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tv   News  RT  August 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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just the opposite. nato now uses you praying to attack russia, have no doubts. russia will respond. the ranging inside to the file involves a ferry transporting fuel install, the russia, after it was hit, the ukrainian strike. 17 people are rescued by 2 of those are still missing. your credit is continuing in college. it into russia is coming at the high price with moscow estimating the death toll is closing in on 5000 miles, protests driven, indonesia have made the power struggle between the government and the nation's highest court. the
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what you're watching, our team to national reaching you from the russian capital. i a michael question. now we start this out in solving russia for our ferry, caring fuel tanks has exploded into a file bowl as it being hit in the ukranian strike of the vessel soon sank, and the port of comcast. 17 crew members were rescued. the 2 are still set to be missing. that booms have been deployed to contain leaking fuel and the assets are being taken to limit the environmental impact. a local journalists sent us this latest, the most difficult, the after the you crating the empty ship missile nick june struck the ferry in the calf cast port saint igniting fuel tanks and resulting and a massive fire. the area has been cooled off and 5 fighting and rescue services are on site. a specialized find train has been dispatched to help contain the place. currently official sol says to show that there is no threat to be fi spreading. the crime in bridges of raising is normal and there is no fuel shortage. a gas station
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in crime is, especially since one for you alone cannot create a deficit. most congo is transpose. it's for the runaway line of the crime in bridge with some transferred by fairies. however, the fact that a ukrainian missile hit a very caring fuel things indicates the depth of the recognizance conducted by the crate inside. and there is currently no information about any casualties. the situation on the potentially is stable and everything is functioning. as usual, there are still queues that the crime in bridge from the to many side has thousands of tories hate to dependency. the firefighting teams that have contained the place cannot accurately determine how long it will take to extinguish it. because fines involving fuel and lubricants a typically assigned to the highest level of danger. rocks in air defense has it been active again, doubting. at least $27.00 drove, then that's according to the m o. d, which also estimates that ukraine's losses and nearing $5000.00 from it's continue
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with new cars and into the coast region our days and it goes down of reports are basically here in the course regions ukrainians for the past couple of days, i've had no success. they've been stopped, they can not move forward so well, generally the premiums have been trying to look elsewhere. i give them, but they still have some primitives was that have been accumulated on the side of the board. now again, with the to no avail this time, but the russians, yes, they have seen targets. he's bringing this up on that part of the board. then they have be helping out brushing fruits on the ground here on the course region as well . i'm the, it's due to the efforts to a large, to a large proportion that the premiums have these still care and that they have had no, no real military success. on the ground now at the same time do you premiums, they have been trying to create logistical problems for the russian army. they have been destroying bridges, leading to one part of the boat. busy over
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a key river here in the course region, they have been basically trying to cuts off is that the parts of the board are from uh, well from a reliable supply from reliable supply routes. now we personally saw one of such bridges leading to the small town of which cova completely destroyed by one of such bones, promptly supplied by may. so there have also being reports of kids using high mas cluster munitions to target fun to crossing that. russia is building the next to his board. now the italian deputy prime minister has said that the ukrainians, using ne, to made equipments and nato made weapons against the nationally recognized russian . techy could lead to opening a rape and doors. bob's tremendous area in the military. a to enable ukraine to defend itself has always been approved by the lead. this off to the part of you to a dramatic will complete, re sending weapons to strike and killed also on russian territory. but according to
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the pentagon, the use of these long range nato made mess halls against the territory that ukraine is currently ok. fine year in the course region is something that they are giving a green light for high checklist and occurs defensive to to the ukrainians. have permission to use, a tech comes to blind, a russian carter offensive into their, into their pocket, the capture. so i'm not going to get into ukraine's selection of a capabilities is a conduct their, their operations are our policy is, is not changed, which is in terms of using a long range straight capabilities to conduct the strike. you know, as you've heard a say, conducting counter fire, defensive operations across the border is permitted, and i'll just leave it there. but what causes most concern here is that there is a massive nuclear power plant just outside, of course. and it is well within reach of these long range nato supply less of the
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enemy tried to attack a nuclear power plant overnight. the i a, a has been informed. they've promised to send specialists to assess the situation. i hope they will do so. so if you pray and was to targets, and to successfully hit that nuclear power plant, which according to russia, is in the plans that could cause a massive nuclear disaster. the scale it could be potentially the scale of chernobyl or logic. again, it depends on the severity of the hips. so it also has been the subject of international concern. the head of the international atomic energy agency has said that basically he will be visiting soon of a course nuclear power plant and to check how the state of affairs there is. so again, there is plenty of room for escalation here, and it could end up in a massive tragedy. so we will be standing by here to report on all of the developments as the crate in 4th is for us pushed into the coast region,
