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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  September 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT

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the, the hi, everybody, welcome back to the moscow mules. i'm shay bowes, as usual, and i'm joined as usual by our little friend, little how this little part on my shoulder, my friend, or got us are delightful, little send me armenian doom, say, or, and professor of this information. ology. i'm gonna come alive, of course, from this information ology hage q here in f s b central. last week we ended the show by talking about the u. k. slab, a u. k. rain,
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spending over 500000000 pounds on ukraine, more bombs, more weapons. they're called the engine of the conflict and you're right. so we thought we'd have a little bit of a closer look. we've got 11 year old kids getting arrested on the streets of u. k. and the whole thing is trying to, per working class people basically breaking up their own areas and attacking each other while the leads back. people like here, stime are and we've got some interesting for the shows emerge from some of the protests over there. this isn't exactly brand new, but shows that kind of in confidence and the ridiculousness of the nature of protest in the u. k. well, you watch this, this is kind of sweet. this is so some pretty, let's say, slim old lady is in what is it, is this a tank like what it, what's, what is it, what is that? what is the initial attack on police? it's an attack on free speech is attacked on jolt, is hudson tucker,
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just about you name it, her stammer slab of free speech. so it's hardly and surprising indeed. ok, given the police responses to tear policing, we're hearing poor old, her career being accused of that 73 percent of people who live in the u. k. believe there's absolutely no point in reporting a crime because nothing's gonna happen anyway. a 40 percent, the people believe that they were on happy with the police response, basically. right now in the u. k. a pizza gets to your house quicker than the cops . and that's kind of not surprising, given from the choice of transport. we see the british police deploying against the most dangerous criminals in the okay. on the video again, this is the british police mounted to turn the front unit in full force against a dangerous enemy to check the suit out. i mean, he's either one lazy motors or he just doesn't want his bicycle. can we still do? this is like something out of the keystone cops. this is as it did with his hands
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in his pockets walk around the car. uh, you know and look kids inspector more serious update on the bike on your watch down the street. they go, i know these call and back. oh, oh you, what did you think the back up and arrive on a scooter of bicycle escape or what at least the main stream media in the u. k. is happy to convince everybody that when it's done a nice and stabbings, and basically our show occurs that that's a beautiful day. if it ain't so bad, it's generally peaceful. all you tell us about was sky news considers to be a lovely family day at the park. so sky news is saying in the click, we're going to run now is the 13th arrest for knives confiscated as one person stabbed is nothing to worry about on your beautiful day. nobody machine going just to lucky day today. okay, are you well the video us, our, they've given us an update that they made $3849.00 and they said the amount that needs to be these twenty's had reinstalled these injuries on so subbing for knives
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pretty interesting. really the peaceful and enjoyable day. so in the u. k, a carnival where 38 people are arrested, a guy stubbs, they confiscate for noise and it was actually running bottles on the street. is considered a peaceful they have. no, that's a result. when you look at the numbers on the amount of money, the british cops of spent on police in the last year long, 27000000000 pounds. that's of a $35000000000.00. what are they, boy, for all that stuff for the low to escape or school or some a bicycles cartridge? come with the 5 to jason and the arch criminal around the car. pitching on this all comes, of course as to tier kia, who's kind of laying out a bit of a cozy carpet for the people counter. protesting is those protesting a bedroom eviction. we've had a huge amount of riots and discontent and working class areas of u. k. a know to,
