tv News RT September 5, 2024 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the pathetic demands back in the latest move to send to all t washington sanctions and number of the companies employees of allegations i guess all those action interference washington, the crux down and i'll say quickly, tons the correct smiles of the justice department despite its vows to take the tunnels, the legs, the election insist fair and serious make pressure today set the statements of fox news and some other outlets here. mocking the situation. they had 5 bullet points of 6 bullet points. the 1st that hot 2016 wanted to clue chaise back. a major safety to the east president vladimir, whose inconvenience of russia's relationship with the global south and touches on
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the conflict in ukraine. this one is the upcoming us elections that the eastern economics for the main business links trade routes. and in general, the entire vector of development are increasingly being reoriented to the east and the global market. the very well and welcome to you. it's 6 pm here in moscow, and this is on see international with the lights as well as news updates. it's good to have you with us. well, if you happen to be watching us from america, that means you are successfully leveling annual presidential election at least to bounce according to the us justice department and claims russian state media. c including this tunnel is trying to influence the outcome of each from paris race. all tease editor in chief is among those sanctioned by american officials and respond to small derita simon young questions. how the united states would cope
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without the convenient vote came on like us. the one thing i don't understand is if they finally kick us out, how would they hold the next election? they have no other scenarios at all except to undermine a competitor. scaring the penguins over his connections with the almighty are t. i'm pleased of course, but suppose we leave completely then what they will cancel the next election. oh, they will cancel. i can feel it in my heart, or we won't leave me. there's a sense of almost inevitably uh and i have the ability around this. i mean, what would a, and i'm an american presidential election be now without the allegations of russian interfere and stuff. you know, this, it's almost a continuation of reads onto the bed. and there's always a convenient russians there to blame. remember, all of this started in 2016 when the hillary clinton failed in her attempts to become president in the united states and needed someone to blame. and it seems kamala harris now. and then with his law fair against russian media is finding a bit of an insurance policy may be by saying,
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let's open all these investigations. as rampal hype against russia and baseless hype, no actual evidence presented at ortiz doing journalism. the crime of telling the truth and disagreeing with the narrative, of course, of people in the united states and around the world of being told that the suppression of free speech like this is the defense of free speech. so it's very cynical now, but the cynicism as well in how a or t of responded to it as well. the kind of, you know, demonstrated the exacerbation people are feeling here about the craziness of this allegation. let's have a listen to the or to you response in full. it's very interesting. dear cnn. we certainly have a response. actually we have several, but we can decide on one, we even thought of running an office poll. so here they are. one huh? 2, ha, ha, ha, ha, 3 ha, for 2016, called and it once is cliches,
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back. 53 thing are certain in life desk taxes and ard t's interference in the us elections. 6, we got to earn our kremlin paycheck somehow. 7, somewhere. secretary clinton is sad, but it's not because of her. so you know, tongue in cheek response to a bit of humor. it's black humor though, because this is a serious business. it isn't other infringement on the ability of us here in our to, to, to have a different view to, you know, do what we're safe, guarded by in the un charter in the us constitution. the idea of free speech, the idea of being allowed to disagree. uh no, mr. mary garland do one of the man in charge the top on in charge if you like this whole at conjure it will uh um to russian a legal move in the states. uh, he was asked uh what he thought about the warranty response, and that's quite interesting to let somebody listen to him. russia today sent the statement to fox news,
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and some other outlets here. mocking the situation. they had 5 bullet points, a 6 bullet points. the 1st that hot, 2016 once it's cliches, back in all seriousness, there is a subsection of the country that when they hear russian in interference, they may believe that it's not true. it's not a real thing. how do you assure people this is a real situation? i'm sure that was much funnier and the original russian. but for us, it's not funny. this is deadly serious and we are going to treat it accordingly. so quite po, faced response from the americans. you know that, uh, this is very serious. you know, even though many of them probably realize that the best predictor of future behavior is possible, have we seen this before? at all? dispelled all, proven to be this information from the american side centers, laptops to what the russians who handed it into the shop. you know, while high on drugs they didn't put the crack cocaine in the white house, they didn't get home to the going. i mean, so there's a kind of a ludicrous narrative to this all at. so we have to take it in that context. that's
