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tv   News  RT  August 22, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the, the, the re junior decides, oh, fire involves a fairy transporting fuel in solving russia. how, sorry was hit, the trade in strikes 5 people, and they said the ukraine considering incarcerated into russia has coming at a high price with moscow. estimating the depths toll is close again on the $5000.00 . india is a major advocate for stable peace in this region. india stance is very clear. this is not an error of war. in this problem, minute standard under moody, arise in poland, bringing with him hopes of finding a road map to peace in ukraine and mazda protest
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grip indonesia have made up pals from the government, and the nations bias cool. the trouble continuing our coverage of the latest trends treating the world right now. this is our, the international i a, michael point you. now we start this our with breaking news from solving russia. ukraine has attacked a railroad ferry that was transporting fuel tags in the port of cabs cop cars at fix mobile below dazzled the vessel before it's send military units in the semester . paul are on highlight. a local john list and brings us this report. the most difficult thing. yeah. after the you crating the empty ship missile nick, june struck the ferry and the calf cost, port st, igniting fuel tanks, and resulting in a massive fire. the area has been cooled in dolton, firefighting and rescue services around inside. a specialized fine train has been
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dispatched to help contain the blaze. turn the official source is to show that there is no threat to be fy spreading. the crime in bridges of raising is normal and there is no fuel shortage of gas patients in crimea, especially since one for you alone cannot create a deposition. most congo is transpose, it's bobby runaway line of the crime in bridge with some transferred by fairies away. but the fact that a ukrainian missile hit a fairy caring fuel, things indicates the depth of the recognizance conducted by the crate inside. meanwhile, rescue teams is searching for 5 people to run bold the ferry at the time of the attack explosion, which led to the mass defiant, suggest that the missile designated with at least several 100 kilograms of explosives, whether these individuals suffice. such a designation remains on node and there is currently no information about any casualties. the situation on the potentially is stable and everything is functioning as usual. there are so cues at the crime,
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in bridge from the time on the side has thousands of tories hate to dependency that 5 fighting teams that have contained the place cannot accurately determine how long it will take to extinguish it. because fines involving fuel and lubricants a typically assigned to the highest level of danger. the russian air defense systems have shut down at least $27.00 drones in the countries as space, including over the course of region, and that's according to moscow's defense ministry. and he said that ukraine has loss up to $4700.00 sold estimate cost region, including more than $300.00 in a single day or 2 corresponding to it goes down of reports. and basically here in the course region the ukrainians for the past couple of days i've had no success so they've been stop, they can not move forward. so well, generally the premiums have been trying to log elsewhere, give them, but they still have some primitive of reserves. uh that have been accumulated on
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this side of the board. now again, with the to no avail this time, but the russians, yes, they have seen targets he's bringing deserves on that part of the board. then they have be helping out brushing fruits on the ground here on the course region as well . and it's due to the efforts to a large, to a large proportion that the premiums happy he's still here and that they have had no, no real military success on the ground. now at the same time view premiums, they have been trying to create logistical problems for the russian army. they have been destroying bridges, leading to one part of the boat. busy over a key river here in the course region, they have been basically trying to cuts off. is that parts of the border from the, from a reliable supply from reliable supply routes. now we personally saw one of such bridges leading to the small town of which cove completely destroyed by one of such bones, promptly supplied by may. so there have also being reports of kids using high mas
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cluster munitions to target fun to crossing that. russia is building the next to his board. now the italian deputy prime minister has said that the ukrainians, using nature made equipments in nature, made weapons against the internationally recognized russian. techy could lead to opening a rape and doors. bob's humanitarian and military aid to enable ukraine to defend itself has always been approved by the lead. this off to the part of you to a dramatic will complete, re sending weapons to strike and killed also on russian territory. but according to the pentagon, the use of these long range nato made mess halls against the territory that ukraine is currently ok. fine year in the course region is something that they are giving a green light for high checklist and occurs defensive this to the ukrainians. have permission to use, a tech comes to blind, our russian carter offensive into their, into the, of the pocket,
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the capture. so i'm not going to get into ukraine's selection of a capabilities is a conduct their, their operations are our policy is, is not changed, which is in terms of using a long range straight capabilities to conduct the strike. you know, as you've heard a say, conducting counter fire, defensive operations across the border is permitted, and i'll just leave it there. but what causes most concern here is that there is a massive nuclear power plant just outside, of course. and it is well within reach of these long range, nato supplied less of the enemy tried to attack a nuclear power plant overnight. the i a, a has been informed. they promised to send specialists to assess the situation. i hope they will do so. so if you pray and was to targets and to successfully it's that nuclear power plant, which according to russia, is in the plans that would cause a massive nuclear disaster. the scale it could be potentially the scale. oh sure,
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no below or larger. again, it depends on the severity of the hip. so it also has been the subject of international concern. the head of the international atomic energy agency has said that basically he will be visiting soon of a course nuclear power plant and to check how the state of affairs there is. so again, there is plenty of room for escalation here and it could end up in a massive tragedy. so we will be standing by here to report on all the developments . and as russian forces repelled the ukrainian attacks on the coast region, local civilians and the town of us which i had no choice but to evacuate in the initial days of the invasion by key of forces up next, the story of mine who had to walk 60 kilometer as, as he escaped from ukrainian gun fire to the system
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the so the, the . ringback the ingredients just reached by june. for right now, i was going to pass through the activity by changes in the bushes and i'm walking. now. i need to reach out to the highway where the trees on the town a little further. i don't know yet what i will go. i will decide in bid. this is how i am about creating the
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files. somebody else to the left it's. that's cool. this is what we're doing cheap with you here. tell you right? the actually i found a donation pipe. i'm sitting in the pipe, i need from the drills rest and a little because i'm already very tired. the dog is still with me, the come on, takes me off. it's or no, no, he wasn't equations of mine and he told me to my brother scott the which is why couldn't gunshots explosions?
