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tv   News  RT  August 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the telegram seo puddle, dirt off is officially a charge with 6 crimes in friends. the allegations include a refusal to provide information requested by government buildings with the funder charge for a legit complicity in crime is committed on his platform. questions are being raised over why he's being singled, ivan, others, tech chiefs are not being targeted in a similar way at all to a head on the program. multiple ukrainian drove is attempting to attack to russian regions are shot done to pull per night, says multiple saves the number of fatalities have been p of stalled. first good incursion has risen to 7. the
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line from our introduction used to do in moscow. this is a r t international. let's get into thursdays. lots to the chief executive of telegram has officially been charged by friendship. already. these bible draw sick use of several, a legit crimes committed on his own line platform. including failing to hold the distribution of child pornography drugs, as well as refusing to provide information and documents requested by official bodies. but mr. dirt off has being placed on do do, did show supervision on 5000000 euro bail unbuttoned from leaving from swell. the investigation continued. he's been ordered to report to police twice a week, but tech tycoon faces up to 10 years in prison that fund guilty r. s. has also revealed left the preliminary investigation of durham case began
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back in february or short corresponding with more from outside the courthouse where his hearing took place. i don't always list what box top elder of has indeed been indicted. although released by the french justice system has been placed on the judicial supervision with an obligation to pay a bill of 5000000 euro and report to police twice a week. well being prohibited from living from mr. of had been placed in police custody for almost full day since last up to date. when he was arrested upon the arrival at the local airport, the paris. he was questioned by investigators and the entrance that he had to have paris quotes in one state to face charges. among other things, he has been accused of not having done enough to fight against a sense has commissioned on his telegram application. and not having disclosed information about it to the french justice system pushed our key correspond to charlotte. they've been state join just now in the student morning to charlotte.
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one of the things surrounding the story is the lock of communication directly from pablo's door off. we. we haven't heard from him. so what isn't merging about his plight? well, what we're hearing at the moment is from his legal team that are refuting every allegation, as you heard a series of them that, that have been charged again, says client, he says these allegations all spurious it is still through the upsets the thing that it had on the social network could be involved in criminal ads that could be committed on the messaging service. telegram complies you know, respects with european rules concerned and digital technology. durable has to report twice a week and it could take to use this case to come to court in front. and if he's found guilty, he faces up to 10. he's in prison. so very serious charges. yeah. a lot of run the
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vacations about where this case leads because accountability and social media, that's primarily among the double standards when it comes to the chiefs of other social media companies, not in the same direct spotlight. and what do we know about that? has anything emerged about that in particular? well, that's why i mean, we all hearing about this digital services act that the european union passed in 2022. and the reason they say that telecomm hassle come and do it stream it just because it isn't as far reaching as we see with platforms like x will be known as twist to own by an enormous good old. so it says that those platforms are accessing or allowing more duration on the, the bad platforms to cooperate with that new digital services act. so what we're also hearing for people like a little musk himself fund. edward snowden, who see was a whistle blower in regards to the as i say in the usa, is it, this is
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a form of censorship. they are crying out the, this is about curtailing people's white. so freedom of expression and will so hearing that from opposition, politicians in front see will move to find the back country, which is seen is the best. and the freedom of speech could be using lewis to target some of these like half of do up, let's just have a listen to what floor in philipo had to say. let the bible door of do a big interview to talk about my crohn to demolish him. then let him run away. let him leave him a chronus don and defend freedom of expression outside friends. and the question is, what kind of slippery slope does this lead down? yes, you say just had to go on. we would like to have access full content that's related to terrorism with child pornography. but then how does that escalate? and what type point does this become prying into people's private conversations,
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and moderators and possibly governments across the west and will be coming essentially the salt police. and this is what really scares people is that this could have a chilling effect on people's ability to say what they think will feel and will all private conversations between themselves and people they know, or people they'd like to get to know. however, present michael or fonts has been pretty clear that this is nothing to do with any political decision to any political motivation. frances, more than anything attached to freedom of expression and communication to innovation into the spirit of enterprise, it will remain so the rest of the telegram president on french territory took place as part of an ongoing judicial investigation. this is in no way a political decision as well. so many people that state what was pushing hard to swallow because we've seen motivation has done some of the big platforms. take
