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tv   Documentary  RT  August 17, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT

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dump created on the headless person, older these boys, the, when it comes must be their luggage schedules. for our issues, the typhus became a weapon for mass murder. why? when the can do to survive in an openness one step is to be through. he said, you know, it was that the lives of what you see, what of the shallow showing you should feel like the daily that only the full set of via the go from 1944. this photo was taken 75 years ago on the day the as other
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t desktop was liberated. this is that a korean is about 5 in this picture. are exec data, but there's a move to was born in 1959 on 1940 because the documents were destroyed. the rage was estimated by her appearance. familiar by style. let's go to the alien. that's patch trip theater. batch extras with duck on you had showed up on your back yesterday but today there is a gap that goes by her husbands last name 7 ove, which she lives in. but also she only knows who took the photo and hell from around . story is a wont correspondence who was mistaken at 1st for a gym and in disguise. people didn't believe him and we're afraid that he'd killed him. all right, jeffrey pulls a lack of the size. of course the lowest class,
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the last little affair. it was at the camp with him of us grandfather folded, brother and sister, as well as their rounds with her 2 children. they stuck together and tried their best to st. vieira's mother. but the youngest sister was only a few weeks old and too small to be saved. to baby gal perished. virginia 2 more new customer, a new branch 1st on a book where, you know, i do have to get this joke list and i surely that goes out to be shipped. and let's say it's still commercial almost 2000 kilometers from us energy in german most and good. the best place of a man who would be directly involved in creating the desktop. you're going to have the father of to lost his parental compass in the forest swamps of battles today.
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his grandson peter asks for forgiveness and his grandfather's buff shelby. he has an austin with us and yes it is showing there's plenty to wish to wait until the additional stay of those and pulled up by you sign it. so there's no deliveries until i get in touch with the decision maker through supposedly. yes, that's true, but, but i saved a new question. yeah. this is pete has 1st tv and parents. he never gave interviews or spoke publicly about his grandfather's crime as before. the only land of them about 5 years ago himself. all he knew was that his grandfather had been of him, a soldier fighting on the eastern front. there was also a picture of him at home. first in his grandmother's living room and the length of peter took it as a family, heirloom. it was, after all, all that remains of his grandfather died at home in february 1946 decades late to his grandson and wanted to know more about his ancestors war time heroism. but the archives revealed a very different and, and who really history. most of the and this is beth,
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it's easiest. don't come clearly, jill young as not by the way. and that's always gretchen from month to month only to jim's and you most viewed this, beth, it's easy. and if it came over some. yeah, what's on the west side of the gulf right? uh, hold on. it's called brilinta 75th infantry division of the $109.00. so in 2 months, you're going to go to it was drafted in 1979 default and czechoslovakia, belgium, and fellows. on july, the 1st 1944, he was captured nearby bruce. that's what peter learned about his grandfather from the german archives. the t even received a copy of his grandfather's pay of w file. and despite not being a diplomat to a politician, he then became the 1st gentleman for 75 years to look into the eyes of the people so harshly affected by what his grandfather had done. this due to susan legged luminated the below which is locked and what's going on. but then we'll stay as low as to go with the mama to put the doses through the potato brother. and what's a minute? the bullet, which is what i need you to do, right?
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it is still at the level of way that you stood, then you might have enough lemonade said, i'm gonna book this or something that could be as nice as the way it, if you didn't nimble it gets to the energy comp wasn't built in a day or even a week, tens of thousands of people couldn't have come over night. it was a well planned operation following detailed with such 2 possible every smile. the guy is, i don't know if it's a giving you a thing, you can find a little more risk. and so i sort of the, to avoid them letting me still new that will link again. i really see which is lovely because there isn't there. i was is that a she was liberated on january the 20th during the cold and give it to you most of offensive in every are of just a few kilometers. fighting went on for 2 months. the front line followed the official river, and thousands were killed on both sides. attacks were hampered by swampy terrain. the the union is ready just as suitable. the thing is,
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such as the samsung office. if someone doesn't using it, i look for the federal police. number 4 digit, i knew that i was doing him to frontier tech support skills. someone didn't lane by the system, but to get them on the course books, especially in your servicing in the past for you of the wish to discuss this with the each. now they go several, this is danielle, i get us. we have to the, you know, the mileage 1944, a group of gym and micro biologists came to the area to determine the possible side for biological weapons to be deployed. isn't the 3 is going to be able to keep them can with diseases and you want a steam still pretty v c. lucy with a plug. it was ready to get the whaling newkirk release boys that was released. the key change in the, in the east austin, what i finding properties was,
