tv News RT August 28, 2024 7:00am-7:31am EDT
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the the live at from moscow, this is all t international with me, nicky arrow and now we're starting this out with an exclusive interview with the russian um boss of the to the u. k. andre can then other color in the russian on by the to the u. k. many thanks for joining us on. the program is very good to see you today. i'll start off with this and, and one of your interviews. you mentioned that people in here tell tired of the tungsten paddling of the ukraine story, but none of us public opinion is still influenced by the media. is narrative. could you expand on what you meant by that ukraine fatiguing and how it not assessed itself as well. but it's a very special situation in united kingdom wednesday. talk about you green, because if there's only one narrative is possible here,
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and it sounds as pull those uh, alaska has started an unprovoked aggression against the ukraine. and you k will stand with you put in as long as it takes. but think he was here, he's unprovoked, it is still gonna be false. it does not take into account. the other said, are they just do it or we agree in those that are us a discrimination or for us and population. of course of the negation built on the jewish and by the way, so there are some interests and many, many other things, including the dns or some of the conflict. it's most important things. however, it is being mostly used to phrases are being used to all that because of the most media in reports, unless i do is gonna post as well. and you know, you know, other aspects, it has become a sort of id, was one of each of the quote positions of the united kingdom. those you put in these based. this is the range of course. uh,
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no other things can be discussed. seriously here i did talk about databases, one of the fame was um, well it all just varies some 3 of these days. and she told me that she who understands of the situation and who it correctly reflects it and she is in she is works. she told me that you weren't in the united states, so the biggest for pulling out of your brain about situation is different to in the way that a discussion start allowed. different views are possible and it is still legs. they're not in the united kingdom. i of course, i know a lot of people here who'll throughly believes, who don't believe, you know, the visual notion of the story. one distance of the roots on the conflict, them in the, in a good in their lives, in the right way. whether they can sort of keep silence because of the seeing how they have to. they might be in a well, as i said, they might be consequences for them. and so you, we all seeing some people that shifted in some other us choose how long would it be
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before we might say a mass of people would change the us to. so what was the conflicts and you credit into russia itself? politically speaking, i do not know it may help them. of course it was developed at all for the events uh over the year on the theater in the sense that uh the uh, keeps, keeps going amount. uh, currently is the right bank crowns reduced and add this. uh and uh you can go in and what is helping kids. so these driving still some that is in terms of economics in terms of diminished singles, number of population that uh is it is a subset of all this size. uh, but we, so these development only a weight of the stuff to, to utilize that it was a grave mistake by all sides to support the beauty and you know, it's in the us and motions. and then after the video is each now what are these? it was a mistake change info, even if they did, you may type them. yeah, you've also said that the public opinion has already questioning the viability of
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continuing to support ukraine. but of course, us government doesn't want to lose face in front of the apartments. of course. is there any developments on that on the bus will fail to the diplomatic front, they could shift the government's policy on you frame. and you know, i sadly imagine that it may be implemented friend, uh, um, i know i'm a people in these things that because of the situation, it has been aggravated to by univision and course gallery jim of course. and after that, uh, although, uh, full sized booking about some kind of negotiations. uh, some kind of uh, 2nd confidence, uh, that real full of good, again, is still getting suicidal. and of course uh if there's no 3 at least at the moment, uh to talk about that. um, do you have a list of the available withdrawal from, for firms that are something for them to come out of some sort of i of course. um, what else? uh no, cuz we continue to move quickly. uh you know,
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in the, in the area of done the bus, i will force us up the jenkins grounds over the unit quickly and quickly. um and uh we, we will just have to follow the events. uh and i have to see that also uh the situation is being pretty quick, nice to buy some people here. uh. and also it has been reflected in uh in the newspapers. so there is a certain balance on the course there. excellent. and in uh, in perception, but the reception is still, oh, it's an official line. and what does this feel like? some of you claims boxes have some will pricing domestic issues on the hands that they seem to be ignoring from political instability to migration economic challenges and even riots and the case of the you k. yet they just seem to be more focused on foreign policy problems. is it said to say that ukraine question is being used as a distraction from these issues?
