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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the israel launch, it strikes across the southern lebanon, calling it a pre emptive measure against his ball of the militant group insurance, which is a harsh list. mom also had on the program, the thunder of it globally popular telegram messenger is detained in front of us. according to local media, an arrest warrant was reportedly issued for a puddle, dirt off just before his plane landed in congress for refusing to cooperate with law enforcement from the friction. so a lot of miracle landscape signs at bill funding that cannot go orthodox church. following years of persecution, we speak to exclusively to the greek archbishop in jerusalem. the coals, the news i knocked against the just read the truth is that the
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orthodox church is in the world and christiane, to see in the overwhelming majority reject this action. and this decision that was taken by the ukrainian parliament, these a dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious, spiritual affiliation, the basis you are our teach enough to live in direct from russia's capital city. hello and welcome to the news. our israel has launch several strikes, targeting, southern 11 on describing it as a pre emptive measure against because paula the militant group in turn threatened a horse response to the overnight attacks. best course now to our to contribute a robbie berman joining us live from israel morning to you, robi, we've seen back and forth it strikes for many weeks between the idea from his bella . does this appear to be more the same or something more significant?
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i just put this into context about a month ago cuz what i launch, the striking 10 is really building 10 is really uh, citizen, emotional shopping. somebody go on. hi. they were drew's. yeah, they were is really citizen and a response is real killed. so what shot gotta which is a his by law commander in 11 on now his belong has a threat and 2 straight back in a serious way and strike israel and israel, military intelligence, i mean to happen. and that's just for todd going on for the past. since the war has started is because, but i've been launching between 10 and a 100 missiles into israel almost every day. but it is real. got wind this morning that they were launching, waiting to launch a major attack with heavy muscles, long distance missiles and about 5 o'clock in the morning. is there a launch at preventive strike? the last time is what this was 1967 which landed in the 6 day war which had great victory for his wrong and when he didn't do a preventive attack in 1973,
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the yom kippur war it was a great the fee for his role so the a launch event of attack about 5 o'clock this morning, the airport where i'm at now. these really, airport was closed down for a few hours, but they opened up again at 7 am. as you can see, and most people are getting notices from the places of employment, they should not come to work. the government has sent out a message to most people usually work from home and stay within an area that is close to a bomb shelf is where everyone's waiting is belies. recently, over the past few minutes, i issued a statement saying that their 1st wave, which is over 300 rocket launches is on most of them were shot down. there was only one person, one is really that was injured in the city of alco. but most of it was a failure, 320 rocket launch by his block is north causing almost no damage. and no, no doubt it was a failure. and his beloved now mentioned that they had finished with the 1st wave of attack upon israel with more to come. not sure if that will be today, tomorrow, or the days to come in. just to know probably does it feel worth 10 stuff it has
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done because of what you've said. there are 1967 the last time something of this occurred. it led to that 6 day war is the retents feeling that that this is going to escalate? not there, there's no question that the war is coming down the pipeline is there is no way for a not to come down. the people are been 80000 is really sort of been thrown out of their homes or north of the past 10 months. and every day, his launch is between 10 and a 100 rockets into israel. so everyone is screaming for the government to do something so life and go back to normal. and the north israel has notified all the citizens of south lebanon to get away from any his belo centers. they've asked 11 east citizen to please go north. they don't want more collateral damage than is needed. so the war is coming. i must call him, there's no way that it is will can live. i did this threat on a daily basis and have a whole north of israel cleared up. is really citizens, kids not going to school. she was supposed to start in a week or 2. people haven't gone back to work. 80000 people,
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we have 80000 internal reputation inside of israel. the war is going to call and the question is when and what scale and will be a regional war, including a ron and a who is in yemen. ok live from the ben green or port which just at a top ration for a little while. but as back on the way as robbie berman are to come to peter hodge just being telling us were, i'll be thank you. the a crack done on free speech. just one of the reactions to the news, the russian tech to i couldn't hobble do or off, has reportedly being detained by french police. the telegram fund raise accused of not giving security services, access to private information on the messenger platform. investigators, therefore, our allegedly accusing him of complicity and drug trading, fraud and crimes against children to let's get into this with our t. charlotte, do been steve joys been down in the studio for more on that and i'm just reading through that literally of,