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to your career has decided the man who argued against austerity demand, who said that at britain needed to spend more on the national health service and everywhere else. he's now told everybody your foot per, per isn't like your storm or impression. tell me what you think you're for to prepare for a very pairing. for barger rome, never to hear longer, but i will be honest with you. there is a subject coming. there's an article and it's going to be painful. it's going to be behind the choice of the situation that we're in to those with the boldest sold as a short bath, the heavy above. oh my god. this is like someone getting tied up and i'm about to car your work or it's not going to reply and nobody can hear you scream into your car into your okay, no one can hear you scream. it's like some info for a science fiction harm movie. no forget to, to your care is determined to empty jails, a violent criminals,
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people who have broken into houses, committed acts of violence against women in order to fill the jails with people who have made comments online about immigration. and also remember 500000000 pounds to ukraine, slab r u k. rain. of course, of course, one of the big stories this week, of course, has been the arrest, the dramatic arrest of pablo doodle of the russian telegram c o. this mastermind. maybe it was actually his brother don't tell the french of the telegram messaging network this uh, warrior for freedom speech and got lifted. uh, taken off is a beautiful private yet. lots of rumors about the chick you was hanging out. what at the time as well, i'm also an agent who knows and very interesting. uh, of course my client is eager to make a few quid after blowing all his cash on the olympics. so he's decided to dip the pocket of for all possible for about 5000000 euros,
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but that's kind of like the money you picked them, difficult from one of your fingernail if you had the cash to draw of us. but what is interesting is, is the kind of what would you say would you call us, can park, or see only when it comes to door of who is being in nail to the floor for not a ponding information about the, the operation to tell him wrong. whereas all their big brands seem to have been right up to their tips and also it's a nastiness over the last number years. so what do you think? it just so happens chain that i might have compiled a list of possible few which are arrest that science could make if they're gonna stick to this kind of do this real system. so 1st of all, i and many other people should suggest to arrest hyundai, c o for living, isis put machine guns on the trucks. i can beat that. why don't we arrest the, the people in charge united airlines for allowing their aircraft to be flown into the tires and the level another arc feeling the enemy of mankind is, of course,
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to cook for making i phone where all this crap is being posted. you've jobs shouldn't be dug up too. yeah. why not? uh, vincent serve bobcats for actually creating the incident in the 1st place. they should be brought to a modern day, november 12th. and of course, as pearl pa, val choose on his budget and his cream cheese in the prison in the best deal. pearl mister zuckerberg seems to be doing pretty well out of this in the, in the us. and you know, was looking for has never done anything wrong except subvert supressed. i completely twist the news for the u. s. government, but i ain't nobody coming to lock him up. he wrote a letter to the us congress outlining how the court regime, the biting iris regime, asked him and put them under pressure to subvert the news, to suppress the news. to change the news regarding coven, i also seen for
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a member they've been asked to make some bull slip about home to buttons, laptop, and russia. surprise, surprise. but let's not be too hard on. pearl sucker burg. uh, she's actually very sorry. he's very sorry for making probably a trillion dollars really over the lifestyle, lifestyle of the company and peddling, all sorts of bizarre freed show both on his and numerous platforms. meta owens a lot and it also tells us government lots of things that a lot of people. and he's also very sorry about the loss, but he has been made in some kind of freaky circus sho, pretend he actually gives us, by standing up in the theatre. that is the us political system around the video. and so you didn't take any action, you didn't take any action or didn't fire anybody, you haven't compensated. the us congress didn't take any action either except making him stand up in his reach. you would you like to do so now?