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i'm some kind of screams. it's impossible to describe. it's just some kind of horror when you hear all this, it's very scary. i was worried about my mother because she wasn't able to evacuate on food when i made sure she wasn't lucky and i was relieved for a while tensions balance on the board. i some european politicians denied, enabling ukraine to use western weapon rate to conduct the long range strikes into roster areas. foreign policy achieve insisted that that would expedite negotiations to end the conflict. ukraine's course defensive is a severe blow to russian president putin's narrative lifting restrictions on the use of capabilities versus the russian military involved in aggression against ukraine. in accordance with international law, would have several important effects strengthen ukrainian self defense. my ending rush essential arie for its attacks on and bombardment of ukrainian cities and infrastructure save lives and reduced destruction and ukraine,
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help advance piece efforts. what in the meantime, hungary which the board as the train has been calling for immediate negotiations to end the conflict hungry continues to be pro peace ukraine not only defends, but also attacks. we want to cease fire and peace about senior research fellow, how the global policy institute in budapest, george samuel really believes that the west as denuded, if things escalating the conflict will force russia to copy to late of the lunacy that has prevailed in the you since the sides of the circle, it's special, military operations is going very strong. it's kind of thinking that is another in the reckless, none of them is likely to lead to a very dangerous account say, but it's obviously wrong because it's uh,
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they list idea that if you just keep the escalating and escalating, you just keep moving. um, the uh, the, the hostility by uh, one knowledge and another know its in and out as much. somehow, russia will capitulate and russia will go away. and the, the nature of policy will succeed. there's no basis for this whatsoever. because if it had been like a steve every escalades or is that that make that mistake and i would have left to that outcome the wouldn't been over a long ago, but did they keep doing that? so what if we just go this, if we just use this weapon, we just use that weapon. if we now target a key, it gets a little bit beyond the ukranian. but now let's, let's talk it a little bit further inside russia and somehow russia will capitulate brussels say, okay, well, that's enough. well,
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there's absolutely no basis for it. and that's why it is, it's the that i'm saying that of burrell demonstrates that the e u and they to have loved nothing and forgotten, nothing was rushed. and 4th is how the upper hand on the front lines of the central mendoza's measure of where he in the den. yes, republic has to be liberated. and that brings the army closer to the key logistics . how but groups for breaking news updates and then knowledge phase on the roster? are you creating conflict in real time mode? make sure you follow out. websites are t dot com. the slide, any as prime minister has arrived, imposed ends to promote ways to resolve that ukraine complex. he said his position is clear, that piece must be restored in the region a part of the game bypass. the media is the land of buddhist legacy. and when it comes to buddha, it is the police in peace, not war. thus, india is
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a major advocate for stable peace in this region. india stance is very clear. this is not an error of war. since for the 1st time in 45 years, that engine, so i'm in this stuff has landed in portland so significant in that context. but more importantly, the 2nd is donation wizard is going to be the capital city of foreign new cream to wear heat. in fact, he's going to be meeting with valencia as well as if this me is extremely significant given the back. so remember prime minister now remember what he was a few weeks ago in law school to meet with his friends a lot. the met fulton, baron, 5, the both the lead us spend a couple of days together. we sold that during that particular. was it a which again, the timing of the was it very important because that's when nasal leaders look and meaning in washington for the needle assignments and meetings and mc,
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trying to give out the message, the well, the gosh as isolated monday. so i'll put you in the morning or both from into submitting the movie and then sending sold also showed us when that since it was a very, very significant. and was it also was it that or the west? we remember zaleski calling. this was in by the prime minister of india to law school, a huge disappointment using the managers and 0 political being fixed by engaging both with russia as well as the west in india was position of utah ality for windshield's phone policy. that's not something new. on india has reiterated that even for the russia, ukraine country $15.00 on the side fees. but it looks like the west, $16000.00 on the stats. and it's still one thing. yes, to pick aside. i've been glad to see again the strength of the international alliances come together to, to support you. printer is internet's efforts to defend itself. and so i think
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that's the important the piece here is to try to protect and preserve the international order. we understand. india is a long relationship with russia and india has to make it sound determinations about where it's wants to be on, on the scale because the was one space. but the west is not ok. we didn't get the torch which is essential. you might see lots of reports to the config to the you need, that's the one we saw the, the summit. so for the summit, which was inside hands on your in the here are in switzerland but in fact, india send send it to the presentation. but india refused to sign the joint statement, simply saying that while both the parties are not on the negotiating table, it just defies the purpose of
