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tv   News  RT  August 27, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the breaking news on all t v international atomic energy agency chief going to the potential nuclear incidents and the russians coast nuclear power plant, which is previously been targeted by ukrainian pulses. quote li design tech joins rally behind tele ground, found the title durrell as the french government to west sea level 12 criminal charges according get a post position of the people. meanwhile, the chief of facebook, i've been sick, runs off the phone, show less. i was really a missing tooth to pressing information about how he bit 19. i'm finding family corruption on his platform at the request of the us government. french
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president and monument crone refuses to appoint the left wing coalition for me to set the one in july election, sneezing his nation without the government, the a very willing welcome to you. this is all the international with the latest world news out today, because always it's good to have your company. we starting with breaking news, hey, run all the international, the head of the international atomic energy agency. rafael gross. he says that russia's cause can nuclear power plant. is it risk of a potential nuclear incident? he made the statement off the visiting the applause of inspecting the site himself gross. this said he's witness traces of drone attacks. let's stop show to ask for the sing blame throughout the past weeks ukrainian fights as have carried down some incursion into the task region of attempted to move towards the plans. but the attacks have so far be repelled. this finds out more that's plus lie,
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but to all correspond in english. don't know if who attended russell groceries press conferences. now it goes good to see you. so russell gross, a really and the school, the huge risks at play here. what more can you tell us as well? absolutely. nicky, basically, raphael grossey, the head of the international atomic energy agency has trust that indeed the cost nuclear power plant, which is just the columbus is away from where i'm standing right now. that is at risk of a nuclear disaster. now. so far so far he has said that the power plant is operating under the conditions that are very close to your boat. but the thing is, it could change at any moment because he had stress that the power plant is within range of ukraine's missiles of ukraine's. tillery also, he has indeed confirmed that they found that he found, if you can confirm that there are traces and basically the there is the optim off of drone attacks against this power plot. again, as you've said,
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he has still short of attributing any blame, but the very thing about the bodies, like the 88, they basically never do so it is not on it. basically they do not have the mandate to do so. their job is to observe and to report and know to attribute blade blame, but we have had, indeed, no, from russia before the ukraine did attempt to attack the course nuclear power plants with drugs. now grossey, the head of the international atomic energy agency says that indeed attacks did take place and void. this is dangerous and more so compared to other facilities like the course nuclear power plant. basically what it's, that's the facility upon the facility here apart from others, is from other things, the type of a nuclear reactor that is being used. yeah. basically it does not have any protection. all the facilities that they have a dope built around their reactor,
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which can pretty much sure which stands the hits open airplane. yeah, it does not. this which is facility does not it full. it has. it is like a regular building. and so like a regular apartment building on the it is, it is not built of the study materials. it is simply not designed to be able to withstand a heavy impact that could be done by a drone to because compet drones, they can carry a significant flow down. it is making that the basically the power overcome because the throne is quite significant. so again, rafael grossey has confirmed that indeed the situation could do very bad from quite old right now to very bad with one hit. well it takes is one hit and that's who uh, that stands between the situation right now. and the potential nuclear is austin. now i had a chance to, to, to ask you a question to ask mr. gross
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a question to basically, i wanted ask you a voice message. he will bring to key if in the wake of his findings, he has said that basically will be a message like he brings to any of the parts of the world that these facilities, the nuclear power plants cannot be targeted that they can not be used as leverage and basically they can not be used as something as a basically, they cannot become the subject of blackmail. this is something he will be he has said that he will be in key of next week. and this is something that he will bring to the table to the landscape. uh so again, uh, very interesting, some very interesting revelations and uh, a rather of sofa and buys big got to confirm uh to confirm the previous findings that we have had uh that we have had from the russian military. and so many things to bring his up to speed on the policies that goes, donna speaking to his line, perform the task region. thank you. the 3 days on the,
