tv News RT August 25, 2024 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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the, the, the, the found, the, all the glibly popular telegraph is reportedly detained in front. and the last interview, before his arrest, toppled around, reveals us security agency for pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platforms. use it. we get too much attention from the via the eyes and security agencies wherever we came to the us as well, but which is flying across southern lebanon and quoting, it's a preemptive measure. it again has submitted to inquiry, pinto, and such as a quotes harsh football is then images from southern russia. west special forces eliminate ice, has pledged inmates due to close digits until the full prisons stop the
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hello and welcome. this is the weekly on, on the international with the latest news updates along with around that. but the stories the shapes, the week is great to have you with us. starting with this a crack down on a free speech. just one of the reactions to the news that russian text talk to him, people do are of as opposed to be being detained by french police. but telegram found that he's accused of not giving security services access to private information on the message of platform investigates as a allegedly accusing him of complicity and drug trafficking, fraud, and crimes against children policies. charlotte davinsky told us more this is a report from french t v stations to say that they've got source is close to the investigation his playing. pablo dogs playing arrived in paris on saturday evening, and he had just switched the towel not getting off the plane,
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but apparently he was detained by the french, all star attorneys, now, according to one source close to the investigation. the reason they show that i had released this warrant for him and arrest him on frank saw him is because telecom is seen as being the go to go to a app for a criminal activities organized crime for the last few years. now you mentioned that some of the crimes that he could be facing charges over they say is money laundering for to this is a drug trafficking crimes against children. these are incredibly serious crimes. it's expected that he's going to go before a judge on sunday in front and is unlikely to be released from pre trials detention because of obviously the fact who is the pharmacy has his ability to leave the country and perhaps avoid justice. they are expecting that he
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will be reminded in custody until any trial, not to be many, many months away. the suggestion, if he's found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in prison. now, the russian embassy in paris has said that it is looking for clarity on this situation. do, of course, as a russian citizen, he also has joint nationality and he's a french citizen too. we're dealing with the situation. charlotte fact, and it's happening in front of a country which shap promotes itself as a beacon of democracy in a, in a dark world. all that kind of thing. freedom of speech is par online yet. he's being treated in such a high profile way as, as a criminal, like directly as if he's accused of doing these things himself. but he's not yet let's be clear that he's not being accused of actually tiring as any of these activities. the basis of this warranty is that because telecom missing is don't motor rating enough of it's not don't providing information to governments in the
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west that he's essentially complicit in these crimes simply for being the owner and co founder of telecom. it's pretty incredible situation now. we know that he's been coming and massive pressure from western governments to share information, talent, golf, which is one of the most popular. and we don't lose out to the worlds of close to a 1000000000 uses slide. so in this idea that is end to end encryption, that it's safe to send messages on, and telegrams website says it does not pass information to governments. all of these the big take points when people are using to look at the app. so he's talked about the price, so he's been coming on the recently he sat down with us host talk a calls and, and talk specifically about what the us authorities have been doing and how they've been trying to persuade him to pass on information. let's just have to listen to what he said in that interview. we got too much attention from the, the, at the i,
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the security agencies, wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 uh, we received a letter from uh, i believe, uh, clinic with span of the democratic side. and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this authorizing the letter. it seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with in the us constitution. that took a call soon. we acted very quickly to the report. solve papa through ups arrest saying that he's being locked away in c z asked a 3 by a member of nato,
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that this is the west that has locked him up because he's refusing to sense of the truth. and i think that's really interesting. is that what we've got here is weston government putting out a warrant for this big tech mogul and essentially putting him behind boss before he's even been able to have his day in court. that there's been lots of other reaction as well, even in coming from influential americans or consumed by the developments in this case from just arrested pablo during founder and ceo of the encrypted uncensored telegram platform. the need to protect free speech has never be more urgent. pos e. it's 2030 in europe, and you're being executed for liking a mean. it's telegram today, it will be ex tomorrow. free speech is under attack one over the world. why are people's opinions and voice is such a threat?
