tv News RT September 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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the future, which is me, is new enterprise is $140000.00 new jobs for the industrial out and put dynamics in the region is 25 percent high of them on average, across russia. since 2013, we've got 16 fast developing territories. and the freeport of logic, false tech special preferential regime has been set up in the cumulative ends as well as a special administrative district on rosky island, which is hosting this for. incidentally, this district has allowed us to get the assets back to russia from off shows and form 4 and jurisdictions to the june of more than 5.5 to to into boys. is that more than $100.00 companies are currently residing in this district. and we're going to move forward and forward you had improving the business climate in russia and in the russian forest in particular way again, remember to stick junior more efficient approaches to low cost version with our
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foreign investors here during the last day, sneaking i'll make for them, we announced the establishment of international the past and development territories. and the russian fire is they should provide on the globally competitive conditions for, for an invest, as, especially from, for in a frenzy countries from the, the 1st international advance development territory is scheduled to be set up here in fremont, q regions our chinese partners are showing a great deal of interest in that as well as the republic, as available as we which we can participate in building a new depots, have porch here in pre most of the district. and i would like to ask the russian state to mind the government to accelerate their work on the draft floor, which is required for setting up such advance development territory is another fact uh is enough. uh, regulatory decision we are about to make starting from september 1st this year i just relation of the depth of stipulates the possibility of using for in standards
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and design and construction. of course, i'm referring to the standards of this country as well because the resilience and security requirements for construction works up and they do at least of the same level of the as our whole strip to do help this approach is going to be implemented . yeah, in particular indeed, funds developing territories and the russian far east. another important a testimony to cooperation with foreign policy. this is uh the issue of the development of culturally boosted, risky island in combat. ask region, waiting to enter to build a big logistics companies. yeah. boy, to check for and build new roads in may this year. during my state visit due to the people's republic of china, our chinese county pods. and we have agreed to what jointly on this project. this will give us a powerful input as to the development of camp. i've scanned the regent as of how i
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would like to ask the government which works. all the organizational and financial math is to start implementing those blogs starting from next year 2025. and high schools and one of the key issue as for launching is the initial j, as in manufacturing and residential construction and development. and in upgrading the transportation network, we need to have in mind and with the supply of energy, the electricity consumption and the russian far east is grabbing right now. it stands up to 69000000000 kilowatt hours per item. by the end of the decade, it's going to revise through $96000000000.00 and some when there's new settlements, and districts and big investors running into shortages of electricity, which boards constrain on the construction of new residential areas and the industry of facilities infrastructure. i've already instructed the government to
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work with our big energy companies and business coast to drive a long time program for developing the energy capacitors and the russian far east need to provide the tools for project funding. and we recommend you keep sending us through this program, we need to remove any shortages. we interest a page and editors it to some guy in the russian far east, 1st and foremost, through commissioning new. and it does do facilities such as newton is s get hydro power plant in mosque region. it'll provide energy to the region and to the eastern poly gun. there's of the concept view in redwood, it'll help protect the territories against pressure. and i would also like the government to think about building and peas and the russian far east. we spoke about that yesterday. and this plan should take into account for us the car into, for me as well as the needs we anticipate and future among the businesses and
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our citizens. and of course, uh it should take into account to the long time goes and just hand it to it. also, it reinforces the transportation logistical capacities of the russian 5. and the reason the most important project in that regard is the expansion of the east didn't pull the gun by us over the last 10 years as best and as, as i 1000000000 my, the, the trust i really am road and bikers. i'm one mainland. we are when we have large, more than 2000, since i have upgraded more than 5000 kilometers. but you too much to buy that building or, but it was rebuilding more than 10. you know what? a 100 bridges and tunnels, through land boy a selling good rivers. by the end of this yeah, the super good passage, you will have risen to 118000000 tons this year. we have opened a new of the stage for the development of this as a transport network. we have over started doing that. we need to really move the