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facebook, for example, during the cubic 19 pandemic. or the case that came out about the hunt to bite and laptop when people trying to post information. but now turns out to be absolutely verifiably true. it was being taken down because of more duration. so this is where the concern is, is how far does this go? where does this slippery slope lead us to? some of old so said that friends may not have been acting on its own initiative here so it can affect the point you who else may stem to gain from the the sea of telegram. that's a platform being arrested. well, what we've heard is that the, you and germany are also unhappy with the actions of telecom, and i'm looking into it to see whether the particular, whether it could come under this. we mix of the digital services act, which basically doesn't allow the sharing of certainly legal content at the moment . telecom is saying we don't have enough users to come on to the act, but the use of actively looking to see whether that's the case or not. what we
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understand is the, both the e u and germany have said they're unhappy with type of problem because it's not cooperating with them when they're requesting information, but telecom doesn't answer to them. and also, there is the question, whether actually the us is behind even all of this. now we know from the edward snowden case, how much the us is keen, it's new single private conversations and how that information can be clean, then to be used against individuals. and drove himself has said recently in an interview with a us to be host, talk a call so that he was asked by the f b. i to cooperate with them. so there is a sense that this is fall bigger than just front. we've actually been hearing a tough the cost and this reaction to what's going on for us and french,
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shared military intelligence and diplomatic and economic interest in or in arresting possible. and finally, getting the leverage they have craved for so long to be able to both control, con, kilograms, content moderation practice to ban all russian propaganda channels which are infecting the minds of everyone from ukraine to bellows, to you know, to sub saharan africa. but also the, you know, the ability to get this backend access to it for, you know, to just read every russian text message effectively. and there will be questions. let's not forget, telecom is incredibly popular here in russia. and there are some that fee that perhaps if the us is behind this is looking to get information. it's because it's looking to gain information about what people in russia is saying. and there is the question is to it. but them not. information could be used by nato until and so. so many questions. and i think the rest of problems during the fact that he has now been charged will make
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a lot of people question what they can say and where they can save us or to correspond, surely do. but sure, thanks for talking us through all the latest developments and indeed, let us know delve into some of the point. sure. it was raising because we crossed in new york city legal media unless lionel is willing to speak to us. good morning, good evening to use or what do you make of these charges? first of all, leveled against the telegrams c. oh, are they likely to stick? well, 1st is the complexity of this that cannot be overstated or under stated are they going to stick? depends upon what they're charging him with a couple of observations, unit and as a, as i a, a practicing way or a former prosecutor. uh, 1st thing i noticed is biting 5000000 euro bail, nothing to
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a billionaire for something of this nature. that's it. 5 list, i mean i'm, i'm, i'm, i'm glad he's, he's, he released but i'm thinking of myself there, there are people charged with regular securities fraud. so that's kind of interesting number to what we're used to. and a lot of people are used to, there's heavy governments use social media platforms as proxies to, to sensor individuals. a step trying to say something during the, during the, the cove and period we had our own government and, and sucker burg even even admitted lately. where the government, with the article used facebook to, to clash or to stifle individual opinion. that wasn't like here, the government is going after the applied for not, not the, not as a proxy, but the platform itself. you're one of the most fascinating things here in, in, in the united states as we have an election coming is you're seeing this
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reconfiguration of parties. i've never seen anything like this in my life where you are having this, this emergency, this, this coalition of free speech advocates, young, old, of, of, from every socio political astride home, the crypto community. people who use a need of these types of platforms. not only in business, but in their life, they say the politics makes a strange bedfellows. look at how many people are coalescing right now against what they perceive. absolutely as a form of complete and total censorship. that's all it is a see all the way anybody? the 11 more question. if i were a french prosecutor, what? yes. speaker relatively assume argue window that none of the allegations made a ledge alleging a potential child sexual abuse, materials see sam or organized crime. what if none of that occurred theoretically