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courageously resolved differences freely in the public square. will. of course we know that dog has actually worked with governments in the west to acquiesce to that demands. he crested the demands of the e. u to bon off seeds folding telegram. if you have a i. e, you based number, you cannot get access to our new services via that app. and it's interesting that now he is in fonts in the way he could find himself behind the boss problem. draw full shot, an issue a started, he's here in rush, remind, distraught of how it turned out on what most schools have to say. and these, the latest development she has. this is going back to 2018 where telegram was fund in bush, and that's because it was refusing to handle the information and essentially in breach of russian laws. now that fun was listed when telecom and the russian authorities came to a dealer, not to is it telecom would pass information to the fs b own request if it was related to extract missed investigations as a telegram,
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widely used still here in russia. but at the time we had in jews from the west or cooling file, we'll say no, hey, we are again russia trying to clump down the freedom of speech. this is an ok. we're not happy about this. an interesting the, the russian foreign ministry spokesman said, well, she one, does this bill be the same? and g o's cooling for his freedom and cooling for his liberty. right now, i just remember how in 2018, a group of 26 n g o has condemned the russian quotes decision to block telegram. telegram had legal issues to many countries had in connection with the technical parameters of the encryption system. these west and then g guys quote on the russian authorities to stop crazy obstacles to telegrams, work the appeal to the you. when the council view or the, i see the european union, the united states and other governments to resist of russia's actions,
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protect the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and privacy. at the same time during the remainder. lodge all this time, continuing to develop telegram. do you think these n g h will appear to parse this time on demand or release, or will they swallow that tons of the question is now. where could this lead could this open the floodgates of the actions? we knew that was a suggestion in the u. k. just a few weeks ago that e mail mosque could be arrested for some of the, the tweets he made during the riots. we soar in the u. k. and is this a question about freedom of speech choices about where the power in today's society lies? and the fact that western governments are concerned that perhaps they are losing it without stir of the rest, it makes waves online. the number of people downloading the telegram is skyrocketing. we spoke exclusively with tablets or ups, the former press secretary, who stays as new, best payoff. that's how the ground that has found this over yet,
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did i get it? well, it was, of course, a complete shock, and i got a call from my people when i was already asleep. when they called and asked why i was not online and said that door off was arrested. so what's a hard time for us now? the which we haven't experienced anything like this even while working with possible to. so it's a big mystery why he disregarded his own safety and decided to land in paris. and despite the fact that he didn't know most likely that there was a warrant out for his arrest for that, but obviously would probably do rough is not the kind of person who fears that he is the kind of person who faces danger. because she is also shown throughout his history that he is a pretty cautious person in that sense. it's as little as he has said many times that there is no point in going to jail with this one. when we all remember these statements, that device, but never the less that only suggest 2 things that come to mind frustrated either he did not know that a warrant for his arrest was being prepared to know. or if we believe the french media or the warrant for his arrest was issued 5 minutes before his plane landed in the way either he knew about it,
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but didn't think it would be that serious. he probably thought he was a little above french justice. in fact, him a telegram has tried to comply with the laws of the jurisdiction where it is present to him that to you the telegram also complied with the requirements of sanctions. legislation to block channels, including, by the way, into the russian media outlets such as our teeth, they shall come. the reason is probably much deeper than that. i think the attack is coming neither from the european union, nor from france. it's most likely an attack from the united states don't just which has been after people do it off for a long time and door off as always talked about it. he and he said, for example, in an interview with tucker carlson means that he and his employees are under pressure or at least i think there's some kind of surveillance conducted by the f b i and i think the root causes are there 3 of them. so it doesn't make any sense to discuss the intentions of the french authorities who arrested them because they don't play any role here at all from your yeah,
