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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the tribes preserve west to the hague higgin, many a, the, the found the all be globally popular telegram is reportedly detained. it's wrong. and the last interview before his arrest have older of were billed us. security agencies were pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platform. to use it, we get too much attention from the, at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the us as well launch is flying across southern lebanon, poor to get a preemptive measure against hezbollah, similar to griffin to. and so that is a quote cost response. the landscape signs of build binding a centuries old canonical orthodox church. following is the of persecution. we
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speak exclusively to a greek, the archbishop in jerusalem, who calls them even at the game when they just read the orthodox churches. in the world and christianity reject this action that was taken by the ukrainian parliament, these a dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious and spiritual affiliation. the hello and welcome. this is the weekly, on all the international with the latest news update along with around the stories the shapes, the waiting to get to have you with us. i was tossing with this a clap down on free speech just one of the reactions to the news. the russian text tied to pablo durham has reportedly being detained by french police. the telegram found the is accused of notes giving security services access to private information on the messenger platform investigates this all allegedly accusing him of complicity and drug trafficking,
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fraud and crimes against children aussies. so the do by skis told us more. this is a reports from french tv stations to say that they've got source is close to the investigation. he's playing pablo dogs playing the rice in paris on saturday evening, and he had just switched the towel not getting off the plane, but apparently he was detained by the french, all star attorneys, now, according to one source close to the investigation. the reason they showed that i had released this warrant for him and arrest him on the french sword is because telegram is seen as being the go to go to ask for a criminal activities organized crime at full the last few years. now you mentioned best some of the crimes, but he could be facing charges over they say is money laundering for this is a drug trafficking crimes against children. these are incredibly serious crimes.
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it's expected that he's going to go before a judge on sunday in front and is unlikely to be released from pre trial detention because of obviously the fact who he is, the pharmacy has his ability to leave the country and perhaps avoid justice. that they are expecting, but he will be reminded in custody until any trial. and that could be many, many months away. the suggestion, if he's found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in prison. now, the russian embassy in paris has said that it is looking for clarity on this situation. do, of course, as a russian citizen, he also has joint nationality and he's a french citizen too. we're dealing with the situation charlie thought, and it's happening in front of the country, which shap promotes itself as a beacon of democracy in a, in a dark world. all that kind of thing. freedom of speech is par online yet. he's
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being treated in such a high profile way as, as a criminal, like directly as if he's accused of doing nice things himself. but he's not. yeah, let's be clear that he's not being accused of actually carrying out any of these activities. the basis of this warranty is that because telecom missing is don't motor rating enough of it's not don't providing information to governments in the west, but he's essentially complicit in these crimes simply for being the owner and co founder of telecom. it's pretty incredible situation now. we know that she's been coming on that massive pressure from western governments to share information, talent, golf, which is one of the most popular movie downloaded apps in the world, are close to a 1000000000 uses swipe. so in this idea that is gonna end to end encryption that it's safe to send messages on, and telecoms website says it does not pass information to governments. all of these the big take points when people are using to look at the app. so he's talked about
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the pressure he's been coming and recently he sat down with us host tucker calls and, and talk specifically about what the us authorities have been doing and how they've been trying to persuade him to pass on information. let's just have to listen to the said in that interview, we got too much attention from in the day the f b i, the security agency is wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 uh, we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, clinic with many of the democratic sides. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising the
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letter. it seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, you will be in violation with the us constitution. let's talk a call soon. reacted very quickly to the reports of papa through ups arrest. saying that he's being locked away in c z asked a 3 by a member of nato, that this is the west that has locked him up because he's refusing to sense of the truth. and i think that's really interesting is that what we've got here is western government putting out a warrant for this big tech mogul and essentially putting him behind boss before he's even been able to have his day in court. that there's been lots of other reaction as well, even in coming from influential americans or consumed by the developments in this case. fronts just arrested pablo during founder and ceo of the encrypted
