tv Worlds Apart RT September 7, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm EDT
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of the 20th century, the portuguese colonial empire was in an acute crisis. a particularly 10 situation had developed in mozambique the people of this country were put in a humiliating position, income inequality ramp, and illiteracy. this respect by the portuguese for the local traditions led to a mass unrest. in 1964, the liberation front of mozambie for a limo began its armed struggle for freedom. the regular army was not easy to resist, but that guerrillas inflicted considerable damage on the invaders through the fighters against the colonial regime were supported by the soviet union and china. whereas the united states and great britain took the side of the invaders, the board to gaze responded to the guerrillas attacks with cruel counter insurgency . however, 3 limos, 10 year courageous struggle was a success after the overthrow of the fascist resume in portugal in 1974,
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the new authorities are rendered. a year later, lisbon fully recognized the independence of mozambie. lots of victory had been gained at a high price during the war, mozambique had lost tens of thousands of and sons and daughters. the. the hello and welcome to worlds a part. years of choice have long become the us as the preferred way of securing dual political dominance and feeding its insatiable military industrial complex. but never before has have had a partners so eager and willing to hold the bloodshed on its own territory. ukraine volunteered to be the scene of the class of age and do a political golf trans,
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but how much longer is the west ready to a well off and pay for the sacrifice? while to discuss that, i'm now joined by as b. s donna a retired major general in the indian army darrow. it was great to see your again, thank you very much for your time, but it was speaking to you and your viewers. now is this 3rd time we are discussing the conflict in ukraine and legally you observe that there has been a subtle, he has no toward the change in both the rhetoric and the dynamics on the battlefield. let's start with the letter. you say that it's more a war of attrition at this point than anything else. can you expand on that? let's see, let me give a bump that's good. that earlier than the water started the work born obvious back that time initially in this special ministry operation, i'm going over the water field most taken into account in a manner that could be a gift. do you agree?
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and that is you less than the laws that you claim has been very strong, defensive against strong boss. and if you try to be objective, then perhaps be of the defenses of would it be done that as we let it immediately, but to explain it the most simple language, i would say that they beloved it'd be flushed and big. oh, so that will sort of from the, the on back to the gym to be able to that even the thought of you. and that's why those little looked like bigger. but as we did it, the was a certainly i had a better life for what a simple reason. because then you get into the very top videos and they don't go to bed in bed is gone. that's it pep boys. it's will have one that you and brought up there you are. these are the same thing. talk over because you have a lot of infantry. so you were one of those, the very top areas. and therefore, it look point that the most of why, why,
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what are the best laid. so if you have the data for that, i'm going to pull that from the label over. that if i give, for example, and the other side, same is that kids with kettle one so that it became a viable and a strong defense lame performing for the fine 10 year old. when are you talking about the day you are talking about the russian leadership, the russian military leadership. right? yeah, that's right. so this was, this is all that i sent operations split up. and therefore, once the bank did off there was that once you are the, that's you, i don't why, but it depends lane. and then you put the review. if you have to get your dave and then you're going to slowly add them, can be a lot of it. i appreciate a lot of, you know, officially a lot of it you and mafia on back to this was this uh, in the manner that you were asking. videography. of the, of the sources at the list of be on click the add there. you was lot of casualties animal. so you would have seen in this area in a big got it was much smaller,
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much just normal wear, but lot of additional clothes. well, let me and let me ask you about that. because typically when belligerents pursue a war of attrition, they tend to go well out in terms of causing the damage. and i'm not sure this is exactly what we are seeing on either the russian or the ukrainian side. i have an impression that both sides need to pretend or need to show that the war effort goes on that, you know, they are making gains without actually putting a lot of resources into that or without actually even trying to hold onto those gains on what's underneath. they saw what sluggish or undecided war of attrition as off know save on cars. were these websites of looking at the stand golfer? that's the dental work that's by reserve the stand over best buy goals and uh, less of uh, one debt. uh, and then for what is happening is that the will this of the all patients becomes