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it isn't. it's a question. uh and uh, what was that? uh, i think it was a little divine sort of thing to eat the alley india. so they speech by the brand new system at them or the or because it has consolidated a himself on the domestic issues where they, what is happening in canada and of conservatives. it was a, it's a but it was a very great future uh for united kingdom, a coolant man, especially if hes uh, pulling down from the big uh, from the 10 biggest industrialized uh, most industrialized countries. it is, uh, they would spend 4 months, there won't be 7, uh no by the u. k. all of these is uh then scrolling good sales in the big unemployment of product annoyed performances installation. i enter on the window. uh, the answers to that uh for them to be the conservative government early in the foreign policy correctly. uh,
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they're saying that the us that used to blame before anybody failed the old become sort of their grammar. and of course it isn't. i will say crazy. it's, it's a and, and the idea that it does not even though it does not have an integral. and so i haven't felt uh so far that, that seems to believe before. uh, but at least for you let us uh, from the new labor government. but probably it will follow. of course, we've been close the following day situation in cost. i'm considering ukraine's losses on the on going full mobilization in the country just because concussion was a rational move for k. a. was this more of a symbolic operation to put possibly shift public opinion that i told him on the broad an interesting question. uh, is minute. expose an hour following keith and uh the agree when uh when i think that uh, the quote is cooperation to uh, put a huge uh, 2 goes the one is to, uh,
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we, uh, the ball comes with us and $0.04 for them. uh, done bus for them uh, from the bus area and to bring them over to, into the residence. the reason in order to defend the board i spoke with you. and 2nd goal is of course, to show to the outer world because they with especially united states. you d as that uh you put in an army still capable and we pro is not off auto romance. do you indicate in kevin, do some some successes uh, both of these goals has not been achieved as, as we know, i already know to, to isn't in the course has of course area has study lies. yes. you put in the army . it has taken some grounds with some villages and a small town, and so it is a that has been, this is kind of population over 45000 people before before the alteration only. now we just never emptied and it doesn't move to of or it does not progress in the way . uh, but the same time the rest of the forces are becoming more and more. i see it as
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substantial and we interact more deserves with the more capabilities and what the, what they're so what's next uh, do they have to be, is that or, or do they have to stay and play? oh, totally. so we will follow the advance of moving away from the conflict. can you explain this another big story i'd love to get your opinion about russian tech tycoon. powell der of was of course, arrested in paris over the weekend. but the russian foreign ministry is close. the following decays, president, look for on this and the rest isn't political. do you believe that? you know, it's a difficult story of course, because, well, 1st of all, missed the dog. has a lot of citizenship. so it includes not on the russian, but french. and then the other citizens have so that she says, i have to talk about that because it uses uh the uh, very serious. uh, although uh, as i understand to or from a professional point of view,
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we both have to wait to be until they will deliver it. uh, and i hope that it has uh, sufficient defense capabilities. and uh, because it should be of the it's actually this position. so it would be defendants . uh, very seriously. uh, uh, at the same time, uh, in general. uh we, um, the dentist said that it's a big below one to feed them of move on to for you the most. but it is for you the most drastic and, and a lot of that. and what is the one to what was the it, of course of that is, has done it on certain advice from the united states. but they will, uh, keys uh for them uh, these messenger messenger. and it has been less of a very successful in russia and in the other areas. and yes, we do use it of these medicines here. so, so as a, i do believe and the other stability is that washington and that is, and all other wisdom, capitals for like, $23.00 to $3.00 there's and
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a really has opened up pond or as folks when it comes to freedom of expression like you say, most to take on the multiple serious charges being both the gain see me, which include drug trafficking, crime against privacy against children, read a serious thing. so yeah. do you think you should be held accountable for what happens on the platform, but he created, you know, well uh, i know the big specialist, you know, these things uh the, the, the, are difficult about the kind of dimensional myself that the owner or for the such a big platform, i can be responsible for its content, of course, and then also the loss of the adult taking those and. and i will cancel the end of the year to be on the union of the things to regulate the, of these issues. but i don't have sort of, they have to be uh for quite a long time. or we have precinct of that. it shouldn't be a normal regulation over the years in, according to the it's a standard as of a legal standard. it's open to them. it's not a lot of this issue is being discussed in the u. m. and mostly and the still
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disagreements. as of course the us is president of that are all these things should be in the united states was again, i know you were busy mom. thank you. so much for giving us your time today. we really appreciate it. we've been speaking to andre telling the russian and best that to be who came any thanks have a good day. you too. okay. thinking what's the weather news now? and russia's cus, boulder region where the country's forces continue to repel a fresh wave of you crazy. the tops moscow stays, ukraine has lost the 6 and a half 1000 troops on hundreds of on the vehicles during his 3 week loading cars. and i'll say he's a ghost on a visited one of the unit stations in the area financing on the front lines. this is where a tool started the suits the region of russia's course, the province to keep cranes fast, lo fi to full size of the joker takes us to mont. special forces operations.