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of what it could be in connection with some there's quite a vagueness that comes with that. but just in the overall situation chart, no official confirmation as yet at from par us at by the public door of being detained. is that correct? that's why at the moment, uh, these aren't just reports from a number of french out. let somebody say that they weren't close sources with the investigation. they say that people do ups private plane landed in power and negotiate effort, which is an effort that's only used by private and business planes at around 8 pm on saturday nights in paris. and as he was coming down to the tall mock, he was arrested, as he said, a litany of different accusations against him in this apparent search warrant that was released by the french authorities just before his plain landing. that that's what's being reported. you set them money laundering, drug task and sharing of sexual content of children. so crimes against children, fraud, one, be investigating suicide. speaking to french media, saving,
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the telecom has been go to site for crime, for criminal gangs now for a very long time. and what we're expecting is that during off will be indicted in front of a judge on sunday in faults. and there's a suggestion that he will not be allowed to be free for any trial takes place. he'll be in detention likely to spend time in some sort of facility until that to talk and take place. normally that's within a few months in fonts. and the suggestion is that if he is found guilty of these crimes, 6 face up to 20, he's in jail. now, the reason he is being apparently arrested is not because he has committed any of these crimes. but because as the founder of telegram that he is seems to be complicit because there's nobody in this accusation, the telecom is not doing enough to monitor the activity on it. so i,
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like i mentioned, investigate to saying in front, this is a go to site for criminal activity. and that full for many west and governments, he himself is seen, has been complicit in those crimes. it was a when we heard of this surprising move, southern light, particularly so i would suggest when it comes to france, you've got a country who, you know, who was dear to it's hard freedom of expression and democracy come to be more to this arrest than that that actually is, is that we're talking about that's coming out of about it, although there's no official confirmation to it. yeah. well i think give them that telegram sells itself as being this incredibly safe fat. but it's got end to end clipping clicks on those who are mentioning in the lead, and that it is stated time and time again on its website that it will not share information with government. you can imagine the kind of information that's on the, the accusations that are being made dictates how telegram is being used, not just the criminal activities, but for example, at the rights we saw in
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u. k. recently, the big protest accusations that it was being used to motivate those from the hot right to come out and to cause violence on the streets of governments really would love to get hold of this kind of information to be able to perhaps route that problems within their own society and cracked down on potential freedom of speech too. so we know that there are these issues. so yes, front says, you know, it's all about freedom of speech, liberty, galaxy. but the reality is, governments also realize that the information contained in and i like telecom, could be in valuable to any of their investigations on regarding at the moment, no problem. the role has a speech spoken. i recently 2 of the us a t v show host talk a call soon. and he was talking to about how government's been trying to pressure him to get information. and he has stated that telecom will remain free from jew
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politics. i think that's quite key because that suggests that perhaps governments are also trying to get information about of the governments around the world that's helping us. what do you have to say? we got too much attention from the the at the i the security agencies, wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 we received a letter from i believe the clinic was none of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising. the letter seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request,
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you will be in violation with the us constitution. and there is a fear that information, if it was taken from telegram, could be used against politicians also. so, you know, these huge uses, but the kind of information that could be gained from access to telecom and this is why do overstated time and time again, he doesn't want to be pulling into politics. now we have had a reaction from tucker calls into the report of his arrest. let's hear what talk. i had to say the villager of left russia when the government tried to control his social media company to the ground. but in the end, it wasn't boots in who arrested him for long the public to exercise free speech. it was a western country. i bought an administration ally and didn't seem z aspect. nato. remember, the locks him away. pabo durham sits in the french jail tonight, living warning to any platform owner who refused to sense that the truth is the