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on french soil or involved the french citizens or french subject matter? what is it was an argentine what, what is it, was it an alaska? how is it in terms of a jury fiction? no question. why does one's country say we're, we're going to prosecute you union for what you said in a country where this might be theater, radically legal? so the, the legal questions are fascinating. yeah. i'll, i think you might have, in this case, french lawyers rubbing their hands with lee thinking the vagueness of this case, the realm of occasions that it sets the precedent. it's, you just said, you know, just the other on the very basic level. i'm thinking, if i can be, if i'm the head of a social media company and somebody does something criminal on the platform and i need to blame where, where does that end? you know, you, you just have no kind of an a point to that. and it just spirals and spirals,
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if i buy, i'm or cds, i knock somebody done. the people who, who, who sold me that in the showcase are they, you know, at fault as well for this. you know, the question is, the legal questions on this are, are, are endless, but kind of put a direct point to the president mcfall and he's gone on the defensive thing, mr. drops. the rest is not political out of all or courts are absolutely independent and do by fully into that, you know, i mean, what i mean i listen, i, i, i don't know how to say this other than what you would expect him to say. you don't see leaders of countries as of course work washer and you were destroying individual free speech. of course, that's the purpose of the hello. but he says this when you brought this up, which is very interesting unit, what is the instrument that most people utilize? telegram on and i, and i would say it's a, it's, it's a mobile phone or it's an apple phone. are we going to now sees apple products as
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facilitating this? i mean, let's face it. telegram is nothing unless you have an instrument that allows you to, to access it. in the old days years ago there were these things called obscene phone calls, company one after the own company. nobody goes after the mail we used to have. in fact, in this country, there are strict laws against using the mail system, the postal system to send certain form of care mystic or obscene materials. you're not going to ban the postal system. it what the question is and you, you touched on it, what is, what is telegraph? is it independently of a form of a crime? a print? is it, is it a crime, a crim criminal act or? or does it really provide the platform for which anybody can use it in a variety of different ways? and how do you, how do you sever that information, that information which,
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which is good and beneficial, but political are, are testing. how do you pull that out? maybe there's better monitoring system, but for you to tell me that the governments of the world are all of a sudden worried about child sexual abuse, material, or information that is untoward or sexually violent. now you're now you're showing the is the one point that's the allegations being level that mets a face for many, many months on mark. so to burg, as far as i know is a free mine as of this thursday. so it seems to be a very distinct, different levels of who is being targeted here. a oh, natalie that you've got. and i'm familiar with people who have filed lawsuit against various platforms saying, demanding that they remove actual pictures or images or, or videos of, of, of children. i didn't define basically telling these folks,
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but see we have this wonderful thing called section 230 of the communications decency at which holds these providers, armless, it, it says in a way that, that, that, that they cannot be held this publishers. but here's the other question. you know, when i know union that if you were to mention it, i'm going to go, hark it back in the days of colvin and the coven mania, that just basically just just took the world by storm. if you ordered him to even whisper something about i ever met dinner, i had roxy clark waiting for some particular for they wouldn't use algorithms and, and, and, and sensory devices to find out who you were. do you mean to tell me that there are no available filtering i about the app applications available to go after this? if this is what they're really after? yeah, look, we're still getting after julian assign, we're still trying to figure out what happened their faces,
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the world right now we're people. i've never seen levels of censorship. you can call whenever you want, but i'm going to say one more thing. and i can't say to turn up your heavy people for all of a sudden they're finding themselves joining this international movement. first free speech, they have as, as the admiral. yeah, my mode was said a way to get the sleeping giant and given it a terrible resolve. i'm finding myself as political, a partnering with people that 2 weeks ago i wouldn't have had anything to do with them whatsoever. and we have an election coming up. yeah, and that's gonna be to patients of this are going to be far reaching. we have a doesn't a new international political party, the freedom of speech party. yeah. so many interesting points raise top notch and all that says this all is from line all legal on media on the less live from new york city. thank you sir. well,
