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tv   News  RT  August 23, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the roof, the headlines right here or not the international, nearly 5000 ukrainian troops killed in that failed incursion to interrupt us quarter of the region. and we visit one of the settlements with key ups forces found themselves in the process the ukrainians. they have been using all that 5 power to hit a strictly civilian area because it is on a historical level paul repression. the russian orthodox church slams and ukraine's decision defined the coming on the coal orthodox church. and especially if they need to reset them close to move illegal. this is an i'm just section. this is a clear violation of human rights and other entities that were created to be alternatives to this church on invalid,
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illegal. and in the kitchen i protested in south africa and in an easier demonic the stoppage of sales of coal and other goods to israel. they say it's impossible to be silent just like schumann desk told mountain guns. we are in the midst of a genocide that is on power levels and the scale is why those are typically quiet in palestine and i look forward to speak help knowing who the pub afraid is all it's impossible to remain silent the morning from moscow and roll re sushi is the entire tea news teams, hardware getting you, your top storage, which kick off right now. we start out with russia is western border regions where it keeps troops are facing mounting losses and made that fail being cut into the quote region and the russian ministry defense now says ukraine has lost nearly 5000
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fighters in that area with over $300.00 just taken out of action in just a lot, stay along and it's not just mind power. and the m. o. d reports 23 ukrainian homage vehicles have been destroyed, including at least 3 times and 15 infantry fighting vehicles. of this footage provided to us by russian service men revealing the wreckage on the battlefield as russian forces take an american about us in areas by the way, are reportedly among the fatalities and all these that you could have done. office travel to one of the settlements, the default this report scorched vehicle caucus is lying the side of the road. a tell tale sign, overcoming cause the drone hunting area. we speak through a small sacramento that has found itself on ukraine defense maps. russian positions are a few minutes drive away. this is the place where the ukrainians tried to capitalize on the initial territorial gains they had in the coolest region. in the 1st 2 days of the operation. in fact, they even tried to gain
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a foothold in the town that our filming crew has now left behind. so they obviously failed. now, the fighters here, they are telling me that they have made a conscious effort to build their defense, not inside, but outside of town to minimize potential civilian casualties. mostly the situation is quite tense. the enemy groups in large clusters, all guys are working great. we defend the people peaceful civilians. they left the homes. where should they go back to? as the settlement itself is going through some of its darkest days, locals, many of whom have the entire lives built around small plots of farmland have had to fleet. many have nowhere to return. now. keith did not hold its auto recruiters back here. well this is the very city center of the town of comes key of the key. you can see the state has been left in ukrainians, had been selling it with everything that they had more to as a taylor
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a using may to may brown. this is a one of the cluster munitions that did not explode. as you can imagine, the russians did not have and do not have any positions here in the city center. so the ukrainians, they have been using all that 5 power to hips a strictly civilian area. some civilians still risk their lives and visit their homes here to look off to them while the fights is on the front line to shed their blood to push the enemy back. i'm gonna get it done and proposing from the course region. russia party. now to southern russia to the fort of cuff cause and the crass and the region, a fairy tiring fuel tanks, it exploded off to being his in a ukrainian strike. a 17 crew members on board were rescued while one person reportedly still missing a fuel containment booms. have been deployed to contain to spill us efforts and
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made to limit the environmental impact. well meantime, according to the pen to go and washington is content with key of using us applied weapons to strike russian tire. as of the use of us weapons and curse violated any us policies our policy does allow for ukraine to conduct counter fires, to defend itself from russian attacks coming over that border region. and that border region does include curse that does include su me and so they are defending themselves from russian attacks within that region. this is a, a us off the top off the shelf idea and pushing the ukrainians to do it with us equipment promising that would be back up. every plan has come from washington. now what their goals are, are always marky, it really is just had it into new and a war that's failing and not have