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best of governments. and in so agencies. darkness is defending fast on the formerly free wild. so there's a question, is tyler crime the an application for pursuing freedom of speech, or does it pose a danger to society? and that is something that it seems that a french court will be looking at. can we just pick up and what was said? there are problems or of did have issues with authorities and rush at one point. reminder, charles had the turn died on what most substances on the latest development. yeah, that's why so back in 2018 telecom was actually banned in russia. and that's because it refused to pass information to the authorities. and now there was a lawyer in russia that it's an apps like this required to store that encrypted keys and then pass that information to the f s b if they're required to do so. now this was something that the west would salute a few, reassign him
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a n g o is just saying, oh, you know, this is wash requesting donald freedom speech. this is no. okay, we can't have this well rush. this reaction is to now say, well look, we were dealing with and now you're doing exactly the same way. will those freedom of speech lobbyist be now let's have a listen to what the next best and for the russian foreign minister had say, i just remember how in 2018, a group of 26 n g o has condemned the russian quotes decision to block telegram telegram had legal issues to many countries had in connection with the technical parameters of the encryption system. these west and n g guys. quote on the russian authorities to stop crazy obstacles to tell the grounds what they appealed to the when the council of you are the only see the european union, the united states and other governments to resist russia's actions, protect the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and privacy at the same time during the remainder lodge all this time. continuing to develop telegram. do
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you think these n g guys will appeal to parse this time on demand or release? or will they swallow that tons? now in the band was late to lift it. telegram is a hugely popular app pay in russia, and the reason it was listed is because telecom came to an agreement with the russian authorities. is that the they would help with passing on information to do with extruding mist investigations. and that has been incredibly helpful if we think back to coca city hall and the terror attack that killing a 145 people in injuring at more than 500 people back in march. again, we found out off to it's a telegram, was used to recruit the terrorist and was used as a means to pass on information. so we can see how crucial it is being to get that information from kind of in terms of very specific investigations to do with extreme is in a, in russia. okay. taking us through. that's our t charlotte,
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to been stay. let's delve into some of the points that shorter was raising there, because it's always good to stay the canadian blogger, political, homeless to alex reports about such things. alex, good to see you on expected developments this weekend. what was your initial reaction to the news of mr. do or ups detention? well, i was not surprised. i expected this to happen after his interview with tucker carlson many months ago. we've got a very good look and understanding about this company and how it was run. it was run quite clever and not connected to government agencies not connected to you know, i pose listed on the new york stock exchange, not connected to the security exchange commission or anything like that. it was pretty much running its own shop with some very is very intelligent engineers behind it. now, this kind of gave its annual that protection and its own and gave its users, uh,
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the ability to have confidence in the uh, you know, the software itself. well, uh, all that has changed since last night, as he sits in jail. i don't think he's getting out any time soon. i think every app, do you think this move has solely been initiated by french authorities or are there other external forces at play? we're not hearing about it at this point. of course we are going to hear this come out and this is very similar to the among showcase where a far ways ceo was arrested in canada on a arrest warrant and a, you know, an extradition to the united states. they fought that hard. they fought that aggressively, and in the end, she returned back to china and pretty much most of the charges if anything was met aside. here's where the americans get involved. they get involved from, you know,
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and information area. there's thinking. so is this going to hurt or help our elections? now we may laugh at that, but it's uh, you know, he should be sharing a jail cell with mark sucker bird right now. why is mark out the owner of facebook, the major shareholder. facebook is because he bowed down to the american politics. he opened up the doors, he opened up his encryption and in fact, he allowed his platforms to silence all positions in elections, as well as pretty much helped uh, you know, destroy the reputation of donald trump, which he has band on his platform. there's another thing i want you to say that you know, the reason why americans still retains its 1st amendment is because it actually has a 2nd amendment. and that is the rights to bear arms. and people are very aware of that in the united states. that if this eventually gets out of hands, they are going to hold their accountant or their government accountable. and because i'm really worried about, you know, people's faith here. because when the american start stacking on,