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well, there, here would you like to do so now would you like to apologize to the victims who have been harmed by your 5 showing what i like to apologize to the victim? would you like to apologize for what you know, somebody should people yeah. yeah. but i'll stand up and i'll, i'll just, i'll kind of, i'll do this with my head of the bulls and when it comes to old zucker berg, and congress, when i'm free to use, uh, things i've ever seen happen. there is somebody who is actually drenched in blood, who probably sleeps in a coffin and is hooked up to the blood of young gentlemen. the fluids probably is a mind called lindsey graham, one of the most blood thirsty war, hungry freaks that ever stood on 2 fucking legs. he actually accused pearl, a lizard boy, sorry, as joker as a board of having blood on his hands. this is in say, will the video of the mr. zachary burke, we're stuck brewing the companies before us. i know you don't mean it to be so,
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but you have blood on your hands. yeah. you have a product, so you've got a product of products. that's killing c is. yeah. and they got a product where i find young guys didn't we any cigarettes deal and table? we did some about it. maybe not enough. you're going to talk about guns. we have the atf. nothing here. there's not a damn thing anybody can do about it. you can't be. so this is a guy who's actively cheering the killing of russians in ukraine, who's actively fomenting and fueling the ongoing conflict. there was a hypocritical piece of and of course go to lindsey enough for us to graham. and he kind of defines this war hungry american at least tell never fight in the war. the kids will never find in the war. nobody in the extended family willing to the ultimate war begins and those do to find themselves very deep down inside of mountain eating kind of food while you and the rest of us fry. know something that came to mind this week was very interesting. all you build up this kind of story
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about google at hilary clinton, the woman that celebrated when poor old margaret duffy, well the most innovative for thinking african leaders in history was killed. and we came, we saw died. well, it turns out the killer, we didn't speak to good old bill for 8 months after it became apparent that he had splashed out on address for monica lewinsky, he had literally splashed down on the dresser, but he did not have sex with the woman of other well, fix the marriage in a typical sort of good old usa style. was it a nice bunch of flowers, a trip to the lake? maybe a big sorry. no, no, it was a war. it was jewelry decided to contact bill that urge you to bomb this other, the civilian infrastructure of serve. you direct dogs and he did this in 24 hours and 24 hours and so bill bombs,
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the portal serves and he gets back on the horse. literally. in the intervening years, u. s. military power has diminished so much, not everybody's creek, and at the knees when it comes to pearl. uncle sam particularly comes to his navy and to go to all who with these down in yemen, country that's been beset by absolute decades of colonial british and american interference. that decided to put their foot down into the side, define a huge no sales zone in the red sea. no shipping in the red sea by the way. okay. it's dropped by 90 percent. correct. and that's really putting a boot into the knots of world trade. uncle sam was very angry. he was going to despatches fleece. he was going to fix the who with these to do it's inside was when a k 40 sevens. it was basically an oasis with missiles. russia was a gas station with missiles. right. and it was a few years back, didn't work out. let's have a look at some of the who these honey work. when they decided to light up
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a greek registered tanker, which is as we speak, still burning in the red sea on the video. boom. oh, you know, i talked to the just like the american said they were gonna bring the serbs to here. remember that they were going to bring the hoot these to hill to as i work in. ok, it doesn't look good to look good. it doesn't look good at all. well, it's kind of not surprising. i mean, you are what you eat as they say. and the american military has definitely become what it's eating and private. all you want the video here of the hardest man, you know, the domain of the us marine corps, the army of the united states for america, some of the toughest dudes on earth. they're really making their mission statement . absolutely clear with this one on the video for you. so are we, we are back to the. oh yeah.
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and meanwhile, the russians are making candles and bunk, fires out of tons of american equipment in ukraine. now let's face it. the abrams is an old tank. the 16 is a 50 year old, the memory, but they're still dumping into ukraine and then making a surprisingly big part of the cash out of replacing all this junk. somebody talked about that at the un security council a year ago. a bright good look in our sky, but anyway, add the russians are now giving reviews of torched american equipment on the front lines in ukraine. not exactly good for sales boys, not good for sales, run the video. are you? interesting? yeah, i mean, it sounds, cabinets you actually put a good music in a burn pretty well as a point to remember that more than 20 of the 31 abrams game changes that were sent
