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tv   News  RT  August 25, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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the, the founder of the global, a popular telegram app is reporter lady chains in france. and the last interview before his arrest public arrived reveal to us the security agencies for pressuring him to violate the privacy of the platforms. users. we get too much attention from the, the up, the i the security agencies wherever we came to the us. it almost obviously i think the attack is coming neither from the european union, nor from france. it's most likely an attack from the united states. travel derives former press. secretary says washington has long been after telegrams, founder and might be behind his arrest. they tube for his exclusive comments to r, t plus t as steals office. ryan used by ethnic romanian followers of ukrainian orthodox
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church has been banned by the lens. the government, the i'm rachel ruble live in moscow. we are watching r t international, a crackdown on free speech just one of the reactions to the news that russian tech tech couldn't pop up there off has been arrested in friends. the telegram c e o is allegedly accused of not giving security services access to private information on the social media platform. drop is reported like being investigated for complicity and drug trafficking, fraud and crimes against the children. telegram has published the statement slamming the case against its founder. a telegram abides by you. laws including the digital services act, is motorized and is within industry standards and constantly improving. telegrams, see people do roles has nothing to hide and travels frequently in europe. it is absurd to claim that the platform or its own are responsible for the use of that platform. almost
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a 1000000000 uses globally use telegram as means of communication and as a source of vital information. we're waiting a prompt resolution of a situation. telegram is with you all earlier are to started. davinsky took my colleague unit on the else through the details of pablo drops arrest. this is a report from french tv stations to say that they've got so says close to the investigation. his plain pavel door ups plain arrived in paris on saturday evening and he had just switched the towel, not getting off the plane. but apparently he was detained by the french all star days. now, according to one source close to the investigation. the reason they show that i had released this warrant for him and arrested him on frank. so it is because telecom is seen as being go to go to a app for a criminal activities organized crime for the last few years. now you mentioned that some of the crimes that he could be facing charges over they say is money
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laundering for to this is a drug trafficking crimes against children. these are incredibly serious crimes. it's expected that he is going to go before a judge on sunday in front and is unlikely to be released from pre trial detention because of obviously the fact to use the funds. he has his ability to leave the country and perhaps avoid justice. they are expecting that he will be reminded in custody until any trial, and that could be many, many months away. the suggestion, if he's found guilty, he could spend up to 20 years in prison. now, the russian embassy in paris has said that it is looking for clarity on this situation. do, of course, as a russian citizen, he also has joined nationality and he's a french citizen too. we're dealing with the situation charlotte that and it's helping in front of the country, which shap promotes itself as
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a beacon of democracy in a, in a dark world. all that kind of thing. freedom of speech is part of life. yet he's being treated in such a high profile way as, as a criminal, like directly as if he's accused of doing nice things himself. but he's not good. let's be clear that he's not being accused of actually carrying out any of these activities. the basis of this warranty is that because telecom missing is don't motor rating enough of it's not don't providing information to governments in the west, but he's essentially complicit in these crimes simply for being the owner and co founder of telecom. it's pretty incredible situation now. we know that he's been coming on that massive pressure from western governments to share information, tyler golf, which is one of the most popular. and we've downloaded apps in the worlds of close to a 1000000000 uses slides. so in this idea that it's gonna end and encryption that it's
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safe to send messages on and telecoms website says it does not pass information to governments. all of these the big take points when people are using to look at the app. so he's talked about the pressure he's been coming on the recently he sat down with us host tucker calls and, and talk specifically about what the us authorities have been doing and how they've been trying to persuade him to pass on information. let's just have to listen to the said in the interview, we got too much attention from the, the, at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and there was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind my back by cyber security officers officers. the events of january of the 6 we received a letter from i believe the clinic with many of the democratic sides.