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they will throw everything. conspiracy to commit this conspiracy to commit that money laundering. uh, you know, child pornography charges. uh we could be seeing another julian, a science case, and ravel right before our eyes and just on the contrast to how he has been treated, we mentioned it earlier. alex there were attentions between public girlfriend, russian authorities over taylor grump. but it seemed to be worked out in, in a much more const range and conscientious way between them. now what's happening in france, the rest of orange was pud i just before he landed and in par as he's being held. as you say, it could be for a considerable length of time with all this. all this essentially must be thrown and seeing what's going to stick into in terms of charges against them. enough contrast, how do, how do you see that on the way it's being spoken of by to how russia is
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a part of the old was the one you know, doing these things right in front of a rise on saturday night. it's happening in a western capital it could happen of all us bloggers and journalists were very aware of this on how we travel. we travel, what devices that we travel with. um, you know, it's very open. it was very transparent that, you know, restaurants wanted to have a chat with him. and of course, it's understandable. the governments would like to sit down with some of these technology people and ask them, you know, how can we, uh, curb terrorism or in our country. china has similar laws to that, like russia. um, you know, in extreme circumstances, they do need support from these platforms. but when it comes down to the average guy sending messages to his grandmother, i mean, why is that any interest or why should that be an interest to, to governments? but here's the issue. he made a mistake here. he should have been very aware that, you know, france is a very big ally,
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the united states. we've seen this go out through out europe. we saw it with the julian the science case. and once again, this is basically how do what you're told. you're not going to do what you're told fine, we're going to arrest you and you're going. thank you. exhausted. been too much. absolutely, and here's what's happened. now. they are going to put the squeeze on him like you cannot imagine. and that will be all right. we'll let you walk blocked for that. we think you might have to open up that platform to us. my own, my terabyte options. sanctions on tell the grammar coming done. the truck is, is that what you think? everything is coming down the track for telegrams. uh, you know, whether its sanctions, whether it's, you know, all right, we want uh, 1st line into the communications. we want the encryption keys. we want the whole thing or you're not going anywhere. and well, we see what happened to julie massage, how the reporters just it's, it's
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a terrible day actually for uh, for this guy. uh, very smart. his brother is extremely intelligent. great crew never had to promote that platform. people trusted it. and now it's uh, you know, on a shoe string, whether the americans and the french are going to pressure him into, give it all up for the sake of the national security, as i say. or you're going to sit in a prison in france, maybe for the rest of your life. high, far reaching cut. these relevant cations go. if somebody, pablo dirt off can be held in charge, which shuts a thing in terms of what you do for a living. and the overall sense of attacking, of attacking a journalist, what right on the, on the tech entrepreneur. what does this today as we stand? where does this leave us or bowed down to the authorities or lose your life in prison and advance exactly what his fate is. today,
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either he's going to have to turn everything over, open up what the whole platform was built for, for the french and i'm gonna tag you're gonna see in the next few days, the americans are going to be all over this one to have done lots of things started, so he said he didn't do nothing to us. did he, we, we sold up that mr. drive for reveal to tucker carlson, but the u. s. government pressured him to share information and tell the problem users, he didn't, he refused to write for it. or are you not seeing that being stretched out the parts? we couldn't do that in america, so we're going to do it in europe. where maybe as you say, at the right, the bear arms isn't such a big issue. i'm not, the citizens will dries off in, in such a way. here's the issue. he resisted the americans because he wasn't on american soil. but now he was an ally, france that could easily sign an equity extradition order to send him to america.
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the department of justice would love to sit down with this guy and they will unravel probably some of the most. trump top, no pun intended, there to donald trump, but trumped up charges against this guy. you are going to hear this word, conspiracy to commit conspiracy to commit. and conspiracy to commit. 2025 years, 20 years, 100 years, whatever there. or they've got there, man. and he's in jail and the expedition stuff, trust me, it's coming down the pipeline. we have seen this movie before. alex, i just want to point out as well as just come to me the, the head of the you're creating parliament, i think was the informational policy committee. it was called put forward again. not for the 1st time. the idea to fully block telegram telegram was very much in the name of key, and i think that ukraine is losing the information more that was that was a given reason, not the fact that france is one of the main patrons. busy on the bottle field, do you see any kind of connection there?
