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tv   News  RT  September 5, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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the interest of california, the the washington is a crack down on our he quickly turns to practice miles after us justice department, despite us about taking it channels. a large selection in our parents curious like targets from the global south question. americans, such a allegations are the, the 3 months and the, i wouldn't see any reason why russia one from the, the, with the election of the united states of america. the last couple of years. it would be a policy from the law to solve those become. so donald trump brands washington's allegations about russian media as falls, while the biden administration presses charges against the former trump campaign adviser and
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a major shift to the east to president vladimir putin commends russia's relationship with the global 1000 that touches on the conflict. a new crane as well as the upcoming us selection that separate eastern economic form, the main business links trade routes and in general, the entire victim of development are increasingly being reoriented to the east and the global market. the from our headquarters in moscow, you're watching our t international. i'm rachel ruble. well, if you happen to be watching us from america, that means we are successfully meddling in your presidential election. at least that's according to the us justice department. it claims that russian of state media, including this channel, are trying to influence the outcome of the trump harris race. the russian foreign ministry spokesman mocked yet another wave of roost, a phobia calling its sheer madness. many times the american deep states and intelligence agencies have always been involved in smearing the russian media the
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worked with them on the territory of the united states. everyone knows very well that mr. smith turned up on the doorstep of anyone who works with the russian media, writes blogs, skiffs comment tree. for example, the recent search warrants targeting those, if you would just present us on the russian channels in the united states of america. but in this case, we're talking about such an elaborate information campaign in which the american intelligence services have that hand. and that's why this whole manipulative story really, in my opinion, or the stands out even from the total number of upset, is steps by its shape madness. and on the other hand, by as tragical mach nature. so where he is, are the usual very succinctly, uh, you know, mailing us with what this is all about, what the real game is here, this on to russian font to see all this is almost inevitable. we haven't had any us election without this claim of russian to this information interference, you know, the red terms of the bad,
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this terrible conjured reality that you're going to play and the russians, and almost everything in the us hunters laptop. we've seen it all before. we seen how this movie ends, let's have a listen to how or t responded to these claims initially. dear cnn, we certainly have a response. actually we have several, but we can decide on one. we even thought of running an office poll. so here they are. one huh. 2, ha, ha, ha, ha. 3 i for 2016, called and it once is cliches. back. 53 things are certain in life. death, texas, and ortiz interference in the us elections. 6, we gotta earn our kremlin paycheck somehow. 7, somewhere. secretary clinton is sad, but it's not because of her. so of course it's opposing chic response. it says it's a humorous one, almost because the russians know that regardless of how they respond to these type
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of allegations based us allegations, the evidence given. regardless how they respond and what they're going to be guilty anyhow, i remember this is something that's been going on for years and years and years. american allegations against the russian media, particularly r t. no evidence is given again, nothing there to actually suggest to somebody haven't given is one instance where a i or fake news has been given no chance whatsoever for us to debate. i guess it was something interesting as well. about the humor of ortiz response. it was even spotted by meric island. this man in charge of the uh, you know, prosecution to feel like against or t on its employees. he could barely holding the laughed himself when he was listening to the response. that's have a listen to a brush. it today set the statements of fox news and some other outlets here. mocking the situation. they had 5 bullet points to 6 bullet points. the 1st that hot 2016 once it's cliches. back in all seriousness, there is a subsection of the country that when they hear rushing in interference,
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they may believe that it's not true. it's not a real thing. how do you assure people this is a real situation? i'm sure that was much funnier and the original russian. but for us, it's not funny. this is deadly serious. and we are gonna treat it accordingly. so quite po, faced response from the americans. you know that, uh, this is very serious. you know, even though many of them probably realize that the best predictor of future behavior is possible, have we seen for sol optically with hillary clinton all this started in 2016. let's have a look at how as she claimed rush, it was about all dispelled. it's on the listen. the russians ran an extensive information war campaign against my campaign to influence voters in the election. i think what to wanted to do is to so distrust and confusion as well as influence our election. i was on the way to winning until the combination of jim call me is letter on october 28th and russian
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wiki weeks. res doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me. so as you can see it, there's nothing new here. everybody seen this movie and you know, can peddle this stuff as much as you like in the west community. the client media, if you don't need any evidence to put this stuff out there and try to give people like come all hours just like hillary unexcused for failing and that's what this is all about. we spoke about russian interference in the us selection with so on am k, but from the south african congress of traditional leaders and communications analyst for team runs on both. they say there's a lack of reason to the allegations when it's very interesting that a country that has, it has positioned itself as the ultimate, the representative of democracy in the universe would think that its own processes
