tv News RT September 4, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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this is the washington replays, the rest of gate card as the us attorney general claims are t is helping moscow interfere in this year's presidential election. here's our networks response to a cnn report that preceded the formal allegations. dear cnn, we certainly have a response. actually we have several, but we couldn't decide on one. we even thought of running an office poll, so here they are one to half high 3. i also ahead ukrainian ministers fall like dominos, and yeah, of and let them are. zalinski is biggest cabinet, re shuffle since his presidential term expires in may. the
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live in the russian capital. i'm rachel ruble. this is r t international r t was banned in the west in 2022. but that's not stopping us from meddling in this year's us presidential election. least that's according to the countries justice department is claims russia and specifically our very own network is engaged and a sustained campaigns to influence the outcome of the trump harris race. all right, well our t shunting davinsky is here with me in the studio to discuss this further. charlotte, really the same old narrative russian meddling in the us collections. and we only just a few moments of those that more details from the us attorney general america, garland. so what more can you tell us about what's going on here? well, it feels a little bit like groundhog day that we're back in 2016 in the sort of the postmaster of that election here. but what we have had now is from the attorney and
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well giving details. will the allegations solve that earlier being reported by cnn? he said that this all focuses on a company called a social design agency. he said this was a website designed to look like a real new site to drive traffic to it, but that it contains phone, good stories, full stories. and he alleged that that particular outlet is linked directly to r c, but it doesn't say anywhere on the website that it has any potential links with the channel. he said that the stories on this website were being directed by putting in a circle and he said that was being used to reduce the support for your crane at the moment as well as being used as an influence to metal in the upcoming election in a couple of months time, and he said that influences were being used to drive traffic to the site and to make people think that these were real stories. now, as i mentioned rachel,
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cnn reported this story earlier on in the day. let's just have a look at how they reported it before we have those specific allegations are ti, the russian state media network is a major focus of the us announcement. the sources said us officials see the russian outlet as a key piece of kremlin propaganda efforts. and that's exactly what we heard from the attorney general, who also said that action is being taken, that there's an ongoing investigation now said the justice department is going to be announcing things in tandem. that's $32.00 internet domains, which he believes all propaganda is of russian propaganda propagate. distribution propaganda has been sees. and we've also just had that new section. is it going to be applied against all c executives, including our chief editor, margarita simon young? and i know we're still waiting for a response from archie to these allegations that mirror garland laid out just
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a few moments ago. but what was the initial response when the cnn article 1st came out, let's see. and then contact the dot c s 3 minutes before publishing the original report with these allegations, asking all t for comment. as you can imagine, we've been here so many times for the fingers being pointed, not just the rush or in general, but our network. and as a result of space, continue to allegations which so full have yet to be proved from all t has been taken all 5 in most western countries. it was taken off by in the us back in 2022. that was all the america office, the station, and that has been a targeted campaign against contributes as you continue to appear in all the, from the west in creating a school which a recently who had his home rated. and the, the only thing that they would continue these sorts the rates are more to come. so all tease response is one of perhaps a little bit of a nashik loop. it is, let's take this a little bit more like taught it, because really at this point,
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this is just so ridiculous. let's just have a look at what the response was. a deer, cnn. we certainly have a response. actually we have several, but we can decide on one, we even thought of running an office poll, so here they are. one. huh. 2, ha, ha, ha, ha, 3, i've got that for 2016 called and it once is cliches. back, 53 things are certain in life. death, taxes and ortiz interference in the us elections. 6, we got to earn our kremlin paycheck somehow. 7, somewhere. secretary clinton is sad, but it's not because of her. well, cnn run the one, come back, which is that's a 20160 $4.00 it's. can you change that one? by the way, it was agreed. well, and it sounds like they were pretty quick witted up says, and coming up with that, rachel, you know,
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we also heard america garland that use the other familiar names are ron and china in his news conference. but you know, this isn't the 1st time that we've heard about banning russians for attempts to influence us election. i'm just wondering how fragile is use democracy if, if our tea and these other countries can so easily influence it. i feel like we're here almost every couple of months now with the story of how russia is meddling. now, the question is, if russia meddled in the 2016 election and this to no concrete evidence, in fact, i'm going to go through some of the stuff that was the bunk. did that, that when trump one, then how come trump didn't win? in 2020, i mean, this is a question that nobody seems to us, but i just want to talk you through some of the russia gate scandals, the inputs out there that were sold as being absolutely entirely fact. and they read more like fiction. and so for example, we had the russia gate, this apparently was amplified by outlets like politico and buzz feed. the this is