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on the world is still holding his breath over the rest of telegrams c panel. do roth upon his arrival in front, the messaging top of his chief has been detained over 12 alleged crimes, including complicity and drug trafficking on the distribution of sexual content on his platform. type, joins politicians and now isn't. well, leaders have responded to the say, policies moves really degree. you saw those problems, the rest of this for young fellow. yes, they are that strict. when it comes to the internet, they took him and put him in jail and threatened him that he could serve a 20 year prison term. and that's because the bible juror of has violated their governance over the internet of violating the governance is not acceptable to officials, rule a country, you have a responsibility and the mission. you can't let anyone mileage of governance that should not happen. pavel do rove is an interesting case. back in 2018, russia started a mild legal prosecution. on that day,
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26 organizations from the west signed the request to the russian state, not to violate freedoms. it's only being 5 or 6 years, it's become completely normal for them to arrest him. to the mon, the shut down if telegram in the western world. everything has become reversed. things are changing in accordance with wisdom, interest. so i'm often i may be in the broadcast and also talk, live instagram, facebook life, etc, etc. on telegram, even though the and presents found her in that pulse of persecution, maxim pressure and blackmail in the twisting, the arm of social media, and alternative communication networks around the world. the use of power globally persecute them to subjugate people, as well as find out more on the day. so i'm joined by a correspondent name on the each in the studio on that. thanks to coming in. it's such a huge story that everyone seems to have an opinion on. we've just had some well leaders, the cooling out powers for the big tech have to say about drugs arrest. now of course, after durable arrest,
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all these 10 giants have been freaking out and naturally so because they feel like there would be the next in line. i mean, these text fields are currently spending on thin ice, whether be la mazda or even the seal rumble, who essentially came out and said that the reason he decided to leave europe is because of his fears and concerns over the fact that the same thing would happen to his own platform, or better yet the very famous chief of instagram of facebook, america's after birth, who came out and dropped this bombshell of a letter, essentially stating that under us government pressure. he suppressed information about coby and 19 and the fight and the family corruption scandal on his platforms . but going back to pablo, door of some theories came out about why there's this war on to. 7 graham, one of those serious face that maybe it is because of you place. now, if you are a telegram use or you would know that telecom is one of these very few medias that
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still allows people to see both sides of the conflict. you get to read, you get to write about the conflict and see what's happening on the front lines in real time. and some of those things are being ignored or even shadow binds, banned by other medias in the west. so maybe telegram not being under control of any government has made these western governments a little bit too worried. let's hear more on that. when you say you are committed to freedom of expression, you are lying. we have a letter from france that proves this. without a doubt we had to shutdown rumble in france because you have no commitment to freedom of expression. it would be helpful to the global public to understand more details about why he was arrested. the us government declared war on those parts of the internet that are not under its control. anything that is not subject to the us deep state mass surveillance dragnet, like silicon valley big tech, hostages must be assimilated or destroyed. mega blowed was the beginning,
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then tick tock. now telegram and we know who's next. there's definitely definitely a movie that this could be the tip of the ice, but then whatever happens to during of and whatever happens with telegram, could spell the face of many of the media outlets as well. should anyone in particular be worried? i think that would be ill in most, but let me just mention that with this whole door of situation, it seems that friends did not really do it on itself because we have to mention the threats that were coming from a former us official like vincent, who threatened specifically 11 months and he was quite open as the hampton that may be most ex platform would be next a while during the whole front citizenship is arrested for violating french rule. this has broder implications for all the social media, including twitter. there's a growing intolerance for platforming, this in fluid malign influence and the growing appetite for accountability must could be none of us. i mean,
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it is clear as day that some sort of agenda is being pushed here, and that is silence the media as much as possible. but if the parent those goods, then freedom of speech suddenly is in the works. now the tale and deputy prime minister is full warrant, a one month scan and mid durable arrest. so he highlighted the censorship issue that europe is currently facing in europe. we are now faced with censorship, with the stink of regime long live freedom of thought and of speech. who will be the next to be gagged, the great and inconvenient you on mosque. now the former u. k. member of parliament, george galloway also came out and urged must not to visit europe and even said that there is no need to come to this meeting that they were supposed to have in september. the reason why is no surprise and again, it's the mid fears that most would suffer the same consequences as durham to your p in union is threatening