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legal floor and that is what we saw were in the later part of the 2nd, the. now it is only last month that but i have disposal one clicked into some extra and uh was uh, uh, unfrozen, uh by uh, google actually good, pretty booked. i do the dimensions uh into the coast. go to the gym. uh that's, that's definitely the one. but then there again, there, perhaps you'll claim, as i think it's splunk lighting, as it becomes slightly difficult for the b better division. uh, at the same time, if they're in was approved. i work for the shipment, the gym from dunbar. that does not happen. can i ask you specifically about the ukrainian incursion into mainland russian because we seem various estimates of how significant or insignificant it is on the one hand territorially, it seems rather impressive around 1300 square kilometers. but on the other side, russians seem to be very truly about it. they evacuated population from those areas
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and then not putting a lot of resources into the quote unquote liberating it. how do you understand the rationale of those maneuvers on both sides? feet from the ship point of view? i think it makes sense that you did this on the dunbar for the gym. i compared the dog boss because they're very close to a my phone calls. so if they did that, then the consolidation of done by the region would be going to is going to be just one of the game off. but that's the full that is uh, will be able to, they ordered any of the forces from the them now, but i book and then be open, save and equal squeezing. so apparently what really happened is that the movie that the renters are about to go next. it was 2 months and they did you like they should get good body, a foreclosed region. and i've, i've gone further that more on the dunbar for the gym and bid out most of it does have been that the recognition of play ukrainians on the, on the,
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from the where the me will be. but have to be easy, because because of the left, apparently, you'll greenville a problem of the men bought. but in meant by the most, you feel of the, because between the 2 sides let's you as well the 3 days the man bottle for you. greene and the pre and the band body is also more now best skin supply or the us let knuckle, can supply all kinds of ministry ard. we have software, but then the fact is who's going to supply the people a lot of work? if i don't know what that is, what it didn't dawn that died. so keep my clear as i as a be do like, especially since uh as far as i understand the russian uh thinking and they have absolutely no doubt that they will be able to retake those uh, uh, russian territories back from from the ukrainians. do you think there is any sort of any scenario in which your cream can actually hold on to the land that if it is currently occupying in, in restaurant within one once,
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you cannot move the kind of defenses we thought it blackboard on a gift be going to fancy, well hope professional. um uh, if you were to call you in for the russians or don't for whatever they have dep toured any real green uh the most about 16 gig month to create a library defense lane on the home side of the back. as well as creating the mind through the print is the line of my dealer. going to add the dental and the the course deb related. but what i want to do is they asked me to get this thing out. getting into our category is, is easy, but it big staple, very defensive, the logistics and to be able to control that the area. uh so apparently uh the rest. yeah. hes under the same on the outside. uh, in the manner that uh, if they can do the mean the, the main objective of that they must get done boss. a degree in flooded or from going boss me of the is the list of live and the visual google. the only thing that
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i think she has that love is mainly focused as well as your maintenance concern of it. because there's a lot that visual flip phone development in the amount of it get this all it allows you to give them or is that the best skill i love the actually um no, absolutely. for all the ones that has all apparently, then what is that gonna put you on the other side? where did you pointed out the recently the western narrative has shifted from putting must lose 2 beaten las northwind, while the commitments to ukraine have been refrained from. we will support their prey and as long as that it takes to a less generous, as long as we can. uh, what do you seeing this uh, supple uh, shifter flats. uh seed be shipped to be brought by circumstances. uh if you would have gone. oh then by 8. 061 begins all the stuff in the congress. that thing uh
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your bedroom, start that thing already used to save even supposed to put in as long as the fix. and then when it got stuck, he started saying 0 so hard as long as the den, as it is also related to the kind of manufacturing investment that of us will do it . i shall hold. i got the defense production by 400 percent. the westport, i don't want to be like 20 percent. so that is less. that was one of the reasons. now the 2nd part is uh that the biggest, too simple thing must lose. uh, but now be able to realize that the machine that you don't lose, it's a very large country with the lot of the new plan weapons. so losing it out of question. see me, let me, according to the still very much in bar, as well as all as well, that's the lead, as i'm concerned everybody this the remaining bar. so that'll be coming out a little, but i didn't want it to be unless they put it up to uh, towards the situation on good. okay. now i also heard this say,