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when the democrats were choosing rupture of helping trump. this is leading up to the 2016 election that was done. still see if i don't know if you remember about that that a british spine had put together. the democrats took that as being faxed in the use . this is their evidence. the trump was concluding with russia. and then it was suggested in a wiki leaks. the d n. c. documents the emails from the clinton campaign, or hacked and linked by most go, we had then facebook poaching any accounts linked to russia back in 2017 as a result of this. but then in 2023 and this is what was interesting. rates are image that the us intelligence would be putting pressure on social media to take down accounts and essentially saying, we want this account taken down, take that to come down and showing that these allegations have no foundation. then we go to the fact that we had the us justice department and the f. b. i being
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accused of failing to oppose their own missions when it came to the russia gate scandal. with this was the view of the justice department's own special council, a judge later, throughout the murder investigation, when it says that there was this profile, and that was linked to russia and the judge said, well, you haven't provided any evidence. you can make an ass cetacean, you can say anything you liked, but there was no concrete evidence in your report. and this is another report back in 2019 to show the actually, there is a link between these 2 things. and you've got evidence that russia was really behind this. and then of course we have the full re surrounding the clintons. the ad leaking claims that the trump organization, back in 2016 was in touch with the russian bank. these links of the 2 things, again, rushes in the head with a,
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with trump. this turned out to be hillary's own campaign listing this ins mation. the fact that a what was being alleged was entirely false. so there was so much evidence to show how time and time again, allegations has been pushed towards russia and they've all been fund wanting when it comes to evidence. all right, interesting stuff are to charlotte, investigate charlotte. thank you. always focus just once an american born russian m . a fighter about the allegations the, the immediate need to us is controlled by like a few people. murdoch and a couple other people in organizations. and everybody knows us. but you know, that's all the information that i've been there there blocked in this. this is another thing. people buy people really pay attention to the united states. your, your freedom of, of, of speech. your fema price is being blocked on, on social media accounts, instagram, chip, talk
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r t. all these things are either be blocked or monitored. youtube on my idea to get your report on, on don bass. i'm it was taken off. it was taken off by you to, i'm like why it was it? nothing we said was on non factual. we didn't use bad language. we didn't. it wasn't, you know, there is nothing bad about it other than it showed united states in a bad light. so, um, all, all this, uh, this information then and the freedom of speech and freedom of press being taken away. this is the whole history the united states has been um, over its, on other governments involved in the elections. who is this and now um, obviously it wants to rush. i tried different russian military, its harder. uh, militarily its hard, its tried to for russia by sanctions. and now it's trying to, for a rush to buy or internal unrest with um, you know, different things political ways. and you write quite what you said by ortiz band
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united states, none of my friends, i talk to my friends about what happened in r t. both the news i did and this, you know, i worked hard to, i know what the, the, the journalism has show book points to the view, all points of view. so when i talk to my friends about it the like, we don't even get our teeth. we don't even, we don't even know what you're talking about because of the boss here for a long time. so i don't know why they bring this up now or try and it's just a way for them to change directions. make people, you know, i think i'll rush without in an i, i like that. so i think personally, i think it's in a check. i'm trying to make pressure look, trying to make god donald trump with them. all right, let's discuss this now with our panel of guest, jeremy cruz morag managing, editor of cover action magazine as well as the timber body, who is a former member of the south african it's national assembly. thank you both for joining us to discuss this. a very interesting topic, jeremy,
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i'll start with you. we're, we have another wave of aggregations, accusations against our tea coming from washington. what's your take on these alleged election in interference claims? a bell in 2018. i published a book called the russians are coming again. the 1st cold war is tragedy. the 2nd, as far, and this is clearly living up to the title of my book. i mean inches farcical. they keep trying out these allegations against russia without evidence. it seemed that the governing cloths and media, it's really to cover up their own for. busy these in their own, this government, and often even criminal activity, they just try and turn attention on russia when there is nothing actually there. and this is really designed to mobilize public opinion to continuously support this new cold war and the billing and weapon that are being sent to ukraine in a few tell a crusade tempo, what do you make of the timing of these allegations?