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local flat didn't panic and whatnot. and walked 60 kilometers on foot just to reach safety to be a bundle. the so the plan. ringback the plan right now was going to pass through that through the bike into the bushes and i'm walking. now. i need to reach out to the highway where the trees on the town
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a little further. i don't know yet what i will go. i will decide in a bit. this is how i am about creating the styles. some money i strongly left. it's that school. this is what we're doing to meet with you here. tell you right. the i go from the naturally, i found a genetic bite. i'm sitting in the pipe, hiding from the drones rest and a little because i'm already very tired. the dog is still with me, the i'm, i'm thinking it's or no, no,
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he wasn't equations of mine and he drove me to my brother stock the a a, which is likely to have gunshots, explosions on some kind of screams. it's impossible to describe. it's just some kind of hara, when you hear all this, it's very scary. i was worried about my mother because she wasn't able to locate on food when i made sure she was lucky and i was relieved. now i met the continuing incursion, but you use foreign policy, chief is clean, the piece will come about soon. if your crane is given the right to carry out long rain strikes into russia, ukraine's course defensive is a severe blow to russian president putin's narrative lifting restrictions on the use of capabilities versus the russian military involved in aggression against ukraine. in accordance with the international law,
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would have several important effects strengthened ukrainian, self defense. my ending rush, essential ery for its attacks on and the barman of ukrainian cities and infrastructure save lives and reduce destruction in ukraine. help advance piece efforts while the use for him follow, say, chief once more fighting a hungry, which a board is ukraine has instead called for negotiations to end. the war hungry continues to be pro peace. ukraine not only defends, but also attacks. we want to cease fire and peace. now senior research fellow have a global policy institute in budapest, george tell me, i really believe that the west is denuded. if things escalate, the conflict will force russia to copy to late of the lunacy that has prevailed in the you since the sides of the circle, it's a special mother to over ations. his head going very strong. it's kind of thinking
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that is another in the reckless, none of them is likely to lead to a very dangerous account say, but it's obviously wrong because it's uh, the list idea that if you just keep the escalating and escalating, you just keep moving. um, the uh, the, the whole still that the by uh, one knowledge and another and oh, it's in and out as much. somehow russia will capitulate. russia will go away. and the, the nature of policy will succeed. there's no basis for this whatsoever. because if it had been the case, if every, as skilled at the risk that make that mistake and i would have let to that outcome, then the war would have been over a long ago. but did they keep doing this? so what if we just go this, we just use this weapon, we just use that weapon if we know um targets, uh, a key guess
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a little bit beyond the ukranian border. now let's, let's talk it a little bit further inside russia and that somehow russia will capitulate rush jose, okay, well, that's enough. well, there's absolutely no basis for it. and that's why it is, it's the, the i'm saying that of burrell demonstrates that the e u and they to have loved nothing and forgotten nothing. but while rush and forth as a continuing to end followed on the front lines, taking control of the supplement, the measure, boy, in the den, yes, the republic. now that brings them closer to the key logistics. how about the book risk? and i, for the very latest developments in the war, head over to our website, r t dot com. now 3 eastern german regions. go to the polls next month in the local elections, but it's not issues close to home. but as swaying vote as apparently western media
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reports claim it said they water and you cray. and that's weighing most heavily on the minds of the electro rate, are taking to return rate to a mazda and explains why a foreign and defense policy is supposed to be the business of the federal government, not the states, but try telling that to the voters over there the anti establishment, right? the alternative for deutschland party is in the lead. there are the, these whole message has always been to stop fueling the conflict in ukraine with german weapons to secure german sovereignty, which took a wrong turn somewhere. when you have german industry bailing out to the us because it can't survive on short showers, that the german finance minister brags about. and now another big issue that's come up recently has been the german establishments idea to have american long range weapons move into germany for the 1st time since the end of the cold war. which really just means that the us, which all righty with nato has bases all over germany,
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is moving into yet another room and bringing its weapon stash with it started in december 2026. doesn't exactly screen independence when you're trying to go about your business as a supposedly sovereign country. and uncle sam has crashing on the couch, reading your fridge and hanging out with his cruise missiles. but hey, chancellor. oh, la schultz stood there staring into space. when biding, threatened to blow up north stream was standing right beside them. so guess he wasn't going to exactly say no to some armed squatters. the property was black vs w party. let 5 sir, walk him next. who isn't even running himself in this election, but is all over the parties, as has said that the elections in the east are quote referendum and war and peace. and that party is surging with enough support to be headed for a king maker a role in determining the make up of future governing coalitions that each of these 3 eastern states, if those pulling numbers hold. so this archive stop isn't less coalition to say the same sort of things as the anti establishment, right?