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well, this is far from the 1st come on points that i'm visiting here, but when it comes to the intensity of the pricing and of communications, most of the parts of the front, well, they hopelessly pale in comparison. is radios yellow over each other? sports is are glue to the tv showing light drone feeds. so how much it has to be in the city, not it's not a covered, it's detroit. they've just ordered support from some very big guns the, the us because the whole room cheese. but this war is not always broad cost and 4 k tv drones con bose, the same picture quality. but it doesn't make the footage any less impressive. the
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page, one of my commanders says he doesn't remember a busy a time in this war. phillip, which in this situation is very tense because the enemy has been trying to build on the success of their authentic have since the 1st days of our arrival. as a result, the success failed miserably. since the 1st days, dozens of vehicles tanks armored vehicles have been burned. therefore, if it is not for nothing that this is already called the course bulge, because there was no such amount of equipment involved in the enemy's counter offensive during the operation. all the equipment is being destroyed. the enemy does not even have time to deliver reserves. according to radio intercepts, they are in an extremely depressed mood. they can't even evacuate. we are working
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on their complete destruction. ukraine is know when they're done with attempts to break rushes spirits here. but hades and his men love a challenge i make is done up reporting from the court screeching russia oxy to he has invasion of loss is ca squeegee, was supposed to stop. most goes advanced on the battlefield and don't bus. that's the admission from ukraine's top military. come on the who say is the results of sofa phone showed is the one of the goals of the course operation was to divert enemy forces from the direction of pol crossed the enemy understands this. so they continue to concentrate efforts on fall across the course, cooperation has diverted the enemy's forces. 230000 soldiers were transferred and the number is growing, but the enemy still continues to gain strength in this area. okay, so it's a of a crawl of skin don't box dimensions by the ukranian general is currently in the hands of kids forces. but the russian military is rapidly approaching the k
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logistics help as part of its main operation. and the don't guess what public, according to most goes, ministry of defense, the 27th dogs, most wise rival division has taken control of several assessments in the area, including the village of one of the former c. i. a analysts, laurie johnson told all to be short sightedness of alex on to see a case come on those big problems for ukraine. so 1st, he claims that the operation was designed to get russia to shift soldiers from the don boss in order to relieve pressure on ukrainian soldiers facing off against the russian advance and forced them to go up the crow skinny claims that that's what happened. but that didn't happen. the 200, he says, of 230000 russian soldiers removed up there. well, that's not the case either. russia already had troops stationed nearby. russia
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did not have to draw it down any of its forces. and the done boss, that's number one, number 2, the only one who actually paying forces from the don boss dynette skin particular and read apply them to cursed with starsky and, and, and that is widely acknowledged by many ukrainian analysts. this having been an incredibly stupid, foolish thing to do because it has now weakened the defenses ended on boss to such an extent that we are seen. russian forces advancing multiple kilometers a day, taking some entire towns and villages intact without it, you know, having to fire a single artillery round. when you've got a senior military commander like source key. so detached from reality, it tells you how much trouble the ukrainians are at. it's an interesting business, amazing to tell you about now, be ahead of lot of them is lensky is also,
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is this not done with american investor ahead of the open society foundation? that what alex on the source, the false on the of a liberal 1000000000 that george soros arriving here to discuss the deals to be made and plans for the economy is reported. the policies also discussed the restoration of critical infrastructure. also on the agenda was the seizure of russian assets and the possible transfer to ukraine, as well as increasing functions pressure on most sky. mr. sources visits to kia comes with it, the news, but she monetary and aid was i have a full $1000000.00 a month. all the countries the military has gone missing that comes from a report released by the ukrainian defense ministry. according to the results of joint internal audits from march to july 2020 for the cleaning, defense ministry in cooperation with the ukrainian state custom service identified potential risks of illegal use of humanitarian aid worth
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a 4 point $2000000.00. however, the department could not confirm the fact of receiving this age by military units. the defense ministry has sent relevant notifications to law enforcement agencies to assess the legality of the actions of individual officials on the grounds of legal enrichment, misappropriation of property and abuse of office to well the last to 8 full ukrainian. so it does include say that full 100 vehicles and just under $500.00 tons of goods, including food and plastic pellets, now says the total volume of age to keeps from the west as a wedding, which hundreds of billions of you are the eu has sent a 110000000000 euros is 20. 202022 off of boston legal aid and mos on the way. well, the us has contribution the equivalents of over $75000000.00 euro in total, and then not finished yet. also, it contributes a for sam says that wall western nations are actively financing ukraine at the