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in another interview than by large, russia has accomplished in goals and has a clear upper hand on the battlefield that in terms ofa, medium term, or long term resourcing of this conflict. is it ultimately in russia's interest right now to a, for a permanent settlement and is a permanent and settlement and possible at this point given that the west is so inside treated with various deflection tactics? if usually you know, stripes on agreement only to above them them later. so does it make sense for russia to try to put an out official answer this conflict or keep it that the this current low level decided on this vehicle possibly see what was the email and how much they have achieved that i sent him was that up? under deleon was that they must address the parental vest and expansion of my bu. uh now whatever not do i have to explain to him it's been there to learn is uh, is it them uh ukraine. uh, i don't think you're just getting booted in into michael of it's
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a question about their, their deal getting booted or not, but there is no more skillful if pence niles less bother to gleam over here is gonna turn them back in. was that uh they must get done boss. they must have a bottle door, right? the pool gave me. uh uh, so that uh there was a landlord or uh, if possible the in plus was if they can dry up the brass ministry and lovely green, the liver level 3 and as far as betsy is concerned, now, as far as wanting underwater is concerned, i think that a, she has a has done that with a lot of, but the question is now with the most comprehensive and i don't us to begin not being completely in there. and it may be pretty mature as of now from the military point of view, or to go for a piece negotiation. they can still active under more well a bank of identity position. and they must get the, the, your opinions out. uh, maybe immediately off of that, so as of now they did complete, it is not that you be able to do most of it. now if you look at the other side,
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the other side, or if it was part of it was you shouldn't be able to use data to be used as simple as that. so therefore they will not like to lose a buyer. and secondly, if the american am was i have you also mentioned in the community that the water was one, the la be on, industry must prosper, and the data shift in pleasure to go down and but if you have a life, month flew into europe and invest you'd also get it reduced if that was a then billed like, don't want the, you know, the water a do that i, uh, the dentist will do that all day and or do you agree his word angel is that a lot of you putting in standing, they won't mind continuing it unless it becomes economical or becomes a be going to be informed the other thing. so in my opinion, both sides. why didn't it was you're trying to help you did were getting flushed. i don't think that's good. i think ross as of now, well, generally we have to take a very short break right now, but we will be back to this conversation in a few moments. stay tuned.
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welcome back to was a part with as be a fun, a retired major general in the indian army general before the break. you mentioned the issue of major, which is still the biggest allison thing, the room. so to say, um, president puts in a sub in several of his interviews that he's american counterparts. american presidents can come and go, they can say whatever they want to. but the us post curve is of the foreign countries, including russia, is determined by other forces. like, for example, the military industrial complex which relies on conflicts, i believe that's most goes to you. it relies on conflicts, wars of choice, to sustain itself. the one that strategy that the nato's expansive has been pursued by large for 30 years now by every single american president. since bill clinton. do you think the cranium conflict will be enough?
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if not to reverse and done at least um, you know, planned some 2nd thoughts in the minds of american leaders as to how effective that is. because clearly that strategy didn't forthwith ross who may have worked with other smaller countries with lesser military. but it hasn't worked out with russia . yes, i agree that the they have fish problems with that issue as what is this the study is concerned, but david is going to be a new pro, lifting it. because uh, as far as us is concerned, the deep state that is beyond industry, that was the shock and put onto the straight to flourish. the laws must happen and you want to watch more happen. the person wants to be mean because it is the threat which booth is the you, it'll be a good these to buy american equipment. uh, similarly uh, why after the data spending, if they say that it is a defensive uh the, but this is a defensive organization and that will, uh then uh,
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the reason is why they spend is, uh, the more of the number of countries did not go more out of the buyers of that on the industry. so that invest is not going to change. and that is the reason why it was the call s 111.03. unless you add us it, which would have that uh, with the, uh, the, and the 2nd order lot. but it as being, it does want the new one, the new 2 o'clock. and uh, i don't visualize that this test is going to go down as far as the usa is concerned, as well as the other areas of concern. they've also started all the work move on to the, the china. and they're also, there is a integrator degree or did, uh, and there is a, there are a number of countries which also fees are the chinese ignition. uh, is uh, the info. perfect. and those countries, again, i don't know,