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a nice social piece. talks that we are talking about. and india has them in theme that most of use and of course can be found from, from the back of feeling the back we'll see. but of course, dialogue and diplomacy is the key. what india has indeed best look good for decades, india had a policy to maintain its distance from all countries. however, the policy of today's india is to have equal closeness with all countries. the india of today wants to connect with all today's india, talks about the development of all today's india is in with all and thinks about the interest of all. we are proud that today the world is respect in india as a global brother. and went into us talking about these india not only talking full in the i remember that he thought to be the war is super global. solves that seem to have very well realizes that this part of the world is the most impacted side of that, which is the, the phone 67,
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west is indeed save and which is why india has always pressed on. and it will lead resolution for peace in the rush. i do queen conflict. so this is a significant wizard by the indian tribe, minnesota to keep out of time when tensions between russia and ukraine, a very, very high not for india and, and bassett, a to armenia in georgia. i saw a model holder. i believe that new delhi is in a unique position to help those for peas. i guess i'd have said disappointed up time is the, the only country which is seen as not biased in favor on august the parties to the on and yeah, more or less enjoys the confidence and trust all the parties to the conflict. and therefore, security can be the great potential for india to sort of see it all. if
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not media, i please provide the platform at each the sites can come together and as a bus to be the step the door see doesn't move strip of the dispute. and you need to cease fire. and then probably some mechanism can be computed like beach, the insights can sit there and sort out, you know, issue by issue the west, he's not the man comes home to like to see that he should do right. they can be taken by anybody other than their dad promoting the war. i'm probably they also want to do the fairies. 12 is already better. they don't seem to have any intention to do so in the near future. and this brings due to the entered anything my area point surgically. if anybody a d. c, quantity in the country enjoys that trust of old science at our shop and quitting. but we also like the end of the de installed in oakland. plains has
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a new and old claim. we will not be able to take any substantive decisions because it's a proxy want to use the claim units or finding on behalf of the americans and their their twice. so unless it isn't clear. so 1st and foremost, there has to be a genuine desire on the bottom of americans and the mentor lies that it is dying to stop and over to indonesia. now mass protest have been dropped it throughout the country and made the power struggle between the government and the nation's highest court. the now scenes of chaos on folded outside the parliament as protest as tried to break through its gates file. all those pulled out for don valid. please use 2 guys in the cabin to disperse the crowds. fergus leave the court room that parties would not need at least 20 percent
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representation in the regional assembly to see the candidate for election. or the president insisted that the med center was part of the checks and balances of dump r t correspondents and rebecca. not be to pull report. thousands of demonstrators test gathered outside the house of representatives building since 9 am this morning demanding lawmakers to drop their plan to rectify of controversial versions of election law. however. a as we speak right now, demonstrators have tear down fences trying to get into that house some already to successfully get into the area and then not try only from the main gate, but also try to get into the house from the black gate and facing police officers. to try to secure the situation as we speak right now. the clash between the demons,
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peters and the police are still happening outside the area. as the police have already cleared the area in sight, i'm only for a journalist and those house of representatives that won't be able to stay inside. the power struggles between the parliament and the judy history comes amid a week of dramatic or political developments in the country 2 days ago on tuesday. the constitutional for the pope, a minimum trash will requirement to nominate 20 days invasion on kinda the elections that will be held on november this year and kept the minimum age limit of 30 years for an candidate. however, only 2 days after, as we speak to day, the house claimed to me and to rectify new law that would change the results off the constitutional court. and this is what you beat out or off the
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demonstrators and push them to get into the streets. however, the house finally has that, that they will postpone their after vacation of controversial changes to date, but they will still have time a few days at have until the registration period for the candidates will be closed next week. this changes what our log offer trinity's for other kind of days that will not reach 20 percent off the trash rules. and this is what i'm good. the people they took on social media last night loving indonesian social media with loophole st. emergency warning. however, the people felt bad, this is not enough, therefore that most teachers gathered in several sit no cities around the country, individual part as well in several spots. however, the class only have been in the house of representatives. i just bought from one of