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as we use, empties these, i think the end of this war has to be ended. finally, we can pump in more and more in your weapons into the system. and turn up the escalation level, even higher. the stationing of us missiles here in germany is a new stage of escalation. of course, russian missiles will be directed at us, was never been this close to a 3rd world war. that's why diplomacy has to return to this matter. it just can be that we're armed to the teeth and with the same time one peace negotiations. all right, so what we're starting to see shape up here right now with these elections and the preamble to them is the division of germany politically speaking, with the establishment dominating in the west and the anti establishment. searching in the east, the popular support on the right and left to each of these east german states reflects the fact that this area has particularly benefited from if not depended on economic trade ties with russia. and also historically considered the soviet union
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around part against the nazi regime in berlin during the 2nd world war. so there's an affinity there and then later considered that around part against us had gemini . so it's not exactly a surprise that their local state issues all relate back to german foreign policy with anti russian sanctions and broken trade ties hitting this region, particularly hard all ag on my washington, which this region has always given the major side. i use the parties seem to have been toning down their usual belligerent anti russian rhetoric during these election campaigns. check out schultz himself here. who sounds like he's out on the street corner, shaking a 10 top for his pals, zalinski. now the question is, what can we do? please support ukraine, so that isn't simply over run. so they can defend themselves and say, russia doesn't weigh in. please help my friends would do too bad. schultz didn't
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bag for nord streams life when 5 and was sounding like a mob boss ordering a hit on it. then maybe the german, a con, main particularly in the east wouldn't be hurting to the point of making these parliamentary local elections largely referendum on germany's ukraine. policy schultz is so focused on unity with the west on ukraine, but his policies just happened to be dividing germany. you think that maybe he want to focus a bit more on that instead given germany's history. but hey, what do i know? i'm heading to the united nations now for months. the u. s. has been effectively putting a spoke in the feel of the un security council, his efforts to bring peace to guys that that wants to charge made earlier today by roches representative to the body. since the decent means this of bus washington has been holding the entire security council hostage for 10 months threatening to use a veto and not allowing the required tough and unambiguous decisions to be taken to
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see the on the palestinian issue. only c spy and gauntlet on advancing the middle east peace process. this is even more unfortunate because it was the maniacal design, all the united states, to monopolize the middle east peace process and reshape it according to buttons beneficial to israel, the lead to the dramatic consequences that way witnessing today, because he has to do to make another un security council meeting on the ongoing conflict in gaza was hell, the palestinian representative called on the world to stab bob and both villains obligations and promises and stop what they considered to be a genocide. meanwhile, israel spoke and urge the international community to habits back and not express sympathy for those opposing them who they deemed to be terrorist. and so it's important to know that there was a pretty significant gap between the countries on the council when it came to who was to blame for the current situation and who is presenting the danger of
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escalation. the western block, the united states, france and the united kingdom emphasized that iran needs to show restraint and blamed iran for recent escalations where as other countries didn't quite go along with that version of, of that side. worth noting that a ron has not responded yet to israel's attack on iranian territory against a palestinian figure who was killed. now the united states said that at the negotiating table, that tallow vive is ready to move and a deal in which the hostages could be returned and a ceasefire could be declared, is simply waiting on her moss and the palestinians to agree. however, the russian deputy ambassador dmitri pull janski's contest did that version of adapt that blames the hold up in a ceasefire purely on the palestinians. here's what he had to say. it was blowing to me so that 2 and a half months ago, the members of the security council of adult to the resolution prepared by
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washington as a american colleagues, the shortest at the time. the phase of the deal between amazon is right on a seesaw, and the release of hostages depended on this document. now it's time to make a conclusion on how it has affected the situation on the ground and unambiguous onto to this is no way. it's worth noting that forgetting about bad june coming american colleagues now trying to sell us a new, picking up post, modifying the parameters of the deal under discussion in a way which is convenient to israel. and without even bothering to explain to us what these changes off, they are, the members owned the security council to put pressure on a mass i want to ask, are american colleagues on whose behalf? so you accessing the members of the security council, both permanent and rotating, emphasize they humanitarian cost of the conflict. the danger of a polio epidemic breaking out and the need for there to be a ceasefire, so that humanitarian workers to get in and get the job done. protecting those who
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are in harm's way. here's what we heard specifically from algeria and china. know when he would then be it must be noted that the humanitarian issue cannot be politicized. hunger cannot be weaponized civilians lives cannot be used as bargaining chips. the international community has repeatedly issued calls for a cease fire and an end to the fighting. but what we have seen is that israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of a cease fire. these really military operations continue causing new casualties every day. josh, uh kaiser, the situation is got busted off it and it was sitting on a daily basis. and there is no sign of hold for a month. we have been told that we are close to securing the booting demand to the massacre of the palestinian cbs. unfortunately,