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the story that he has, i think that this arrest and this whole situation means only the best for telegrams reputation. look right now, even this hasn't been out in the press yet. i've done a little bit of research on the monitors that are available when you to a telegram downloads have really skyrocketed by some metrics. it's already the number one downloaded app in the world. even though it's only been 24 hours, even less than 24 hours since the news broke out to me as soon as he was arrested. for example, prominent figures such as for example, the lawn, musk and others smoke out a key and the hash tag free door of possible door off cuz it reached the top of twitter trend. so even though it speaks to his exploding popularity here, which naturally converts to product popularity, the daughter of, well, i mean, we're probably talking about telegram approaching a 1000000000 users in a general sense. you're, i think that in the next couple of days we will see that we will overcome this barrier of 1000000000 users. this is, of course, the most famous dry sand effect among marketers. it will affect the popularity of
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telegram it'd be how will this popularity be used by telegram itself further to meet or for example, by the authorities? what should we do not know yet? but naturally we can now say unambiguously bedford telegrams popularity. there is no better story than its founders arrest. let's discuss this by the web independent dutch journalist sonya of on demand and many thanks for joining us on the program. it's very nice to see you. i think the big question at this point is where the pablo do of the rest is justified. we know the french over at ortiz, and they are unhappy with the lack of control. it has the telegram and now exciting these terrorism concerns and other risks. so what do you think is that justified? well, no, it's not just the fact because maybe he knew before that you were going to be arrested or not. that's, we don't know that. and furthermore, they should just tell him that, you know, to maybe to comply with the rules. maybe to have
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a look at the telegram at. maybe there's really some, you know, it really, it really is. it is about then maybe what they say they do. same or to excuse him or there will be child for know mostly the. busy drives or whatever, but i mean, this is not really a big evidence. i mean it's happens everywhere i suppose, and as maybe also in the facebook, f or in x. and it also seems very terrible things like natal south nasal fellows on the x who well they pose the most terrible thing stands at most of the same things . one can say. so i don't think it's justified there's, oh, i think it's just political and us is of course behind this because europe has nothing to say in this. europe is not playing a role whatsoever. we know that for sure. and of course, we know already does, for instance, a telegram f is forgiven in amsterdam, not the whole of the netherlands,
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but in amsterdam. and recently everett's death for the workers and the government. it will also be forbidden. so they just want to actually bend the hotel room as this is what they are going off for a long time already like with x. so, but the arrests for sure. it's not just the fact that i think it's political mode to change and then it will come from uh for sure. c i a s b i something like that. so yeah, it's, it's terrible. it's like really, you know, what's virginia massage? it's going this way and hopefully not for him, but yeah, it's, it's crazy what things are happening in europe. i think it's a totally fair in states. this is what we can say is that a question mark of a whether do or of sold is coming. i mean, he flew into 2 phones knowing that a full well that he was pursuing it on grocer. and they also revealed an interview with to talk with costs and how the us government had pushed them to share information on telegram uses been. so do you think he suspected hayes refusal to cooperate?
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would eventually alons him in trouble and do you think that he will act we us young, agrees to cooperate with the authors. he's like, it has done in the past, but i must say it is very, very dangerous for roman and russian people for like 10 or maybe journalist, even your be a journalist who are reporting in russia to go back to europe. i mean, there's always a chance that you all get arrested or harassed or something. so you should have that's in the back of his head that maybe when i go out in front, when i, even though you are a citizen, i mean, same with me, i'm a does citizens with when i would go back to the netherlands, nobody knows what will happen, and i'm a small fish and he is a big fish. so this is, this is so dangerous these days because what i said to people or the governments in europe they are. yeah, crazy, totally terry. and they, you know, they, they're russia phobia, it's so big. it's so he showed the head of the bank of the tubs, but may be expected because okay, he's
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a permanent person that they will not bear to do it is, but you see they are doing things. that's nobody thoughts they will able to do maybe a few years ago. so it's a dangerous, it's very dangerous for russian people to go to, to go to europe even maybe fly a book you're up somehow they become the, you know, so, okay, you have to put the plane down here because we have this and this person on board so it's, it's, it's strangers and they said maybe they will get that they've been due for more than 20 years. well, i hope that's for him. i don't know. i cannot, i don't know the exact system in france, but of course they can, if they do seem of speed of feeling yeah. or something like this. it's can be a baby, it's a voltage to well for present as well. maybe this is what they have in mind. maybe . did you with this in mind is okay. we have now a prominent person. maybe we can do uh yeah. not as well. maybe, but we just political mode. you think that's?