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the us presidential election is still 2 months away. i do think it's perhaps a little bit late to start meddling in the election now. yeah, um. well i was actually surprised when i heard about is the locations. and you know, taking the lessons from $10.00 to $16.00, it's a of that a, this is a properly managed and no constraints. it's, you know, i'll take a look because that the medicaid is an important country in the world and what they, what happens is of interest to everybody in the works and when the elections time is of interest and they will diffuse the alliance for most outlines. we both of the main street it's, it's normally it's mission and the wilderness certainly call that a mentally a if by mentioning we have to say to what the america so does it to other countries
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. so the timing, i think it's, it's perfect in the, in the context of the trying to like content is 16 and tend to change it to say there is enough evidence in favor those a, these or that's candidates and to try and we do the motion. so americans gave that particular candidate because that person is perceived to be say, what, by extend our forces. jeremy, who do you think these accusations are aimed at? did you believe american voters will buy it again? i know back in 2016, depending on your political affiliation. a lot of people did actually, and in fact, believe the allegations against russia, but they think people are more savvy. now the things people will, will, will believe this. and i think the majority of people are more skeptical now because of what you're describing on the previous segment. i mean, you had them all. our commission came out and said there was nothing to these allegations, even though they were ham or a daily basis. uh,
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so it really described the forces that were promoting the scenario, but i think the democrats seems to be the one driving this. and it's, it's part of their playbook to try and undermine donald trump. i think they want to kind of bring back the allegations and actually, you know, try and again, you know, gain some traction with the idea that he's some kind of russian agent. and that's, you know, part of their political strategy. and there are some die hard democrats who believe in their hard accidentally evidence. i mean, they're a true believer that the trump is connected to russia. and their news program like m s, m b c, which is a more liberal program, was the ones hammering on this russia game there, there for years. and there you know, their view or they're mostly dumped liberal democrats. so i think they're the percentage of liberal democrats who still believe it, but a lot of the population is growing very, very skeptical for good reason. tim, but the us attorney general also claims russian media conducts so called malign
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influence campaigns in countries like ukraine and molto. but now these are countries where governments have recently cracked down on independent media outlets and political parties. what's your take on that as well? you know, the, the ability to assess the, a, make accusations as part of the, the geo political stage and usually make allegations without force. they needs to it to prove that it states the, we all know, sitting in africa that you create. and it's a public to the americans, eh, what do i also see? the point is to take it most kind of position back is trisha, ends to look to us, they will pinion. so these are the additions and it will in relation to the specificity of us, of the general allegations of elections into piet is i just, but part of the puzzles, the strategic used by of don't say the democrats because there was actually the
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lives of the state drive now and to, to show up a they are competing their companies frontage is all part of your clean and moved to a consent. and i think we all know that these up, he used a, you know, a case against it. lessons for duration, and the loss of public support that they have, especially in the south. it is to be, you know, uh, you know, assigned to somebody. uh, like, like russia and gibbs cda last week. and we can see the booklet double send us that lice a that you know, in my day to, for my medical sometimes to and so subject physicians, i think they will just entertain the use of audience. but to some of those, the site are quite skeptical about that, but as a tool of those locations i want to bring in our 3rd guests. now this is a k,
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so watch the former head of the indian, the territorial army. thank you for joining us to discuss this. it k a. just a few moments before cnn published it's report and fax just 3 minutes before publishing its report, it reached out to our to its in an email, asking for a comments and they did update their piece. after our twos response was eventually released. why need think it, they only gave free minutes notice to reply before publishing their initial article . why wouldn't they wait until they got the, the other side of the story? the blind do this, this, this is out there that possibly a, that she and dave media and other online platforms on in more in spreading misinformation and this information. and also they're likely to interfere with upgrade the election in us into 2020 full and nothing new. or in fact,