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people who've seen this before and they should be very cynical about what's driving this. so we have a official response from us. a has a being an official response from mosca. yeah. and it's again, it's been, you know, quite a astounded really that the, the us could come up with the same at trick to try and pull the same uh, you know, how to get, you know, robin out of the house after everyone saw behind the magician that it's a face and so it's so there can just kind of a sense of surprise and shock that the americans are doing this all again, even after it's all been disproved. marie is the heart of the, you know, she's an incredible woman when she starts to speak and she really hit the nail on the head with how ludicrous and almost as project comedy of the americans clambering for a reason to sort of buying an excuse if come out of harris that you know, lose at this election, which is a catastrophe, of course, for the democratic party. same democratic party who began these rumors again back in 2016. that's of
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a listen to me is our many cars will be the american deep stage and intelligence agencies have always been involved in smearing the russian media. the worked with them on the territory of the united states. everyone knows very well that mr. smith turned up on the doorstep of anyone who works with the russian media, writes blogs, skiffs commentary, for example, the recent search warrants, targeting those, if you would just present is on the russian channels in the united states of america. but in this case, we're talking about such an elaborate information campaign in which the american intelligence services have that hand. and that's why this whole manipulative story really, in my opinion, or the stands out even from the total number of upside, is steps by its shape madness. and on the other hand, buys tried to call mach nature. so where is our usual very succinctly, uh, you know, nailing us with what this is all about, what the real game is here, this on t russian font to see this conjured reality that the russians are out to get you
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that. and the russians are tardy response for every problem the u. s. and e u, which is just not the case. and i suppose our viewers here on our team of people in june, in to people to watch us across the globe. they're very smart. they know how to get r t. we know they're watching and we're going to continue doing our work to keep bringing the truth. so stick with us, we're not going anywhere. nicky. tony goes from john. his bag now is elani mckay, the secretary general of the south african congress of traditional leaders when he, thanks for joining us on the program. it's very good to see today. so 1st of all, i'd love to get your reaction to the latest us allegations of election maslick against russia. what are your thoughts where it's very interesting that a country that has it, has positioned it's of the ultimate, the representative of democracy in the unit advance would think that its own
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processes could easily be interfered with or hacked by countries. but it sees a secondary countries or countries, but it, it, it undermines into the things that you'd, as a more or 32 over been from the point of view all outlook and its own way of democracy. i think such a allegations are ridiculous and ludicrous and i wouldn't see any reason why it actually i would one continue to fit with the elections of the united states of america, russia, as we know it, and we have what is known, it is a kind of that is a huge respect, and for this order in t or for a nation's of the went and last year i would never ever think of it even interfering with the processes of the united states of america. a hey, that is a file that's the eh, negation. so that,
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that would be my obligation for that and they don't know why they want to divert the attention the from, from the u. s. presidential campaign, which is the upcoming. anybody who bring. yeah, the interesting thing is it is sorry to as well as i mean timing wise, they say timing is everything and these allegations emerging to 2 months before the us presidential vote. why now? yeah, well, it tends to raising that to some people like the tension. there's somebody intention which is sort of at the between russia and the united states of, of, of, of america. and this tension sometimes and is perpetuated by some stereotypes in the, in the, in the, in the global society. one,
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this tension to actually really to exist in reality. there is a suggested perception that deb press then the done, the president tom has a close relationship with president put in the fact that the president tom is reaching out. because then put in to say that we need to be on talking tens because that has lead us as globally does influenza into the entire international landscape. it is not for, for, for you money to a large that as great lead. as of the lead us, you both the great tool nations in terms of the economy's thought to the law that i'm talking to. it's not good for everybody. so i think some people don't like this progress into action between elidah or another state, even though they don't use
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a different and their approach should. politics and leadership are different, but it's important that lead us all of big nations and light plus leaders of small nation because of us we form punch and pass and only the global community. yeah. that we should, we should talk to each other. if you mean it's part of our human spirit that so other people don't like that. so you can tell that that, but the 2 law lives on negation and baseless accusation is coming at the bed, pulled up that he's got to kind of issue that president job if he we, he is going to read the relations between the russia and america that they will be back on the talking table. they would be able to check with some of the global challenges that exist right now in the web, including the military intervention in ukraine,