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could easily be interfered with or had by countries. but it sees a secondary countries or countries, but it, it, it undermines ended things, but it is more or 32 over been fairly point of view all outlook and its own way of democracy. i think such a allegations are ridiculous and because i wouldn't see any reason why it actually i would one to conduct fear with the elections of the united states of america. russia, as we know it, and we have what is known, it is a kind of that is a huge respect for, for the so the n t or for nations of the went and last year i would never ever think about it even interfering with the processes of the united states of america, the video in ocean indicating the deal to us. this is the problem that is that they
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will the in their action. and that seems the last started. well things are happening side by side. 0 one is that the waste of the battle for the last couple of years, it would seems the policy from the law to solve does it become so after that then we all know about that piece. don't think that you've already got attention. the 2nd thing is they have so much epstein, call the solution that created, i mean the z of all we expect from that your democracies like us to go far peaceful elections of but uh the guys being it seems that they have to get a really nice deed for these and make sure so that, that is so natural about. and i show that it has a lot of, uh, the interest on the home page, the policies on google, uh, tvs, uh and i do have all the dates and etc. so that would be,
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that is why this all sees the us justice department kept insisting, duran, it's declaration about the legal actions against r t that americans are just too prone to influence by russian media. for years, the russian government has used r t to seed an amplify their propaganda narratives around the world. russia remains a predominant foreign threat to our elections. the government of russia continued to use r t to direct this information and propaganda. r t has used people living and working inside the us to facilitate contracts with american media figures to create and disseminate russian propaganda here. talk show host and political commentator garlands next. and it says new allegations against our to expose the dysfunction of the revolving us administrations is pretty absurd actually, that now we have to deal with every 4 years as the election gets closer. the
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question becomes, what are the accusations going to be this time? and they get the center and dinner as time goes on. these are pretty, pretty absurd. and you know, in a psychology they have it, do they have a 3 word phrase denied project attack? and it works like this. it's not me, it's you a person see something and themselves that's, that's not pleasant. they see a function of themselves part of themselves. if they're not happy with the project, they don't want to someone else and then they attack it. the united states is doing this all over the world right now, and outwardly doing it literally, physically and militarily, overthrowing governments. and yet they say that the russians have some intricate plot to fool us by these, you know, influence campaigns that from a, from an outlet that they never see that, and most of them would never have heard of it. not been for all of these. uh, you know, uh movies by the department of justice, that this is the great influence,
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or it's really an insult to the american people. and it's a salt to the concept of the month of democracy. to us republican presidential nominate donald trump, took the social media and reaction to allegations against russian media. he slammed the bite and administration and democrats for interfering in the election by using the russia hoax. comrade. com, la harris and her department of justice are trying to interfere in and suppress the election in favor of the democrats by resurrecting the russia, russia, russia hoax. and trying to say that russia is trying to help me, which is absolutely false. why aren't they looking at mark elias, mark pomeranz, the relationship between lisa, monica, go to andrew weisman, crew, and all of the other enemies of the people that had such an effect on the 2020 election. and the washington, which hunt wraps up with charges against the 2016 trump campaign advisor and his work for russian media. that's in the wake of us justice department allegations.
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the r t has been influencing the upcoming american election. demetrius times is a russian born american citizen with decades of foreign policy bonafide is in washington. in 2016, he advised the trump presidential campaign while he was running a national sink tank. advancing realism in u. s. foreign affairs. last month, the f. b, i rated his home in virginia. symes was investigated by special counsel, robert miller on suspicions about donald trump's contact with the russian government. motors report failed to provide any evidence of russian malign influence into the presidential election. meanwhile, biden's son hunter is looking to sidestep his trial on tax evasion by pleading guilty. last year hunter biden was indicted on 9 charges of tax evasion, and has been convicted on ben charges, which could see him serving up to 25 years in prison. labor and human rights clara dunc of alex spoke with me earlier and offered his thoughts comparing biden's plea and recent charges against a former trump advisor. but i think these are politically motivated. i think this
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is a way for the biden harris administration to try to score points in advance of the november election. that's what this is about. trying to paint the, their opponent, donald trump, as, and his supporters is somehow puppets of russia. that's what, of course they did after the 2016 election. but i also think this is a means to go after dissidents in general, many of whom do happen to appear on r t. in other news outlets that have a different point of view. though it should be said that people who appear on our tea like myself or never told what to say. but nonetheless, i think it's a way to go after this. and it says, well, this is a my cart, the mccarthy period to point out. let's talk about the hunter bite and scandal, because back in 2020 this was labeled as of russian. this information. and of
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course, we all know that it was in fact not this information. um, it is again making headlines as he helps to avoid a trial by pleading guilty despite maintaining his innocence. what's your reaction to this attempt after the series of controversies that he's, he's been involved in? yeah, well again, we know that the 100 laptop story was real. we also know that the us press made a concerted effort to downplay or deny the existence of, of what was on that laptop in order to help joe biden when the election and it worked. it's very interesting, these d o j charges are coming down the same time that on or by is pleading guilty to these tax evasion charges. it seems to be intended, at least in part these d o j charges as a way to deflect attention on the 100 button. because that is
