tv News RT September 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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colonialism for decades until june. easy again, the independence in 1956. the ready to have and a former top us official demand zealand mazda should be the next tech, mol go to the put behind bars, coming. he's ex platform, correct? is this, the ability of the country will be getting reaction. so that's a more from a form of pink floyd funds, not roger waters in just a moment. applause to over throw the government in nigeria is foiled, has police issue, and the rest one for bridges national set to be the brains behind the crew attempt . 19 all of a soft pixar dictated say, the hostage is now a huge, nationwide protest. so i have a nice role once again, the calling for a cease fire and gaza. it follows the discovery of the enclave last week. all the
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bodies are 6 sub mice between e the what this is r t is an optional reaching you live for martin use center with moscow . i a michael question why the war of words has erupt? it between the lawn mosque had the mind who one of the under president clinton, and that's after the former official suggested the ex chief shall be next on the head list. how do you follow the reset the rest in front of the telegram messaging? co founder, but there's been oper our to robert rice article calling from austin to be locked up with mainly saying it's an attack on free speech. the regulators around the world should threaten musk with arrest if he doesn't stop disseminating lies in the hate on x. in the united states, the federal trade commission should demand that must take down lies that are likely
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to endanger individuals. and if he does not sue him under section 5 of the f t c act, make sure mosques favorite candidate for president is not elected file. let's discuss this now live with musician, pink floyd, founding member and active as raj. what does raj? i'm happy to have you join me now. now the us, the thank you. now the us has long been the self titled protector of democracy, but now we see of a strategy of labor effectively calling for the head of x to be put behind bars. how does that correlates with the, the so called free speech of the west, including the recent arrest, all the telegram message that co founder well, it's a little bit confusing, isn't it? but if we think about it really propaganda rules supreme. it
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doesn't, it certainly, but certainly in the united states for our lives, it seems to ad. so the whole i do, the notion of free speech is for very low to but one them. we should all support. it was every breath we have a now body because if we are not allowed to express ourselves freely and also to print what we want freely uh then uh, predicament becomes even more precarious than they already is of sub but the world we live in to, to tell the truth from lies and it becomes increasingly difficult, particularly with a light coming on the scene as well. what you can sort of make up anything you want to pretend it's reality. we live in a very difficult situation. so it might be that what we need to do, all of us, all human beings, wherever we named, whether we live in brochure or live in the united states. so, or, or in europe. well anyway, africa wherever is we should look back to paris in 194810th of december,
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the universal declaration of human rights and start to take it seriously and start to in trying those though to your schools in universe so little if we could do that, a lot about problems would bite into insignificance. it might be all right, now talk, show host, talk a cos and has said the friends, what is that a rest do of what other nod from the white house? now, do you think those claims are grounded that way? i haven't the faintest idea, so i have no idea why differential charges the risk as the rest of it. i know very careful about telegram. i am apparently positive stuck at work. i'm not quite sure why, but i see my name on that list. i find it somewhat difficult to navigate that i have believed in encrypted communication between individuals said that you are
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abused signal for some time, but believing it to be real. there all voices out there that say none of these encryption systems work to limit it and that they can be broken by anybody who wants to break them really. but so who knows what the truth is? this is one of the tricky things about what truth has become or we 10 now to listen to the loudest voice, i hope the encryption works and we can protect conversations with others using encryption. such is the one the telegram says that it uses. i'm not saying it doesn't. i don't know. patio never met him. i don't know much about this business. it's not my area of expertise. i hope in friction blogs. all right, and that was was saying you owe angry reaction to a peace activist. a start off wilkinson's arrest. you set up
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a new k is now becoming a fascist fate. how serious is the government's crab down on voice is online. we do not fit london's narrative. but actually, streaming series is po, fascist. if you can arrest sarah wilkinson, because i believe she use the adjective incredible to describe a, the resistance movement section. so not to that, the sevens in israel. and that i'm told is the reason that she's been uh, the wrestler was issued for her and the police re, did her house and confiscated her laptop and her phone and searched everything and, and then making life difficult for because she used the extra day of the adjective, incredible welding collection by hamas and the bosses and the palestinian forces
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into southern israel was incredible how they could make that illegal perhaps to say that i've no idea um, but they're trying to make my shoes for peace, illegal in the tier star, the new nazi leader of england, the new prime minister is trying to make it illegal to protest genocide on the streets of london. so if that can happen, almost anything can happen, but is it, is it wrong? yes, it's a 100 percent wrong, and the attack on sarah wilkinson was, is a 100 percent wrong. and the attack on any of those protesters and any of those people carrying palestinian flags wherein conf page. oh say palestine must be free from the river to the c o promoting the idea of a single democratic states and uh,
