tv News RT September 6, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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now the, this is another step towards segregation of the media by nationality towards the destruction of freedom of speech. both in the united states of america and in the world as a whole by the hands and instruments of the united states of america. stamping its alternative opinions in an exclusive interview with archie rushes. foreign ministry spokesman saves new thing, sions, and host against our channels employees because he had more evidence of the us to pressing media. we took a deep dive into the so called russian formation cases. the west has been all too keen to declare us benefits the most from the claim. with momentum on the side, all russian forces almost done yet. frontline p if continues to struggle to
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replenish its right, leaving local is reportedly hiding from brutal mobilization tries we will not engage in geo political games and oppose creating cam confrontation in africa and oppose using africa for personal, huge financial shelf in the army. china proposes $50000000000.00 in aid for africa and pledging the support comes with no strings that the from must go to the world. this is our team to national hello and welcome to the news our a sign of a deep crisis in the us democratic system. that's how russia's foreign ministry spokesman, subscribed new sanctions against a number of our 2 employees, calling it washington's continued suppression of the medium re, is the heart of his remarks came during an exclusive interview with us on the
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sidelines of the eastern economic form. you can watch the whole interview later today, but here's a pre k. if i should have noise shock not put to you, this is another step toward segregation of the media by nationality towards the destruction of freedom of speech, both in the united states of america and in the world as a whole by the hands and instruments of the united states of america, i mean this is another sign of the deep crises of liberal democracies, which only in words declare freedom of the press. liberalism, democracy. but in fact have turned into the worst examples of dictatorships. if i just wanted to ask why, of the famous american human rights activists silent, they are afraid behind the fear there is also understanding. they are afraid because they understand that they will be treated the same way. nipples took american public figures that also subjected to persecution. and pressure if they allow themselves to deviate from the main stream,
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or say things based on facts and not on the illusions that washington imposes on them. these people are even cold agents of the kremlin and now that is why everyone is silent. they are afraid i told him that as an additional storm. what claims the rushes engineering the results of us presidential elections? that's nothing you later in the program we'll be recalling previous cases, seemingly copy and paste it from the same western playbook. them raise a heart of the also waiting on the ukraine conflicts. she saves us political and financial support enabled to conduct acts of terror against civilians. 6 episode of the case glitters remarks. this is the paradigm of the actions of the collective west led by the united states of america. they are not interested in ukraine. they do not care about the citizens of this country or the wellbeing of europe. they have only one thing on their minds, as they formulated the strategic defeat of russia, the containment of china,
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and of course, the endless sewing of chaos in order to rule the world where it is necessary and beneficial to them. and the representatives of the key of regimes starting from zalinski, ending with the now form a so called minister of foreign affairs could labour all said, i quote them closely to the text that without wisdom assistance, the key of regime would have ceased to exist without american assistance in the form of intelligence, weapons, money, political support, without similar assistance from the european union. of course, there would be no talk of any operations in the regions, terrorist attacks against civilians. yes and principle, i repeat, once again and washington has never hidden this. even the same instructors, although they called them instructors, but in reality they are most scenary fighters was sent from washington to ukraine, quite openly. apparently, they was simply giving instructions to the ukrainian armed forces and fight as a various nationalist battalions on how to act. well,
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moscow say the west green lights cab is offensive against the cursed region. and uh, we know nato as i hang up supplying cube with long range missiles. russian forces are continuing to make advances in the the nets republican, mit stuff. according to the latest reports from the m o d, who also stand another key checkpoint in at the vet noise has been secured on comes us the cities of done yet. and gore, los cather in the north and all of that map are reported to have come under overnight, ukrainian shelling a lot of details going through it for us. were optic gas, the of, and on bus. a lot of the forces that columbus is away from the city of the cross. scary, major defense industrial. and you could only call you k, a and ukraine's on forces. in the past, we have for examples the landscape project himself with a bad foot ukraine, surprised, besides, if it's a rush is going to squeeze. you larry says the assumption who's the was
