tv News RT August 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the, the well to, if i didn't freeze the impeachment, music house republicans gear up for a showdown for anything, a 291 page committee report, alleging corruption on a piece of power. i've also had lensky would never have dare to do this. if the united states of america had not entrusted him with a small space top tip him out and says, washington is behind the ukrainian attack on russia's cost territory. as house here produces 300 men in the region over the last 24 hours, plus another 2000 across the conflicts frontline and as is ralph t,
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l i v y charges restraint and escalation. the idea from pull to the strikes east and 11. i'm hitting has full of talk at the midnight most good work due to any else from over. i glad that you was always going to have the company was telling us ult this out as controlled the c surrounding joe biden continue to small amount the u. s. president has settled so chicago to participate and the democratic national convention will tens of thousands of policy members are expected to attend the event where they will confirm that presidential nominee biden will be there at said really just to fully pass the torch to cumberland harris. but house republican seem intended to own raining on the democrats parade. publishing a long awaited report on biden's impeachment, inquiry in which they make some big allegations. joe biden has exhibited conduct
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and taken actions that the founders sought to guard against in drafting the impeachment, provisions in the constitution, abuse of power for an entanglements, corruption and obstruction of investigations into these matters. the actual impeachment inquiry was actually only formalized back in december, but since then, it's come to a number of very important conclusions. like the fact that since 2014, the buying families being accused of having received over $27000000.00 from foreign entities. the sources of this money apparently being concealed through a number of shell companies. and the inquiry also accused, as defines of receiving over $8000000.00 worth of loans from rich democrats, which may very well be simply cover ups for outright bribes really. and what terms of the president's son hunter biden, joe is being accused of using his political status to essentially give his son hunter and unfair business advantage. and it's even being a legs that the justice department had tried to protect hunter bite and from some
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sort of criminal prosecution. on top of all that, i mean the house republicans are accusing the white house of trying to obstruct this inquiry by withholding documents and witnesses as well. now, it's also important to understand that this was all released on the opening day of the democratic national convention. and of course, the democrats see this employee as a sort of attempts to get pay back at them for their own impeachment of donald trump during his presidency. but funny enough, the republicans are using the same measuring sticks that the democrats used in terms of making the call, unimpeachable president, by the knowingly participated in the conspiracy to monetize his office of public trust. to enrich his family, under the standard articulated by house democrats in 2019 impeachable abuse of power occurs when the president exercises official power to obtain an improper personal benefits. while ignoring or enjoying the national interest. present by its actions are consistent with this standard. so far,
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the speaker of the house mike johnson has praised this report, but there has not yet been any actual official talk of bringing the articles of impeachment to the house floor. still, it's been quite a while since joe biden brushed off the very 1st corruption allegations that were leveled against him in his family. the most notable of which being of course, the 2019 controversy around hunter's appointment to the board of directors of the ukrainian energy company prisma. he had absolutely no experience in the energy industry. and this took place after the 2014 q data and ukraine, euro my dawn, which is father, who is vice president at the time, completely supported. and when are you creating a prosecutor actually launched a criminal investigation into hunter's appointment jo by them not only threatens the key of government, but then brag about doing. so later on, i said, i'm telling you, we're not getting a $1000000.00. i said, you're not getting a 1000000000. i'm going to be leaving here. i think it was about 6 hours. i look as
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i'm reading the 6 hours and the prosecutor is not fired. you're not getting the money. oh, son of a bitch. got fired and they put in place someone who was solid. of course, however, millions of dollars the buying family made when joe biden was vice president. they pale in comparison to the billions of dollars of us taxpayer money that's been sent to ukraine under the bite. and presidency and it's anyone's guess really how long it's going to take to investigate and understand just where all that monday actually went in the 1st place. talk so steve miles by told me idea that these. so how is not any the name of the game in washington, but has been a part of biden's career play book a lot, see what, what's described here that has been going on since joe biden was vice president back in 2014, the millions and millions and millions of dollars that these 3 congressional