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yeah, absolutely. and this is the surprising thing, is that, you know, i've you, telegram, i see a fair amount of information from the ukraine side on that platform as well as a fair amount from the russian side on that platform. and many western channels are allowed to express their views. it's a platform, and that's was used to everybody has an opinion. that's fine. but it seems to me here, the timing is very, very suspicious. as we're getting closer to that election, as we're seeing, you know, our f t joint forces with donald trump as we're seeing these allies come together, e law and mosque as well. joining that, that, that synergy there with mr. trump. oh boy, uh, this is irritating. uh, you know, the other side uh, we'll call it uh, you know, lot of these governments in france and governments that have funded this needle lead a proxy war with russia. well, the trying to take down one of their biggest information targets and they've done
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that last night. the, the owner sits in the french prison. and um, i don't think he's going to be released anytime soon. if not, he's gonna have to give up a lot. that's for sure. i appreciate you putting it all into context for us today. alex, good to see you. i'm good to talk to alex reporter fee. can it be in blogger? i'm journalist. thank you. i think there's a landscape has signed the bill bombing the canonical orthodox church. following years of persecution against it, i'm, it's worshippers, saturdays. move was condemned by the head of the russian patriarchy. it's call for response from international orthodox church leaders. having failed to weaken the canonical church in ukraine, having failed to shake its unity. therefore it has decided to band completely as a result of the adoption of the current law. hundreds of monasteries thousands of communities. millions of austin dogs, believers in ukraine, will find themselves outside the legal field will lose their property in place of prayer. a well defined of christian orthodoxy. new crane effects,
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more than 20000000 people throughout the country and follows the creation of the new key have supported the orthodox church. if you pray in 2019 a few short years after the us supported my done could. will ukraine's government said the new church was intended as a way to less than most schools influence the establishment of its follow to keith's persecution of can on the cold car, ex raids on orthodox churches on threats to its followers that grew after the start of the conflict in 2022 authorities seized property from the traditional church, transferring it to the new one. then this past, choose the country's parliament, passed a law. the fact to binding you creating an orthodox church or not all and peace. a crate with a religious compound in the ordinary courtrooms was a big issue today that ukrainian parliament has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and
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this mistake without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian peoples. no loss can prevent us from frame visiting temples, defending our fate. there are no obstacles to this. just as there were none for the lord or key of the church bound, figured to response from jerusalem or to you earlier, gods, exclusively for you from archbishop feel. don't see us of the holy cities. greek orthodox patriarch aid, we set to move is simply a violation of religious freedom. yeah, and how do you click on the tree sees that they also don't stretch, he's in the world and christianity and they over whelming majority reject this action of this decision that was taken by the ukrainian parliament. and we can see that this decision to be on jostle, or of course before the sanction they what persecution. and they were still persecutions against this church. the arrest of bishops, the seizure of churches,
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the rest of clergy, and the seizure of properties and endowments belonging to this church. these are dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious and spiritual affiliation. there is no traditional church or more traditional or less traditional church in ukraine. in ukraine, there is only one orthodox church. you cannot see race, the existence of an ancient church that is over a 1000 years old and ukraine with the stroke of a pen. and by a vote in parliament, cancel the existence of a church with a 1000 year history. this is an unjust action. this is a clear violation of human rights. all other entities that were created to be alternatives to this church are invalid, illegal, and illegitimate. and we do not recognize them a tool. it is not within the powers of the parliament told a government in ukraine to intervene in this religious indicates the obstacle match or whoever supports the span. regardless of their religious or sectarian affiliation is a partner in this crime,
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the archbishop. so you don't see us, not some call, it's on a bus, should lea racist others, a symbol of struggle and remembrance of those who created the nation. the confederate flag is perhaps the most divisive and bloom and american life today. and next we delve into just why that's the case. this is 24740 introduction the it's, it's almost uh, almost depletion in the west. but this whole idea of, with my, to the last your brain in some truth behind it. i mean, think about it for the american, the $60000000000.00 for the reason. a package, not a lot of money. a lot of money stays within the united states in terms of the defense contracts and the like and pulled off money that, you know, they fight side. they prolonged the war. they keep russia busy. you know,
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this is the, ultimately, this, what the west is doing is on a file, you know, trying to preserve west of the hague higgin monday. the wanted to come here since i was 12, when my grandfather told me that his mom came from russia that we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long. i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me. but then i came and then i was like, i remember when i go home, i've never been happier in life than i am here in russell. i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here like jay who worked as a chef and now raises goats and makes cheese in the countryside to.


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