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and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they called this uprising letter. it seemed very serious and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with or the us constitution that took a call soon. we acted very quickly to the report, solve popple through ups arrest, saying that he's been locked away in, sees a asked a 3 by a member of nato. that this is the west that has locked him up because he's refusing to sense of the truth. and i think that's really interesting is that what we've got here is western government putting out a warrant for this big tech mogul and essentially putting him behind boss before he's even been able to have his day in court. that there's been lots of other reaction as well in and coming from influential americans all consumed by the
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developments in this case. fronts just arrested pablo during founder and ceo of the encrypted sense, a telegram platform. the need to protect free speech has never be more urgent. p o v. it's 2030 in europe, and you're being executed for liking a mean. it's telegram today, it will be ex, tomorrow. free speech is under attack, whatever the world. why are people's opinions and voice is such a threat courageously resolve differences freely in the public square? will of course we know that door has actually worked with governments in the west to acquiesce to the demands he address to the demands of the e. u to bon oxy folding telegram, if you have a i e u base number, you cannot get access to our new services via that app. and it's interesting that now he is in faults in the way he could find himself behind the boss
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as powerful drugs rest makes waves online. the number of people downloading the telegram app has skyrocketed. we've got an exclusive reaction from mr. drugs to former press secretary here in moscow. yes, could i get a role as it was, of course a complete shock and i got a call from my people when i was already asleep. and they called and asked why i was not online and said the door off was arrested. so it's a hard time for us now. the which we haven't experienced anything like this even while working with people. so it's a big mystery why he disregarded his own safety and decided to land in paris. and despite the fact that he didn't know most likely that there was a warrant out for his arrest. but nevertheless, that only suggest 2 things that come to mind. either he did not know that a warrant for his arrest was being prepared. know, or if we believe the french media or the warrant for his arrest was issued 5 minutes before his plane landed in the way. either he knew about it,
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but didn't think it would be that serious. he probably thought he was a little above french justice. in fact, telegram has tried to comply with the laws of the jurisdiction where it is present to him that to you the telegram also complied with the requirements of sanctions. legislation to block channels, including, by the way, with the russian media outlets such as our teeth of the reason is probably much deeper than that to get all the time. and i think the attack is coming neither from the european union, nor from france. it's most likely an attack from the united states congress, which has been after puddle dirt off for a long time and dor off as always talked about it. and he said, for example, in an interview with tucker carlson, so that he and his employees are under pressure, or at least there's some kind of surveillance conducted by the f b i. and i think the root causes, are there 3 of them, so it doesn't make any sense to discuss the intentions of the french authorities who arrested him because they don't play any role here at all for me. yeah.
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yeah, the story that that he has, i think that this arrest and this whole situation means only the best for telegrams, reputation, methodist look right now, even this hasn't been out in the process yet. i've done a little bit of research on the monitors that are available when you to a telegram downloads have really skyrocketed by some metrics. it's already the number one downloaded app in the world, and even though it's only been 24 hours or even less than 24 hours since the news broke out. does it mean as soon as he was arrested? for example, prominent figures such as, for example, you learn musk and others smoke out a key and the hash tag free door off people door off cause reach the top of twitter trends. even though it speaks to his exploding popularity here, which naturally converts to product popularity, the daughter of, well, i mean, we're probably talking about telegram approaching a 1000000000 users in a general sense. you. i think that in the next couple of days we will see that we will overcome this barrier of 1000000000 users. this is of course, the most famous dry sand effect among marketers. it will affect the popularity of
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telegram, it'd be how well this popularity be used by telegram itself further to me or for example, by the authorities motion we do not know yet. but naturally we can now say unambiguously that for telegrams popularity. there is no better story than its founders arrest. meanwhile, in moscow, locals have been protesting outside the french embassy scores of paper airplanes, symbolizing the telegram logo has been left imbedded in bushes surrounding the building. telegram is one of the most popular social media platforms in russia and adjust on the hills of pavel during the rest. another prominent tech entrepreneur has bid farewell to europe, the founder of the video platform, rumble krislofski promises to fight for free speech. i'm a little late to this, but for good reason, i'm just safer departed from europe. fronts has threatened to rumble, and now they have cross to red line virus and telegram sealed bible due to recorded
