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tv   News  RT  August 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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that message pro war and meets are clearly out of step with voters. and they have been punished for the friend says that the rest of the telegram c e o. in connection with a 12 criminal charges including complexity in drug trafficking, in the distribution of sexual content on his platform, face with global outrage and accusations of censorship. harris time probably around the case is not politically motivated. are you printing an m p? 's will vote against banning the orthodox church and was then forced to fleece as someone tried to kidnap his family law in europe. but the malaysian prime minister excuses western nations of twisting the truth about the war and god the by manipulating media narrative the
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from our headquarters in moscow, you're watching our t international. i'm rachel ruble. the french prosecutor's office says it is holding powder of in connection with 12 alleged crimes committed by an unnamed suspect via his platform. the telegram ceo could remain in custody in paris for at least 2 more days. here's our correspondent with the details from the french capital. a lovely little amount is on the investigation against bible dressers contain in the period of his detention may be extended to 9 to 6 hours. so the decision of a judicial investigator, why such a long period of time? because having an extremely serious charges have been broad, is cubic involvement and drug trafficking and distribution. she mobile phones has against smallness money, laundry, and full. french justice believes that they refusal to call for rates as low enforcement and the lack of motivation on the tell them from platform. it makes its founder and accomplished oldest crimes that can be committed with its house or the
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arrest of follow. durham haskell. such serious, i'll try to run the well to that. it's forced to manual ma chrome to break his silence and did not any political background to the case. frances, more than anything attached to freedom of expression and communication to innovation into the spirit of enterprise. it will remain so the rest of the telegram president on french territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. this is in no way a political decision. so need to have excellent solid arabs, whether it's c o as intelligent published a message on the supply chain, saying that the titled europe has nothing to hide and that the company is complying with. it'll look like the bonus is also please speak. pablo draws businesses based and to buy, as he also holds you a citizenship. the gulf nation says that as closely watching the telegram founders, case and has requested consular access to mr. drew robin french custody. our parents space contributor rachel marsden waited on the story earlier on monday. so
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fragile fishes used an arrest warrant that seemed to have been scribbled on the back of a napkin on roots to haul. and founder of the globally popular online shot out a telegram straight off his plane and into custody upon arrival at new village at airports near paris on saturday night. russian born pablo gerard seriously managed to get fresh citizenship in 2021 without ever even living here. just 3 years later, the same french government thing gifted him with a political shortcut to citizenship is now suddenly accusing him of taking an overly laid back approach. you could say, alleging betsy's turn, the app into somewhat of a giant, free for all for assorted gum appears. terrorist is money laundering, drug traffickers, padded files, andrews online proliferation. european officials are always whining about and
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threatening these platform operators over public li the most recent b x platform owner eli must. but someone else did read between the lines and saw that exact issue in all of this because dress was apparently enough to incite the canadian founder of another free speech platform, rumbles, chris, pa, blocks key to grab his go bag and get the heck the dodge. i'm a little late to they some, but for good reason, i'm just safer departed from europe. fronts has threatened to rumble, and now they have crossed a red line by arisen telegram seal bible doodle. scrupulously, for not sense when speech rumble will not stand for these behavior and will use every legal means available to fight for freedom of expression as universal human rights problems can previously opt into by right. g of lock ramos access across france rather than sense or content that the french government had asked him to like r t, for example, you're on was seeing
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a to the west really liked for awhile about how he was pressured by the russian government over content control and back door access and how we basically just flip them off like a big hero who was so badly persecuted that he was never actually arresting or charged with anything in russia as well. telegram is still operational there today, while durham is free to go around the world promoting himself as a professional victim of russia the even so right in line with the top down you demands the sensor r t and other russian media outlets at the use request. but he had also recently started to change his tune to one that probably wasn't such a crowd pleaser for the western establishment. we got so much attention from the, the, at the i, the security agencies, wherever we came to the us. i brought an engineer that is working for telegram and
