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tv   Cross Talk  RT  September 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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genocide of the congo population is considered to be one of the greenest pages in the history of mankind. the hello and welcome to cross stock boulevard. in peter lavelle, richard gate is back with a vengeance. the 3rd season of this delusion has premiered and viewing is mandatory also with russia again at the center of the current the election cycle. oh is or should russia? we discuss these issues in more. i'm joined by my guess, jordan samuel in budapest. he's a pod cast with the capital, which can be found on youtube and locals. and here in moscow, we have dmitri bob, which is deputy ford editor, uncomfortable sky of from the day we are dealing cross that growth in effect. and these can jump anytime you want, and i always appreciated. all right,
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let's start out with george in budapest. the original original rush again originated in the around the 2016 election. we had the 2nd generation with the 2020 election. and now we have 2024. we have rush a gate 3 point. oh, i'm fully aware that we could split and parse it and say 20182022 fine. but there are 3 major elements now in play. and like i said, this 3rd season, his premier viewership wasn't too great in the 1st 2 iterations, but i guess they filed the problems that continuing. joking aside, george, you're not surprised. this has happened in george. no, i'm not surprised the to, because we were over is the expecting this and i was surprised that it was that he came as early as this. this is early september. and so one has to think that there are concerns about the harris campaign and it's viability that they have to bring out the big guns. see as early as this,
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but this is the russian gate herb. it keeps the period gain of the gain of the game because the original perpetrators and continuing perpetrators have never been published. there being a hand will be held to account this, all the same people keep coming forward with the same arguments as you just need have said many times before p the. so that's very, very few russians been russia good. and then, you know, the when, when we, we have, it was 1st thrown at us about, oh the russian it or is, there is a feeling of the 2016 election that they want to get from elected. and then, you know, the more we love, the more we found out that this was actually a deep state operation in order to discredit a trunk in order to set up a fake. as within the trunk campaign, such as carpet page and map report and the judge papadopoulos and, and, and then use that in order to destroy a trump in the something's very similar,
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happened to investigate. you want to know that we have the band a claim that all t, as in following a huge amount of money to various in the town give money to, to, but i can tell them in dollars, which is, you know, look, let's fix it. so not an insignificant a so, but um, the to internet influence is but this is just simply a d o j clay. this is being a, this is the claim made by married garland. lisa monaco, um uh the, the f b i c i a, well the usual characters who are basically a sort of thing that's listed with no evidence is presented. and they like, you know, the proof of this is, if they really wanted to present the case that's all t, this listen for the supposedly malevolent. the organization is engaged in that information will say, which is what they say. then in duyka i would say, you know,
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bring your case, which is i haven't done that yet. it was very, you know, you know, they, they, they can to individuals. they know perfectly well, and then we're going to have to, uh, the take. yeah, spend any time in court with their outside of us. yours extra. it's never going to happen, but they're very careful not to do make the mistake the model i made. if you remember when he indicted the coke or management the cooperation is that once you start the cooperation cooperation can go in and visit a legal representative. now you have to put up or shut up. you have to present the case of course. and while i pull the president the case, so they move to dismiss the case. so something similar is happening get if you, if they really have the evidence of all to you was acting in this malevolent way wage and just information welfare against the united states. then bring your case, bring your bring, bring your evidence of happens. this is i don't if i actually, i don't think it's good to go much further than this. the breaking news that we had the last few days a just to make and it's a d, monique r t is banned in the united states. it's banned in the european union. i mean,
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hard to use the, the, a problem that they don't have to contend with. as they define right, rushing media and it's potential influence. i mean, we also have the issue of a in ran claims that around is influencing the, the, the, the campaign. if there was a bizarre story about an assassination planned possibly coming out of ran um and then we have a real inflow l for an influence like the a pack and the is the israeli lobby base or nothing off of democratic candidates in primaries, but no, they have to circle back to russian. is it just because it's just something that reflexively people expect? i mean, given the pedigree of, of russia gate in 2016 and, and in 2020 as well. you know, in groceries have a joke. a boss tells you subordinate, the subordinates says,