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including what is happening in the middle east between is i and protest dot one from, for instance, when the election. so it goes without saying, badges, there will be a change in the, in the, in the political complection of the metals that's actually happening right now. because the drum in prison, who team they have very put together much told that there is a need to request such and such reasons. so that is what is actually happening in the globe. that could be succession, also strategies to the extent, but we can save lives. we can ensure that as peaceful as some people are prime when there's little piece windows and stuff the lead to and they want to show that that actually happens in particular. and i think these are the geisha and is informed by that it is truly fiction yet, and it is trying to just did one candidate against the other pretty things for joining the programs. elani mckeever,
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secretary general of the south african congress of traditional leaders appreciate it. thank you for your time. you're welcome. thank you. let's discuss the as your father. we have asked in west honda now journalist and high stuff going on the ground. nice to see you often. thanks for joining us on the program. so we have this new ways of allegations against russia on election mad land god. does this come as a surprise to you? you know, it's such a privilege to be on this station nikki. i mean, i've got the sealed indictment here from the what is it united states district, good southern district in new york. and anyone would thing from reading the treasury indictment, the state department, the justice department at this is the most important media network in the world without any pair. which makes you nikki, one of the most important and powerful journalists on it. and of course, margarita simonian, some the boss of i t,
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a kind of person who can switch on and off the minds of people right across the united states. she controls the united states. working class is like no one else on earth. that's what these indictments seem to show. the desperation of admiral cubby at the white house in the past 24 hours saying please rely on normal media on uh, i think he called it establishment media because such as the fear of has, it says in the indictment of one of the an empire biachi empire, so powerful goal, these accusations flying around novel with us just as departments, does it use a number of individuals, a malign in fluids, but of course there's no evidence that's being provided. so our accusations just enough, so wash, instead of people gonna buy that. yeah, there's no evidence just as the mother inquiry numerous inquiries into previous russia gates, hoaxes, established that this was all
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a lie and you do as the press office replied immediately to say business. so 2016. now what this actually reveals about the bible harris administration is not something about russia or about article, so united states. is it war against the people of palestine against the people of ukraine using them as cameron folder in that proxy war on russia? now what this revealed, what these indictments revealed is the absolute disgust and the hatred of those in washington. and biden harris, blinking sullivan of the justice step off and the american gall and the attorney general. they are disgusted by the people of the united states. the working class is one be a lead. sophia lighted states. they think they are stupid, they think that ignorant. they think that i think they think they're idiots. and every time they're exposed to some information that to pick because of the
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education systems that they've continued to despise, to undermine in budget tree and budget tree tubs in favor of the military industrial complex. they think this stupid, and that's what see every would dripping from these indictments because they don't want the american people to be exposed to information. whether it be correct, whether it be incorrect, whether it be mal information, they are terrified, especially now the poll numbers are showing you had a game despite to the coup against biting the trump may win in november. mm. so how are you feeling? i've seen about the response from the all the press office. it was uh, definitely talked in chic destiny, a little bit sarcastic. how do you think it will be perceived in the us? you don't know that nick, you did. it could be a dead serious really of the, i mean, it is flattery. of course, all to be a t network could be all the platform,
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all the social media elements of i t, as it is, you know, pay rises for everyone to know. i see. because it's so powerful, clearly that's what that, that's what it means. the response was a perfectly calibrated in terms of it. so in terms of the fact that this, this is about process, so who cares about it? the point is the information itself. what is the information, the treasury, the state department, the justice department, the attorney general marigold. and what's to these guys and concealed from the american public who pay the wages they want to conceal facts about ukraine, about gaza. but i've been this way they're about to run about africa. they want to can see the tool and they're available on networks like r t. that's why they want to do this. so in a sense, the response or warranty was yes, this is a little process. typical, you want to do this,