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it's also happening in 2015. this sort of an addition workbook. but the question is really that we do under like your doors over every day, the, the, the allegation and it gets in with all the adult meaning. and the wind is of draw on it to us. i would go to the phone but govern government system. i also was the lear all well i can present and get it done. i don't think there is a possibility or reading any bits information there. this information. so to god the extra and it doesn't seem to be already why button the option of saying that the wants of the election um did media and the other agent to audit and ward in trying to mislead the waters in the us. jeremy, as the response from the are to press office, who certainly full of sarcasm. i actually laughed out loud when i 1st saw it. you
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know, there's a um, 2016 called and once it's cliches, back in the ha, ha ha ha. but jeremy, how do you think it will be perceived in the us? do you think people will find it equally? i'm using their so i think a lot of a lot of, oh, i think a lot of people are starting to see through the charade. and i think the legitimacy of the girl u. s. government has been a role and i think we're at a period almost like, you know, toward the end of the soviet union where people just don't believe the propaganda anymore. the no credibility of the government. i mean, they've lied so many time over and over again. they made all the delegation and never been able to prove any of them. and you have a increasing climate of skepticism this trust in that or a hatred for the government. and that manifested incidents like january 6, we create a new escalade into something very dangerous. so i think it's a very toxic and dangerous environment in the united states right now. and it could blow over because of this distrust of the government and the seat and wise of the
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government and living conditions are worsening. as a charade goes on, the government is not meeting the needs of the people. they're finding these bankrupt boards abroad and people are getting very angry timber. i'd like to ask this next question of you. the r t press office also slammed the us political establishment over its obsession with the russia gate narrative. why do you think washington keeps replaying the same card during an election year as well? because you know, for a medical, most of these sites and, and, and the rest of them, the tablets and the soviet union eh, eh, it's perfect because it shows just like try no, no, i'm a little compromised on the, on the assortment. and so, despite the fact that i mean sounds on the do, chris, i mean the allocations and like a, the other colleagues,
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it and navigation with our fence. you know, it's meaningless but, but you know, the hedge of one was to shape public opinion by continuously repeating a lie that does not exist. i mean, we know america. it took a few items. it been assuming election say you didn't need to guess was a, was on your face here. we or is she is things about russia, these china is your, on these, but we use the evidence. it is most the day and i think somebody was that, you know, wisdom, this is the other most propagandized it people maybe in the was cause among the implies that gets on the end. it's a if i leave it looking at this being thrown on the side, i always shake my head and it's the 2 police that lives eh, you know, that, that the make without think. so it wouldn't make sense to do an average testing. but well that is, that is what the, the deep state has decided and that is what that would go with. and here we are
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best way to 16 back to trend tnt tnt, the same, the a, the scale cool. rush, no rush at these thresh of that. a. yeah, a case to watch, to piggyback on timbers point there. it was back in 2016. a us investigation failed to pop up any evidence that russian had meddled in the presidential election to help donald trump when and i know we did hear from the us attorney general america garlands about maybe 45 minutes ago saying they have this. they've acquired some internal memo from the kremlin, but they think that they actually will offer a proof some actual evidence of what they claim this time around. you know the 16 uh, did the legend. well, did that then for ma'am missing information which was spend via that us young had had the donor pump and he dug gone again to a lady. good then, but there was no evidence which was like a good one. and guess if there was
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a evidence, then a forward you can go to internet and florida just to but i don't think any evidence why given and did alter the dispatcher, whatnot, but soon again, this matter is coming into light in light died. 2 bought the, descended this and that positively direction did media, as well as on light platform, with the head ballpark to pretend indebted to being warned in the basically thought of getting some set of open data or for spreading emission information. did simple mention in this the president election, what the wind gum do really die. we're done engage. if there is ever does over to be done, i need to investigate that. so my why did the into the didn't why the man. uh good be like us. i got a lot of metabolism and the system that they haven't met the lia assist of it in a they can do that. there is um, this information dickie blue or the day the,
