here and there for sure blood thirsty cell up to
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the is meant to be or would kill every palestinian man, woman and child in a heart beat. if you have the apparatus and the method to do it. so how to thrown him in there just to make it a little more balance, 3 to 3, if you will. but the court has to live in the world, and i think it's a good to say, yeah, well, it has to stop the killing in the course that are being reported. the threats to the judges before they were making their deliberations. but you mentioned been give you, you know, these really labor a potty chief said that to give you here. and then yeah. who were collaborators in the killing of robina in? uh israel, do you think, what do you think that and yeah, well, maybe you can tell me uh, cause of course they denied about that and people don't watch the video. watch the video that they use, riley filmmakers put together and of course that we squashed as it was as soon as it across the ocean and were shown in this country. but it's a brilliantly put together video because about 2 thirds of the video, the documentary is actual footage,
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including the actual footage of the assassination. and from that video made by jewish filmmakers mind you and is real. that video shows how nothing out of the start of the crowds got the crowds to be violent. and a boy is and knew exactly what he was doing. knew what would happen, probably even knew the group from which the assassin would call that of course, after the assassination. some years later, a resurrected dame and made him a hero in the side or community. so baby was responsible for the assassination of youth. zach were being as we, the united states of america are now responsible for the genocide and gaza as well . and that kind of thing was known by us intelligence services. it was known in the state to us when you are chief of stuff, you bet. well, them right now, you know, and that for years, do you think blinking realizes that netanyahu could be assassinated at any moment? that would be, you know,
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people ask me that question. mother said you don't understand the right versus the middle and the lawyer. my father used to put it this way. the left in the middle, bankruptcy of the ride will kill you. the left in the middle have no no, no desire, no desire, no, no inclination to go out and see people or to blow people up or whatever. but the right does the right or not sees the right, or trotsky is the right or linens, i'm sorry, they are people who want to kill, to achieve their purposes. and so that's the people to be scared of. and that to now is the beginning of years and so forth. the damage can be done in other ways. as my father used to say, the level bankruptcy. but they won't kill you. that's right. they will kill, use the hit versus the world of okay, you know, since we last spoke, of course, the president of iran has died in a helicopter accident. what were your 1st thoughts about that? i sort of the, the nature of propaganda media talking about how i'm popular
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a wise and basically the regime change and tire on. and then, so did we not show the millions on the streets of iran right across the country. morning him, what was your 1st thoughts when you had raised the a died in the helicopter accident so soon after this calibrated response to the us of them bombing if the, to the, these are in the bombing of the consumers in damascus as well. that one, right, right, easy is doing other than approving it. that was a very sophisticated group within the garage or on revolutionary guard. the, the, um, my 1st reaction was i want to see what happened at once towards the some film. i got my wish and i'm a helicopter pilot over 3000 hours 1000 plus of them in vietnam in combat. and i saw the conditions under which that helicopter went down and those conditions were the kind that, for example, destroyed a lot of high and these, that the russians flu,
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enough kind of stuff. because you get into the weather situations that are so desperate with a heavily loaded helicopter and hot spaces. iranian helicopters aren't very well maintain because we have sikes from the be jesus out of the aircraft repair parts resumes. so they can't get anything. so i knew they said it was an old bell helicopter for which they can get pods from the 3rd party is very easily, i should say, i've lived in iran for quite a while. yeah. but it's, it's taught, it's really tough. so i've, i've seen some of the aircraft, i wouldn't lie in the. okay, so you're obviously leaning on this side of accident even though, as you said, just before you, you know what the other side is capable of. yeah, i do. but there are some things that just aren't conspiracies, and he just come out of the damn celebration as i understand it, and that sort of job where they were celebrating the joint potential for the joint construction other very important them there. and the weather was just absolutely
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obama, but what i would not have phone had i been the pilot now could by the whose clearly suffering with his base had of november's election divert attention from gun as to what is happening in europe. because that the mass will that conflict, the proxy war has disappeared a little from the headlines of nature, nation at media. what do you make of this seeming debate about whether the us you'd like britain allow weaponry to target russia within russia? a stupid debate? it's a long wise debate, it's a cruel debate, and sabrina little bag, it makes no sense whatsoever. let's just take, for example, the reason shot it brushes early warning system for ballistic missile shot from the united states of russia. that is the worst possible thing you can do with regard to their strategic warning system. so had it been the situation that exist as
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a couple of times in my experience with ours inside the military, there would have been a, a debate about whether or not to launch it goes. when you take out something that serious, that critical for over the horizon radar warning about ballistic missiles coming into your country, you don't have very long to debate and very long to decide you're going to shoot back. this was a very unwise mood. it was a stupid move 1st, giving the muscles i could do it. and then apparently approving the target that they chose to shoot makes no sense at all unless you're trying to get a new career started. and god forbid that anybody's trying to do that. no sense at all kind of law, stop you that more from the format cheapest off of the us state department. after this break, the
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lease of russian states never is as tight as one of the most sense community invest . in most all sense and up to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on russia scooting and supports the r t. suppose that keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the question did you say even closer to the