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a law must with dire sanctions. and after what happened to the tele drawn boss, i strongly advise the law must not to come to europe even to the court hearing. he has with me in september in dublin. don't come a long. i've been asking you to come, but don't come. no, because you cannot be sure that you will not meet the same fate. so it seems as if situation with freedom, a space in your office, what type, whether it be journalists or the seals, it seems that anyone that goes against the narrative is essentially over with. so it seems like even mosque might be in the cross as but one of the ones who care about monk zack, a bag. now a few days after door of a rest. uh 5 door up, the rest here comes smoke is out for bed which i would call a favorites of the west government really because. a he dropped his controversial
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letter where he states that the u. s. government. and specifically, the democrats have pushed him to sensors based on his platforms. in 2021, senior officials from the bite and administration, including the white house, repeatedly press star teams for months to assess or certain coffee, 19 content, including humor and satire, and expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn't agree, i believe the government pressure was wrong, and i regret that we were not more outspoken about it. now, it wasn't just about coven. he went on to share that he was requested to suppress the new york of post story on the bite and family corruption scandal on the eve of the 2020 elections. now, the pretext that was used for that were these baseless allegations that it was boston, this information. because as we know, as we've learned today, if anything goes wrong in the us, somehow the russians are the ones to blame. but however, we know that these allegations are completely baseless and the by then finally,
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corruption scandal turns out to be confirmed, even by a congress investigation. now, dr. berg himself admits that there was no basis to claim that the story was russian . this information it's has been made clear that the report and it was not the russian, this information. and in retrospect we shouldn't have the motor to story. you know, dora was always taking pride in the fact that he does not cooperate with any governments whatsoever. and while in russia did not arrest him for that strong sense, he did end up in the french jail over the same issues. but we do know that i'm like durham, dr. berg has been directly cooperating with governments. and maybe that is the reason why he has never been arrested, but while he claims to be for a for it now, many people say that it is a little bit too late for that. so what it looks like here is essentially if you cooperate with the government, then you're safe. but if not, then probably you'll go to jail now mind you that the west claims to be a,
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it's really committed to freedom of speech and freedom of expression. i mean, the players themselves to be this place where rights of a free speech are taken very, very seriously. but we can also go back to the start of the special military operations back in 2022 west. they were the 1st people to ben. any journalist that they are just based on the issue from an opposite you. so door of a rush, i think is a not really surprising, but it's no wonder that it became such a some sort of way to paul for all these other tech giants. absolutely. many thanks for coming in with the these house, appreciate it. you might, you, well, we spoke with you on a list on host have going on the ground auction with hans and he says phones has exposed itself with the totes, how the terry and stays by a rest. in durham, of the precedent set by the french authorities, basically kidnapping the boss of one of the most major messaging platforms on
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a telegram. the president it's that is perhaps not even a precedent. we've known that front is a bastion of tele, terry, and is on for years president macro learned, even though our prime minister to be a pointed after is clearly a failure to secure any success at the ballot box. who is macro, who are the french authorities? that have taken durham of him put in prison and detained him in front because friends, bands rumble friends bands, our t friends, bands, any kind of descent that alters from the washington consensus. because frances, of calling me all the united states, the president, it says, is one the, to the alarm. anyone in front and anyone thinking of ever, ever visiting france until there's been some kind of revolution of values. the french revolution is dead. we drove in jail who will now become
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a course of that birth for those who love liberty all around the world. less than you are a visitor, tell a terry in space when no one must be free to read. listen, watch, think you are not allowed to do that in western europe anymore. if you read in novel, if you want to play 3, let's do a piece of music. if you read of news story and that it comes from western europe, you must understand and suspect the author compose a list of view of journalist because they all have a confined within this search area and space. and this shows to anyone that alone alone must learn the rumble, found it was a reason that even the left, the left western europe very quickly after this announcement don't go that, don't go to products from things that are tyler, terry and company country. as much as it was on division to hello website is also closely following the controversial case. and you can keep across all the details including more on the mysterious one, the an accompanying puddle,