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i want to do the best way. and the boss says, don't do it the best way to do it the usual way, you know, do it as it should be done, use it. so why you ran, it has been, you know, this is the 3rd election which is dominated by the steve or russian, natalie. and we've have the same card with the same people. i mean, if this goal is from the new york times, but what, what is the prices for exposing collusion between trump and russia ring the electro compete, despite the fact that the mall or a, you know, that prosecute that you remind you of him despite the fact that she specifically said there was no collusion. these people never reach on the price, you know. so why invest anything new? if you, you can do it with impunity again, you know, and if that's what the boss wants, you know, don't do it the best way to do it the usual way and how they do it. you know,
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let me quote a goober roches f, which means was the us and actually more sophisticated then it was the boss cycles . and then the warning was us intelligence. i few show said warning of the congress a give you just go well be on the edge. we. busy revealed by a trusted spot. you know, there is nothing here, the brooch, what basically shows that we don't know to have show the drollest were just taken from the sea and i'm so sorry. well, i think may ever will. i thought i'm not sure it's good to go any further. joe joe demon again, we keep going back to the dates of 2016, 2020 and 20. 24. talk to you. the same dates where the democratic gum primary was rate. okay, there seems to be a very interesting parallel with democratic politics being rigged and russia gate go ahead. say that is absolutely right. event, this is, have been the 20162020 of 2024. this is the, the, the, the have a credit ring. the process and the essentially cheated of the vote is out of any,
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a real, a choice of who your once i have doing this time, is attempting to describe it full of, uh, trans supporters and by implication of trump himself. so they've done this and you know, and then go right away with this with some of these intellect influences. they're all very right way which they're not really. and they're all right trumps aboard is which is a game or you know, a mixed bag. and so by implication, they then want to suggest that the truck trumpets somehow involved in all this. but why i was suggesting that then that there may be, this may be a deep state operation. is that 1st of all, there's a whole lot of money that is splashing around here. um and you and do you have to think if, if really they, you know, they, uh, they, they suspect that the profit rusher was involved. they would have know very, very early on the rush, it was wiring and
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a great deal of money to the united states. but apparently this has been a, this has been going on for a year. but also this is part of the modus operandi of what we, which we knew from russia gauge and for both both is originally it is of this with deep stayed operations. i mean, it just going back to russia gates a 2 point oh women they use that. is that how does that turn that around? is that the, this was the ult abiding laptop which is a, if the i pad since 2019, and then use that to go to the, in the social media companies and say, oh, there's a russia operation that is phone going. they're going to use you in order to interfere in the election of goes old as a rule. well, we don't, we don't want to be thought of any russia operator. so there was, there was nothing in it. there was, it was, there was, there was a guy in delaware, the computer store owner who have the computer. he gave it to the f. b,
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i ross should have been appear anywhere. and it was, it was the, the, the, that if the intelligence ages occurred, the ages that came up with the story that somehow russia was involved in this. and then because that met the last into that letter assigned by 51, fuller intelligence officials, a holder. so slowly it locks a little russian, i the ration, i wonder, judge of the $51.00 there. go sign that letter. then with anthony blinking, which was leading the entire effort, i deem it ho ho. russians react to this. i mean, a rush really has an enormous influence. go from earth and politics, i mean, then having to vice and get elected and brushing tubes. i don't know the fence at all in a rush. those get bored very, very quickly. you'll know that probably makes of difference wrong. i don't know some other nations because it's really boring. i mean, it doesn't sell in the media here. i mean, i would do those and stories every day,