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welcome back to going under granite, i'm still here with the retired go to larry wilkinson for the cheapest off at the state department. so kind of at the end of part one, you would to hear about this nuclear weapons radar system, the russian one that was targeted by ukrainian forces. so you're saying that the that targeting could only be done with nato troops in situ, in ukraine. i know the germany in france, i'll say that it's okay to attack russia with the, with the weapons, the size. i'm not, i'm not saying that, but zalinski is not stupid. and the grinding and military is not stupid, at least the leadership. so why would they select that target without their permission of washington knowing that the target was a severe escalation of all of what it happened up to that point. when you go to,
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it would be like when i was in the military, for example, we had this the early warning all across north america and elsewhere. it will be like someone shooting that i remember bilbury when he was sector defense telling me about an answer or something like that happened. but it happened on a computer, but the person reporting it to bill when he was sector to say, i just didn't know it was like a peer didn't know. it was a computer glitch. you got a call at 3. i'm in that 3 am in the morning and he had 18 minutes to make up his mind on calling the president and advising the president to launch or not to right . those are the kinds of things you just don't want to do. you don't want to go there, you don't even want to start the process and taking out a part of their distant early warning line if you will, is a really stupid act. because we have summer boards that the u. k. snap election was because of the originally, so that could be a prime minister that didn't want to become a warranted. i believe that the u. k. chief of the army general patrick scientists
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said, prepare for war with the rush or the reports. the government is telling uh, people in britain to pack a 3 days shopping of food and supplies. what is what is seriously going on here? as regards people saying the was already begun with russia directly. that's a good question. but if you look at the decisions are being made and the money is being passed about conscription i should as well. and the people are jim stocum or for example i, i would have fire gen stalled and burned a long time ago. the man thinks he's in charge of an army or something. he's not in charge of anything except the talking shop and brussels. i'm but they, these are my cross from france. he thinks he's the latter day charles de gaulle. it couldn't hold a candle to the former general, but there is a kind of people we have a night or now to one of the reasons i said nato expansion was absurd. even though here we're talking about some people who've been and they go for some time,
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though the french are just reason rejoinders. well, you have to remind me who is here. they do a buzz when you are at the states, the cheapest job with the state department, but you're only in fantasy film, but you can't say a word without the imprimatur of attorney blinking to jake sullivan. truly was he just probably true because we picked him. we picked him and we made sure he got there just as we helped pick the car and governments in sweden, norway, fenelon, and elsewhere. been working on it for a long time. i'm not sure they at all represent. there are people who fundamentally, or still for some distance from nato and even neutrality, even with this invasion of ukraine. but we engineered jim stocum burke just as surely as we help the engineer of the victories of those people now predominate in those countries. those new members of nato, but i don't sure they'll work out in georgia. you know,
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the newspapers this week i got the japanese financial times in that family on new york times. both that like good clockwork. one headline, georgia. keep pushing from taking a new, born about the massive support for american policy in georgia and the japanese after the demonstrated with georgia and people trying to demonstrate against the law which the europe and union anyways. going to institute in that countries because the perceived russian threats, it's all gonna work in georgia or is it they over through color revolution? the, hey knows, but i smell bill burns and this a, although bill would be a reluctant produce a participant, i think. i don't know anymore bills turned into a different person than when i knew him when he was a system sector for new years near or use an asian. um it says, why do i have like a really down bass? it's a bosco, of course, before you became the present, it present headed to see i and he's the one that he's the one that's that's a very,
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very graphic and correct cable back saying yeah, means net referring to food is appreciation of what would happen if we really looked like, what are we going to make to grind a member of the data? so we just don't know what happened to, well, i think a, you know, you get so close to power and you have that additional power of being able to do almost anything. and that's the ca today, anything with a capital a. and it goes to your head, goes to your head swiftly and you have the 1st customer is the president is now known, never use a language before, but now they use the language and you understand why intelligence, real, real intelligence, even accurate, real intelligence gets turned into the policy because the policy dictates what the intelligence can side. i had a conversation today with someone who was asking me about an article about our in our, the little state department intelligence entity. which is right about vietnam,
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write about a rack, write about afghanistan. and so forth, they said there was an article out to that effect. was that true? and i said, well, it's true with respect to one of the 16 then agencies within the intelligence community. but they're very small, they're very talented, very professional. they're all experts regionally, language wise, and so forth. but it's not the truth that they were correct in assess the article and boards, they offered alternative advice to then d. c. i director central intelligence or other intelligence communities within the complex. but they were more or less correct in the general scheme of things and all those situations. but no one listens to my boss sector call did not listen to the lower the ca to prepare him for the web w. m. d presentation with regard to a rack in february of 2003. i asked him to let me take the assistant secretary of