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it was an attempt to secretly hire my engineer behind him and backed by cyber security all to the officers. the events of january of the 6 uh we received a letter from i believe. uh, congressman. yeah, i'll send you the credit side and they requested that we would share all the data we had in relation to what they call this uprising, or the letter seemed very serious. and the letter said, you know, if your fail to comply with this request, he will be in violation with the us constitution. the high case has been rolling in seems durable arrest. of course, there's no actual proof that this has to do with the free speech, but the western establishment does have a nasty habit of cloaking its authoritarian tendencies in national security or
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serious criminality. which basically makes it impossible the rule of that being the case here as well. and once they get access or control over one thing, they have it for every thing. so based on prior reporting out of germany and the netherlands telegram has been responsive to court orders for disclosure of information on national security grounds in here limited cases of immediate threat to life. but there is no shortage of people watching all of this right now. i'm thinking that that just be a way to use course and to push open the window. busy to a lot more cooperation from the app, then they, the authorities normally would be able to get otherwise p a v p. it's 20. so it's in europe and you'll being executed for liking a mean using allied countries to circumvent 1st amendment protections is the new rendition. the arrest of durham is an assault on the basic human rights of speech and association. i am surprised and deeply saddened that my cron has descended to
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the level of taking hostages as a means for gaining access to private communications. it lowers, not only france, but the world makes you wonder how government ever managed to investigate crimes before mobile apps and the internet came along if they're so desperate to rely on them to figure out what's going on. american officials are constantly whining about facebook found mark his doctor for not doing enough about sex pass on his ass like he's responsible for every tree phone line. and i guess garage is now in the same basket. zakiria has never been arrested though. maybe it's just a coincidence. he also bends an e whenever asked by the establishment. a couple of dozen western backs and use were pretty quick to denounce an order blocking telegram as free speech interference when it was a russian court issuing yes, it would be interesting to see how long it takes them to react this time when it's
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france, a prominent member of the western establishment that's leading the charge. friends, patriots political party later flora instead of po has accuse nato of cracking down on free speech platforms and alternative media. outlets of this is to go the inside. this is old. a global is kemp. obviously, it's emily, a very strong incentive, you know, come from new york, you know, event just because a few weeks ago, europe and commissioner theory, brett home, who resorting to the european law on digital services. censorship rules that now apply to social networks. they sent a letter to 11 months criticizing him for freedom of speech on x. with this letter, he has already threatened to shut down the ex social network. we, sol, how in 2020 to the european union band, t from broadcasting on its territory. in particular, on the front,
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we see globalization in the face of the you and under pressure from washington. and now mac cro in front accepted mac chrome is just a pool and he is increasingly striving for us to hit only one version of what is happening. that is the version of nato washington and the european union that seats no more debates, no more freedom of speech in the media on the internet grew so that we hear only good things about nature. yeah, no alternative versions of events in ukraine. nothing about the need for frank safety, so and so on. and this is really a dictatorship of a pin. like, did this on a dictatorship, it's against freedom of speech phone, which is getting tougher that can from this point of view, it's crystal telegram is of course, really extremely inconvenient to go because it was a space of complete freedom to the american tech tech who and
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a lot less because among those speaking out against jobs arrest, many are now asking if the ex platform owner himself could be next a tale and deputy prime minister mateo. so vinny is among them in europe. we are now faced with censorship, with the stink of regime long to live, freedom of thought and of speech. who will be the next to be, get the great and inconvenient e one mosque? will some critics appear to even be directly threatening my us? among them is veteran us politicians. alexander benjamin who happens to have a history of involvement and scandals related to ukraine, a while during the whole front citizenship is arrested for violating french rule. this has broader implications for other social media, including twitter. there's a growing intolerance for platforming. this in fluid malign influence and the growing appetite for accountability most could be none of us. well be very well may go after e one last. they already sent him a very threatening letter just