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expense of the citizens. the real beneficiary of such spending is the state on finding and the it is the british in this case, if we're looking at the u. k, this will be with these types, pay us spending so much money on providing these weapons to the right. but the actual people, we think we think the reward, he's not the british tax payer. you know, most of these funds have to construct his wit by they are utilizing, if not pag very little tax compared to what they should be paid back into the economy. so that way they can that friends a, when a guy in the binds. but the reality is the british tax, but as last add add, the ukrainian people have low speed, the more money moves, right. and they're always countries in the bought that compet office if you like. hot spots so well friendly places, full full, full tax evasion for the movement of money. you know, well what the people use is the web off, shall i think that is probably how that's, that's a new trade off they'll, they'll use it and they'll create these ideas. i think because you find becoming a free economic solid, the west and companies to set up maximize that,
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that tax efficiency. i mean, we pads a not to see below. see, just before, if you step down the us say the investigator, you credit, your credit is a good investment. we use the white investment, right? because what they do is by creating a country web by the, you know, you created itself. so has, has got, you know, is very important to the web state security it positive. so the ad natural gas resources has a lots of things. the, the, the, the united states in particular really wants to get its bit so it wants to try and basically detach the world. but it's particularly you're away from dependency old rust and natural resources such as russian or the gas. that'd be similar to how we sold the behavior of, of the, of west, the government said 80 rocks. and i've got us started the way in which states privatized, the oil and gas fields of these countries. the modus operandi, all of the american of the american booty at least some types of starting and well, they don't do it for free. that's certainly that's a big body. and the river is
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a fond of flow. and so you pray, let's take a look at who else is making money. what example being the british wealth fund all came advise is which specializes in high risk investments in emerging markets, is made a healthy profit from the purchase of ukrainian debt betia, all of your training and company fall into this portfolio. and those 2 double figures with a total of $470000000.00, helping expose some lines wise by a solid 12 percent yet on yet while, according to blue book, ukraine's now so guys, junk ball and secure the funds. invest as a 73 percent return, or ukranian, well ways also made that pockets heavier for sams, again breaks down how will is all sudden which pickings for speculators. in this case, they mean usually states assets that have been in some way and take could or in some sort of uh, sort of dock away and,
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and we possessed from the people driven see private companies. so example when way affected your credit and debt bugs waive with having to state owed company such as the crating railways, for example, which uh, this particular fund holds a huge stake. it adds. so essentially it's usually add, it's usually a products that come, that was owned by the state. oh, by the people that have been some way being stolen from them. essentially, you know, if, if you and i go out and take a resource that was put dominantly on the full days by the state, i not for profit company in the sense that it's that to set the people. and they basically said it's off to, to the highest speed that you guys to see must stick with tons happen. because suddenly you've got this huge expanse of natural resources. in this case, natural gas, that he's able to be with tons of private companies that are in the ukraine, that doesn't get buttons the ukranian academy and essentially has been plummeted
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into this case instead loved in age. and so the british shot into the body states, ends into investors within this fun. they loved the a bizarre conspiracy assumption . and that's how jim and dailey but then designed something, cuz brandon claims that a group of ukrainian sailors alone sabotage the new stream pipelines. the paper also to use this some other to him and media outlets of promotes it in good faith, new story about the active terrorist. with regard to versions such as that of the target show as one of the most important media in germany or also like those of the regionally obvious us see title questions remain and new ones are piling up to put it bluntly, the picture of the 3 suspects from ukraine, that has now been outlined points to a particularly bizarre conspiracy assumption and a g o. strategically, central event, including its media presentation, makes it clear that journalistic media professionals often want to be in the thick of it. instead of just being there in a less professional sense,
