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tv   News  RT  September 4, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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the, the year is really once more flood the streets to the amount that these far on tell, prime minister and nathan, yahoo, bring the hostages home or reside. also i had the birth of all the jew to us. marines are targeted by turkish youth. active as to accuse this service man of helping fuel the pilot is jealous as we speak to the politician behind the protest. she to the front, we put a side note of the head of an american soldier, but on the head of american aggression, for instance, it's not just about as
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a random american soldier arriving the at least is widespread. american aggression world wide the new leader of bangladesh hale by the west of the countries dev. 2 like say, if you're a slum for lifting a bond on a terrorist organization, no, for it's a trustworthy assuring the country it's possible for in the past it's the broadcasting for moscow every hours a day. this is our attention enough. so welcome to the news our side of things in israel. how again spends the night on the streets demanding a cease firing. does a, i'm the release of all remaining hostages, large demonstrations of being taking place since sunday, following the discovery last week of the boarding sub 6 up behind us held captives, ortiz, middle east, correspondent, reef, and office. the reports from tele, of the,
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11 months to do something. i don't know. i'm not saying, i mean, he didn't do nothing used to live in months. maybe maybe but i think he should resign you today in order to bring back the they are around for too many days for too long and they're suffering, they're dying and we want them back. the ones that we are here. the whole goal is to live with the categories as soon as possible. now the
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on the screen the while it's being another 24 hours of filings in gals. that is really strikes left some $35.00 civilians dead across the and they have, according to local officials. among the fatalities are 7 people who are sheltering in a college and central gothic h. more work hills near a hospital located in the north. according to the reports, idea of officials fame, several of palestinian gunmen were eliminated, including one senior from us, commander is said to have taken part in they've tobar 7 terrorist attack. the deadly strikes come despite the 3 day shoot. monetary and pause meant to allow aid workers to vaccinate palestinian children against polio as follows. the
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1st case of the disease being recorded there in more than 20 years. we heard from a british doctor and volunteer is currently on the ground and goes and she sees it will be impossible to inoculate all of this trip to him or we're just about the 70 right. so here, vaccination campaign, and the major issue is going to be how we reach the, the children that need the vaccination. the problem that we are facing is that 85 percent of population has been issued and evacuation because of this, the main process is by which people could be contacted, have been destroyed. there are no schools, there are no, not very local hospitals has been eventually completely destroyed.
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and so there is no way of finding out how many children that are in the existing areas and how many children there are that have notes as history evacuation. say this is going to be a very difficult task to ensure that we capture all these children. and i think the feeling is that we will capture as many as we can, but we know that we will not be able to vaccinate. well, victoria rose is among the 13th u. k. doctors who have signed and opened a letter to the british prime minister, demanding london stop arms exports to israel. i'm pressure wester islam into a 6 bar that we did. mom, the u. k. government us immediately to bring it in to the continued is really military escalation of catastrophe and gaza. the united kingdom must ensure that its policies, a ones that result in and sees via,
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by withholding military support to israel and ending on straight with israel. we believe our government is obliged to do this based on diverse or slow and international humanitarian law, and that it is the morally, as well as legally right thing to do. i am one of the signatories on the u. k based medical profession. and let's see the prime minister kissed on demanding sam israel. the main reason that my name is on the left side is because of the barricade that has a kid, c n. n is in gaza. and i truly believe that it's my government had any idea what was really happening on the grounds. they would not support the same questions to israel by rice,
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whom alexa and by offering to share the for teach that i have. and the stories that i've seen 1st hand and heard from my protest in, in colleagues 2nd hand, i hope that i will be able to make a difference with my research coworkers. a group of us marine is on shore leave, enter key a being attacked by use activist. they accused the service men of having foot palestinian blood on their hands. here's what happened. the start of the u. s. s. was dogs in the port of is made and wallet, soldiers and marines were on liberty. walking around the city is many members of the church. the youth union surrounded us soldiers put bags over their heads,