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a huge embarrassment. and a real embarrassment for joe by hysteria over russian influence and the west has become so exaggerated that it's fueling other scandals. a live like floral has abrupt it between the you and hungary, which recently included russian and developer is citizens and it's simplified visa program. european commission is horrified over its concerns about russian spies. i'm quite surprised that the and the fact that we also have other security risks in your opinion, is not reason to put the blind eye to this huge security threat that comes from russia. and in my view, it's a bit strange to actually well come, specifically citizens from russia and bella rush in a situation where we know that these countries are whole sent to the a p in union. there is no legal and security issue whatsoever when it comes to the national card in the legal system. however,
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there is in my evaluation, i clear political. he's syria, which is created by the majority of the european parliament and certain none of the states. hungary extended a national card system to 6 new countries in july, including russia and bella roost. emigration program helps ease entry for those seeking employment in the country. the decision sparked outrage and the you as dialogue about alleged moscow espionage rages. but the european commission formerly took the matter under discussion, but failed to include representatives of the hon, gary and government. we spoke with global policy institute fellow george semi while a who believes that claim is hungry, could pose a threat to that you are hypocritical. then this hysteria about russia is longstanding. this is particularly video take, i mean this is really takes the cake as for it is here because in the you doesn't care one bit about the security. i mean, you know, you sold today is a, uh,
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the shooting outside the, the is very comfortable its in, um many um this, this is part of the, uh your or a p and they did. they live in the uh, you think it was the e u has been pursuing for years and years if not decades and uncontrolled migration policy, hungary, the one country incident in your, of this says, hey, we've got the board as we need to secure a board is we're going to make sure that we keep a check on who comes in through the you is the one country that there's actually insisted on this. it actually build a board in itself. but, but above the wire around itself, precisely because that was easy and he was refusing just like your hunger is the front is so the now that turning around the saying that's hungry, facing a endangering the security of the rest of europe. because hungary has uncontrolled, bored as it is so stupid, it's so hypocritical that you know, only the,
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you could be capable of trading. it does this story. but somehow these are russians and bellow russians are pose some sort of a secure. the spread is, it goes totally the whole thing. what they're trying to do is i tried to force boundary into treating russia and bell of russia as enemies things. and that's what some of these you commission to say. you know, the, the enemies that are, i animates the now the end to be in an exam, you'll have to say, well, we have more we have will with russia, if we're not the way to rush. and as far as i know, when other well with the rush and then you can call the amenities and spend a key day at the 9th eastern economic form and the rest of the city of lot of us stock top level guests are in attendance including president vladimir putting whose address to the events plenary session, the rational liter touched upon chief political and economic issues, both at home and abroad with
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a particular focus on the far east that was made to me. and as you know, we have identified the development of the far east as a national priority for the entire 21st century. the correctness of this decision has been confirmed by life itself. the challenges we have faced recently and by objective trends gaining traction in the global economy, the main business links trade routes and in general, the entire victor of development are increasingly being reoriented to the east and the global market. how far east and regions provide direct access to these growing promising markets they allow us to overcome the barriers that some western relates are trying to impose on the whole world. i wish you wouldn't. yes. so what's the way you are already today? the countries of the global south account for more than 50 percent of global gdp and the bricks countries make up about one 3rd of the global economy. naturally priorities and the use of sudden currencies are also changing. together with our bricks partners, we use national currencies,
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which already make up about 65 percent. this is a natural process, but the financial and political authorities of the united states have made this process their own decision. not just by sloppy, but unprofessional, and stupid actions. they are pushing this process. i think they already realize that they made a mistake, but they just kind of get out of this route anymore. apparently it is no longer very convenient for them to admit that they made a mistake. they should really adjust something already. the tools they're using are not working to get the email, we're ready to negotiate with the okay. and we have never given up on this, but not on some ephemeral basis, but on the basis of those documents that were agreed upon and essentially initiated and assemble. and we respect our friends and partners who i believe i sincerely interested in this in resolving all the issues related to this conflict. these are primarily the people's republic of china, brazil, and india. i am in constant contact with our colleagues on this issue using diesel . yeah,
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i met mister dorval's ones and must go many years ago since then we have not seen each other. we have never maintained contact with him. i don't really understand why we should have met with him and i don't know anything about him. i assume that he lives in moscow. i don't know about his movements, be it in moscow or into buy into by the people of the world, billionaires. they can afford to travel anywhere. they want no complaints about him from outside. i know that they have been complaints for many countries, given that his platform is definitely used by some people or structures that can damage the economy or security of other countries with their activities. i think that the russian government could also have some questions for him. but all platforms of this kind of guilty of this, if this is what they do to do it off, then it is probably necessary to close others to arrest them. and to put them under house arrest or some other kind of arrest related to restriction of freedom in itself, the actions of the authorities are not very clear to me since they are selective in