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this is very interesting and i suppose what it displays is a splits if you like in the them narrative, the narrative that the court narrative weird stuff, you know, several ukrainians, drunken evening out of hiring a off descending 60 meters below the above the sea, the most survey you'll see on, on, on the planet of the 2 is almost like a drunken night. i. this is what we're going to do and this will for you try. this is what we've been for right on. this is now almost a public spot among the german media. and remember germany, this was the most critical piece of energy infrastructure in germany. and it was the biggest terror act, if you like, on that sort of in the midst of this had a critical impact on german life. the ability to access cheap russian gas that how she would feel political impact geostrategic impact on the country. so this is a very well established newspaper burden against the item, asking questions of older german newspapers, tiger show, and most a good sites on another regional paper saying, why are you guys so eagerly peddling this idea as these, you know,
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hand it narrative intelligence leaks basically you are telling us that these are investigations, the not investigations. what so? so we're, we're, we're not seeing any real investigation. this is what burden it gives item to say you're calling or conspiracy theories for asking you the questions as to where does this evidence come from? and it's becoming less and less plausible and put in their goods. let us look very refreshing for us here to see western media and particularly in germany stepping nope. now i'm saying, look, this doesn't add up. let's have a listen to some of the detail of what for dinner because i don't have to say, you know, how to establish editorial offices come up with the idea of on the one hand, the valuing experience, colleagues as conspiracy theorists. while at the same time attaching importance to a particularly bizarre conspiracy theory that such a far reaching action in the midst of various powers at the bottom of the baltic sea was carried out by some patriarch, divers from ukraine on their own. still have questions to quote brecht,
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reading worker. so many reports, so many questions. very, very important stuff. this is really, really interesting. and that didn't do you know, the, nobody story unit is an, a german class. now remember, a german outlet is expected to follow the line to, you know, take a spoon, fed narrative, challenging that narrative, and saying, why are we being asked to tell people as stories which are linked to us rather than follow real investigative process? much of the mainstream media in the west has blamed on this quite a vague and description, a pro ukrainian group that's continually in the headlines. what's russia say? well, russia, as it has been saying, all the long, remember the narrative of the west was when this happened was that rush had blown up its own pipeline rush. it blows up its own pipeline, rather than turning off the gas after spending billions on this infrastructure. the western media and the western politicians. we also had the business, of course,
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he's taking the americans for blowing at old people because and deleting it. so what is very almost comedic process with north street. and what the russians are saying is what they've been saying. all along, at sort of a loud rav stressing that at why is it russian often involves they've been refused access to the data that the germans obviously have. that's what sort of a lever, obviously, he suggested that everything that's been asked for has been, you know, deflected away, suggesting that there is no investigation at all. that everybody knows who actually bu, of north sea. and of course, east marie is a higher that's in, you know, at her very far reform tackling mr. fisher or the german farm ministry spokesperson . very interesting. most of it was her. and it should do it. those leveling hiccups, phone numbers, and the official spokesperson for the german foreign ministry. sebastian fisher said, the berlin is allegedly exchanging some information with russia about the terrorist attacks carried out in september 22 on north street one and nordstrom to gas pipelines. with this statement,
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the german side obviously tried to cause doubt on the validity of the claims that were put forward by the russian side, against the german authorities. regarding their refusal to cooperate in the investigation of this crime, it is also necessary to emphasize a dimension towards. but mr. fisher were completely untrue. let's say this simply to make it easier for the translators to translated into german. it was a lie, a she, i think it's worth pointing out as well. this happened in 2022. there being many so called investigations probes. as you say, russia was not involved in on the, on the great verdict. the grid on the feeling just lead to know where, and that's where you can see here, i think just frustration, but also the, the russian foreign ministry just thing. well, we knew this was gonna happen. i mean, this is the obvious reality. i mean, the idea that russia blew up to the north stream is exceptionally a, you know, a fancy for, let's say, we've had a big a investigative looks i've had,
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this will be doing the reality of these people going down to the bottom of the baltic sea 60 meters down interest me when the mike lynch's got cited tiny and if it's 50 meters down, it's going to take us time because right now we're being told the tree ukrainians in a sailboat managed to you know, going to still pick out to the mid level the most, the video piece of water in the world at the time because they're telling us they can spot russian. so marines that have what some of these ports and come out there and you know, on a jolly bit of a barbecue, down to the bottom. and below, we'll add these 2 north screen piles, which are encased in concrete 60 meters below the surface. a lot of questions still don't answer, do a me away. next, the latest episode of direct same thoughts with rick sanchez as what we thought with more of today's top these stories at the top of the i'll see you then the .
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