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shouted yank to go home. and if this scenario of this event was recorded and made its rounds on social media, many suggested that the events were justified. this also sparked a large debate, a huge debate within the countries some supporting the some criticizing the act. but even those that are critical or critical of the events are necessary, criticizing the action, but just how things went down and how they played out. the u. s. embassy did provide a statement suggesting that the soldiers were not harmed that they are safe, and of the embassy went on to further state that the turkish authorities acted quickly. and thanks, thanks the church to authorities for the quick response to an investigation. but we understand that the churches unions did, of course, carry out this incident, but this is not the 1st time that this happened. we understand in 2014, when the us as a was, was dropped out an image and the boss for a straight right along the black sea. a very similar scenario took place and i'm very similar sentiment guarantee. go home, seems to be the phrase that's commonly used across the country. now, the motives behind the incident of course,
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ties into one of 2 things. if not both. the 1st being the hood incident of 2003, the 2nd being us involvement and gaza as well as support for gaza and charges journalist rog, it's sort of describes the map as payback for the events of 2003 at paid back in their understanding for us soldiers, place, and sex overcharges soldiers authorizing in northern iraq almost 20 years ago. police detained 13 members of to be up to this act. the events of 2003 had been job to the whole incident on the events of 2003 involved circus soldiers operating in northern iraq, where you soldiers apprehended the turkish soldiers, place bags over their heads and took them away for interrogation. this cause outrage across the country had caused outraged with an uncle to and also led to the deterioration of us search here relations. and since that point up until now, relations have been sour for the most part. and what we also know is this was not the 1st or only isolated events. we understand that in late and 2023 f. 16 fighter, just doubt
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a turkish drone in northern syria. the turkish ministry of foreign affairs dump this event. the 2nd devoted event, which is also essentially as a sign that the u. s. has been targeting turkish troops as well as turkish interest within its immediate region, which is another reason why relations happens deteriorating, have not been improving, but the resentment does not just of the end. we understand that in the late 2023 protest as marched towards us air base in engine. although not this is of course a matter of great concern for a number of reasons. but the most important fact here was that people have been outraged by the is really government's campaign in gaza. but more importantly, the us involvement insect campaign, which is why the events in ism, it are not so different. we understand that credit there was a crowd that gathered paintings made calling for us warships to leave turkish waters and never come back. this is a sentiment that has been shared among many within the country and the debate that was also ongoing across the turkish social media. as well as news platform suggests
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that people just don't want the us to be involved. and they want them to of course, abide by international laws as well as those that are set by the church government, respect the church government as well as its policies. some reaction, the leader of the turkish patriotic party total dar t. the american aggression simply cannot be met with open arms in the country. a tough time getting to get to the us the united states pull their planes, brought the ships to ports. they brought red tanks there, so we'll just the guns that pointed have to keep one of the most important warships threatening to get came t is made up. of course we come welcome those ships with flowers. we know that they all and to be sold took yeah, they want to divide, took care and they want to establish a 2nd israel in took you under the name code to stop. and we know that they want to take care of the government in ankara and establish a public government on the atlantic control labs. the talk is nation will never allow the estimate of folding to it gives you the use of the brand, bobby, the pine, a youth organization,
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all the vast. i'm faulty and the strongest youth organization in tokyo to a case you union. but a sack of the heads of american soldiers representing me on forces all the united states. this fact is very important because in 2004 americans have put a stack of the head of a turkey soldier in northern or rock. whenever an american soldier it comes to, to keep a use, put a sack over his head. if we put a side note of the head of an american soldier. but on the head of american aggression, for instance, it's not just to bounce around to the american soldier arriving. this is widespread american aggression world wide, but most importantly, it is also a threat to russia. it is also a threat to palestine. these, the mediterranean has become the center of all these threats and dangerous. we say the base is on the greek shows and the american build up in the east admitted to radiance as a serious threat and on i think you took it out also to russia, syria, palestine, iraq, and the rom,