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the rather peaceful demonstrators in front of the presidential palace. so the, all the police officers and the securities are focusing on the house of representatives as we speak. because this is one of the biggest demonstrators and also the biggest clash that the country have see ever since not 2019 over to the united states. now there's been another angry pro palestinian demonstration outside the democratic national convention of the us that protest as came the washington has helped fund the genocide. but he wasn't message falling on deaf ears for some of those attending the political gallery. the again the
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the what the spot but lack of interest from those inside the convention. the protest as outside, are still determining to get their voices heard the now it's the 3rd day in a row, such demonstrations have been held on wednesday if violence said and more than 50 arrests were made that we've heard from some of those uh, the protest. we're here to send a message to the dmc because chicago actually has one of the largest palestinian communities in the entire nation. we literally have a place on google called level palisades,
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and the democratic party will not get our vote if the dentist item does that. does that end immediately? every single week we just see more money and more watson, reapproved, and so same thing to us. neither of them are getting our vote until that policy changes. biden said he was a design, is child support israel like so. i feel like right now what we're trying to do here is just show like at least come all harris, that will help her understand our side hopefully. but while the former us house speaker nancy pelosi said that she wanted an opening process to replace joe biden as the democrats, a candidate, and not just camera, the hire is jumping straight into his shoes. she met the play man on the interview to the wall street journal. many of us who were concerned about the election wanted to have an open process. it was an open process. anyone could have gotten in paris had the endorsement of the president and she politically, as do,
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we took advantage of it and shut down. not shut down but one the nomination, but anybody else could have gotten in so let's get the thoughts on this now from legal and media analysts is on a lot of this. all is great to have you join these here. so let's look at this now . many seemed to fix the philosophy has been the pop of boston, who's our history, that everything that happened to, to get come with a how is it into the hot seats. but now she's claiming that she wanted an open process all along. are you buying back? no, no, thank you very much. no, i don't. the brock obama also indicated a while back said he wanted an open process. in fact, he never thought that of, from what people hearing that couple of harris, what would be the best choice that it might have been, you know, a mark kelley or somebody else. and then the next thing, you know, after joe button is perhaps forced to resign,
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he turns around and endorses her. and everybody say, oh, okay, sure, yes, as a matter of fact. so we don't know who's in charge of this. this is mike, this is real and i know most people the oh there it goes again, exaggerating. i am not exaggerate. none of this makes any sense. do you understand my friend that pamela harris has never won one primary? not one. she's never been on the or any ballot in any primary ever. she had to drop out initially she, i think she pulled 2 percent and there were problems left and right. ok. she was a vice president. now she's in and it's almost like, well, they're saying, well that that's, that's the way that she still hasn't. and i don't know how long it's been actually spoken with the,
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the press taking questions and answers. she was picked selected as time woman or the candidates of the, the year or whatever was not, or we're having given, i believe, any kind of an interview. i mean, this is the real what everybody's are telling me to be in charge. but nobody apparently is now a part of the claims that hire is took advantage of an opportunity. but what would the say who provided that opportunities in the 1st place? how do you take advantage? she didn't do anything. all she did was, except joe barnes and endorsement. that was it. now keep in mind too much a while back. everybody was say, joe biden is a sharp as a back. i've never seen him better. i'm to and including george clooney who allegedly penned to this, this demand that the step done. everybody would say he's terrific. joe by
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themselves said step down. what are you kidding me? well, look, look what happened with that. so nobody can answer this question. when did you not endorse him anymore? when did you see a problem with the election because nancy pelosi is a well i, i don't act on behalf of your body, but for the betterment of the party. and if it moves things along, and if it improves the quality of the race, well, when did you realize that without due respect, my trying to be as respectful as i can? possibly. how did anybody ever doubt for a moment that joe biden, as we say last, is fast ball was not up to speed. they act as though it wasn't until the debate. and then the subsequent interview with george stephanopoulos that people said, you know, i don't think he's really up to speed. so no story as f r made.


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