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live for not sense when speech rumble will not stand for these behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression, a universal human rights. the russian embassy in france has stated it is in touch with paul boulder on his lawyer, but the european country has avoided any contact with moscow and an exclusive conversation with our tea. russian foreign ministry spokesman maria's a harvest dress. paris is committing the very same offence. it once accused moscow of on the streets, not some good in 2018 steps, were indeed taken in our country and to put in, in order to, in particular, in accordance with the russian, most the work of mass media, social platforms, and so on. this gave me this was the. 1 the one the other things by court decision, but it goes such a flurry, not even criticism, but hey, tread. i posted a screenshot of 26 western in g o 0 in the old troll abriel bias. the back then signed the elective latter against the whole country,
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either among them for example, i missed the international. he's committed to pretend drum listen to human rights house foundation, human rights watch and so on. now the big question was, the building where all the old with the, where the collaborative lots this, you know, there was no doubt that these news has spread all over the world. where he's older, a criticism, more ways older. a consent was the oldest statements about human rights for about freedom may be where is the protection of these values, which they only talked about and insisted on so stopping, lee was not just words. there were active positions, there is nothing for russia has always sat, the basis of the decision should be laws, rules and compliance with the legislation. all the actions that for relate to to tell of drumming 20172018, they should. they had the logical explanation with the legislative framework. do the, you know, then attempt to find a way out of the situation. we said that the,
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but the whole world came down. i'm asked them to speak, but take a look at today. it turns out that all these who criticized and by the way, the l as a pallet is criticized wash is the most you saying that for god about freedom of speech. and that is like to human rights component mr. process. now take a look at what it is, the l as a palace. it is paris that the at the for from to be offensive against human rights and freedom of speech. the but took, in this case we action, accordance with outlaws speech without the trundle documents, without guidelines. we, but for in this case from europe is a citizen of all countries. this is the 1st thing. they rely upon the promo to an, in this case when it comes to having their citizenship built and ignore the requirements of all the states that appealed to their citizenship. when a person has it, because we will do every thing, evidence part of the 2nd sensor, demonte acts as some documents with me. this is a citizen of all country. in any case, in any situation, whoever he is,
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we will defend his rights and discuss possible dogs arrest with alternative for germany, party member and lawyer. good are back. he says, the case highlights some oppressive policies pursued by the u. i see this is a dig into the wiring example, a y, a, a general trend. and the change is in the direction of sense of shape. and to be a restrictions on freedom of speech, door off, importantly, concise, up to 20 years in prison on the charge is related to a alleged criminal activity that on his telegram absolutely. explain this to us. how can he beheld personally responsible for what others do on the platform that he created? well, it's a simple question of law. is it all make us and he is the whole european union ledges 19 up. for this matter the states hosses or no. uh,
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this whose service provider is responsible for failing to recognize or status the call tabs on that platform then that can be done because it's a major restriction over basic democratic rights named the freedom of speech. but you know, no, no is simply the application of the rules that has to be made out of was being made in the way how are increasing the restrictive and we could say, oh press. ringback care of it stuffing up it's crack down on followers of the ukrainian orthodox church that was recently banned in the country. authorities have now sealed off a shrine, used by ethnic romanians in western new crime. local church officials have slammed the move. are you creating this or it is ben?
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besides, to remain in speaking parish in ukraine and now romanians at preventing death over at this from building the sole cold, spiritual freedom, they tell all the locks and sealed the shrine of the club and the metropolitans in the cemetery of turn of the city will see how the key of authorities deliberately restricting the rights and disadvantage. in the romanian, speaking minority in ukraine, 1st vessel were just refused to register as a carrier for the remaining orthodox church. now the head start at the sewer, romanian, speaking parishes. what next, the persian is will most likely appeal to the romanian president. first of all, the ukrainian orthodox church on the canonical or from the orthodox church is that was the largest faith based organization in the country. well, it's mostly largest, it's probably the most dominant one according to $0.21. as i believe there are more than 20000000 ukranian orthodox such church show worshippers. and of course, this stage began playing a very dangerous game of religious divisions the since the 2019,