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like you onto this on the street and feel phones now uh, selling arms and fighting and actual war, i think different things. and i'm sure you know that the rest of the military doctrine stays pretty clearly about if russia starts losing in the conventional war . it in towns to use tactical nuclear weapons 1st. and then if it's survival as a silver and state is threatened, it has the strategic nuclear weapons to rely on and this is not just a declaration or strategy. moscow has invested diligently invested in more denies and it's nuclear potential. based on that factor, i don't understand why would the rest of the feed or even deliver is weakening, be in anyone's interest? what does that create that much larger problem for the us military industrial complex because it can produce arms. but if not quite sure, i am at least not quite clear and that it can actually slide wars, major wars with its own soldiers, with its own military person, out of
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b. m. but it comes out of smart dental, that the devil stop before a new create actually and just starts. so therefore, what they're trying to do is, uh you'll see this conflict it to you and you put in maybe the bedrooms wrong. uh there is a lot that's the water between pressure and you can contact the entity water, but the bigger the water, the longer did not want that water between the us leg, not the address you originally put on the domain uh particular domain or the pro rated go in and the cyber domain and information on here domain. now these are the goals, which there is i don't want to continue to fight. so basically, you did not play, but if they get clear to the sure, beautiful some of these countries, all those companies will be forced to buy this euro is a, has one point. why is good at the summit then? uh it would be a little for us is literally because they have not prepared themselves or be uh,
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but a couple things you have good or for one of the dividers. yeah. uh as far as the information was 8 is my time. and that is one of those days to a certain amount of decision making by us it. so this is the kind of situation which perhaps many companies in the, in the rest of it was the word fees. and that is verified apps. uh they would be able to, uh, sell it on that or the still uh, the escalation that and escalation dynamics in a manner that does not go into a new plan, auto passport, a new clinic in between usa address. yeah. mm hm. now you mentioned your old friend, the it is green, the old here as the these conflicts gaming to be being because of the very divergent views on the security architecture in europe. and those agreements are still smoldering. there is very little trade or diplomatic activity between the russian western europe, but they are still neighbors. how do you envisage them living side by side and the date needs to call on will it be more like india and pakistan or something else?
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see you going to as me was so neighbors, little bit of india and therefore both have to boy exist angle investigative. that's a complection. now how do equally exist? uh so as what, as of what i have your due date is as what is gonna show you what open concern. uh, the package there. certainly. what do you want as it even that it is when the water is on the she comes out as a be uh you will be in the still by unless you know, it may not be directly working directly. uh, did i feel no, not the i think it was used for lot of it or she has that as well. is there as long you don't need to go to as well. is this a, this partnership? this part that should be the gauge as far as the one thing we don't do, certainly visualize the death of bible does deputy america, little mitchell and the ukrainians would also be if you're in the family that unless upload, i shouldn't be there comes they have subsequently uh, they will make sure that there is some kind of insight into in the area they've
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gone boss, and this is of the mtv tv. and therefore in that context, you might find that they are living focused on the problem very proxy. why don't we keep giving them warnings and things of been something that happens to put them in place. but i'm understanding that that is the kind of relationship which we have leaving with maybe that it will give the proxy what date it was. so it is also roughly looks then this kind of relationship may come up, but i think the drug will be also going to change the drug of your claims and also changing to some extent or the other. i don't visualize that the okay, and it will be exactly the same as it was clear and so it gets just redid relationship. now this conflict is remarkable in many ways, by the i thing, ukraine's willingness to endure all of that to most on the land. this amazing and the humongous and horrible in many ways, bloodshed is free to striking into these de ukrainian officials proudly described
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our country as a testing ground for the most modern weapons, hoping perhaps the such a pitch would secure them and now support from abroad to me. and that's a weird type of glory um, but do you seeing it's appealing enough to keep this one going? do you think the appetite of the military industrial, complex american, a west and military industrial complex will run out at a certain point? is there hold for that? i visualize that the main body problem of your glenville, then i'll earlier then be min, military industrial complex. that even is there to indiana bar industrial, and that's what led to sell as many weapons as they can be em. all the images being given through your brain. everything is not here, a whole lot of room component digital that you've been going to be that. so obviously there are some industries who would like to buy a certain to the other spirit. and boy, great man, perhaps we might have some kind of video straight as well. so that