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uncensored telegram platform. the need to protect free speech has never be more urgent. p o v. it's 2030 in europe, and you're being executed for liking a mean. it's telegram today, it will be ex, tomorrow. free speech is under attack, whatever the world. why are people's opinions and voice is such a threat? courageously resolve differences freely in the public square. will. of course we know the dog has actually worked with governments in the west to acquiesce to the demands he address to the demands of the e. u to bind off seeds, foaming telegram. if you have a i. e u base number, you cannot get access to our new services via that app. and it's interesting that now he is in faults in the way see, could find himself behind the box, public draw full to have an issue with started. he's here in rush, reminded charlotte,
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how did the turn died on what most schools have to say on these the latest development she has. this is going back to 2018 where telegram was fund in bush, and that's because it was refusing to handle the information and essentially in breach of russian rules. now that fun was listed when telecom and the russian authorities came to a dealer, not to is it telecom would pass information to the f s b own requests if it was related to extra we missed investigations. so telecom widely used still here in russia. but at the time we had in jews from the west or cooling file, we'll say no, hey, we oregon russia trying to clump down the freedom of speech. this is an ok. we're not happy about this. an interesting the, the russian foreign ministry, spokes person is said, well, she one does this bill being the same. and g o's cooling for his freedom and cooling for his liberty. right now, i just remember how in 2018, a group of 26 n g o has condemned the russian quotes decision to block telegram.
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telegram had legal issues to many countries had in connection with the technical parameters of the encryption system. these west and m guys quote on the russian authorities to stop crazy obstacles to tell the grounds what the appeal to the you, when the council view are the only see the european union, the united states, and other governments to resist russia's actions, protect the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and privacy at the same time during the remainder lodge all this time. continuing to develop telegram. do you think these n g h will appeal to parse this time on demand or release? or will they swallow that tons? the question is now, where could this lead could this open the floodgates of the actions? we knew that was a suggestion in the u. k. just a few weeks ago that mosque could be arrested for some of the, the tweets he made during the riots. we swear in the u. k. and is this a question about freedom of speech choices about where the power in today's society
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lies on the fact that western governments are concerned that perhaps they are losing it? the russian embassy and for also stated the dates in touch with people durable lawyer, but the european country has a void. there is any contact with mosca. we heard from the ria booth, not a russian m p and a member of the state during the committee on international affairs. and she thinks the telegram funds of the rest was entirely dependent on his nationality. that's the problem of the lease. so people, sometimes those years i were like that we have, we have this and i guess the western propaganda issue inside of our minds believe in the states. they do have freedom of speech and now there are no masks already. he should have been understanding that it's gonna happen with him, but i think people think about this, but they don't realize it fully. now he does these guys in very serious and they do go off to every single russian. they go up,
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they do go after every person who's things differently than the west who wants them to sing. so this is 1994, and i don't think he's, he saw the probably that it has enough money to secure himself and kind of was convinced that he's the citizen of the world. there is no such thing. he took to french citizenship, but he didn't become french by birth, a visas and nationalism. this is rosa for this, and this has been lots of times back. people show open their eyes and realize that the only reason the work is now in prison is because he is russian, and there is nothing he could have done or could do. now. to free himself is no words he could say. he will be found guilty no more than once. it is nothing to do with friends. friends typically is just there as far as the executor, all over certain things that the united states wants them to do when they want to
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step aside, they use or france, germany, and other countries of nato. why do i say so? because i know a lot of cases, i know all of the cases in france, there were 2, our football fans rested in 2018. france and base are being affordable conditions. 3 and 10 years in france and it was a very high profile case. but who was the per some or that can use ation. all the state who ordered that because they needed evil russians. there are many people for we're all in the process and all the ser, the children lance in france in 2016 when there was a football match for the rest of the russians. so they just use france and the person who actually signed the deal is far away across the ocean in the plan to extend the united states. so we shouldn't be clear about that and the only safe place today to or hide for a person who has their own mind and who wants to be easily