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yeah, i mean, do you think it is that does come down to the fact that he's a russian citizen because we did speak to russian and p. maria boots the earlier and she said, this is a to a case of rust associates. and we remember not long ago, the head of the ukrainian parliaments of informational policy committee put forward the idea to city block telegram. i think the key of is losing the information was. so given the fact that fraud, this is one of the main ukrainian patrons, do you think this does come down to the fact that he is russian? yes, of course to this it's been so as i said, if you are rushing despairs and even a big you know, big fish you, i think you are in danger when you go to europe or do us or in the west or know. so yeah, you are in danger and this is the rest of phobia. i always compared to 1993, 1945. this is exactly the same thing they did without the terrible thing. so the, the mother of course, but i mean, the exact same situation emerge. now again in europe, this is why it will so full them. yeah, frustrated state because why you cannot do this. this is actually,
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i don't know if the legal, i think it's illegal, but then make up the case. that's for sure. so they will say it's not able. we can arrest him. but it's very, very dangerous for russian or people who are, you know, in russia or reporting from russia and, you know, reporting positively about russia. this is very dangerous these days. it's so definitely unbelievable. and it's i think for a lot of people these days of yeah, i don't know what will happen to him. i hope that's how can we be ok. and i think after this he will not be able to. yeah. to go back to your rental. i mean it's a said, yeah, it's for me, it, it, it was speechless. really, you know, this is the think i do have dislike. that's now. what was i thinking for us today? it's good to get your thoughts on the issue independent does starting a sonya event event. the thank you. thanks. have a nice day. bye. this is well, has launched the several strikes, targeting southern lebanon, describing the action as
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a pre emptive measure against has beloved in response. hundreds of rootkits, and drawings with lowest bi has spelled out as well. all of them were intercepted by the idea, according to the as ready, prime minister. let's cost lots student a small, a college joining goes from counts on how many thanks for joining us on the program . so looking at these over night attacks, do you think this is just more of what we've seen in recent weeks or do you think it's something most significant? and it's something more significant because some of the sites have some, a solo the head. she also has the last the link to the speech within minutes now. and actually that girl active a one button of 11 a does not minutes to to different says beloved from the launching it's missiles and it's drones. and this comes in this close to the s as a nation of the actual good one of the dominant does off of the love in the saw the baby. so the, the launching of the house,
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the long distance today was not the end of the posts, or the proactive is to the bottom. and it was actually a, it's the action to assist in anything for us. okay. and this for so many, many people, it was something they wanted, they wait just for maybe more than that is written as themselves what actually spending the nights and the um, the shelters, and the anticipation, what level on the, on the side of the living room life is going as usual, however, that is where you decide they have dances or postponed all the flights to bring closure an airport down us to stay at the people that you know, the sensors of this northern occupies furnished by on us to give shelters and the 11 people i, it, this is what the is the even need to have said. it's like this. and they all sides of how they do for the, for the support. there's a whole lot and i'm going to and this is true because we know that it's going to
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happen. and we knew it was going to happen on a certain target that safe house on is expected to announce when he speaks and the minutes to come to with the 3 of these fears that have been spreading for weeks. now that these escalations could turn into a full blown, well, not just between the 2 sides, but also putting in a wrong to, i want to ask you just how justify these phase or whether it is well has the means to, to stand up to multiple opponents as well as the it has been educating sort it on being gets main strip. however, it is a itself is built over this cause and the budget is open. this thing is with kicked off from that whole 97 to 6 years before even the stomach that we use and it on. so basically it's to me, it's was to be able to defeat the ones that it's deeper and that's,
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that's of those that are coming. and gums are we are seeing how they are getting the children by substituting them by creating the budget, buying something off the, the, the budget. and this is something that has nothing to do with it on or below, or the, or anyone. this is the effect of what is what it is. it's a, it's a call in and such a mistake. and it just said that have key and that, that it wants to be a jewish stage taking out all the for the senior. and this is a 40 for the summit of october as it transported to the info, as if it's good. and what they want to do on the other side is to, you know, just pop up. but as i said to do it, i'm thinking today is that there is more things that has done banassi. at least you