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if that's the year of the creation of a schismatic orthodox church of ukraine instead of the ukrainian orthodox church. now the latter, the, the 1st one was created and is supported by the government and it's supposed to be less than a v, a legit influence of most coal over ukrainian church goers and believers. now what followed after that and before that as well actually could easily be described as a religious persecution in the country of ukraine. now since the establishment of the news give matic a church of government reigns on, the ukrainian or cups church became a regular as well as against the clerics and regular church goers. i mean, it became violent as well as people were being kicked out of monasteries and the churches now, authorities of ukraine, of following the decision uh, on the new creation of the new church. the even proceeds property from the
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traditional church and gave it to the new one that the government had established. now all this, of course coleman agents with the crating parliament passing a law on on tuesday that would allow to ban ukraine and orthodox church. the canonical one altogether. and now what we see from the latest news is that the persecution is not against the only guest or russian speakers, but against the other minorities in ukraine as well, in this case, against the remaining and one. now this law, the latest law that would ban ukraine and orthodox church, was noticed by well, many people around the world, including the head of the catholic church, up old francis. and this is his reaction to key of law continual say we continue to follow with sorrow the fighting in ukraine and the russian federation. and thinking about the recently adopted norms of law and ukraine. i have
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a fear for the freedom of those who pray. please do not have bol ish. any christian church directly or indirectly churches shouldn't be touched me, the patriarch of the russian orthodox church, curiel. now he's described a key of the late as bad as nothing less of a correct down on religion. and he is also called on the leaders of other religious organizations around the world. and both frances, on the head of the anglican church in the k and on the permanent religious leaders to voice their supports for the creating orthodox church for the sake of this. and having failed to weaken the canonical church in ukraine. having failed to shake its unity, the authorities decided to band completely as a result of the adoption of the current law. hundreds of monasteries, thousands of communities. millions of austin dogs, believers in ukraine, will find themselves outside the legal field will lose their property in place of prayer. of course not everyone in the, in,
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in parliament's or within the ukrainian society has been supporting this new law that would potentially introduce a band and the ukranian orthodox church. now, one of the ukrainian parliament's, the deputies actually has a criminal case launched against him. when he voiced his this concern about the ban of the ukrainian or from ex church, take a look on your corner and was able to do that. ukrainian parliament has made a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake, without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian peoples. no loss can prevent us from praying visiting temples, defending our faith. there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lord. meanwhile, and millions of ukrainians continued to associate themselves with the ukrainian orthodox church. that could be found any moment now because there is a law people ready or to pray in hiding to do their religious services in hiding.
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meanwhile, thousands of ukrainian or folks to the worshippers have come out for their traditional yearly gatherings in support of their things and their religion and their this is happening all over the country and in various circumstances as well. moscow says, as forces have repelled several pressure, training and attacks on residential areas in russia's course region, we will, wagner as the landscapes coughed up, a new explanation of as costly 3 week invasion of the borders. and i still play a little both the clues corporation is lots of a major ministry political to nutri diplomatic efforts. everything we are doing is aimed on the it's making a rush. you prepare for just pcs'd a full month in cranes. forces have already lost plenty of manpower and western supplies. equipment encouraged gifts. troops of also been pushed back further across on the battlefield in don bass, and was the ones that claims to seek peace as military moves or actually shooting
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down the prospect of talks as are to that shape bows. explains ukraine. costly, cursed misadventure grinds to a halt. leaving 10 thousands of dead and piles of scarce western vehicles destroyed . you might be asking, well, what's it all about? well, you wouldn't be alone because many in ukraine, i never washington are asking that very same question too. but hey, at least a month supposedly in charge knows what's going on. right? because of some are claiming we're playing a card to initiate dialogue. what dialogue that some refers to put in, who asserted that ukraine's offensive in the course region is meant to strengthen its negotiating position. we're not manipulating anything here. we're transparent with our partners, and i've clearly expressed our diplomatic intentions towards achieving adjust piece and ending this war. so that's all very clear. then you claim those one talks,
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but then again it kind of doors. remember, this is all coming from a mine that passed the law, literally outgoing negotiations with russia. maybe one of the senior advisers, me kind of put the yak, knows what's going on. he says, ukraine's assault on the curse creation is indeed intended to pressure, rush it into negotiations on our terms. they have a war that is gradually moving deeper into russia. will this scale them? yes. did they react to anything else besides fear? no, it is finally time to realize this. russia perceives any compromises weakness and readiness to meet before it. and if you negotiate on rush them, they will still consider that they dominate, including the end of negotiation process. they can be pushed only they understand that the war is not going according to their script. but it gets better while even zalinski and a senior advisor seem to disagree on the ground. ukrainian military commanders also