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many have been left. i bridge those line to was saying by the case against pablo, juror of in part of the tech chief among them, they have accused western governments of applying horse measures to platforms that become inconvenient to them when you say you are committed to freedom of expression, you are lying. we have a letter from france that proves this. without a doubt we had to shutdown rumble in france because you have no commitment to freedom of expression. the us government declared war on those parts of the internet that are not under its control. anything that is not subject to the us deep state mass surveillance dragnet, like silicon valley big tech, hostages must be assimilated or destroyed. mega blowed was the beginning, then tick tock. now telegram and we know who's next. and while apollo bill durrell has been accused of crimes committed via his platform, some of his social media competitors are enjoying freedom without any talk of prosecution, despite their networks being used to break the law in very serious ways. are
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t sabrina costs forever expands a lot. how many times have we heard that facebook or instagram should do more to avoid child pornography, any terrorism or the western brands that are regularly accused of child labor practices? new disturbing lawsuit against meta, the parent company, a facebook and instagram new mexico's attorney general is accusing the social media giant. and it's ceo, mark zuckerberg of enabling child sex abuse and trafficking on its sites designation by the wall street journal. and the university research are saying that middle platforms on to instagram, is connecting and promoting a network of accounts dedicated to under age sex content. i know you don't mean it to be so, but you have blood on your hands. our investigation into met as social media platforms demonstrates that they are not safe spaces for children, but rather prime locations for predators to trade, child pornography, and solicit minors for sex. as
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a career prosecutor who specialize in internet crimes against children. i am committed to using every available tool to put an end to these horrific practices, and i will hold companies and their executives accountable whenever they put prophets ahead of children's safety. had suddenly been arrested. nope, but when it comes to telegraph, they waited for the juggler right away. the double standards here are sold glare, and the people starting to speak out online points and now be all vs in light of the arrest of pablo. during what stops france to arrest toyota. c o terrorist to use their cars for transportation. zachary burgess, selling our information, so he is free, but pub, older of didn't. so he's in jail. simple. is that holding telegrams c o. pablo durham criminally liable for harm done by his app is like holding toyota c o accountable for terrorist using their vehicle. it's melancholy, it's a sure,
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but they don't see it. they are adamant that do or all that and his brother are complicit and possessing distribution, offering. 7 making available pornographic images of miners in an organized group, and the fact that telegram to incorporate some of those sorts these seems to have sealed europe's fates. that's despite the fact that there is, quote, no suggested either of the door of brothers were directly involved in any of the legal activities identified by the investigation. well, if francis so serious about this and wants to hold tech companies accountable for the concepts on their platforms, the all up. why only do or all the rest and platform executives because of their legit failures to sufficiently moderate content. even content as the stub and, and humble as content that tom's children started. so it's down to dundas road that threatens free expression,
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gives too much power to the government to suppress speech or the end of the day if you are that concerned about terrorism and child pornography, you then started down on trump himself. it's that easy. remember, when russia did just laugh, what did all these concerns? individuals have to say that we told them representatives of the you in the council of europe, the o. s. c, the european union, the united states, and now the concern governments to scrutinize and publicly challenge russia's actions in order to uphold the fundamental rights to free the most expression and privacy. both online and offline, as stipulated in binding international agreements to which rusher is a party. oh, fast forward, a couple of years and now france not only seems to understand the dangerous, but wants to take it further by looking up the developer all v f. and it's incredible how quickly americans stand up and say, well, we would never do that. that chilling effect is why the united states has constitutional instead to treat protections that ensure platforms can host
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a wide range of ideas without facing crippling legal consequences. so internally in the phones would disagree with that statement. it's fairly obvious that roles change depending on the goal at hand. and the goal here is very murky. instagram has a massive child exploitation problem, but no arrest as luck, as he senses free speech and gives governments back to access to use the data. it appears that it all comes down to the same old. you're either with us or against us and the through the west and this case, friends, then you need to give them a walk. they want the kids, the name is the passwords. the info they demand, you either give them a full access or they'll take feel freedom. that's friends who live r k for you. the russian or defend systems have repelled overnight ukrainian drilling attacks into regions, at least to you. it'd be used for shelf done over crimea and 3 in the body else.