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nature. still the states, if a lady, as for the us election favorites, it's not for us to determine this is the choice of the american people. i told you our favorite, if i may say so, was the incumbent president, mr. biden. he was removed from the race, but he recommended that all his allies should support miss harris. so we will do the same. we will support her. she laughed so expressively and contagious play. this means she is doing well and if everything is fine, then there is a chance that she will lift the sanctions that trump imposed. there was an unprecedented number of them. and maybe she will refrain from such things in future . the one with the crown prince of saudi arabia was actively involved in the 1st phase of the prisoner exchange processing. and we are grateful to him for this, as it ultimately led to the return of our citizens from look to their homeland at the well, the president of turkey, mr. dunn provided the turkish platform for the final resolution of these issues or so did some other countries from the arab world. goodwill was shown here and in the
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interest of all those involved, we have achieved the final positive result. the most important of which is of course, the return of us citizens to their homeland, including those who carried out special emissions in the interest of the homeland abroad. a president put news as addressed, appraise, saudi arabia's efforts to help precious recent prisoners swap with the west. the biggest such exchange that says the cold war professor colored that the tar fee from 5 all universities to saudi arabia remains neutral and global complex. and therefore, can be a good mediator as well as soon as that i solution is no traffic the there were aware and force before after pressure. so there are others to extend this dispute between the pressure and i wish i knew issues. i'm interested that we are in this positive
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you try to take drugs and we would you're need us to use. ready to help you solve issues with pressure, so don't try to make us in your cab. otherwise you would use our useful. ready how. ringback if needed, the site is our principles that we don't in both our so in other countries, disputes on this, we are a foster. if it's like the issue of is right, we just use all of that for you. we prefer to take our interest chairs to stay away from the golf legs and to be helpful when we are need to book
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a way fires and having people talk to each other and. ringback get somebody is all like once we reach she to of late of this exchange of prisoners between the united states congress the telegrams found or bubble durham has finally spoken out about his arrest and friends. he said that he had been interrogated for 4 days and expressed a surprise about the claims noting the social platform complies with the law. drivers taken issue with authorities for the heavy handed arrest instead of contacting them 1st. he says he was readily available on the country, has a legal claim about telegram, it's better to take action against the company as opposed to prosecuting the head of the service. all right, well that is a look at the news for now. as always,
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be sure to visit our website ortiz. com for the very latest breaking news and updates by the for the best buy you actually buy. some of the things i will do is just follow stage with them to pull fully. solutions on file was this, the, this, the kind of thing to dispose of was to deal with them on the
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east side of the ship. so. so the, the sort of pretty effective shifting if it's over 30 seconds, some boys the idea of going to a subscribe for news. your excellency, thank you for finding the time to meet with us. i know you have quite a busy schedule yesterday. the 1st day of your visit, you met with the president boynton. many western officials and media are trying to
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send me a rush out there promoting this image of pressure being in isolation, which in reality isn't really true. i mean, so many countries, including malaysia, are strengthening ties with russia. your city, yourself, uh, how does that meeting go with the president? well, we will flush that. i mean, with my key ministers for an affairs, international trade and economic and also a good culture. as, as a strong team and do also the lesson site and to show that it is important for melissa and, and hopefully as young to enhanced by that the relations for interest of both nations and, and well, we all have problems. we have a issues that we have to discuss and then me complete them to resolve. but this is i saw stopped us from focusing the economy on professional investments on the ballot relations. what are the most attractive fears of
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a malaysia's cooperation with washer and should we expect any major agreements to be signed anytime soon? what russia is seeing is um, impressive for me to boost thing in many this can see in the last 2010 years the last 10 years or feels the scientific exploration digital in the modem likely codes in, in them. so. so i think we should also see what we can benefit then so, so i wouldn't country and what we can offer in our alias. oh cool. we assume that you sent them in. this is impulse. i'm by some countries, but we'll have to deal with it separately. but then i think um, i will position because the centrality, which means we continue to engage and the potential in russia is that
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and which would benefit our country. the latest news coming out of the united states now is that washington isn't using russia, and specifically our team of meddling in the 2020 for presidential election. do you have any comments on that? what's your opinion? well, i think the american system is strong as they have managed the system. so the way, and i don't think we should underestimate their capacity to take that would interest this issues at least because of the political, but to do the, the elections with the every day of concrete evidence. they can pick it up. otherwise i think you do just as some interesting goes to been newest that we enjoy to do then not taking those seriously. i something about the malaysian economy.


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