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bottlenecks commission more than 300 facilities such as the relief for you. it's $47.00 am always cute because it's all scared caught up the tunnel as well as the bridge over the more review. but of course, this is even a more large scale task because we need to create a 2nd main track along the length of all of the bike a lot more mainland. we need to create 2 tracks for the bi, cuz i'm on mainland and we have to electrify it along all of its length in the next 8. yes, we need to relate 3100 kilometers of the rail. well, it's just a good comparison. it's the same length that was later when of the bike a lot more on mainland and then they transferred the road. we failed and the same as was late when the by columbus of mainland was being constructed from, from 1974 to 1984. so currently we're building
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a project which in terms of its scale is think of the biggest in for structural projects of the us us saw which used to be billed by all the republics of the us. a saw and their forces were very strange. but that also so like that concept period, road feature, we need to build a new road where the child support court from st. petersburg july to boston. and i'm not just talking about increasing. there's 2 good things to put capacity and improving the quality because it will also give an input as to internal and domestic tourism. because this view a road is gonna go through dozens of russian and reaches. there are several stages . there's most last december. i knew the road was built between moscow and cash and by the end of the yeah, it will have stretched to yeah, i could do it in book and then on was due to man, is that gonna be billed to bypasses for arms? can obviously be as can,
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the icons and the other on. so once the road has reached logic foss, dog this car, the machine. but usually we are left stretched a by more than 10000 kilometers, including connections to do for the check for ins. most when you see what other countries i like to remind you about the instruction i gave in my address to the federal assembly, namely to decrease the use of the boat and decrease the time for inspection of afraid of transport. it should be no longer than 10 minutes searching the reason that it was with before the end of the railroad checking for us. we have already reached a very good uh you know, a solution for any rate. there is a few times as the time engaged for inspection of the distribution and the symbolic on and in some of the many roads of railroads and roads. we have
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already started and large scale works to engaging professionals, engineers design as across a different regions of country. and through the dedication they show that russia is willing and what time. and that's on the bill to fast. and it will tell you i quality of all my stuff, implementing infrastructure and transport projects and of a national and global scale. how different particular to the northern seaboard as an international logistics abroad. everlast 10, you as the car go through important has increased to it is an issue with the bio magnet your back in 2014 was on the card, go through board, stood at 4000000 times, whereas last year, $84.00, the pros do says use $6000000.00 which is 5 times the record register during the soviet times, we're going to improve the throughput capacity. i predict that so the,
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the exploring the optic manual deposits reorienting the cargo and increasing the transit to him. we have, we're having a big class for developing the northern see road building icebreaker as a increasing our satellite constellation, improving the coastal infrastructure, building emergency and ration you sent us to pilot this logistical who was less than 2 years ago. we launched coastal voyages along the sea north and see right now this voyage includes 14 fords in the russian northeast. the arctic and the russian 5 were used last year. the capacity of the russian fords in the northern seaboard exceeded 14000000 tons. this is but the beginning with game to increase this capacity is the more than icing, the drums, the shipment capacities expanding the when it grows and the far distance
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rail road connections which will allow us to increase the capacity of the more most trustful top to the 100000000 tons and then even of highs on the as i, what you ration integration partners are interested in developing more months guys of transportation have i would cortex and deliberately contemplated change in the development for the infrastructure and building their own time and those on the call up and, and so that, and we'd like to invite other countries to participate in this project. i think that i see there is an interest the for the large scale consultation and logistics initiatives. russia is pursuing build using cutting edge engineering digital and environmental solutions, which creates an additional demand for the products produced by russian machine build is and metal companies, and also creates a demand for the services provided by science and high tech businesses. based on cutting edge approaches taken into account the new level of quality of different
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logical economic educational capacities of the country. and we need to pursue the strategic task of developing the russian far east boston and particular. we need to a further explore these top soil resources of the russian 5 years because the car in the old, russian tongue stand and teen right as well as barton containing all was produced in the russian far east. it counts 42 percent before the russians, diamonds, and uranium, more than 70 percent of new silva, 60 percent of the russian go to be in there of a key centers and the for production of these resources and include you in to call gus das, the deposits and has been explored for quite some time and the capacity is limited, whereas the demand is constantly growing. so what we need to ensure about the