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a lot of the interested in was uh, but as far as ukraine is concerned, uh, perhaps you bring envelope or decide for themselves as to what they want to do. uh, because uh, the other ones, what were last maximum and as far as the every day to uh, when do you know this one has been done? i visualize that this upper date is where to go down. uh, utah pins. i have it as dr. lazy that they need to perhaps look at their invest flushed out soon as well. a number of countries are behaving in that manner. everybody is not on board. ahead of the uh, as far as the, uh, the industrial contractor is concerned to be able to do the cost benefit analysis, the debt a medical fees that they couldn't make any. and all of the out of getting done, we are losing don't. and it is or uh, the lo specific itself, then it goes to the level combustion because it's better, it does not belong to the money. sure, not a don't. the problem in south china sea also induct. there's also a bit maybe
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a conflict on the wheels the side or who are going on on the supporting the water to say and didn't know if i may ask you uh, one last question. as a former military commander, you mentioned before that demand power is the is perhaps the issue that is going to decide the, the outcome of this conflict more than any type of weapon re. and we all assume that soldiers are ready to die for the countries, and he has to be also whole the, the, those sacrifices will be value and that then they would be worthwhile. and that people will not be thrown into. i mean grind or for some unrealistic, do a political initiative of some high minded individuals. now, when you look at the death toll on both sides, when you look at the rationale behind various maneuvers, when you look at the level of training that people undergo, what's, what's your take on that? how do you feel about it as somebody who i assume also have to, you know,
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be in charge of the face of many people. oh, see as far as be sort of do a lot of concern. uh, i mean they're good as the administrator, they'll fight for the country is always the specter. yeah, that's that bill. they say they are including the, i mean of all the countries we recently moved and respect everybody. uh, as far as the political game i was concerned. uh now a number of days. it just to happens that up order to go game of our country or uh, the maybe of few leaders uh the was, will happen. and so what it is to be able to brand, uh so uh, a little bit of these, just the people in basel via the brand, obviously that your grievance, people, the kind of displacements which i pick up the list of the kind of, uh, uh, and both sides the last one that i should say a number of casualties have taken place. so the, the water is
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a costly if you had one book. uh, as far as the deep clean demand part is content that isn't it said i going to the new positional. uh because uh that is making a lot of difference. uh, you'll see uh not to get an order to get an annual clean because if it does so, then as but i think on friday, the 3rd word, water starts and dental as you all would be inclined to use the new grid option as well. that the better uh, that i think would be a deadline. uh short of that the me allow them to use long range weapons, etc, etc. but that, that doesn't change the dynamics of the problem is that the, uh, certainly the plan demand bought is important. or the very thing is also important and that's what is the uh, the, what i use concerning a deck is also because the just lot of otherwise, uh, independence is, uh, is it deals with everybody. and that is wonderful if you have that 5 day 4. uh,
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but the problem is, uh somebody else or does say that, okay. you can say that, okay, well, that thing was overnighted even numbers. yeah. but the lady is so much worse dish to us and all that you will bill for the water plan. you'll do, boy presented to not only the only parties, but also the vision. also the is also the idea of $25.00 being one's own entity. so these are the big which, but at the a you claim it as produce $115.00, but that really 5 do. what about 8? was that otherwise? well, hopefully they, they will sooner or later fight for their own cause. this is the only thing that can actually solve this conflict, the, please the in my view, but we have to end up here. uh, thank you very much for being with us today. thank you. thank you. it was pleasure talking to you a i'm thank you for watching hope this hearing young on was a part the
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the look somebody on what it was, a shaking, alexander eon of a human rights activist and head of anti globalization movement of russia. thank you very much. for joining us today, we will of course, discuss the case against who that has begun in the united states. what can you say about this trial? did you expect it to come to this? and how do you think it will end? well, i mean, because he's going to the coffee, i'll start with a line from a caustic american film, which is not guilty for me. this was a major shock because in 2022, when the special military operation began. that what people know, certainly in russia who supported it, they were all supporters in other countries of the global majority including the united.
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