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a total failure on their hands during an election season. so their goals are pretty short term unlimited. also not very well thought out one after another of ukrainian forces. last because they're being totally used. they're not defending their own homeland. they're really defending or u. s. agenda. they have not changed their situation on the ground. if anything, it's much worse. they haven't much be their goals and curts, whatever those goals were. and they start, might have not changed their situation within ukraine. while the russian orthodox church has condemned ukraine's decision to bind the canonical orthodox church. following years of persecution, of the muscular patriarchy size, the scale of oppression against the ukrainian orthodox church. so pos is historical then in terms of its scale and centralized nature,
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this measure may surpass all previous historical repressions against the ukrainian orthodox church. the initiators and supporters of the bill in ukraine are top level government officials, deputies of the very cove no rata and radical right wing politicians. the seizures are organized by supporters of the split and radical nationalists with the support of local authorities, special services and law enforcement agencies. as a rule, they are accompanied by violence, mass meetings of clergy and believers. well, the divide of christian orthodoxy in ukraine. it affects more than 20000000 people across the country. and that's since the creation of a new key as simple as the orthodox church of ukraine in 20. 19 a few short years off of the us sponsored my down. cool. okay, you said the new church was intended to move away from moscow influence. now since this establishment, the new ukrainian trojans are safe sure. support from the government properties what seems to bile. it's already,
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it's from the traditional jo john just handed over to the new one. and we spoke to our to push about the adults use of the orthodox patriarch in the east jerusalem, who denounced this moved by key. how do you click on the tree, sees the orthodox church is in the world and christianity and the overwhelming majority reject this action. and this decision that was taken by the ukrainian parliament. and we can see that this decision to be on just of course, before these actions, they were persecutions. and they were still persecutions against this church. the arrest of bishops, the seizure of churches, the rest of clergy, and the seizure of properties and endowments belonging to this church. these are dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious and spiritual affiliation. there is no traditional church or more traditional or less traditional church in ukraine. in ukraine, there is only one orthodox church. you cannot see race, the existence of an ancient church that is over
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a 1000 years old and ukraine with the stroke of a pen. and by a vote in parliament, cancel the existence of a church with a 1000 year history. this is an unjust action. this is a clear violation of human rights. all other entities that were created to be alternatives to this church are invalid, illegal, and illegitimate. and we do not recognize the material, it is not within the powers of the parliament will the government in ukraine to intervene in this religious increase, the obstacle match, or whoever supports the spam. regardless of their religious or sectarian affiliation is a partner in this crime as well. and as the war and gaza continues the death toll after 10 months as easily topping 40000 of the gods and help them, industries hang over 16000 of them. children. and they all the rest of those, the east jerusalem church, again, not the at all. serious, he says west and politicians are simply ignoring the human rights violations,
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i mean as the bus and how to see this. the warning gauze that has revealed the true nature of this world. those who remain silent in the face of the crimes committed against the palestinian people are not surprising. they are silent regarding the crimes committed against the sister, ukrainian church, with which we stand in solidarity from here in the city of jerusalem. where the church of the holy suppositories located, where the most important christian religious sites are located. i believe that there are politicians in the west to speak of human rights and even animal rights. but they ignore the serious violations of human rights. well that's the call, i think gaza goes on, suppose the palestinians continues to grow despite some government's attempts to silence them. they have been hot and savings in a german capital is kasha to erupt it between police and pro palestinian demonstrations. the the. yeah,
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please. i'm just gonna be seeing uh well detaining protesters dragging them away. you can see it right there. i demonstrate is what protesting a german quotes decision to find an activist for pro palestinian slogan: authorities rules. sean can go into how mass attacks and it spreads propaganda for the era. however, the protest is disagree. in my opinion, you just don't talk down it in the size, but if you'd like to speak freely and if they start to question morrow's government, they through the speech, that's how it supposed to work. so yeah, may i put a 100 bucks of discretion to freedom of speech? i do think that's how i'm not surprised. it's absolutely clear that this is protected by freedom of speech, but it will take a while until we reach the constitutional court that was confirmed. it all be upset, it's protected by freedom of speech. well that protest is not the only ones being silenced. for months the us has stopped the new and the security council's efforts