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america's actions. the 3rd stream that what we did seems very mild and comparison. i mean, the palestinian people are resisting america's extremism. the high right russian soldiers are fighting against that extremism in ukraine. some americans support is made coded extreme, but america must also know that it cannot achieve its goals by simply walking around freely. america is in the process of being defeated world wide. the empire has collapsed. america is heading towards the internal was very important. armed forces have been formed against america, for example, forces like china rushed around and took care of the most significant home kind of was for america's plan for global dominance. and the you, the part of the world has collapsed. i didn't know the story to bring you today. it's been nearly a month since bangladesh as prime minister was. i stood and fled the country. she since been replaced by the renowned economist mohammed eunice. but he's already starting controversy. after lifting upon the notorious estimates for everything known for its across space during the country,
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struggle for independence. r t. c sweeney. takes up the story. a jump. macias allow me is bought less than a month off to the pots without mold in bangladesh, on crowns of terrorism. on the bottom, protest swept the country. the new transitional government, led by us by nobel peace prize winner. dr. mohammed eunice has reversed upon on the countries and all this is on the policy is student wing and association organizations. the government did not find any definite link between terrorism in the jermanti. as long as the bangladesh, its student wing is lama. chandra should be here and all other associated units of the organization. therefore, the government believes that the jermanti is law me, bangladesh, is law, me try for a should be here and all other associated units of the jamal are not involved in acts of terrorism. often taking the power you think was shy, would with praise, bye western media organizations with the crew portrayed us the restoration of democracy in bangladesh. the man who will lead bangladesh, his new cache, i could,
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government has returned to data nova laureate mohammed eunice, faces a massive task in bringing the country together. bangladesh is seeking to move on from political upheaval and legit. early wednesday nobel peace, slower yet. mohammed eunice was officially named chief advisor of the interim government, these alone being regarded as one of bangladesh as the leading citizens. now mohammed unice has been asked to lead his country out of crisis, but some of the vote can the battle and you might see his mommy could see is k, i lie the bottom of the desk and ask what his policy or the is the most policies take power in the country. there are concerns here in india with the establishment that now with the shape because, you know, gone, that could be the redone due to either the b and b, or possibly even some is low. mr. bodies. how would you address those concerns? because he knew it can be trump is a good thing is i did i we,
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everybody hates that. i hate. the way she does. doesn't mean that he can. i've done that. so this is democracy, people for this is the bmc or anybody. you said you have to accept the multitude of press conference on the day. the problem was lifted, the do monthly is allow me to struck a consider the a 3 and what was some would say hypocritical time praising. finally that she freedom fighters, that helped secure of independence from pakistan in 1971. during the years under east pakistan or bangladesh was part of pakistan we were discriminated against. we remember the freedom fighters of 1971 who helped us attain freedom. i pay my respects to them. this is particularly jarring for many given the policy, the opposition to independence. and it was violent role and attempting to cross the bangladesh collaboration movement. and that was very freedom fighters. it now playing through respect in 2013 a muscle uprising in dhaka goals in the execution of the policy leadership for that
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role in 1971 more crimes. citizen. many senior leaders of the policy have been handled, dialed off to being convicted of crimes against humanity, including killings, abductions of rights bigler that says 3000000 people were killed by practice on the military. and it was in a re full season during that conflict with as many as 200000 women rights. a 2019 resolution in the us house of representatives express, consumed over the fright, published by this policy, recognizing the atrocities committed during the liberation struggle. whereas bangladesh achieved independence in 1971 and established a secular democratic state, which has helped him to either 163000000 muslims, hindus, buddhist christians, and 8 p a square. as this freedom was one, at the cost of approximately 3000000 deaths, more than 10000000 displaced and 200000 women raped many of the hands of b is the mist militants led by dramatic e as long me. whereas religious minorities, including hindus bodies, christians, and the muddy muslims,
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had been attacked by jan massey as law me. and this subsidiary is law, may structure, should be its, as the result of which hundreds of homes have been damaged, shops damaged or lucid and temples vandalized. whereas dramatically as long as the members have been links without kind to the time of them. yes, a convenient me a goals. washington's role in the atrocities described in the resolution as during that time is the same with us to practice. stone is cold war ally in violation of a congressional owns embargo. gmc, this allow me was bond of bangladesh secured independence in 1971. however, it started political activity again. a few years later, the organization linked to the most in brotherhood has long played a provocative road in the country. with many, including the recently i'll say prime is to shake has a, you know, considering your macias, allow me of collaborating with a genocide defined good. that she's, she for residence hall function awfully. is the most were the center of violence.