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nothing's happened. these are really occupying power continue to use more international. k is certainly not the 1st time the security council has met to discuss these issues and certainly not the 1st time the issues discussed have been raised in the sentiments have been expressed. but one looks on and sees that the international community doesn't look like it's reaching a consensus or a state of agreement any time soon. now, staying in the united states, the for my house speak to nancy pelosi said that she wanted an open process to replace. do a bite in as the democrats candidate, and not just coming to hobbies, jumping straight into his shoes, she made the claim it. i mean to the, to the wall street journal. many of us who were concerned about the election wanted to have an open process. it was an open process. anyone could have gotten in paris had the endorsement of the president and she politically, as do,
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we took advantage of it and shut down not shut down, but won the nomination. but anybody else could have gotten in now legal and media auditors, lawndale said that many people have concerns about whether the convention is a sign of a healthy democracy. tomlin harris has never won one primary, not one. she's never been on the or any ballot in any primary ever. she had to drop out initially she had at the simple 2 percent and there were problems left in white. okay. she was a vice person now or she's in, and it's almost like, well, there's a well that that's, that's the way that she still has it is i don't know how long it's been actually spoken with this. the press taking questions in the interest. she was picked selected as time women or the candidates of the,
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the year or whatever was decided were having given, i believe, any kind of an interview. i mean, this is the real what everybody's are telling me to be in charge. but nobody apparently that many people have concerns about whether this is, is that a healthy democracy or more importantly, whether those in charge of this healthy democracy know what's going on? is this a democracy? is this a, a smooth the system of ascension? i'm not so sure not a power struggle between the indonesian government and the countries. the highest court has now spilled over into the streets with mass nationwide protests. the, the word carrier will take seems outside the parliament has protest as try to break it into the complex. please use your gas
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a water cannon to disperse the crowds with all the latest. here is our cheese, rebecca, not be to pull. the thousands of dollars. traders has gathered outside the house of the representative building. since 9 am this morning demanding lawmakers to draw their plans to rectify it, saunter virtual version of the election law. however. a as we speak right now, demonstrators have tear down fences trying to get into the house some already to successfully get into the area and then not try only from the main key, but also try to get into the house from the black gate and facing police officers. to try to secure the situation as we speak right now. the clash between the demons, theaters, and the police are still happening outside the area. as the police have already cleared the area in sight, i'm only for
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a journalist and those house of representatives that won't be able to stay inside. the power struggles between the parliament and the judy history comes amid a week of dramatic or political developments in the country 2 days ago on tuesday. the constitutional for the pope, a minimum trash will requirement to nominate 20 days and visual intended the elections that will be held on november this year and kept the minimum age limit of 30 years for an candidate. however, only 2 days after, as we speak to day, the house planned to meet and to rectify the new law that would change the results off the constitutional board. and this is what you will be that are off the demonstrators and push them to get into the streets. however, the house finally has that, that they will postpone their after vacation of controversial changes to
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date. but the angles we'll have time a few days. i have until the registration period for the candidates will be closed next week. this changes what our log oppertunity is for other candidates that will not reach 20 percent off the trash rules. and this is what i'm good. the people they took on social media last night loving indonesian social media with loop post st. emergency warning. however, the people felt bad. this is not enough, therefore, that most peters gathered in several sit no cities around the country image or part of as well in several spots. however, the class only have been in the house of representatives. i just bought from one of the rather peaceful demonstrators in front of the presidential palace. uh so the, all the police officers and the securities are focusing on the house of representatives
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as we speak. because this is one of the biggest demonstrators, and also the biggest clash that the country have see ever since not to told the 19th. and that's the update. now you can't get the details of all the stories are following on the r t that com. i'll be right back on top of the hour. i see you again the the, what is part of the visit that the employee would post good isn't the, the place you of us and that in the word part, is it something deeper, more complex might be present there?
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let's stop without cases let's go. part of the, the the
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after the end of world war 2, the national liberation movement, it'd be an intensified dramatically, haven't driven away the japanese occupiers. the vietnamese patriots by no means wanted the return of the former french colonizers. but brands did not want to lose their rates colony and decided to beat the opposition by board. in december 1946, a full scale war broke out. the v, i mean they 3 arctic organization led by o g min inflicted heavy losses on the french. the invaders were in raged, according to western historians, up to 250000 lives of peaceful beaten. these were on their contents. the colonialist widely used the practice of mass rape of b and these women as revenge on the guerrillas. in 1947, the french destroyed the village of knights rock murdering one.


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