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export and the domestic market. we need to ensure this, you know, the resources over into, of the country. we need to have of it as smooth, provide uninterrupted supply of commodities, and we'll materials for our economy for our we said romance providing them with fuel and commodities. we need to use the most efficient on those russian technologies and scientific discoveries and environment and management of natural resources. when i spoke here at the forum last year, i instructed the government to drive pacific programs for serving programming for the mineral resources of the russian. far east, and so i be we, they should be a part of the federal project, the geology, revising the legend to these programs are very easy. we estimate that one bubble of government expenditure is going to attract attention globally. affording the private investors. and this one is going to be paid back and the profits are going
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to be the grades. there's going to be comprehensive effect, but we need to do that timely understanding the timing of the investments. so i'd like to ask the government and i get them to provide the necessary funds in the federal budget for the next try gain, you need to provide a level which is adequate for the goes well pursuing. because we need to improve that geological setting of the russian fires to me by several times. i talked about titanium, lithium niobium, andrea, which i requisite for the economy of the future. we have all of those resources available, the potential of these and industry as well as improve the attractiveness of the regions, create new jobs to improve productivity and logistics. the potential is great will help create cutting edge creative industries and the russian far is the house. but
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build the infrastructure fully big data economy and a i full pilots in you avi's for commercial purposes and civilian pappas is in order to tab with some of the technological progress potential. we will continue to improve the scientific and educational potential of the russian for we use this region has already launched the construction of university campuses in europe. most likely has gotten into bias clearing, but that is not sufficient for the russian far east. i suggest we should we a bog up on several of old come to new projects such as university campuses in will . i know dad, federal fellows come child skin t, tom uh new uh, batch of uh, construction is going to be implemented shipped from the russian. uh, why should 5 east in federal universities id last go have all the conditions for
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use entrepreneurship and business incubators. we also develop universities in the log check. apart from that where it's ok angel. campers will build a similar project in more months, most of which on the basis of these campuses, we will launch catching edge engineering schools to such schools and cycling and logic. bostic have already been set top them as not just to train specialists for the industry and agriculture transport and social sphere mindfully a. i mean, they also meant to come up with an original ent of solutions for scaling new solutions and social sphere and management. and, and economy was, guidelines has uh, been hosting the and scientific and technical center of those hydro for the last 2 years and specializes. and then every day of the solutions and global energy, which i used to for the technological upgrade of the energy sector in the russian
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far east. however, leading companies will also help build a big any which is technological approach on rosky island, based on the virus and federal universities. and it will concentrate upon research and practical solutions in marine engineering biotechnology, by magazine, and other promising avenues to be pursued. i would like to ask the governments from the government and from the most q region do is use and the tour of a fibrous and concession for the implementation of this project. i would also like to ask them to think about the tools for and these, and attracting us ideas from russia and from other countries. i refer to a competitive market based on products as well as the social packages for the specialist and their families. when, when he was missing was colleagues, we understand the success of alex. we understand how important it is to successfully carry on this project because it depends. first of all, on the people along the russian family. as many occasions i said that we cannot
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follow the old log to that 1st we build factories and normally then we think about those who work as a central chrysler. as you look at these kind of logic is not only not fair. so it does not function in the modern times. sure, absolutely story. it's quite a story point to think of the future that should be built around and personally it, that's why blount, even though there and then what's the weight, what is it gonna move it equal along with the new economic plans and the far as to where you launch new social programs, some issues towards the goes through to it. search fully, we use this programs to renovate and deal with new skills. outpatient hospitals looking for complex and good at sky. as we develop the urban environment we renovate, the infrastructure gets the we have already constructed all, most of the 2000 social and infrastructure facilities in mounts. these subsidies has become a strong and it consists leverage to it and so forth as far eastern concession and