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the quarter ending waterman. it's something that feeds uh that under lets there is no evidence this are being added as an end. they cannot be no basically analyze or they can't be investigated. and jeremy, to go back again to tempest point about the prop again, they sion. i don't know if that's a word or not in in america, but the us justice department. why does it always look outside um, when it comes to election meddling, what, why doesn't look in words more just to seek out people with in america who are trying to metal with the election as well. it's diverting attention from the deep flaws american election and american democracy. i mean, look what happened the demo. there was no democratic primary this year. they canceled the primary and the a lot of people are very outraged about that. there probably should be more outrage,
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but they want to turn attention to that they've been, you know, there's no real democracy in the country and the democratic party leadership jo, sabotaged in 2016. they overly sabotaged the campaign to burn sand and then again in 2020 were the more popular canada and have more populous policies that were the benefit of working and middle class americans. they sabotaged his campaigns, are all kind of an ethical means. and that really contrary the spirit of democracy, where he's supposed to have an open primary. so initially the party that wants people to turn away from their and that's a go illegal, anti democratic conduct and blame for anatomy. and they also wanna, you know, and create a mistake for anatomy. and they want to mobilize public opinion against russia. so they can justify sending those billions in arms to the ukrainians, which isn't in the benefit of the american public. and somehow they get away with in 10, but washington is still taking things that are ti, despite us actually being banned in the united states since 2022 people can't watch
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us in america. what, why are we? why is why is already considered such a threat of people can even wides to let you know, that's probably what. ready my took me a big to say, but i don't see it's been to the america. it's also restricted in a list. and, you know, even though it says, yeah, you know, and that's the kind of what look able to and towards splitting is used. so how it then becomes this for cuts off into the other, but can you fluids and the election outcome just defeats allergic because i have to use multiple but i didn't really in a minute. eh, and i think full or i think people did fairly a brings to the for the facebook. is it that part of the scheme was how do i choose
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a, immediately with a t a y district. it's a home country, but like i said, it is really the fact that 2 of t provides an alternative for p o. and let me lead you to prove that it is. it is very popular for the people in the west africa. and it said that the textbook stopped. now in terms of the much touted seagulls freedom of speech and democracy. you would imagine that 2 out of 2 should be allowed to freely it's use at both cost and so and, and live to fix be presented by, by the alternative, the media and linda, people decide for themselves. but right now it is being put, it's kind of leads to decide what is missing information and what is true. and usually what is this information? it's anything that they disagree with as what? who disagree with it, with it in the west, the thought of democracy, the political,
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the people to decide and you fluids, the course of events. but with the only catch is in charge of the deep states in total of people. chris, the people that really being used to achieve and predicted by and outcomes. a k, the cnn report claims ortiz coverage somehow influences us voters. but i was just back in america last month and i was watching some media coverage during the democratic national convention. i don't want to pick on any particular network, but the funding over comma harris was, was pretty cringed. but what, what do you think is the real problem here? i mean, is it that they, they don't want people to get a different opinion from our to or they just, they just don't want people americans to be watching us. i mean, what exactly is that saying that us doesn't want as voters to know?
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is that for me, i'm sorry for a case to watch. okay. but yeah, as the expert, it's uh the, this elections are concerned and basically the common law head is and the drums are the tools again to basically get government. i had a democratic candidate to present the weiss, president of the country and donor trump. he was the, you know, the x ray then, and the public union can be the end up wanting to come is that the brand, they are now conducting the why do that the, this is a very, very di, both on what that thing each other. it is very, very difficult to say that who would have been just the way that the election and and guess if there is a bit information, this information by the the other older agency. yes. certainly to can mig something back.
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