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region rushes defense ministry is also released footage of combat operations in the curse region with attack or across done drones targeting ukrainian armored vehicles that says keeps forces from mounting losses in there stole the incursion over the border most whose m o. d, safety printing army has suffered 7 fellows and casualties so far. and the 3 week old operation, including a loss of $380.00 soldiers in the past 24 hours small taking the floor of the un security tide. so russia's deputy, the representative has one that keeps plans of seizing nuclear facilities and the curse region threatened danger for all of your remarks. come as western countries continue to condone ukraine so offensive, including in civilian areas, a prescribed dispute would keep them as with all their desires on western colleagues could not have failed to notice. hundreds of cages of the korean nationalist shooting civilians joined to leave the comb with the area including
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pregnant women on a territory of the coast region. in addition, there is indisputable evidence that the key for being delivered to the shell, the correspondents, that of our plans. and he's making plus the season in an open ration, such recklessness, which risk provoking a nuclear incident with tragic consequences for the whole of you is the best response to those who have tried and are trying to ignore the key solutions attack on this up on already a new clip outlined seems to me, well, the 15 member body that leads the united nations began the meeting with a briefing that went over the humanitarian costs of the conflict. and from there, we heard from a number of member states represented on the council, who blamed russia for the conflict. these are countries aligned with america, and they spoke with russia in the most harsh and usual condemning phrases. rusher cannot, and will not subjugate your train. united states will continue to uphold the foundational principles of view and charter, and support ukraine against russia's aggression. we are once again compelled to
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highlight the continued bump our see president through tens tactics against the cranium. people. however, there were some countries that did speak in more sensible language. talk about the need for diplomacy and negotiations to end the conflict. shyness stood out and it's clear headed approach that wasn't the language of good versus evil and blaming one country for all of the world's problems. moving on the g or the learn. yeah. are you sure new to and a half years have passed since the escalation of the crate in crisis in february 2022 and rapid clashes on the ground has continued all of these 2 and a half years. in light of these increasingly difficult situation, china has repeatedly noted that it is necessary 1st of all, to follow the principles, so preventing escalation, collision in order to achieve this collation. as soon as possible, we call on the parties to show com to avoid attacks on civilians sooner than
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infrastructure facilities, nuclear power plants and others. now, russian, deputy ambassador dmitri poll janski's, spoke about how the push to resolve the conflict with diplomacy and negotiations is largely coming from the global south countries outside of the western world. seem to understand that only negotiations can bring a resolution to the conflict in ukraine. as you remember in june, the president of russia made a peace proposal to ukraine, reflecting the real situation in the front and taking into account the genesis of the crane in crisis. those of you who reason this way did not take into account the non negotiate ability of the key for the dream, which has demonstrated both in the case of the mesa agreements. and then the draft piece 3, the initiated in a symbol into 1022. and this time, the key for gene haven't received all of those with whom it talked about. these clearly chose escalation by attacking the coast region and saucer. moved any questions? i hope no one has any more illusions about this. now,
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in the remarks given by the russian deputy ambassador, he also talked about how you crane held up as a bastion of democracy. no longer has freedom of speech or even freedom of religion . he talked about how it's incursion into curse. guy has involved all kinds of atrocities against civilians murdering, of prisoners of war, torture, eluding, and other crimes that are not being reported in the western press. from there he pointed out that ukraine is really not benefited from this conflict. they have lost a huge amount of their population of their economic mobility and their military mites. and that at the end of the day, the partnership of the key of government with the western leaders and with nato hasn't really worked out in their benefits. they emphasize that one sided rhetoric is not going to bring a resolution of the conflict. and that if there are serious efforts to bring about
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peace rush, it would be happiness to negotiate. caleb mauppin, archie, new york, will ukraine's popular treat columbia. it has admitted the kids invasion of russia's curse region was supposed to slow down and law schools advance in don't boss. he says that plan has so far failed to materialize. the concession comes as the situation in the front by looks increasingly dire for you. right. moscow has confirmed that it's taking control of several strategic supplements in the done yes, for the public with the village of or last among the latest version of the victory is also steadily approaching a ton of popular off skate. crucial logistics held in the area that says, are you printing and we'll make our claims as country scripts of abundance some 4 to 5 positions without putting up a fight on this day night, the russians answered silly to a week ago, i went to the outskirts of to later, bye in the direction of nev, good, all just got and so full to vacations in front of the town, there was nothing in the town, just an ordinary civilian settlement. i went into the tri.


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