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but it goes to the fact. so these people in the united states administration must be indicted themselves for taking public money from the united states in order to use it to conceal information that would allow the american public to make up their own minds. luckily, luckily, that despite the power authority and despite to have agreed to some money and power, there are other social media people that believe in freedom of speech. somebody come to free speech to and they will amplify and transmit regardless of what these absurd tyler, terry, and institutions in washington believe. calling quiet wrap my head around. what was so scary about b o t tunnel especially to the united states. why we're already buttons, you can watch all see on the tv screen. so i think you might just say that he would say there's nothing scary of out of your on the channel that might be split towards the people in the united states. so you might have access to a vpn, so what, so
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a tunnel that's what i'm thinking with all the different information out, the people can access via the internet was so scary about on that. what, why is washington so afraid of on that what? well, it has to be said, you know, a t as little band in the united states. it would be illegal under the us constitution demanded western europe, the russell states puppet states of washington. if he's banned daily, even rumble certain platforms that carry all about. but in the united states it isn't bad and that uh there was pressure, obviously applied to networks and cable networks not as applied, but perhaps i don't know. there are some, uh, i think fits to organizations. but like broadcasting washington, dc and in kansas city may well be despite where you say on some local cable channels. but uh, of course it is the fact that uh, all the relays often from us, us setting interviewees, us officials fully us officials,
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to the american public. that is so dangerous. because by doing the harris, the lead to the washington rely on keeping information from the electorate. in order to subvert and destroy democracy by new tires are interfering in the us elections in the us democracy. because donald trump, who now says he regrets not to indicting, is then the hillary clinton candidacy a bill and i's entry consent and when from one. now if trump comes in november, it's time for a new trump administration clearly to indict merrick garland has any blinking jake sullivan. how old is press? the officials at the white house in the state department, they, they will have to face just as from the american people in their absurd violations on the us constitution. and their attempts at an extreme disappearance. because they want to prevent the american people from getting information that could inform
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that decision about voting, leave it to the american people, leave it to people to decide whether all to use a pack of lies. don't leave it to people who are invested in press and not having fact some colored that would reveal content. biden's laptop, which we covered on going underground with rudy giuliani and even i doubted it. and the whole going underground was broadcasting on information. and i pushed back, it turned out that wasn't hooked up by the laptop. biden's son was involved in ukraine, interrupt money. so that's what this is about and how to use information is relayed whether it be on take talk and it's all in the actual indictment to instagram. take drug x and youtube and rumble and others, or other people kind of give you the torch and relay, the stories that have appeared on all the all around the world to the breakfast tables of america. i'm wondering now say whether the might be
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a little bit more to it because we know that all to has become a popular source for people in the global south. now, the hop popularity is subs. in fact, full view isn't that big level south, then. do you think this worries washington as well? i mean, clearly they, they uh, the bygone harris administration with hillary clinton behind it are desperately trying to violate the us constitution and the judges on the us supreme court. better be looking at all of this. i noticed that this culture of the past few hours of this is some was coming to 24 hours since the and documents were hung sealed against. and as i said, t is not sanctioned anywhere. you know, all of this is not they've, they keep talking about, uh, the audi is fine as it regards all these different uh, legal documents from 3 branches of the us government, the daily beast, which is something that no one reads anymore. i have is owned by a holding company,
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i a c and one which is the border which is chelsea clinton as such as the such as the oligarchy. it's not a democracy, the united states, and they are quickly going, the closing the indictment, the tenant to mediator a pro trump outfit is clearly a uh, a cop out of, uh, russia and t in some way. mean, even if it was, these are a prominent american right wing commentators who are on it. there is their opinions that are being told by boots and they've angrily denounced. it's saying, oh, i was under false pretences, stupidly they should say, we don't care. i don't care, i actually, i used to kind of what those are my adults media. but anyway, in this, it says in the indictment, it says the company, and this is what the database is saying is could be telling media a video who well known us political, common data, visiting a grocery store in russia was on it. and obviously the database points to tucker carlson, imagined that imagined americans exposed to the site or