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a life where you can speak freely is russia as well, has loans. several strikes, targeting slow, southern lebanon, describing it as a preemptive measure against has beloved and is, was small. and so the 300 work is when lowest bi hezbollah is. well, all these correspondents on the grounds in bay roots can tell us more. a non beside him, how much of a hezbollah has made 2 statements. the 1st of these includes the following points. the response to the assassination of the come on the food sugar, which took place in the south and would be root has already been done on the 1st phase of best response has been successfully completed. in addition, as well as the statement concerned, a large scale ro natasha warnings. these really all me against attacks of civilians . the overnight zation stress is fine, has already to respond to any attacks on civilians in lab. and on the 2nd statement to report to the launch of 320 roll goods from south and never known to 11 is really military bases in the south of level. and there are intensive flights of
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military aircraft off to the capital b rate according to has pull out an operation was successful. you can reach out to using a significant number of missiles positions in northern israel's, and disabling the owing time system. it is obvious, whatever strikes were carried out, place really ministry across it has full amount of sure which missiles, as p t g m t military bases in northern israel. it should be emphasized that these bases are important from the point of view, for military purposes. the air force headquarters on the main all 10 the re positions in northern israel, located at the facilities. the dog has the his actions have to run attention to the spaces. i'm the only thing system in light of the current intensity of the missile flight from south 11 o 2 most northern israel. international relations academic hired el, her re, re safe, is waiting a tongue to 11 and are in attendance by benjamin netanyahu to buy himself more time . uh, let me see for the physical uh, they do not wish to uh,
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have the most cable bill everetts. yes, we can say that engine, and that is the news conservancy because i think the necessity of basing this are you this that's really the onset of does not want to out of this war the we believe i believe versa. and b, i. so for the, the, the assumption that the whole actually benefits from a large or regional and war, he is the event the, i mean, do you all as the sport and does, he believes that may be there as an escalation and the word with the live on his will continue or uh, his personal benefits under the drivers are united states actually, and it was sort of going through some sort of a, this one due to the most time in order to make what he believes is fixing the problem is lensky has signed the build binding, they cannot co orthodox church. following years of persecution against it on this
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worship is today's, it's not today's move, probably a lot rather, was condemned by the head of the russians. patriarchy, who's called for a response from international orthodox choice, latest having failed to weaken the canonical church and ukraine, having failed to shake its unity. this orange has decided to band completely as a result of the adoption of the current law. hundreds of monasteries, thousands of communities, millions of austin dogs, believers in ukraine, will find themselves outside the legal field will lose their property and place of prayer. to will the divide of christie, angels of elk see and you explain effects mold in a 20000000 people throughout the country and photos. the creation of the new key of supported orthodox church of ukraine in 20. 19 a few short years off to the us support of my down to your plans. governments that they knew to nomination was attended, as a way to less than most goes to influence the establishment of
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a church followed keeps persecution of canonical clerics waits on orthodox churches . and threats to its followers then grew off the status of the conflicts. in 2022 old dorothy states property from the traditional church transferring it to the new one. and then this past tuesday, the country's paula been posting the defacto by the, the ukrainian or folks church. however, not all of the countries and pays agrees with when they just comp down the ordinary portions box was a big issue today. the ukranian parliament has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake, without any doubts that will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian people. just no loss can prevent us on the brain of visiting temples defending our family members very well. there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lower. okay, of coach bon triggered a response from jerusalem also you earlier spoke exclusively to archbishop the