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committees came up with that they say the biden family. 0 and then wandered through various companies in an offshore this and that, and they didn't do any work to get the money. i mean, this is it, you can't even imagine this. this isn't just okay. yeah, you just, this is huge, but nothing is ever going to happen. people who think they're above the lot people who think they could speak the system. people who are in a position of authority, who you know, could get away with whatever they want to get away with for, for whatever reason or however they do it. and apparently, according to these 3 reports, i mean, i don't know independently. i'm just going by what, what, but these reports say it's been just so egregious that you can think of it, do no work, capitalize or jo binds name or access. oh that it convincing people that you'll get access to the president of the united states. whether you do or not, i don't know. and right after these meetings, where maybe joe biden was on the phone or joe biden, and one in,
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since i know met with the one of hunters business associates according to the reports, it's illegal it, and it's impeachable and, and if you can't, you can't know what about all this money that the family got. did they reported the others? i mean, is it data crime? shouldn't they all be prosecuted somehow? i mean, it's almost beyond my comprehension. so lensky would never have struck out on his own. it's the russian for administer take on ukraine's and carson and to wash as cusp region. so good luck, profound the size that gives political, it would only have given this little job with washington's authorization. it seems that across the finance, it is perfectly clear to everyone that zaleski would never have dare to do this. and this of course, is the landscape decision as can now boasts. he has created a buffer zone. it's causing the damage to the russian stage. he would never have there to do this if the united states of america had not entrusted him within to pull that ukraine in army was so happy as to the cross concurs and thinking that
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this would be a game changer. and this is how they sold it. to the masses as well, one in 5, there's nothing really changed and it was slightly, a much ado about nothing. and the situation actually for the frame is only getting worse. but as we've heard from sort of the lab roll just now, is that this was on the orders of washington. so it's not really a surprise that's the landscape and by then behind something didn't turn out to be . it was a recipe for disaster, really because we're hearing from flight a training and fighters themselves up a choice and actually became worse before we hear from the fighters themselves. let's hear. it's what the, the plan, the master plan was behind it opens the landscape, was so proud after he managed to answer of course, his address is still in the dining. i'm not sure what it is. now our primary task and defensive operations overall, to destroy as much russian war potential as possible, and conduct the maximum counter offensive actions. this includes creating a buffer zone on the aggressors territory. our operation in the course region has
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everything that inflicts losses on the russian army of russian state, their military industrial complex and their economy helps prevent the war from expanding and brings us closer to adjust in to this aggression adjust piece for ukraine or close to 10 and perhaps, but not the way zaleski sees that, of course, because once again, since the incursion were heard from ukrainian fighters themselves, who said that the situation on the ground has become worse. political spoke to a spokesperson for one of the brigades. and he said that they've been getting less time emission since that and that the russians are really, really pushing. then we've heard from another fighter who says that there seems to be a lack of organization that they're all sort of last confused and disoriented. battalion commanders do not disclose the actual situation, even 2 adjacent units in order to further absolve themselves of responsibility. some battled formations are disoriented. there are no well coordinated work plans between brigades, in some places,
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even battalions. the commander in chief reports to zelinski that the situation is under control to serious key. they report that the situation is under control. the commanders of some brigades or battalions ignore everything, and report in valid information. so what, without these mixed messages coming out of ukraine was the russians 5 say yes for the russian ministry of defense issue, the very lengthy statement, the tell him the games, the advances. i really seem to be some men sitting there, hold on the don't boss. in particular the don't, that's people's republic. liberates in village by village. they're saying that russians forces are improving their positions and really, ukraine's losses are staggering. were cl number, such as from, from one area of 570 ukrainian soldiers that elsewhere, 530179, the 75495. so it's not looking really good. and then the ministry also issued against it's
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a 6 that looked at the whole special operation in total. and since then we have russian forces have destroyed over 600 aircraft, almost 300 the helicopters around 30000 drones. and we can see some on the screen there right now. almost 600 the air defense system. $17000.00 times another armored vehicles around $1400.00 multiple rockets system, $13000.00 fuel door delivery and mortars almost $25000.00 special military vehicles in a force along them or west or what that is. it a french, british american. so as russians will say, keep them sending because this is where they end up at the head of the civil war of institute in vienna. alex on to mackay, that's told me the key of support for a new shut up pros, a case really are new, solves washington's agenda and the conflict actually ukraine and flip some plans to capture um do you know clear power plants in the region? maybe for causing some new york city or catastrophe. um are creating um