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understand this award between bonaza and the other countries in world war 2. but now it's a forward that to have that it is the easiest way to the 17th 7 of october. how many units have been can so far? 40000, well, i have documented and i know and as to and then the other side until 7 or so many edits is that you just and those to be to okay, we're going to leave it that i apologize. to our audience for the pool connection during the smaller colors many thanks, if you will, thoughts appreciate it. as well friday as island hostage taking instance of a correctional facility in russia's vulgar garage region. a total of 8 people will kit was among the full present staff members. special forces intervened and eliminated the perpetrators who had pledged allegiance to islamic states. all the correspondence div sweeney reports from the country southwest just behind me is the
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maximum security prison haven rush is olga broad region which was the so you have a tenant, signed off on friday, off the full inmates over pinewood style of taking a prison guards and full inmates hostage, the head of the federal gun at the entry service reported the situation to me. let's start working the . this is the 2nd such incidents in a matter of months back in june, prisoners who also placed they were agents to islamic state. took hostages as a penal facility, and most of russian security forces moved swiftly and killed 5 of the 6 hostages
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take. cuz the other being wounded, undertaken again receiving a 20 a sentence off to the attack to the host. the stake is involved with red said there are 2 more they move in to what they called that brothers. referring to those child in connection with the horrific attack on croakers city holding moscow region, which left $145.00 dead. and more than 500 wounded local must, he said negotiations were out of the question. and the actions of the hostage takers had absolutely nothing to do with the stomach face. these individuals whom we label as criminals are in no way represents tips of islam. 3rd claims that in a mom might have attempted negotiations, but i firmly believe now and always been negotiating with terrorists is futile. they must be eradicated at the sole supply could come 1st, cuba threatening to poison our entire society. this is yet another ack, stemming from criminal conspiracies, painted undermining. russia focus, try to buy these easily,
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manipulation of pulling this truly agents of darkness the operates under the guise of the islamic state. but let's be clear what they promote is not in this lab mix states. it's a satanic agenda disguise to such this thing, citizenship. so if you united justin strength, no bones with old russian citizens, we must not succumb to publications. all struggle is said, we have one homeland that we must defend by any means necessary for hostages were wounded in friday's incident. they were brought here initially to this hospital where they would treated for the injuries. it was here that side of the, one of the present cause lost his life now and amongst the tragedy they were individual acts of heroism, one prison, god explains how he tried in vain to save his colleagues life. i'm looking at myself now. i'm covered in his blood. i pulled him out there with my comrades. after the terrace were neutralized, he was taken to the ambulance. he couldn't walk anymore. he was already covered in
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blood. i carried him on my back. when the assault took place, i arrived on alert, he lost consciousness, literally 5 to 10 minutes before the start of the operation. the signs of life were very active. he made noises squeezing my hand. i didn't see any visible signs of cuts though, but it was all very fast and there was blood. there was blood i don't to night. it's had, it felt like it was pierced. his face was kicked in blood, but it wasn't bleeding any more. and after the day of the uprising, he was supposed to leave for the weekend. that had been saving as problems with corruption, not the prison back in 2021. the head of security was found to have accepted bribes from a junior inspector for the inspector to stay off with a control or full salary. perhaps more seriously. in the spring of 2024, the deputy head of the prison. going to go to the blank gulf was found to accept it . 320000 roubles from an intermediary on behalf of 4 and legs. so they received special frequent special privileges in the prison. now,
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this will surely be on the investigates as mines as they carry out that proved into how 5 days events on folded this is i just want to say on the scenes national this sunday we found with plenty of will at the top of the hour, we had this even the as western leaders recklessly talk of escalating the conflict, a new frame, european voters has said the exact opposite message pro war and meets are clearly out of step with voters. and they've been punished for the
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welcome to was a part a few years ago at close, connected conflicts with soldiers killing each other in near proximity. what's considered obsolete at least among militarily advance nations. it was thought jobs remotely controls west funds or pars knuckles diploma. so you could deliver a desired outcome without much blood spilling. but the war in your brain clearly defied. that's wishful thinking. how is it changing the character of more than warfare? to discuss that, i'm now joined by alexander hills, professor of military history at the university of calgary. professor here is great to talk to you. now i'm sure that when you were just embarking on this, the specialization, academics, but solicitation you perhaps thought that wars bank wars for a thing of the past at least you know, wars that involve or a fact there was.
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