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laid out to make those that say legal, which they've already done in germany. i have to say and it looks like they're doing it in front so as well is criminally insane. and leads us down a very, very dangerous path towards the po tyler terrier be chef. the 5 for one. do not wish to see me. now. more and more people are coming out in the streets to voice the discontent with the case policies and demanding an end to the war and gather while the government continues to support these ready offensive that does the winter of the people mean anything to westminster? a nose goose? no, it never has the poodle stay at the pump. and so the united states government as a guest on mobile do what ever he's told to do by westminster, by the most, as in westminster. and as we've been doing it all,
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i have the same way that they said bar as johnson to t have to tell zalinski that he was not allowed to make peace with the russian federation. back in april 2022. and they just didn't teach as far as johnson was the prime minister then, and they said, do it. and so we did it, and case study will do whatever the historic to vice mazda is in washington savvy. and now you will have a bridge rather than sorry to interrupt you, but yes, you are. well, as the english papers are better, cuz english people are a good people, that good hearted people have taught when they're not allowed to stray by propaganda. and they and so die off against the genocide as all the huge majority of all the people of this club planning. and there's a huge majority of us who believe that these rates of committing genocide in other
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stein and that they must be stopped. and the best and the quickest way to stop them is to stop providing them with weapons to perpetrate the gems. so there shouldn't be no weapon sales. so give, so no weapons should be allowed into israel from an sport until they join the rest of the human race and stopped between genocide on in addition is paperless that law us. yeah. so we, of course, we have seen riley's on the streets in london some time against the v vi, the occupation of gaza. now egypt call and the us all say they are continuing to try to bro, covered truce. and these are the how much more do you expect nothing. yeah. who and is less than supporters ever to come to an agreement with some us the national deadline is just a ban like band faced lie from the americans and from the x rays. they have
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absolutely no intention of brokering a do. there was a day along the to actually we have lead enough to give him is due by came up with a deal. what 2 months ago, we try my success age and then they just rarely said, oh and so said date. and then by what, oh sorry. i made a mistake. that's not actually a deal that we're going to do. that, you know, who said no. so they offices now, so the boys and tale in israel school, israel is, is the one that is breaking the deal is riley is the one that is presenting the release of the stitches. israel. one is, is the one that is stopping any jones for pains to come to the hurry that israel is responsible. israel is the country that has been on the pine and up in country since 1967 against the geneva convention slowly international law is rail. is the public trades. you owe this genocide. no. come us,
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not to people tell a story. so let's be clear, this is not complicated to do in any way. what's gonna happen, who knows? but a tool looks deeply dangerous because it looks as if net and yahoo. it looks as if he's only way of staying out of trail. as i read it, reading the press is to trying to find a bits of truth. one should seems to be that netanyahu shouldn't be in jail and he wouldn't be it. the only reason he is know is because he is keeping the genocide of the palestinian people going as he doubles triples, quadruples into policies, efforts to drag the rest of the world into the gulf, make of final confrontation that will just troy this whole planet. this is trying to start to go with the wrong, i'm talking about, and we must resist to rush or must resist of the united states as resisted the u. k
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. germany fall and perhaps the hold of your must resist him because he will try and take the rest the boost with it that he may exceed. and it won't be laughing about to that. when we wake up one morning and there's a new to will going on and we looked at one another and we go, why did we just abide by december? the 10th 1948. when we oh, knowingly signed the search eobs because of the universal declaration of human rights. because if we, oh, did you agree to beat? should every one have as does the basic human rights? there would be no rule. there would be no check your side in no hurry that we accepted you and above. so human rights. me right now, speaking about the di, humanitarian situation in gaza. about policy and health professionals are beginning
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a mass told you of vaccination drive, but i'm alea's question whether the campaign will succeed. but what are the chances in your view taking into consideration the conditions people are living in there? what are the well, nothing's gonna happen until we stop. i mean is true. how many more times to ride by the anybody else? we call for bright. have to say it, we must call. oh oh, arms to israel, please. could somebody go know, come, come the arabs, the store and say no, you can go on giving of israel 2000 pounds. but i'm just about to jo trump with you have to say no. when do you do it before or no, you have to do it now. god. because they're going to do it tomorrow, tomorrow that will be dropping to 1000 pound bumps or like our brothers and sisters