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man in carson itself, in order to um, shop the russian popular guns demoralized russia. but um, they're only doing so because they are totally wrong conception of the russian people. we have to keep in mind that the ukrainian leadership is not sovereign but is actually controlled by the united states and the west and staff far. it is actually a forced to do such. um yeah, silly and um irrational um, actions in order to place its masters and of course um, europe. um what schedule do keep travel travel after such an action? um territories and rush the rooms and also ukraine. um, would be definitely been contaminated, but since, um, it's not contaminating its not damaging the united states of america. of course, um, the public mazda is in washington are okay. um,
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with this plan being put into practice, qual, west, and media outlets. so you got to paint to cranes ca skin carson is a rubbish success. the facts on the grounds on really helping them spend the right story of friends, tv, present hosting and kind of guess was recently left. scrambling to explain footage of the cranium sold to displaying an assess insignia on his helmet because i would look at the helmet maybe like this. how much is a little bit curious? i have the impression that there was an ss and sidney on it. so maybe it's assigned that as of has modified for you. so it's a bit curious to tell him that. and that's not very pleasant, if it's ukrainian soldier who wonders in russia, who joshua eat or sat at the beginning of the war, that these are not sees horns. you can, you know, me. so yes, it would be nice if you to call this helmet. and that's how we break all communication strategy. meanwhile, furthest from an engineer with a different to crating and fight talbot who was wearing this. so
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a nazi symbol has been full cost on it's tanya and state tv. well, there was phone to the russia, you print boards in the, the cost region, clearly visible on the sabbott, someone's cap is the symbol all the links, not c assess division. so the lights dimmed off to the group was best known because of its possible body guards to the field right himself. the post world war 2 and your above trial officially declared that the entire ss organization has committed crimes against shawnasee. alter the footage at roches foreign ministry spokesman when accused of tiny and media of white washing kids fashion splint. right. now he correspondents allow your panel, riley has reached a new level overall the dive to to a new depth taking a video interview with the ukranian soldier and a cap with a badge of the subdivision. large time delta dental peddler, west and media continue to focus on the targeted rehabilitation of you creating
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your neo nazis and the revision of the decisions of the new or above tribute no. waiting for the reaction of the official room. audio ross, a sphere to sabotage, launch the criminal investigation against to all the to and this from the same battalion channel argues 3rd, used to believe in crossing the bull to into the cost region with the ukrainian military export. the sation drew criticism by calling them as well back to the signing of a protest bonnet in front of the news agency building and to know the groups challenging right and supports the key of government on it's me, you're not see ties. we spoke with you in all to syndicate that yeah. who said his motivation, the taking part in the action. we think that the to do is a really unacceptable and the we a together with the many other people in utah, the are asking that the right must to a 5. does people have 5 to store and all the stuff that are acting as a best because he has the engines and also the key of
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a g man spreading it with the public funding? it's is that a visual needs, the receiving, the that asked is provide on the so basically we want to, we want to those people to move the, from a form from that you work position. we want the information that these a neutral and we talk about. yes. and that we don't want any more, any more propaganda. now we're going to be 30 is not really a very much to florida. so i'm from the doesn't go over men's or from florida from the right because of the right the state of the vision and that you'll see the use the basically under the control. i'm the, the implant itself, the united states of america and european union. so it's not their job to, to act according to our research law or wheeler. it said their job to, to act according to the we use update the masters in washington anymore. so it's not the 1st time and it's not lack of knowledge. it says something that they are