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a to provide you a new grade with a bunch j, a s. has to sell me solves to strike. deeper into russia was military said, this would make remains debatable as russia with nearly move the assets, for example jets, for example, strategic across the way as a range of these base solves and most of level mr. level brushes, farm secretary has said that this is coming dangerously close to time. will step in the process. read lots. you know, just don't joke about our red lines and the us know exactly where they are doing. but this obsession with power struggles with democrats trying to look tougher than republicans, or vice versa, at least for now, it's all leading to more escalation. it is a power, but an escalation, perhaps even involving the west. nate, who keeps coming and taking part in these conflicts, is see to the,
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let's face political continue, political survival, especially given that you use military freely admits that it is simply outcome the enemy does have an advantage in aviation, in ms. ailes, you know, tillery, in the amount of munition that use, of course, in personnel tanks, infantry fighting vehicles. we cannot fight in the same way as they do so we must use, 1st of all, the most effective approach. use our forces and means with maximum use of during features engineering structures and also to use technical superiority to it is however unclear what codes that'll do since ukraine's main problem is lack of loops. and they said buying power, but also to or to of use of these to accomplish 2 kinds mind powers of, of the while including savage, defeated, motivated men who are willing to pause off to you in the fall between almost an
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extinct reed meaning. and so if you pay the answer left the country and to continue to free the country into re romania, into hungry and to move mold drove into poland. advance these together the very top position because he has promised to create the and the, the military victory at east possible. he's trying to convince you, credit is that they should sum up what you pay the have on seeing what is happening. the big street is very far away with these puts impossible together and you create the military officials now admits that the training period, basic training period for sonya is being dropped off the sleep. and between that and when he finds himself in the trenches with the rifle, the sides is just one month. so certainly you creighton spaces
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a much more urgent than severe problems. if you it is the full price genetic skis will the, the, the okay to another over a headline stories, a whopping $50000000000.00 in financial aid for africa has been put on the table by china. the proposal was made of the for among cooperation with the confident aging say's the cash would come with i'd political conditions to to go for it. i assume to and it's long term cooperation with africa. china has continuously formed valuable characteristics and adhere to glorious traditions. the 1st is not to interfere in africa's internal affairs. sincerely provide help to africa and never attach any political conditions. we will not engage in geo political games, oppose creating cam confrontation in africa, and oppose using africa for personal gain. we will continue to carry out
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cooperation with africa in accordance with the concept of authenticity, affinity, and good faith. we must uphold justice me. achieving modernization is not the prerogative of a few countries. african countries also have the right to development, considering the colonial plunder that africa, one suffered, ancient developed countries must shoulder their responsibilities, strengthened north south co operation, and increase investment in africa's development to go to the chinese prison have ways to staple. i'm trying to support across the african continent with funding off more than $50000000000.00 section for more info. structure initiates as a new problem is to create at least 1000000 jobs. but time has funding initiatives has been viewed by critics asylum, africa relations with the geo political. this is with frames insinuating, the time is initiates of approaching. so i have a hidden agenda, but this is not new. and it's not surprising all that. so people tend to think this
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way because in the west, if you rotan and you is media office continues to frame news coverage of the chinese in africa in the colonial context with some austin is china, the world. so you colonial power, but time a is a way of the criticism leveled at as investments that have been taking place on the african continent. the criticism from the united states and the end the you and the media depicts the chinese government and its advance as are patients vendors. when in reality the u. s. and the you trying to cool back into the structural into is on the african continent. so criticized in china makes sense for them, but it hasn't helped me. for example, the upgrading of the lobby to according to between angola d i c. and as i'm b, as in response to that, china has announced the upgrading of the test out a line. even in the control business around thinking is biggest projects from this husband and the president of kenya has now hand the deal to china. china has even
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signed an agreement to revamp a van way in zambia to export comp us and intends on yes and for these if it's after can be to continue to praise china advocate cooperation. we also value very, very much on relations with china is strong relations for over $65.00. i think that we're one of the 1st countries in africa, so we're stab distinct from matthew, pervasive with target. and ever since then, we've come to the news. one of the most reliable friends with the sensitivity that came up in the form on china africa cooperation is a great platform with china and africa can carry out political dialogue and achieve when, when results you agreements can be signed by both sides. and particularly in financing, public funds, development and investment attraction for this enables us to better improve economic development and tackled developmental challenges effectively over the course. say of the zip kick when we are very pleased with the relevant measures