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adult status of the holistic days. greek orthodox patriot. kate, who's that the move is a violation of religious freedom. yeah. and how do you click on the tracy's that they also don't strategies in the world and christianity and they over whelming majority reject this action of this decision that was taken by the ukrainian parliament. and we can see that this decision to be on jobs of, or of course, before the sanction they what persecution. and there was still persecutions against this church, the arrest of bishops, the seizure of churches, the rest of clergy, and the seizure of properties and endowments belonging to this church. these are dangerous actions that violate freedom of expression and freedom of religious and spiritual affiliation. there was no traditional church or more traditional or less traditional church in ukraine. in ukraine, there was only one orthodox church. you cannot see race, the existence of an ancient church that is over a 1000 years old and ukraine with the stroke of a pen. and by a vote in parliament,
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cancel the existence of a church with a 1000 the history of the season on just section. this has a clear violation of human rights. the other entities that were created to be alternatives to this church are invalid. so illegal, and the legitimacy and we do not recognize emma to what it is not within the powers of the parliament, told the government in ukraine to intervene in this religious increase, the obstacle match, or whoever supports the span, regardless of their religious or sick. terry and affiliation is a part of the reason this product is what we're going to return oswell top story this our russian tech talk to in problem durrell says reports anything to change by french police. the telegram fonda is accused of notes, giving security services, access to private information on the messenger platform. now investigate has all, unless the accusing him of complicity and drug trafficking, fraud, and crimes against children. let's discuss this with a guest with joined to advise civil de la strategy,
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a political analyst on the military ex, but many thanks for joining us on the program. so problems are of appears to have been detained. could face serious charge is a false appears unhappy with the lack of control. it will drive a telegram slicing these terrorism concerns and other risk. i'm just wondering is his arrest justified? no, it's not. absolutely not justified. because all the charges that are priced against private i'll do of our only technical charges which will give time to the french police district to detain him for 96 hours instead of the normal the 48 hours and everyone knows that the as soon as you have a terrorist, the drum canals that appears um, even if there is no specific back doors for intelligence agencies, we know how to track them. we know how to identify the owner of those canals and
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the persecution can go on. so this is an absolute shame from the french government to use this a technical strategy to detain him. it's just the purpose of trying to money to or completely, to press, to pressurize pedal, to give back door access to the french intelligence services. the am i 6 the c a inside the whatever you want it's, it's only this was like, you know, puff outlet hasn't been forthcoming and cooperating with the european, all sorts he's in the positive media. went ahead and, and bands. and then you'd all tease telegram channels, bez, but this doesn't seem to have helped him. i told does it, no, it doesn't actually actually want to have to understand that on all the media platform that you have. if you take, for example, facebook, everything that belongs to midline 5 to fix that facebook, instagram website,
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it's already completely money to our eyes by you. obviously don't judge and see is the only one that is deal of the place where you cannot have a bit of freedom. and i say a bit of freedom because telegram was attacked a couple of months ago. and i know, and we know that some telegram canals that were link defense numbers were completely full but down in front. so why don't have to find another solution to, to, to, to keep on which is as grading a news. we but yes, a telegram, you still are the only place where you have the freedom of speech before i people are in freedom. and what we are seeing here is a desperate attempts you to take that away, which is very dangerous because every incident, for example, the, even if i don't like it, it seems like for example, the united states constitution. now you have, uh, one of my not that is guaranteeing the freedom of speech. normally,
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france is the country of freedom, the quality and frontier identity, where you have the freedom of speech also and the cure on you of the true story is that, that the time it was not arrested in russia. when many years ago, he said that you don't want to incorporate in these because if the one that the, the same thing, you your west feel free to go on the free to speak, i'm free to do everything. but yet, france has moved on the staff that is a very dramatic one way. this is a really interesting development chris pablo ski, who is the one of the founders of the video platform rumble. he's posted on ac, saying that he's actually left your of the following pebble door of detention. so we know the rumble is also face legal challenges in phones given that was 2 assessments of the situation with the freedom of speech that and where are people supposed to go if the worried about their freedom of speech as well. that that's a very interesting question. you know, that present in put in signed
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a new kaz. we said that all the people that were not there agreeing with the police of their country could request the and could be granted permission to come and live in the us in the us. sorry, use the side in the, in russia to, um, to participate in the, in the where russia is living with its, uh, if, with its way of live capture and everything. so that, so that's, that might be as a solution. but that's on, on a more serious notes. what i really would like to point out is that one of the very 1st step that a country is taking to switch from a freedom country to a totally darn young country, is to suppress freedom of speech. if you suppress freedom of speech, you suppress freedom of thinking. if to suppress freedom of thinking, then you surprise for them if asking questions,