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a few weeks ago. this was sent to e, one less from the additional commissioner. terry breton warning him that if he does not take action further restrict in sense or content, of course they didn't use his exact words, but they basically told him if he does not moderate his platform properly, especially with regard to some of the material that was being shared on his platform regarding the current political situation in the u. k that you on last may find himself in a, in a law suit. so i think right now what you have with the rest of pebbles or of is you have this sending a message to people like you on mosque. and perhaps even mark sucker bird that if they do not moderate their platform and perhaps sensor even more that they too can find themselves in a situation where they are facing 12 counts. a conspiracy to a number of terrific crimes. but let me be clear, this is really not about um, illegal activity on the platforms. this is not really about drug traffic game or child abuse. this is about censorship. it's about preventing people's access to
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information that goes contrary to the establishment narrative on air and online. we've got you covered for more on how prominent russian media and political figures have reacted to the rest of the all wheel drive to to our website. it's r t dot com, the kids correct down on ukrainian orthodox church followers is ramping up. one of the countries and peas, who launched out at the religious band was later accused of assaulting a ukrainian law enforcement officer. he then claims this family was almost kidnapped as they fled to here at someone tried to kidnap my family. my mother and my wife and 2 small children were almost kidnapped from a hotel in europe yesterday. after the 1st unsuccessful attempts and the measures we took, they tried again at the airport. as everything we know is based on the statements of that ard sounds we took posted on his telegram channel. yes,
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he claims that there wasn't, that's, hadn't said a kid, nothing that took place somewhere in europe. we didn't, we don't know where exactly you crazy in the the claims that he fled the country, viola. that's all we know, and he claims our time to be true on his telegram channel states that local police apparently have been alerts and that they have the names and card details of the perpetrators. and that's some form of an investigation is underway. but he claims that the cameras team is behind it. and the reason why the did this is because of his stones on the cranium parliaments adopting this bill, which basically bands the russian length, orthodox church of the ukraine. so and of course a millions of ukrainians are part of the church. so of course the subset of many people, including the somebody who was very, very vocal in parliament when they were considering this, your word, your boss was able to do that. ukrainian parliament has made
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a fatal mistake by voting in favor of banning the ukrainian orthodox church. and this mistake, without any doubts, will cause tragic consequences for the entire ukrainian people. it is no loss can prevent us from frank visiting temples of defending our fate. there are no obstacles to this, just as there were none for the lord. so shortly after that he sled, and the criminal case was open to him and legally crossing the border, but that's on top of and all the criminal case. and that one is in regards to his altercations was law enforcement officers, one was in k of another, one was in odessa now to true claims that all these cases were fabricated by zalinski see because they want him out and they want to punish him for his belief space. so besides being passionately opposed to this, we soon found on the orthodox church. what more do we know about this month or he started, he came from the world of sports and security, and you've really answered politics in 2019 from odessa. one point he was even the
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parts officer landscape party but then who was quickly dismissed, i guess because his views that in the line with the landscape and we'll save time and time again that ukrainian nationalists were really against them because of certain actions that they deemed as pro russian, for example, he was one of the people who laid flowers to the victims of the old. that's something mastercard, explaining and national is there, understand what he had to do that after all, it was pro russian separate suspect besides who died. so why are you laying flowers to them there? the enemy? he didn't agree with that. then we have again, this february, he actually posted a baleful one of the places who was the pain for stealing rupture propaganda. apparently they didn't like that because he's helping out a police who happens to perhaps agree with the boss and some way shape or form. he saw this is purely something religious and that that man needs to be supported. then we have the course concurs and disaster, and he also spoke out about that and he made truth and all of his telegram channel . he said that ukrainian soldiers were separating monuments,
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that they were making fun of the elderly. the locals in the course that there were also stealing from them, stealing from shops then just spoke out against this bill. so of course everything was same deal really goes down well with the cube machine, and he believes that this is them trying to punish him. and this is how he summed up how he views this case. today's events are just more proof that the current government just giving out the systemic and cynical persecution of all those who have the courage to oppose their dictates. i am called the traitor only because they do not bogged down to the authorities and did not keep silence when in justice occurs. officials are not saying anything right now and t of bogs the landscape did announce a meeting with a law enforcement officers. after that to discuss those who fled, he didn't mention this m. p by name. but those in the know, claim that this is exactly what this is about, and they want to find the way to punish those who fled physical food should. regarding those who work against all state traits is to ukraine,