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announced by the chinese side, which is a testament to efforts of you in china to promote the building of an africa. china community with a shared future of china's participation can help the people of south tow in principal bass, solve their problems such fits from the state loose made by african need. is this for you to get a sense that side of the vision all think global. solve is more than just a conference call to action even. so that's a confusing so that i'm gonna pull associated with the multi $1000000000.00 financial commitments made by china will not lead his country into a deep trap. soaring this dependency in the country as future trajectory canyon president william hotels like many as it can lead as well when to beijing with a long list in the run up to his meeting with the delegation in china and history. several structural project as key to kenya's cooperation with china. and many of those projects i've been attended to, for example, the reward, the malware roads that i've mentioned, which is an expansion of
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a major canyon transporter route, which feature it's prominent, treating these folks as well. so much of that, and early a contract with a french consortium was canceled and saved off on chinese companies. will extend the road to the uganda and border prison who to has also announced that kenya joined to the china lead asian infrastructure investment bank. and joining that banks will increase kenya's access, treat infrastructure funding to fed that emphasize that to the country. it has been would include your relations with china. so essentially what we've got from this for him is that african lead is helping define the parameters of the relationship between chinese government and africa. and that's describes the citizens of the latest u. s. clump died on russian media has prompted the republican candidate donald trump, to claim his rifle. the democrats are clutching at straws to keep the collusion theory alive. he also named that was who we say should genuinely be looked into for
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election interference. conrad complet harris and her department of justice are trying to interfere in and suppress the election in favor of the democrats by resurrecting the russia, russia, russia hoax. and trying to say that russia is trying to help me, which is absolutely false. why aren't they looking at mark elias, mark pomeranz, the relationship between lisa monaco, to andrew weisman, crew and all of the other enemies of the people that had such an effect on the 2020 election. what claims that russia somehow pulling the strings behind us? presidential elections are a common occurrence. back in 2016, the country was accused of helping trump to victory over hillary clinton ortiz marine. that costs are of a, has been looking at how the west regularly wheels are the same formula when it comes to dealing with most of the west is all about fact checking. right. okay, let's check some fast and then see who's the real liar here?
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let's start with russia and interfering with the us presidential election in 2016 as far as the so the. 6 long way from could when and when he did, they found the way to justify its massive interference in american elections to the latter. personally, was involved in this. russia was meddling in our election, colbert washington packing operation. these hacks have taken place by russians rushes behind us in some form, the russian state actors broke into the d. n. c, a recurring theme. as you can see, it says this here, there are also shaking in their boots apparently well back in 2017 the scandal was on rivaling an ever where you look, you saw pictures of trump and who to the build up was great just like a hollywood blockbuster the mueller investigation was supposed to expose all from slings to russia, and all the ways in which russia supposedly swayed the votes. it turned out to be
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a very anti climactic our conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy. if we had had car confidence at the present and clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so they could not provide any concrete evidence to support years lies. and there's an information on their part to fast forward a few years as it's another election in the us. this time the new york post published data obtained from hunter biden's laptop which exposed his father's corruption. oh no. it may or 3 weeks before the election, something has to be done. there are 50 former national intelligence folks. who said that what this is accusing me of is a russian plant. they have said that this is, has all the car for 5 former heads of the c. i both parties say what he's saying is
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a bunch of garbage. nobody believes it except of his and his good friend, rudy giuliani. you mean the laptop is now another russia, russia, russia hopes are you that god is actually what this tells you exactly. what is where he's going the lot. all right up is rush. your show. i want to stay on the issue of right. you have to be kidding. here we go with the russia. they're all so of the noxious and soul search and that it's a lie guessing. but this was all set after a proper investigation. no, just opinions from so called credible journalist who somehow think that they know it all, all the hallmarks of a russian, russian, russian dis, information russian, this information, this information can. this is a classic example of the right wing media machine. once again, over a year later, it turned out that it was all along there. awesome. this information, part of the actual story because the laptop was very, very real and it was the mainstream media trying to shut down the real story.