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was we lever treating the german, i'm a captive many civilians to use to build defensive people who would become hostages of the amount of dollars was one if you buy the surface of any of those that are about to get us with idea of the phone is death factories main purpose was to infect prisoners with typhus. no food or treatment was provided. people would die out on their own infecting each other. the disease would then sprint to the advancing, read all the soldiers. what says down yet? the ridiculous a little to budget bus, bus openness, trust me, autumn, see me. it's a autumn. yeah. let's boys. it says frontier they should watch the lectures. it's different from most of the visual super so that the system that
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says is due to the slips. anything needs to be. so when you're available, you do ship lovely, but almost a little behind you literally fly in your system that i shoot the flag in the middle, which is difficult, but somebody just being, you know, for the most valuable document on the camps preparation for math detention and extermination is this map showing civilian deportations attract helpful. the camp was detailed in a german archive and is attached to a sizable folder. but we're only allowed to photograph a few papers you the one you used, which even though the sites as id cheap, but the most of the most torturing, chat technology portion of the community at all. so basically the issue is old and all that sort of what the most of the fall ago is still bundled and able to get it moved. it says the website, people from almost a $0.15 a months in government for the scale luggage in your hands, very old. and somebody in school agents when driven into the front line swamps, the notes the plan was to create the battery. okay. good. that's good with the
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cameras to want to sort of ship it over to the sunset or that'd be ok. the frontier don't want to see that one which the not so someone that just didn't want to say i'm on this for the future right here. let's see, for the it was another 40 kilometers to the prisoners, final destination, the far as the swamps that have to be covered by foot. the column, thousands of people long was this content by german soldiers. the prisoners spent the night to the half way point in the village of position. right? yes, yeah. so you get, you set all of
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the most, etc is on your phone or is that all they want to in the home at all and put them in there cetera, jewish or have kind of gone down the so for me it should say i used to put a stipulation on that, but then we'll have for nearly new i'm so sorry i missed because i you're so stupid soups, 2 inputs decided that is a step on the way to the main caps. several transfer points way quickly established that was thousands of people in each poll hood gradually into as out of g d technology support, somebody kind of book video and you just go to the blanket to dispose of us. and let us put us thing in, you know, doing so with this because i need you to help me. you letting me see if i'm a good idea of what it means you feel when they lose interest. give that kind of
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what is what you're saying. yeah. but don't close the deal for the custody on a month to more than $50000.00 people were headed into an area or a 5 heck test. the original plan was for $20000.00, but that was exceeded 2 and a half times over. it was hard for anyone to have to find a dr. patch of land for themselves. the sim number of prisoners was huge chairs, but were to assume then more of them was ocean. and there's the prescription with their very powerfully spent the money over the years with them. and it will be my share so. so this was in the one what it is to see if this has to share with you this hold with me. right. but adams, this little people tried to stay together,
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was families. there were a few men, just the elderly women and children of many children from north to 15 years of age as part of the color couple or you know, throw or like, you know, you share that you. yes, i hear from you here. don't in here for such a frontier with that. here with the, with the huge i use it still notes for me or he could shoot the complete dark. you sure. wheeler, english. and we're still sitting in swamps under the open sky. was no hot sole barracks, no water, or send a tree facilities, no food, and no medicine. the type for spread rapidly, the logic of the don't, but at least give us the, when the seniors and ballistics looked into from the see you or i didn't,
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the people is getting my live inside the home, but really put them in love with like you can fix up with the a crime never transitioned out of the 90s. the kind of child to politics of the not just continued or the old away for the articles to go see the crime that i never had a breach of trust. you come and take some stability is the power all site the
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plus the see the silver. so the somebody how can it be that um the ship to the middle east from a country whose top officials constantly complain about shortages of munitions and military equipments through a little bit of boston, low green and the new system and located along the us nominal facility or some of those other slash we, i'm about the easiest and the easiest one bedroom above the sort of wellness that will kind of get used to have gone on. now, why are weapons from ukraine spreading over the world to, to this country and to a major arms hub, will continue to bolster ukraine's and forces by rushing them occasionally use that they need to defend their country. the everyone knows very well that we don't sell but known as pineapples or any kind of children's toys. we sell weapons. yes,
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we're also known in the world as homes dealers that we must not be ashamed of that the the, that'd be the simple step is to be able to see what you see, what will surely be a good deal more if i did think so, could it the middle of that was usually is most of the people in the, the places now you are the employee which is a good company in treatment you at the summer. summer is most of it is always permission to march 1944 was quite cold. frost was followed by thoughts by day that was smooth will rain and the frost came at night. the wind up played into nazi hands with each passing day. the numbers of sick people increased, they were dying and the thousands call him the trust them, the wrestler. instead of russia. sure,