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to help russian aggression to justify it. who slave, you frame, fighting from responsibility? all state needs clear on says about such people the clear responsibility so that all these comm rates get what they deserve, wherever they hide, and wherever they run. we were waiting now for a continuation of this case either on the troops telegram channel or he seems to be posting all the updates has that happened to him or something, at least from the officials in ukraine, about this case about him in particular for civilians have been injured after a ukrainian drone struck a high rise residential building in the central russian city of serrato, have more than 800 kilometers away from the front lines. one woman was hospitalized in serious condition after the attack. another drone also hit a 2nd building in the city as the latest you print in striking deep into russian
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territory. the incident coincided with what moscow called a targeted assault on military and energy infrastructure across ukraine. monday morning, we discussed this with former kind of gone senior security policy analyst and michael maloof, who says he has a tax, appear to be intentionally aimed at civilians. it underscores the topography of what the ukrainians have been saying that and also the use of the weaponry that the claim is supposed to be going to have to military targets. now there is a face strategic face in the, in the area called angles, airbus and has to teach a bombers on what were these uh, drones, a meant to get them in and the buildings gotten away. but uh uh, be that as it may, the just fly into the city like this. clearly suggest very strongly that they're aiming more ad civilian targets rather than military targets. attack on
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infrastructure in ukraine was in response to the course in invasion. and it has been practiced to go after infrastructure that supports military targets and the width of which which, which would also include your energy, your water, and whether they're not, i mean indiscriminately at the civilian high rises or anything of the sort. so that's, i'm like with the ukrainians of doing right now. so there's, there's, there is a difference in, in the methodology here and, and, and in the crate is as far as i'm concerned, are up to $200.00. take more of a tear approach to terrorize the civilians themselves in hopes that it's going to undermine support for the government. and that's just not going to be the case of anything that solidifying support for the government. the gaza is the most
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dangerous place on earth for children. that's according to the middle east end of north africa communications had for the you and children's agency. unicef, who spoke to archie about the recent dudley polio virus outbreak in the enclave. of this environmental samples that we've detected in the gaza strip, has been leads to a wholly a very and from egypt, which means it could have been circulating in gaza for many months. is as long ago as september 2023, which means that the risk of other children being infected, we've probably a virus, particularly as vaccination levels of drugs in recent months with the conflict is a real threat. we've been trying for months that is the most dangerous place to be in the world to be a child. and we don't say that lightly. we say that after looking at all aspects of a child's life, children should not be a target. the other aspects of a child's life that are being so seriously affected, we stay and children with malnutrition, with diseases,
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with the mental health impacts from this conflict. so it really is every aspect of a child's life that's being negatively impacted. look, i think we've seen for 10 months now the law lives, the us from the humanitarian community have not been delivered. and that is why there is such a humanitarian crisis on the ground in terms of the continued lack of basic services for children and their families. and that's really devastating for us. the risk of the polio virus now does not only certain because history, it threatens the region. polio does not respectful, it is, and all neighboring countries are risk of these virus moving into un vaccinated community. so it's really important that everybody works together to help us get on top of the fast test. ingram just mentioned, the polio is a highly infectious viable disease. common symptoms include severe fever, vomiting pain, and the limbs and chronic fatigue. the virus attacks the person's nervous system
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and can completely paralyzing paralyze them cause disfigurements and even death. split 11 months of war and devastation have brought a new sweat to palestinians in gaza. the 1st case of polio, in a quarter of a century, was detected in a 10 month old girl who had not been inoculated. the child is now set to be in a stable condition after one of her legs became paralyzed. unless commissioner general underlines that the virus will pose a danger beyond the gaza. very sad world health organization confirms that a 10 month old baby in gaza is now butterflies. huge a bully, a virus. the 1st case in more than 25 years full. they will not make the distinction between posting and, and is really children delaying the human insight. impulse will increase the risk of spread among children. it is not enough to bring the vaccine center, gaza plus protect the cold chain to have an impact. the vaccines must end up in the most of every child under the age of 10. according to charity organizations,