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to bring peace, the gaza. that's the charge made on thursday they by rushes, representative to the body. since the district means as of washington has been holding the entire security council hostage for 10 months threatening to use a veto and not allowing the required tough and unambiguous decisions to be taken. the, the on the palestinian issue only sees find goals at all on advancing the middle east peace process. this is even more unfortunate because it was the maniacal design, all the united states to monopolize the middle east peace process and reshape it according to buttons beneficial to israel, that led to the dramatic consequences that we witnessing today. please using another un security council meeting on the ongoing conflict in gaza was hell, the palestinian representative called on the world to step up and fulfill its obligations and promises and stop what they considered to be a genocide. meanwhile, israel spoke and urged the international community to have its back and not
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expressed sympathy for those opposing them who they deemed to be terrorists. now the united states said that at the negotiating table, that talib eve is ready to move, and a deal in which the hostages could be returned and a ceasefire could be declared, is simply waiting on her loss and the palestinians to agree. however, the russian deputy ambassador dmitri pull janski's contest did that version of that, that, that blames the hold up in a ceasefire purely on the palestinians. here's what he had to say was blowing to me as soon as that's 2 and a half months ago. the members of the security council, the adult, to the resolution prepared by washington as the american colleagues, the shortest, at the time. the phase of the deal between amazon, these ran on the see saw on the release of hostages, depended on this document. now it's time to making conclusions on how weight has affected the situation on the ground and unambiguous onset to this is in no way, as with noticing that forgetting about med june coming, american colleagues and now trying to sell us a new, picking up post,
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modifying the parameters of the deal under discussion in a way which is convenient to israel and without even bothering to explain to us what these changes are. they use the members of the security council to put pressure on them as i want to ask, are american colleagues on who's the hall? so you acting members of the security council, both permanent and rotating, emphasize the humana, terry, and cost of the conflict. the danger of a polio epidemic breaking out and the need for there to be a ceasefire, so that humanitarian workers to get in and get the job done, protecting those who are in harm's way. here's what we heard specifically from algeria and china. know when t with them be, it must be noted that the humanitarian issue cannot be politicized. hunger cannot be weaponized. civilians lives cannot be used as bargaining chips. the international community has repeatedly issued calls for a cease fire and an end to the fighting. but what we have seen is that israel has turned a deaf ear to them and has not shown any sign of
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a cease fire. these really military operations continue causing new casualties every day. josh or kaiser, the situation is got busted off it and the 2 of a sudden on a daily basis. and there is no sign of hope for the month. we have been told that we are close to 6 shooting a deal, putting amend to the massacre of the palestinian cbs. unfortunately, nothing to happen is that i really occupying power continue to eat more at the emotional phase. certainly not the 1st time the security council has met to discuss these issues and certainly not the 1st time the issues discussed have been raised in the sentiments have been expressed. but one looks on and sees that the international community doesn't look like it's reaching a consensus or
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a state of agreement any time soon. i as well in attempts to support the palestinian struggle, that thousands of protests gathered in south africa to the mind of a soft age of coal exports to israel, demonstrators, the wave kind of thing and finds violence while condemning companies which continue . expos, israel saying that it feeds the genocide in gaza, or the riley comes off to another nation, columbia bind coal expos to is route on thursday due to concerns the fuel could be used in the fight against the pilots and across to southeast asia. indonesia has also seen the movement of boy coughing, west, and brands linked with israel grow. every weekend. thousands of people gather in the capital of jakarta, according to every means possible to stop israel's action against the guns. really bad. this war is not only military war, but the funds from large companies. this is the role of the indonesian people in this case to defend by this time, by,
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by coaching. most people need black. and even though this is a small move, and hopefully it will send a message around the world, and the community of muslims refused to buy things associated with the colonizers, the economy of the latter will collapse. in my opinion, the bar code is effective. it's in line with what we want to show because we want to demonstrate support for palestine. so i personally, if possible, don't to goos that are directly affiliated with israel. it has become a common site here to see thousands of people gathering on weekends to join pro pals and rallies in the heart of the car to not just avoid their support for gaza, but also to take concrete action. my board caught in pro is early products, i probably caught in the car, so i got a message that russell needs far beyond their border. people across the nation are using their purchasing power than against violence and oppression impala. earlier