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iraq did in 2014. when elections were boycotted by the fund with us national this policy a key ally of just to you saw me. it is no politics but militant activities. it must be stopped. otherwise done actions would be taken against those involved in a terrorist and militant act. we won't lead bangladesh to become a terrorist and militant country again. the same. yeah. so you repeat in parliament's cold on the bangladesh nationalist policy, the distance itself from jim, i see you saw me. it strongly condemned the killings in widespread violence which erupt it throughout the country and the run up to and during the january 2014 elections with at least 18 killings on election day members went on to the being paid to unequivocal the distance itself from democracy is allow me and hoff is that to you as well, which are regarded as the main instigators of the violence. stressing that policies which tons of terrorist acts should be banned. important take the same 2 months is allow me registration as
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a political policy. what sort of vote i know august 2024. the as an organization was found out right? for intellectual, when protests over the job, coaches that run the country in july and august, unless 600 dead but had saved his government was out of state from power. and what was being described by some as a us back to the countries nearly to has welcom, do my cs allow me with open arms lifting up on. so could even pay the way for a ton to elect to politics when voting takes place like this? yeah, so just a month off to the bottom process, the future remains on said on terrorism has been normalized with bangladesh facing turbulent times. and maybe even more unrest, the state sweeney, not a bridge to the world. that's the vision for russia's far east region of the city of lovely ball style coast, the 9th eastern economic for him. with participants for more than 60 countries in
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town. we got the chance to speak to the deputy head of the china console for bricks, cooperation. jo check told us the alliance and the growth is set to be the center of attention of the effect to stick with what i saw was, this is the 1st time i have participated in the east, in economic for and it's comprehensive and massive with experts scholars talk the specials, i feel like everyone's going to discuss breaks, which plays a positive role in the development of its countries, as well as the world economy. i believe brakes is such a popular topic here as it is the 1st year of its expansion. we all want to see what it may bring to the world breaks will never be an organization that is confrontational and conflicting. so that creates differences and struggles among people. it just wants to unite the majority seeking to work together and contribute to wells piece and development. sort of goes down the did all the main use lines
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that emerge from bloody plus stuff. we will bring it to you throughout the day on the coming days as well, but flux, that's how the mid week news is shipping off. i'll be back in just a short survey with witness these big oh dates. hope you can join me then, like from us go, this is your arc international the a studio design. you put you on the occlusal. could've duke. you said a moment, but it was as much as you took somebody in a school unique expression was name is would you want to get this resolved? and companies, mitchell, amazon must always good each cool. especially with communities and even just to
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leaking for to me as part of the school i can, especially for the juncture richard, i've been trying to what thing? and i said, i'm going to the boy name dealing and bunting suited to the bottom. and it's difficult for me to just i see the assessment that was easy with the of a school at dublin. yeah. so initially what put some of the sports? i'll be the media news, elena. it was, it was put in selling. you were slow. i just did it if i to my wish list, what's buckley sure sir, and that's the one district smith. hodge. those do you live with us with no shows
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as little as those in the we're not the, as of i tell you the very 1st and that's a new router. kind of sort of go right to this as anyone else and then yeah, please let me know if it is or what is the the bushes stash. know that off. what does that leave us booms for exactly what i'm supported, zeiler fucking up with that. so was navy blue, could i would issue little comments and you might look in the same way. it's a clutching is this, let me lie to you over that gentlemen said i do. you want to give good opportunity miss which items the chairs not coma? how i see to suit him is legitimacy change. is that what was this last cas coolant? leslie does that mean on the doors or person of the schools deal with glass, which was the school style you for to you more like a blur disruptions those and they to go to go into the school look through and it would still dean me by deep so i feel that the families lunch
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and to see wouldn't know what see what i need are stories to me like and you do that should be a full cell and you can view when it's took the course sticker, it doesn't fit the good. i see one yet. so if i chose down there to course to the front, the, my, i see any ideas on us, but i would put you in with them. you of course to go for the us. um, what's the thing is i was to go find the good afternoon. let's confirm one of the course risk for me. uh so, so far as new brand on one 1st the guy's name frontier, his name curtis new la la la. opposite the machine and now we'd say mom was on the system, a video associate for team. it is a cool for that. so you guys are still female. who is this to actually senior to malachi? yeah, don't go well, dennis needs to be in school. i can make a work on yourself besides curation, thank you for me to voice and typically it will, but sessions how's it going this style?


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