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to ukraine are now, let's say, pyro technically enhanced. and as we speak here tonight in moscow, at the 1st f, 16 game changer has also turned to ashes. sadly, along with one of the pilots who was trained on it for 2 years, at the cost of $6000000.00, you paid for it. of course, given the crisis in american recruitment over 70 percent of military age, people in the us are on say for service. do you the 2 fat to diabetic or to mentally ill to fight a war? uh, what would your priorities be when it turns out that admiral rachel levine has decided that the priority should be scrapping age limits for transgender surgery. so not only do they want to send you the war, they want to make sure that if you come back with your pieces intact, you can selectively remove the course. meanwhile, in civilian land in the united states of america, the election is in full slow. um,
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you know, the democrats are desperate to get younger voters to connect with them. and how would you do that? well, let's see. let's scope it out. let's get a war criminal. some delusion is some liars, some fakes and some apologists for genocide at to do a really clean g, utterly pointless video, where they shake their hands up and down to a queen. so when the video okay. is that i mean, can anybody anybody watching uh, wherever you watch this, can you tell me was that isabel was in the name of holly jesus on a skateboard. does that mean? oh you. what does it mean? we have no idea. please email us, your thoughts, email. we don't even have an email as well. it's just as well that they're making stuff on tick tock, i think a little bond tick. tock, right? so it's kind of like juror of. so let's put in a video on tick tock,
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that's how we're going to reach everybody. yeah, let's do that. let's bob take talk. let's try to connect and get to or of to come and build his am part of communication in the states. and then his bond, this bond telegraph, so it all makes complete sense, right? so it's all surprising at that. they want to use social media, very contrived, and very uh, polished because when you let kamala harris out on the street, she talks owners. and she's gross, the incompetent, i'm probably the most you but the human being ever to stand as a potential candidate for united states president on the video. we now ration system is broken and we know what it takes because we fix it or it's so for the border security and in the way, this is the spooky, this like something of an episode,
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a black mirror. this is so controlled, it's like something. it's like the twilight, so it's like the twilight. so, i mean, we even see this stuff in the center of this information. ology here in the basement of f as b h q, have to mention the names. once every episode, let's not forget pearl's p. p. joe url friend here on the most common fields used to get the numbers wrong all the time. it was just so sweet. you know, remember his stuff about a, i think it was the infrastructure was there is really, really the example android or given dollar to not everywhere where you know, the terms of kamala is just as damaged you, but as sleepy joe, she believes that 200000000 americans died from go it's oh jeez, it's kind of like the ukranian casualty figures accepting reversed on the video. you were in the middle of the crises caused by the public health crisis looking at over 220000000 americans. so just in the last several months die
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are in the middle of a public health academic that has taken the lives of over to 100000000 americans. she has no idea what i'm talking about. and so, 1st day in american politician school, when you commit just just do it, no one's ever going to dare to ask me any question. was old for new own. you may have a neighbor to me because only americans, and these are the people in charge of your country. well, this is, this is not good. but let's not forget. tamala backed a $3000000000.00 fund. and to, let's say a typo coven, even after the coven pandemic was over all you correct? but anyway, listen, it isn't just come out of it isn't just the democrats got out. donald trump has decided that at if jesus came down and i remember he's been very eager to tell all
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jews. if you vote for camille, you're not a good you only good use that for me. but he's that now saying that if jesus came to pick out the votes, listen to what i'm saying. the next president probably aren't potentially a future present, saying that if jesus christ came down to count votes, what else would jesus be doing on a wednesday? you know, you know, making the, you know, he got nothing to do. he's got time and assigned use, you know, is watching the planet destroy itself at the moment. oh yeah, i've got wednesday off, i'll head down to cam folks in california. well, the video i looked at california i, i gave a speech i had so i had to grab, so maybe i said there's no way i could lose california, but automatically they mark it down. if you're a republican, there's a loss. i love the way to lose by 5000000 votes. i said 5000000 votes. i guarantee all of the hands. if jesus came down and was the vote counter, i would wind california. okay. sweet, isn't it? i love the don. he's great though. he is good. he is good, i liked it,