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this month, one of the countries oldest fast food chains, kfc media, reported a net loss of some $21500000.00 in the 1st quarter of 2024. that's a plunge more than 60 times slower than the same period last year. this is, as the company fees of boys caught from numerous in an agents who accuse it of links to israel, despite its apparent financial losses. you have seen in asia hasn't been very focal on the issue. at the end of last year. it expressed deep concerns over the rows of palestinians in gaza. however, it's been silent since training to promotional campaigns, discounts to attract customers and reported donations to the indonesian red cross to that has been to know a feel from fast food chains like mcdonald's and burger king to household goods and ice cream by, you know, lever and sports apparel by puma,
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the boyd cods has been strengthened with a ruling by the invasion national body of as lubbock, scholars which emphasizes a need to boycott companies connected to israel. we cannot deny that muslims have the own cooling regarding palestine. that's why solidarity and boy relate to difference among muslims. a sudden the high even though to onto those limits have been forced to see israel's cruelty. we are in the midst of a genocide that is unparalleled in the scale is why those would typically quiet in palestine and i look forward to speak help. now people can see videos have had this babies every day on social media saying math and knowing who the perpetrators all it's impossible to remain silent. the boy called split up any media at the start of the escalation in gaza in response to social media reports of mcdonald's is really branch, giving out free burgers to the military. a wave of outreach was also directed towards kfc and starbucks in asia,
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which shut down to comment section on several instagram posts. i made an outpouring of public support for palestine. the head of the protest movement is now saying it has already brought about a real impact, despite the corporate giants being reluctant to admit that the format that we saw of humor, which for the sponsorship of the is ready national football team. often they've been to talking to a boy investment in sanctions movement for years. although they didn't explain it as a result of the boy caught these years. there are many sporting events, such as b lympics and the world go up in the midst of a series of events who met chose to withdraw from israel. according to recent surveys in asia has been one of the top 5 countries whose population has struck hard at the revenues of world famous brands by cutting their products over the war in guys up together with saudi r o b a n d u, a e. in nearby malaysia at the same gas, the franchise hasn't been spared,
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as well. with more than a 100 outlets have been forced to close with consumer activism under rise. it is certainly a means that nations will continue to express their concerns for palestine. the indonesian parliament has holt at the right application of changes to election laws of the styles and hit the streets of the nation's capital, protesting these reforms. although it's a fight as class with the police in jakarta, so you'll see 5 rows in front of the parliament building and try that storm it. police using to a gas and water cannon to disperse the crowd. the process was triggered by election laws changes. previously the top court ruled, but policies would not need at least 20 percent of representation and a regional assembly to feel the candidates for election. the president had insisted the amendment was part of the checks and balances of government. well, you won't be surprised. the head,
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germany is split. certainly politically. it's 3 eastern regions, head to the poles next month and local elections. it seems that butlins foreign policy is going to vote was up in arms, just blowing of the countries budget and sending the economy down the drain, a contributor, rachel mazda, a foreign and defense policy, is supposed to be the business of the federal government. not the states for tried selling that to the voters over there. the anti establishment, right. the alternative for deutschland party is in the lead. there are the, these whole message has always been to stop fueling the conflicts in ukraine with german weapons to secure german sovereignty, which took a wrong turn somewhere. when you have german industry bailing out to the us because it can't survive on short showers, that the german finance moves or brags about. and now another big issue that's come up recently has been the german establishments idea to have american long range weapons move into germany for the 1st time since the end of the cold war. which
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really just means that the us, which already with nato has basses all over germany, is moving into yet another room and brittany it's weapon stash with it started in december 2026 doesn't exactly screen independence when you're trying to go about your business as a supposedly sovereign country and uncle sam is crashing on the codes, reading your fridge and hanging out with his cruise missiles. but hey, chancellor la shultz stood there staring into space when biding, threatened to blow up north stream was standing right beside him. so guess he wasn't going to exactly say no to some armed squatters. the populace last b s. w party led 5 sir, walk him not to even running himself in this election but is all over the parties. as i said that the elections in the east are quote referendum on war and peace. and that party is surging with enough support to be headed for a king maker role in determining the makeup of future government and coalitions of