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you know, a very different from a job, but how in the united states, the present off as being once in the election of this is an old story and then people have died here. they were brother, read something about the stalls, about mundane lives, you know, so strangely, it's not the story. a story that is saying, well, you, uh, but you know, there's one thing from the sleep all affairs about the rest of the people that told me, i think this story is going to be thorough because they have no facts, you know. and i talking go ahead. so if you're wrong, what does he do? it can exist without facts. yeah. lets me get back to before we go to the break here. georgia, i sent you a link to last night and okay, everybody was from 0 head. so, you know, you had your that's if you want um, but you know, the office of the director of national intelligence claims and i looked at the document. i don't know if it's true or not. there's not observe any foreign
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influence in the 2024. that's maybe what's going on and the by the administration here, i mean, the d o j makes this claim in the office that is actually supposed to be looking at this says the opposite. what do you make of it? i think that's the thing. they have the script already written about the russian, and this is, but they haven't, they haven't, they actually managed to fill in the blanks. i mean, in that document they do bring up a t and the line influence of a t, even though at the beginning of this uh, this a report. they say that they have seen no evidence of any of foreign affairs of it . the particularly a kind of causing awards on foreign interference in the congress of the election. so how can, what do they mean by the conduct of the election? i mean is, and so maybe they then because it may say there's no evidence anyone's interfering in the voting machines in the actual voting process. so it's
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a confusing um document. you can read it one way or another. so they bought it because they, even in the document, they do say that, well, these are really in very dangerous apps, you know, hard for the power sci gentlemen, i'm going to company and we're going to go to a quick break. and after that break, we'll continue on, especially on some really stay with not to the what is part of the visit that the employee would post good isn't the the place you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go products. as we all came out together. we
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were all supposed to come together in a shot. after shot the deer was asking, where's tory, where's course? to hear them said d o a. so we knew he was gone. my name's kamani carter, and i'm fairly certain the live statements for gang related job. i to have been 9 years my victim. she was also a student who is attending college, which is names quite a bit. very young kids seems we're getting involved with rendez. file is 20 to 30 years ago. i think there's no question that the kitchen cripps from l. a. came up here and seated this area. all my friends was
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either in prison forever. for the 2nd, there's a certain date. this one, the welcome back across that bullhorn time peter though, here we discussed some real news. let me go back to george in budapest, there's a different angle to what's been going on, how russia is in the news. and that is something that president vladimir putin said, and then he can on the conference and he bought about stock. traditionally, let's go back to 2016. the epicenter of all of this, russian official them is basically been stand off base about their preferences. okay, you know, they'll deal with whoever is elected in the is and i'll be rated in january data on and get involved the internal affairs of another drain. we've heard this man from
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many times, but in this cycle we heard something slightly different and that you know, and um, uh, the president was asked bill, you know, the support trump or, but i knew and, you know, we, we like predictability. we go with the democrats, which can be debated, okay. and sense of buying was crude by his own party. out of the primary we have to come all a harris and he was asked about, do you support kamala or send essentially paraphrasing yes. and he also made a comment about her laugh. he did not use the word chuckle, laugh, go ahead, george. as well would i have to conclude that the pigeon was having fun at the expense of, um, americans who every 4 years are absolutely obsessed with the russian interference in the us elections and who the russians prefer to win. but it's a, it's, it's a little surprising. maybe it's almost as surprising. i mean,
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the russians were clearly disappointed in trump. in 2016. i think they had break folks on him. they thought he was somebody outside that sort of the foreign policy establishment that they saw him as a business man or pregnant is somebody who, who likes to make deals. and they saw somebody that he's just going to abandon the, the cold war obsessions a, russell phobia. and he'd be more interested in making deals. and they were disappointed. the truck didn't have the, the strength, but didn't have the ability to overcome the resistance within the government. to any improvements and russian relations and as a result of regulations really, really deteriorate to drastically during the trunk is of course they went on to terry drink on the binding, but nevertheless, so they make their life kind of given off on trump. they have no real expectations that anything much will improve on the trunk. but what was uprising about