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wing on board versus in. they are doing a teaser to add to try to normalize this thing because they start doing this thing that they're not using your brain. then they stated that there are a few, not just about the this under control. then if they, if they take another step of saying that that's not these. but the analogies on who's not do say, we must have support to those people near that. we're really just getting in as role has so show the student 11 and parts believed a has been out on staff who is located the is really all me says the strike has eliminated a team member of the has the law rocket and he, that's the same i need to say this latest attack, for his intent is fighting over the weekend during which the medicine group 5 missiles that move in as well as the claims it was responding to an idea of attack in southern lebanon. the left, at least 10 people dead,
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including 2 children. one against this backdrop of ryan's intentions on blood showed us extra estates on to me bank and paid a visit to tennessee on cold forest right. we are fully prepared to defend israel. we've coupled this effort with an intense diplomatic campaign, virtually a global diplomat of campaign. what's most crucial now is that everyone, everyone refrain from taking any actions that could fuel further conflict, escalate tensions, and result of the spreading of violence are always paid to on the smart colored. she believes that it's not just as well, but the u. s. which has published a new blog on it sounds the region and joe, by them has been support. thing is right, and they are, they are the to protect is right now because it is going to pay for assessing
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a thing asli in honey and thought on. it's not that is the is, has been to and it is a certain it is, are public less a civilians that is really, are killing palestinians. are they being published in, in a prison as they have actually used bones that can make people advantage? so this is how america supports it by giving them the latest weapons, the latest of the human capabilities using science and what put in the seats that are giving them what goes to the guy on our, a dead budgets on our people's that button. so this is the kind of prediction that i provide a, this is what blinking is in the area for that. and when he calls we, when she says, we want everyone to say from taking an action to stop it, what kind of did we have? we negotiated to open the blood,
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the bodies of 40000 people since 11 months. what do you want to have and use that? i love the that is the, the hostages. to go back to that then, you know, i'd make it politically difficult victory while nothing. yeah. who keeps themselves that i of amazing does the of else getting that as the of the closing on the crossing this, that kind of a fiction for the kind of get after all the slow, our people would not accept this. the crack sound on alternative voices continues. mess as prominent you find the west asian media outlets. the cradle from both its facebook and instagram platforms. the website stands accused of violating the company's rules by quote, praising terrorist organizations. we discussed the decision with the cradles head of here's a spunk for you. we had some previous post taken down, and we saw that after they asked us the nation of that. but our team of hamas in
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there, there was july. and this is really striking that on it made uh, became more of a strange and more uh, demanding more i, you know, and the, their, their, their guidelines seemed to be shifting almost by the day. so we had an idea that something wasn't going to happen. we, we didn't expect it to be these heart, these drug going in of our response. and you know, it just goes to show you the crack down on the, on voices that tell a different story, a different natalie that, uh, excuse away from the hedge them on a, you know, perspectives that are most mainstream media holes. what the cradle has done, he says given up always the original, the original perspective, you know we, we report from the bottom up. we don't report from the top down to the bottom. we are following things as they happen. it's either from the perspective of the people of with a shuttle home, many of these organizations that the west considers the re terrorist,
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well are simply not never forget the somebody's terrorist is another person's freedom fighter. right? that's why i think, right, well we never even use the word terrors because it's pretty meaningless. so they make these like possessions because that's the only exemptions that they can make. we have our accounts have never print based any of these uh, officials. we have never praise the, you know, a offered brace, i guess throughout the was my, i mean you have to have some those right to do any of that. we seem to be reported, we get quotes. so it really is a case of double stand. there's a case of censorship in case that uh there's, uh, there's a need, there's a hunger for alternative perspective and that's what the cradle provided. that's why we became a pebble industry. all of these, uh, been in there. uh, cigna prince. i think what happened to the great other side of the emblematic of what was going to expect when we hear freedom of speech in the west. right. there's really no such thing as an evolution. i think we already knew that when the, when,
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when day you were going to crane started and r t became of the target off. and they'll just r t, you know, ma, am many abroad russians resolve is begin to target of these type of bucks. a persecution of silence use of locating. and you know, it's not, it's a double edged sword because what they're trying to do, and by when they do these to do all of this and such as ours. and i mean, depending on the cradle, is to make sure that the people in their countries in the west, they're not leasing, do not hear the truth and not see a what is happening, right? because one thing that matters a lot about what he paid on beep is that we did it in english. we did it for an english speaking audience to create a lot of it is still on meta. they haven't got in the bathroom, but the crate on english is bond. why? because we both are threat to the start of school because or not already flies in the face of all their lives. and this is the only way they know have to have to come by gone, says already does she monetary in crisis might put an even more outside of the pot,