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and then you'll become under donation. this is exactly what happened with every single thing to tarry on space, but we've met so far and that's uh, that's the very beginning. so, yes, coming coming to rush idea solution. i think, you know, everybody should be watching this pace with pabo juror of very passively because they could have very far reaching re photoshoot. and since we know telegrams reputation is on the line here itself to many uses. choose it because of its security. you've seen a superior to walks out for instance. so a lot of the stake in regards to direct decides to do whether he decides to give in, co operates with all sorts he's or whether he decides not to want to hold out. well, there are elements, a telegram is a very safe platform of communication. and actually it's not the secret that ram is used. in some cases, you know progressions and don't best for example,
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you know that for example, brushing army and calibrated the grounds. canals to a low you printing and sold your to connect with the russian army and to surrender . so if they did this, they might, they might, they may have worked also on other things because of the security of filling it on . and then that also might be an interest from the accident to acquire backdoors to kilograms, you know, the to spine and what russia is doing, despite the problem of freedom of speech, of course. so one has to be very careful with this. and i, i really think that it's, uh, it is really not the really, you know, the good news. absolutely not. it begins. and also long ago, the head of the crate in parliament informational policy committee put forward. yes . again, the idea is to fully block telegram. i think the key of is losing the information now given the fault, the fact of phones is one of the main ukrainian patrons on the battlefields. do you
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think these best could be connected in some way, but can be connected also in some way. yes, of course. um, but on the other thing, you know, like for people like me i for example, i run my own telegram kind of as you know, and i, but i live in go to different kind of sources of the ground to get some news. and you have the news also from ukrainian comes out. so you have news from your offend canals. you have you use news, sorry from the russian count out. of course, if they are trying to desperately science the ground, it's because on the premium side things are getting worse and worse and worse. and they are just uh, freaking out to europe did reveal and then stay with tucker calls and no so long. the guy that the us government had pressured him to share a telegram use his personal information. um, do you think he suspected his refusal to do so? it would eventually land him in trouble because i'm kind of what i'm thinking of
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that. and i'm thinking about durham knowing that he was pursuing it on grocer instructions and yet still flying to the country where he knew it would be risky. yeah. what would you say a connection here? well uh the connection between the fact that the patio door of knew that he was under arrest and keep flying to front that i don't know and, but i kind of come on them. it's. but yes, there is definitely a connection between is refusal to our corporate to corporate with the n s a c i a n d i most probably am i 6 on french services also, and they are just trying to silence him. um yes, of course i'm sure that there is a connection. it is of course, we know in the west on the weather work. it's definitely this annual day. thanks for speaking to us today it's, it's good to say this. there was a lot of geopolitical unless the military expert many thanks. thanks and i thank you for joining us. hey,
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on all the international web back in 30 minutes. the sensor, the the i wanted to come here since i was $121.00. my grandfather told me his mom came from russia, but we were, i was part russian. i didn't plan on staying this long and i was gonna look around, i was gonna see if it was for me that like it, maybe i'll look at some properties. come back in a few more years after i'm retired and then just finish out life in russia. but then i came and then i was like, i don't remember when i go home. that's how i felt about rush. i love it. i love it so much here that i don't even want to leave. i just want to travel around rush, i have no desire to go to any other country. the
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i've never been here in a row. so the, i've only lived here a few months, but i wanted to tell you what fascinates me about russia and share the stories of other foreigners who lived here. like jay who worked as a chef and now raises godes and makes cheese in the countryside. like chad who has been granted political asylum because he's being persecuted by the f. b. i like an american family. that recently moved to russia with 6 children the year. we are happy to be here. this is my friend joe. a few months ago he immigrated to russia with his large family. now i'm on the way to visit him. i want
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to find out why he decided to.


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