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clinton's comments by things on how well he prefers the democrats, because the democrats are predictable in that. that's not really the history of the cold war. i mean, the phone think so. the good relations and the bad relation to the russia and the united states. well, the do was precisely when the democrats were in tyler, then the relations were f. there was another truman. but, i mean, the, the cole really kicked in, we have the berlin crisis. we have the war in korea. now, it goes on the kennedy, united states and the soviet union always came to war over 2. but again, on, on the jimmy carter. again, very drastic. the declaration of the blank when the united states blake out of the, the moscow olympics. whereas on the republicans, those will the, the heroes of they talk, man, the 1st real, they don't on the either how the spirit of camp david that goes the hey they of the told the on the nixon and then it was, you have the, the reagan board but you know,
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era of the believe 198th is, so it's strange boats, and horrible knows the csp, the suggest is how, how will that be? he prefers dealing with the democrats. that's not the district it, but the kid, the way good is, goes for that. that's why i knew the team. i think that um this is kind of poking a new baby with the very popular phrase. don't poke the bear, but i mean, i don't know what the americans are, but they're being poked right now. and i think it's something in a very kind of jocular way. i mean, like i said, if you're going to drag, i send you this selection again against our will. we'll comment on it. it's river psychology. i think a little, i think of who did it was not joining. she was said to write the situation because it seemed be funny. it's a sure it's dangerous, but it's also fine. and the server. uh, i mean uh the i do all the deal which is now guiding them. afraid budget is to 30, tells me any of this size that is predictable and what it does is make it good. so
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uh, put you on the stewart. uh, that's the democrats would expect him, you know, to support the draw to industrial. that would be a huge hold on for that front agent. and she didn't give them that, that bone, you know, if you pretend that was pretend to be, uh, before, uh, kind of affects, again, uh, the story about the size of, uh, russian american relations. uh, they're very much like super bowl statistics. you know, for the believers, they mean everything, you know, for the mobility was they don't mean anything. some people, including, for example, they stuff you can of and russia, they, they, uh, they partially be with the door to door trip to say, you know, of the democrats relations for, by the publics bed, or they're also out of sight. usually in the beginning or when your presidential term, the oil was holds on both sides. so relations,
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but road to be bought in the beginning of carpet ministration. right. you know, uh, honest reduction fee just never bad is there a gain is the bulk of that lympics in moscow, they would the relatively good in the beginning of the oil, a bomb administrator. they were offered you the hand of a bump, a deal on the why the, you know, there was a glimpse, a whole good. remember that somebody in geneva. so a game bar. the also wanted to repeat the same directory and he repeated it by the, in a disaster. so, you know, tragic weight. now the relation of so dangerous. get that. so yeah, i don't know if we'll have the beside your would you, it was not, it was not full of fun at the kind of i felt as personally, you know, but the tragedy is not in her. you know, the tragedy isn't that i the old you guys do my yeah, but all but also team a i agree with the wouldn't principal, but george trump reported,
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but he is very offended by the burdens endorsement. and i think that given what you've just said, george is kind of returning the favor we had might be, we had some hopes for you, but you ended up being that you're probably the worst for us restoral relation since the end of the cold war. so maybe it was just kind of a kind of a back handed way of demonstrating the displeasure. i obviously did the rest and political lead at the end of the day knows the next president is going to be more or less the same as the current one. go ahead. i know, i think you're us the right be to i think trump the same foot by the is big the big, biggest dude. his stick has been very good relations with bolton. and he will bring this war to an end really within 24 hours because he had very good relations with both. and he said, well i, you know, the, your says, yeah, i was the toughest on russia that any president has ever been. but on the other
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hand, you know, put in respect to me and built in uh we gonna is ready to deal with me. so i think built in saying, yeah we, we, we prefer, um, hire is hudson and, and either way it did, it does kind of on the caught his is position that he's a so then he can use the mouse, the deal maker who can just sort of wrap things up very quickly, but i think they may is right. that is saying that this has made the case or the democrats a little farther because they were hoping across all the media. so, you know, with russia and it was still insisting absolutely combined it, but the russians are supporting trial here though they kind of dislike any evidence but not on the rest of the building. trump. so i think i think that we're hoping that the building will again do something like 2060 and you know, we, we, we, you know, trump, villa is a very colorful care. it's a, you know, we, you know, use somebody who's very interesting and exciting, but it's, uh no, no, no,