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clueless about why they were dispatched across the russian border. ukrainian officer dmitri goshen go speculated a key as a tardies launch this operation to the vert. attention from serious domestic issues like the economy, the energy crisis. and of course, the challenging conditions on the front lines have been withdrawn with a model mitsubishi. i think that the decision to attack course could have been made in the following way. the decision makers were sitting around the table. what's the situation now? let's see, things are kind of bad on the front, almost everywhere. the mood of the population and the economy are also in a deplorable state. things are also bad and the energy sector relations with partners are not good right now. either. everyone has complaints, we have a lot of corruption. they don't give us money. and the worst problem is that the number of likes is low. that is a complete failure in likes. what can we do? we have to think of something. there were 3, the terrifying options. this is why tomorrow's dropping atomic bomb or attack
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course, well attacking course gives the most realistic option because someone can move with it and put the weather. shinkel probably gets closer to the truth. the people paint as wages in washington seemed just as confused as everyone else when it comes to the curse comedy with lots of confusing signals coming from proxy war h q. when it comes to cursed. uh, we have an understanding from what president zalinski laid out that they want to create a buffer zone. we are still working on with the ukraine on how that fits into their strategic objectives on the battlefield itself. when we feel confident on that, we have a better understanding of how that all knits together. and you know, i'm happy to read out more, but right now we're still working and still have some questions and we're getting that back. so it seems to be a tard back, it was a joy, p r, stunt gone wrong. and if were to believe the various reasons for a given by the ukrainian side, it's also a dismal failure. deflect troops from dumbass. nope. the russians are still
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advancing. forced the russians to negotiate. nope, the russians have now ruled out talking to kiev reports the russians far from the border. nope, the russians will probably take more ukrainian territory now. but at least there's one man who actually sees things for what they are. such actions, of course, pursue a military goal to stop the offensive of our troops to completely liberate the territory of the guns gun. don't ask republics as well as the territory of nobody will see you. and what are the results? the pace of offensive operations by the russian armed forces has not decreased, but on the contrary, increased increased by one and a half times our forces. i'm moving forward along the entire line of contact. so when the dust settles increased on rush it another to be drugs out, the remnants of the ukrainian army. one thing will become absolutely clear. the cursed incursion won't be remembered as a great ukrainian victory, but as a foolhardy p or something that cost the lives of thousands potentially spelt the
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beginning of the end for zalinski and his dictatorship in t of on friday, a hostage taking it terror incident shook a correctional facility and rushes will grad region. a total of 8 people were killed, including for prison staff members, special forces storm of the jail and eliminated the perpetrators who had pledged allegiance to islamic state. or to correspondence to sweeney reports from the same . just behind me is the maximum security presence. even rush is olga rod region, which was a so you have a 10 stand off on friday, off the full inmates over at pinewood style of taking a prison guards on full inmates hostage the
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junior head of the federal bennett entries service reported the situation to me let's start working the . this is the 2nd such incidents in a matter of months back in june, prisoners who also placed over agents to his stomach state, took hostages as a penal facility, and most of russian security forces moved swiftly and killed 5 of the 6 hostages. tight cuz the other being wounded, undertaking again, receiving a 20 a sentence off to the attack to the host. the stake is involved with rad said their actual machine, revenge. what they call that brothers referring to those child in connection with the horrific attack on croakers city holding moscow region, which left $145.00 dead. and more than 500 wounded local must he said negotiations were out of the question. and the actions of the hostage takers had absolutely
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nothing to do with the economic face. these individuals whom we label as criminals are in no way representatives of islam. 3rd claims that an emma might have attempted negotiations, but i firmly believe now and always. then negotiating with terrorists is futile. they must be eradicated at the source, like a cancerous cube, threatening to poison our entire society. this is yet another ack, stemming from criminal conspiracies, painted undermining. russia focused rated by these easily manipulation poems, truly agents of darkness. the operates under the guise of the islamic state. but let's be clear what they promote is not in this language stage, is the satanic agenda disguised as such these things and then should serve to unite us and strengthen our bones with old russian citizens. we must not succumb to publications. a struggle is shed, we have one homeland that we must defend by any means necessary for hostages were wounded in fight.


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