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the outbreak was caused by the lack of a vaccination program for children, as well as severe damage to water and the sanitation systems. the one wants to conduct an immunization campaign for just under 650000 children under the age of 10, sending more than one and a half 1000000 vaccine doses to the enclave. but to make the fight against the virus of success, the head of the organization is pushing for a humanitarian pause in the war. the team, it's vaccine for the following the space. and then the media to manufacture and cease fire. but the many case a volume of calls is a must, is impossible to conduct the polio vaccine nation campaign with water aging all over all new goes beyond politics. regional unicef communications chief tests. ingram again told us that conducting a vaccination roll out while the complex continues is all but impossible. are we
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going to do our very best without this a site or a 7 day course the age of the 2 rounds of, of these campaign. but that is really what we may because doing the sort of ambitious that sedation campaign in the middle of a really intense conflict is narrow and even possible. you know, one of the things that we're concerned about is, of course we've, we've picked up, these probably got ties. they may well be others we need to increase the valence. it's a said whether there i'm own cases in the community. but it's also an indicator that health systems that estimated storage is, is really a problem on the streets of guys. so access to safe and clean water is also an issue. and so that means other diseases posed a threat to children such as measles or cholera or hepatitis. so we, we really focused on polio, but also conscious of the facts that the families in gaza at real risk of the increased spread of disease,
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particularly with winter around the corner. every aspect of the services that used to existing as a, has been impacted in some way. 85 percent of schools have been damaged or destroyed . and we seem to know most impact on hospitals and health centers on a half of them the remain costly functioning in some way. so we guess a needs to get in. but there's also a huge rebuilding asset that needs to happen as well as support for the children of guys i said that they can rebuild. so there's a long feature ahead of them, but we need to be there by the side. and that's what units of intense today. the malaysian prime minister has accused western media of twisting the truth about gaza . the leader says people are not in need of an extra on democracy and human rights, a plane to reduce that then what the west is trying to do in the media, at least in the right. but this conflict started because of the publication that happened on october 7th. we do not accept such a view because the coming always ation happened much earlier and continues
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relentlessly. the problem is no telling the design is government to be 0 and i have but the say you were the world system in order, which is of course, strongly influenced by the united states near by western. well, doesn't need to tell them, teach us about the meaning of democracy or fundamental rights and sustainable development. as i see, the statement comes as malaysia are from this decision. the cut trade with israel because of its actions in gaza to move is in line with an international effort to pressure as well into ending the war. washington has directed intense criticism at the malaysian premier over his fence. we discussed the pm sentiments with professor seller, watch him up a sierra at national university of malaysia. as we can see, dates of just time. there is a use abuse. busy orchard or any attack on gods or to dish. you can see the narrative of the western media. we're not going to put light is done by these right? is like a something that creasing because of how much money please. so i think i will
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permit is just want to make it clear that a spot all of dc and to bring that kind of that would be finding more if you go for cnn, bbc or any other media that includes by this which is a very good friend is right, you and i also have a convention on a use so you can see that did, did you really don't want to show the it in many ways i can see that the already sauces to the energy in the components to know. do i just wanted to ukraine? what with my sure. and i saw you, we've come on. you can see this to being portrayed very different ways come to the ukraine, russia, russia last night. why did these new communities you create the much support to supported by the west, the media that if you can see,
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there's so much humans works there being put into this situation of me, but not at all. what you still do? does a all right, well let's look at the news for now, but as always, be sure to visit our website or com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the, the, the russian states. never as i've started as soon as the most sense community best,
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not getting all sun set up the in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians coding and split the ortiz vote net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you think it would cost the like 41 percent of us adults have enough savings to cover a $1000.00 emergency. we have record numbers of americans who are on the verge of having their cars.


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