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a television present, a tucker calls and at the grocery store in moscow. absolutely. and oh, absolutely. got it. they have to stop this. i mean, i, apparently, there's no food in russia. that's what you get if you read the british in west european press. does it, you know, russians kill optics, pollutants. go on one that before we go i've said no, let's have a little worried about freedom of speech. what direction is they still heading in? because you know, we have this sacred us principle of freedom of expression. press freedom a, it's not looking good. is it? you know, and the people in the press rooms, people gum, chewing in one room below youtube to watch the state department briefings in the white house, briefings your of the, the shoot, the whites out spokesperson. i am the, uh, what's his name, matt miller at the state department. and how i'll only know the press cool. even when they finance it was being made. how up pulling all these press corps are they
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don't even understand their to, you know, the by narrative, ministration thinks the working classes of america are a stupid and to 80 all take and deplorable. how deplorable of the american press ought to realize that committing suicide or mass by that lack of questioning of power, which is the job of journalism. luckily, in the united states, the founding fathers at that 1st amendment. so things are always going to be better in the united states, even if they killed you, at least some of them, even if they act to some foot journalism. but in western europe located, it's a waste slide where every aspect of culture is being destroyed by the nato proxy war on russia through ukraine. you can't talk about the genocide in gaza as a european union, pause its weapons into the hands and that, you know, there is no freedom of speech in the whole western part of
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a continent in europe. the united states still has a chance, and there are millions of americans who will fight for freedom of speech on left and right. and if, even in the center against these kinds of ridiculous indictments attempting to so but, and interfere with november's election, i've seen a pleasure, as always, we've been speaking to you on the less than hopes of going on the ground. asked him what time c. but must be the key day of the 9th, the eastern economic form in the russian city of london, both stock top level guess. so what attendance including president potent who was addressed the, the events planning recession. there are some lead to touch the funky political on the comic issues, both at home and abroad, with a particular focus on the far east. it gave me, as you know, we have identified the development of the far east as a national priority for the entire 21st century. and the correctness of this
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decision has been confirmed by life itself. the challenges we have faced recently and by objective trends gaining traction in the global economy. the main business links trade routes and in general the entire vector of development are increasingly being reoriented to the east and the global market. in our far eastern regions provide direct access to these growing promising markets. they allow us to overcome the barriers that some western leads are trying to impose on the whole world. the most go say is breaks. members, welcome to the turkey as a formal application to join the blog. accessing folks are expected to take place next month when russia hosts the group summit to the city of cuz on encore, it has not yet commented on media reports that the country we applied for membership several months ago. president, other one is due to visit the on coming in cause that could potentially become the 1st nature nation to join brakes. it's also being aspiring to obtain
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a new membership for decades. but brussels has been pressuring on correct to make major reforms over the point of entering into the use of what we spoke about. the issue area with a former member of the south african bridge delegation. asterisk patel on politics and international relations. profess that has some analysis on that bond scan to university. here with the main highlights for my discussion. what you're gonna see to see the whole thing on here, is that gonna be a lot of difficult commit to you? and if it's not often market pulled up, we'll do so okay. talk to use. did you want their phone call? so you stay too long or why don't you need the policy exercise? you don't want to do it because you don't have a country which is at the age of about your state. is it the same prior? basically, it develops best possible times to the care bias to must start by the same time you call to raise the payoff bias. keep trying
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a view on this project management. the international p h and jones is in the organization as well. so possibly be found. i hope they can hear you can say not to disrupt that the big nations is a kind of ink of the global song. and it also has institutional capacity is we've seen with the formation of the new development bank as well as new initiatives around parallel currencies. and i think that is very attractive for many nations of the global song including took. yeah. so do you read? yeah. you guys cetera. so it does offer really strong economic infrastructure and findings. benefits at the lower cost is come as compared to trading with wisdom nations. i think this is the big boost. the
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