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its goal is to attract the private investments in social project lecturing, and the businesses that as already have already planned to invest money into this projects. and for to 6 such initiatives are being carried out as the worth has already started with a couple like i usually go to the original quote or when the print market region, the ski resort is being constructed in pittsburgh published kind of trotsky. we actually are, is going to be in your community center in barbs. oh my god. then you were the museum and like a down in kit don. sports complex is, did a good genuine chip time or the john to get a square specie. they are renovating to nice urban lighting system. we are going to continue to support the for eastern concession programs to fine tune it to satisfy the needs of the citizens. and she went to go along with the per candidates and possibilities, helps businesses. and then across the country are beating schools or forwards breaches a minor ways we renovate complex transportation systems,
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but the volume. so these projects are being used relatively small, less than 3 percent of the 2 d, p, or some $4.00 trillion roubles to develop these 3 or more intensively. and we need to develop the legal framework and that mechanism of the state private partnership at east to ensure that the risk for all the parties for the government and for the businesses very transparent, transparent and distributed if they are in the manner, especially in the socialist significant projects i considering the experience that we have a cadillac and the latest on the technological sovereignty, who is to be special, i suggest the type is that the web, the co stand is one of the participants. so this kind of partnership between state and digital enterprises to make sure that the corporation controlled the distribution of reasons. we're going to break the category that goes to the desk and ensure that the unit to sure your projects are profitable in both for the state
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and for the private entities and for particular products and the wife united, 0 and you. so i chose the unit. yes. and they could differ for encouragement, private investment in terms of the construction, the sacrifice. so we'd like to instruct the raft and to come up with the technicality is always these partnerships that must be carried out with the obligatory participation of the labs and stuff which it is also very important to make sure that the private investments were made under long term development plans, legacy plans that are both in our the towns, villages and so it is for their overall development even that particular game. and that's why we promote principal e publisher and you instruments of improving and living communications. there's so co master plans. many of you are opening aware of these master plans to place our colleagues from russia. we have already approved the development of $22.00
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municipal centers in the far east. we have the population all formed for more than 4000000 people to speak with us to for example, such a master plan has already been developed for a satellite town. we met a near of lobby last out to you. i'm, you know, giving us get to you, it will get us to meet you in the united lady vosta car. tell them invest and see what the days trip and these project involving long spent 2025. so what is the interest in the new produce for companies master plans of school, but we need to look into wants wasn't before locally economic and urban thing might the bodies they did not comp parade. it just that was really send me the economy and businesses. they were developing, send their own tracks with the utilities and the construction efforts. they were also on here to separate tylenol and see the need. and in the end we had on balance solutions and, and challenges you urban develops. and now, the region in the local administration's, brenda,
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a number of discussions with the local citizens with the local businesses, they discussed the weak points and they discussed the development of each settlement. you know, and for originally they developed and individuals with the long term model for me and then for the 1st time within one document with branch together. it's a concept of social, economic and urban development. he protested of social economic and spatial economic development relation to come online in the get you to transportation, housing, federal energy, another kind of infrastructure, is there a friend to integrate at the objective here is some of them say to improve the living conditions for the people this is the gold, my stuff on the right. you know, any, just more than i got the master plans are being carried out and we can already say that 70 facilities will be commission before the end of the year and in the future . the pays of carrying out these master plans must be increased, easier them to a company and they were given the budget and those bodies, those. if the photos with regents,
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hope to speak certainly are actively working on that. there is a certain ratings on the, to even the 1st few base and among go either start now so helene and my get done regions and the republic of korea to and contrast kind of our territories scheme. i would like to think some of our colleagues for the nutrition hayes and they're working at and we need to continue to increase this and we will follow it annually and we will figure it out. and maybe you can still encourage the best teams and the federal agencies, i think cuz it can, but obviously putting you in your money to use them as a samples for the me putting a lead issue in your on the phones, those colleagues that are still behind muster and we will make decisions on allocating more funds for carrying out these master plans upon 30000000000 roubles have already been allocated. additionally to from that to do the website. and for the period from 2025 to 20 to 30. we do need to be here tomorrow,