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18 months ago, 2 papers joined in the drive to suppress the posts reporting off the laptop playing a bogus, clearly partisan claims that it was somehow russian. this information never mind that we had not only authenticated the info and produced confirming sources like former hunter, business partner, tony bob zelinski, but also openly reported how we got it. unlike both the other papers and list anonymously source reporting on the trump, russia gate scandal, which eventually proved to be utterly fake. the product of clinton campaign, this information, and where big tech gleefully promoted the russian gate. nonsense. it's sensor the posts scoops. that's the tactics as something all cord or inconvenience happens, just play the rushes, but it's on the world. so there is out the truth. no one will care and of course we'll be onto the next lie. what's the 1st thing we heard about the
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noise from pipeline explosions that rush so then it is a no sense, totally defined logic, but that's for west for media was selling to the mess is russia is most likely behind as a, but it is likely that this is an act by russia, the assessment is that russia was behind it. okay, once again, where is the proof? because all signs were pointing elsewhere, but who cares? right? as long as russian, this information makes it so the headlines that's enough to pull the will over the rise. while there is not yet evidence to say exactly who is responsible for the nor to stream attack, there are, however, plenty of officials pointing at russia. state department spokesman ned price and several european officials all blamed moscow alternately calling them culpable for the sabotage itself, or at a minimum guilty of leveraging the incident to smear the us. the key here is no
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evidence. there is no evidence yet there always convinced its russia that's very professional in the balance. the artsy show those accusations against moscow by the way. but the channel also presented the over whelming evidence to the contrary. and guest spots. we were rights because 2 years went by and the so called truth seekers and fact checkers had to change their to the us believes it was a pro ukraine source, the sabotaged the pipeline early on a lot in the west, suggested russia did. it seems like maybe not the case anymore. there is this potential link to ukraine in that the company which initially rented out this yield . and it said to have been alternately owned by a couple of ukrainians a your the cities reported was rented from a, from in poland that apparently belonged to 2 ukrainian nationals. so that's one
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concrete link with ukraine. turns out the sco walton involved after all groups. but does anyone care at this point? of course not. the story is all ready for boston, the new information suppressed, and in the minds of americans, it was the russians all alone. and it's the same with all the other stories, one and out for jobs, blame the russians, millions of americans and europeans, both for each and every single time. and you know, why? because that's what their media tell them. unless of course, they watch channels like our to you, which is exactly why washington shut us down and they, us. so once again, we ask, who's the real liar here? just to add to that piece, china based canadian journalist and blogger likes, reporter fee, believes that democrats are just throwing as much money up the republican opponents as possible, right? the in the hope that something will stick. the always bring this up in the
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democratic party who uses the a 3 letter agencies to help support their mission, to continue to stay in power. even when they have a commanding lead. they will still put the pressure on. what we're seeing now is a desperate attempt. uh, they have an unelected uh, you know, person standing for the democratic party for the presidential election. kamala harris never received one vote. and now they are relying on the justice department to smear the republican party. and this is done by textbook style, they did it in 2016 with the fake dossier. the russian dossier that was investigated with robert mueller, or 4 tens of millions of dollars which came up with nothing. attacking anybody in the trump administration, where they've gone to the russian opera, where they've eaten, uh, russian caviar where they visited saint petersburg,
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whatever the justice department will, you know, clamp down on them and see how there's a connection to russia. we will see more of these arrests, more these charges coming up as i mean, you're the election as well. arts. he's not the only one drawing particular attention from us authorities charges have been a 9 against 2016 from the campaign adviser to be treat signs for his work for russian medium. he could not face in fact, up to 60 years behind bars. mr. sons is a russian born american citizen with decades of foreign policy experience in washington. 8 years ago, he advised that trump presidential campaign while he was running a national spring time focused on us for in the 1st last month the f. b. i rid of his home in virginia, had previously been investigated by special council, robert mueller on suspicions over donald trump's,