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dirt on his plane when he landed in paris. so let us see, don't com. the person on the, the as prominence, the new rangel note, he held a phone call that says, conversation says the premier, visited ukraine. the 2 leaders touching base on moscow on new dallas, developing partnership as well as the current situation in ukraine, according to oppose the rent for moody express, the dell is winning those 2 quantities with use of funding pump place to woods, pace, document purchasing is set to have outlined rushes plans to resolve the conflict, but that also discussed the implementation of trade agreement signs between the 2 sides following mode. these visits involve scope and conversation with the person. indeed, as prime minister of the concerned his readiness to participate in the upcoming break summits and cause on the copies of the votes, but less so in carrying out the results. french presidents, emmanuel, the crown,
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has declared he won't be select single prime minister from the left wing coalition of the spot, the lines winning a majority of the last one stump, parliamentary elections. hey, is the take a power space to all to contribute to it? rachel, i'm austin. it's been a nice, quiet summer here in france on the political front. probably just a coincidence to france hasn't actually had a government during this time. just the previous one or french president imagining that coast party, that voters overwhelmingly decided to turn on july 7th, and that he's conveniently been able to justify keeping in place under the pretext that he needs everyone to behave and focus on the parents and let the games be a big one, the because the country needs the government to make decisions prepared budget to make the decisions for the country. and therefore obviously until mid august is what must be focused on the games. and then from there, depending on the progress of these discussions, if it's will be my responsibility to appointed prime minister and to entrust the task of forming the government and having the wide is gathering that allows it to act and have to billy. okay, so the olympics are over, but no pressure, he still has the paralympics kicking off this week and lasting
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a couple of weeks. it's not like the olympics just suddenly got in the way of an election. it was not co himself who decided in june after losing european elections to the anti establishment. right? that right before the olympics would be a great time to attempt to relieve his political and securities and see if voters really meant what they've voted for by calling a national election. and while they clearly didn't mean it, since nothing depends, national riley coalition won the popular vote in that election with 34 percent. but not coal had made a deal with the anti establishment left new popular front coalition between the 2 voting rounds, to strategically withdraw their respective candidates across the board in a way that would block the national riley from winning parliamentary seats. in the 2nd round, the total number of which determines the make up of parliament, well turns on the overshot. and the anti establishment left now has the most seats . whoops. so traditionally the president is suppose to name a prime minister from the party with the most seats,
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but not coal really doesn't want to. it's about quote, institutional stability. so maxwell has been meeting with reps from the various parties this weekend last week, concluding the anti establishment less proposed candidate for a prime minister. lucy tested a senior civil servant who also went to the national administration school of which mac home is also the graduate. and she has pretty much the same kind of elite educational pedigree. and despite all that, not because she's just not feeling there. not only that, but all the other parties and the leaders of the friendship business community are totally freaking out over the idea of a left wing prime minister, who could be free to name a left brain government that with him who meant a anti establishment left wing set of policies, simple to the new popular front. i mean it's program and it's movements and the personality to embody all represents today a danger for public order for civil peace and obviously for the economic life of
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the country. and so we will not only make sure that our voters can be heard and respected, but we also intend to protect the country from the government that was fracturing french society. nicole literally boosted the left wing to power with this little election manipulation track. now dr. frankenstein here is trying to figure out how to deal with the political monster that he created as must when leaders on the middle shaw has pointed out. all this is about denying the election results that not call himself engineered democritus leaders. would you censor a government of lucy? good stats without an l. f i minister, who would implement the f b program? the answer know their refusal to see rebels and government is only a pretext to deny the result of the elections. so there was talk about a summer that back home was going to name a center, right, establishment prime minister, you know, from the faction that voters overwhelmingly rejected. since everyone here is that up with the establishment. the mac home represents big mysteries to why?