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you know, in a bite and just all the support has to hit to support hires. and we, we've, we've following biden's lead. it's very, it's probably um, but i do, i do think that, you know, just kind of confused americans. they don't quite know now what to do with. i think trump, i think that way i think they, i'm a that's i confused. i think that's the intent. but me email again, this may be a read share, but obviously i think it's assume they'd come all a harris would continue the by the ministrations policy. these would be great, and it may be that is the message that is being sent to that have come out of harris's president. um we know what your policy is going to be and it's very clear how we're going to move forward. that might be kind of best subliminal. what do you think to oh, i think the policy go dr. by, by the uh, on the brand new offer is extremely baker. its not acceptable. so uh, i don't think the 81 and drugs can sincerely say, oh, uh we, we can predict the,
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uh, the action. so kind of what i, because we have seen what, what has been going on for 2 years. so love that to continue to know that that's not the message for the rest of the day, but with the appropriate ways that the democrats were there but that it didn't. i don't legit, you know for them of the roads a very clear car. so uh you remember when uh, a trunk uh met each other in house in co sync it in, uh, uh, 2018 sooner off because victory. i remember sold the nice to meet and do, and i have to stay. this wasn't the last. what should drunk tell jen? you know, she should so we can look through and defeat an american elections. people just looking for help and seem to win. so basically the message from brown cut to be something like. chris, stop telling you that by one second book helped me when the game serves. i don't uh, during the game you know, also gonna do or of course trump wasn't going to say that, but it's a, it was
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a big spectrum to say that but, but the media critique, you know, he, i see absolutely has to say this. not anything else. so the same so that we're rapidly running out of time intensive, slightly different here it will see came out of the attack deal side uh, dealt with joe stein and joe, steve we, this is the same time that camilla harris is, has very weak supports and a lot of the battleground states. here we have rushing a 3.0. introduce we also have, you know, the attacks on jo stein again, of course, another time, one agent here. i mean, this shows renegade has always been about desperation. but i think you know, that this tactic of boeing after compromising people's from and the integrity. this is all very focused right now. and it shows that the, they did the campaign of jo i as in doing so well. go ahead. george. there i think is a, as of right, i think that's what they're doing in the case of
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a jo site. and this is an old truck that they've used against the time and time again. um, and obviously they are concerned about the harrises numbers which are very weak and it's a way of discrediting oh views. that's uh that you don't like. so any views that are in favor of these, any views of others move with the, suggesting that it doesn't make a lot of sense to have uh, to be on a wall like floating with a nuclear suv or anything that says that, oh, you're just with beacon bolt in stalking 4, and these are russia fed lines 11 level. it's just a way of discrediting, i think that's why russia gave a 3.0 is, is dangerous, as, as previous iterations are roughly good. but yeah, if you will describe this credit, they de, legitimize a real serious criticism that it's always useful as a political tool. gentleman, that's all the time we have one to take my guess in budapest, in here in moscow. and of course, what i think our viewers are watching us here are to see you next time. remember, process was the,
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if you was thinking about russia, what does your mind picture the landscape open up before your eyes? the last one does you imagine the, the veto scott starts the journey, the, the, you ready to come along. the,
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there was a time when i started to was a be to obtain flowers divided the continental line for the amounts themselves. it was divided as a hunting ground. if we do not unite the corner knives as we come again, we know that they are those who want the mazda continent to step and 8, but the mazda clinton, and never be stopped. because the mazda continent must be great, she will only be great on the shore, does all of us sons and daughters on by the sweat. all right, so now click on the goodwill time full on let us confess about underground east, the mazda, upon the
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take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse really one say better will's image, just because it shows you few fractured images presented as 1st can you see through their illusion going underground? can the this is for digital rest of choices to operate. it didn't don't.


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