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elijah links with the russian government. however, mueller's report fails, provide any evidence of suppose in my line, russian interference in the 2016 presidential election unless called the russian get hoax. meanwhile, president biden sold hunter entered a plea deal to avoid his tux trial. it came just hours before a jury selection was set to begin. in his case, he's accused of feeling the pay at least $1400000.00 in taxes. and he's not new to the court room last year. the sitting leaders, 2nd son, was also convicted on gun charges, extra port. a fee, again believes that by new families tried to sweep mr. bite in the youngers case under the carpets before november's vote. as this whole ukraine uprising can be connected to the biden's. i mean, they go back many, many years here, controversial years where the country was very, you know, disabled and disabled as well as a lot of
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a lot of conspiracy going on there. but then there's a lot of truth to it. there's a lot of wire transfers that we're interested in phone and which are pretty much getting him in hot water right now. but when it comes to the bindings, when it comes to re surfacing 100 biden, they want this case wrapped up whether it's a plea, bargain or deal with the biden's family. they want it under the rug here very quick because november's coming. if this doesn't get resolved by november, well, i think hunters freedom is going to be taken from him very quick because it's about time to just the system gets back in order in the united states, the overnight is really raids in the westbank have left 10 people injured according to local officials. this week, cussing dozens of people killed and wounded in such incidents, including journalists covering the events. the
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on monday, live runs were fired in the direction of reporters. this idea of bulldozers and armored vehicles patrol the streets. these really authorities say these kinds all grades are conducted against people linked to terror groups. one of the injured journalists, omar in this house believes he was deliberately targeted to prevent him revealing what he calls israel's crimes. the. this is exactly what we stated that the press syndicate, the incident that took place in the tower of africa, west of jeanine were 5 journalist were injured, was a deliberate attack and in fact, it was an attempt to kill the during those were 3 because driving side by side, as the occupation forces knew they were doing always. the press signs were clearly visible on their vehicles and they were waiting for press gear. yet they were deliberately targeted with live bullets. and 4 of them were injured, have been injured,
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and subjected to congest administers to detention by the occupational thought these multiple times. administrative detention means being held without any charges, without knowing why you're getting, which is the essence of this kind of a risk. normally arrests are meant to punish for a specific action being detained without cause is meant purely to a press pro experience. i personally witnessed what happened the day before with my colleagues was nearby, but they were closer to the army as their photo journalist. and we just need is away from the patient forces as posting and journalist, we experience all of these deals, including the difficulties of travel. for instance, i often travel between jamal engineers receive was up all night, is the patient's primary waiting homes to arising residence, forcing them to leave during their homes and commute to the basis for the days going people into the streets or getting them to seek refuge elsewhere what, according to authorities in the territory, more than 650 published indians have been killed in over 5600 injured in the west
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bank since october 7th, a further 10000 people have been detained a little more. and as i like in plain social media platforms are complicit in these really armies operation because content documenting those raids, they're being censored. a lot of so i see all of this is because of the occupation government seeks to hide its grimes and prevent these facts from being exposed to the world. in addition, there are other entities that collaborate with the occupation forces, including social media platforms. those violations exceed even those of the patient . so there are thousands of posting and accounts being closed in social media platforms. tens of thousands of police doing in both tweets and contents are being deleted by these platforms while they allow settlers a wide open space to incite violence, including cost q. if i was skiing and this platform, administrators do nothing against such as really content. the work to promote their
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false narrative, while silencing every posting invoice or any voice coming from the posting and territories. by the way, the target, any journalist leading in these territories, what's really happening in the northern west bank, specifically in the cities of the mental car. and the refugee camps is clear in the context of the escalating piece of violations and attacks of the convention forces on palestinian lands. it's all part of a clear political decision by the way. so we can see there is in that then. yeah. whose government particularly smart, which and been greer, have repeatedly threatened to the west bank with what is happening. you guys are in these widespread new operation or a direct translation of these political decisions. so what would that be like? well, that's a talk to the rosters episode of cross talk next john peter and guess in moments that i'm back of the top insert he with more stories affecting your world on this the 1st friday of the month. bye for now.
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