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said ashley massage. yes, i didn't notice to you february of the story, you started the pool the corner classroom for so again, what are the do less i got to do? i should just show not just be in the the show about what that ocean you're 45 that's to spend. if i see yes, yes, the just let me see another one resident in suite from pre walsh logan became a prisoner in the us that each account one and 2 died. some lawyers conflicting it properly? sure. yes. very
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diverse was accompanied by a high temperature table. delirious and burning with fever were in agony, dying of thirst. that was nothing to think about this. this is all, it will go to pretty much accessed. it goes, but the 2013 additional piece is true for new things to any with the new do any of that this machine we put in that quick words which is different via the q 50. it just said, you know, we piece prisoners weren't allowed to light files to keep warm matches. food and warm clothing were confiscated to the camp entrance. double gone. tell us all around the camp perimeter, but at times by some miracle, a few still managed to lie to file for the video unit that sort of thing. so you said as opposed to going to let me see if we can get
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a little window stylish by minute, your thoughts? so what can you get the press george you're doing just the yes with textbook goes through your washer and there should be a junior. you go that goes through and you, but they do to be a chevy. the prisoners with guided by 3 gym and divisions at once, including the $100.00 and 10th infantry division formed in june, the handbook it took felt in operation, but also as part of on the group center and was deployed in the cleaning membership areas. there is no news, crest number get a picture, but i just thought is 3253. going to explain you 17. you wouldn't use a new speak. i live the federal and yet i believe, i mean it's a loop shift governments to disrupt. if the courtney gives easier, that's why you said you can start using this naturally. that's what it say. shop company is set a couple of on board up with this i said before today is easiest. find me, but it doesn't, doesn't allow us to even i'm not sitting in my low just just so then you like it is significant as i did you see what can you improve ship comes out of
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the the division was defeated now, but it was in july 1944 off to the wall survivors build a monument to that folder and come rates and bloomberg naturally, it didn't mention the crimes. and as of today, residents of the city of those that monuments kept the videos that each but usually you and your work. yes, because oh so you have you, she actually stay on you. do you have you do price, union city the new and they start, i mean, is there was there and then you some of the pressure in your you have sort of nobody's the volume. so most of whom we knew as the move on the frontier piece to play and you can probably use it or show each the women use did. or how do you suppose that i need to study news that there were tens of thousands of civilians in the swamps net. a valid entry came from a captain. gentleman sold you. the only way to free them was to temporarily see some military action. penalize was sent to the 100 and tense infantry division which was commanded by general von cut asking for the city however,
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we measure automated by security to fact that suffice gets a little ration finally came on march the 19th 1944, the ends of a captive childhood for sales and some children who would make cupid asked me out of meeting with you new sharon who is your name? dave lagging and nobody else can belong to you as a mistake because that a luggage smith, the investigating really suit the metal of the items we have been union. provide them what items, excuse lady i need, but i should do to the the bed and luggage boom. and then each judge in the line, you literally screw in the camp, only existed for 10 days. but for the prison,
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this thing, what 10 days of hell, the camp was liberated by the 65th, telling me under general bethel for the 1st the rosy infront to connect to the chest room. but could you just tell him, because, you know, it's just the mattress and the white, assessable by junior euclid. that needs to be heard. this was done, which doesn't mean you're the one male. she has that really hard time, which and let me assume with purchased inverter one half of them by surprise 9, telling me reco it's documenting because out of the desk him were destroyed, divan most was already anticipating possible punishment. however, the documents that division level survived in gym and archives historians a piece them together like a puzzle manufactured once it was added, your kind of a swim when you guy. and i'm pretty stupid. anybody said something, but it was really need maybe a month in the middle of watching the beach and it was almost have
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a good one. you just mail out those those issues. but when it comes into the toner, like you definitely have to have got bought a new deal, and especially for that is the ss most days. but it's depending if it's ready to be enough fluid as you move you out of work. that is just an that can just hold up as if we had it was what i should have done. we, i mean, get us comfortable. have with you guys to put in your design a cheat was intended to be a model. the plan was to use it as a template to set up several more camps. in germany, a special textbook was published detailing the protocol, how to develop the civilian population. how to infect defense, those people with typhus and how to use children as a shield against soviet troops. beautifully. and then there's another one at any above 30 terms of providing liberty never given the people know i'm, i'm not just give me a place to peek. i mean, i like gets me a super midnight. some of them is the most in your medical practice, i'm assuming you mean yes. and you have an addition in your muscle, when a girl paragraph could get a thought or but i didn't find these can follow the don't get to see to nature. i like it. it was added to that at least nobody to the prisoners themselves remained