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at 100000000000 roubles to implement the master planned projects in our far eastern arctics. you see data above those limits of those restrictions that the regions are receiving according to the standards distribution, the ticket of new jersey. and we must not forget to invalid based on the extra plants when we can sort of musicianship and establish the new national projects that we are now. finalizing is the one that or them that we need to look type more . that will take more funds or right to develop the far eastern cities. it should become a separate chapter, listing designation projects. for example, in such a national project, there's an infrastructure for life transport system, family longevity and the youth support national project school. the for must have and half of the expenses on the far eastern need metric lands on tories and are being supported by going to the out of bunch of sorry, sir. so what are your thoughts divide? the enterprise is that are ready to construct kindergarten. so i would pay some
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cleaning support sandra's outlet and rose, sitting with the work on the utilities and to script develop me. i've used the infrastructure and so on and so forth. and we will support this kind of investment by the businesses and other business loan that we get that ice we time the their shares will continue to grow as well. you run a strategic partner, it's a large scale and proprietors, even though that has their own social backgrounds and they use these programs to participate in these projects with the motion is to your but there's not an x of that it needs to. and then we must use their experience and that there are power to implement these natural plants hours for teaching barclays. so good fund info from social infrastructure. it facilitates the construction industry. people are in a simple menu only, but where they have with very investment projects implemented and now for the social infrastructure facility would be an issue with no local commission to the city. they can be compensated client impacts costs or other preferential mechanisms
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with the newest and the experience of the far east. that will become a foundation that to make sure that we could scale it up. let me do the entire country as the south. as i sat dressing, the federal assembly and symbol, the strategic documents will be drafted for $200.00 settlements across russia. we're going to assume that increased our after a ticket $22.00 settlements in the far east, $200.00 settlements across the country, including the jazz cities that are a strengthening, technological solver and t of russia. unfortunately, get us get an extra comfortable verb and environment. and the social infrastructure and the ease, an inherent part of the resolution in 2 days, urban development industry and the far eastern investors implementing these projects because they can receive preferential tax regime solutions under at the far eastern quarter instrument. now it has been launched within 7 region,
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nissan with land to we seemed to the old 1800000 square meters of housing units that will accommodates the almost 70 possibly 1000 people. and over the last 5 years, the volume of the years are going to pass through and that was really another new let's look at what a spin unit doyle, annual housing construction because it has almost doubled, which has a good indicator. and we expect of some, 5600000 square meters, constructive the deputy this year and go to an end of the size of the role here. let's blade it by the far eastern mortgage mortgage program. you know, it's, it has been extended to the participants of special military operation. equipment needs to develop an loans under 2 percent interest rate can be issued to the young families where it is, but with the parents of under 30, the newest solution that you set up, your own old age group. i don't know how much the complex and people are working in the defense industry enterprises, teachers and the doctor is,
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is to give the same conditions also, gram with the concept works in the arctic region. and these ice programs were extended to the end of 2013 the government that were debbie debates about the conditions. so these markets loans. so i suggest we stop with these discussions. we should preserve the interest rate for the far eastern and our take mortgage loans, which is 2 percent annually. the bonus disposal will the premium starting last year in a play market. it's a 3 here to trade, the families that have 33rd trials now have the right to receive a payment. and the expanded payment system says not for a 100 safety 1000 approvals, but 1000000 roubles, whipple, to, and we agreed that we didn't even do a little research payments of 1000000 roubles should be introduced for the families
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with many children and all the far eastern regions and usually when done before, where the birth rate is lower than average across russia. i would like things to talk to my colleagues to expedite the development of the necessary for us, which is an interesting decrees a deal to us. and they need to start these payments from to live this year. and i'd like to speak about that which families that he would buy, squeezing deadly, far from the mainland to buy in a way. but in the remote areas of the far east end, the arctics region, our objective is to number 3 and ensure it's rookie assume is consistent supplies to this region and go through both putting it. last year we adopted a law on the northern supplies and 30 years ago, and now we planned to go on with this separate credit on, on the centralized level of it. and it should be coordinated locally in the regions . speech with the transportation services. now priority for the transferred
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