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each of these 3 eastern states. if those pulling numbers hold, so besides the sabbath spent left coalition, the same, the same sort of things as we anti establishment, right? as was english, these, i think the end of this war has to be ended. finally, we can pump in more and more in your weapons into the system and turn up the escalation level even higher. the stationing of us missiles here in germany is a new stage of escalation. of course, freshman missiles will be directed at us was never been this close to a 3rd world war. that's why diplomacy has to return to this matter. it just can be that we're arm to the teeth and with the same time one peace negotiations. all right, so what we're starting to see shape up here right now with these elections and the preamble to them is. busy the division of germany politically speaking with the establishment dominating in the west and the anti establishment. searching in the east, the popular support on the right and left to each of these east german states reflects
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the fact that this area has particularly benefited from if not depended on economic trade ties with russia. and also historically considered the soviet union around part against the nazi regime in berlin during the 2nd world war. so there's an affinity there and then later consider data around hard against us had gemini. so it's not exactly a surprise that their local state issues own relate back to german foreign policy with anti russian sanctions and broken trade ties hitting this region for disability. hard all ag on my washington, which this region has always given major side. i use the parties seems to been tony down and the usual belligerent anti russian rhetoric during these election campaigns check out sold simself here. who sounds like he's out on a street corner, shaking atten, cop for his pals, zalinski. now the question is, what can we do?
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please support ukraine. so that is simply over run. so they can defend themselves and say, russia doesn't weigh in please help my friend did you do bad? schultz didn't bag for nord streams, lives when 5 and was sounding like a mob boss, ordering a hit on it. then maybe the german economy, particularly in the east, wouldn't be hurting to the point of making these parliamentary local elections largely referendum on germany's ukraine policy. schultz is so focused on unity with the west on ukraine, but his policies just happened to be dividing germany. you think that maybe he want to focus a bit more on that instead given germany's history, but hey, what do i know? yeah. original mazda now, right, that mentioning the sabotage of the north drain pipelines during her report, you know, somebody lists the thing. united states can never admit it, blew up the pipelines because it would simply be a member of nato. a talking another member of extreme,
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your personal with us here. this is the we're told you as president joe biden does not want to stand up with russia over ukraine to trigger a global war. the evidence suggest just the opposite. nato now uses ukraine to
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attack russia. have no doubt russia will respond. beautiful, sun soaked vineyards nestled amongst the breathtaking, rolling hills. as a gentle breeze comes off of the surrounding sea comic imagery of french wine country. but this is not france. we are in a coupon at russia on the black sea, where recently they've got the serious about making some world class wants to learn more. the interesting to note this area actually has a history of wind making that helps to create the conditions for the wine industry to thrive here. a browser. so is one of russia's most famous, sparkling wine, if creation dates back to the 19th century, the noon george, this is absolutely beautiful. thanks for bringing us out here. there many places in the world that have hills and never close to the sea. what makes this place a brown?
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so stand out as like the place when i see these plays the 1st time i understood that there was something special from abroad. so the actually, now that i know that our place is from, from russia. here we have a combination of a, as you said, landscape the proximity of what through legal black, see the customer, our region is region which can be very cold in winter and very dry and hot. in summer. we have the influence of the sea, which here brings us my winter and i would say as well, after, during the ripening time, some fresh or a temperature the night, then we can, i mean some other places. so eat it brings some micro condition microclimate condition. very special. what about that? our son and we know that climate change is affecting the taste of one scientist
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have been saying that it really is affecting how winds are evolving. does that mean that the sparkling wine is that we are tasting now? are not even close to what we had, let's say a 100 years ago. a locally, i have no idea how was the time when he goes a go. i suspect that the in the 100 last year is very many of us power meters, which i have to change is a type of wind rather than just the temperature of the, the type of the house of vines where it could to be the although winds were either made in the winery has nothing to do comparing to which we do today in which we did in the best. even if 100 years ago started the very 1st step of our model. so was close to which was made in trump. and this time, the people who started to plan some vines here, i didn't know what was their feeling, the it's, but i think it was


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