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assign redcross inside to ones that it is on the brain of the p o. c. s. services face the risk of being hold it in the goals are in north gauze. the governor, it's due to a severe shortage of fuel needed to operate ambulances, emergency medical clinics and relief services. the pay all c s teams already experiencing fuel shortages and the cards. the operating at minimum capacity with only 2 out of 8 ambulances functioning, the both of which are at risk of stopping entirely today. this situation severely hinders the teams ability to provide services and lessons. the health crisis in these governor, it's huge shortages, and the price was, especially in the area of the city and the north. it's not a new where these go from there. it's are almost completely denied access to human nature in a any, including the human, which is actually the needed to power the ambulances and also power generators in
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hospitals and medical for the past 10 months. the p or c as a team members have been working tirelessly, unsuccessfully trying to save people's life despite working under many noticed that conditions despite being themselves hold. so in as severely in boxing by this a continuous for us. they have low family members and they are in turn that it is these, many of them are connected to anything and a tense and all of them for sure every single day they have the data 10 inch board are be found to send in every single day when they leave to work, they truly don't know as they are going to go back alive because they have already lost and many team members up to this moment. safety for p r. c. s. members have been killed today, more of the world and humanitarian day. and this day we emphasize the importance of
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acting for humanity. we should act for humanity and be sure to protect the humanities on the project age work years and to billions. gusto was turned into the most w, please for 8 workers. meanwhile, with the end table, the costs of a mass of outbreak of polio. b, u. n, is pushing for an urgency spot. the infectious disease has red lodge and gauze for the 1st time in 25 years. the pot assigned red crescent spokes passed them again, told us that if sparks donations on provided the consequences are really unimaginable. a current health situation is extremely beyond contractual. think um, lately, um, some cases having pulled it will have been discovered in the strip and that means hundreds of other children mind. also how for you. it is necessarily to be able to provide the box a nation for hundreds of thousands of children for below the age of 10. and up to
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this moment as their end, as extend restricting the entry of vaccination along with other medical equipment, gaza as witnessing health crisis, where we have espn an alarming increase in the number of people coding infection with diseases. the current situation where the people are suffering, they are overcrowded and shelters and tends lacking doctors to food to clean water . make infectious diseases tries and such. and vitamins not is on use one down for this, i'll let say on all the recession. digitalization a piece of sanctions auction were tons of tools. the state of the us economy is coming underground. enjoy
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the the action or time see and welcome back to going underground broadcasting all around the world from the u. a. in a week when russian nuclear submarines, doctors, and havana today is the final day for g. 7 lead isn't fully easily and genocide in gaza and targeting russia with missiles. it follows bricks, foreign ministers, including the ways jacob dela inside allowing meeting in russia is a chart. the new multi polar, well, the way from the catastrophic native nation rules based on to joe biden, there will be an l. a. with the butcher of libya, barack obama and celebrities, george clooney, and julia roberts to finance his election campaign. even he refused to go to
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switzerland today, hosting a bizarre ukraine peace conference were russia is banned from attending. so then ski who is out to a democracy in u. k. p. m, or she. so an academic elected by the popular vote to be pm in britain will be there though, apparently, and these dangerous times when nuclear war is arguably never be nearer. i'm drawing from new york by a forward visor to successive un secretary general. professor jeffrey sachs is director of the center for sustainable development at columbia university and president of the you and sustainable development solutions network. yes, uh, there's a special advisor to you and x rays, general clicking on ben key moon. and antonio gutierrez, thank you so much for business expo. coming on you being tyler's in your work, trying to alert the weld the need for negotiations on ukraine and gaza. i suppose i have to ask you to give them your former advisor to so many governments. why your not more on circle mainstream media, you want some kind of blacklist. you're not needed your voice,
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