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babies and goes and you have it in your hand. what do you have to do is tell joe joe, this isn't working still. now. the whole world could see that one you die doing is being complicit in genocide of the whole world can see that it is wrong. that's why you go genocide, drugs, and i will be cool genocide counselor, because what we're doing is mojdeh. we must stop doing it and it's not a good thing, but it's not actually us, is netanyahu, and back there, the rest of the question is whining to love a. we are giving the bones to do it with us. we must stop our people, the american people want them to stop. if you look at the polls, they just when i know i have my theories as to why they were spend,
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which may be by till may be wrong. there's no way to prove or disprove that. i think that's a huge amount proxy in genocide. i think that's why doing a good 0 of us. but why else would you, why would you do it? obviously we know these rates are doing it because they want to steal everything that the published and then so i've got, they want every square foot to grow. they want every only of true own imagery. they want every mountain, they want all land, they want it free of arab people. so they give it to demo that. it's not just guns, are they doing? it is the west bank as well. is there anybody who looks at any of the news can see that's one of the good things about the internet that we can see what's going on. it's old for us to, well, we wake up every morning. we are all brothers and sisters and kind of wondering
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what to do today. thank you. thank you so much o t for inviting me to be on you and use program today. so i can fed my love for my brothers and sisters. and my concern for these ratings and for the americans, for the bridge and for the gym, it's the duction for the french course supporting this. i really think active genocide. so i've had my say, but i really sincerely thank you. mustang, the russian people for listening to by say, human rights, december 10, 1948, universal human rights. that if we don't start to abide by that decoration from, then we're all done. and we also thank you for your strong voice and consistency in standing for the ride fading on the right
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side as well and, and the right side of history. now that's really good. thank you. now let's, let's continue on this. now relatives of has to be say about nathan. yeah. who should take responsibility for the debt? so 6 of the detainees whose bodies were discovered last week. now, what are your thoughts on how much is it of any, this is your responsibility on nathan, yahoo! desk for the desk of the 6 bodies that were found. i think focusing on that yahoo is probably a waste of time the whole so honest experiment has failed. this is earnest experiment, which is mainly down to the british government of 1970, as expressed in the latter to rough char, written by little above becca. don sheets obtained the circle about the declaration where the ice, where we said this government supports the idea of great, have
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a jewish homeland for the people in it. it is a bible star, sorry in palestine. and that is the start of the problem was for godson is the balance of when to him to say so long as the creation of such a homeland wouldn't know in any way infringe above the religious sense. you went on civil row and legal rights. so any of the people living there school in the 4th time in 1970, excuse me, with 93 percentage of the population. okay. 93 percent of the population and it was off to the about the declaration that they started a moving jewish people from ne, in your, in 80 to the holy law in order to start trying to create this last, well you, if you wanted to, you could sit down over a cup of tea and have a long conversation about whether or not that was a good idea. we now know that it was
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a terrible night because we know that had so gotten above because that was his night and a back in the late night in the late 19th century. and the fathers, the founders of the, our dear son, is, had no intention, tools and respecting the religious and simple and legal rights of indigenous people . and that is why we're on the, bring the well was afraid in the middle east. because the inter lopez, the to the people have moved into, knows, eastern europe have created a situation in their attempt to estimate the plans, the whole of 1948 palestine. they have brought us to the bring the well was free i think. and it's not think about anything that you know on a or the known people would even have a conversation about do we believe in races, supremacist, land,
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stealing, political and religious philosophies hang out of see if i can find any, what, any money or agreeing with? nobody, yeah, nobody here agrees with the idea. we only think that stealing land from other people is wrong. ok. but this has to be explained to these res, particularly the right wing. the economists and the domestic needs to be told what they are doing is wrong. and the only way to tell them, as i said before, is to stop giving them weapons and support the americans stop the english mrs. stuff, the french upset, elizabeth bull, they know going to stop suddenly on the not suddenly going to go. oh yeah, we made a mistake. of course these people have rights. they've lived to imagine that this, that is built upon the propaganda that comes down to what they think they write in
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the bible, but they are superior to all the other people. oh no. okay. i'm sorry to say this, but they do. and if they don't believe it, well, if you don't believe that, what do you think you doing? why you're behaving like this? why did treating the palestinians if they well, crow cheese box, something less the goodman. i know why they doing it. they believe that they are all human than the palestinians. it's animal farm come to live. this is p. o. do you remember how the pigs who loomed everything believed that they were mo 8, pulled the son mama was a more equal than others. while i'm your no, mister netanyahu? sure could i that been give the, the rest of you. you. uh no more a cool then the other,