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state for intelligence and research to ca with me and he for bad me to do that. at that point, i should have resigned and wish i had, but i have later figured out why he didn't want me to take him over there, because then he would have had a real ax to throw it george tenet when he need to. but if the through that accident george tenet it'd be drawing it to dick training and george bush and these are more do that. george said that and then boss are busy. i but i mean, uh, yeah, the dna reports are so we'd recently, as they were mentioning this program is if it's some kind of, you know, amazing the important call going geo politics. i wish it was as such as the d n i said in their put notes. but them, i mean, i mentioned the we were talking about the radar system. what about the quote because city whole attack, most coke, city, all the tech, the staff, have any hallmarks how many uh, us,
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proxies even tell you what it has an hallmark for me. it has a hallmark for me. um, for what i have seen on more than one occasion, which is not just the wrong contra, were really got into the papers and really bos, publicizing all most, got all reagan and peach. people don't understand how close reagan came to being page over on contra. but i hadn't seen it in a while until i came back in the government and then i realized it was alive and well. and that is the n s. c going operational, the national security council statutory body designed by the congress to more or less check the president. not do anything other than that. that is to say they didn't want anymore franklin roosevelt and so forth. so they great and this body of people with whom the president would have to consult to include his own primary cabinet members. well, the other is then i see is golf erased? also answer your question and a long way to get to the answer. but it had all the hallmarks of victoria now and
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uh, victoria and the one had contacts with the as off, but i and she had contact with the other show we say less than savory characters in ukraine. and in addition, through our actions in syria, we had contact with the ice is leaders, c, i a and the us marines actually got into a firefight in missouri and almost killed one another or cause casualties until they realize what was happening. because one side was after isis and the other side was with isis. so it had all hallmarks of, of victoria new in parting shot after, you know, she knew she was going to be fired or she knew she was going to be removed. so she goes rogue and she provides the context to ukraine with isis members and you have what you have. i don't know that that happened, but i would not be surprised if it did, which i think will shock a lot of uh,
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obviously russians and people around the world. i mean them, victoria, victoria, new than the i should say. that explains why just the other day you see a reply to this show she was going to come on. she suddenly passed coming on the show. why, why did she go by the way? because obviously you'd think someone like that career would it be ended by the leak phone call over there, made and to all those years ago that but yet to korea just went from strength to strength. what, how far did you go to get yourself fired by a blinking state department structure? be under the jo wide? well, i take what i was just postulating or what i was speculating on. got her fired. i think she was rogue. i think she used her position and gone rogue. she was doing things that may be general breedlove, the old boy from europe,
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who used to ride his motorcycle down into the environs and talked to people. people realize breedlove was a gram stein for almost 3 years before he became sacked here for 4 years. and he loved to ride his bicycle all over europe is motorbike big, old, big old motorbike and breedlove i. i compare breedlove the curtis well may, if you're familiar with the movie, dark doctor strange law. the general in that movie is a caricature of curtis my. the man who bombed tokyo and killed more people in the fire bombing that we deal with the 2 atomic bombs. most americans don't know anything about him and the man who outside the room, when kennedy was deliberating with the executive council about cuba, in october of 62, said, according to 2 sources, i have talked to that man, i'll be killed because, you know, kennedy was not elect the military option with regard to cuba. these are the kind
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of characters that get this country in trouble from time to time in victoria and new and just added her name to the list as well. just finally, it looks possible that trump will be elected in november of trump, of course, who uh, as regards what you were talking about, ca, cutouts. uh, you know, okay there and nice of dashing uh, syria, e as, as an agent. uh because im certainly mind that when they come on is on the fight against. uh uh i just i actually in syria, but trump did say recently already that he ordered it. he wouldn't have the guts to go there and do it. and well, he didn't serve in the military or right, but i think there was a good reason for that. i think he's kind of in that through the going to be nice, even though he said he said a. and so i'm interview recently that he could maybe pause and julian massage with that, uhm without him, john list today are suffering all around the world globally,
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have, as he is incarcerated, and that's who makes prison bite and well, and i suppose, what do you think about the chances of julia massage living to fight another day as he's tortured in london by british authorities. i'll put it so thankfully, if trump, when, pardon me, i'd vote for charl kinda larry wilkerson. thank you. thank you. and that's it for the show. i'll condolences to the survivors, all of us u. k. u bones and palestine will be back on monday to ask the grandson of his signature to his rails. 1948 declaration of independence, whether genocide in god's that means the end of his route. until then you can give a judge by law, social media. if it's not sensitive, he will country and i to a channel going under guarantee, the normal dot com to let you know the episodes on going underground see monday, the
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the beautiful sun soaked vineyards and nestled among some rest, picking rolling hills. as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic the imagery of french wine country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea,
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where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one. the most cold war view premium preparations for an attack on the costs putting you can a power plant on the way up to report an object. here is planning a document the phone publication. the voice of the global self summit is a platform where we're giving voice to the needs and desperation. so those who have been acknowledged to now over 100 state take part in the 3rd online voice of the global south summit. types of volume dining participants are dressed in a wide array of political challenges while discussing ways to build a sustainable future full sized company. this is where it's all came true for indonesia on august 17th, 90.


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