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just looking at this issue alone. yeah, that would have been super democratic, kind of like refusing to name a prime minister from the party with the most seats or, or no pulling electoral to with the left wing on the more popular right wing middle show is now overtly threatening to introduce a parliamentary motion to depose mac cole from power, whose success could feasibly come from the anti establishing. right. that's also supporting it. and um, they also establishment right might be particularly motivated at this moment considering that macro has explicitly excluded both the left and the right waiting from further consultations about government make up some people over the summer, even joke that not culture just name the popular paris olympic mascot, the fees as prime minister, you gotta think that at this point that has to be looking like a pretty attractive option is won't leave to find somebody who will end the occupation if the palestinian line. that's the message from full upon
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a city or in 5 minutes to an a homage shot to yeah. who's yet his thoughts on the regional crisis with us and you close to full interview throughout the day. right to auntie about a senior and sufferings did not started only on october 7th. a lot of cnn subheadings has been ongoing for quite some time. for the last 76 years, but a senior and his have lived through the conditions and is that i've been situation people and guys that have been under siege since 2007. and even before october 7, we had in the west bank for the 121, but as the nose had been killed before october 7th. so he said i have continued. it's a tax against beep or whatever, but a scene as well. the situation has reach us at tuition in which it was a l. e, and a catastrophic situation for that people. so what has happened was expected by
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everybody that the attack on goes up. nope, only october 7. it went, it went, the city bought at 20, at 2128201420082009. they started the prime minister and never believed in these solutions. you will need to find somebody in is that i am a prime minister who is it easy to stand up and say, i am ready to end documentation that has been okay on the scene and ballasting instead of that is united states has never really in, in just did any serious stuff or 2 entities and that is where the problem is. so if we don't, at each a situation where peace is a good, a good or for a site and for that, but as seen as been, the conflict will continue. always an absolute pleasure to have you with us, say on the state international will be back with little at the very latest in just 30 minutes. hope to see
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the the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify all confused who really wants a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few. fractured images presented to this,
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but can you see through their illusion going underground, can the the in the united states try know,
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out of sanctions on russia. that's the best thing the that could have happened to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture, against the other items, or made russia fetus hurting samsung, so as on agriculture and now, so the major, great export are no longer dependent on the united states and europe the so you were the palestinian prime minister last october. when how mosque launch a brutal attack on israel? how come the preparation for such an onslaught when i noticed both in tell of beast and in the west bank look to buy this thing and stuff? things did not stop only on october 7, but
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a cnn subheadings has been ongoing for quite some time. for the last 76 years, but a senior and his have lived through the conditions and does that have been a situation people and guys that have been under siege since 2007. and even before october 7, we had in the westbank 421. but as the notes have been given before october 7th. so it said i am continued. it's a tax against beep or whatever, but a scene as well. and then as i launch a continuation of the coordinated session program number of subcultures was increasing number of such a months and then confiscation land expropriation. so on an order the editor underground was extremely difficult. and the, the atrocities that is right and has been launching against people, whatever. but i'm going to something that, that yahoo has tried all his best to try to buy
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a situation in which he wanted to destroy the possibility of the 2 states. and he wanted to isolate does for quite a bit of time. and then he thought i had to exchange a quiet miss for money. so it's what i did was facilitating the entry of self and find them solid packages that was given to uh, does uh, to how much and so on buying into the cloud and some sort of way it is. but the problem was that better steam ends in guys had been put under siege. i took the siege, move month people to what am i allowed to move? no movement out of because it is direction of in boards or the major. so the situation has lead to a situation in which it was a l. e, and a catastrophic situation for that people. so what has happened was expected by


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