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the other 2 men be the ones that you'll match. we, we, 008. cool. where all the same dna we all a good old work and the gene a tell us as so we are brothers and sisters and cousins. all of us. your bill is wrong. if that's your interpretation of it, then your american brothers and sisters must stop giving you the bombs to monitor our other brothers and sisters, the palestinians. it's insane. well is be we? the rest of the world are allowing to happen. we cannot accept gender, so that is why we need to, we need to give the i c j and the i c c actual realty. so we need to reorganize the united nations, the breed. so in the security council must go. i mean, i think, i'm sorry i'm going on, but i could go through it at home,
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sit until keeps this cab is particularly attractive to us. i add to the idea of talking to the good people of russia who would never yet we've never really yet. thank them, the beach and the germans in the 2nd world war at the cost of 22000000 that. thank you. thank you. we thank you people of russia for the shoot sacrifice that you may know we didn't when the war day you won the will on the east of from you june the russian thank you so much, roger. thank you very much for your strong voice. you have, you have influenced a lot of people around the world with your voice on doing the right thing. now, british politicians heavily invested in the war and gas as well as people in the
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war in ukraine. now you are renown division and have a very strong voice that we have on here that the over about 30 export licenses have been given out to you. the contracts as the case may be, if you're standing in the same room and with the opportunity to speak to, uh, keeps tom out directly what, what do you think, what would be a strong message to him directly? yes, donna weiss, margaret hutcher and the signal was the 2 kids stopped kissed stallman rose criminally insane. we should be looking off to the kids, stopped by in a padded room somewhere. we should give him a nice bowl of porridge in the morning and maybe have somebody to go in and chat to him during the day to see if we can see if we could bring him back into the human rights. kiss. kiss kiss thomas at last. colds up that was this got to do with the ukraine, with ukraine. i mean,
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and the problems and you pride the war and you great. why don't we stop the your renew? great. we don't. why. why didn't we stop the war and you cry and they night pool 2022, which is now a year and a half ago. why? because the americans wanted to continue it. we know that we know that your preston vladimir putin had done a deal with se lensky and it was a public attempt. it next, it was to west of the board. i believe there was a piece deal on the table. the wall could have stopped in april year. is that a year ago? 2 years ago, 2 years ago? oh, okay. but the americans did one, the. they want to weaken the russians and they like, full war is good. there's love profit to be made also pool. so we have to believe there's no other research for it. so we have to believe that we are all on the bring cook destruction because the nucleus right isn't just the same as an option
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in israel. it's also the potential for the nato alliance to push russia beyond the limits beyond the limits that it could back there already beginning to do it encouraging incursions into goods as we see. so we owe the multitude france, well, all 3, why? why? well, they will say, well, obviously, cuz ph and illegally and they, they do create and these going to invite the rest of europe as well. now he's not, i wrote to melissa. i just made it quite clear since then the so i slap are all fluids. the power minister, who seems to be an eminently sensible man, i'm like, evans, and they blink. i have to say they have no interest in anything to do with the land imposed the door remained nearer all the, all the western bits of ukraine,
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where the paper be, where the indigenous people are not rushing to speak with them though, is that we will know yes, they are. yeah, of course the invasion was illegal. i condemned it back then i made a speech to discourage counsel about it. oh illegal. but as i said in the security council, it's a legal but it was not a member, but which is what all the major in the west said that and they've been saying ever since the promot to, to know the attack was provoked by the bombing since 2014 since the illegal who in yeah of the name position of an illegal government and key at the bombing of the people in lou that's good. don't ask in the, don't us been everybody knows this. it's no, it is completely understood not to mention the crime man, but they tell a lie of denial of denial of july because guess why they used to,
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okay. they actually don't. okay. they talk about democracy in free to baggage claim . that's why that's supporting this war. and the ukraine, well, hang on if democracy in praise of zalinski was elected with a mandate of 75 percent of the people voted and he was elected upon the platform of agreeing the minutes good goals. and the men's good codes said that they would be, or told him a dorm pass for the russian speaking population, and that the civil war that was going on had been going on from 2014, 2000 and $22.00 would be brought to annette. that would send that excuse platform, and i have no doubt that he meant it when he said, but as soon as he was elected, you're not doing. and i made from the fall right in cab. so says oh, well,
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sorry, i didn't made that change yet. and it changed everything, but they came to the table and they made an agreement in april 20, 22, june up years ago. so why, why is the was still going on it since the military industrial complex in the united states of america. there's profit in it, there's no other reason unless they really are trying to weaken the rush. want reached tim, the russian people we should resolve? are you for easy to know who they are? they are the people who defeated the book. okay, see what happened up to the germans invaded dusk in 1943. the did i was under big bone that september and the invasion happened in july, but i read the history.
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