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the would you kind of got a loved the dog? and i actually think that since he is a brush with death or nearly getting it and all that to subtract from this, like on the roof, who active alone of course. and i think he's kind of time for down a bit. he's to become a bit in touch more in touch with themselves. he's more considerate of journalists . he would never take a journalist water bottle when she was looking and tightened the lid. so she was going to get the a while a to in a grill and run the video is so sweet. check as a big dog. yeah, you won't have to drink your water. not to day baby, so sweet. you such a nice guy. and meanwhile, the pro human rights dedicated to advisor of uh, lots of dodgy organizations quickly when it comes to israel. chuck schumer is also seeing dead people just like in the movie. so sleepy joe is not the only guy who's
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a reaching out ahead. the people with their or greeting a politician who died a long time ago. no chuck, i also see something that we don't even see in the seat of government while the video was tricked to. so who exactly is he talking to? he's asked somebody or something to get on the chair. oh, look, get it. all these people are in charge for on seen forces or at work. so i wonder what a i it's very involved at the moment to grok and then there's, uh, open a i you read on a wonder what you're seeing. is it real or is it fantasy, or is it all created by a super computer? uh, but when you ask a super computer to create images, oh, how americans perceive their politicians? this is what comes out when the video of a check gift is used. it's kind of scary. i think within about 3 or 4 years,
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it's going to be very difficult to know what is real modest not, not that it's possible for know what for real and what is not right now with a master policy. for you faithful. of course, this week it's all about success successfully. the u. k is turning itself into the scope info at denying it's folders and it citizens the right to disagree. metronome has successfully captured a very, very wealthy little fish and a guy who's a 5000000 euros. and the us as successfully convinced its voters to choose between 2 billionaires, both of whom probably don't know the us from their elbow. and meanwhile, in canada, and on the concept just over the border, they love your candidates who know a thing or 2 about a day or 2. they decide that too, makes life a little bit easier for those people with addiction problems. how would you do it? maybe try and get them off drugs. maybe try to educate kids a bit more about how dangerous they are. no,
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let's give them vending machines on the video. this is 1st, this is just what is this? is this really? is it actually really? it is real. i'm told a 3. 0 so you well, what do you need? a qualified snorting kid. a snorting kid. what do you need? let's of it. of course, this is all meant to mitigate the dangerous behaviors and crime on the streets. all very bizarre, very bizarre. kitchen. no problem, of course, this auggie is having the desired effect. it's having a massive impact on drug debts on crime, right? actually, uh, british columbia set a record with 2500 toxic depths oh, last year and overdose and poisoning drug toys. any calls have searched 242000 in 2023, which is 25 percent more than the previous year. so that would be a no. yeah, i guess. well, let's have a look on the streets of google, vancouver,
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a very wholesome town. a very historic city where people always looked after people and the, the vending kits for a drug users would be in the, you know, sore and the demand and very much required at judging by this very pleasant little ball through of quaint old downtown vancouver on the video yeah, she's doing a job, i'm taking a crap so i have little really, well, it really is. it's kind of in today's stuff, isn't it? and i mean, how can you send literally hundreds of millions of dollars to the most corrupt regime on earth. and then walk around the cold or into that kind of zombie vista and not actually ask yourself, what are we doing this way? why can we fix our own problems? it's a big question for western society and joe, well, as we say,
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it's been all about success on gladly, and we're very thankful for all the success, all the positive remarks. you guys have given us about the work we're doing here in moscow trying to lift the lid, trying to keep asking the questions that everybody else is either too scared or too embarrassed to. next week. we'll be back at to keep moving the job forward for you guys. obviously you, this has the yeah, the,
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the the, the, [000:00:00;00] the all the same wrong.
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just don't you have to shape out the application and engagement equals the trails. when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground. the. i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show your events as a patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence. at the point, obviously, is to trace a trust, rather than fit the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence, we have somebody with him in the a robot must protect his phone,
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existence was on the panties tablets been the opposition parties, a set to win local elections in the eastern j. busy made according to exit polls. other alternative for germany has puts on a historical pullman entering get civilians on the fire 11 people out when that including 2 children, the pregnant dried gun, the russians. scipio belgrade and thousands of these riley is gathering tel aviv for an anti government bodies following the discovery of the bodies of sickness of a hostage held by him on the about whether i watched the rainfall. they had


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