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silent. being in the camp just once could lead to a prison sentence in the late 19 forties into the fifty's, former press. and as we can see, the insight as to that homeland does that mean there's a brush stylus and i'm your 3rd come yoshio. how about each member you can slide here? meanwhile, the international tribunal in newton bug classified the as on a t desk with its diabetic and extremely and humane conditions as category, hey, lots of them are some of the rules going sluggard else, does he use the homeless for me? it's really a couple days to review. some really cute, some of them are totally up to you. she said, it's a little false. the content at the new them, the trials, the crime against the civilian population and as on a she was called the most horrific and brutal crime committed by the van buck
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during world war 2101946. it was possible to prove that people have been infected deliberately using substance abuse most of us, which is dealing with the wedding store with, with the, for the lose the senior. yeah. for sure to get the right now understand when you look at the my see if you have the most of the stuff for the international law signal is slow here for me and actually works on, you know, see to them to say, bucks to you to consider talk with us no more for just so much to consider. it turns out really well, 32. so again,
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these are peaceful play and you come and 0 should you know it. so do you think of it? i cheat back to the all the in your custody is it will be tough. smells natalie. studies know if the international tribunal had been held today. the verdict would have been very different. the crime would have been considered within the framework of the prohibited use of biological weapons. i need also some of those that are indian chief, will i get it because i should even look at them. we're still doesn't share have like you do this. let me see, daniel, i'm a sugars that's frozen and binding the pretty costly c, c, the just putting you, moving bits. that doesn't mean use that as it is the form of women's prison and lives expend, gemini, for 60 years. if this house, the central office, for the investigation of nazi crimes, an investigation in the local newspaper became the capitalist for an investigation of the crimes and as oddity. however, that didn't happen until 2008 was the issue with him about it. the ones that would need the adults and mika called us to me other when you almost them, we should,
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i am still close to a vs totally flipped neil: we usually when i don't go with a book and i'm a pretty trust and book on you as much with zillow, but it wasn't blowing me more. in 1946 during the mentor trial, general reset was sentenced to death for creating the other 2 camps. a few days after the trial, the was heading to the hippodrome in minsk a year later, the venomous criminals had created the captain as outage. he would try it and boom, in 16 were accused including 4 generals with the commander of the 100 and tense division functionality among them breakfast. but if i do to kind of get sort of more of a beginning to sort of symbol of what the job homeless with a 7 premium plus the new or the best i'm of comes up you to significantly cost. but the more sort of less than the breakfast dishes left when that be. so can you go to books when you think of anything, what's typical themselves in the 1950s that would go on to them. this the 3
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generals went to germany. one had died in captivity, in fact, the crime went almost done punished. assume he said that he had to use this new must failed to. can i just slope i get your causality to stick with data? i think you to it's a phrase approaching introduced which anytime you speak, i thought i spell that i bought. that said as opposed to a supervisor. danielle, i get a bullet. there is just basic july. the super expensive scores has done with me via my stuff. there's this new which is the one is to think about it by giving the put that will give will i get it won't sure. it just looks like it's just new point if they fix the net force. national invest. daniel assessing mito memorial stands in remembrance of the concentration camps, victims 3 separate monuments resemble the sweet blocks of a single death factory gift is that a cheap unprecedented cuff silhouettes depicts the elderly man, women and children who were imprisoned in the desk of about a 100 meters from the memorialized a very swamp in which 50000 people spent 10 days in march. 1944. just over
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33000 would live to see the ration of 2 enduring cold and hunger. and suffice that hell the beautiful sun soaked vineyards and nestled among some rest. picking the rolling hills as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic imagery of french one country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea where recently they've got a serious about making some world class one the position i was suggesting bell great was suggesting that we send americans
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and the bridges on the dream that i knew it was us a bundle bundled move dining probably now now that's what it's done or when it's here, all the on use with data daily. it will save you from us so fast as you know it was on your middle city. so what i need to file a possibility of this. most of our thoughts in this one is not as a guide on source or cit, unless you run new it might be, you know, a lot less radioactive than something. it's active uranium, but still it's radioactive. it has the toxins that can tell you the laptop. you want me to go and see what he's of us here. again, let's see if i could see that going. good. i don't know. those usually jim old was suggesting we firm fell grace bill call us.
5:00 pm
what day was the last guy was ukrainian preparation for an attack on the costs, putting new to the pow pause on the way off the report so much the key of a tiny, a team phone provocation. we'll talk a hat no more requests. the ministry a to ukraine loves the new position of price the stricken by lead, a floating church um, and media the, the voice of the global self summit is in platform where we're giving voice to the needs and aspirations for those who have to be acknowledged to know about $100.00 states take part in the voice to all the global south summit homestead. fine use that a participant.


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